The Talbotton standard. (Talbotton, Ga.) 1870-1881, April 16, 1873, Image 1

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O. D. OORMAS It. A. IIOI.MES, Proprietors. VOL. IV. TALBOTTON STANDARD. WEDNESDAY MOUSING. APRIL 16. 1873. From tlie Columbus Sun.] Letters from talbotton. Hibvev s Hotel, March 20, 1873. Editors Sun : Business seems to be brisk here, as the planters in this section are matin# very extensive preparations for lar#p crops, yet here, as in almost every other place tacit we have visited, numerous empty stores are to be seen in the business portion of the town. 2'he merchants and planters, we regret to say, are doing their trading- in Macon, that, they think, being in a condition to offer them better bargains, and to give them greater pecuniary assistance in their farming operations. The only way in which this trade can be brought back to Colunibns, for the present at le ist, seems to us to be in the building of a branch road to connect with the North and South Railroad. The present mode of reaching /albotton, via. Geneva, is bv a tedious rough ride in a stage, and over a hilly, bad road. Only give the people of this section a direct railroad connection with Columbus, and your city can rest assured that all the cotton and trade of Talbot county will flow back to her warehouses, and her mer chants, and add largely to the business and wealth ot both. Active efforts are now being made here to rebuild the hotel which was burned down last year. It is proposed to erect a large and handsome brick building, one that can bo used as a hotel for summer visitors. 7’albotton has ma ny attractions for a summer resort. It is a very healthy location, with delight ful and varied scenery, line drives and walks, a highly educated and refined country, handsome residences, and the most charming and beautiful young la dies to be found in any country, as your correspondent can testify, he having en joyed, with his friend Gorman, the so ciety of one of tho rarest represen tatives of this class, “whose sweet smile haunts me still.” And in addition to ■all these, Talbotton has one of the best hotel men in the world, in whose hands, assisted by his excellent lady, such a ho tel as we have mentioned would prove a complete success. With such a hotel in full operation, mid our good friend Harvey to welcome its guests at the door in his cordial way, Talbottou can expect to become a most popular sum mer resort. Several new stores-—some wooden and others brick structures— have been erect ed during the past year, one of which, a handsome brick, is occupied by the Standard office, and also by one of the propietors, Mr. O. D. Gorman,as a mer cantile house. Messrs. GoiTnan A Holmes have recently purchased the Standard, Mr. O. L). Gorman being edi tor in chief and J. B. Gorman corres ponding editor. They are both educated gentlemen, and very popular in this community. To them and to their ge nial local editor we are indebted for the most generous and cordial hospitalities. In fact, we have never visited a place where we have been treated with gi eat er kindness, or where we felt more at home. Messrs. W. J. Weekes & Cos., who carry on a very extensive business here, have also been very obliging to us and shown themselves possessed of a desire to have strangers see and appre ciate their beautiful town. At this es tablishment we found Mrs. L. L. Hill, formerly of your city, who has charge of an extensive millinery department, over which she presides with her accustomed skill and excellent taste. Her employers speak Ot her success in the most flutter ing terms, and in a manner that would be most gratifying to her numerous friends in your city. Sidney llebdlbt. Rocky Height, March 20, 1573. Editors Sim: Through the generous hospitality of our old and popular friend, John B. Goriuan, of the Standard, we are enabled to date tills letter from his attractive ami delightful country-seat— appropriately called Rocky Height— which is located in a romantic section of Talbot county, yet only about three miles from town. The scenery