The Sandersville herald. (Sandersville, Ga.) 1872-1909, June 21, 1906, Image 4

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THE SANDER3VILLE HERALD The Sandersville Herald. ESTABLISHED 1841. OLDEST PAPER IN THIS SEC TION OF GEORGIA. Official Organ of Washingon County. W. A. BROOKS, a. H. HOWARD, E. P. WOOD; \ Proprietors. W. A. BROOKS, Business Manager. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE One Year ^^‘99 Six Months Three Months, PAID IN ADVANCE. .60 .25 WARNER HILL’S REPLY. Emboldened by the applause of his friends and inspired by the faith lie has in the doctrine that the end ot being elected governor justifies the means, which was riot only inscribed upon the banner under which he spoke at Fitz gerald, but which is inscribed upon the banner he has carried from the begin ning, Candidate Moke Smith has seen lit to go out of his way to attack many men in Georgia, including among many others mentioned by name, Hon. Hi ram Warner Hill, chairman of Geor gia’s railroad commission and, in the opinion of the writer, one of the purest and best men, as well as one of the ablest men that Georgia ever honored with high position. We have been surprised that Mr. Hill has remained silent so long under the insinuations of Hoke Smith and have wondered how he refrained from giving expression to his feeling under these taunts. We have no fear but that Mr. Hill will con tinue to be, what we are sure he has always been, a true man and an honor able public servant. We see no reason for Mr. Smith’s attacks upon Mr. Hill. He continued to make them, not by specilic charges but by insinuations of dishonesty in the administration of iiis oilice by favoring railroads against the people and being in the control of rail road iniluenecs, and other insinuations which are the most cowardly forms of attack. Mr Hill has replied at Inst and his reply is in that open, bold and unmis takable language which is characteris tic of the man. Maddened, justly, by these long con- Our hopes are high that Sandersville I tiuued attacks which even the patience place of the and long suffering of Mr. Hill could no longer endure, he writes and pub lishes a card in which he says that Mr. Smith knowingly, wilfully, maliciously and falsely slandered him and denoun cing Mr. Smith on this account a bold slanderer, falsifier and hypocrite. To those who know Mr. Hill (and we have known him some years ) his burning words seem well timed and worthy the consideration of all. It is just such attacks as these, attacks upon Mr. Hill and men well known to Congressman Adamson (and Mr. Hill has been his friend for many years) that prompted Mr. Adamson to say in a speech at Warm Springs upon the state cam paign. When unfaithful demagogues and detestible apostates, whom honest democrats should hate and shun indis- riminately slander all democratic of licials, you. knowing the falseness and Entered at the Sandersville poat- oilice ns Second Class mail mutter The Macon News wonders how Mr. Bryan will feel when he sees some peo ple in the Bryan band wagon feturn home. his will be the next meeting Georgia Weekly Press Help us to secure it. Association. It is gratifying that Mr. Bryan will have easy sailing and without effort or solicitation will be tendered the dem ocratic Nomination for President in 1008. Since the Chautauqua is all over, we pause just long enough to urge the stock holders to meet and reorganize for another year and then go to work for the county fair. Why not re-elect the same Chautau qua officers? The experience these gentlemen have gained will help them to make the next Chautauqua even better than this one. It looks as if Hon. Randolph llearst may win the nomination for Governor of New York. They no longer say Hearst is weak since the race he made for mayor of Greater New York. We congratulate young Mr. Guy Moye, of Oconee, upon his winning one of the speakers’ places at the Georgia Military Academy at Milledgeville, This popular school will close this week. “The Commoner” does not think ft likely that Mr. Taylor, of Indiana, will take advantage of the excursion rates for the home coming week of Ken tuckians to go back to his old Ken tucky home. baseness of the charges against those you know, may be better aide to weigh and judge the character of the same assaults from the same sources upon other officials with whom you are not familiar.” We know Mr. Hill and Mr. Adamson and others included in the wide range if lloke Smith’s attneks, and knowing them, we feel that it is time they and the people call a halt upon a candidate for governor, whose chief business and concern is to go about the state at tacking public men not in the race for governor and who are making good officials. We believe it is high time the people >f Georgia had a rest from a denuncia tion of everybody. Let the candidate who wants to abuse and attack the character and records of others, at least coniine those attneks to other candidates for governor and when oth er public officials stand for re-election or re-appointment, it will be time enough for opponents then to attack them. With the full understanding of what it means to defend a man in a cam paign like this one. who has used We hope that steps may be taken by our Tennille neighbors to organize for | such strong language to a popular can next season’s Chautauqua and when the Fair buildings are completed the com mittee may consolidate and begin the work for the greatest Chautauqua ever. In glaring headlines yesterday the Journal announced that Hoke Smith changed his collar during a recent warm speech. The fact that he has changed his politics a dozen times wns overlooked by his organist.