The Talbotton standard. (Talbotton, Ga.) 1870-1881, January 23, 1873, Image 2

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TALBOTTON STANDARD. O. I>. OOKMAN, i'JtM!<**. ISO. a GORMAN, GaaatoMgM a Korn*. Cibciiution ix fir* Coirxnm VSUBMDAY MORNING. JANUARY 23 1X73 Tu Muun - Cos tup id U>om *t lHJclii., ud in Ooloml ui t lR.z, tot b*At middling* Cmjma bat Uw ■•mugitia. oa. Juu. B Gordon tout bean •Ucfod to tb tWfod MB. ftrnAU from Georgia. JRrtiri Ward IWrjMT baa driivmd A ImrrA Advocating froA acboo’a aiul compulaoiy Aducn* tm. ■■' CmtmMMjarl'r R*orr W rrtoru thank, ta Hon Mwiiaos Bolt. Wo ComptrolUr Gancml •< Gtotfto, foe A ooj j of lila r|M-rt. It la propowd that lb* printing ofloto In lb" tfrrftod Stan* gi on* or room pound* of old lyp* for the pnrpoaa of BakiAg A Atotoe of Iloiraoe Oraal.y. Cot Jak Brown tin* G*n Phil. Cook sfti* inteutimi lo Coiitftt bla fu at In Conpf"*. Tkll ia rartiar A i*d Job, ah Gab. Cook's major ity waa About 2,000. P* Mo** ttiA nwt important wmk performed hat weak bp tba Leginlatur* ataa the voting tlif ofteen #7 par day, and mciubti* IS p*r day and ft for rrtrj twenty uni** travelled. (taunt Cain Aron h* bemi tvnninnli-d by Ibid laal caucus, for the Unite 1 State* Heiuite. The great WinnaliAgo Chief has plenty of money And apoiida it ipiita frwly for political pnr|Kwe. Both Boose* of the legislature aru In favor of pur during the Stone mountain property lor the purpose of A State penitentiary, and will ap pat At appropriate perfect the ne gotiation* •' Amonu the '•*• yadia* tiusaue of Haoou, (bat ot i Holme* k Cos., may be mentioned. Jolik a splendid follow and cannot be nnder toUTU bis Una. He deala in bacon, com, (ate, .groceries, ftour, salt, dec. Try him. bfo l .■ . Congress will soon pnt a stop lo the bnainess acunuieruting uus iceuesfui eonteslni ta for aAAts in that body. Very strange they have not .Uncovered before no ■* tliat the appn prlatioii *f money to such purposes Is a premium on po litical trickery and rascality. Tax LaouLATras —A bill repealing the usu ry laws and Axing the rate of interest at 7 par cant, where no interest is specified, lias passed The Legislature authorizes any nmonnt of iuli r est contracted for, and gives Ihe aasistame of the law hi collecting the same. The SeiiAt* has introduced so for 136 bills, and the House M 2, and it ia likely tne number wttt b* largely increased Johnaon A Dunlap is the popular hardware house of Macon. Her* the planter on buy any ■ thing needed on hi* farm, from a huh or bmigi apokn up to a cross cut saw. It Is a large bonne ami keep* the very last of hoe . axis, cli ins. Iron, reaily made plows, nails by tlie bunded keg*. and everything you mny call for hi e their eard. elsewhere, aud don't fall to call and *** tjiem when you visit Mrcon. I* *d rv Taos. —Home yonng fellow sent hi* sweat heart not far from Macon, a canary bird ■ -to aing liar a htU# ditty". The girl* lather It i. reported liad tl poor little birdie made in to A pie and the next day, waa seen using one at hi* feather* for a tooth pick. Another tal low’* bird was turned out ihe CHgr; but the young ledy aaya, he got out. We liave not heard from ours yet; bu', uo doubt, lie la a dead chicken. Extinct* from the yeaily circnlnrs of prominent Liverpool cotton broker* snys the coltou trade wtka not to good in 1672 a* in tlie previoua y ar, and tha