is varied and far-reaching, and the bracing air from the adjoining hills is quite invigo rating. * * * 4c * ♦ * This being our first visit to Talbot county, we have seen much to delight the eye and please the fancy. More beautiful and attractive residences, or a liner display of floral adornments, we have not seen in any portion of the South, nor have we conversed with a more in telligent and energetic class of jieople. With minds well-trained and developed, and physical energies in active use, the men of this jeouuty are worthy the high reputation they have secured for them selves abroad. We have conversed to day, accidentally, with students of old j Harvard, the tune-honored Princeton, beloved Columbia, as well as of other 1 Northern and European colleges of the highest character, which sh wvs that home and foreign travel and culture have had au opportunity to spread their benefieiai influences throughout this community. The youth of Talbot coun ty are wall provided with educational ( facilities calculated to prepare them for the best * colleges in the laud. <he old aiid weMfaown Colliusworth Institute, for the past twelve years under the di rection of Prof. J. T. McLaughlin and his esteemed lady, is still in successful operation,although, like all other similar schools, it does not boast of the pros perity that characterized its operations before tho war, when the abundance of wealth made it an easy matter for a planter to give all his children the best educational advantages of that period. This popular Institute is delightfully situated, being one mile a half from the town, and has an abundance of good water, breeing nir and attractive scenery. The boarding pupils are members of the family of the Principal, where they find all the comforts of home, and enjoy the society of a very attractive family circle. LeVert Female College affords similar advantages to the young ladies, and we notice among its pupils several from your city. The music department is ably presided over by Mrs. Vandenburg, formerly of Columbus, who seems to give general satisfaction to her patrons. Since w riting our last letter from here, H has come to our knowledge that con siderable cotton lias gone to your city from this county during the past season, although Macon is certainly covering this section with the footprints of drum mers. One or two tirst-cluss wholesale houses ill Columbus, with a branch rail road from this place to some point on the North and South Railroad, and the entire trade of this whole region of country, rich in its productiveness, would naturally flow into your ware houses and stores. If Columbus ever expects to compete with Macon on tho one side and Columbus on the other, she must build up in her midst one or two first-class wholesale houses—estab lishments that will be able to compete with those of her sister cities. With these in lull operation,and the proposed new factories she will become a great commercial as well as a great manufac turing city. Sidney Heiibekt Negotiations have been completed for a postal treaty with .Sweden, tho rate of letter postage being fixed at nine cents. The w hole length of railroads in the United States is now seventy thousand one hundred and seventy-eight miles, with forty-three thousand miles in course of construction. By a recent law passed in Kentucky, it is provided that grand and petit ju rors shall not be eligible to serve at two successive terms of court. This is in tended to abate the abominable nuis ance of professional jurors. The present Pennsylvania Legislature must be a fine body if the following, from the Philadelphia Press, is correct : “There is nut au hour that this body is in session in which a swindle is not introduced in some guise or other. Let the people pray for an early adjourn ment.” F bench Commerce. —How little France was hurt, in a material sense, by the late war, is indicated by the fact that her imports and exports last year amounted to 7,617,000,000 francs-show ing a greater commercial activity than existed at the most prosperous epoch of