The Talbotton standard. (Talbotton, Ga.) 1870-1881, September 17, 1873, Image 1

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O. I>- GORMAN, Proprietor. VOL. IV. iTALBOTTON STANDABD. f Wkdsksdax Morning, Seitembek 17. 1873. The South. f Tlie following beautiful tribute to the I South is from the pen of the editor of I the Vicksburg Times : “Southern nationality is a dream of the past. A gulf, beyond which we I could not pass, yawned between us and the realization of our hopes; and though bright flowers bloomed upon its brink and wafted us sweet perfume, we could not cross to gather them. The Sonthern cross no longer gleams out amid the wild light of battle ; the sword of the vanquished is sheathed, [ and the land is gloomy with the harm [ loss sepulchres of our martyred dead. [ But when years and years shall have I [Hissed away—when the last of the pres ! out generation sleep with their fathers, I and uew forms throng the old familiar 1 places —when faction shall have been H hushed and justice hold the scales— -1 then, as bright as day and free from I blemish and stain, will stand forth in 1 bright relief upon the scroll of frame, I the°record of the South, dearer to the 1 hearts of her children now in the hours I of sorrow than when on the march of i victory she won the admiration of the I world' Pilgrims from other lands shall I tread with reverend step aboveteh spot I where moulders the dust of our loved I and lost ; while those who are to follow | us will cherish as household gods the I names of those who, carving a way I through the fiery path of war, have I written their names where they never I die. The principle for which so many I laid down their lives may not be rec- I ognized until their names have grown I feeble on the tongue of friendship, and I been drooped, like dead silence, from I the ear of the world. JBut it will strug- I gle back from the hollow bosom that I once bled for it and ascend the heights b of government. And when the faithlul I historian shall descend into the vaults ■ of the dead past in quest of traditions ■ of liberty, he will discover to whom he 1 is indebted for their perpetuation.” Mr. A. R. Watson, of the Macon Tol i egraph.thus sketches the witty Harris of ■ the Savannah News ; J. Chandler Harris, of the .Savannah I Morning News, stands six feet five in II his stocking feet. Ho is a brunette of S the most perfect type, with coal black ■ hair, flowing down bis neck lin beauti ■ fill clusters of ringlets that would arouse I the envy of the fairest lady in the land. H He has the head of an Adonis mounted B upon the broad shoulders of a Hercules. B His size and prodigious strength give R him unlimited license to pop his jokes Eg haphazard over the heads of people with H an indiscriminateness which would in |f timidate a less heroic person. His dom- H inant personal quality is his prevailing H good humor. More smiles can always §f be found on his face than in tho best K comic almanac ever made. He has to H eat a jar of pickles every morning before |j he starts to his office to keep him from smiling at all the girls he meets on the I way. He is a bachelor by trade. True | he went back on his apprenticeship and I got married, but that does not alter the I proposition. Like other people he has 1 his hates. His special aversion is artil- I lery punch. He has been known to * walk four blocks out of his way to get I around one, and be has succeeded in I getting around half a dozen of them in | the course of an afternoon, One day K, he was so late in getting to the office | that he did not arrive till two o’clock J next morning. His excuse was that the | punch was bigger than usual, and it | took him longer to get around it. He I does the theological business for the 1 News, and writes up all the obituaries, i He is uever so happy as when he has an 1 obituary to write, and one that he can 1 expand