The Sandersville herald. (Sandersville, Ga.) 1872-1909, June 28, 1906, Image 1

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m WE REW ON LOW PRICES TO WIN TRADE. ON FAIR TREATMENT TO RETAIN IT, JACKSON. THE SANDERSVILLE HERALD. Led by the Goddess of Liberty; Guided by the Star of Bethlehem. ESTABLISHED IN 1841. SANDERSVILLE, GEORGIA. JUNE 28, 1906. $1 Per Year. — =» UNKNOWN MAN COMMITS SUICIDE Locked in City Prison, Ends Life With Razor Which Officers’ Search Failed to Find When Arrested. BYRD LOVETT BUYS BROOKS’ SPRINGS. THE COUNTY FAIR. HAN WAS THOUGHT TO BE DEMENTED Last Friday night a white man was found acting mysteriously near the home of Mrs. Wicker on the Tennille road and Officer Seales was called upon to make an arrest, which he did. In response to the officer’s inqui ries the man replied in unintelligable answers, but asked as to why he was taken into custnday and about a trial. lie gave his residence as Washington City, Boston aijd Savannah nt different times and his name as Edward Welch, this name and a Boston address being written in a ■dear, plain handwriting in pencil in a memorandum book carried in his pocket, which indicated a training in youth for a useful life. There was no other writing in the book except what seemed to have been a record of time at work recently. There was strong circumstances which indicated that the man’s mind had become unbalanced, though some advanco the theory that he may have been wanted for some desperate crime and preferred death to fac ing the charge. But as there is no proof of the latter view and there aro some circumstances strongly pointing to a disordered mind, this proba bly caused the rash act. In some far away home there may be and doubtless are, those who love the wanderer and the suicide. We can not say, but we prefer to believe that the dead man’s act was committed while temporarily insane, caused it may be, by despondency or posssibly by the remorse of finding himself locked in prison for idling and loitering among strangers, without money and without friends—and without hope. Chief of Police Blquriv telegraphed to each of tfie places giy^uois tlie . . 1 - . i] _ . . .... ... .. ..I \ An ‘ ..Ann. 1.1a 111 1 - . . 1 1* . . 1. ^-■ - ~. . . 1 News was given out yesterday that Mr. Byrd B. Lovett. Jr.,of thiscity, had purchased Brooks’ springs, Washington county’s famous resort and that im provements would be begun there Im mediately. The value of the Brooks, spring water has long been recognised but sufficient accomodations could not be obtained for the large crowds who would visit the springs In summer and it will be gratifying news to our people generally that Mr. Lovett will build a sufficient number of cot.tnges to accom modate the people as well as a suitable hotel for the general public. Washington’s Delegation Off To Atlanta. lion. L. A. Graybill, senator from this district, Hon. 0. I. Duggan and Hon. J.Frank Walker, Representatives from Washington county went up to Atlanta Tuesday to be present at the meeting of the Generul Assembly, yes terday. No'county in Georgia is represented by a delegation held in higher esteem by the people and all of our citizens feel justly proud of our delegation. Senator Graybill is not a candidate for any office, but his strength in the county is recognized by every one to be almost irresistnble. Messrs. Duggan and Walker will both be returned to the legislature next term without opposition. The County Fair Association will meet next Tuesday and actual work will be begun on the Fair Grounds and park! This does not mean that any efforts will be abandoned to got up more money for the Enterprise, but it just means that the actual work will soon be under way. The officers have been some what interested in a battle with “General Green” at home of late and the parties interested in San- dersville have been busy talking about w'mt a nice Clmutnuqau we had and not so much active work has boon done, but every time we seeanyoftho committees we are reminded that the Fair will b 0 held as scheduled and that no fear is entertained but that the park will be a reality soon and that generous citizens oftho coun ty are rapidly coming to the sup port of the movement. WARTHEN. home of the dead rp an as quickly as possible. Although he livbff'Wfccyal hours, the mart gave no