rates obtained were not even remu netauve. The spinner* aud maaufactutto com babas tiis new year well under contract Bu stuess for the present will be mainly ii.dncncetl by the quantity of imports, and the preseut aaareity is likely to l* tided over without ai.y ABhauoement of pricea. Tha Pall Mall Gaantte says that a proposal has been put lortb to rucognize putdicly and sol amiily the marriage of King Vi tor Emanuel with the Conutes* Mtmrio*', in wliloh aa* that lady would Weomf Quite >. ot Italy. Bignors Iftataxxi and Atenahiva Art* favorable lo the pro* poaal. hut it in oppwfcod by Prince Humbert uud Ike pr&eeut ftofeitomeftt. It it *hould • fair.*'! uutg a change of minuteis would ue doubt oc tW There if no houee in Macon that treat their eostomera better than Oliver, Dougla* at Cos. They kwp a very large block aud exeeJleut an aortinent of houte ftirntahing good*, which tht>y sell at low figure#. Iu cooking stove* they can net be equalled. In trace chain*, how, uxea ta ble cutlery and hollow ware, Ac., Oliver. Doug lea 4 Ota, i* the housr to buy of. Mr. Oliver in a meet polite aud obliging gentleman, anieted by Mr. Andrew Orr, who mil be glad the people M Tpllot and atijoimng ootiolies would call ajhl eee them, or neud their order* Oliver, Doug Ue A O' . Macon. On. A hill hae been introduced in the Senate to call a convention tor amending the State Coueiitu- Iton. Conveutione an* very xpeuaive timeUinen to be again hibnoaied by a VHxipU wlnwe Stale debt approaiuisitt'B muv milliou dollars. NVe liave Sad two ut ditfiu iu the Uet wvcu yeara. coMiug he people uot loen than two buntlred thousand lollara Thore is uo over-uiastenug necoMaity m such k K idatum, since any portion of the otuUtution enu be changed by two buccusaivi egislaturew Away will this tWsir lor expen itnre of the peopled money. We utod econo p iV our adquuisi ration. The Lynchburg Republican tells this MM- story : Ala ly who is nunoyed by hv r iKbiUf i coining none aia iale hoor in a doubt i eouvUtiuu, w<h a4akentd the other by eo;oe iu her room. Looking up she saw her tge lord endeavonug to the lines on her 'W “DtiUy Vurdeu, ’ which was hong aga.nst wall, wlalo a bxm oouipamon was holdirg # lamp, 4> vhst do ym mena by triuguig a tn into my mow at this hum of the night ?' quuea the indignant wife. “Just keep quiet, 4cV>*d wwaanj'tw says Fuiu taaney isdirecdy uth ih ic), mtd 1 axn goiug to prove hi n a (hicj at if he holds that lamp (hie) atili tong eavugh r ** t*> firsJ it (hiel en tide msp.’ New DcM^turti. The American p -ople are iiawdi'K thrnifh a transiUmi suite n> tLcir poUtifh mml relig on This ia paletit b the nnwt nfual ofcrver. who esunot fhil to detffd iu the delft- of pub ic senti meut,n curelow* <U*rcgttd of epeial, polltigal sad reli i* us r'-wtnu.its. And in w> section of th*‘ Utiion has this spirit of skepticism gained more npidlv, of late yea r , tluiu iu the Sooth, who, losing all by h**r unhappy stro gle, has devoted her beat en* rgie#* to building up h# r waste pho w aud regaining her personal wealth, 'iliis has been pzirtially nerotnphnhed sgainst the most f.mrfn! odds -eorropt tome govern went, oppress ive taxes, tt'eprueeriptiono! her prominent pub* lie ®en, the moat repreh* nsible malfenaaoce in every department, sll conspiiing to oppress the tax-paying atzd engender bltternem gainst her enemies. During the inltUM