The Sandersville herald. (Sandersville, Ga.) 1872-1909, June 21, 1906, Image 2

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In that tray cultivate more inten sively, and obtain a much larger yield and profit per acre than by dry farm ing. CORPORATIONS SUBJECT TO PUBLIC CONTROL. When you go beyond this field of co-operntlon, you reach a field which Is now largely occupied by large cor porations, which are exercising a pub lic use and for that reasou subject to public control. I believe that eventually the public ownership of all public utilities is in evitable in this country; but I am not a believer In the theory that we arc ready to-day for municipal owner ship in all our cities or for the govera- ment ownership of all our railroads. Municipal ownership without muni cipal Integrity may lie a greater evil than corporate ownership, “and the last condition of that man be worse than the first.” I believe that political honesty must come before public ownership, and that the only way we will ever get political honesty is to restore the great mnjority of our people to the land, where they will live close to nature, and learn the obligations of man to his fellow men, and the im perative need of public integrity, by learning to unite together to do things for themselves. HONESTY THE CORNERSTONE OP CO-OPERATION. Man is the product of his environ ment. Man will be what lie is trained to be. And co-operation will train men to be honest with each other and With the public, because honesty and Integrity In the discharge of obliga tions to one’s fellow men is the corner stone of co-operation. Without it co-operation is a house built upon the sands. With such integrity, co-operntlon is a house built upon the cteruul rocks as a foundation. • And bo it Is that your movement for the formation of farmers’ associations, In order that you may transact for yourself the business of selling your own soil products, is but a single tbreud in the great cable of co-opera tion which will finally warp our ship of state off the rocks, und draw it to a snfe anchorage. The profits that you will make for yourself In the formation of these co operative associations, and their man agement, is the least of the rensons which should Impel you onward in the movement. A CRISIS IN OUR HISTORY. We have reached a crisis in our country’s history. It is a crisis threatening greater danger than when the cloud Of dis union swept up from the south and the nation was drenched in the blood of u civil war. The cancer of corruption following In the wake of great wealth is eating out the vitals of our country. I have shown you that there is but one cure, and it is to men of your class that we must look for this cure. In training yourselves to co-operate together to do things for yourselves that one man cannot do for himself, you are engaged in carrying out a patriotic purpose just as noble as though you hnd enlisted as a soldier to shoulder your arms and march to the front and lay down your life, if need be, in repelling the urmy of a foreign Invader. We are spending millions for forts and navies and to maintain an army to protect ourselves aguinst the other nations of the earth. Our greatest danger is not from foreign nations. It is in our midst. It is at the very heart of our political and social life. And you who are here to-day are pioneers in the grent cainpnign which will result in overthrowing the cohorts of corruption which will otherwise destroy us. OPPOSITION A STIMULANT. I have been told that your move ment meets with opposition. Those who oppose it are most unwise. It is the lesson of all periods of the history of our race that reform movements, movements for the betterment of man kind, even movements which merely purport to be for human betterment, and are of questionable character, have been strengthened and built up and perpetuated by opposition and per secution. No greater stimulus to the growth of your movement could exist than to have It systematically opposed. Such opposition rouses the combativeness and aggressiveness which is in every man’s being, stimulates him to greater effort, and encourages him to persevere until obstacles have been overcome which would otherwise have caused failure. STRENGTH COMES FROM STRUGGLE. It Is another law of nature that strength comes from strenuous strug gle. The strong arm is the arm that is used. The strong mind is the mind that thinks. The strong man is the man who has developed every fibre of his physical vigor by use. The strong races of the earth are those which have survived oppression and over come great obstacles In their develop ment Be not discouraged by any condition that may confront you. Be not discouraged even by tempor ary failure. It Is the history of all movements that failure must at times be a part of their record. But as the wise saying has It: “Failures are but the pillars of suc cess.” ILLUSTRATIONS OF SUCCESSFUL CO-OPERA’l -ON. What others have done, you can do. If you want successful illustrations of co-operation among producers, go to California and study the workings of the associations which have been formed there among the fruit growers for the marketing of their product. And the road to their success was paved with many failures. At first It seemed as though there were more failures than successes. But they persevered. They were forced to swim or drown. They had to learn to market their own products or have their industries destroyed. And they learned. And so will you learn, if you will persevere and be loyal to your fellows and to your movement. If you want other illustrations of successful co-operation, go among the co-operative creameries, of Wisconsin or Michigan, or go amofag the co-op erative canal companies of California or Colorado or Montana. If you want Instances of gigantic uiu'jsaaa. in co-oDeratiou, go to England, (o Ireland and to Belgium ami to Den mark and find it there. CO-OPERATIVE STORES IN ENGLAND. The growth of the co-operative stores in England lias been something marvelous. Starting with prnetlcally nothing in the way of capital, in a comparatively few years they have built up a business aggregating mil lions of dollars a year. But they begun right. They began at the small end. They began with the acorn and they gradually developed the tree until it lias become a great strong oak. If they laid begun at the big end, and subscribed a capital stock as large as their present capital, and gone out into the highways ant byways to hire men to transact their business, form ing a great organization in which no man was trained to his duties, they would have fulled hopelessly und miserably fnilod. And so would any grekt business enterprise started in that way. Co-operntlon can be no exception to the law’ of evolution. Ton must begin with the seed and let it grow gradually, ns they did in England witli their co-oporntive stores. THE MAKING OF MEN. The grent central thought which should be the pillnr' of fire by night and the pillar of cloud by day to lead the American people out of the wilder ness of the corruptions and dnngers of accumulated and aggregated wealth should be a grent public movement in the lino of “making men” ruther than "making money.” Our government Is upheld upon the shoulders of its own people. And ns our citizenship is maintained nt a high standard of moral and physi cal strength on the part of our men and our women, just to that extent will the strength of our nation be maintained. If we w’ouhl be sure of this, we must keep our young men from flock ing to the cities. The wny to do it Is to train them through n system of education whb’i will equip them to solve the problems of the country, and plant the Idea in their minds tlint the country after all offers a grenter stimulus for mental activity than the city. PROBLEMS OF THE COUNTRY. The most attractive problems of this generation are in the country. The building of good ronds, the build ing of better farm homes, the engineer ing problems of the farm, the applica tion of pow’or to the needs of the farm nnd the farm home, the lessening of domestic burdens through better domestic arrangements, the construc tion of rural electric rnilw’nys nnd rural telephones and farm irrigation systems nnd the application of machin ery to nil the uses of the farm, offer a field for effort nnd invention nnd the application of energy to the farmer's boy which no city can offer to 1dm, provided he hns hnd the opportunities of education to qualify him to solve these problems. There should be in every county In this country a school where every farmer’s boy could, without going any farther from home than the county seat, learn to do all the things which I have mentioned. AGRICULTURE AND MANUAL TRAINING. We hnvo schools where a part of tills training mny be obtained. The Throop Polytechnic Institute at I’us- ndenn, California, nnd the Stout Man ual Training School at Menominee, Wisoonsln, are of tills class. But, coupled with them should lie the agri cultural training which a boy gets at the Doylestowm Nntlonul Farm School, or in pnrt at the Bummer school of the Wisconsin State University ut Mad ison. And every girl should hnve an equal opportunity to fit herself for her duties ns the mistress of a farm home. Out of such homes will come a gen eration of strong, conservative and in telligent men who will solve the great problems of tills people, and will solve them so gradually and steadily thnt no radical methods will ever need to be adopted. They will put out of business the politician who wants to ride in blood up to his bridle bits, like an erstwhile governor of Colorado, or the present- day politician who seeks to ride into public oliice on a