The Sandersville herald. (Sandersville, Ga.) 1872-1909, September 18, 1908, Image 2

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THE SANDERSVILLE HERALD ♦ mm jury PRESENTMENTS. S&nderavilie, <^a., Sept. 12, 1908. We, the Grand Jurors chosen and swortWor the September term of the Superior Court of Washington county,, beg leave to submit the following pre sentments. From the number of eases that have come before our body in which pistols have figured conspicuously either as in struments of death, of assault with in tent to 1*411 or of disturbing Divine wor ship, we are forcibly impressed with the need of some change in our laws governing the carrying of pistols, and , we would earnestly recommend that our Representatives seek to have en acted at the next regular assembly of the House of Representatives a law , similar to the Florida law upon this subject or one that in their judgment and wisdom will prevent the too prev alent custom of carrying deadly weapons. While the report of the special com mittees to whom was delegated the duty of examining the records ns kept by the several officers shows each office to be iilled by uu efficient officer nnd therein our sworn duty has been dis charged. we as a body feel that we would be remiss in our duty as citizens of Washington county, did we not re fer to the death of our former Clerk, H.B. Massey, who always discharged the duties incumbent upou him sj obligingly and efficiently. We deplore his death and would herein express our truest sympathy for (lie bereaved family. • Section 1. We hereby recommend that our Representatives in the Legis lature introduce nnd have passed such amendment to our present road law as will give to our Board of Commis sioners of Roads and Revenue full power to employ civil engineers, road superintendents, and such other men as are needed for the purpose of im proving the public highways in Wash ington county after the most improved methods, within the reach of our ability. Section 2. We further recommend, that after the changes as above set forth nre made, that the question of issuing $100,000, thirty year, live per cent bonds to curry out this work, be submitted to unvote of the people. A yea and nay vote was called for on this section. Those voting the affirmative were, C B Chapman. B R Tanner. R M Layton, M it Tucker, W A Woods, II M King, J R Mills, L W Webster, RL Stephens. W A Bell, and E H Lawson, making 11. Those voting the negative were. L A Gladin, E J Smith, J R Smith. J T Amerson, H S Sessions, W C Murpliey, J E Moye, B F Boatright. J P Webster, and DG Moye,niaking 10 Resolution carried. Section 3. We recommend that the Board of Roads and Revenue make ap plication for the county’s pro rata of state convicts, provided in their dis cretion they can be worked profitably. Reports of Standing Committees. Washington Superior Court, Septem ber Term, 1908. Mr. Foreman and Gentlemen of the Jury : The F'inance Committee appointed by the grand jury at the last term of this court beg leave to submit herewith for your con-j sideration tbs following: We have gone into each of the county offices and done our work as thor oughly as we know and herein report separately upon the conduct of each office, beginning with the Ordinary. We examined carefully each book now being used and kept in this office and it gives us pleasure to commend the Ordinary for his neatness and ac curacy in all his work. Clerk. and also to the work of the present official. Sheriff. , The books in the Sheriff’s office nre in good shape. So far as we can judge perfectly good bonds are taken in all bail cases and properly recorded. Papers put in his hands for service re ceive his immediate attention as shown by the books. It may be an item of interest to state that during the term of ofhee of the Sheriff he has placed in jail 420 prison ers up to the date of our investigation. Tax Receiver. Last year’s digest shows property re turned by the whites $1,(25.340.00 and this year $1,783,756.00, being ail in crease of $63,416.00. Last year return ed by colored $2,051.12, and this year $2,261.05, being ail increase of $206.93 in negro taxable property. The digest is neatly nnd accurately prepnred, and the increase over Inst year is exceedingly satisfactory, espe cially when compared with the digests of other counties, many of which show ftecrenses, some even a very large fall ing off. In reviewing the work of the present Receiver. Hon. John H. Duggan, whose term of office virtually concluded with the preparation of the present year’s digest, we note that there has been a considerable increase during the four years of his service, and our informa tion is that he