The Sandersville herald. (Sandersville, Ga.) 1872-1909, March 20, 1908, Image 1

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sInners warned to keep off the grass. County Authorities lo Keep Court House Yard Pretty. Washing" n county never had a cniirt house yard until this year, because spring never came before slid found anything it was willing to exert its powers to beautify. Heretofore the court house yard has resembled a wagon yard more than grounds about a court house. \\ o are proud of tho change. Indeed, Tiik Herald has more cause to bo proud, so our friends ea v. thou some others, but leaving out the consideration that wo called public attention first, last and all the time to improving and beautifying the courthouse grounds, "< are proud of it be- cftl iso it is good to have a nico wrll .kept court house yard to look at. Now, tho most important thing to do i- to keep the yard pretty and this cannot be done if people walk and trample on it, at least for a while umluntil there is a full growth of well kept grass. Even then tin- children should only be allowed to use it for a park and a play ground occasionally, And on stated occasions. W'luit is bettor, the authorities have so decided and all sinners are warned to keep oil' the grass by several signs which rend “Sinner, you can't cross here.” Of course any saint or celestial visitor may trample on the grass, but just an ordinary sinful human being had better be careful. We congratulate the authorities on their determination to make beautiful and keep beautiful the court house grounds. fdF' Cherry Balsam is sold ex clusively by Sandersvillo Drug Co. CITY COURT WILL CONVENE NEXT MONDAY. Grand Jury Cases Will Come up. Comparati* vely light Docket. The regular monthly term of the City Court of Sandersville will convene next Monday morn ing. Only Criminal Cases will be tried during this term and the misdemeanor cases made by the last Grand Hury will be disposed of. There is a comparatively small docket. The next term of the Court at which Civil eases will be tried convenes the fourth Monday in April. LADIES ARE GETTING OUT COOK BOOK. HARRISON WAS THE LAST TOWN VISITED. Manager of Herald Finds the People Busy. A Good Live Town. GAVE CARD PLAYERS SOME HARD RAPS. Said Negroes Attended Church and Then Vis= ited Hen Roosts. Already a Good Demand for the Book of Tried Recipes. The ladies of the Ilotne Mission Society of the Methodist church have adopted a unique method of raising funds and one which will be beneficial to everyone who aids in (lie work. The plan is for the ladies to get up a practical cook book of tried and thoroughly tested recipes, to offer for sale through out t his territory. Each of the members will fur nish a number of recipes and in this way a complete and thorough ly up to date cook book will be issued. The ladies who are fa miliar with the work and the progress so far made believe they will issue by far the most valuable cook book now on t1ib market and they already have a prospect of large sales. Millinery Opening April 2nd. Happ & Paris Co. wish to an nounce to the public and their k many customers, their Millinery ^ Opening THURSDAY APRIL 2. Miss Bettie .Matthews will be ably assisted in designing and trimming by Miss Lee Jeter from Richmond, Va., who comes very highly recommended. She is quite an artist in designing the very latest styles and creations to be worn this season. souvenirs will be given to all who attend. HAPP & PARIS CO. In the plan of campaign mapped out by The Herald manager of making a canvass of the county in the interest of The Herald and its new job printing establishment ho was a visitor to Harrison Fri day of last week. In order to see the people, the trip was made through the coun try and the farmers were met at their homes. The manager was very cordially greeted by each one of the citizens whom he met and was quite agreeably shown by all of them their appreciation of The Herald and many who formerly were not subscribers will read this issue of The Herald and have become subscribers for a year. The farmers are well up with their work throughout this section of the county and were taking advantage of the good weather. Many were found in the fields. Evidently the manager was taken for a candidate in several instan ces and as soon as this idea was dispelled were willing and patient listeners. Harrison’s growth during the past five years has been phenom- mal. Many new. residences and handsome brick store rooms, a bank and other enterprises bear witness to the progress of the town. Even on Friday there was a large number of people in town hauling out guano and farm sup plies, and everything seemed to indicate that Harrison is a good business point. What strikes tho