to a quarter of a column throws I him into an ecstacy of delight from which 1 he does not recover in a week. He nev * er makes a joke, but obtains his pabu -1 um by reading the epitaphs at Bona- I venture. Genics of Woman - — Miss Knight, of j Boston, has invented a machine for I making paper bags with a satchel bot f tom,which is attracting attention for its I complicated mechanism and extraordi -1 nary ingenuity, not only all over this I country but also in all parts of Europe I and throughout Canada. The fortun- I ate inventor has already refused fifty S thousand dollars for her patent. An- I other Massachusetts woman now enters 1 he field. Mrs. Bardwell, of Amherst, I has recently received a pattent for a self- I fastening buttom,which needs no but -9 tonhoie,holds fast and unbuttons at a I touch. The invention con be applied I to buttons of all sizes ; and there is ev -1 cry prospect it will come into extensive I use. The world is indeed progressing, i when we owe to the inventive genius of ! woman that two and a half paper bags can be made in a second by a single ma -1 chine, and that the making of button holes will become a lost art. When we think of the time and eye-sight now de voted to making button-holes, we feel sure that all women will unite in erect ing a statue to the women whose inge nuity has taken away the necessity for the weary and countless stitches requir ed in this laborious department of femi nine industry.— Providence Journal. The President's Silver- Wedding. World Long Branch Letter.] Besides the weather, the chief topic of conversation is Grant's silver wed ding, which c lines off on Friday. There are many stories afloat concerning the same. Each of the indefinite number of guests invited,it is said, will have to pay dearly for the honor. No plated ware will bo tolerated among the presents for the President of the United States on the occasion of the twenty fifth anniversary of his marriage ; noth ing but solid silver will be received. It is stated that the servants at the Presi dent’s cottage have orders to admit no one whose offering is valued at less than $25. There is no limit,however,as to the amount of the gift. Much con jecture is indulged ns to what different individuals will give,and great tales are told of the visits made to New York by the President’s intimates not with him on the tour, and the ransacking of Tiff any’s and Ball & Black’s silverware collections. Be it noted here that sil ver is not stipulated for,and gold may bo the composition. There are some definite statements as to articles already purchased. One of Tom Murphy’ offer ings—for a single present was not enough from Thomas—is said to boa miniature, in solid silver, of the famous cottage by the sea ho gave Grant two years ago, with a silver figme of the President standing in front smoking a silver cigar- Tho figure Is an inch in height, and the edifice is made in pro portion. Its cost is computed at SSOO. Another is said to be (but only by those who had relations in Fort Lafayette during the war)a crown of solid silver, weighing two pounds, the circumference ce of which measures the same as the inside measurement of one of Grant’s cast off hats, which was taken to Tiff any’s for the purpose by ilrs. Murphy, A silver scepter of rare beauty of work manship completes tho regalia. But of the more substantial gifts, perhaps that of Lord Boscou, who expects to bn grand vizier under the new regime, will give the greatest pleasure to the Presi dent. It consists of a little silver trunk containing ten thousand silver dollars fresh froqi the mint. Bankruptcy Items. —A country law yer who manipulates the “Schedules A and B” once in a while for some of the numerous army of Bankrupts now marching to the front, exhibited his legal precision last week in a petition filed in the Bankrupt Court by tin following description of some of the personal estate. This is verbatim : One red and brindled cow with 11 rings on hei horns named “Sac’:ey” 10.00 One cow and calf yaller and black, cow named “Wild Buck” with a bobtail 15.00 One red listed sow with a litter of H spotted pigs. Pigs right pert. 10.00 One blind gray marc 20 years of age, very old on fit for service. Mare name “Sal.” 10.00 Six pouter spoons (long in usc)ono considerable bent, worth—s cts per piece. 