wave of prejudice und champion the people's rights with his voice, while his hand, like ns not, is in the pocket of some corporation. ‘Tut not your faith In princes”— nor In politicians. “The Lord helps those who help themselves.” So long as the people depend for re lief upon politics, just that long will they be disappointed. THE LARK IN THE MEADOW. When they learn the lesson of the fable of the lark in the meadow, and go to work to do things for them selves, talk politics less, and train tliemselves to do things by co-opera tion more, they will be surprised at the progress they will make in the right direction. Politics, and a dependence on the pnrt of the people upon politics, are the hope and the salvation of the cor ruptionists and the trusts, and of every combination of capital which lives by skimming the cream from the Industries of the people. If you want the cream yourself you must do your own skimming. You must not imagine for moment that what 1 have advocated is a mere theory. It is far more than that. It is a broad highway leading us out of the social and political bog in which we have been mired down. There are instances here and there all over tills country where the seed lias been planted and is thriftily grow ing. INDICATIONS OF THE MOVE MENT. You see the movement at work In the increased interest In country life, ift nature study in- the school, in the establishment of such institutions as the Doylestown Farm Training School in Pennsylvania; in the Pingree po tato patch Idea; and the vacant lot farm associations which are working it out in many cities. You see It in the school gardens which are being established in so many places and in the increased inter est in agricultural training as a part of our public school system. You see it in the great upbuilding of the Department of Agriculture as one of the component parts of our national government, and In the work A Temperance Lesson. (Copyright.<1 by "Success.”) Wo were standing at the counter of a sumptuous barroom in San Antonio where Barclay and the two English men in the party had met by appoint ment Barclay had a ranch to sell which the Englishmen, two heavy-set, redfaced, high booted fellows were about to purchase. I had acted as broker in the transaction and waB well pleased with the price settled up on and anxious that no “hitch” oc cur to delay the immediate closing of the bargain. The bar-tender put out four glasses and a bottle of liquor in anticipation of our order and the two Englishmen and myself poured a good “three fing ers” into our glasses, but Barclay hesi tated a moment and then said, “1 think I’ll take sarsaparilla.” The Englishmen glanced at each other significantly. "We’re not buying soft drinks today, partner,” said one. Barclay hesitatingly poured out a good sized drink and raised It to his lips and turned toward the English men who smiled their approval. A strange thing then occured. Bar clay took off his hat and looked Into the crown of It for a minute and then set the untouched liquor on the bar again. “Gentlemen,” ho said, “You’ll have to excuse me, but I cannot drink liquor.” Todd, one of the Englishmen, banged his fist down on the bar and exclaimed:—“If you can’t drink with us, you can’t trade with us—that’s all.” Barclay turned to him, his face very white, nnd said slowly:—“Then the deal is ofT gentlemen.” Presently Barclay said, “I’ll admit 1 should like to trade with you, gentle men, but the trade can go to the devil if I have to drink whiskey in order to make It. I will tell you why I can’t drink liquor if you will listen a mom- ment You may think it took courage to refuse to drink, but I tell you it would have taken more courage to have accepted It.” He drew a news paper clipping from his pocket book and laid it down where we could all see it. “That’s exhibit No. 1," he re marked. For a moment we started In amaze ment at the great black letters which spelled the word GUILTY. The arti cle following said that John Barclay was convicted of murder In the first degree, but that sentence was post poned through respect to the prison er’s mother who dropped dead in the courtroom upon hearing the verdict “That’s nice stuff for a man to read about himself, eh?” said Barclay, with MY ANGEL MOTHER CAME TO COMFORT ME. a feeble smile. He folded the slip, put it back in his pocket-book and produced another which read “Bar clay to be hanged on the twenty-first Instant.” “Gentlemen,” he said, “the Immedi ate cause of those two notices was murder. The prime cause was—well, what is ‘murder’ spelled backward?” Without waiting for an answer he traced the letters of the word with his pencil in the order suggested: “RED RUM.” An embarrassed silence followed. "Gentlemen, the rum that I drank murdered my mother. At that time,” continued Barclay, “my mother and I were living in a boarding house kept