the empire. The German army is being thorough ly reorganized, and, among the addi tions lately made, is a railway battalion, trained for the service and working of the railways in time of war. Their su periority iu this department gave the Germ ms a great advantage over the French iu the late struggle. The passage by botu houses of Con gress of the bill authorizing the laying of the ne w telegraph cable between Cal ifornia and Japan gives a kind of olli cial sanction to that enterprise, and will probably in sure its success. This is the last link in the great electric chain, and when it is completed we shall bo able to put a girdle round the earth iu a shorter time than Puck. The Washington .Star has an elabo rate calculation of the money taken from the Treasurer by the new salary bill, compared with the amounts taken to pay the fortieth Congress. Making a proper alloweuce for the difference in the number of members, and deducting the mileage paid for the extaa sessions, the difference i551,170,000, which rep resents the back pay taken by the forty second Congress. Gband Masteb of England. — We are pleased to see that the Earl of Itipon has been again re-elected Grand Master of the Free Masons of England, for, in the world-wide brotherhood, whatever concerns the prosperity of our Grand Lodge is deeply interesting to the breth ren all over the earth. The Earl is said to be a mason of great attainments in the love of the craft, as well as most pop ular in England, in which kingdom he has been many times re-elected to the exalted position so worthily filled by distinguished monarchs and noblemen I from the time of King Alfred to the present day. “WHAT IS IT IHTT A MAP OK BUSY LIFE, ITS FLUCTUATION'S AND ITS VAST CONCERNS." TALBOTTON, GA„ WEDNESDAY APRIL 16, 1873. .{POE T R Y \ PMishsd by Itrquest.] I Xliinlt ol’ I'lioo. I've thought of thee while the world hath slept In the still anil slanit hours ; When my soul a solemn vi il kept, With its own mysterious powers ; * Or wandering tor on the rushing lido Ol tamVa billowy sea ; Win n tho brightest star lhat rose to guide, Was a constant thought of thee. Thou hast conic to me in tho hour of prayer, Mid holy thoughts' and true ; When dreams of bliss for earth too fair. Were rising on my view ; ’Mid ' ild conceptions rare and grand, Thut spring in fancy free, And visions fair of the happy land, Has cornea thought ot thee. 1 have met thee ott in a spirit land, When roaming tar ami aide. And gnulfd by an aug, 1 hand, ilaie wandered t.y thy -i.le; Whole aidi n' sireams ol l.r. htm as tl >w And lords ot sinvim: s sine. And bur-ting linda ot K may grow iu one eternal spring. I think of thee whin the golden flush Ol moruin : hie iks on high; Ol lime when evening's purple 1.1 sh His Uni and rum th s y; Wilt'll sable night u gloom as east O' r earth tint sky and sea. From sunny re.din. of me tided post, .''till nines a .hough: of thee A Alan, Perhaps -But not a Bi-otlier The leading naturalist of the world, Prof. Agassiz, lias been lecturing in San Francisco, and is reported by tlic San Francisco Scientific Press to have said: “I have pointed out over a hundred specific differences between the botial and the nervous systems of the white man and the negro. Indeed, their frames are alike in no particular. There is no hone in the negro’s body which is relatively of tho same shape, size, ar ticulation, or chemically of the same composition as that of the white man. 7 lie negro’s bones contain far greater proportion of calcareous salts than those of the white man. Even the negro’s ! blood is chemically a verv different flu id from that which courses in tho veins of the white gum. The w hole physical organization of the negro differs quite as much.from the white man’s as it does from that of the chimpanzee—that is, i ni his bones, muscles, nerves and fibres, I the chimpanzee has not much farther to progress to become a white mini. This fact science inexorably demoustales. “Climate has no more to do with the diffcrence'hetween tho white man and the negro than it has with