nessof her struggle f*r fsili'- icni recognitiou.aml while she Ims been made the victim of anew departure principle, her sociolo gy seems to have suffered in n like ratio to her politics, aud utter ahuorpHoii in material prefer ment, to the nldkiiiini of a prosier balan* ing re ligious principle iu ner character. Tbo theory of this m w d* paruir* is cfffcting our sociologic al status in a very noli 'table manner. Asa peo ple, the United bUfes, drinking wraith.” arc drilling on to a political Niagara, yawning a short distance in the future- ah ini js rirtl centralmui. U*<l by 1 an impetus #hich her own and/ regard of coiiHiitutioual uud iu* fill checks Is engendenng- Horthern social Rdence finds an flex in South trn centres, wher* society accepts the edicts of (be new innovation iu her morals, manners and religion. A gross mat* rialism, u universal love of wealth, and the immuuites it grants, is sub verting oar primitive rdigion and supplei ting its inoral benefits, by the grafting into oar so cial commonwealth thefrarlul fruits ot a skepti cism in all things. This should not be. l>>t ns return to the old laud minks iu government, so ciology and religion. The Ci edit M obi tier. 'Fhe Crtnlit Mobilier investigation hus develop ed the complicity of a great number of Congress men, notably among whom are Messrs. Oakes Ames and Jno. A. Allen, two pious disciples ol the party of “moral ideas," of saintly >ltkSßa cliusetts. Messrs. Garfield and Diugham figure ©miaplcuotisly us jsirti< ipuuts in the handsome dividend** declared on the cupi'al stock. This is a precious piece oi business for the represeu la ive body of the nation to Ik? engaged in. To what fearful oepthsot demoralization are the progressive Kudn u!h tending; and how inimical to nil tin. sturdy aims and puposes ot good gov ernment are then*' bribery scandals, and the dis position on the part ot public unm to t ugage iu illicit schemes of self emolument. The Uifgcuti stables need cleansing. 'This “high moral ideas ' system stinks ol its utter idleness and revolting putrefaction. How loug before the cupiiol ol ilio nation will resound to the voices of disintcr eated patriots, Necking their couniriy s gtsal in an hoaest discharge of their dut.ts.notable alik< for sobernesH uud u high disdain ot corrupt lob byism ? I beae r cent developments evince, most clear ly, the luotud* gir. u to umbdioir. wire puilers, with plethoric money lu;h, working for ccrpo rui> or individual wealth, uml corrupting uo less the Nutiouul CO' taiui thu .Siulc Lcgudu turn. This liberal policy to mou* yd cvr; wim -1 lOllri *i supping *lt V ritlgCH of RejHlt.ll' l ; !* governunt there ure r nmiuing iu thu coin ry: and thr ugh flic natuml gravitations ot the ion?, s set in ojh ration, mad finally d.fh our entire syntoin,already iunovub and by u iupal ly approaching ceuualism. Napeleou. The Exl?e, tbeDoputy , the ITesidcnt, the Em peror, the bold spirit of .Sedan ia up more. Chis slhurst has Im*cii his asylaui since his deposition from power, September 4th., Itt7o. A bold aud daring schemer,the younger ycui> ol his lue were sj>enl iu various attempts to possess that throne which Ims made so illustrious the nmialN of modern Prance. Under his reign La Belie Flume was more prospt tous and splendid than at any period of her history, art, science. <om uieri e and agriculture aUuiniug