The Sandersville herald. (Sandersville, Ga.) 1872-1909, June 21, 1906, Image 5

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THE ■ ■ . > ,, w .4'-ry* SANDERSVILLE HERALD. j. T. Holi.kman, President. W.L. Kemp. Vice-Pres. and Treas. W. Andrews, Secretary. LOANS OF $1,000 TO $20,000 PLACED AT LOW PATES ON IMPROVED FARMS L\ THIS COUNTY ir you desire such a Loan, write us fully. THE SOUTHERN MORTGAGE CO., ATLANTA, GA. ATTORNEY wanted TO ACT AS LOCAL CORRESPONDENT L©eftL NEWS. last Mallary Bros. Machinery Co. ENGINES, Cotton Ginning Machinery, Corn Mills. BOILERS, Saw Mill Machinery, Shingle Mills. COMPLETE OUTFITS A SPECIALTY. Wi Will HaKt it to Tour Interest to Figure With Ve. Mallary Bros. Machinery Co. MACON. GEORGIA. DRAUGHON'S S COLLEGES *300,000.00 Diplonm m>m 28 Collf'Kos In 15 Htatcs; <’njMtnl; established 17 yenrs. 1). V. B. O. represents In business what Har- Vsnl’s anil Yale's represent in literary circle St! Three mouths’ instruction uuilor our UKIUl- Athlrcss J. F. ORAUGHON, Pres., at cither place. Atlanta, Ga., A I" A position nfn *■ Mwtmnur, Ala. Jackson, Milts., t|r v W ey refunded. N AL and COPY RIQHT F.D method- are equal to six mouths elsewhere. Catalogue will convince you that D. I*. B. C. is THE BEST, ^end for it. Wo also tench by mail successfully or refuud money. Write for prices on Homo’situdy. Nashville, Tenn., Nnoxville, Tenn., Columbia, S. C. We Never Disappoint Our Patients. Wo Fulfill Every Promitt and Hovtr Hold Out Falsa Nopts. Uip Aline Stricture without the knife or bougie und Varicocele without TfC UUnC pain or detention from business; Contagious tilood Poison cured never to return, without mercury or mineral mixture; t.oss of Manly Vigor Positively cored; no stimulant but permanent. The Dr. King Mrdlrul Co. It tin InMltuilon organtlcdunder tho lansef tbs unto c.f (terg's /cr lbs treatim-ul and curs of all nervou.nmlebronir*. pr. N. It. rhs founrtor of tbl. Inatllutlon, la tbs cblsf oonaiiltlnir sprrlttll.t, bslbg a.aitted by a at.IT of cmluriit I'liysIrlMu-huU snrteuns. Oursuerea. In thu treatment of cbrunlA 1. un.urp.a* sed; we use both nodical and electrical acsnclc. OurofllcfRare ci,ulp|t«d wtcli u 1 the galvanic, faradle bettsr- Iss. X -ras. violet toy. and Klnfc/irsy; In fact, every electrical centrlswice known to the msdlcnl profession. Our s.nltorlunil. modern in etery respect, and tve employ none but the ben trained and student attendants, r^gulsriy qualified graduate, •lid licensed physicians bring In charge. We rmploy no misleading mrunc to secure patient, and patronsgc--noC. O. D.'.or unnsked for literature are sent out b, ltd. iDitution. Our terms for treatment average frt,hi 15.00 to ,10.00 per montL. i medldcrs included; and we give the assur ance of a cure wltuln a specified time. MY BEST REFERENCE \% UKTR.CUHD. N. K. KINa M. D. JBMI.f OOHSUtTINO FMVaiOlAN. AUBflMlf* nicticrc We .ucceaslullytrest cod perms- WimUHlIf If IwCHOLw. nentiy cure nil chronic dUoaa.a such a« Kidney and Itladder troubles. Rheumatism. Kupttire. Hydrocele. Brains. Losses, etc., and all Trlvate, Tumors and malignant troubles, Catarrh of the Noss. Throat, Head ard Lungs. Diseases of Uys and Enr, Chronic IMaeaaea of Women, such as Displacements, Unnatural Discharges, and such wenknesses of women. — id. On request sre treatment. AuvicerrKEi who.. Me. 7 tUrt«4t» Bt, Cora.r Atlanta. Ga. Omis. CONSotTiNO SHVSioiaa unnatural uiiciiirno. »»u I1I_1a _ us to-dey regarding yonr condition If you tre sick or afflicted. Vf r|T0 send you eur literature, Including symptom blank, forborne tr CONSULTATION, NX AM I NAT ION ANO AOVICEfFK DR. KIN* MEIICIl CO ' 1,1 MtriatU tad fitciltn St. New Service to Texas VIA .6.30 PIL. * V ...II. 30 PM. 10.25 PM... ...5.45 AM, II. 50 PM.. ....7. 