30 Two pine cradles,with Inger Rubber baby gouging rings, worth (all told) ' 2.30 One silver Bull’s eye watch badly worn 5.00 One old strawberry speckled slit eared horse mule, mule name “Cross-eyed Dick,” bad for kick ing—worth 50 With all the above precision in bis descriptive powers this “limb-o’-the law,” wo regret to nay, is still vigorous ly wrestling with “Bump,” and at large, seeking whom he may entice in to the peaceful paths of Bankruptcy.— Sa.v Newx. In Waco, Texas, good ponies are selling at prices ranging from ten dol lars to twenty-five. M agon and Her Business.— Macon will not allow herself to be run down by the progressive claquer * for that w’onderful place, the State capital, and the Tele graph comes to the front with a good word for Macon and her resources. Her jobbing trade is a steady, solid traffic. The house of Ross k Coleman alone sold a million dollars worth of dry-goods last season, and will do even better this year. There are other firms there who do equally as well. The dry-goods job bing trade of Macon extends over a large area throughout Eastern and Southeast ern Alabama, West and Middle Florida, Southwestern Georgia and other parts of the State. Macon has everything in her favor. A united community of bus iness men, a wide and prolific field to work in, and unsurpassed facilities are arguments in favor of Macon which can not be set at naught by envious rivals. “WHAT IS IT BUT A MAP OF BUSY LIFE, ITS FLUCTUATIONS AND ITS VAST CONCERNS.” TALBOTTON, GA., WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 17, 1873. LoVert Female Collojrc, TAI, UOTTO N, OA. The Eighteenth Annual S. ssion of thin insti tution wifi commence (D. V.) on the Kith, of September, 1873. The tacnlty will be the name os that of last year. The Course of Study has been added to and every eDort w ill lie made to Rive first-class ad vantages to those w ho may become pupils ol the institution. Board, (including fuel and lights) per month, $15.00. Tuition in Literary Department, per term ot 20 weeks, in College Classes, $2llOO. In Academic Department, trom SIO.OO to $21.00. Music, 25.00. Auy amount which may be received by the Pre-uleiit from the Public School final will bo credited on the accounts of paying patrons. jfSGf'Cntalogues scut on application. Address, Key. V. E. Manoet. President, jan9-ly. Talbotton, Ga. THE ALABAMA GOLD LIFE INSURANANCE COMPANY Home Office, 34 St. KranciH St., MOBILE. Assets, $750,000. Capital, $200,000, IN GOLD. OFFICERS: C. E. THAMES, - - - - Pbesident. G. W. BUTT, ----- Vice Pres. T N. FOWLEB, ----- Secretary. D. P. FIt.VCKLEK, ----- Actuary. Growth of the Company. The Alabama Gold Life Insurance Company was organized October 11th, 1808, with a (Upital Stock ot $200,000 iu Gold. The Growth of the Company lias been grad ual and progressive, making it.s way steadily against indifference and predjudioo, and forcing the community by it.s progress and results, to consider its claims to their confidence ami sup port. Confidence and support have been so gener ously that the Company is now the largest moneyed corporation in this country , and, it is believed, in soundness, second to no Life Insu rance Company in the world. Policies Issued ON THE OR DIN A BY LIFE PLAN, OHDIXARY ENDOWMENT TABLE, LIMITED PAYMENT LIFE TABLE, TEN PAY MENT ENDOWMENT TABLE, BEDUt TION (>F PREMIUM TABLE, And Mb. r Plans, all of which ale NO N 1 '< > RFEin.Mi JOHN H. CARTER, Agent, jne2s-tt Talbotton, Ga. m This