has been very efficient and courteous in the discharge of his duties. Tax Collector. We made a enreful audit of the books of this officer and found the same very satisfactory and in the hands of a com petent, courteous and obliging official. Since the last term of this court lie has made a complete settlement with the proper authorities, which settlement we verified, checking all the necessary vouchers, and show the following statement: W. Sam Askew, Tax Collector, in ac count witli County, State nnd Harrison School District. Dr. To amount tax, stnte $27 106 70 To amount tax, county 29 375 62 To amount tax, school , 983 57 To amount tax not on digest 783 93 Total $58 249 82 Cr. By vouchers for remittances $55 961 69 By reliefs and insolvent vouchers v-- 1 083 13 By vouchers for salary or commissions 1 1 202 0Q Total J $58 249 82 Treasurer. We find that the Treasurer has been faithful in the discharge of his duty, and lias the proper vouchers for all the money he has paid out and his recripts also check correctly. We wert over his books carefully, figured and settled his commissions balanced his book and make and sub- jnit for your information the following statement of condition of the treasury: S. J. Jordan, Treasurer, in account with Washington county. February 28, 1908. to balance on hand $14 461 16 Received from all sources since 11 261 55 the Coroner has kept a book in which he makes a full and complete record of all inquests. We commend this in him, for in some enses it might prove a record of very great importance. City Court Records. These records nre kept by the Supe rior Court Clerk who is also Clerk of this court and all the record* are in first class shape. With no exact knowledge as to what it ought to cost, and certainly with no spirit of criticism that would be unfair or unjust, we take occasion here to say that, the City Court seems to be cost ing the county about $250.00 per month or $3,000.00 a year over and above the amount turned in the treasury from fines. Of course the labor of convicts put on the public highways by this court is to be taken into consideration against, this. Cost of Chaingang. For the past six months the coBt of the chaingang lias been nearly double the preceding six months, We find, however, that the number of convjcts has about doubled, but even at this it does not seem to warrant the percent age of increiRe that is shown. County Commissioners, For your information we attacli a statement covering the expenses the county for the past six months, as fol lows : Office Bonrd of Roads and Reve nues, Washington County. Statement :if Expenses from March 1908 to Sep tember 1908. Superior Court $ City Court, $2,187.78, less fines $715.00... Ordinary’s court Jail expense Out door poor 1,549.25 Home for poor ..724.79 Books, Stationery and print ing Insurance Repairs public buildings in cluding court bouse, jail plumbing and balance on tiling Election nnd registration... Interest account Inquest account — Lunacy account Emergency account including damages General account, lights, fuel water, telephone, janitor.. Salaries and commissions in cluding treasurer’s com missions 1 537 Bridge account, lumber and work... 1 678 18 Chaingang account, includ ing equipments, salaries, supplies and cost from City Court cases Civil gang, salaries and pay roll. - 2 017 11 Road work by 2T district.ov- erseers 897 90 1 547 00 1 472 78 12 00 1 073 87 2 274 04 370 00 12 75 1 262 00 544 25 81 44 120 00 116 00 think it advisable for the poor farm to be looked after more often. We recom mend Mr. R. D. Webster to the place again. Respectfully submitted, R. R. Smith, Ohmn. Walter Stephens, G. C. Sinquefleld. STANDING COMMITTEE ON CHAINGANG. Wc, the committee appointed by the last Grand Jury of Washington county, State of Georgia, to investigate and re port on chaingang, beg to submit the following report: Wo find at the camp 26 male and 3 female couvicts, all colored and able to work and in very good health, and from their nppearauco are well fed aud cared for. We find one yliite male couvict in the camp, Clias. Yates, at work but ap parently in bad, health and not able to do manual labor. We recommand him to be sent to the poor house. We dou’t tliiuk lie will be able to serve in chain- gang his term out which will be the first of March, 1909. We find 22 mules, all of them in good couditiou aud well cared for. We recommend 2 or 3 of the old mules be sold as it would save the coun ty of feeding. We find 2 wagons and dump cart, 2 road machines, in first class condition. We find all of the cars new ly covered and in good order. We find the prisoner’s cars well ventilated aud good bunks. We find