The Talbotton standard. (Talbotton, Ga.) 1870-1881, January 09, 1873, Image 2

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TALBOTTON STANDARD. O. I>. GOIOIAA, *>i’. JSO. 11. GORMAN, CouKKHn.KWNo Eutrou. Cicri.ATioir in Kit Owntiw. Tlfl.iit.SDAY MOKNING. JANUARY I*. 17.). FOR UNITED STATES KKNAXOII: .TIVO. JF). Golll>o\, or KM COVNTT. Tan -Colton in Mu ton undfloluw- Inm Mtcm (or bwt HM'l'lluiK't Th. knuku |wi>l lat yeor lorty millions of Ui • uul llcouiu 1 . Ohwrtoston & C. h rocrlf<l forty I"* < ciit minis cotton this year than but. An •whang* say* the HMIe boy* about S noin, ure going to school very largely thin > • ur. Mr. C. 11. C. WUllnghurn, fan* i*wl (lit <ln tfo* nf awnrintr political tdil'rr of the Allonla Nun. Stoke bus been found guilty of uiitr.n rui the , first ilegm, hut biu hint. n hau not yet been pronounced A hii.mon IMeiy caught in an Oregon stream yielded a large amount of gx>d meat and an • cclleiit silver watch. North Georgia in waking up to tin of cotton planting. Wry floe staple wan grown mwr Dalton, this year. Upv'k. T. T. CbrUtian’funl J“* H. Key* of G>- Ituuhtis Ga, have raised $3,100 for thr* building of Wesley Obapci UUureb. Th# project for the extendon of the Atlantic ami Gulf Railroad will l* brought before the next Legislature for immediate action. The Cbaileaton Courier, n-ihc reventy y mv ia offered for sale. Three of the own< rn have died and a settlement i* neecwMry. TV"* areUen linra of sUamship* running bo two'U Europe and the United Stab * in ; ul.i; 1)5 shijm, and all owned by foreign capital. Mr. D. W. P. Bonlly has lamed the firal rmm- Vr of the Harris County Weekly Visitor, pub i tolled in Hamilton. Buccess to you lhmlly. France paid Germany 200,000,000 franew ol the war indemnity on the Ist of January, and will pay 75,000,000 wveli hucco.ding month un til May next Mr, John M. Drown, of the Camilla Enter prise, haw married Miss Fannie* I)ona!won, of Rain bridge. We always knew John mw an en terprising young man. Col. James Gardner, editor of the Augusta CnuMlitutioiudbit is unggested hr a candidate to fill the vacancy occasioned bv the death ol Gen. A- 11. Wright in the Eighth District. The election in (bwetn county n suited in tli olcetim of the regular I'm. ran. ti< 1,.l i,> nearly seven hundred. New nan went J) lno cratic by nearly two hundred minority. Mr. John T. Waterman, lni< of the Ifousion Homo Journal, has purchased (he LaGmng' Reporter, and is now proprietor and ulitor ol that sterling paper. Much success to yon. It is stated that the number of amendments t the Countitution of the United Stalls now pen ding in Congress will, if adopt'd. make that doe mmnt about twice os large oh it i- at pr sent. The Poke do Gmnunont’s published asKertic n Umt Austria had promised to m <>m t France in her war with Prussia, chum a lively eontrov r sy among the French, Prussian and Austrian H6WN|Ni|>erß. WstTKXJkW Ru n, managing editor of the New York Tribune, under Greeley, lms purchased a coutroling interest in that veteran coneevn, at an advance o! $2,000 per share, on former as sessed rates. In New York, during 187*2, there were 8.415 marriages, and 11,808 births of living children. The deaths excowl the births by nearly 11,000. Tin death roll is 22,000, l>ciug 0,000 in excess of lout year. The Washington Republican states that the San Domingo agitators an* giving shape to the annexed movements, and that a lull embody ing this scheme will he iutrodueed in the House of llep. *eun lives immediately alter the holiday recast. Mr. O. D. Gorman has opened the guano trade by selling one of our pest farmer* live tons ol “The Phosphate Blood Guano '. He also represent* “Pendletons OuupouiuT, “Wnudo Fertiliser", “Victor Guano", and other brands. Hand in your orders early Messrs, Lawton & Bates, two capital young men engaged iu the manufactory of all grades of Hour meal, ship Mull's, da, give notice iu this issue, they cuu supply the trade with as good articles and at a low prices as any body. They do business with dispatch uud perfect satisfac tion st Lawton & Rates and we advise all to give them a trial, While iu Savanuoli, last week, we were sur pris'd to find so large and commodious a house aa that of Alexander A Russell. Planters and wholesale merchants in Middle and Southwest cm