The Sandersville herald. (Sandersville, Ga.) 1872-1909, June 21, 1906, Image 3

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— HERALD AND GEORGIAN, SANDERSVILLE, GA. CONGRESSMAN KILLED. Col. Lester, Georgia Representative, Falls Through §kylight in Washington and Mangled. \ Washington special says: Crash ing through a skylight in the cupola 15 ieot above the roof of the thirteen .tory Cairo apartment house, on Q Street, about 9:30 o'clock Friday night Colonel R. 0- Lester, representative in congress from Savannah, Ga., was t-o badly injured that ho died at 6:22 o'clock Saturday night. Vllhough the physicians summoned when first Colonel Lester was found, unconscious, pronounced his injuries fatal, he made a gallant fight for life. In a shower of breaking glass his body fell 30 feet to the 12th floor, „nd his right leg was mangled, while his left leg and shoulder were frac tured. and hts head and body were out and bruised. After climbing a ladder and squeez ing his body through a holo barely large enough to admit a man, he crawled out upon the frail glass work In the darkness and it gave way un der his weight. The strange accident cannot be ex plained satisfactorily, .although it is believed by his relatives that he was searching for his two little grand children, Lester nnd Martha Randolph, and believed they were hiding from him In the garret. After dinner he was in his usual jovial spirit, chatting with the guests nf the apartments, where he hnd lived for more than eleven years during his reasons in Washington. About fto’clock Friday night, Colonel Lester made his appearance on the portico of the Cairo, and asked about bis grnndchldren, who have been liv ing with their grandparents sinco the death of their mother. 'He appeared to be disappointed beoause they were not playing in their familiar way, and he sauntered into the house. The chil dren are six and eight years old, re speclivoly. Although it was only a few minutes nfter his appearance on the portico that the accident occurred, Colonel Lester did not ride up on the elevator. It is regarded as odd that he should climb the distance from the ground to the top of the building, which would fatigue an ordinary man. No one saw him, however, after he passed through the lobby of the apart ments until he was picked up uncon scious, bleeding from half a dozen gashes. It is the theory of somo of his friends that ho started out on the roof of the hotel to see if the lit tle ones were not there looking for airship which made an ascent earlier in the day. Of the men now representing Geor gia in the national congress, Colonel Lester has had tho longest service. He was elected as representative from the first district for the flfty-flrst con gress, and has served continuously since—about seventeen years in all. JURISDICTION OVER TROLLEYS. Taken by the Georgia State Railroad Commission. The Georgia state railroad commis sion called on the Atlanta Northern Railway company, which operates a trolley fine between Atlanta and Ma rietta, a distance of twenty miles, to file with the commission a schedule of iis rates, both passenger and freight. This action marks somewhat of a new departure, as the commission has not herotofore assumed Jurisdiction over any trolley lines in Georgia. FIFTY HORSES INCINERATED. Bad Blaze in St. Louis Entails Loss of $105,000. Tv o early Sunday morning fires at St. Louis. Mo., did damage estimated at $105,000 by completely gutting a five story ottice building nnd burning a large livery and undertaking estab lishment. 'Fifty horses were burned to death in the latter. Many Drown on Jap Transpor*. A Tokio dispatch says: The Japan ese transport Toytoni struck a mine Thursday evening and sank immedi ately when twenty-four miles off Josh- In, Korea. Twelve of her crew were saved and fifty are missing. four killed on handcar. SANFORD 8EEK8 OFFICE. FrTS.St.VHus’ DaneruNervons Diseases pp r . menently cured by Dr. Klines Great Nerve .Tn treatise fro? r>R. H. It. Kline, Lid., 931A rob at.,Phlla.. l»a! Berlir has no slum*, owing to the Gov- ernmentnl provision* tor t ie poor. Frightful Fate Befalls pleasure Party on New Line of L. & N. Road. An engine on the new line of the Louisville and Nashville railroad in Folk county, Tennessee, played havoc Sunday morning with a pleasure par- who were riding a handcar from their homes at Patty, Tenn„ to a near by town. The handcar, loaded with taen, women and children, was cross ing a bridge over the Hiawassee river ■vlien the engine crashed into it be fore any of the party could jump to safety. Four of the party were killed outright, and all the others injured. M”: '"ns'ow s Soothing Syrup for Clil! Ur on tpotblng.solt.>n3tlrtv;ums,mluoesinll!inima- uou, allays pain,on res Wild Ooilc.Me a bottle Women smoke in some lew ot the New lork cafes. About 3,.