everything else in good shape and wo think our Com missioners have a good man in charge and he is doing some good work. This the 5th of Septemebr, 1908. Respectfully submitted, J. K. Pate, W. J. Frost, R. B. Walker. iug circumstances. Deepcnt bridge,reported in bad con dition. Crossing on W. & T. R. R., one mile from Teunille uot long enough. Following bridge, Warthen, Mill Creek, Little Keg creek, Roberson creek, Turn pike bridge on Buffalo, Tomjisou’s bridge over Buffalo in bad condition. The lock on grand jury room needs re pairs. Respectfully submitted, W. A. Woods, Chmn, id. R. Tucker, J. T. Amerson, H. S. Sessions. SPECIAL COMMITTEES. HOME OK THE DOOR. PUBLIC BUILDINGS. To'&i 603 81 30 9 056 55 Iuasmuch as the report of the special committee appointed by the last Grand Jury is based upon an examination into the couditiou of the Home of the Poor, made at a very recent visit to same, we deem it necessary to make a detailed report to the body. Upou visiting the home we find that one additional white female has been received, making thir teen iuumtes in all. For the general in formation of the public as to the cost of operating the home, we examined the report of the Board of Commissioners, and find that for the last 12 mouths the current expenses have been $1,527.94, besides 2000 poundB rent cotton. Esti mating the sale of cotton at $200.00, the cost to the county for providing a home for the 12 mouths has been $1,727.94. The above expense includes the follow ing amounts: v. Salary for Superintendent $250 00 Physician 60 00 Labor wage bauds 150 00 Cook 60 00 Wash Woman 60 00 Total. $25 722 71 Cr. By amounts paid out county scrip $23 505 60 Jury scrip — 1 288 00 Paid treasurer’s commissions 374 02 Cash on hand 554 59 Total $25 722 71 Outstanding Indebtedness or Tem porary Loans, Total — . - $-’4 748 92 We find the books and accounts of this department neatly and correctly kept, reflecting credit upon the offi cials. We have verified and checked every bill and find a voucher for each war rant that has been issued. We find, however) upon careful ex animation, several bills where charges are excessive and where accounts are not properly itemized, and we respect fully urge upon the board the impor tance of looking with the greatest care into each and every bill that is presented to them for payment. All of which we respectfully submit. Newman Wood, A. K. Chamlee, W. A. Jordan. Finance Committee. We, the committee on public build ings, beg to make the following reports. We find that the court house is iu good couditiou, except that the wood work aud uietal work exposed to the weather is badly iu need of a fresh coat of paint aud will suffer injury uuless this be done at once. We flud that the walls iu the interior of tiie building are very much soiled aud staiued aud ueed a fresh coat of wall coating aud the base boards need a coat of paint. We recom mend that this bo done aud iu addition recommended that chair railing be plac ed in all the Jury rooms for the protec tion of the walls. The Ordinary asks tliAt a window that has been closed iu his office be opened, and vye recommend that this bo done. We further recommend that the court house floor be washed aud cleaned throughout, that cuspidore in sufficient number as will excuse to no one to spit upon the floors be provided. We urge most pointedly that this sanitary feat ure be attended to at once. We find the jail needs repairs as for- lows: The ceiling on the first floor, directly under the cells, which is sheet iron, is greatly iu ueed of a coat of paint to preserve it from the ravages of rust. Also the out side window casings and the roof ueed repainting. We flud that in view of the large number of prisoners confined iu the small space provided, tlmt the sanitary conditions of the jail are all we lmd reason to exjiect, aud we most heartily commend onr jailer’s efforts on this line. Respectfully submitted, Geo. O. Walker, M. R. Tucker, W. C. Murphy, E. H. Lawson. Wear and style the equal of any shoe at any price. Uppers 'in all the best and most approved leathers —made by the Goodyear welt hand-sewed process— the same as is used in $4 and $5 shoes. Price only $3.00. We have them on our shelves, but they are going rapidly—people like to save that dollar or two. We made also a thorough examina tion of the records in this important office and found all papers easy of ac cess, all records up-to-date, all books properly indexed and the work gen erally in excellent shape. 