visitor most, however, is the culture and refine ment of the people, the neat and attractive homes and store rooms, the evident interest in education and school work and tho intelli gence of the citizens. A two story handsomely ap pointed school house is the most conspicuous and attractive build ing, and with little doubt, we are sure, the best in Georgia for the size of the town and one that not only rellccts credit on the town, but shows a lively interest in ed ucation and tin* children, unusual even in this wide awake and pro gressive section of the slate. The people are proud of their school, as well they may be, because the school is regarded as one of the best of the high schools of middle Georgia. One of the handsomest drug store rooms in the county is seen at Harrison, the bank building is a neat and attractive building and the bunk is doing a conservative and successful business. The stores are fitted up in the naiiio good style and taste as are city stores and the merchants are good business men. The Herald has many warm friends at Harrison and m that section and the manager felt on his return that he had spent the time with friends. We invite attention to the ad vertisement of Mr. Brantley, one of the leading merchants and one of the county’s best men, in this issue and thank a number of them for orders for the best job print ing. Yesterday afternoon at the Methodist church Bov. L. XV. Col son gave card playing some hard raps. He used a good deal of irony in his remarks. He said that some women excused them selves for attending card parties by being regular attendants at church. The sons of Ham, said the speaker, do tho same thing. In the early part of the night they can work up much religious fervor, shout very loud, sing with much action and pray fervently, and will then go home via somebody’s hen house. The protracted meeting has reached the second week. Rev. L. W. Colson continues to preach some strong sermons. He is a very earnest man, and is doing a good work. All who have heard him preach have become very much impressed with him. Tlioso who have met him in asocial way are delighted with him. It is not kiiown how much long er the mooting will last. Certainly it will continue through this week. It is possible that Hie meeting will not end with this week. The largest congregations are at night. The afternoon services are interesting, however, and last for just an hour. On Sunday morn ing and night the church was crowded almost to its capacity.— Du Id in Courier-Dispatch. Poultry for Sale. I have a few Rhode Island Red Cockerels for sale at reason able price. Address J. P. Riddle, Davisboro, Go. 1 Japanned foot tub 1 pair pliers 1-4 pound copper rivets and burrs 25c 5c 5c 5c 5c 12 wrought iron Staples 1 bottle best black ink 24 sheets good writing paper * 5c 50 white envelopes 5c 1 receipt book 5c Each book has 100 receipts 12 repair links 10c 1 self adjusting eye shade 5c 1 bottle good machine oil 5c 1 water sprinkler 25c We have a nice assort ment of chisels prices • according to width 1 boys Malaga straw hat 5c 1 package Barkers Horse and Cattle powder 15c We sell the Sultan plack et fastener for 10c You should see our line of Men and Boys pants for spring and summer. Padlocks from 5 to 25c 1-4 pound window staples 5c 2 staples and one hook for 5c 1-4 pound brass shoe nail 6c 2 quart milk cans 15c 1 pair stockings, feet white or black 5c 1 lamp shade 5c 1 box talcum powder 5c 2 gimlets for 5c 1 pair bridle bits 5c 1 hasp and 2 staples for 5c 1 machine oil can 5c 12 spring clothes pins 5c 1 towel ring 5c 1 ten quart milk bucket 15c 1 man’s Malaga straw hat 10c 1 box 2 in 1 shoe polish 10c This is good try it. Try a Blue Jay corn plaster, four for 10c 1 crumb tray and scrape 10c We have jvst received a new lot of books by Charles Garrice each 10c We Sell The Boone <£hurn NEW 5 & 104 RACKET STORE MILLINERY OPENING Thursday April 2nd M More Building Lots Have Been Sold. The growth of Sandersville will continue during the summer months, judging from the activity in the real estate market. Two more building lots were sold, by the Sandersville Invest ment Company during the week, one in the northern section and one in the Southern section of the city. Nice residences will be erected on both the lots. Tucker - Richbourg - Mitchell Co. Announce their Millinery Opening and display of Fine Dre is Goods on Thursday April 2nd. Miss Carr the popular Milliner of this establishment, is in charge, and with an able corps of assistants will serve the ladies of this territory with the latest and most fashionable crea= tions of Spring Millinery. Remember the date and give the firm a call. A cordial invitation is extended to all. TUCKER^RICHBOURG-M I TCHEL L COMPANY . ‘ • i;