>00.000 people nre on ihe sea •very dev in the year. Itch cured in 30 minutes bv Woolford’s wimtarv I otion: never tails, e-olrt bv Drug gists. Mail orders promptly tilled by Dr. n. Detchon. Crawtordsville. Ind. $1. ■I here * many a true word spoken in dis gust.—Life. DISFIGURING SKIN HUMOR, Announces Candidacy for Comptroller General of Georgia. in letters to the newspapers of Borgia and sent to many voters in oil parts of the state, Vince T. San- ford announces himself a candidate far comptroller general against Cap tain \v. a. Weight, the present In cumbent. Impossible to Get Employment, n* Face and llody Were Covered With Sore* I —Cured by Cutlcura. "Since the year 1804 1 have been trou bled with a very bad case of eczema which 1 have spent hundreds of dollars trying to euro, and 1 went to the hospital, but they failed to cure me, nnd it was getting worse all the time. Five week* ago my wife bought a box of Cuticura Ointment and one cake of Cuticura Soap, and 1 am pleased to say that I am now completely cured and well. It was impossible for me to get employment, as my face, head and body were covered with it. The eczema first appeared on the top of my head, and it had worked all the way around down the back of my neck and around to my throat, down my body and around the hips. It itched so I would be obliged to scratch it, and tlie flesh was raw. I am now all well, and I will be pleased to rec ommend the Cuticura Remedies to ail per sona who wish a speedy and permanent cure of skin diseases. Thomas M. Rossi- ter, 290 Prospect Street, East Orange, N. J. Mar. 30, 1005." A bank note just ICO years old has wandered back to the treasurer of the Cheshire Bank, Keene, N. H. It Is on the Cheshire Ba.,k for $3. nnd is signed by the first presideut the baok ever had. State or Onro, City of Toledo, I Lucas County. f **• Fbank J. Ciiknky makes oath that be Is senior partner of the firm ol F. J.Uhenky Co., doing business in the City of Toledo, County and State aforesaid, and that said firm will pay the sum of one hundred dol lars for each and every ease of catarrh that caanot be cured by the use of Hall’s Catarrh Cure. Frank J. Ohknbt. Sworn to before me and subscribed in my , —, presence, this 0th day of Pecem- J seal. > oer.A.D., 1880. A. W.Gleason, ' ' Xntnru Pultli Moiary Public Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken internally,and acts directly on the blood and mucous sur faces of the system. Send for testimonials, lree. F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O. Sold by all Druggists, 75c. Hall’s Family Pllls-are the best. The Ouiverslty of Purls is said to be oue of the most cosmopolitan iu the world. Of ihe 14,4(12 students In the University, 1033, or more than a tenth, are foreigners. Dr. Digger* Huck.ekerry Cordial When taken at tho beginning of Stomach Troubles novor falls to cure Diarrhoea, Dys entery, Flux, Children Teething, oto. At Druggists 25u and 50c pur bottle. Australian natives are fond of but terflies and declare them to be moio nourishing than the flesh of kanga roos or fowls. The butterflies are pounded into a sort of cake. D? PRICES WHEAT FLAKE CELERY FOOD By recent scientific experi ments, Dr. Price, the famous food expert, has recently pro duced a Wheat Flake Celery Food, which is highly nutritious, easy of digestion, and a most delicious every day food for all classes. " * 10 cents a package. For sale by all Grocers Gen. Corbin Praises Manila. Major-General Corbin contributes to the Daily Bulletin, of Manila, an ad mirable and valuable article on tho future of the city as the trade centre of the Orient. He points out that Manila is only two days from Hong kong, five from Singapore, eleven from Colombo and thirteen from Syd ney, Australia, and with this geo graphical position, its fine harbor and the magnificent modern dock system, soon to be completed, it must be the gateway of the vast Pacific trade. Bended warehouses are needed, so that goods may be supplied to Hong kong on cable order in sixty hours Instead of thirty days from San Fran cisco. The General strongly advo cates a free port, so that vessels with goods for reshlpment to places out side the Philippines may enter with out payment of customs duties, har bor and wharfage charges and annoy ing formalities. He is chairman of the committee appointed by the Gov ernor-General to consider the shipping interests of Manila, and thus his ar ticle has the weight and importance of a double authority. We would not have thought It, but it is asserted, by those who ought to know, that Illinois is the largest apple growing State In the Union. The pro duction by the leading States Is as follows: I Illinois, 9,000.000 bu. of apples and 