1 his com mendation refers to the late clerk, Hon. H. B. Massey, whose death oc curred since the last term of the court Washington county owes for tempo rary loans outstanding $10,874.26. This is practically the amount that the coun ty has owed for the past eight years, Last year, however, about $8,000 00 was paid up, but this amount, $6,000,00, was borrowed again this year for six months only, instead of paying interest for the whole year. The most of these tem porary loans are due private parties and hear interest at the rate of six per cent per annum. Coroner. Beginning the first day of January HOME or THE POOR. Total $580 00 Iu addition to the repairs recommen ded by the special committee, we farth er recommend that the Chapel be ceiled, as it caunot be made comfortable for use iu the winter months Inasmuch as this building is used for a public school dur ing the week, we believe that equity will be observed in the shareing alike in the cost of repairs and ceiling by the County Board of Education and the Board of Commissioners. We would therefore recommend that at the earl iest opportunity these two boards confer with reference to carrying out these recommendations. We heartily commend the present Superintendent of the Home for the Poor for reappointment. Respectfully sumitted, E. J. Smith, Chmn. W. A. Woods, R. L. Stephens, Joe Rich Smith. COMMITTEE ON DOCKETS. We the Committee on dockets beg to make the following report: We find all of the dockets kept iu a fairly good con dition aud all of the costs itemized as required by law. T. Y. McCAETY SHOE CO. Phone 29* M. R. Tucker, J. E. Moye, J. E. Dukos, Geo. C. Walker. REPORT OF SPECIAL COMMITTEE CHAINGANG. 9 JUST RECEIVED The largest and best selected line of Furniture, Carpets, Rugs and Mattings Ever shown in Middle Georgia. We will take pleasure in showihg you through our stock even if you du not wish to buy anything at all. Special Attention to out-of-town Customers; E. J. & P. D. WILLINGHAM Macon, Georgia We the Committee appointed by the Grand Jury at the March term of the Superior Court, 1908, to look after the Pauper Farm, beg leave to submit the fellowiug report: We find 12 inmates as follows: white, males 2, females 6, col ored, males 3, females 1. All inmates seem well cared for aud well satisfied aud in good health. We think Miss Mary Bloodworth is not entitled to the bene fits of the poor farm. We find the cloth ing aud beddiug iu good couditiou ex cept the bedding iu one ot the colored rooms. We flud the buildings iu good couditiou except the water blows in around the top of chemueys aud the fire place are in a bad condition. We find the floor warped in two of the buildings. The front porch of the'Superiutendeut’s house needs pillaring and leveling. The Chapel roof is leaning aud needs straightening aud recovering, being iu danger of blowing off if left iu its pres ent condition. We find sanitary condi tions good. We flnd|l sow, 7 pigs, 9 shoats 1 cow, 1 calf, 1 horse and one mule, all iu good condition. We find 1 acre of peanuts, 1 acre of potatoes, both of which are very good. Five acres of corn fairly good, one half acre sugar cane, good; five hundred bundles of fodder, one new oue-horse wagon. We find a surplus of stock as there is less than 10 acres of ground in cultivation, the balan ce of open land beine rented out. We recommend that the lines of the poor farm be established. We find about 30 loads of wood cut aud corded ready for winter use. We find 20 to 25 gallons of syrup, 160 pounds of lard, 100 pounds of ham, all home raised. We find the ex penses very heavy for the number of inmates and should be reduced. We OUT DOOR DOOR. ThJ committee appointed to investi gate the out door poor inspected the record book furnished by the Clerk of the Board of Roads and Revenues, aud had stricken therefrom the flames of several who had (lied, and a few whom we considered able to provide for them- Belves without the aid of the county. H. S. Sessions, D. G. Moye, L. W. Webster. VACANCIES. We the committee on vacancies beg to make the following report: We rec ommend the re-appoiutmeut of J. M. Everett aud John W. Pool to fill the offices of N. P.,. and ex-officio J. P., iu the 88th and 1315th districts respective ly- STANDING^COMMITTEES. On finances: W. R. Thigpen, Jeff A. Irwin, C. E Brown. On Chaingang: J. K. Pate, Dr. C. D. Redding, Hay wood B. Pittman. On Home for Poor: II. S. Sessions, Dan Chambers, Marshal Roughtou. M. R. Tucker, L. A. Gladdiu, R. M. Layton, B, R. Tanner. ROADS AND BRIDGES. We the undersigned committee beg to report, that we have named to the County Commissioners, the bridges re ported as being iu bad condition, aud they state that repairs will be made as early as possible, aud have only been delayed on account of the scarcity of lumber; and also th .t the couditiou of the roads so far as we can learn, is