Georgia, would do well to purchase their groceries and produce of this firm, as they pos sess the means ol selling goods to great advan tage. The moot polite attentions and kindness will always be met with, at the large house of Alexander A Russell. When we remember our pleasant visit to the Savannah Fair last week our heart turns w ith gratitude and expressible pleasure, to those ge nial friends, who contributed so much to our happiness. We sought every opportunity to en joy the aoctoty of Col. J. H. Estill and our gift ed friend Joel Harris, ol the Komiug Ni ws. They treated us right nobly tm * . ' * forget them as long as t his *'heart iu ourbos 'iu shall beat lu coui)>auy with (nipt. MV >n. of the Dawson Journal, we Mode a th hghtful visit to CoL A. It Ijunqr of the Ad vert i • r whom we found iu excellent health. We nu t Gen. Gor don, our next U. S. Senator, Gen. l'oh]Uitt, Cot W. W. HolUmd and oMicr geutleniL n in ia vunah whom w* were glad to see. Mr. fi ’ LR* f'h. Mr. Stephens’ lute Opeci-b which has red'ved j such a wide ofoc(Ration iuu fallen flat and stale upon the jtolitical cwnUfes of the country. His i quasi cudorstmtut of the LonWnua mmr|>atiou j b*is niore than v. r ulieiiated his old adliarcutK j beyond a hope of conciliation; and his views as ■ to the policy of federal interfemnee in state afliurs by annpiaxil to “the constitution", being a policy not new to the people (f Georgia, w ill of course receive no adverse criticism ut the hands of the pi vw. i Mr. Htcphens aapiveH to a sent in the United States Heuate. We doulA not his emintiit qual | ifientions entitle him to such honor, but his late i position in the late canvass should cause the ! next h gislature to ponder will the ant.eccdc.nta I of the man who ia to represent us iu that body. Among her distinguished sons, whom she w ill be proud to honor, no one stands forward j more prominently before tho people than the gallant and tahented Gordon, lfis record is a glorious one. Jb is fully competent to champion the rights ofGeorjift in the United States Senate, and no one will uphold a cause with oounflinch* mg and patriotic u devotion. Gen. John R. Gordon shonul represent Georgia in the United States Sct'ate. MTi I Got fon Hnuioli lioittl. We call the attention of the corporuUjrs to the advi i t in* jm nt of Cob T. A. Jlrow n, Ohairman, in another column, and tnist there will be a full attendance of the Board, as business of coiuddcr uble importance Is to be truns ictod. Tlie inter est heretojbre mandcHtcd in this important en terprise has not in the least abated, so Ixmcficial axe the result® to accrue hum iu construction, and sr fraught with our agricultural uud com mercial interests is the question of iu early com pletion. Our people arc more than ever alive to railroad connection of our tov n and county with the great umrkvls of the Wost and North, and w ill not bo satisfied short ol its accomplishment. As our county, in common with others in the entire cotton growing region, requires consider able annual shipraen to ot grain and provisions from the West, the question of cheap through freights becomes at once of vital importance to us. We understand the object of the Corporators Meeting is to call in their mstHcriptiott list, sur render their ( barter, and abandon the project of running a branch to the Southwestern Road, for the purpose of tmnslering their subscriptions, and lending their active influence to the con struction of a narrow guage branch to some point on the North Jr South Rond. At a recent meeting of tin Hoard of Directors in Uolauihiw it was agreed that when r.ubcrip tions l" the amount of SIOO,OOO shall have been MibHcribt and ljy reliable persons, that company bind* itself to commence work, at once, on a branch to Tulbotton, ami push it to completion as rapidly ns possible, ©u the following eenili lions : Ist, That eubsi liplions received iu accordance with the above agreement shall tie devoted x -clusively t< the conatractiou of a Rram h Road, from some point on the North A South Road to Tulbotton. 2nd, That no part of mid subscription shall be due until SIOO,OOO have been Kuljscribeil by re liable parties, and then only live percent, on the same for necessary survey of the line. 3rd, Tho remaining9s per cent, shall be call ed lor in installments only after such changes have beeu obtained in the charter of the North A South Railroad us will allow the construction of said branch. 