40AM. 12.30 AM.. 12.45 PM.. .8.45 AM. QUEEN & CRESCENT ROUTE LV. CHATTANOOGA. . . .Q & C ROUTE. LV. ATLANTA SOUTHERN RY LV. BIRMINGHAM Q & C ROUTE. LV. TUSCALOOSA Q & C ROUTE. LV. AKRON Q 4 C ROUTE. AR. SHREVEPORT Q 4 C ROUTE. AR. NEW ORLEANS... Q 4 C ROUTE. | Day Coaches, Dining Cars & Sleepers Direct Connection at Shreveport to Dallas, Ft. Worth, and Northern Texas points; quickest time to Southern Texas points via New Orleans. For lnlonzuttlon, address or call on, J. C. VOLZ, S. E, P. A. Equitable Bldg,, AtlanttU J. C. CONN, D. P. A. Read Block, Chattanooga Remington CU#\I A A MOST COMPLCTC .^nniPC TYPEWRITER w IRVIVW EQUIPMENT MADE Ten years ago was a good typewriter Five years ago was a, better typewriter Today is the beet typewriter DISTINCTIVE STORM NEAR THE CITY. Mr. Isaac Silver was in Atlanta Sunday. El Gigo Cigars at L. Hat e a Bro. Paul Roberts of Eastman i9 in the city with friends. For Majestic Breakfast Bacon and Hams call 60. Mr. Will A. Brown of Davisboro was in the city Friday. Queen of Pantry Flour at W. L. Doolittle & Co. Mr. It. H. Gilmore ol Oconee was in our city Friday. Heinz sweet and sour Pickles always fresli at Doolittle’s. Mr. lalmadge Hicks of Wrightsville. spent Monday in our city. Read, “In the Arena,” by Booth Tarkington. L. H. Hale a Bro. Miss Bobbie Hood, of Tliena, is vis iting Mrs. J. D. Newman. “The woman in the Alcove,” by Anna K. Green at L. H. Hale a Bro, Miss Janie Kelly of Tennille is vis iting Mrs. Walter Harris. County raised Bacon for sale at Doolittle’s Mrs. Ellison Gilmore of Tennille is visiting Mrs. S. G. Lang. Kill Van winkle Smokers 5c, L. II. Hai.e a Bro. Miss Marie Boatright of Tennille is visiting relatives in the city. WANTED: A good milch cow. Box 2512, Sandersville, Ga. Miss Lynch, of Tennessee, is visiting Mrs. Alice Kelley in our city. Mr. Lawson E. Brown made a visit to Macon and Atlanta thisweek- Miss Alice Cummings, of Tennille, is visiting Mrs. Lawson E. Brown. Mr. Andrew Mathis of Chalkcr spent several days in our city last week. Miss Lena Stokes of Brent. Ga., vis- ited the Misses Richards last week. Mr. Lewis Slado of Bartow visited his parents near Snndersville last week. Miss Susie Warthen. of Bartow, is spending the week with Miss Kate Harris. Mr. William Donovan of Lyons has returned to iiis home after a short vis it here. The Famous La Jusia Cigar. Hermann's City Drug Store. Mr. B. J. Tarbutton Jr. was the guest of friends in Oxford a few days last week. Misses Belle nnd Ella Smith of Smith- dale were guests of Mrs. Byrd Lovett lust week. Several of our young people spent last Sunday at Brooks Springs very pleasantly. Miss Clemmie Walker of Warthen visited friends in the city last Saturday and Sunday. The Famous La Justa Cigar. Hermann's City Drug Store. Miss Lizzie Garner has returned home after a pleasant visit to relatives at Areherton. Mrs. George Gilmore of Davisboro was the guest of her sister Mrs. W. H. Smith last week. Mrs. Nannie Jordan of Davisboro spent a part of last -week in the city attending chautauqua. Miss Ward Parker of Milieu was the very attractive guest of Miss Annie Hall during chataqua. Miss Maitland Tanner spent a few days last week very pleasantly with friends in the country. Mr. and Mrs. John Gibson have re turned from a visit to the hitters par ents at Aberden, Miss., Miss Lylliun and Bessie Orr and Wilhelmina Kittrell, of Davisboro were in the city Friday. Misses Ella and Ruth McCarthy , of Mt.. De Sales Academy Macon, are at home for their summer vacation. Misses Louise Blount and Lena Gar ner visited relatives and friends at Warthen last Thursday and Friday. Call and inspect our stock (of snsh doors and blinds prices are low. LANG.S VARIETY “WORKS. Dr. E. L. Holmes and Dr. Henry Holliman are attending the association of State Dentists in Savannah the week Miss Shelly Prince who has been vis iting Miss Lillian Cox returned last Sunday to her home in Dublin. Mrs. Julia Martin has as her guests Mrs. Geo. Collins