13,000,000 trees; Kansas 8 000,000 bu. of apples and 11,000,000 trees; Missouri 6,000,000 bu. of apples and 20,000,000 trees; Michigan 3,000,- 000 bu. of apples and 10,000,000 trees; Arkansas 2,000,000 bu. of apples and 7.000,000 trees. What JoyThey Bring To Every Home as with joyous hearts and smiling faces they romp and play—when In health—and how conducive to health the games in which they indulge, the outdoor life they enjoy, the cleanly, regular habits they should be taught to form and the wholesome diet of which they should partake. How tenderly their health should be preserved, not by constant medication, but by careful avoidance of every medicine of an Injuri ous or objectionable nature, and If at any time a remedial agent Is required, to assist nature, only those of known excellence should be used; remedies which are pure and wholesome and truly beneficial In effect, like the pleasant laxative remedy, Syrup of Figs, manufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co. Syrup of Figs has come Into general favor in many millions of well Informed families, whose estimate of its quality and excellence Is based upon personal knowledge and use. Syrup of Figs has also met with the approval of physicians generally, because they know It Is wholesome, simple and gentle In its action. We Inform all reputa ble physicians as to the medicinal principles of Syrup of Figs, obtained, by an original method, from certain plants known to them to act most beneficially and presented In an agreeable syrup In which the wholesome Californian blue figs are used to promote the pleasant taste; therefore it Is not a secret remedy and hence we are free to refer to all well informed physicians, who do not approve of patent medicines and never favor indiscriminate self-medication. Please to remember and teach your children also that the genuine Syrup of Figs always has the full name of the Company—California Fig Syrup Co.— plainly printed on the front of every package and that it is for sa'e in bottles of one size only. If any dealer offers any other than the regular Fifty cent size, or having printed thereon the name of any other company, do not accept it. If you fall to get the genuine you will not get its beneficial effects. Everyfamily should always have a bottle on hand, as it is equally beneficial for the parents and the children, whenever a laxative remedy is required. Seeking Eastern Trade. According to the Commercial Intel ligence (London), British merchants would do well to investigate tho pos sibilities of trade in the lesser known countries of the Bast. Recently one of the steamers running between Aus tralia and China took to Sydney N. S. W., an experimental shipment of the products of Zamboanga, a large town and seaport at the southern end of Mindanao, one of the largest islands In the Philippines, in the Baailian Straits. It is understood that the Island has never been explored, des pite its large population, but under the American flag a good trade Is springing up, and arrangements have been made for making Zamboanga a regular port of call by the Australia- Chlna steamers, for whose use a wharf is being constructed. Of the natives in the interior there is little or no precise information, but they are believed to be peaceable and in dustrious. The sample shipment re ferred to consisted of various kinds of timber, including ebony and teak; also copra and bark. Representa tives of Sydney exporting houses re turning from the Philippines declare that there exists a great commercial future for the immense island world of which the Philippines form a por tion, but the trade requires a more systematic opening up than has hith erto prevailed. Hang of a Skirt. There are two rocks on which wom en, who might otherwise be well dressed, frequently suffer shipwreck; the one Is the gaping placket, the other a skirt shorter in front than behind. Both of these, even the most Inexpe rienced of amateur dressmakers can avoid. Make the placket on the side, and fasten with patent clasps sewn close together. DOES YOUR BACK ACHE? Cure the Kidneys and the Pain Will Never Iteturn. Only one way to cure an aching back. Cure the cause, the kidneys. Thousands tell of cures made by Doan’s Kidney Pills. John C. Coleman, a prominent merchant of Swains- boro, Ga., says: "For several years my kid neys were affected, and my back ached day and night. I was languid, nervous and lame in the morning. Doan's Kidney Pills helped me right away, and the great relief that followed has been per manent.” Sold by all dealers. 