considerable eminence. He wiu* u man of destiny; or the j roU ge of citcumstances that croaued him hero, Emperor, Napoleon. His death will reader mine secure the tuuoc of the French Republic, his proximity while living being regarded a.s a constant menace to ite now dedged hopes. A1 together he was am< st romarksbie man. Eu fojie looses a great st- b sumn. and France, vola tile, furious France, an < x-Emj>eror, rouud whose crown y„t liugcrs the departed glories ol the Tuilleries. Mn fiiiK of tine burpmatiHS ol tlie lalbolton llruiidi head. TalbottoW, (a., Jim. 11th., 1..7‘i. At a meeting of the Board of liicoqmrators ot •In Tallkoiton Bran, h Baiin>ud, In Id this day, it was, on motion, lDuonvau), That all subscribers to the eapi al stock ol the TailKHteu i>nmch ioiilroad l>e re spectfully requested to transfer their sulscrip tions to the capital stin kcf the North A South lhulroad, to be usd in the construction of a Branch lioad from the North & south to Talbut ton. That we surrender the charter of the iaf botton Brauch ltuilroad. Tliat we heartily ap pibciatt and endorse the ac.ion of the Board ol Directors of the North A South ltuilroad Com pany, aud hereby pledge our support and co operation in their effort* to build a Branch Road to Talbotton. That our Representatives Ini re quested to co-opvnue iu tuch Legislation as will amend the charter of the North A South Rail road (BnipAuy so os to allow the ooustruction o. a Brauch Road to Talbottou, to be part auu fwicel of the North A South Railroad. T. A. Brown, Prea. B and. In.'s. Wii. T. Dimmu. Secretary. One of the best kuowu houses in the state and one of tin’ moat succlkslul m. rchauis. is that ol Mark W. Johnson, Atlanta. Col. Mark himseii is as well known, almost as Gov, Smith aud is oue of the most obliging merchants we have ever dealt wuh. It is worth a visit to Atlanta to see his immense establishment and look at the thou sand and one different kiuda of plows, inipli meuiM, mills machtncry of all dc.cnptnms for giuning, cutting wheat and turning a mill. A splendid lot ol fresh garden-clover and g ravaged just sveeiv* and and selling olieap. Bo sura and a*nd for lUu .trabd catalogue. AcsNowuEbomfiXTt. Our lumdeoiiie young friend Ed Byingtoiu of Fort Valley, lias placed under obLpaUon tor a kind invitation to a grand mavqneiade bull which cornea off in Fon Valley iu a lew days. The aerviose of Prol Header, the ceh bmtcd musician, have been sc cured for the occasion, 'i heaffau pi onuses b be moat brilhaot in every ivict under th management of Metssm. Byiugton aud Houser. The elite ot Fort Valiev wilt thine respWndt ui ly on this occasiou aaß many visitor* are expor ted from Macou and .he uughUvriug town* and. cittea Kdforiaft lotrfspoiulcncr. OUR VlHf TO ATLANTA —A FINE CITY—OCR RT.I lIE SEWTATIVXM, VUiJM AS4KCIAT3OI, ETC , We xpent two day* in .Vtlanta, last week, a.