further information as to his home or his people or his life and whatever may have been his secret, lie died holding it within his breast, for time and circumstances to reveal. The dead man was apparently about 40 years old. His body was burled In th£ paupers lot of the city cemetery, Rev. W. A. Brooks conducting the service. No message has been recoived from any relatives and the unknotvn man has found a last resting place among strangers and where his people may never know. returned Hancock Mr.Gilmore is in Macon on business will return today. Mrs. T. C. Warthen is visiting her son Mr. Oben Wartime who lias been quite sick in Sandersville. Friendship. We have lmd some very heavy rains recently; all the mills on Spr : ng creek are washed out so there is no chance to get any corn ground soon unless some one puts in an engine and very few people like steam ground meal. Ray and Harrison lost most of their dam, dam Mr. B. Garner lost all his dam and gin house and two gins ! feeders and condensers and several Miss Marion Underwood, of Northern rho has been visiting friends in Warth- en for some weeks is visiting friends lu othpL things. Mdr. Prosser lost his Sandersvillc. m. ■ fa . .. New Goods arrive each week for J A CK SON’S 5c, 8c, 10c, I5c and 25c BAR GAIN COUNTERS. It is worth your while to look them over often at SAN DERSVILLE, GA. -Vmilf house and-eontents, Mr. Billie did him lots of damage but have Miss Mary Lizzie Askew who has been on a visit to the family of her ancle, Mr. Henry Gumming returned yesterday ac companied by her cousin, Miss Maud Gumming. No. 7934 Report of the Condition of THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK of Sandersville, it Sandersville, in the State of Georgia, at the close of business June 18, 1906. Resources. Loans aud discounts $129,882 88 Orcrdrafts, seoured and unse cured .' 8,884 22 C.8.bonds to secure circulation 12,600 00 Premiums ou U. S. Honda. ... 437 50 Banking house, furniture aud fixtures 1,840 23 Dae from National Banks (not reserve agents) 1,611 07 Duo from State Banks aud Bankers 8,297 38 Doc from approved reserve agents 9,010 61 tAiecks and cash items . . Notes of other National Banks fractional paper currency, nickels and cents specie $2,907 66. begal tender notes, 800 00. Redemption fund with U. S. Treasurer (6% of circula tion) 785 97 76 00 221 61 8,707 76 625 00 Statement of the Condition of The Citizens Bank Located at Sandersville, Ga., At the close of business, June I8th,1906, Miss Lily Banks Tarver, a charming young lady from Dublin, is visiting her friend Mrs. Tom It, Duggan on Church street. RESOURCES. Mr. Walter H. Franks one of our mer chants lias been treated for apendicitis by Dr. Rawlings. He is reported as having stood the operation very well and is resting very Well. Loans and Discounts.. ... $124,491 13 Ovei drafts 887 14 Furniture and Fixtures 3,836 60 Due from Banks and Bankers in the State 7,606 19 Due from Banks and Bankers in other States 9,126 73 Currency 615 00 Gold 90 00 Silver, Nickels and Pennies 147 36 Checks and Cash Items 1,075 69 Total $147,373 74 LIABILITIES. Misses Browm, Jacobson and Adamson of Tennille,are with Miss Martha Hooks fora few days. Mr.Gilmore ims shipped one car of his peaches to-New York. They are the Carman variety, he will sliip another car about the middle of the week. Will sliip the “Georgia Belle”next week and of that the famous Elbertns. He lias over 200 acres in peaches most of them just coming into bearing. Mrs. J. E. Garner and her daughter, the winsome Miss Nina have returned from a visit to relatives in Texas. not learned how much. Mrs. B. Garner has been very n'.bk the past few days we hope she will soon be better. Mr. 9am Yarbough of Linton visited his mother Mrs. Betsy Yar bough at John Johnson recently. Mrs. James Garner has been in feeble health sometime with very little improvement. Mrs. Charles Prosser attended commencement in Milledgeville the past week. Miss Elton Veal has been sick sometime but we are glad to know she was able to attend Church Sunday. Miss Wallie Emmis of. Hebron attended service at Friendship Sunday. The people in this community lost all their crops and fences on their bottom land owing to the hard rains wo have had the past week. . NOTICE. Total $167,279 17 Liabilities. Capital stock paid in $48,000 00 Surplus fuud 7,000 00 • ^divided profits,less expens- os and taxes paid 18,818 65 National Bank notes outstand ing 12,500 00 Individual deposits subject to check 54,780 04 Hmo certificates of deposit... 