4th, A Director, selected bv the prisons sub scribing said SIOO,OOO of stock shall have a [dace iu the Rourd. The route for the road will be one. presenting j but tow obstacle*, the country, thou h soim ' wnut broken, ottering easy grades, and any quun ; lily of timber. So we s< e the natural advantages i arc great enough to insure its construction at a I ornpamtively small cost. i W -are mo-1 credibly informed that, the city j ot Columbus will i ub eribe $.j0,000 hj the road, j which, added to tho s2*i,ooU subscribed j by our Town Council, will leave the small bul ■ a nee <>t $2*.i,000 to be rni.e and iu the counties ol ! I'albot and Harris. Tho above figun s place | ibis enterprise iu a most tangible shape, and 1 nothing remain* to be done lut to raise tlit* small balance requilt'd and piocod iuumdiate jly t werk t-n the road. And lor our Kubscrip j tions we will gi t stock iu the Nh.rtli A South Uoad, thnn which thcr. is not a o>ad in the | State that holds so strong a lu*c* upon prosper - } five tiruun tal strength togi ther with all the ele- J mtnts of growing trade ml enterprise, j Iu connection with the branch Rord, which {we hope soou to announco as begun, we an much indebted to Gipt. \V. A. Little, for the nc- I ti VO zeal he has luainUsted iu its behalf. \Yc suggest that a railroad meeting be called j at an tally day at Tulbotton and Waverly Halt. ■ Start the bull and push the enterprise vigorous- I ly. Subscription lists will lx? iu the hands of a ; dozen gentlemen in different parts of the county [ iu a few days. % Geohok Uatun. Iu the death of George Cut liu, the art circles ot America and Europe have lost one of their oldest and most esteemed mem bers. lie died on the 25th of December in the | Darcy building, Jersey City. Ilia life has been devoted to the study and production of those in imitable historical Indian paintings, ho well known and admired in tho Smithsonian Insti i lute, New York and London. Art was his idol, and his place iu the Aim rican Art Pantheon will remain vacant, as there is no successor on whose shoulders his imperial ermine may fall. Mas. Somi Kvru.K, for u long time residenced at Naples, is dead. She is the women of whom the celebrat and French astronomer, Laplace,once said, “1 find then' is but one woman who com prehends my ‘Micaniqnc ('eleste,' and she is a Mn. Somerville." She is the author oi “The Mechanism of the Heavens,’’ “Molecular and Microscopic Science," and other works ot a scientific character. Does not her life and attainments establish the poßsibilitp of womans occupancy of the high er fields ot scientific culture and eminence? Her nature, veiled in the holy emotions of a true womanhood, breathes freely in the domain of the beuutiihl, and tho higher empyrean of science. Those are but the handmaidens to lend our in tellectual humanity unto the footstool of the iu tcllectual Divine. Let us lead gentle woman hood unto all the higher attainments whieu her XMlure cmvi s, and stimulate her energies to u grand portrayal of her mteilcctnal eo.quality j with mau. ♦ • King Amadeus is in favor of the cmaiuipalion ot slavery in Porto Rjeo, The hobby of Pope Pius 1%. of Rome, is the persecutions oi the church. A s aurp that will rol) a church must l*e a bad one indeed. The latest achievement iu this line i is the stealing oi $*20,000 of rare silver from I Trinity church,NeYork, The Kludive of Egv pt is able to pay SBOO per * yard for flounces of point and Aleiieon lace for tin outfit of his daughter soon to P. mnrrk 1. European CorreNpondencfC Losuox, July, 1872. CiiTSTAI. fMJkC* IHE OK< >VOH, WAI.KH,CONSTBLCV TIOK, AUT, yuUNTAL**. CKUCBIUTIOM' -M ABI.V MVO >'lHKJ’.ri> KKOLUH JU'YH AVI/ GUUX. Out of the most rtmarkuble sight# in the world may be seen by taking a train from Lon don bridge, 'Waterloo Station or Ludgate Hill, which runs every honr Uj Nydnebaiu or Crystal Palace, situated 7 n>ilc distant in llie South of London. Ou approaching the Palace, a vaat plain of pastoral lands stretches away on a dis tant view, to a beautiful range of mountains tlmt skirt the horizon. Within this vision, lie some oi the most historic spots in