- , tmiding Uic Prcse Convention. The MMiou wm* tlie most important ever held in Georgia. Tlie bus le and stir about Atlanta, remind us of large city. Trd* it brisk, business lively uud s'reefs cr wd.d with people. Magnificent houses ri.we in every direction, while street rail way car* are miming to every l*rt of thf city* We v ere glad to see Copt. Wihis. Dr. Leitm r and Senator Mathews, our immediate represen tatives in the Leg)tintur*. Talbot county stai.ds among tlie l*est iu ti>e House and Senate. W* felt proud ot our delegation; they are good, ac tive business men and will render our ►ection viilu ble eervioe. Wc met Gen. Colquitt, Col. R. A. Alston. Gov. , Smith, ll"ii John H. James, Col. Morn 1 *nci other pr minent gentlemen. Under Col. Nichols' imnangement and tlia* oerdal genth inau, Frank Warren, the Kimball House sustains the nviable reputation won by Col. E. Crittenden, its former proprietor. J. B. G. | European Correpondenee STEAM PLOWING IN fICOTTzAND—DRIIJ.INO WHEAT— ROTATION OP CHOI*—SHEEP CULTURE AND THE TURNIP— THE SHEPHERD DUO. * LanohaM Hotel. London, July, 1872. Our observations iu the country have been pleasant. We pro|s>e giving one inure letter to tlie farmers and then he oft for Pans. It is with a peculiar pride the Scotchman sil ludcH to the advancement of his beautiful king- i dom. There ia certainly uo country of equl ex- | fent that has increased ho rapidly in all the art* i ol civilization and refinement during the pant hundred years, or grown richer thun Scotland. Iu abip.buildiug, i lining and agriculture she hoa outtripped nil Eur^pe. On several farms near Edinburgh, the steam engine may be seen, doing the work of a dox* n UorHenand plows. Tlie operation an 1 munngemeut are aiiuilnr to the in* thodH adopted in Ne-.v Jer sey and Miasissippi: that of stationery engines, ou either ride of the, field by means of a cable ; drawing tlie gang plow Atross to the depth ot If) to 14 inches. A snml er engine is also em ployed iu trout ol the plow, we learned, Unit does its work most eft*, tually. From 8 to 10 acr-M of land are broken a day. Steam plo*'s arc coming into general use thioughont fhe country. They are worked by coiupaßies ami individuals. Ons of fhe bent improved implements used iu England, tliat wc have observed, is that of the umiti drill. Nearly all the wheat, oafs and ley, utter the land has received iis usual quanti ty of com pout or fertilizer, thoroughly broken and pulverised, is planted by tiiTn exi'ellerit miw chine. On many ol our tends in Georgia, Wc do not see why this dull could not be *ncd with capital effect. We are thoroughly convinced of one fi*et; from <ur observafloh* here in England, con cerning the cultivation of grain ropa. The Hama will hold good ill th" cultivation of cotton with us and all other crop ; alimb* to rotation. This is t‘ic hyMicm obacrvtHi iu tliin country: First, Tnrnijw; Secondly, Barley; ‘thirdly, ( 10-. Vi r; Fourthly, Wneat; a* given u* by Mr. Ja cobs, of the “Inleof Tha tnihipH ut. led down to sh<*( p. if it is dcu?* and to plant, the .‘ uccee*liug in barley. The burl* is ta aeii oft’and the tend st*aie*i dowji in clover which ih turned nod t in the t-ll,pr*j>r.LT\ u> bowing the crop of wheat * Wheat is bowii both } in the Fall ami S|> in Eugiand. If it is de sired to save the turnip crop, they are ha< ked iu long rows in the field, and cov r'd with dir* to protect them during Winter. The Winters arc long iu Scotland uml Eugiand. but much milder than the cli>aies of New York. Boston andt'an uda. This is attributable to the influence ex.rted bj the Gulf Stream, which nears the coast of West Britain. ihe turnip uud the sheep polar towards solv ing the problem ot agriculture on tbit Fide of ihe Atlantic. Ir. lrclapd, Wales, Scotland and England, nearly every vacant nid is covered with cattle and sheep. Enormous prices