of Flint, and Mrs. L W. Me Laughlin of Rutledge. Miss Virginia Holmes who lias been the popular guest ol friends in the city has returned to her home in Augusta. A merry party of young people from Sandorsville spent a pleasant day at Idywild last Monday. Miss Florrie Garner of Warthen has returned to her homo after a week’s visit to her aunt Mrs. L. J. Blount. We manufacture sash, doors and blinds any size and style. LANG’S VARIETY WORKS. Miss Louise Davis of Wrightsville, Georgia lias been tho guest of Miss Willie Park, for a few days this week. Rev. L. \V. Colson left Monday for Cuthbert to attend a meeting of tho Board of Trustees of that institution. Misses Mattie Aldred of Davisboro and Mollie Parker of Milieu were the guests of Mrs. F. F. Stacer Inst week. Misses Ainniie and Alice Taylor of Cochran have returned to their home after a delightful visit to Mrs. M. D. Jamerson. Mrs. Peacock and little daughter, Irma of Harrison spent a day or two last week, the guests of Miss Mary Tarbutton. Huylers and JVunnal* ly’s Fjne (Sandies Received by Express Hermann's City Drug Store. Aiiss Marion Underwood of Northen Ga., who has been the guest of Miss Mamie Sparks during Ohautaugua, re turned to her home Saturday. Messrs. Cleveland Gidds, Walter Wilson, Will Salter and Littleton Adams were in the city from Davisboro Thursday. Engraving, jewelry and watch repairing done while you wait at Kittrell, The Jeweler. A gentleman and wife would live in house, or take care of farm two or three months while they ummer it olT. For information apply to Herald. Heinz sweet and sour pickle, best on the market, just received at John Daniel &Co. Mr. Bascom Anthony will represent the N. L. W. Institute in the oratori cal contest at the chautauqua in Dub lin next week. Bascom is the son of Presiding Elder Anthony of the North Macon district, and cousin of Mrs. A.S Davis, of Dublin. Wrightsville will be well represented, both by Miss Davis and Mr. Anthony.—Wrightsville head light. We have added a first Mr.George W. Warren of Louisville was in our city Sunday. Miss Emma Doolittle is spending the week in Milledgeville. Mr. A. T. Riehbourg is visiting his parents in Summerton, South Carolina. Miss Lillian Moore of Birmingham Ala. is the guest of Mrs. E. E. West. Mrs. S Aldred lias returned from a visit to Atlanta. Mr. W, a. Me Cnrty is attending the convention of seed crushers at Lithia Springs this week. Miss Jennie Crawford who has been visiting Miss Willie Thigpen hus return ed to her home in Augusta. Miss Margorie Nnyles of Augusta is the guest this week of Mrs. F. F. Arm strong. Miss Lucy Geis’e of Waynesboro lias returned to her home ufter a visit to Mrs. F. F. Stacer. Misses Ruth and Ella Me Curly are at home from Mt. De Sales College at Macon. Miss Annie Kassel 1 has returned to her home in Savannah ufter a short visit to Mrs. A. J Irvin. Mrs. John Rogers nnd children of McRae aro visiting relatives and friends in the city. All sizes sash, doors and blinds car ried in stock get our prices. LANG’S VARIETY WORKS. Miss Annie Avcrett of near Tennille, spent a day or two in the city last week t he guest of Mrs. Emma Wicker. Miss Mary Sal lie Moffett of Dublin who has been the guest of Miss Annie Wicker has returned to her home in Dublin. Smith’s Sure Kidney Core. The only guaranteed kidney remedy Buy it —try it—it costs you nothing i' it fails. Price 50 cents' Huylers and Nunnal ly's Fine Candies Re ceived by Express Her* mann's City Drug Store The Orphean Musical Club remained in tho city over Sunday and delighted the Baptist and Methodist congrega tions morning and evening with their sweet songs. WANTED—To lease five to twenty acres with dwelling ami out. houses within five miles frem town. Post Office Box 2512 Sandors ville, Ga. Cull ut Kittrell’s and see some of the samples of engraving done by