by an old maid of uncertain means and temper. I had Just returned from a cattle-trading trip and was regaling ‘the boys’ with a little up-country gos sip and some hot rum. I remember It was eleven o’clock at night. The whole scene comes back to me now: the hot rum-and-water laden air; the great stove, red with rage and energy. There my remembrance of the scene ends. that department Is doing to stimulate an interest in agriculture and the pros perity of those engaged in it. You see it in the awakening Inter est in co-operation everywhere, in t’'e co-operative associations that are being formed, in the rapid giowth of co operative creameries and co-operative producers’ associations of all kinds. TRIUMPH OF THE RURAL LIFE. And the one thing which will make it more easily possible, which will tend the most to draw the city dweller to the country and relieve the lonesome ness and isolation of the farm life, are the good roads, for which a great move ment is now gathering force, and the electric railway systems which are threading the rural districts in every thickly settled farming section of our country. All these are forerunners of the final triumph of the rural life and of a new era in this country when “Men-mak- lng” and not “Money making” will be our national slogan. “A time like this dermoids strong men, Grent hearts, true fnith and rendy hands; Men whom the lust of office does not kill, Men whom the spoils of office ennnot buy, Men who possess opinion and a will, Men who have honor, men who will not lie, Men who can stnnd before a demagogue. And damn his treacherous flatteries with out winking; Tall men sun-crowned, who live above the fog, In public duty and in private thinking. If he will not sell Arbuckles* ARIOSA write to us. We will supply you direct. You will get greater value for your money—a better pound of cof fee—full weight—than he can sell you under any other name. He cannot sell Arbuckles’ ARIOSA loose, by the pound out of a bin or bag, because we supply it only in sealed packages that you can identify every time, which pro tect the coffee from the dust and im purities that loose coffee absorbs—and insure full welgiat. Coffee exposed to the air loses its flavor, strength and purity. You cannot tell where It came from—neither can the grocer—he may think he knows—but he doesn’t, and all you can ever know is thejmee ticket It is worth remembering that outward appearance is no indication of coffee. Instead of Arbuckles’ ARIOSA, he doubtless believes he is doing you a favor, whereas he is really depriving you of the most wholesome and deli cious beverage that you can buy, some thing better than anything else he can sell you for Jjhe^jjrjce^ The sales of Arbuckles’ ARIOSA Coffee exceed the sales of all other package coffees in the United States combined, and the busi ness of Arbuckle Bros, exceeds that of the four next largest concerns in the world, simply because the public ac tually receives better coffee for their money in Arbuckles* ARIOSA than they cai^bu^ in any other way. Arbuckles’ ARIOSA Coffee is good to drink—it quenches the thirst and tastes good. Most people need it. It aids digestion, increases the power and If your grocer does not sell ARIOSa let us send you a FatnilyBox. On receipt of $1.80, express or postal money order, we will send 10 pounds of ARIOSA In a wooden box, trans- portation paid to your nearest freight station. The $1.80 pays for the trans portation and the coffee, which will be in the original packages bearing tho signature of Arbuckle Bros, that enti tles you to free presents. Ten pounds- ten packages—ten signatures. If you write for it we will send free a book containing full particulars and colored pictures of nearly 100 presents for users of Arbuckles* A RIOSA Coffee. The price of coffee fluctuates—we cannot guarantee it for any period. Address our nearest office, quality. Grocers as a rule are honest, trust worthy men who would not consciously mislead you. Whenever one of them advises you to take loose grocery store ambition to work and it makes one feel like doing things—no after depression. United States soldiers drink more cof fee than tho soldiers of any other na tion. ARBUCKLE BROS., Tt Water Street, Now York city, Dept. 9. 