a*a paid annnaliv, as rent, tor land, that is appro priated exclusively to grazing purpose. In pansing ov*r ihe gient railway liute thro.igh ut ihe kingdom, the eye never eeuses to aander ov er those (Nibtorul regions, covered with flocks, watched by the faithiul clog; or herds of Dur hama, Devons and Ay shires that browse ou tht valleys or sloping plains, rolickftoiue, sleek uud fat. To foster sheep growing, thcro is an annnnl tax of 5 Hliillingh. $1.25, assessed upon every dog in the country. A< cording to tii List ten ons, there were 1,119.21*3. yielding u reteuuo ol *£‘297.473 or $1,487,000, ; Id. There are said to he 21,000,000 dogs, ct all iqocicf, in the Uni- Ud Nt :.s, ‘ha arc maintained an annual coal ol 5108.000,000. thie of the most intelligent animals iu the w r* .if the sb ph. rd dg. They arc of modi mu size, rath r ainid , li*k or brown in color, with ears erect. peculiar instinctiv: quali ies, that constitute them the guardian ol the sheep-told. Iu Glasgow and London we have watihed these little animals to o .r intense delight,driving large flocks of sheep through the principal streets, occasionally barking, with oue eye ou the lead ewe or mm. and the other on h:s master. Should it become uec< saury to huddle or puck the flock, iu a crowded thoroughfare he accomplishes the task mt eftbv '.naliy. passing the wagons, caffis and cabs wah ease, lie may single flicker double column h..> flock, iis v xigoacy may require. The greatest skill and irdelligt uce ol this dog, hoaever, iswituiHaed in the pastoial regioua where, oiten, ha has a thou sand sheep under his eye, to eo.leet. When the shepherd desires to march the flock homo he speak* to hi* dog, which bo aids like a Hotter, or pointer, circling round and rouud the hills and Valleys, a half mile distant, barking aud driving one by oue, until all are gathered. Ou our leturu lrom lire Continent, we Nhail finish up Loudon and the beautiful Isles. We have a long journey before us and must hurry on. Good-bye. J. B. u. So popular have become the excellent prep aration* ot Dr Pemberton, Atlanta, he has been compelled to give up his large drug business and enter exclusively into the manufacture of uis popular medicines. He m\y be louud ou Broad street nard ut work, night aud day, fill ing order* from many State* iu the union. The Globe Fiovier Syrup is used extensively and sold in Tuitotton by J, Water.nan and ah Druggt*v* in the State Read Dr. Pembcriou’s adveru*e rneut in tniu issue. Those who have shipped cotton to Jones A Oaiupl sil, Macon, know ihe> are excellent gen liemeu to deal ith aud -\ould uot handle au >( - dung v about it had worth or merit in it. We rater planter* to their guano card iu this issue, aud ask them to read it mid seud order* to June* A C.uipurii, Macou, Ga. * New York ha* ItH achooi*, tho last report showing 256.167 pupils in attendance. jXV o w Ailv'li>’<' 111 '• t- Fresh Ar rivals 1\ OI). GOBMAN Isis raoeiv-d I’ l ’”.. . H>'i*. Bulk >:'•.. Ipn. sudj'd '. Av iy fot Ci'-nru*' rtyrn;>, N lff" tu H<ran.and li>4i{)d Hu.'nrs.J i. K, 0 n ta. fWi Rich •wrEnrly B'* P'.tiii,'<-s Alway* f-u hwiii, litks loi Fresh • it' r r n . 