The Sandersville herald. (Sandersville, Ga.) 1872-1909, March 27, 1908, Image 1

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. ////' / , , * ' The Sandersville Herald. '$1.00 PER YEAR. SANDERSVILLE, GEORGIA, MARCH, 27 1908. ESTABLISHED 1841 MUCH speculation as III WATSON’S PLANS. Will lie i live Active Sup port to the Candidacy ol Mr. Brown? T l„, ri , js much speculation ns to depositin'' of'Mr. Watson in tho , )r psont state campaign and tho Lnplc generally urn looking for- Ivnr.l to a definite announcement from him with groat interest. Ilm »<.vere attacks upon Gov. Smith during tho past low weeks ] mv ,» encouraged Mr. Brown’s friends to believe that ho will support Mr. Brown actively and openly. It ;s stated that even Mr. Wat son's support of Mr. Brown could not change tlm result, however, nnd that Smith could he elected without the populist vote and be sides that many of them will support the governor anyway. Shortly after the last elo:tion the Atlanta Journal figured it out tlml thegov< rnor would have Been elected without the populist vote overall the candidates audit is claimed that Mr. Watson and other populists construed this article of the Journal to mean a lark of appreciation of the sup port of the populists and an un derestimate of the populist strength in Georgia. The Atlanta Journal stated then os follows: “In the presidential election of 1901 Hon. Thomas E. Watson, populist candidate, received in Georgia a total populist vote of 28,400. Hoke Smith’s majority in the primaries of last week was, as has been shown, 25,048. Had not these 28,400 populists, who supported Mr. Watson in 1904, been allowed to vote in tho recent primary, granting they all voted for Hoke Smith, Mr. Smith’s ma jority still would have been 1,558, while his plurality over his closest MUSI REGISTER FOR THE PRIMARY Chairman Miller of the State Committee Has So Rul£d. Those who desire to vote in the primay June 4th must register ac cording to the interpretation of the rules adopted by the chairman of the State Democratic Executive Committee, Judge Miller of Macon. As there was no election last year it is necessary to register for the coming election. It is hoped that every qualified voter will register for the coming primary and all candidates should ut'ge their friends to do so, as it is a matter often delayed and fre quently forgotten. Masonic Convention For Sandersville. Members oft lie Masonic frater nity and the citizens generally will be glad to entertain the mem bers throughout the county and others who will attend the con vention to lie held in this city April Hth. There will probably be a large attendance at the convention as a cordial invitation is extended, not only to the several lodges of the county but to all members of the order who desire to lie present. WILL THE JOKE AFFECT HIS CANDIDACY? MR. WARTHEN WILL NOT BE CANDIDATE. opponent would have been de creased but little.” In tho same issue, in the course of editorial comment on the news story the following is said to have given deep offonse to Mr. Watson and his friends: “So that even if Hoke Smith had not received the support of the former popul ist in the election just ended—even if tho attempt to exclude them from the prima ries had slice eded—lie would still have received a safe majority over his four competitors.” That’s the Question Keep ing Back Announcement for Representative. Just as a member of the Wash- ngton couuty bar was considering giving out an announcement of his candidacy for representative on the platform of a popular merchant, hanker and military man of the city, which embraces only two words, “plant corn,” along came another member of the bar and all innocently of the serious result of the story, allowed as how he had seen the prospective aspirant for legislative honors plowing of a gray horse in his garden and handling the plow handles with a lack of grace and ease calculated to make the horse augli and using language unbe coming to an aspirant for so high an honor as a member of the house of representatives. But,the story is a good one and whatever etfoct it has on the hopes and as pirations of the other fellow, its a good joke and readers are referred to Attorney Wright for particu lurs. 1 n t lie meantime, < lie fellow who plowed the lmrse is wondering if the story has laid him out on what Chairman McLendon would call a Procrustean bed and if the voters I consider the candidacy oF a Probable that Candidates For Representative will Not be Opposed. In a card published in the Pro gress Tuesday Col. Gvo. D. War- then announces that he will not be in the race for Representative. There had been some talk that Mr. Warthen might run. It is probable that Messrs. Join er and Lord will not have opposi tion. Some others have been spoken of as probable candidates, but the effort to get some one else in tin race lias so far failed and it is freely predicted that, both tin present candidates will go without any contest. A Better Cotton Market For Sandersville Millinery Opening April 2nd. Happ & Paris Co. wish to an nounce to the public. and their many customers, their Millinery Opening THURSDAY APRIL 2. Miss Bettie Matthews will