that between the negro and the chimpanzee, or it has between the horse and the ass, or the eagle and the owl. Each is ft distinct and separate creation. The negro and the white man were created as specifi cally different us the owl and the eagle. They were disigned to fill different places in the system of nature. The negro is no more a negro by accident or mi fortune than the owl is the kind of a bird lie is by accident or misfortune. The negro is no more tile white man’s brother than the owl is the sister of the eagle, or the ass the brother ol the horse. How stu ! pendoiis, and yet how simple, is the } doctrine (hat the Almighty, maker of j the universe lias created different spe- I cies of men just as He has different spe of the lower animals, to fill differ ent places and offices in tho grand ma chinery of nature.” The same views wore long ago ex pressed by scientific men in the .South ern States of America, and some ten or twelve years ago were boldly defended by a distinguished member of the Brit ish Scientific Association in London. These facts,if they are facts are pregnant with the most important political and social deductions—-which are sufficient ly obvious.—- T Hegroph fi M. Hiunin natur is the same all over the world, cept in Nu England, and that - its akordm to sarcumsi antes. A kodfish aristocrat always puts • me in mind ova drunk man tryiu to walk a brack. Akordin to skriptur thar will be about as many kammils in licavin as rich men. When you kort a widder, you ought to do it with spurs on. When a feller gits to goin down hill, it dus seem as tho evry thing had bin greased fur the okasliun. I have known folks whose calibre, was very small, but whose bore was very big. The meanest man i ever nu wae the one who stole a sugar ivhissel from a nigger baby to swoeten a kup ov koffee with. Robbers are like nine, tba fall on tho just and the unjust. —Jodi Hillings. Anew army organization has been adopted in the Russia, based on the Prussian system of general compulsory service, and will go into operation in 1871. It will augment the infantry of the lino by 100,000 men, and the artil lery by ninety rifled and eighteen rni j trailleur balterics.and will insure rapid ; mobilization. It provides for the train j ing of the Cossacks for regular service, and makes, besides, numerous defon- I sive improvements. 1 Always speak the truth. ; „ .'X 1 , il. 1 , r.-' V T-rv-7 For over FOItTY YF.ARS this PURELY VEGETARLE LIVER MEDICINE Has proven to be the Great Unfailing Specific for T.ivi-r Complaint ami its p .infill oft'sprinc. 1)V S} '|wi >. <’ -I lUMillUf . iIiOGS tit - tucks, Sick Hehluche. Colic. D ptvssion f *p r its, S.uir Stom i’h, Hcaitburi, -hils an \ Fcv. r. < to., etc. Alter years of c re*u ■ xpcr'nvnis. to im*e! ur gent demand, e now p oduee from uur or. du al Gauuim Powders. r ril4* PrOIMUMMI, a Liquid lorn Ot SIMM >vY LIYLU BKGULV OK eot lining all its midcrhri amlf vain bh properties, tied offer b in () n e Doll a r II o t til h Hu* I\> (lers, v price as before.) *1 DO. Sent by mil I.ob no Powders or Prepar ed Simmons* Liver Rloulatoll unless hi our en graved wrapper, with I’ • in irk. Stamp, and signature uubu'keu. None ft her is genuine. J. IL /FILIN’ A CO.. M u’ote (it., and Fhiliadeiphi a. Sold by i\D Dru "'i N. pie 13-M. I>l-. i:. 3 Jm HaiNlwttll, Tender* bis professional s rvicos to the citizens of Talbottou and vicinity. ;A-#ri>ißee at Waterman's Drug Store. Resi dence South Side <>l Public Square. jun3o-3m Ti; MATHEWS, Attorney :i ( Ijsi w, XAI.UO I'TON, GEORGIA. Will practice in all rite Courts of tho rival ta li *och e Circuit Fed ra! Court at S.ivam ah.and Suor ui ' ourt ■ t ih-i\'‘ I'.l tf, GALVIN cTaLHOIJN, A f ( oan <■ y :i t I. :i \v, BOX RPIIINGS, TALUOI’ t U ;'V?-\Vill practice iu all the Courts of the Chattahoochee (Jife ji. m-hltMf. DK.