Britain. On the north are Hamstead,witU its charming landscape scenery} Harrow, whose school is associated with the memory of Byron, Peed and other emi nent men. ‘•There is the old church yard look j ing towards Windsor, where J used to sit, for : hours, when a boy,” says Byron. Ou the North (just, arc Edmonton, which owtociub s the name of John Gilpin, and Enfield, celebrated the woi Id over, for its manufacture ot rifles, but we must hurry on to the entrance that admits us in to the Palace. The grounds, walks, fountains and scenes in the vicinity, though most charm ing, p ile ladore the dazzling splendor ot interi- or magnificence. This structure owes its existence, probably, to the Great Exhibition that was held in 1851 in Hyde Park. Anew company bought up the mat< rials, and putting them in proper shape, erected the present building out of iron and glass, which would fill a volume, were we to attempt a description. The intention in founding this Palace and love ly Park of 200 acres, seems to have been prompt ed by a love of art and science. The Palace and grounds were opened in 1854 and cost over $6,000,000 in gold. The length of flit ontir building is 1,000 ft. or more than 300 ) ds. long, 380 ft. wide and nearly 200 ft. high. The whole interior ia full of statues, lakes, fountains and plants. Ou each side of the nave are compartments to illustrate the sculpture and achitectlire of different ages and countries; such as Greek, Assyrian, Roman, Egyptian, Sa racenic Byzantine, in its English, French and Germ-in varieties, Palladiau and Elizabethan. Pictures, medallion* and small works of art are | to be seen everywhere. 'll lure are any number of fine stores and bn- j zanrs in the building, where you can buy any article kfipt in London. There are galieriw ar ranged in theatrical order, which are used for concerts and grand occasions, when it is desired . to call together a large concourse of pcojle. The arrangement of flower* and plants on the | grounds, with terraced walks, stone haUustradcH, wide steps and sculpture,'are charmingly beauti ful ami enrapturing to tin* eye. The fountain* are perhaps the finest in the world, and display ( thousands of glittering } to in a most graceful ! style. Cascade* and waterfalls are imitated, J while the jet from the center basin rises 150 ft. high and tho two from the great basins t02501t. i T here are two cascades, each 450 ft, long, with j 12 ft. fall. Wheu the entire water works play, there are 12,000 jets in all, consuming u volnm 1 of water equal to 6,000,000 gallons. The foun tain* ate fed by steam ciigim s, which pump up | water nearly 300 ft. in height. Our visit to this memorable spot, was fortu nately made on a day celebrated by the order of Good Templars, in London. Tla re vv. re not less than 60,000 people crowded in the Palace | The demonstration was grand beyond concep tion; five them and b< y ; and girl sat on sen's ranging one above the other like a theatre,chant- ; ing the joyful choiUH, and singing the same beautiful tunes we sing iu Tulbotton. Aft. r the < ermuoides w< recover the “Worthy Gbief* stop- ■ pod forward and delivered an appropriate ad dreHv. There is something very practical about ! these I nglihh people; there is something mor- ! i so about the mannrrs of English boys mil gi'ls. j The exercises over, the tabl* n of cold joints,but- ; | ter and bread, were literally crowd. *1 by these | rowy-< peeked lassies and Johnnies. Thoie \as ; j litlh; noise or loinl talking among them, as they i ail seemed interested iu solving tli • problem, j “what supports human life?’’ '1 hey were the ti- I althii st and best behaved children we ev !