Concentrated Vegetable Specific is a true purifier of the human blood. It thorough ly neutralizes and eradicates from the system the specific virus, and every kind of lmmor and bad taint, which causes such a long list of human suffi ring, and imparts perfect health and purity to the entire constitution. In every form of scrofulous, mercurial and synbiiitic Wood com plaints it stands without compeer- rapidly cur ing Ulcers, Pustules, Carbuncles, Hcald Head, Salt Rheum, and the B'J varieties of skin affec tions. It, is a positive curative for scrofula, chronic and inflammatory rhematism, and the deadly enemy to mercury, lead and arsenic, quickly eliminating them from the system. The action of this remedy is based upon the truths of inspiration, the lawr>of nature, and theknowl edge of chemistry. Tho Fluid Extract of Queen s Delight, p-e pared by Dr. .1. 8. Pem berton. Las made the most wonderlul and as tonishing cures Its purifying, vivifying and touie properties exercise the quickest, and most wonder.'ul i‘fleets in restoring health. It is harm less to the most delicate, and can never be used amiss. It i the true bcautificr of the complex ion. If you want rich blood, dear skin and beautiful complexion, use the Compound Extract of Etillinga of Queen's Delight. Head our treatise on diseases of the blood. The geninne has the signature of the proprietor on each label —take no other. For sale by all Druggists. $1 00 a bottle. Die. J. 8. PEMIJEKTuN AGO., rny2B-t Proprietors, Atlanta, Ga WANTED. W womel Business That will Pay ! from $4 to *8 per cUy, can be pursued in your own neighborhood; it is a rare chance for those out of employment or having leisure time; girls and and boys frequently do as well as men. Particulars tree. Address J. LMTHMM & CO., aug27-0w 292 Washington £(t.,Boston, Mass. j. ii. Hamilton; WHOLESALE AND BETA IT, DEALER IN Bagging, Ties, Bacon, Halt, Sugars, Collee, Ac., Ac., Ac. ALSO Always on. Hand a Full Stock of Plantation and Family Grocer ies and Provisions. Junction of Franklin, Wurren and Oglethorpe streets, COLUMBUS, GEORGIA. All purchases delivered Iree of drayag in the city and suburbs. jneA tf. Collinsworth Institute, Talbottoiiy Ciu. Fall Term, begins August 4th. and embraces four months. Spring Term, for 1874, begins February 2nd. and embraces six months. Tuition: $2, S3. $4 and $5 per month, if con tracted for the Venn, and paid in advance. Hoard, tuition, washing and incidentals, lor Fall Term, SBI.OO. Arrangements have been made with the Board of Education t > receive pupils entitled to the benefits of the Public School Funds. See uotics of County School Commissioner. .J. T. Mi LAUUHLIN. A. M.. janlG-ly Principal and Proprietor. MT AIRY Male & Female Academy The next session ot this school will open on the 21st. inst., and continue during four months or eighty scholastic days. Tuition lor the session $13.00. Board can be obtained in good tiuyilies at rea sonable retes. Pupils are rigidly examined up on entrance an<l at the close of the session. These examinations are not private. They are open to the public. For further particulars, address the under signed at Waverly llall, Ga. jly3o-tf. ‘ J. G. CALHOUN. DR. JNO. W. KAIGLER Having located in Talbotton, respectfully ten ders his services to the citizens of tho town and surrounding country. Special attention given to Obstetrics and Dis eases of Women and Children. lie may be found at the residence of Mrs. Blount or at the Drug Store when not profession ally engaged. aprJO-tf. J. M. MATHEWS, - Attorney at Law, TALBOTTON, GEORGIA. —O— Will practice in all the Courts of tho Chatta hoochee Circuit,Federal Court at Savannah,and Supreme Court of the State. inch 13- tf. CALVIN CALHOUN, Atto in e,v a t I.a w, BOX SPRINGS, TALBOT CO. yW'Will practice in all the /hurts of the Chattahoochee Circuit. mchltt-tf. L. F. m’IaUGHI.IN CHAB. O. BUSH. McLaughlin & rush, 1 >ENTISTS, TALBOTTON, GEORGIA. (Office South Side Public Square.) Dr. 1 1. F. McLaughlin will continue to fravol in this and adjoining counties. Calls from a d'stiinco will receive prompt attention. Dr. ('. (> Rush will remain m tho operating mum, which will be onen to patients at nil hours of tie day. MoLAUGHUN A RUSH. January ‘23-tf. W. G. CLEMONS, W. A. JAMES. CLEMONS & JAMES, Colton A: CommisNion MEiICH A N T S , Columbus, - - - - - - Georgia. Agents, Spring Villa Manufacturing Company “ Patapsco Guano jan 16-tf. Louis L. Garrard, ATTORNEY AT LAW, COLUMBBUS, - - - GEORGIA. Will give special attention to Bankruptcy cases and press them to a speedy conclusion. The office of the Register in Bankruptcy for Talbot, Hitiris, Marion, Taylor, and other ad joining counties, is in the city of Columbus. -All letters answered. Refers to Judge E. H. Worrill. jne2s-tf. W. E. RAGLAND. O. W. KIMBROUGH. RAGLAND & KIMBROUGH, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, -iB- General Groceries -AND- Staple Dr y Goods, and Slioes, AT WILSON’S CORNER. frir- Will commence business the First of April, Gmsigumonts solicted. We will sell for Gish 1 Give ns a ca’ mchPJ-tf BROWN EXTRA COTTON GIN! AGENCY AT COLUMBUS, GA. Price Kecucbd to $3.50 peii Saw! The “Brown Extra Cotton Gin” is favorably known in all parts of the cotton growing country* The agents of this Gin sold upwards of Six Hundred to the planters of the South, during the past season. It possesses the maximum of all the desirable qualities, without being compli cated by any of the so-called improvements, such as condensers, needle-teeth, card-cylinders, and extra brushes. It is simple, durable, well made of good materials, light running, and is unrivalled in the quantity and beauty of the sta ple produced. Possessing these, and many oth er advantages, it has been received with greater favor, even than in former years, when, as now, it was a general favorite at the South. It is made with a strong iron frame, combining strength and durability. For perlect finish, simplicity, fust and clean ginning, light draft, and superiority ol lint, it is without a rival. To suit the preferences of a portion of the trade, some ot the Gins are made with wooden frames of white ash, and are very strong and substantial; otherwise the Gins are the same as those with iron frames, and are furnished at the same price. When an order is sent it will be necessary to name the kind wanted. jy9-Sm J. L. DUNHAM & CO., Agents. Dennis Bros., Agents at Talbotton. for Tall crops. SOLUBLE PACIFIC GUANO! For Bls by C. B. LEITNER, augfl-tf Genera, On. J. B. ARTOPE & SON, 31 A R B Ij E AND— Granite Works. Also, Iron Itailing nwl ! Nla,te Mantles, First claw* Designs furnished and Estimates giv en on short notice. solicited. Comer Third and Plumb Streets, March 19-ly MACOy, GA. LAWTON & WILLINGHAM, 3X AC O IV, GA . , —OFFER TO THE— FARMERS OF TALBOT COUNTY AND ADJOINING COUNTIES, Plantation Supplies ON TIME! For Approred Paper. ®D~ Write theiQ or call when you visit Macon. nnli2o-tf. Marshall House. A. B. LUCE, Proprietor. BOARD THREE DOLLARS PER DAY. Navannali, Go. Farmers, Read This ! A LARGE STOCK OF Planters Soovil, and Scovil’s Pattern Hoes, Trace Chains, Axes, Scovil and Plan ter’s Hoes, Pad-Locks, Table Cutlery,Pocket Knives, Hollow-Ware, &c., &c. IS OFFERED TO THE PEOPLE OF TALBOT AND ADJOINING COUNTIES, —AT— VEItV LOW PRICES! can suit everybody in Stoves,with tic grout favorites, "SUNNY SOUTH,” “COTTON PLANT,” “BENEFACTOR"and "STEWART.’ Every stove guaranteed. Call and see us 01 send your orders to OLIVER, DOUGLASS A CO., apr3o-tf Macon, Ga. BOOK AND MUSIC HOUSE! J. W. pease'& NORMAN, 70 Hiou<l St., Columbus, Ga. —DEALERS IN — Books, Stationery, Pianos, Organs, Vio lins, Guitars, Sheet Music and Musio Books. Rosewood and Mahogony Writing Desks and Work Boxes, Family and Pock Bibles, Testa ments, Hymn and Prayer Books, Blank and Miscellaneous Books; Chuomoh, Oil Paintinok, Picture Frames; Cap, Letter, Note, Initial,and Wrapping Papers, Twines, Gold and .Steel Pens, Pencils, Wall Paper, Window Shades, Fire Screens, &c. Also, Lawn and Parlor CROQUET, •and all kinds of Games. —o ALL GOODS HOLD —AT THE — Very Lowest Prices, for Cash ! filled promptly on as good terms as if made in person. Send for price of anything you may want in our line, which will be proinp-t ly attendee to. Liberal terms given to Teno • ers and Merchants. apr23-lyT E. J. JOHNSTON, DEALER IN WATCHES, JEWELRY SILVER V T ARfI, FANCY GOODS, FINE CUTLERY, MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, STRINGS, ETC. Role Agent for the Celebrated DIAMOND PEBBLE SPECTACLES, Eye-Glasses, Etc. ptf" Particular attention given to repairs on fine and difficult watches. Jewelry, &c., repaired and engraving. Corner Mulberry and Second streets, Macon, Ga. apr23-lv. Star Candles ! PROCTER & GAMBLE’S “LIGHT OF DAY” BRAND STAR CANDLES. ARE OF SUPERIOR QUALITY AND THE i STANDARD BRAND. / jrWHal.i by Savannah, Augusta, Atlanta and I Macon Grocers. auglS-ffin DANIEL COLLINS, MANUFACTURER AND DEALER TN All kinds of Furniture. Old Furniture ltepaired. All kinds of Wood Turning and Houso Mouldings fumished at short notice, OPPOSITE the EMPIRE MILLS, Columbus, Ga. jan 16-ly ik. \v. Ft u, ham i 7 DEALER IN LIQUOIIS, WINKS, ETC., MACON, CA. Groat bargains offered to the trade. apl4-ly, doors, SASH and BLINDS, Mouldings, brackets, stair fixtures, Builders’ Furnishing Hardware, Drain Pipe, Floor Tiles. Wire Guards, Terra Cotta Ware, Mar ble an<i Slate Mantle Pieces. Window Glass a Specialty. Circulars and Price Lists sent free on application, by P. P. TOALE, 20 ITayne and 33 Pinckney Sts , oct 10-tf. Charleston, S. C. White Pine Lumber for Sale ! NOT I C E ! We take pleasure in anouncing to the public that we are opening at OITR OLD STAND, A COMPLETE STOCK OF FANCY & STAPLE DRY-GOODS, BOOTS, SHOES, HATS, &C., Which we offer at Wholesale and Retail, as Low as the same Quality can be bought in this Mar ket I Call, see, examine and Buy 1 /?■#* Thoso indebted to us prior to September, 1871, will please come forward, pay up and com mence anew. Air. Jno. Gamble, ol Talbot coun ty, is still connected with the house. JKO. McOOUGII CO., nmyll-tf. Columbus, Georgia. FOR 20 YE ARS THE Standard of Excellence ! THROUGHOUT THE WORLD. O VK R 8 0 0,000 I N IT SE ! It you think of buying a Sewing Machine, it will pay you to examine the records of those now in use and profit by experience. The Wheeler & Wilson stands alone as the only Light Run ning Machine, using the Rotary Hook, making a Lock Stitch, alike on both sides of the fabric sewed. All shuttle machines waste power in drawing the shuttle back after the stitch is form ed, bringing double wear and strain upon both machine and operator, hence while other ma chines rapidly wear out, the Wheeler <V Wilson lasts a Lifetime, and proves an economical in vestment. l)o not believe all that is promised by so-called “Cheap” machines, you should re quire proot that years ot use have tested their value. Money onco thrown away cannot be re covered. Send for our circulars. Machines sold on oas.v terms, or monthly payments taken. Old machines put in order or received in exchange. . Wheeler Wilson’s Mf’o Co.’s Offices : Savannah, Augusta, Macon and Columbus, Ga. W. 11. CJLEVKS, General Agent, augl3-tl‘ Savannah, Ga. LIVERY,FEED & SALE STABLES, Talbot ton, Ga. Gamage A Martin call the attention of travel ers and the people generally to their new line ot business at the old stand tormerly occupied by Win. B. Spain, deceased. They run the back twice a day from Talbotton to Geneva, meeting trains from both east and west; and are prepar ed to seud parties in coaches, carriages, bucks or buggies to ary point in this and adjoining counties, at reasonable rates Fare from Geneva to