—Americus Times Recorder. didate for governor, we do not fear to do Mr. Warner Hill the justice to com mend his service to Georgia to our friends aiid to say of him that doubt whether as a true and good man and an able conscientious public of ficial, he lias a superior in Georgia,and we seriously doubt whether Hoi Smith will have time now to become sucli an one, should he devote his tal- ints to that end in future. ABOUT RUSSELL’S SPEECH. The date for “plain” Dick Rus h’s visit, to Washington county, has been fixed for July Iff, at the Chalker annual picnic and he will probably speak in Sandersville the day following. At Chalker lie has the support of the gallant old picnicker and prominent citi zen Hon. Alfred Harrison and many other prominent citizens ho have asked The Herald to give notice of the fact that Judge Russell will speak there on thut date and assuring us that we, as ell as all others who may wish to go, will be cordially and gladly oleomed. Mr. Harrison himself the proud father of a large and excellent family, among them, by the way, are seven voters, all for Russell, thinks that a majori ty of the people will yet become nthusiastic over what the Atlan ta News calls the “vision they have of his election ns governor and the dress parade he proposes to pull off' on Peachtree street ns he marches into The Mansion with is gingham aproned battalion of mng Russellers.” Mr. Harrison thinks that Georgia will not suf- r from a governor who can live n the Governor’s Mansion with hirteen children playing in the root yard with jeans pants and ickory shirts and ginghams prons on and says that he feels sure that plain Dick Russell will get an ovation at Chalker as well as at Sandersville. We think wo shall attend the Chalker picnic. Even if we are or Howell for governor, the Rus sell ites have assured us that we hull have the same old Chalker welcome and that is good enough for us and they say that friends f all other candidates are cordi- 11 y invited for that Russell comes Not to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance.” And we tlmnk these gentlemen or assuring us that we will he wel omed there,—for in spite of our upport for Clark Howell and we xpeet to do all we can for him, wo are right glad to have the op portunity to shake hands with lain Dick Russell for wo sincere ly' admire the man and we would ie glad to see him governor of Georgia at some future time after Clark Howell lmd served tho cus tomary two terms. ANNOUNCEMENTS. ~RORSHERIFF. To the voters of Washington county: T lake this method of again announcing my candidacy for re-election to the of fice of Sheriff. I have endeavored to fill the office to the best of my ability and with impartiality to all, and also as economically as possible. Thanking you for the favors shown me before and soliciting your support this time, I am. Yours very respectfully, Geo. II. Mayo. FOR SHERIFF. I hereby announce my candidacy for Sheriff of Washington county, subject to the primary election, and will ap preciate the support of the people. J. A. At the request of many friends, I hereby announce my candidacy for the office of sheriff of Washington county, subject to the primary election, If elected, I pledge myself to a faithful and impartial discharge of all duties of the office to the best of my ability ; und will appreciate the support of the peo* P,e ‘ S. M. Move. For Tax Receiver. I am a candidate to succeed myself as Tax Receiver of Washington county subject to the action of the primary. Soliciting the kind support of the vo ters and asking their indulgence again, lam, Very Truly, John II. Duggan, Stability is tho important and vital feature in successful banking. When you leave money in a bank you want to know that it is ready and there for you at any time. to I to Our record for the past FIVE YEARS shows that we give to the funds entrusted to us that careful handling which conserves the in terests of our depositors and stands for perpetual soundness. tn If you are not one of our cus tomers we will be pleased to have vou become one. II THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF SANDERSVILLE. J jj| IJNDER GOVERNMENT SUPERVISION. j) For Tax Collector. I am n candidate for re-election to the office of Tax Collector of Washing ton county, subject to a primary election. I will appreciate the support of all the people, and every honorable effort that may be made in my behalf. W, Sam Askew. FOR CORONER. To the Voters of Washington County. ] I hereby offer myself as a candidate for the office of Coroner of Washington county anil most respectfully so icit your support at the ensuing primary election. Very respectfully, J. II. La whence, Sit. For Representative. To the voters’ of Washington coun ty : 1 have served the intersests of the people of this county as I saw them, to the best of my ability. As long as T represent you I will confine to do tit is I am in favor of each and every reform that may be iound to be to the inter est of the people of this county and state at large, and again ask vour suffrages for nomination in tho ap proaching primary, as a representative in the general assembly. C. I. Duggan. READ THE ATLANTA GEORG IAN Every Morning Before Breakfast. L. H. HALE & BRO., Agents. WE Have Just Added A Complete and UP-TO-DATE Line of Cigars to Our News Busi ness.