Mr. Scarelifif, theengraver and watchmaker for Kittrell. The Jeweler. CHILD'S AWFUL Screamed with Pain — Suffering Nearly Broke Parent’s Heart— Twelve Years of Misery—Doctor 1 Called Case Incurable — Helped from First, and SPEEDILY CURED BY CUTICURA REMEDIES '*1 wish tb inform you that your wonderful Cuticura has put a stop to twelve years of misery I passed with my son. As an in fant I noticed on his body a red spot and treated same with differentrem- edies for about five years, but when the spot began to get larger 1 put him under the care of doctors. Under their trentpiont the disease spread to four different parts of his body. The longer the doctors treated him the worse it grew. During the day it would get rough and form like scales. At night it would bo cracked, inflamed, and badly swollen, with terrible burning and itch ing. When I think of his suffering, it nearly breaks my heart. His screams could be heard down stairs. The suf fering of my son made me full of misery. I had no ambition to work, to eat, nor could 1 sleep. “ One doctor told me that my son’s cezeina was incurable and gave it up for a bnd job. Ope evening I saw an article in the paper about the wonderful Cuticura and decided to give it a trial. “I tell you that Cuticura Ointment is worth its weight in gold; and when I had used the first box of Ointmcntthera was a great improvement, and by the time I had used tho second set of Cuti cura.Soup, Ointment. and Resolventmy child was cured. He is now twelve years old, and his skin is as fine] and smooth as silk, (signed) Michael Stein- nian, 7 Sumner Avenue, Brooklyn, N. Y., April 16, 1905.” Cnmplrte Eitrrnal ami Internal Treatment lor orery Humor, from Pimple* to Scrofula, from Infancy to Age, con.iulnu «• Cuticura Soap, Mo., Olntm.nt, 50e-. lUW.; ▼cnt.dOc. (In form of Chocolate ( oateil Pill*, 25c. per vial of 00), mu v be hid of all druggist*. A single ret often cure*. Potter Drug a Chem. Corp., Pol® Prop*.. Bottom frf Mallfcd Free, ** Ilow to Cure liuinor* of CUlldnoofL Weeda. News of a destructive storm about four miles North East of Sundersville Tuesday afternoon reached the city Tuesday night in which there was considerable property and crops lost A valuable barn upon the plantation of Mr. B. E. Roughton wns blown down and demolished. Mr. John Brown had two valuable mules killed by the fall of his barn and besides his corps suffered considerably. No one was hurt by the storm. NEW iNvisieu Sent anywhere in the United States on ten days* teat to prove Its superiority. •* Results Count, 1 ’ a handsome book of valuable typewriter Information, and name of nearest representative, free upon request. REMINGTON - SHOLE8 Majestic Building, Chicago cA1Ri rwi Big Bairn To batter advsrtlts Mis South’s Ltadl*! Bnslusss Colls**. Just» f*ir scholarships sfie red In sseh ssollon *t less than eost. DOMT PELAY. WRITE TODAY. patented invisible bifocal KRYPTOK and BI-SIGHT Invisible Bifocal Lenses. Also usual style of Glasses, correctly fitted by the most scientific of methods by C. H. KITTRELL, Optometrist. At Sandersville office every Second Tuesday. At Dublin remainder ©f time. class engraver to our force and can fill your orders while you wail: you will notbedelayec while purchasing an article of Kittrell, The Jeweler, Do You Suffer From Kidney Trouble; We guarantee one bottle of Smith’s Sure Kidney Cure to benefit or cure or your druggist will refund your money. Trice 50 cents. We will sell your farmlands, or city property, or will sell you a city lot and build on it for you or sell you one already improved. Sandersville Investment Co., W. A. Bell, Manager, Sandersville, Ga. Rev. IV. A. Huekabee, of Me liae. Fi nancial agent of the South Georgia Conference orphans Home. Macon, oc cupied the pulpit at the Methodist church in this city last Sunday morn ing. Rev. Mr. Huekabee is greatly be loved by our people and his annual vis its are greatly enjoyed by them. The recent heavy rains have demon strated the need of having all prop erty abutting upon sewers connected therewith. Good sanitary cannot exist if the slops from the house are throvyn out upon the ground or drained into cess pools dug for the purpose, and the health department Bhould see that the connections are made by property owners as early as possible.