The Talbotton standard. (Talbotton, Ga.) 1870-1881, June 07, 1876, Image 4

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GRANGERS, ATTENTION. KCUTI Mowrso uA KK iPVtO MACHUK. THMZHHIM'i MACHINE# G%AB F*A (OUR rSLAMXI P/9( PexVn. TaTLOR BOfMt JUKKM, W7R.V) vf CASKWTLIA SUGAR ..vf KTRTP EVAPORATORS * GERMAN MHXJET, CH TV A. Ifolsteari & Cos., 137 and 139 Broad St., Columbus, Georgia. M, 17A/ MARK A. BRADFORD, (SCCCBHIOR TO W. R. KENT.) Monaftinlnrcr of nnd Doolor in Saddles. Harness, Trunks, Valises, Carriage Trimmings, Leather & Leather Belting, AIX KIRM op New Work and Repairing Done at Short Notice HU llroad 815.000 worth of DRY GOODS TO J3D SOLO “Within the >Texf Thirty Days. Xi.ring pwr'fceeed the er.tire itw k ef E. S- Swift iii . s?t r oftcrir jil • pne*. 'h< ejtl every mm. 11m; Good, will be *e,H i LKA'I then H AI.P 7 HI. cotv J GOOD POIK.D GAITER* u II 23 *.olH be efceep • *2 Vi GOOD WHOLE *t'•* K RROOAVS *t ti 23; worth it isy market 12 0. EAGLE FACTORY AHEETiaWiJi only 6 cents. PACTOKY ItAJil *t 2S per cent nieicr coei Klf> GLOVER 'wiiy 50 cent* per pair. READY MADE < l/miINYi .iAi// yww. HAT# 23 per rest Im tb*o e/*t, DRRri# (MXltti g/ing Rnm .rg; •)meet Ilk. gi ri bj ’. 1 *ra *r. GORDON Ac < P. S Th* Block will b* sold not .1 the old eland RLR. SWIFT, No *Ur. .. vri CeMUlwe, (it-, April lHtb. 1H73. iS-if. monuments, Tombs, 'l'nblOH, ll(‘.*irl-Stoii<-M ) Hi hliisi ry, Garden VaHfH, Mantclx., Furnituri; Hlabx, AM dl IMt( *<Ak ia Dm Ktrbb I.m '.n t im) put up In • Her t sr."rt cc- * WROUGHT IKON RAIUINO MADE TO ORDER. henry McCauley. No. 40 Broad Street, Columbus, Ga. Xu:k I I; The Qinger* "THE WORLDS FAVORITE!" . m\m *ic**<l (hoii of **y other Corn p*y for tk a.******-*^' period named, by th number of 1 'IH,HSi£ Machine*, or nearij Throe Timex t liohc of any other Company. It may b further at*te*l that the hhl*-* of 1873. a compared with thoa* of 1872. *bow relatively larger lurr*ui*. beyond the w*le* of other maker*. For maUnea, in 1872 •old 46,000 mort Machine* than any othar company, where**, in 1873, the aa*#s w*r 113,254 Machines in Excess of our Highest Competitor AND IN 1X74 OCR BALK} WERE 148,852 Machines More than Any Other Company 1 THE OLD RELIABLE SINGER Sewing Machine PIUII has tha land, while 1f),D!)5,455 othar* say it ia the tx*t. The Singer Manufacturing Comp y, No, 172 Broughton St., Savannah, Ga. C. S. BEATTY, Agent. HUAXf’Il' OFFIC’ICN In Atlanta, Athens, AogUftta. .tfwon, Columbus and Tho(f)fc*villc, (la., Charleston and Columbia, 8. C., Jacksonville and Tallah&*M*-. Fla. Cliam. H. HOLT, Atfont, .A 1 No. OU Vft*oticl SifiM*!*!, < 'olunihiiN, Ga. J*. If. HOPKINS, Aront, 1 ’or Tiillmt County, (hi, pie bend your addrewi to the al*>v oflic** for a Catalogue of the celebrated I.A/Alt FITTING PAITET.VS. 7hey are the beat, the chenpeat, aud nio*i atyliAh pattern* in lh* market. Feb 23-Gin. Money Saved is Money Made ! From thin date my term* will l>s MTItK 'TLY CAMII, and I shall offa ffeeial induoemenu to my customers, My stock ot Groceries and Provisions Will altraya be large and varied. 