-.. DICK RUSSELL NEWS. It wasn’t a Missouri editor, but a printer’s devil, who was going through his firstexperience “making up” forms It is at least gratifying that no other | -phe paper was late and the boy got the man in the country has ever been se- galleys mixed. The first part of the riously considered as a probable norn-| obituary notice of a penurious citizen Jnee of the democrats except Bryan and Hearst. Heurst’s friends are busy preparing his way to be nominated a candidate for governor of New York and he will then likely be the only man mentioned as Bryan’s successor. The salaries of many of the Georgia post masters have been increased in cluding a gratifying one to Postmaster I that was fully covered by insurance.” had been dumped in the forms, and tho next handful of type came from a gal ley describing a recent fire; It read like this:— “The pall bearers lowered the body into the grave, and as it was consigned to the flames, there were few if any regrets, for the old wreck had been an eye sore to the town for years. Of course there was individual loss, but Where is tho slanderer that told those ugly stories about Judge Russell not being popular at his home and that he would not car ry his own county? Did you read those sixtynine letters from the Winder citizens including Major Strange and other of the most prominent citizens of the town? Everyone of them gave their unqualified endorsement of Judge Russell’s candidacy and all say the idea that he will not carry Jackson, Walton and Gwinnett counties is absurd in the extreme Some say he will have ten to one over anv other candidate. None admit that it will be less than three to one. We want to say that this condi tion of affairs is not confined to Jackson Walton and Gwinnett counties. The Dick Russell Stock is al ready worth par, and we believe will bring a premium in a short while. Just watch plain Dick Russell. He is the only candidate in the field that is actually running. The others have all gone to “back ing.” To The White Voters of Washington County: I take this method of announcing my candidacy for re-election as a rep resentative in the General Assembly subject to the primary election. I have endeavored to discharge the du ties to the best of iny ability. My po sition and record was published that you could see what I have done. Hop ing that I may meet your approbation at the polls and thanking you for past and future favors. I am Yours Sincerely, J. Frank Wai.ker. ;;; your patronage appreciated & L. II. Hale & Bro. \ w 1 i ^ -45 us ^ ^ ^ ’-S ^ ^ ^ ^ i Screen Windows. Screen Doors. MOULDINGS, MANTELS, COLUMNS SASH, DOORS BLINDS, Balusters, Dress Lumber. GET ©UR PRICES. Harrison, of Sandersville. These sala ries are increased as the receipts of the offices grow and is one of the sur est signs of progress and growth in Community. There has never been a time when Georgia had so much to offer to investors and so much to offer to the ambitious young man. No de nial can be made of the fact that we are now witnessing the most marvelous de- velopements of the state’s material re sources even before attempted, and that we are in the midst of the greatest prosperity of the ape. The widow thinks the editor wrote it that way because the lamented partner of her joys and sorrows owed him five years subseiption.—Turner County Banner. For Treasurer. To the voters of Washington county: I hereby announce myself a candidate for re-election to the office of county treasurer. I am grateful to the good people for their cordial support in the past and hope that my prompt atten tion and courteous performance of the duties of the office will entitle me to your confidence in the future. This is subject to the white primary. Thank ing the good people in advance, allow me to subscribe myself, Yours to serve, S.J.Jordan. LANG’S VARIETY WORKS, SANDERSVILLE, GEO RGIA Clerk of Suerlor Court. I hereby announce myself ns a can didate for re-election to the office of Clerk of Washington Superior Court, subject to the primary, and will appre ciate your support. 