*J. I>. MoKKLLAU, D l: n T IST, M V C O \ , (. E O U (i I A , Oilers In* professional nervier* to the people o Talbot and edjoiiiirvg counti s, and pledge his best efforts to please in all styles of work. Giv. us a trial. may 9-1 y. L. F. M Urmi IN (’H -.N. O. RU-vi. McLaughlin & rush, 1 JUNTISTS, TALBOTTON, - GEORGIA. (Cilice Sou'll Side Public Square.) £srpr. L. F McLaughlin vii'l continue to travel in thin and a (joining counties. Calls i'miii a distance will receive prom t attention. Dr. ('. O. Kush will remain in the opt rating room, which will be ouen toj) dieutsut all hours ot the day. McLaughlin & rush. Junu try ‘23-1 f. ALWAYS ON HAND. —A FULL LINE OF— FRESH AND RELIABLE D 11 U G S -AN D— MEDICINES! Perfumery i nil Toilet Articles. Sell oo i 13 oo] vs— AND A GOOD LINE OF— FIRST CLASS STATIONERY. Paints, Oils, Varnishes and Brushes of all kinds ! Pfl-GARHEN SEEDS and PLANTING PO TATOES. /nr-Evory description of Pure Wines and Li quor, for Medicinal or Family use. r-liable Patent .\h dicines and Nos truiu.L Cash Salks always pre.erablo at teb2o-tf. WA IM.UMAN S DRUG STORE. frC COf) I*** t Agents Wftntl J All clsfir 4 tD IV of winking i*ioj)le,ofei.her BfT.youn* or old, rnako more money at for to in there •pate momenta,or ell the time, then at anyftii i: -c. Pirticu-, larsfrec. Addrew O. Stinson & Cos., Porthuid, Maine.' G U A N OS! PIKENIX GUANO! WILCOX, GIBIiS & CO.'S MANIPU LATED GUANO ! Those celebrated guanos imported and pre pared by Wilcox. Gibbs & Cos., Savannah, Ga., | and Charleston, S. C., are for sale for cash or j lor cyedit op accommodating terms, payable, iu j cotton, by the Ist. November. I’. A. Brown*, Agent at Talbottou; J. K. Redd & Cos., Agents, Columbus. Special attention is called to the use of th Phceuix Guano composted with Cotton Seed. Send or apply as above for circulars giving te.sii momais from planters- -prices, terms,<bc.fb26-6w LoVei't Oolle^o, TALI JOT I’ON.GA. After a week’s intermission, for \lie Christmas holidays, the regular exercises ot thin institution will he resumed on Monday, Deo. 30th, 1872. Besides the usual advantages in the Literary and Sci. itlihc dop rtrneut. special advantagw 1 are oflered in Music.. Mrs. Yandeuber',()ato of Columbus, Ga..) with twelve yours experience, wil continue to have charge of this department. <2®t**For further particulars apply to tho President Rev. V. K. Manget. j ri' 1 -! v 'Fiyibi e t.iii, (l n . Collinsworth Institute, Talt>otton, Gu. Spring Term, for 1873. begins February 3rd, and end - July 18th. Fall Term, for 1873, be gius August Ith. and ends November ‘ilst I uition: S‘2, S3. Si and .i5 per mouth, if COn trailed for the 'term, and paid in advatu*. Board, tuition, washing and incidentals, tor ! Spring ’[’erm, 51‘21.00. Those who prefer it, | may settle their hills at tho close of each schol astic month. #*CfFor furth r information applv f t Circular , J T McLAUGIIIJN A. M., ianlU-lv 1 rincind md Proprietor. ! ! ' M E. tM*\ VNPEII, I \ WM. X. lU SSKLL Jos. K. .LUXaNDEH, \ ) ('ll AS. It. M vXWKt.L. ALEXANDER & RUSSELL, WHOLESALE <; IS < > E 12 !S , ./ j. Abet: :n and Bnjun directs, Savannah, Get. Marshall House. A. B. LUCE, Propristor. BOARD TllliKl'. DOI.T.AIiS FEB DAY. ! So v;i mm li. < . ;i. DOMESTIC SEY/IHG MAOHINE IS THE BEST OF ALL ! Having no leg . than FIFI Y points of superiority. Noted 1) r Porfbtdion ot" in all kinds of goid without change of tension. (H'unt of Work! i’ Mu.-thii to He iver. nr aole Leather. i>lieit.v, Having little nmchimry. Self adjusting ten sions not found in any other. Almost noiseless. Durable. Uses all kinds ot threads. Has strai ht needle Easy needle adjustment. A stout walnut table not liable to warp, or easily tarnished. Call on 1;.. F. HOLMES. Agent, Talbotton. H aduuarttTs at Dennis Sc Baldwin’s Sf nr.