- r saw. I lie badgi s they worn wre quite pret ty, and the banners bore ou tluir folds most up j propriatc motto** und device*. | We wa re glad to get out of Crystal Rahov, for • between mi old fat woman and Englishman, we j liked to have been mashed into a jelly. J. R. G. Mngaz.nes. Harpers * Magazine presents its usually at tractive appearance, with contents of a varied and entertaining character. Its articles arc all of a most substantial character, interesting alike to f the lover ot adventure or devotee ol fiction. N lb ; scribe tor Harper's Magazims, one of the best in America, Harper Rrothu*, New Ark. j Harper’s Razurr, with its splendid illustrated | loshion plates, is before us. it is always wel- I come. Applet or. s Journal, \tith a poatrait of the ! poet, James Russell Lowell, as frontispiece, is i °*( tM,r table, its character for journalistic ele j giuuv is nnsurpas.sed, and its Ist of contribu ' tors comprises many of the most noted names in ; American and European literature. D. Apple ' ton A Cos., New York. Mol ting of t lio Talbot C ounty Agrioiiltiiml Sorioly. The society was called to order, last Tui'sday, by the President, W. R. Neal, and 3. R. German acting as Seen tary. After some discussion, a motion for the elec lion ot officers for 1873, prevailed, which result < <1 in the choice of ,Fus. Little, l’resitleut ,ukl J. R. Gorman, Secretary. Hr. W. R. Neal expressed great desire that the Society should reiiew its efforts in the future j for the better promotion of the cause of agricul ture in our section. J. 1. Marshall, Jos, Little and W, R. Gorman ! made some valuable suggestions. lhc following delegates were appointed to re i pieseut the Society in Augusta, at the approach ing State Convention, on the 11th of February, I next * ll* G. Owen, Jus. Little and J. R. Gorman, i I? . v ' J - ll* Gorman, Risolved, That monthly I meetings of the Talbot County Agricultural So j >" **. !mU be heM iu Tulbotton ou | the first Tuesday in each mouth, and that a large attendance of the jieople is earnestly re<[liested, | on *urh occasions. Jas. Littije, Pros. 3.1. Goiiman, Secretary. , ' v< ' hrtve tried for several years, in Florida and Georgia. ISradlcys sui erphosphato of lime ■ bought of L. J. Ouilniarlin and Go., Savannah j and prowiuneed it unsuipassid as a fertilizer. It contains a large pt cent, of phosphate of lim.' and is well adapted to Middle Georgia. 0. 1). Gorman, Agent. Those who are in want of sash, blinds, doors, or anything manufactured at a first class cstalv j lishmeut, are referol to the caul elsewhere ot \ Messrs. K. ch Wilder A Son, who do as good work at as lmv prices as can lie bought dsp- | wl.. iv. Give them a trial. To ttic ('orporutora >f tint Talbot ton lirancli 11. K* You arc hereby yeipiested to meet at the office ol W. A. Little, in Tulbotton, on Saturday, l'Hli day of January, ISi 7■ G A iull attcinlance is de sired, as business ot importance will com. be fore the Hoard. T.- A. Knows, Cbainmm. W. T. lrtssts, fv-c. A Spi.r.NutD Cabbiaoi: Establishment. - On yesterday vve bad tin 1 pleasure ot examining ttie immense stoek of cariia,;* buggies and wagons in the repository ol Collins A Little, Nos. dland 72 Second street—the building lately used by Messrs. J. LeLouehe & Cos. We noticed partic ularly their standord a'ork. Prominent among these arc the celebrate 1 buggies anil wagons made by Abbott, Downing & Cos. lhesc nr. the only genuine Concord huggy and wagon makers. We also noticed several styles of th< Asa Millet baggy which lias the reputation ofbe ing “one or the best buggies made." Me-r-. Collins & Little arc the only parties in Georgia who can furnish genuine work from th- above justly celebrated makers. Other style* of buggies are kept by these gen tlemen. Ina "ord they study the wants of their friends. Steel ties and axles are used in the finer grades ot work and are finished though out iu the very completest and most substantial manner. They have in addition a medium grade of work, which, though it is furnished at ; a low piiee, still combines strength and durabili- I ty, and satisfaction guaranteed in every particu- I j', r . They arc still making a specialty of the ('uncord and the celebrated Xiludelsikir wagon, ! having a large stock on hand. They ate de !ti riuiued not to be uudsi !d. So give them a call. 7'c c/wp/i ami M’xxe:"jar. An Excellent Hotel If you have never stopped at the Marshall House in Savannah, 1 make a minute of it,and do so the next time yon ■ visit that city. It i. i capital establishment and no mistake; fnrni. elegantly, with fine par 1, as, saloon and gcullem uV reading room. Col. Luc* is Piopriotor and Jus. O Gounell Clerk, who cannot t,e excelled in the world for kind at tentions to their guests. Don't fail to stop at j the Marshall House, Savannah; only $3 a day lor board. I\ > >v Advertise in > n(*. LoVort I Viiiii i<- T.M.Ito! lON.HA. Ait.