Talbotton, SI.OO. Tick ets sold at $9.00 per dozen. jffjer All letters or packages to bo sent off by the hack, must be deposited at the office, with C&pt. Gamage, who will give them his prompt attention, and in no case will they be received by the driver, on leaving town, causing deten tion. Parties wishing to go off on the hack, must be ready by 71 o’clock, a. m., and at 3 o’clock, p. m., and the driver is not allowed to wait longer than 3 minutes for gentlemen and 6 for ladies. Those living in the suburbs ol the town must give no tice in time, so that they can get to the office by the time the hack leaves. The hack w ill only run to Geneva once on the Sabbath and then in the afternoon,except in ur gent cases, when conveyance will be furnished JXtt'Capt. Geo. W. Gamage has fitted up and opened his jewelry, watch making and repairing establishment at the stables, where ho will be glad to see all of his old friends and attend | promptly, and with dispatch, anything in his ! line tliat mav he entrusted to him. 1 jan*? tf. v GAMAGE k MARTIN. TERMS, $2.00 PER ANNUM. NO. 37. The Rankin House (Formerly COOK’S HOTEL.) Broad Street, Columbus, Ga. J. W. EYAN, Proprietor. FRANK GOLDEN, Clerk. READ, READ! —WE HAVE ON HAND & TO ARRIVE r 10,000 Buslh>ls Prime AV liito Corn. 50 000 lbs. Bacon and Bulk Meats. 11,000 Bushels Oats. 300 bbls. Flour, Family, Extra Family and Fancy. OUR STOCK OF GROCERIES IS Pull & Complete, And we are prepared to sell at the low est market price. E. BARNARD & CO., mchl2-tf Columbus, Ga. THE PLACE TO lITJY HARDWARE CHEAP! —IS AT— JOHNSON & DUNLAP’S, 72 THin U SIRE ET, 31 ACO\,GA. pr3o tf. w. j. chaffin" Bookseller, Stationer, —AND DEALER IN— Musical Instruments, A’O. 92 IIItOAI) STREET, COLUMBUS, UA. april2-ly. MOWING KSEAFING MACHINES TAYLOR Hors e It ak© s, CRAIG’S HORSE POWER, ECLIPSE COTTON PRESS, Grain Cradles, Grass Knives, Scythe Blades, Polished Steel Sweeps, Hoes, Feed Cutters, Cider 3Lills, Threshing’ Machines, Pratt’s Cotton Gins. NEEDS AND PLANTS OF ALL DUScnirTIOKE. HOLSTEAD & CO., Columbus Agricultural Depot, febl3-tf Columbus, Ga. L.. L. COWDERY, DEALER IN House-Furnishing Goods, silver plated ware, GLASSWARE, Best White and Gilt, French China, White Gran ite and Iron-Stone Ware, Gunmon CYeam-Color ed Ware, Ac., <fec. Home Building, Columbus, Ga. Jan. 16-ly. A Profitable Investment for Capitalists! A COTTON FACTORY TO HE BUILT ON THE Water Site oj? the Palace Mills. Cos 1 uhi bu , Ga. It in proposed to build on the water site of the Palace Mills, u COTTON FACTORY for the’ manufacture ot Cotton Goods. The Capitnl Stock which will be $250,000, which wilt include an ample flouting capital. The building end machinery will be erected uud arranged under the direction of J. Rhodes Bbowne, Es<i. The building will be u substan tial structure, und the muchiuery of the most approved patterns. The capital of the public is invited to this en terprise us one promising sure, speedy and pro fitable results. No subscription will be binding until $200,000 is secured, w hen the subscribers will be invited to convene for the purpose of or ganizing the company, and the work will be commenced. NO TAXATION, either State, County or Municipal, attaches to this investment for Ten Years. The BEST waterpower on the river is secured; the warehouses ot cotton are at tho door; the railroads radiate from the city tc every market for goods; and operatives aro seeking employment. With such advantages is it un reasonable to promise a profit of 20 per cent, per annum ou the investment ? Subscriptions will be received, at the Chatta hoochee National Bank, tho Merchants and Me chanics Bank, und the Banking Office ot the Georgia Home Insurance Company. J. RHODES BROWNE, R. L. MOTT, JAMES F. BOZEMAN, W. L. SALISBURY, JAMES RANKIN, JOSEPH KYLE, EFFING A HANSERD, J. L. MUSTIAN, CHAB. WISE, SWIFT, MURPHY A 00.. , mylAvJm 4LLLN, FKEER A ILLGUi.