1 have in afore the best and cheapest lot of Floor im thta market, put up in barrel* and Hacks, at Wholesale and K< toil. MEdla, at Mill price*. CORN. OATS. BRAN. HAOON and BULK MEATS, LAUD, SUGARS, 01’FFEES, TEAS, STRUTS, WINES and LIQURS. HfTOEh, STABLE DRY GOODS, FANCY GROCERIES, CANNED GOODS, *V., Ac. Yon ean aare money by (filing on me before purchasing, na I Khali have no had debt* W mako good by charging loug price*; and l buy my good* from Impoiicm and Munu faettirerK for CASH Ml motto henceforth will be "Small profits and quick Salen ” No chnrgo for Drayage lUspfctfull.Y, .1. 11. IIAMILTOX,' Juiiollmh I'VauLllu, TVii’r'ii .V Oglethorpe Wt., Harris))! COLUTIHU*. 0 4. THE FASiIER AND HIS HOUSEHOLD. The hope of this country is in the Farmers THtrr iA<r ciu>it vp no* -a arise bomjzcstai to a li >~ts s PgkfiSMKVLAUT ASH TBZIS SCXZSS LIE* IS rsist WJtlzl ~ r.i : AS TOC GO ASD LIVZ AT BO HZ' WT WlLl IZSP TBlz MTOU 1 v ALL THE TLAE Of wefceii ern—TwnrefiPi if m&er*c v, cbe Agnemfcarmt. Is ymm tmw *aknm*i aayksag wia b? reperir gje ami taa UuMdt of IC ? ynm vmia. vr.u Watt* %a*i ?* y m ia aa fire m pawbiai. Bf-An4-Byr. VUt will it tarter ke-*&i->-e Whether aay pach b*Lvw m Wi*fber it vend tkrnwgfi ot V.tAnt a grwy ew lea *Ay, I krtfc Imsk on it, tj+xui-b’?. VW eiH at srsmtxor. by-cad-Sy. Whether Wihfftfiad, I Med aks#. I at/ trsA a ttoiax. Midmhg tLe of tLe -ich, BAkßg n* tiuiik by -aaii-by. Waoi wtd .t matter, fey-a^i-r.y. WViner with r-j I rec.s Deera uix yawtt with a gay xm* fas. Kt 2; lean eonLi bw vmmtet bt-aa<i*ky ? What will j 4 h7-€ka*i-hy. Whether wtrh Ckee by SrocMng myae’tf *ef> ar>i "Ail will be eLatwiae. ky and fey Wtat will it mmttrt > —Ni-rtgil D I O .ly am ewr* tLe way I v** trod. Gr otty or gi.adde&ed, / jimjkni > T tae tow tba why. Il I but raoL Him. by-a ti by. KwtFtso F tiM mL—Tbxrs are d.flktiiLea in in awch a way m to the pro4t r low ia the Cartaitg. that 4a not oeesr is keeping the aK-rcooshi of '*her a '-d of btHMM It ia *ay to tfal* the feaerai that mhootld okwred, hftt aoeaayto apply them ia data k f ptx nee. The farm, of ewarw. afcooi*i he ear ged with lh#cap*.-ai mreated. awl erb *: outiaya, and ceived ia retem. Soppow I bay afars with suitable apoo U, wLkS with the necewary acd farm iapL'aaetUa. ofWSJ*. That %orr. ’r : ~e to the ddf or aide of the aor'arX AH aa/aa pa*l Irx Lb-r ewd. f*-rt-.;.rerv Ar . ahoald ako be •‘titerwl m the * ewf ua.n. Ho far it is ail eajo'. bo* *a B tlx ertdita it unl at all aay to and * the Taliie of tbe returaa rev*e ; I/, ai the eud ot tha jewr, the fane, in cot_ee qvso.ce cf nojirovtcieob upon it, or tram any other caiuse. :a worth more at the the inrTeaae te and go to a * *l; the - f preftta. but, frtqwcdy it ta di fees it to ie tenmne the extent of the trwrrae of va. aa 7he ur;,4 amr be na:d f the mr'***--- value of ato< k res*a...;r.g on the fLnx. Thera are many iU& of iae-eae vL/'a ar difficult to estinate asd *ome wr:*h are : commonly orerlooked altogether The t* rra •hociU beeteditel with IL.-u.e6 rent w.'