-r aw k' it • in. i on, for ihe Christinas hobd.i's tl, r oil a mi i-esotthio institution will 1... i! Tc.i.d oa Monday, Dee. 3tlth, 1E72. Besi.let, the mWaoia/es in the Literary and Seieiititie and p.r ue at, pudal advantages no- i,dee,-1 in Muse'. Ml-. ' iiidcn j erg, (late of Gcbmilms, (1n.,) with Iwnt,. \ r-. experisoec, v,il eoutimtc to have charge ol tills department. • |\. r pen .>■ particulars apply to the President Klv. V. 11. Manoet. janU-ly. Xallsitton, Ga. To Tax Payers! Tli(><i.r who liav* not I lift tlvir taxes for tlu* j.itsl ycur, are i;* iv.l v n<tilu(l to come lor a aril at once mid settle, uud thereby *-ave costs, j.ll1‘-11‘. W J. MrRUYDE, T. C. (jfrtH'Vil ItfNCl-.V ! S'nitli V nre pre oared to fiil nil orders i Mid two venrs i/rowth. Addro-s vour orders to SMITH A MUORE, jiiiifi-fim Geneva Nursery. S. \Y. Railroad. WM. 111. Al XAMO i:. \ l VM. A. KI‘SBIX, Jos. E. ALKXANDKI!, \ } 4 HAS. IU MaXWET-L. ALEXANDER & RUSSELL, WHOLESALE <, It OC lilt S, i A,-. .1,’,/,. ).) c,;i! JJt jdn Sh irlx, snmam.ih f du. L. J. GUILMARTIK & CO., ’ ; AVANNAH. GKOKGIA. AOi-XTH FtH Bradley’ s Superhosphate, \ Guano p rteetlv siiired to the * i <4 Middle Georgia, and from hui: r dseerliliukteK, whin it is needless to print, as tlu: popul inly of me gu ano needs no such commendation. recounneLid . ‘ the plautera of Tnlhot cosuny and Middle G* <>i;.ia, oi iu.raiiy, BRAD LEY H SUREUITIo.sRH \I E v\ eh lias no u p* rior for corn, cotton or small tin. 1 / o -For reference in Talbot *ou:ity, we r ter ioJ. R tiorumn, who has used our Guano in Georgia and Floridii. Apply to O. D. Gorman, Tulbotton, Ga., or L J. Guilnrartin A Cos., Savuimah, t'si. janD-tf SIEA M SASH AND BLIND FACTORY. Hie RED SHOP, on Third Struct, near Artope’s Marble Yard. R. C. YVII.DEU A SUN, ProprietorH. /”TGN I’ll VC TOK.S, Builders and Maiiufuctnn V 7 iu all bruuehes u CiirpeuL r Work. Make and keep constantly on baud *Sa*h, Doors, Blind*. Mantles, Mon Mine* und Brackets. Any kind of Scroll Sawing at short notice. Rough and Dressed FliKiring, Ceiling and all other kinds ot Lumber and Building Material. Do any repairing wanted, and build any thing from a Fence to a Temple. Como and see us. Rite* moderate. I’erms, cash. jan‘.M>ni R. G. WILDER & SON, Macon,Ga. Talbot County Sheriff’s Sales. Will U Kidd \ > fore ti.. Court. House Door in the town of Tulbotton in Said County, on the first Tuesday in February next, between the Le gal hours ot sale the following property,to-wit: 200 acres of Land the same being the place whereon I the residence of William Haw kins now stands, j together with all the Improvements thereon, j lying in the 2*2lid District of Talbot County. | Said Lund* adjoining Land of Win. Allen on j tlie East, Thomas Hull, Jr., on the South, j James Hawkins on the West, and James Allen jon the n-rtli. Levied upon as the property of j Wiliiau Hawkins, to satisly two fitas issued i from Talbot Superior Court, one in favor of Mu | Ingram vs. Win. Hawkins, and one in favor of Archibald IR leius vs. Said Hawkins. 1 At the same time and place will lx? sold tour hales ot cotton weighing about 440 lbs Each, >! ; tolerable good cotton. Said cotton is on the ; ]>remises of H. S. Davie in said county of I'albot. , Levied upon as the projaTty of John li. McCrary i to satisfy two tifas issued from Talbot Superior Court,one in favor of 11. S. Davie vs. J. R. Mc- Crary ami one in favor ot WillisCollius, Admin istrator, Ac. vs. McCrary A Cos. Ixevy mud on the *2lst day of Dec. 1872. At the same time and place will be sold 1)0 acres of Lund, more or less, lying and beiug in the 22nd District of Talbot county, and beiug on the west side of lot 164. The remainder of said lot is owned by James All. n and James McDowell; said 1)0 acre* being levied upon as the property of William Hawkins, :o satisfy a ti fa issued from a justice court of tho 682 District G. M.. ot Tai hot county in favor ot James Allen vs. William Hawkins, lew made and reiumed bvE. E. Love L. C HUGH HAI.L, jau2-tds Sheriff of Talbot County. GEORGIA— TaIbot Count v : Moses M. White Administrator of Gyrus B. White lias applied to the uuderugued for letters ; of di.smissitm from said estate. All persons concerned, are hereby notified to ! show cause if any they have, by the Ist Monday i iu March next, why letters of dismission should I not be granted said applicant Given under my hand and official signature, 1 this 30th, Nov., 1572. Geo. N. Forbes, jan!)