10,843 34 Certified checks 116 18 Cashier’s checks outstanding. 221 01 •tUus payable, including cer tificates of deposit for money borrowed 20,000 00 Capital Stock Paid in $50,000 00 Uudivided Profits, less Cur rent Expenses and Tax es Paid 6,123 64 Due to Banks and Bankers in this State 399 83 Individual Deposits Subject to Check 39,385 27 Time Certificates 1,465 00 Bills Payable. Including Time Certificates repre senting Borrowed Money 50.000 00 Total $147,873 74 The Misses Walker, of Milledgeville school and Messrs .Josh Lozier and Will Duggan are at home enjoying fried chicken and “garden sass.” Mrs. Lozier and Miss Mary are visit ing relatives in Opelika, stopping over in Atlanta to see Mr. Ike Lozier gradu ate at the Tech. Ike will post graduate Cincinatti in electric engineer ing. Miss Mary Slade is spending several days with Miss Willie Lozier. Total ...$167,279 17 STATE OF GEORGIA, bounty of Washington. L S. M. Hitchcock, Cashier of the auove named bank, do solemnly swear mat the above statement is trne to the uest of my knowledge and belief. S. M. Hitchcock, Cashier. . , ® a L)B° r ibed and sworn to before me mis 23rd day of Jnne, 1906. L. C. Brewer, Notary Publio. Correct—Attest; T. J. Cooper, O. L. Rogers, Wm. A. McCarty, Directors. STATE OF GEORGIA, ) County ok Washington. $ Before me came Jas.E.Johnson,Cashier of the Citizens Bank, who being duly sworn, says that the above and forego ing statement is a true condition of said Bank, as shown by the books of file In said Bank. . Jas. E. JonNsoN,Cashier. Sworn to and subscribed before me, this 23rd day of June, 1906. H. B. Massey, Clerk S. O. W. C. PRIZES OFFERED. Warthen Ga., June 213, 1900. Editor Herald : I would urge the prompt atten tion of all the people to tho regis tration for the Primary and Gen eral elections which is now in progress. The district books will be closed at an early date. Respectfully, W. Sam AsKew, Tax Collector, of Washington County. For Commissioner. the fifth road FOR SALE. At a bargain 2 yokes 4 head young oxeii? For information ap- d^y at Herald office. To the white voters of district: I hereby announce myself a candi date for re-election as Commissioner of Roads and Revenues for the fifth road district, and respectfully ask the sup port of the voters of said district at the approaching primary. Respectfully yours, C. O. Walker. to NOTICE. The Womans Christian Temper ance Union meets this afternoon at Boclock with Mrs Dan C. Har ris. Boys girls get busy to make some money. The Railroad Record of Atlanta of fers 15 prizes for the best 15 composi tions on Railroads by pupils of any com mon or high school in Georgia The writers must be under 18 years of age. The prizes will be ; 1st. $15.00, 2nd. $10.00 3rd,4th, and 5th, $5. Next ten. $1. fhe compositions may be from 250 400 words in length but not over 400 words. It is suggested that the writers dis cuss what the railroads have done are doing for the development of State. The contest will close July 5th. The names of the winners will be pub lished in this paper. Address, Railroad Record, Atlanta, Ga. NEW TRAIN BETWEEN Here is a chance - Macon and Athens via Central of Georgia Railway Effective May 6, 1906, Daily Daily Daily Daily STATIONS No 19 No 17 No 16 No 18 and this PM 500 5 14 5 51 600 6 10 6 24 6 35 6 59 7 15 7 19 7 34 8 02 8 20 8 36 8 43 8 52 905 9 20 p m A M 8 05 8 18 8 48 8 56 9 03 909 9 20 9 48 10 03 10 06 10 24 10 55 11 14 1132 11 42 1153 12 07 1.2 20 P M Lv Ar Macon Ar M A June Lv Grays “ Bradley “ Wayside “ Round Oak “ Hillsboro “ Monticello “ Machen “ Shady Dale “ Godfrey “ Madison “ Apalachee “ Farmington “ Bishop “ Watkinsville “ Whitehall : Athens Lv PM 7 30 7 17 6 50 6 41 6 33 6 24 611 5 43 5 25 5 19 508 4 45 4 23 4 07 400 3 52 340 3 30 PM A M 1100 10 46 10 13 1001 9 52 9 40 930 8 52 834 8 81 8 17 7 53 7 35 7 18 7 12 705 6 55 6 45 A M Daily Daily Nol9 Nol7 Daily Daily Nol0 No 18 20 PER CENT is, Cut on all of what remains of the lar gest Stock of MEN’S STRAW HATS ever shown in WASHINGTON COUNTY. This is your chance to HAT at your Own PRICE, SEE WINDOW DISPLAY. TDCKER-RICHBOURG-MITCHELL CO. 'MM tgh