—Dublin Times. Misses Kate nnd Mary Harris nre to give a delightful house party next week for Miss Cone, ot Milledgeville, Misses Green and Haynes, of Dublin, Miss Marston, of Atlanta, Misses Wil lis. of Walden, and Miss Carter of Ft. Valley. Wedding Presents Cut Glass and Silver Ware Decorated China Hermann's Gitv Drug Store. P. M. TnbbJr. Baltimore represent ing R, M. Sutton nnd Co. was in the city Monday. Mr. Tabb is interested as Stockholder in the Farmers Oil and Guano Co., The First National Bank, the Merchants and Farmers Bank at. Davisboro and has been traveling this territory for many years where lie has made many friends. Dr. Bascom Anthony, presiding elder of the North Macon District preached at the Methodist church, last Sun day evening. Emory College at its re cent commencement conferred the de gree of D. 1). upon this consecrated and scholarly minister. All Sandersville and community rejoice in the proper Jecognition of her worthy son. IVe will buy your city lots, whether vacant or improved, or will buy your farm lands. Call or write, Sandersville Investment Co., W. A. Bell, Manager, Sandersville, Ga. For the past week we 'have bad plenty of rain alul if that grass has'not been taken away the cot ton crops are going to be cut short this year. Mr. W. V. Joiner mnde a busi ness trip to Harrison last week. Mr. John Connell visited Mrs. S. J. Taylor of Davisboro last week. Mr. Cleve Hartley nassed through our little town last week. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Bowen visited Mr. and Mrs. L. Connell last Sunday evening. Mr. W. T. Williams attended Sunday School at New Bethel last Sunday. Come again Mr. Wil liams. Mr. L. Connell happened to the misfortune of some one breaking into his store .nst week. The burglars secured sugar, tobacco, snuff sardines and many other nrtieles, the loss being about $20. Mr. Bennie Warthen passed through our community last Sun day. It has been reported that many mules are dying rapidly through this section. Mr. L. Connell visited yourcity last week. TRY OllR CREAM AND SHERBETS OUR CHOCOLATE SODA IS MADE WlTII«e^4^ CHOCOLATE. THE SAME AS USED AT THE FOUNTAINS OF TOEH TWENTY ONE RETAIL STORES AND KNOWN IHE WOULD OVER KBITS DEUCMKISNESSvfLAW CITY DRUG STORE, SANDERSVILLE, GA. Excursion Rates Via Central of Ga. R. R. To Dublin Gu., account, Dublin Chau tauqua, June 17-23. 1906. One fare plus 25 cents for individuals. Onecent per mile for Military Companies and Brass Bands, twenty or more one tick et in uniform. Tickets on sale Jnne- 16-23, inclusive ;Final limit, June 25, 1906, from points between Thomaston and Dover inclusive, Dover and Dublin inclusive Eatonton and Gordon inclus ive and Monticello and Ft. Valley, in clusive. To Nashville, Tenn., acceui^t sum mer school for teachers. Vanderbil- University Biblical Institute, June 11 August 10, 1803. Sandersville R. R. Schedule Leave Snndersville 0 30 am Leave Tennille. 7 45 am Leave Sundersville 10 45 am Leave Tennille 1125 am Leave Sandersville 1 00 pm Leave Tennille 1 30 pm Leave Sandersville 6 15 pm Leave Tennille 6 45 pm Herman Bashinsky, General Passenger Agent. Louis Cohen, President.. JV Henry Land, first-class Laun dry, Sandersville, Ga., next door to F. M. Phillips’ store. All work guar anteed with lowest prices. Take no tice of the following prices: Collar*, 2c; Cuffs per pair, 4c; Shirt*, 10o; Vests, 15c; Shirtwaists, 15c to 25c j Pants, 25c. 8-1-tf Sandersville Laundry.