be ably assisted in designing and trimming by Miss Lee Jeter from Richmond, Va., who comes very highly recommended. She is quite an artist in designing the very latest styles and creations to be worn this season. souvenirs will be given to all who attend. HAPP & PARIS CO. This could be had if we had a railroad direct to Liverpool? Cotton is falling and so are our prices. Read the sam ples. iivan so little qualified for the duties of a legislator that he can not plow as gracefully as could Attorney Wright and who perhaps could not be able to get anybody to run him for tlie year becausi he could not plow well. It is believed, however, that the matter will be thoroughly consid ered and that a challenge will bo issued by the attorney who was joked to the attorney who told it to plow to a finish on the fair ground farm and let an experienc ed judge say which member of the bar would make the best and most graceful plow. hand. In the mean time the county bosses are think ing that there is no danger of the announcement for representative of a man whose good qualities as a plow hand have been called in question. POLICE OF CITY MAKE ANOTHER RAID. Post Office Inspector a Visitor to City. During the past several days an inspector from the Post Office de partment has been in Sandersville interviewing the different patrons and looking into the affairs of the office. It is expected that tho Presi dent will soon make the appoint ment of a Post, master for this of fice. Mr. Harrison is opposed by Mr. S. B. Robison of this city. Christain Church Notes. Bible School every Sunday, at Academy 10 a. m Junior S. C. K. 8 p. m. Preaching by tho pnstor next Sunday morning at II o’clock. Special program by the C. W. B. M. Auxiliary assisted by musi cal talent from Tennille. at 7:80 p. m. Owing to the revival service at the M. E.Chnreh, there will bo no mid week prayer service but the class in Training for Service will meet at. the homo of Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Irwin, Tuesday afternoon at 4:80 o’clock. 1 pnokuge Barker’s Horse and Cattle Powder, sells everywhere for 25c, our price, 15c Our stock of pants for Spring for men and boys have just arrived from the Factory we have been buying of for eleven years and aro bard to beat. 1 Bristle White-wash Brush, 50 cent kind — 25c 1 Sultana placket fastener, just what every lady needs and sell everywboro for 85c, three for $1, our price 10c each, 8 for 25c. YVe have just received a lot of books by Charles Gurviee, who is considered by some ladies in our city among tho best authors, and some of these books in good bind ings sell as high as a $1.00 each. We bought a job lot in paper covers to go each at 10c 1 nickle plated coffee or tea pot This looks lik^ silver and wears almost, the same. Every piece of our Lace and Embroidery stock is marked in plain figures. We bought them direct from the importer for the Ebullient Cash and we are selling them at an extra low price for the same commodity. See them and bo convinced. 1 rawhide buggy whip, rawhide through and through 25c 1 rachet brace 25o This brace carpenters say retails some places for more than a dol lar each. We have lot3 of little things in hardware specialties that will astound you at their price. The largest part of our straw hat stock is in and the prices ars us low ns any reasonable person could nsk. 1 five cup egg poacher with enTimel wave cooker, the whole lot for 50o Once a family gets one of these they will never be without it. The time to make nice light bread is close at hand and the lady who can make nice bread can surely please her husband and you just ought to have one of our nice large bread raisers only each cents* NEW 5 & 104 RACKET STORE Half Dozen Offenders Get Justice in the Mayor’s Court. The police of the city surprised half a dozen negroes Saturday in a house on the outskirts of the city and besides the offenders brought out. some cards and other evidence against them. The mayor fined the negroes from ten to twenty-five dollars each and bound several of them over to the city court. The people and police are de termined to stop gambling, liquor selling and other violations of the law in Sandersville. We congratulate the policemen. Veterans Will Soon Get Their Pension About April 10th ordinary Thigpen will begin the payment of pensions to those entitled in this county for the second quarter, these payments being made in ad vance. The pensioners will he pleased with this announcement. It is | said that the law will probably be changed so as to make annual pay ments by the next legislature as many are opposed to tho present plan. fp^’Faultless Corn and I’eas, made at F. M. Phillips. best MILLINERY OPENING Thursday April 2nd Tucker - Richbourg - Mitchell Co. Announce their Millinery Opening and display of Fine Dre is Goods on Thursday April 2nd. Miss Carr the popular Milliner of this establishment, is in charge, and with an able cprps of assistants will serve the ladies of this territory with the latest and most fashionable crea tions of Spring Millinery. Remember the date and give the firm a call. A cordial invitation is extended to all. TUCKER-RICHB OURG-M ITCH ELL COMPANY t : .' a