50 cents a box. Foster-Mllburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y. WINCHESTER. CARTRIDGES For Rifles, Revolvers and Pistols. Winchester cartridges in all calibers from .aa to .50, shoot where you aim when the trigger is pulled. They are always accurate, reliable and uniform. Shoot Them and YonTl Shoot Well Always Buy Winchester Make, ■M**BMM*M<MM*SMM**«*HM**M«M*MaMM*MaNMNI PLENTY OF MATERIAL. "Why is that strange blond so popu lar with the college girls?" "Sh! She assists them to arrange their ’cozy corners.’ ” “Ah, she has an artistic tempera ment?” "No, but her father owns four junk shops.”—Chicago News. H. H. Grff.x's Sons,of Atlanta,Ga.,are the only successful Dropsy Specialist, in the world. See their liberal offer in advertise ment in another column of this paper. Wood intended to be made into pianos require* to he kept forty years to be in perfect condition. Great Britain’s importations of beef, mutton and lamb last year amounted to 438,780 tons. Mozley’s Lemon Elixir Rome has a water supply of 200,- 000,000 gallons a day; London, only 160,000,000, and Paris. 90.000,000. HICKS' CAPUDINE IMMEDIATELY CURES HEADACHES iBtmii* ur COLDS at e to is hours • iWMsMl Ail Avery & Company SUCCESSORS TO avery & McMillan, 51-58 South Forsyth St., Atlanta, Gil -ALL KINDS OF- MACHINERY The Ideal Sommer Medicine Cures Constipation, Indigestion, Sour Stomach, Headache, Colic, Disordered Liver and Kidneys, and keep* the svstem in perfect con dition by regulating the bowels. Tones Up the System and enables you to enjoy, the Summer. Pleasant to take; gentle iu action, but thorough in resulta. joc. and fi.oo at drug stores. -ONB DOSE CONVINCES.' WILLING SEARCHERS. "Wake up, John,’’ said Mrs. Weeks; Tm sure I heard a burglar." “K-keep quiet, m-my dear," whis pered Mr. Weeks, "and I’ll c-crawl under the bffied and see If he’s th» there.”—Chicago News. Take Another Tree. A Swede and an Irishman were out walking together when a storm came up. The rain fell violently. They took refuge under a tree. The tree for about fifteen minutes made a good refuge. Then it began to leak. The cold raindrops began to fall down the Irishman’s neck, and he began to complain. "Oh, never mind,” said the Swede; "there are plenty of trees. As aoon as this one is wet through we’ll go under another. Reliable Frick Engines. Boiler*, all Sizes. Wheat Separators. BEST IMPROVED SAW MILL ON EARTH. Large Engines and Boilers supplied promptly. Shingle Mills, Corn Mills, Circular Saws,Saw Teeth,Patent Dogs, 8team Governors. Full line Engines A Mill Supplies. Send for free Catalogue. The best In the city. Tho famnirs Byrne Sim plified Shorthand and Practical Bookkeeping in half the time and st half the cost of other systems in other schools. Good positions se cured or money refunded. Clip this ad, mail to us. receive law catalogue free. MEDICINAL Olie; For Preserving, Purifying and Beautifying the Skin, Scalp, Hair, and Hands. Callnn Sosp aorablcw Mk,t, mdrintl sad SMl- dial prupirtts* Iron Outlmim, Ihs fraal Skis Curs, wlife Iks perM *f tUtndif infrtdUau, tnd the ‘ “ Dspolsi Losdns, 0 1* rsls i fsstoa, 1ST most rcfrtflhlnf of Savor odors. PAIN that women suffer every month, can be relieved by taking opiates and other dangerous drugs, but the only safe way is to cure the disease that causes the pain, which can be done by taking WINE OF CARDUI WOMAN'S RELIEF “l would nearly die every month,” writes Mrs. Nellie French, of Batavia, O., “with pains in head and back, but Cardui eased all pain. I can not recommend it too highly.” At all Druggists. c»» You Cannot CURE all inflamed, ulcerated and catarrhal con ditions of the mucous membrane such as nasal catarrh, uteri ne catarrh caused by feminine Ills, sore throat, sor» mouth or inflamed eyes by simply dosing the stomach. But you surely can cure these stubborn, affections by local treatment with •) Pax tine Toilet Antiseptic which destroys the disease germs,checks discharges, stops pain, and heals the inflammation and soreness. Paxtine represents the most successful local treatment for feminine ills ever produced. Thousands of women testify to this fact. 50 cents at druggists. Send for Free Trial Box THE R. PAXTON CO.. Boston. Moss. Remove* all swelling in 8 to 20 days ; effects a permanent pure In 30 to 60 days. Trial treatment given free. Nothlngcan be fairer Write Dr. H. H. Green’s Sons, Specialists, Box q Atlanta, Or E lMTrn Address of (1) person* of r*r» Inf n II I ►|J “ Indian blood who are not liv- WBr" 1 "IT 1«k with any trili*, (J) of >n*a who served in the Federal army, or (8) the nearest kin o» sneli soldiers or mi lor*, now ' 7HAK BICKFURD, Washington. D. O. deceased. NAT 60 Bu*h*l* Wli»4*r Wheat P#r Aer* that's the yield of Nnher’s Red Cross Hybrid Winter Wii**.. HAiid Sr In mtun!i t* for treo namvie of game. a* ftUo catalogue of Win tfi: Wheats. Kye, UarJay.CJovr% LtirJir'S: Plantation Chill Cure is Guaranteed To Our* or MonZy»IfundI^^ouMlIrcrIInt^o^h^Io?Tr7Tr7^Jl!!r60c^lItIir