The Sandersville herald. (Sandersville, Ga.) 1872-1909, February 12, 1908, Image 1

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SEMI-WEEKLY. SANDERSVILLE, GEORGIA, FEBRUARY, 12 1908. ESTABLISHED 1841 SOLOMON NEWSOME OF DAVISBORO IS DEAD. Was Prominent and Pop ular Citizen. Had Many Warm Friends. Solomon Newsonto, of Davisbo- ro , is doad. It seems hard to rea lize and harder to chronicle, that one of Washington county’s best and most promising citizens is no uiore. News came to Sandersville yes terday that Mr. Newsome was des perately ill with pleurisy, and shortly thereafter a messenger brought the sad messago from his bedside that the end had already come. The news was a shock to Mr. Newsome’s many friends in Sandersville, because it is not many days since he was among tho visitors to tho city, appearing in the very best of health, and no one then dreamed that ho was paying his last visit. Mr. Newsome was about forty years of age, of handsome and d i * „„„ --"nee, a genial and Toliust appmu**- ’ “ ■clever gentleman, easy to ap J proach, and won scores of friends by bis manly and generous dispo sition always. He was one of the county’s leading farmers and busi ness men, and regarded as a lead er of his community and his coun ty’s best citizenship. He will be sadly missed and his death gen erally mourned. Mrs. Newsome, who is left a widow by his untimely death, is quite well known in Sandersville and has many warm friends here who extend sympathy to her in her sad loss. At the hour of going to press we have no news of the funeral arrangements. ORDER OF EASTERN STAR IS ORGANIZED. With a Large and Enthus iastic Membership Offi cers are Chosen. Mrs. Henry D. Clayton ' of Alabama Dead. Mrs. Henry D. Clayton, widow of the famous Confederate general and mother of the congressman from Alabama of that name, and also of Mrs. Wiley Williams of Columbus, died at her home in Alabama last week Qh AP--0 man, H. Wood, George Mayo, P. C. Thomas, Henry Paris. The officers are as follows: Mrs. Sallie T. Hitchcock, W. M.; W. R. Beach,JW. P.; Mr«. Newman Wood, Associate W. M.; G. C. Wood, Sec’y; Mrs. E. L. Holmes, Treas.; Mrs. E. P.Wood, Conductress; Mrs. H. P. Tucker, Associate Conductress; Mr. S. M. Hitchcock, Chaplain; Mrs. Film Evans, Marshal; Mrs. A. W. Evans, Ada; Mrs. Henry Paris. Ruth; Mrs. Wade H. Wood, ^Esther; Mrs. C. B. Chapman, Martha; Mrs. J. E. Hyman, Elec- tra; Miss Maipie Spares, Warder; H. P. Tucker, Sentinel. Be it unnecessary to add that there wus much** interest taken in this, the first meeting of tho D. E. S.,^as the attendance speaks for itself. The Masons are very enthusias tic over thi« work of the ladies, und will mvo their hearty 00-op eration to the tirand Institution. They will meet this afternoon at 8 o clock to determine the time of meeting in the future, and to atteudwo sueh'liusiness as may bo J }S The most perfect remedy on the market for chapped hands, tetter, sunburn or any irritation of the skin. It is a skin food, a disin fectant, and is the most delightful lotion ever tried after shaving, leaving the skin in a soft, healthful and perfect Condition. 6hap*0 W .A. S Not thought out in a day, but was first used by us several years ago and lias been sold to many of our customers who will cheerfully and enthusiastically re commend it. More recently the demand has grown to such an ex tent that we have decided to man ufacture it in large quantities ami offer it to the public with absolute confidence. Knowing wlmt it con tains and having thoroughly tested its merits, we have no hesitancy in declaring that it has no equal as a skin lotion on the market today. <2hap«0 HAS Our absolute and unqualifi ed guarantee, and wo will cheer fully refund the price if it fails to do what we elaim for it. Chap-© 1 )OES What no other skin lotion does; it gives instant, permanent and complete relief and one appli cation is convincing of its superior merit. AFTER SHAVING, it’s use lias a delightful effect. Ghap-0 KltH jT For 25 and fifty cents and is sold exclusively by us. Sandersville Drug Co. Sandersville, Ga. A chapter of tho Order of tho Eastern Star was organized here yesterday J>y Mrs. Seine M. Hub bard, Worthy Grand Matron of Georgia. The charter members are as fol lows : Mrs. Corine B. Tucker, Mrs. Margaret H. Adamson, Mrs. Mary E. Tuckor, Miss Mamie M.Sparks, Mrs. Leila A. Garbutt, Mrs. Mary F. Bradley, Mrs. Fina H. Evans, Mrs. Lillie B. Evans, Mrs. Mary E. Hyman, Mrs. Lorena C.Beach, Mrs. Kftto A. Holmes, Mrs. Sallie T. Hitchcock, Mrs. Gladys B. Wood, Mrs. Shollio C.Wood, Mrs. Mary McConnel Wood, Mrs. Les lie Tanner Wood, Mrs. Anne F. Irwin, Mrs. Allie C. Fuller, Mrs. Jessie S. Chapman, Mrs. Pauline H. Paris; G. C. Wood, S. M, 2itCi5 ook : A - J - Jl’wjn, W. R. Beach, C. Adamson, J. E. Hy- V. Tucker, Newman K, J, Fuller, PROHIBITION LAW WILL BE TESTED. Augusta Case will be Car* ried to the Higher Courts. in order. CHAIRMAN JORDAN CALtS COMMITTEE. February Fifteenth Date Fixed for County Com= mittee Meeting. Judge E. W. Jordan, chairman of the county democratic execu tive committee, has issued a call for a meeting of the committee at the court house in Sandersville for Saturday, February to, which next Saturday, and at that time the date will be fixed for the county primary. While it is not known what will Lie dohe by the committee, it is believed that the voters willjpre- fer to have the date fixed at the same time the state primary has already ordered, thus avoiding the necessity for two elections. Each member of