-2m. Ordinary. ( jy <* w A<lv<>rtiw *men t s . kagi.k flouring .mills ! W. J. LAWTON & CO., Proprietors. (SUCCESSORS TO LAWTON .t HATES.) MACOIN, eorgia. ~ , h,, n ,1 the clinic* Brands of Flour not surpassed iu quality by aijy Mills“ S: Waud Sup<rtine; also! Brm, Hhips.u*,, Llth “"StS -ffig Ua U* dUI *■ n>de with dispatch. _ _ SE A Fo W L GUAJVO. C*yD T HIS FERTILIZIIR IS OFFERED T O T II I<l T If A I> E UNDER THE MOST FAVO RAB IJK T FIRMS, AND ORDERS FOR THE SAME ARE lIESHECTFULLY SOLICITED. TERMS -Cash. Approved Acceptance, or Notes s:enr 1 by lien, with agreement to receive Gotten in payment ot Maine. The character of this Guano In* been fully ••stablisheil by the practical tests of many years ami v%e teel no hesitation in prom mm i .g it as Mood as the best. For the cultivation of Corn or Cotton it has ne superior, as hundred* of c< rUfteatesfrom Geor gia r.ill testify. OIT aV 3IoKi;\7IK, Commission M- r- h nte\ ami C i ml nts for Si u Fowi Guano, lt)8 15a{Street, Savannah. W. J. WEEKES & GO., Agrnu.* at Tulbotteu. for the Holidays ! J. I>. ROSS & 8. T. COUAI A X —OFFF.R— I>r cs s (J o<> <1 s , Silks, Pop: ins, Salmons, Cashemer, s. etc., at reduced prices! W Si it *“ <* <> <l s*i , Jarout'ls. Nainsooks. Mulls Turictons. Lorwlal and Jones Ciuulnio. Iv i<l <i Iv<> s , IVr.uot, Harris, Hector, Lupin and Empress, one mill two buttons, nil sizes. II osit'rj’, Brittieh and i>idoii_:gan Hose and Half-Hos*. Cos rset S , French, German and American, nil sizes front lit to 33. I"’' ISIII It ISB , White. Red and Opera, plain and twilled. C 1 a s sim <■ it s , Freuch, Scotch and American, for Gl uts', Boys’ and Youths' wear. VV si 1 <■ i* p i* o <> i*, Grey. Brown, Gold and Blue, English and American. I> O 111 t‘ N 1 it's, Bleached and F übbached, all widths. Hlaiikots, Rwis'-, English and American, Wliite and Colored. Hamburg Lace Curtains. abort at j r:< '■ v and and Irom former r mtes, and solicit an inspection. Sam ples mailed on application. P.uvU-. ,i, liv red ill be city. Free. Call on or order ot ’-'-if J. |t. ROSS A S. T. COLEIIAN, Macon, Ga. 187-2. AV. & K. P. TAYLOR, 1.872. Cornei* Cotton Avenue and Cherry St., MACON, - - - - _ - _ GEORGIA DEALERS IN FURNITURE, CARPE TINGS, Rugs, Oil Cloths, Window Shades, BURIAL CASES & CASKETS OF THE MOST IMPROVED STYLES, and at the LOWEST PRICES. **V" Orders by cl yr;q It \ u Diptly attended to. nov2S-3m. IV etr A<l v etlwe m,. „ ( LOOK ! FREE TO ALI and CAPER WEEK TO AGENTS, MAI.J I) v)U female. To nil who will write i,* r Agency we will eud a copy of that “HW. II liv.,” the ILLUSTRATED Holts PLENTY. It contains over lifty beautiful tratioms, and w ill be sent FREE to all wp 1 write. Address l. GARSIDE, Paterson \ FREE Book Auk.nth GIF A complete outfit of the PICTORI HOME lilliLE. It is the only u, which n complete History Encyclotiedin, ysis of the F.(tri|>turi * ( am| Improved Bible Dictionary is Riven/ its tlneqnaled b, and merits make it tiie cheapest and fastest ing Bible published. \VM. FLINT Act) ■ Dory ’l He Deceived, but lor coughs, cold*, throat, I oarseuo's and bronchial diflk-nlti,, Well"* Gitl'holle Tubl e , Woithless imitations are on the markup the only scientific preparation ol Carbolic I for Lung diseases is when chemically com: w ith oilier well known remedies, as in the* u(th, and all parties are cautioned against ativ other. In all cases of irritation of the mucous brane these Tablets should be freely used cleansing and healing properti, mire'astonk Be warned, never neglect "a cold, it is cured in its incipient state, when it W, chronic the cure is exceedingly difficult} Well's Carbolic Tablets as a specific. JOHN Q. KELLOGG, 1H Platt St., N. V 4w Sole Agent for the United St Price 23 cents a box. Send for Circot' AGENT’S )\ WTEII. Ad \i ■ There is a PILE of ltd aw/- iu it. The pei . i nyichur are EAGKH to buy the Autheuti j tol'V of LIMNH STON E> : wosnnors nisrnvEHiitu and tw ADVEN IX'RES i.nrhig 2s years in AKI; • with an aenMint of the STANLEY F.\U fit IN. CAUTION. Beware of i, : I This is ihe only COMPLETE #mi liKl.lAfe w irk. Send Fir cirettbiro. mid sec Pill atr 1 f/rci if siirrrxx agon's are haring. IHTllil BROS., l’lihli-iii i". Boston. Mass. A GREAT OFFER i isi' i ; will di.spi. se of GOO Pi.moM, Mvlotleous, and| ”ausoffirt class liuvksrs, including *, very low prices for cash,pr part cash nnd k,.