as We, your special committee appoint ed to visit the chaingang aud report to this body, respectfully submit the fol lowing rejiort: We find confined iu the camps 27 males and 3 females, all seem ed to be well cared for. One white man in bad health from appearance aud we recommend that he be pardoned. We found 6 living cars for sleeping aud cooking all iu fine sanitary condition aud best we have ever seen. We find 22 mules all iu find condition. Two of the mules are old aud two that can’t be matched. We recomeud tfie sale of these four mules. Three tents, two iu good couditiou, owe worthless, one cook stove worn out aud worthless, three wagons, two of them in good couditiou, one of them old aud worthless, two dump carts in fair couditiou, two road machines in fail couditiou. We recom mend the Board buying at once, one new wagon, one new tent and one cook stove. Respectfully submitted, H. M. King, Ohmn, J. E. Dukes, , R. M. Layton. PUBLIC AND COUNTY OFFICES, To the Hon. Foreman, aud the mem bers of the Grand Jury, September term 1908. We the undersigned com mittee appointed to investigate the public and county offices, beg leave to submit the following report: Ordinary’s Office.—We hoartily ap prove the Finance Committee’s report of this office and think our Hon. Ordi nary fully deserves the strong commen dation that committee gave him. Clerk’s Office.—We heartily approve the Finance Committee report of this office, and will added that the present Clerk, Mr. P. E. Gross, deserves much credit and commendation for filling this uuexpired term so acceptably. Sheriff’s Office.—We heartily approve the Finance Committee’s report of this office, aud commend Mr. Moye for his faithfulness and vigilance iu connection with his office. Tax Receiver.—We heartily approve the Finance Committee’s report of this office, aud commend Mr. Duggan for the fine record he lias made as an effi cient, counteous aud obliging officer. Tax Collector’s Office.—We heartily approve the Finance Committee’s port of this ofliee, and commend our efficient aud obliging Tax Collector for the excellent record he has made. Treasurer’s Office.—We heartily ap prove the Finance Committee’s report of this office. Our honored Treasurer, Mr. S. J. Jordan, deserves much credit aud praise for his faithfulness in the we wish for him mauy years yet of hap piness and prosperity. Coroner’s Office.—Wo approve the Finance Committee’s report of this of fice and commend Mr. Ainsworth for the faithful manner iu which lie has attended to the duties of this office aud wish him future happiness and pros perity. City Court Office.—We wish to com mend our Hon. Judge and Solicitor of this court for the faithful and creditable manner in which they have discharged their respective duties. County Commissioner's Office.—We heartily approve the Finance Commit tee’s report ot this office. We commend this body for their faithfulness iu the discharge of their dutieB. E. H. Lawson, Climu, J. P. Webster, W. A. Bell. We wish to express to his Honor, Judge B. T. Rawlings, our thanks for his instructions embodied iu his able charge to thiB body, and also to our ef ficient aud courteous Solicitor, Alfred Herrington, for his untiring efforts to assist us iu the dispatch of business brought before the body. We further wish to express our appreciation aud thanks to our Foreman for tiie courteous maimer iu which he has dispatched the business of the body, to our Clerk for the model manner in which he has kept the record of the procediugs, aud to our door-keeper, Mr. B. R. Tanner, for the genial manner iu which he has preform ed his duties. We recommend that these present ments be published in the county papers at the same compensation paid at the last tcini of court. C. B. Chapman, Foreman. B R Tanner, R M Layton, M R Tucker, L A Gladdin, J T Amerson, Ernest J Smith, H M King, Julian R Mills, R L Stephens, W A Bell, J P Webster, E H Lawson, D G Moye, W A Woods, Joe Rich Smith, H S Sessions, W C Murphy, L W Webster, J E Moye, B F Boatright. The Herald and Tribune One Year One Dollar. The Sajcdersville Herald and Tennille Tribune both one year for one dollar. To old subscri bers paid up to botli papers and to new subscribers, these two county papers will be sent to any address for the one price of one dollar in advance. This offer be gins September first. good as could be expected under exist- discharge of the duties of this offico, and MODEL BARBER SHOP We are in our new quarters nnd ure prepaietf to give you jam-up service in the tonso- riul line. Shave, 10c. Hair Trim, 15c. Hair Cut 25c. Come to see us. We will treat yen mighty nice. Carlos Kitchens A. P. Heath Props. 'Liui.*- .