1 desire to tender my sincere thanks to the people who have honored me with the office, which I have endeavored to iill in an acceptable manner. If again chosen. I will do my best to make a satisfactory official. Respectfully, Harris B. Massey. The Nannie Lou Warthen Institute lias recently raised thirty thousand Dollars to be employed in erecting Bplendid building. We congratulate Our sister city and we hope that the day may not be far distant when there may be scattered about the state many more institutions for the education of the white boys and girls of old Georgia, Wrightsville has cause to be proud of A Citizenship that not only looks to the gratification of self and the supply ing of the material things to bring com forts and happiness, but who are anx- joub to do for their children the best they can in the way of preparing them lor a more useful life and a higher [(jdestiny. NOTICE. A bill will be introduced at the ap proaching session of the General As sembly of Georgia to alter and amend The Charter of the City of Sandersville, embodied in an act of the General As sembly of Georgia entitled ‘ An act to amend, consolidate and supersede the several acts incorporating the City of Sandersville in the county of Washing ton : to create a new charter and muni cipal government for said city and other purposes.” Approved December 12th, 1902, so as to abolish the seperate office of treasurer of the city of Sandersville and to make the city clerk ex-officio treasurer of the City of Sandersville. Notice posted June Oth 1900. Notice of Intention to Apply for Local Law. GEORGIA—Washington County. Notice is hereby given that at the next session of the General Assembl of Georgia the following local bill wij be introduced, to-wit: A bill intitled, an Act to amend, con solidate, and supersede the several Acts incorporating the city of Tennille. Georgia in the county of Washington ; to provide a new charter for said city to provide for a municipal government for said city, and to define powers rights, and duties of such government and for other purposes. Notice posted June 0, 1906. Hon. Alfred Harrison was in til’s city Thursday and he is de lighted to know that Judge Rus sell will attend the annual picnic at Chalker on July 19th and ad dress the citizens of that section of the county. Mr. Harrison says that he and all his family consisting of over forty children and grand children are for Judge Russell for governor first, last and all the time, and that his section of the county is full of good men just like him. DICK RUSSELL CLUB. JUDGE OF SUPERIOR COURT. To the wniTE Citizens: Having entered the race for Judge of the Superior Court, for the Middle Judicial Circuit, I make this my newse paper announcement. In making this race I am actuated bv & desire to fill the office. I earnestly solicit the sup port of all the people, and will feel grateful, indeed, should this position be accorded me by the voters, who have the right to confer upon any law yer this honor. Respectfully, F. H. Saffold. To Commissoners of Roads and Revem ues. To THE WHITE VOTERS OF THE 4T1I ROAD DISTRICT WASHINGTON COUNTY I hereby announce myself a candidate for Commissioner of Roads and Reven ues for the fourth Road District of Washington Co., composed of the 99 98, 90, and the 88th Georgia Malitia Districts, subject to the white primary election to be held on date fixed by the County Democratic Executive Com mittee. I promise, if elected, to use eve.y effort to promote the best inter est oi the County and respectfully solicit your support. Respectfully. Geo. 8. Tucker, Deepstep' Ga., May 1st. 1906. Subscribe Now for The Herald. to to to to it/ to to it/ to. it/ to it/ lit/ to iti to to 'ti to to it) to to to to IRON FENCE CHEAPER THAN WOOD tlltiliililJ F. M. PHILLIPS, FOR ANYTHING IN A HURRY FOR BREAKFAST DINNEROR SUPEPR AND IT WILL BE DELIVERED PROMPTLY. NO WAITING; NO WORRY. JUDGE OF SUPERIOR COURT. To the Voters of the Middle Circuit : I think it proper at this time to an nounce the fact that I will be a candi date to succeed myself as judge of the Circuit. For eight years I served the people of the Circuit as Solicitor Gen eral, endeavoring at all times to dis charge the duties of that office, wi» fairness, impartiality and courtesy Upon the promotion of Judge Evans to the bench of the Supreme Court, I was an unopposed candidate before the people for the judgeship to fill out his unexpired term of two years. My u- nanimo-us election to this office neces sitated a cemplete nbandoment of my law practice. I submit that I am fairly entitled to at least a full term if, in your judgement, I have made an efficient and impartial judge. On that subject, of course, I can say nothing in my own behalf except that I have la bored earnestly in presiding over your courts to do so impartially and to ren der efficient service to the people. Whether I have succeeded or not, oth ers must say. If so, I am fairly en titled to an endorsement of my admin istration and of my record. B. T. RAWLINGS. M PHILLIPS, Phone 57. (A * (A 'A 'A 'A 'A 'A * \it ib «A 'A 'A <A (A (A (A (A (A (A (A (A (A £££££££ &&****& STROUSE & BROS. “HIGH ART’ CLOTHING Looks well when you buy it, and stays right after you wear it. We recommend“High Art’’Clothes to the well dressed men of Sandersville- Tailoring that is superlative, $/* to %20 per suit Hanan Shoes Ziegler Bros. Shoes for for Men. Ladies and children COHEN-TATOM COMPANY, NEXT DOOR TG FIRST NATIONAL BANK SANDERSVILLE, GEORGIA.