the committee was mailed the following not : ce: Sandersville, Fell. 10, 1908. The members cf the democratic executive committee of Washing ton county are hereby called to meet at the court house in Sau- dersville on Saturday, 'February 15th, at 10 o’clock u. m. for the purpose of ordering a demociatic primary, fixing its date and c termining rules to govern the same. Each member of the com- mitteo is urged to be present. E. W. Jordan, Ch’m. J. M. Tanner, Sec. In a test liquor selling case in Augusta the point is raised that the recent enacted prohibition law* is void and unconstitutional by the lawyers representing tho de fendant. They set out that it is obligato ry on the part of tho state to pro vide a common school fund which must bo raised by - specific pro vision by taxation^ of liquor as provided by article 8, section 8, paragraph 1 of the 'constitution. A number of clauses offtheconsti tution of 1807 aro cited in the showing that the law is now a solid and legal one, and the con tention is made that the general assembly can not abdicate its con stitutional duty of levying this tax, as is manifest in article 4 of the constitution, It is further contended that tho law is not constitutional as in conflict with “the enumeration of rights herein contained as a part of this constitution shall not be construed to deny to the people anv inherent rights which they may lm. V0 hifcherto enjoyed.” That “this dec* lara ^* on a l )ftl ’t of this constitution ftnd GhaTi never,be violated on any pretense whatever.” Tho demurrer was overruled and the case will be appealed to the supreme court of the state. By announcement of counsel—the test being made by Salem Dutcher and W. K. Miller—the fight is to be a long and hard one and will probably go into the Federal courts in a very short time. CHAIRMAN JORDAN TO ENTERTAIN COMMITTEE At Dinner at the Gilmore House on Saturday, February 15th. Each member of the democratic executive committee of the couuty has been invited by the chairman, Judge E. W. Jordan, to luncheon at the New Gilmore hotel next Saturday, February 15th. The invitations to the members wore mailed out Monday, the hour given for the luncheon being stat ed at one o’olbck, as it is thought the committee will have finished the business by that time. While it is not known just how many have accepted this invita tion, it may be counted certain that each member who can possi bly do so will be glad to eujoy the hospitality of tho chairman and the delightful lunoheon which Mrs. Jordan, the manager of* ♦he Gilmore, will be sure to provide. n am r, ftivu. u. W. Williams - of Laurens, is Dead. 900 Presents FOR 900 Women Note The Conditions Miss Lena Robison Is Society Editor. The manager of The Herald is pleased to announce that Miss Lena Robison has been selected society editor of The Herald in place of Miss Louise Sullivan, resigned. Mis9 Robison will also report some other items of interest from time to time for the general news columns of The Herald and we feel sure that her work as society editor and reporter for The Her- d will be most interesting to the readers of this paper. The social items today are re ported by Miss Robison and show great diligence, the [last few days making an oil' week, so to speak, with matters social. Empire Stock Co., This Afternoon and Tonight. Those who enjoy good shows should take the advantage of tho opportunity to see the matinee performance this afternoon, again tonight, by the Empire Stock Company. It is rare that so good a company and such u high class show finds its way here, and tiie sale of tick ets so far indicates that the large auditorium will bo crowded this afternoon and tonight. In other cities where the com pany has appeared, the newspapers report that the company presents a good, high class show and its reputation U sure to bring out a good crowd hero. CANDIDATE FOR RE-ELECTION. Holi. G. W. Williams, a proni- inent lawyer of Dublin and one of the representatives ol Laurens county in tho general assembly, died at his home in that, city last wook. Mr. ^iWa-ffo lmd friends lu this county. To every married woman who is the mother of one child or more-we will give a Useful Present if they will cut out one ©f our Advertisements from one of the three Papers we ad vertise in and bring it to u§ Vrith your name and address written on back of advertisement, between the date of this Paper and April 1, if the presents are not all given out before April 1. Monument to James R. Randall. WANTED Second-Hand Crocus Sacks Funds are being raisec^at. Au gusta, Ga., to erect a monument to the memory of Jamse R. Ran dall. Hon. Wm. H. Fleming is custodoin of the fund and contri butions should be mailed to him at Augusta. NEW 5 a 104 RACKET STORE | Tucker-Richbourg-Mitcheil f $ $ t i Company '[’HIS is no crash sale, but we want to make room for our Spring Goods, which we are receiving daily. For 15 days we will make a 20 per cent, re duction on all Clothing. We have some good things in our Hart, Schaflfner & Marx Clothing. Now is your time to get a bargain. $6.00 Boyden Patent Leather Shoes for $5.00 5.50 “ Gun Metal and Vici Kid Shoes 4.50 Mr. \V. A. Wood »nuounces to day for re-election to the office of ordinary of Laurens county. It is very likely that he will have no opposition for the position, no one else having been mention ed in connection with the office. —Dublin Times. LADIES’ - SHOES $4.00 Drew’s Patent Leather Button and Lace Shoes 3.50 “ 44 44 44 44 Tucker-Richbourg-Mitcheil Co. . • '&mz .'■MM