100 Michigan Avenue, Chicago. III., Dept, 9. Liberty Ave. and Wood St., Pittsburgh Pa. Dept. I 4S1 Sooth Seventh Street, St. Louis, Mo., Dept, 8. When I awoke I was horrified to find myself in a prison cell. The Jailer stood at the door and cautioned, “Re member anything you say may be UBed against you.” A great dread sat, like a lump of ice, on my heart. I begged him to explain. Anything but that awful suspense. Then he told me I had murdered MlssC., the old landlady. “My trial was set down for a date about a month off and my angel moth er secured the best and ablest coun sel to defend me; but, best of all, she camo to me in my agony and put her hand on my forehead, and then kissed me and told me that she believed me innocent How she could logically do It with evidence enough against me to damn an angel, I don’t know, but she did It with her woman’s heart, and her woman’s heart broke when, at length, the jury told her she had been mistaken.” • " “Gentlemen,” resumed Barclay, after a pause, “I used to believe all lawyers ’rascals until that tima. But the way that man worked for me was nothing short of sublime. He labored with me day in and day out, morning, noon, and night, striving by all means known to philosophy, science and prac tice, to recover from the sensitive plates of my memory the picture print ed on them by a rum-enfeebled spirit between the hours of eleven P. M. and two A. M. on the night of the murder. But it was of no use. Evidently the films of memory had been temporarily desensitized by the stupefying influ ence of the alcohol. Anyway, nothing could bring the dreaded pictures of that awful period to the surface. “I shall not bore you with the bar- rassing details of the trial. It was shown, however, that I had been dis covered in Miss C’s room. I was on the floor in a drunken sleep when the officers arrived, and was completely dressed, even to my overcoat and hat. Near my right hand, as If I had but recently relaxed my hold upon it, lay my pistol. One of the cartridges had been discharged and the bullet found In Miss C’s body fitted the empty shell. “My lawyer used to come to my cell and implore me to use every trick and device that I knew to bring back the chain of events of that fateful night, but I could only gaze at him stupid ly. So far I csuld go, but no further. At a certain point the cloud of obliv ion would drop before my mind, and I could not penetrate It. I thought that by thinking with great rapidity, and running with exact sequence along the chain of occurences leading up to a certain hour, the mental mom entum thus acquired might carry me through Into the realms of my mental darkness. But it was without avail. You can drive a horse at a furious rate right up to the brink of a lake, but there he will stop, and not budge an inch further; and the blackness of the lake in front of him Is no blacker than the blackness of that hell-born period of five or six hours of oblivion that confronted me. O, the helplessness of It all. I used to sit and watch my lawyer fight against such overwhelm ing odds that the admiration I felt for his skill would, at times, so absorb me that I felt the part I was taking in the awful tragedy. "To make a long story short, the case finally went to the Jury. You have seen the newspaper clippings. The verdict killed my mother who had never once left my side during the trial, except at night, and then only to resume her place the first thing In the morning. She had been hoping against hope. When mother dropped dead, I offered a silent prayer of gratitude that she had not lived to witness the last act. “On the morning of the twenty-first, as the clipping says, I was brought before the Judge, an old friend of my father, and sentenced to be hanged by the neck until dead. Gentlemen, there’s an experience not many ever had and lived to tell of it. Words are but feeble when one tries to describe it. "Talk about timely rescues In the dramas—all nicely planned to occur with the regularity of clockwork—why they actually had that awful black cap drawn over my face, and the noose ad justed before the governor’s ‘stay* ar rived. I heard a commotion In the crowd and wondered rather Impatient ly what the delay was about. Then hands removed the cap and noose, and I was led hack to my cell. When I reached my cell and sat upon my bed I couldn’t realize what had occure' * 1 * * * * * * and pinched myself to see whether 1 were really there, or my spirit had come back to haunt the place. “Presently the head jailer came to me and told me that a fire had taken place In the neighborhood the night before, in which two strange men were so badly burned that death was but a matter of hours with them. One of the men, when he was told that he could not live, sent for the minister and confessed to having committed the murder 1 had been convicted of. His story, which was subsequently confirm ed by the other burglar, was, substan tially, that they had come to our town in quest of proper prey. They had learned that Miss C had many well-to-do boarders In her house, some of whom carried money with them la large amounts, and they had determin ed to rob the house. The hour was late, and the night very tempestuous and black, the very elements seeming to favor the wicked purpose of those men. Their plan was to go to Miss C’s room and secure the keys of the house, after which they could loot at leisure. Accidently, however, they awakened the landlady, who Immedi ately set up such an unearthly Bcream- lng that it was found necessary to despatch her without more ado. One snot was enough for the dastardly purpose, and the poor old creature, who had never done any other harm than to ask for her Just dues, went quickly ‘over the river.’ The robbers then paused for a moment to ascertain If anyone in the house had been arous ed by the shot. Concluding finally that the storm had drowned the re port of the pistol, they determined to leave at once, as the murder had so unnerved them that they had no thought of theft, but cared only to get away. As they were going out, however, they discovered a man lying In the hall at the landing, near Miss C’s door, in a drunken stupor. Then It occured to them to drag the man noise lessly into her room, and leave him there with a pistol on the floor near his hand, Their motive in doing this was to divert suspicion from them selves, as they were strangers in the place. When they discovered that I had a pistol in my pocket similar to their own, they exchanged catrldges; hence the empty shell In mine. "Gentlemen, that is my story.” Presently he said; “I know there’s one question you all want to ask. You want to know what I’vo got In my hat that had such a startling effect upon me. I will tell you what it is,—It’s a picture,— it’s not that of mother, nor my sweet heart, but,”—and he held his hat with the Inside turned toward us. There was a picture there, one that caused us all to shudder. It was the picture of a gallows. Todd extended his hand. ‘The deal Is on,” he said. Didn't Keep the Appointment. A young American student at Prague fell deeply in love with a pretty Ger man girl and sent her a note propos ing a place of meeting. He wrote: “That my darling may make no mis take, remember, I will wear a light pair of trousers and a dark cutaway coat. In my right hand I will carry a cane and in the left a cigar. Yours ever, Jake.” The girl’s father got hold of the note and sent this answer: "Dot mine future eon make no mis take, I vill be dreshed in mine shirt sleeves. I vill vear in mine right hand a club, and in mine left hand I vill grasph a six-shooter. You vill recognize me by de vay I bats you on de heat a goaple time twice mit mine club. Valt for me at de corner, as I have some- dings important to inform you mit Your frent, Heinrich Muller.” Query—Did the young man keep the appointment? Bray Hair Restored. “WUNUTTAHilRSTir IwUnUeraa.lT. Gives an yslisda from Light Jfrowa to Hlsob. aotwaoh or rah off. Con. talna no poisons and It not iticky ortre will tend r WSi B ^ b i all dntKbmt/ ass wsinfc & WAI NUTTA Ca'llUlMIraH, IhLoalOl Glorious Hair Grown Free. A Wonderful Preparation Which Turne Back the Hand of Time-Make* the Old Yeung and the Yeung Beautiful. Free Samples of the Greatest H«l> Tonic on Earth Distributed by a Well-Known Medical Institute. NO DOUBT. We esa ear* yea of baldness, hair Itlllor. •canty parting*, all dlaeaaes ot tbs scalp, stop hair falling and restore gray and laded hair to its original color. We don’t want yon to take our word for this. We will provsit to yon AT OUR OWN EX PENSE. A FREE PACKAGE ol onr wonderful treat ment will get your caae tinder control and make yon happy. Our remedy Is NOT A DYE nor s hair color- mg, but a marvelloua nd natural Hair Food. You cannot make a mistake in trying it. for we •hip it to you prepaid at our own expense, and do not ask yon for a cent of money unless yon feel justified by results. It makes not the slightest difference tout bow long you have bad your trouble. We will go to the roots of it ana cure it , Think just for • moment what this tnetnii Think what it promises for those who have lost, or who are loosing, the glorious tresses of youtin We will restore your hair, make it long and strong, make it as you wish it to be. ana give you more satisfaction than you have ever before experienced. Do not be disheartened because you have used other hair remedies without results. • Be just to yourself end tou» Our rem edy will tnaks you happy. What it ass done for others it will do for you. ... We ask you in all kindness to write to us and we will send you by return mail, at our expense, a full trial treatment of the Greater Hair Grower on earth. We will also send you our interesting booklet of advice and hwssrea. of testimoniala from delighted patients, give** their experiences for the benefit of others wn have become discouraged. You will neve regret answering this announcement, tor means much to you, more than you con in ' 8 ?' If you want beautiful hair, if your r it . ....... you and your know what we can do, and how we do ft. c to-day, and do not put it off. You will •* lighted with what we send you. and it costsy nothing. Address in full, enclosing Su-uSS* for reply, LOK RIMER MEDICAL lNhTITWi^ Incorporated, Dept. 8888 MKMWJortb Faca»« Baltimore. Md.