'M. itl. Fh.'ir oi Jl fc‘nt‘l \in =>••*• '' - uu strictly fur';*a! 0. I> "01" v. . j INotlco to trie People Ol’Tnl- i bot County. H .ring purchiisixl tho building ! Mv occn pied tiy Qormui t Huff, wo < nil th u r .tion ot | plan tor' aud Men in Tall t connfo, to our i slock ot goods, mill cordially invito tlif-ui to giro I ns a call nr send ther orders. We cannot lie, undersold. W. L. HA I TI.F.. I jandtt-tf Oci'cva. On. I j,. r. lf'KironriN. mns. o. ntaa. j McLaughlin & rush, , DEVTIHTH, TALBOTTON, GEORGIA ! (Office South Side Public Square.) travel iu this ami ft.’jo uing corn ties. Calls lrom a di*tuce will re *ive promt t attention, br. C. O. Ruh\i tfill rsnjaiu in the oper.*ting room, which wili'be open to p tieiiteatali houra of tlie day. McLAUGHLIN A RUSH. Jwlitinry *23- if. lIOL r’H HOME-MADE FERTILIZER, —thi:— C.'htewpe>3ta.ii<l tin* I lest! Three ysar* Dr. P. K. Holt, a nciei. tic (lrtiggiri of .S')Utuwe*terii Georg i. voi e< I time and t nought to pr a toitnnla oi making u Fer ilizer. v/:'i*h Khali be 1 i- rioi i. none, and yet be *o cheap a* 'o piaoc it in a hand* <f every tarnior. ThoUHuud* in Southwestern Georgia, Inivuig Htrcu it* titvlkurt’, have abtiml me<t all other-, and L>o t .i* (or ‘ ORN and COCi OS Look ! It cDf.Hironi ite V* it >. only. v p to Rev. 1. A. BKOWN, j ja i23-lm lalbotb.n, Ga. ui j j>i£ l L & < ; 0., L I Q U O U V E A L E II S —AMD - Tol>o• <• o A {fonts, 110 BR iAi) STUM7, COLUMBUS, <>A. I J.iii IC-Oin. LATEST NEWS! _ • 1 HAVE IN Sl’OIlK. AND AM CONST AN LX HKOtIVI.NO. llxcoK Stuns, Nuojluzis .in Hzu; Uni 4jjWT I KXNKSSKX WiUIE; fu>V*l ot If .1. tltuOFs; Mofcissxs (,'cdfKi®. i'tzs; tilt ua; And t'.ll str*; .'I GROCERIES oi wii I .inN, st Low *t Plices, at h .1 i" J Brtail J. 41. It YMIL TON, JfalliO-tjjrjurj*tiiklin A\V ,rr.n--,u..' I' 'iinbuv. IV i> av rV tl v* * tine men t - Cox LI N S & LITTLE, |J. DeI.OACHE'S OLD STAND,} TO xt T NIX i>M) Sl’., M ICON, <i A.— DEAiKJIH XN - CARRIAGES,BUGGIES & WAGONS. Exclusive Agency for the Celebrated Concord Bug gy and Pam Wagon rnnde hy Abbott D wning&Co. Twenty Plantation Dump Carls ! I®-A rite for I’rice List of Ash Miller 1’ lgf: s, Cox. -id B x 'ijifc i and Wa gons and Studobuker W agons. Address c TLLLNii A * r.'CI E. i*. ■ >. Jox A:; 7. W. H. Matw & Bao.y Agexfts in Talbotton. jau-d-o-m-f-ly \c w Adrer tUemcnt# J .„£, Bcftfl This ! V LA). 1 IE 4 0( a OK •t’B.n Cii'tKs, A"M, Snevn. Pi.or •. "I;’h lijtJi, •*'l>-L. IKS. 1 I;T.K Cumin. Pod r Ksiveb, Hai.OV ..rk, Ac Ac. OKFFUED To THE PEOPLEOF T .LBOi AND ADJOINING CO 'MAUN, —at VERV LOW PBICEN! jt-W-We .-n unit evsrvbndy in Stoves, with tb great favorite. bI NNi SOCHI. “COITON PLANT," “BENEFACTOB” aid “STEW UUV Every stove guaranteed. Cali and see us or -cud your orders to ('LI YKR, DOM GLASS A CO., jau23-3 Macon. Gs^ THE PLACE TO HUY HARDWARE CITE API - u AT— ; JOHNSON & DUNLAP’S, I 7SITIIIK./STREET. M A < ON,GA. U* ___ _ _ BOROUGHS & WiNG, j | TOBACCO.!! et. JLw. filin' Mnwthlir- - COMMISSION MLROHA’IS A M> WHOLESALE DEALER* iN flir'Vi--. Hnuflti, I’ijx-i- aud rimoki-rs’ Article*, li DEL ATL it XT., AT LAST A, GA. U" -ii. J. HOLMES & CO., YVboivsuleitiid lteiail DEALERS IN GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS, G 2 T1IIK1) hTREI^T, Opp. liar <tu .n & Spark*’ Wandiouue, IVIACON, - - - GEORGIA. January's:!.' 