*. fehl3-3m. TOWNS HOTEL, AI.IIANY, GA. I loiwd, S3 cl Day. C. J. MACIELLAN, Prop’tor. [Latt of Brown's and Sputa wood Hotels, Maeon.] IKU i) M 1> : \ ■ U b!3 i v HKNItV D. WEED, I GEO. CORN WELL, J< H. 1). WEED. WEEDS & CORNWELL, IMPORTERS OF I I<• 11 *d wn r< a & Iron tV-MMf S A V A IN N AH, (S \ . nedell a <<>., LIQUOR DEALE R S —AND Tol>i*• <■ < Agon tm , 110 Pitt) AI) HiitEtiT, OOLOMUUS, 0 1- Jaa H’-Oin. My School op. titd on Monday, the 3rd inst.. ami '..i1l eontinoe, at leant, throe mouths under the above system. tebfiM MRS. S \TFI V Genova Nursery ! Smith &. Moore are prepared to fill all orders f< r fruit treeh of every vurhty. one and two ve.ira growth, address vour orders to SMI 111 \ MuORE, jano-3n) Geneva Nur 6 ry. S. \V. Katlroud. r IIIOS. WOOD, NEXT TO LAMER HOUSE, MACON. I FINE FURNITURE,! ( lIAIKS, MATTRESSES, BEALSTEADS. AND SPRING BEDS PARLOII SUITEH, IN' FLUSH, il A lit, CLOTH AND Ki.FS. BED-ROOM Suites in great variety, Marble and Wood Tops. CARPETS. A FINE assortment of Brussels, Tapestries, XTI 3 ply, 2 ply,Wool Dutch, Cotta eand llemp Rugs. Mats and Druggets. Nottingham Lac. Curtains, Lainbraquins, made to order in* any st\l<’. Window Hho les, Wall Paper, Oil Cloths, (table and floor. Matting, etc., etc. All the above at exceedingly low prices. IAI 'K’S Patent Metallic Burial Cases and Cmk |g ketH, the dest invention kn< *wn for pr eserving the dad Also, Sli'LF-SE.ILIN(i Melalic (.’as* s aud caskets (two patents) elegantly finished and hands most in this market. Coffins and Caskets in Rosewood, Mahogany. Black Walnut, Cedar and common woods. All at greatly reduced prices. CALL AND SEE. I keep a lull assortment of all goods in my line. mav*2-1 v. W. L. .SALISBURY. A. O. BLACKMAIL Cashier. IKEOHASTS &. ssenunss SAVIN’S BANK Columbus, Ga. j Collections mode free of charge. New I York Correspondent: The National Park L ink. directors: I \V. L. Salisbury, form riy of Wamoek A- Cos. A. Illgls, ol Pd ( r, UU/efi & Cos. W. ii. Brown, of Columbus Iron Works. { N. N. Curtis, of Well--. Curtis it Go. I C. A. Redd, of 0. A. Hedd dk Cos. nov7-C*a L. J. GEILHAETIN L CO., SAVANNAH, AGENTS FOR Bradley’s Saperhosphate, A Guano perfectly suited to the soil ot Middle Georgia, aud from bumUvds certificates, which it is needless to print, as the popularity of the gu ano needs no such commendation. We r. conmßml to the planters of Talbot county ud Middle Georgia, generally, BRAD LEY'S SUPERPHOSIUIATE, which has no su perior for corn, cotton or small grain. jirT' For reference in Talbot county, we refer to J. B. Gortimu, who has used our Guano iu Georgia and Florida. Apply to O. D. Gorman, Talbotton, Ga., or jL. J. Guilmartin & Cos., Savannah, Ga. janO-tf DOORS, SASH and BLINDS, MOV r.m.N'( !S. ii U \ I'KKTK. ST A II fixture)., li.i i'J. r Furuiali'n: ilai'ilwiiia, |,lain ]' . 7'! or Til. Wiro Gii ‘r i.!. Tt ri'a )'otiß War,-, Mar blc anil Siaiti Manila I’ircws. MTsnow Rlis.i a SrEci.u.TY. C'irr i ir- ami Trier Lists sent irai ion appiiciui u, ly V. F. TO ALL, 20 Iluvue anil 33 Finckncy Sts , j oet lOtf (’l.avle-ston, S. <’ WILLIAM BEACH, Successor to Hall, Sloses & Cos. (Established in 1830.) Colutubiis, Georgia. —DEALER IN GENERAL— TI .V R 1> W .V R E , j Iron, Steel, Nails, (listings. Carriage and Wa gon M i'eri and. Railroad and Mill Supplies, Oils, PaintK, I risKs, Glasi, etc. etc. ivulib. r and Jidither Belting, B irr. Ensopus, Cologn, Mill Rock, Manilla and Cotton liope.Rubber and TI mp Packing, Agricultural Imp! meats. AGENT FOR Faiidxi 1 iks’ Scales K* op in stock varieties of their Platform and < onut. r sc.des. These Keah s have been sold ii this establishment lor over 30 years, without having a complaint. r*y 'AlHongi nts lor Hoi A Cos. Circular Saws; Avluill Chemical Paint Works. \ T ON EXrLOSIVE BRILLIANT OIL Always on hand this particular OIL. \V< have H' Id it since tli war and no accident or l i lur in giving a light has occurred. jnlG-3m DAN IE L 00LL IN S, MAXW’.UTRUER AND DE \LEK IN All kinds of Furniture. Old Furniture Repaired. All kinds of AVoqd Turning and House Mouldings furnished al short notice, 0.