~ in small moutlily iustallments. New.;.,, tirst-elass I’iauos, modem Improvenu uts, *275 cash. Now ready a Concerto iVr! : gan, the most benhtiful style and poifoui i ever made. Illustrated Catalogues m.a1,',1. >| Music Si Music Merelinudise. TO ULANI El! BOWKN & MLUCi'.IiS S U P ER-PHOSPHATi 830 PKH TON. Wai ran ted fipi.d to nny Pliosplmte m tnred. Send for i’ntnpbiet of Analysis,by Professors Means, ami art, to 15GWEN A MEIH K! G 5 Srmtli Gay St.. Bnltiumre. ’ OPEN the Sewe Wlien the Kidney’s, Liver uml do not act healthfully, the wastes fr action f the system remain in the b|,,. produce irritation and disease. These are the outlets of the system and under tbei ence >f HAMILTON'S HVnfV AND DAXI)LI are kept in #khl numinjr onter. W. C. M \MILTON A 00., Ci? DU A. i-h>lß W.. .’ .!■ selling books':* Send for circulars tTuabrlilgcd Ulus. Family Jilb*. 1100 p.vges 10 Viy 12 iu. 2te |*a;'*s Mil. Ac. Arabesques £G 25. Gilt 3My . 1 •!.:-• Full Git, 2 clasps, *ll. “Beldf.n : til ’ Ciulf. ’ Foi* v.’Tirter evenings, doth ! 00" <■£ “The A-vienican Faumiu; s lUu se 150.ik. StamiavL loud ready. ni"ii” *’ •. 0. I . Veub.N. Y., A Cm 4 Yiit y (ioodrivli. rhiea^o. j\ irents AVaiilc $75 t 05250 per month,., male to introduce t'v (h imin-e rmpvov moil Sons Sowing M.u-hino. 'I hi* maul: stitch.h"m,'fi-11, tuck, qnilr, eort. bind, 1 embroider in a most superior m nin r. only •-75. Fully liseenw-d find wananl'-’ years. We will pny *I.OOO i..r nay lhat "ill sen stiMicger, fnoi?H>uii fill, elastic s' :i,i tlmn mirk. It s the. IjOcI: * '.it-h. ’ Even' second Va it* li *an and siiii the j**t li cannot he pulled it; art eut tearing it. We pit nsfents lioin -75 p r m ;dh and, or it commissi": | which t wice that amount can Vic mad SEGOM : A GO.. UosOm. Mass.; Fit!shu Chit , Id., or St. Louis, Mo. Cheap Farms! Free Hor On tl;t* lim* of the CXION l’AUil ik . 12,000, >00 at r< s the l>est iarming ami Lands in America. 0,000,000 aereb in Nebraska, in the Flu:: ley, now for sale. >1 1 1 <! I iifpfr. I'll file Suil for Grain growing and Stock raising ula * ed by anp in the Unitorl States. A Cheaper in price,more favorable terms and more convenient to market than found elsewhere. Free Homesteads for Settleri The best loi*ation for Colonies Sold tied to to a Homestead of IGO acres. Scud for the New Descriptive Pamphl-t new maps, published in English,Gernmu .% ish and Danish, mailed free t verywhun-. Address, O. F. DAM' 4w Land Com’r IT. P. R. lt.'l’o., Omaha is unequaled t>y auy known remeclj. n " icate, extirpate and thoroughly destroy a onous substances in the Blood and will ally dispel all predispositou to bilious and inept i Is (here iretnf of action hi your Liver ar' ! T’nless relieved the blood becomes impr I deleterious secretions, producing scroful' skin diseases. Blotches, Felons, Pustules® ! ker, Pimples, Ac., Ac. j Have you a (iisjtepde Sf am rich ? Unless . tion is promptly aided the system is dti Ijj 1 with poverty of the Blood, Dropsical tei general weakness and Inertia. Have yon weakness of the Intestines? V; in danger of Chronic Diarrohea or Ini tion of Bowels. Have you. weakness of thy (ferine or T (jttns ? You are exposed tfo suffering iu \ aggravated fc >rin. Are you dejected, drowzv, dull, sluggif pressed in sjiirits, with head ache, back ’ coated tongue and tasting mouth ? For a certain remedy for all these ' weaknesses and troubles; for cleansing ate rifying the vitiated blood and imparting • all the vital forces; for building up and ing the weakened constitution USE JURUBEBA which is announced by the leading rn' k ■ A thnnties of Loudon and Paris, “tlie most erfnl tonic and alterative knowu to tin a j world." This is no new and untried di* " but has liei-11 long used by tlie leading ciaus of other couutrics with wonderful • al results. Don't irmkm nnd impair the digestive by cathartics and physics, they give ouif T rary relief -Indigestion, flatuiency and ■ " sia with piles a id kiiidred liseases arc " follow till ir use.” Keep tlie blood (niije and health if '■ " JOHN-Q. KELLOGG, 18 Platt St.. 1 Sole Agent ibr tlie United • Yy Price $1 per bottle. Send tor circular. ||