3|“ W o CLK“OS3. W A - JAMES: CLEMONS & JAMES, Cotton *V Commission M E It C II A N T S , Columbus --- - - Georgia. | AgfuU, Spring V lla Munufocturii.g Couipany. | ** P.Uupaco Guano jan 16-tf. Exolusive Aganoy for the Cel sbrated Asa Miller and Erattleboro Bugg'GN New Advertisement*. T. E. HITH-’ •' *■ n - MttMMil IIUFF & PERSONS, (HIOCERJES & PROVISIONS, T VLBOTTON, GEORGIA, ( T WKjiat rp- ned at the old Miaod of W. E. RAGLAND, * well selected stock of Sngorn, Cofc* 11 MenU, Floor Lard, Meal, At*., At.. fcc., ahich they will §#4l at the low*t market raw. > CASH. We solicit a share oi the public patronage and guarantee eaiurt action, Call .<* hihl e for y .uraelves. [janS3-'lm'| HI F P A PER^ONfj GIA NO ~ m GUAM Jot 500 ton* SEA FOWL GUANO, 600 tons RUSSELL COE’S, 500 “ MERRYMAN & CO.'S, 500 “ ETIWAN’S, 500 “ STFJINFEL’S ORIGINAL, 500 “ COTTON STATES, 200 “ MARK W. JOHNSON’S, • “ 200 “ E FRANK COE’S, 200 “ WILSON’S, 100 “ MEAT AND BONE GUANO, 200 “ ENGLISH STONEWALL, 200 “ SARBY S SOLUBLE PACIFIC, 200 “ ’ MMON; VIF. D FLOU ROF RAWBONE, Very Fine 200 “ PI hCVIAN GUANO, LAND PLASTER and CHEMICA, MAXIPUI A TED, 100 tons SOLUBLE SEA ISLAND. " v> >' >r . ■. rum ..-3.50 upwrrit. Farmors should hav* oo* Row. Lshkli-cHi’s Garden Seeds, F■! J Flower Seed*. Agricultural Implements, Machinery, Livs Stock, stc. PROVISIONS. SPECIAL TO MY CUSTOMER* ! Many of you, needing Provision*, have heretofore been compelled to purchase uppbe* !r*r other houses, after bonding your crops to me tor Guano, I will in future furnish you wi h rer provisions anso, knowing it will be more convenient and agreeable for \ou to make your, acvouv all M on*- place. With many thanks lor vour aiud p-tronage, I solic t a ontinuanoe of the wsj Solid tor < tt.doguc*. [jazt23-3i.ii] jtf Vl* li. W. JOIf 4>lantV G* A . S . RTj TII E R FORI) —DEALER IN— Groceries, Dry-Goods, r &c., GENEVA, - GEORGIA W*Agent for PLANTERS AMMONIATED SUPERPHOSPHATE OF LIME, RUTff I'HOSPH \ l Fi. Diiwolvmi Bones, A-c. j*n23-tf. W E ARE STILE ON IT! Anil return our sincere thanks, for the rery liberal patronage bestowed spout! ; t’.t past season, and, with the coming of another,hope to make the be.-t and lar?> . limr, :n our line, ever seen in Georgia. In the meantime, we offer our JEntire i toss and Woolen Goods! STRICTLY AT COST! When it is remembered that this is the bulk of Our Second Stock, Comprising the newest style*, many bought at less than Cost or IwroßTATtr*,!: i great advantages in this offer, are apparent. To facilitate business, and aa We Mean Business , We will Send Sampler bt Mail os Applicatiok, it being often inconve.w t o inspect the stock in person. We have always, a large Trimming Silks, Valei-rs. Satins. Velvets, Etc. PATTEKsa to Cut bt, or ahy Gi ment roa Laiues, M.rses ani B< its, can be supplied. Call on or order of ian23-tf. J. B. ROSS k S. T. COLEMAN, Macon. G H. 1. ABELL. C. E. HOCHSTRASS-. 11. F. ABELL & CO., Gener .i Commission Merchants, —AND DEALERS IN— PLANTATION, FAMILY GROCERIES AHD FLORIDA SYRUP WSr Particular attention paid to all orders and consignments.-®* 116 Broad Street, Columbus, Ga. Janl6> EAGLE FLOURING MIl-liT W. J. LAWTON U CO., Proprietors. (SUCCESSOBS TO L.VWTON A BATES.) MACOIN, ------- Georgi! Msnufscture snd ksep on h*cd the choice Brands of Flour not surpassed in quality by * Mills in the Son:li, Thoice, Extra Fi.mily, Family snd Superfine; also, Brau, Shipstufl". t" J Mesl. Plnin Meal. Grist and Cow-iood. , Prompt aUeulion piveu to ail orders and shipments made with dispatch. I* 0 ' J . & J . KAUFMAN WHOLESALE GROCERS Id nnd 16 TSroad Street, COLUMBUS. GEORGE Januarr Ist, lt>73.