-POSITE the EMPIRE MILLS, Colunibns, La. jan J 0-1 v I -j - VV. lia<l ti 1, DEALER IN LIQUORS, WINES, ETC., Ma\CCN, ga. Great biirmins offered to trade. apl4-l.v. IF YOU VV ANT TO BUY GOOD AND CHEAP GOODS! At Wliolos',l,. ov TSottill! GO TO J. M. BENNETT’S, 22 I road’t., olninbiis, i.'a., Win re yon will iinil n t;o' <1 ftasorLment of Gook ii)K noil II) aiing Stoves, (iroUi.s. Hunt me, Tin ware ami Hollow Ware, Talile nml Porket Gut lerv. nov 7-fim. SASH AIID BUND 1 FACTORY. The RED SHOP, on Third Stroofc, near Artopc’s Marble Yard. R. 0. WILDER & SON, Proprietors. CION I II\CTORB, Builders and M.inufactor Jiu all brandies of Cur, cuter Work. M-ik and ktep constantly on hand Sash, Doors Blinds, Mantles, Mouldings and Brackets. Any kind of ScroH Sawing at, short notice. Rough and Dressed Flooring, Ceiling and all othei kinds of Lumber and Building Material. l.) any repairing v, anted, and build anything from a Fence to a Temple. Come and ace us. Ra es mod rate. Terms, cash, j jinO-Gm R. G. WILDER A- ROH. Macon.Or J. HOLMES & CO., Wliolosaloiuid Retail DEALERS in GROCERIES LB PROVISIONS, :t: third stbekt, Opp. ILir.lwnan & Sparks’ War .house, MACON, - - - GEORGIA. January 23. Stn TERMS, S2.OQ PER ANNUM. NO. 16. L. J. GUILMARTIN. JOHN FLANNERY. L. J. GUILMARTIN & GO., Cotton Factors and General .COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Huy St., Savannah, Ga. Agents for Bradley's Phosphate, Jewell's Mill Van . and Domestics, Tobareo, <ve. i ■ nna Iron Ties always on hand. fit- Consignments Solicited. Usual facilities •■Mended iocustomers. net24-fim. The Rankin House (Formerly COOK'S HOTEL.) Broad Street, Columbus, Ga. .j. w. kyan, Proprietor. FRANK GOLDEN, CLf.m. COLUMBUS STEAK PLANING MILLS. Corut r St. Clair and Jackson Sts., oluuibus, Greorgfi a. MANUFACTURERS OF Sash, Blinds, Doors, Mouldings and Ornamental Scroll Work. Dry Drcst Flooring nnd Ceiling Tongue Groov etl, and Weather-boarding lor sale. WE HAVE FOR SALE 110 A DLEY'S PORT ABIES TEA M ENGINES For Saw Mills and Plantation use. Iron and Wire Hailing, for Counten and Ct muterics. Wood-Working Machinery of all kinds kept on hand. my3o-1 y. 11. R. GOETCHIUS Sc CO. W. DUN CAN. J. 11. JOHNSTON. M. MACLEAN. DUNCAN & JOHNSTON Cotton Factors, —AND— General Commission Merchant*, 92 BAY STREET, SAVANNAH. GA. Jt&T' Agents for the following standard Fertil izers: KittloniU’s A. A. Guano; Burney's Ex celsior Gnann; Phosphatic Blood Guano. orders for the above Fertilizers for rliiK county will be filled by O. I>. Gorman, \gent. oct 3-6 m. N OTIC E r AVe take pleasure in anouncing to the public that we are opening at OUK OLD STAND, A COMPLETE STOCK OF FANCY & STAPLE DRY-GOODS, boots, shop:s, HATS, &C., Which we offer at Wholewde and Retail, as Low an the snmt- Quality can be bought in this Mar ket ! Call, see, examine and Buy ! Those indebted to ur prior to September, 1871, will come forward, pavnpandcom nciice anew. Mr. Juo. Gamble, of Talbot conn y is still connected with the house. JNO. McGOUGH * CO., pu l l6-3m Columbus, Georgia. A. M. SLOAN, J. H. SLOAN. A. M. SLOAW & CO.. Cotton lT'a.ctoi-s, Commission Merchants, And Agents for the Celebrated Etiwan and Soluble Sea Island Guanos. Ola.born &. Cunningham’s Range, BAY ST., SAVANNAH, GA. oot 3-6 m. School Notice! Parents who have daughters to educate are io spectlully invited to remember that MONROE FEMALE COLLEGE it FORSYTH, GA., is in successful operation Hid presents advantages worthy of consideration, i he following officers compose the FACULTY: R. T. ASBURY, A. M., PaEsrorarr, Rev s. G. llillyer. D. I).; Prof. H. Bkchtbr, Miss Kate Milledge, Mrs. M. A. Turner, Miss Eugenia Amos, Miss Louisa Hillter, Mrs. 0. G. Morbal. The Institution has a healthful location, teach ers of experience and reputation, excellent facil oies lor improvement in the fine arts and theso •iid and moral surroundings of one of the best communities in the State. Special lied action on Expenses I Fyr the balance of this term ending July 15tb., Board and Tuition may be procured for SIOO. e’er further particulars apply to the President of he Faculty. Da. J. G. LAWTON. President of the Board of Trustee.. Andrew Dunn, Secretary. feb2-6m. Attention, Farmers! OAVE your money by buying a fertilizer that O all know hai itood the test of every kind of -.eason, and iuvest in that pure article, JNO. MERRYMAN * CO.’S Ammoniated Dissolved Bones. We have just received a lot which we offer at old rate.*, yiz: Cash, S6O. a>’d ng 7 per cent, in terest on time sales. Call early on CAMPBELL* JONES, Aozm jan23*3m * Macon, f*