.n aich a aoxn a* the farmer w .A Lave . pay for the aae of a |if be were to Lire one 'lke a*e | of bu dneihng in ivgjtimalely a part of t-e Imcoim of the farm. Ihe vegetabi from hu gar'kn, the frmt i fram hia ore i cheeae from hia cowa, the 'rom ht* j p ,aitry and tha hooey from hia hlvea, con ; aumed m hw Citniiy. ara aa Touch a purt o the iac';nie of fcsa fa.rm aa ia the motley r - ceivd for the produce aoii, and tbomd be credited! to the farm at Ihoir market vaioe. It ia not, h we-.aT. ea-y to* kacp ac rr*7C* *c e eiit ol UVK) noall ma.'O-r* but we tc ii/va an Lon# at arid per*er/ nng aUeeopi to | do ao for a ytar or two, w.l ccnrrnce any | farmer who ahail try it for the fir*t time, t .at he Lad prarioualy no correct noUon of J the cort of living nor of th>- profit of farm- M, j How to do Brrm Fumim. A eorree | fiondDt of the Trairie Farmer givew the [ following vary aeaaibh; advica : "Bat the ieriotx* qaection: "Flow ahull thi* ayntacn I/a cwuu&eneed?’* Thia ia aHk*r*l aa well by the farmer who haa aafficeni money wherewith to improve hie farm, a* by one who*# labor upon the t arm only auAcea to earn Lie daily bread. It lx aa difficult % problem for toe one aa the other We fin )By experience that m thia proceat one mart need* make haate alow It, it he look* for profit, and the closer he look* to hia own reaemreew Utr rmtenal*. inat -a/! of onwiaely apeudmg Li* money fir oatrtde help or material, the mere ecoootiiical will be hi* pn>gro4a. It is also that labor or money shall b* only expended in such a way that it shall toll in th ■> ol profit*. For instance f it ia far more profit able lo hjv* • good pig in a p'W r pen, ao long a* it ia sufficient for proper shelter, than to have a poor pig in a <"*t )y pen.and the name with other wU/ck and their stabler*, and with the crojei and l*nja. Bnrxi Mrijc Csax. One pound of one pound of sugar, Ixalf pound of batter, fire ♦ggv. a hall pint of taftorrxiilk. Itomt the eggs well; add by degree* and alter nately th* flour, an gar milk and butter. The lart must be w**bd and creamed The buttermilk Hboukl l>e just from the chum; if decidedly sour, a nmch ol soda will !>• found needfaL Kizravo H.>s*r. To k* ep honey all year round, let it run through a fine naive to •eperuto it frora particle* of wax, then boil it gently in an earthen v< el, skim off the foam which gather* on top and cool in jrtrs. After covering these tightly, set them away in a eool cellar. The Stbuooix* or Life. T-’rom the cra dle to the grave life ia fall of Htrugglea. Some struggle ler riche*, w>me lwr plcahure, Nome for honor, and other* struggle to re gHiu that greatest ol all USefisingfi -health and in their effort* they often resort to means which place* it farther aud farther out ol their reach. They take drastic com pounds, which shock the system, or violent minerals which noison by degrees and thus the vital energies art weakened and the very fountains of life polluted- Nature provides remedies for every disease, audit is from the vegetable kingdom that DruTurr’s Liter Pnxa derive their ingredients, and in their tine their is the happy certainty that it they do no good, they do not harm. But of their efficacy, thousand* who have Wen cored of diseased liver, kidneys, spleen, stomach and bowels, live t<dsytu testify, june 7-’it. Table ol tVeistt aa4 Meagre*. LG. Ouadt- U* Waett . . m el* Gam y*-l 14 Crrz ~A -i Om a uns mz 7‘) : -m‘Zm u> , . &M 2fC** 74 IriH OaSi n nnft -r Bnrftoy *7 Sew* Cai {nut Pwiw Yt-S • • *■ .- P:o&xa . -i Baa A> braot - > T-in;;* ..■■•• -> utr.r boa* A*. Tmotzsz H.ur - . V*-r *.' Lxax. -*• Tam Jar zmA M ' *' FKx W. .. ... Fa* -dl A a-sp -nr, 1 44 •• -■ Lism> amg/fru* -Se ino-T 'I “i I”^'- sno oa ioaJ t -a ispti*-. •• TANARUS foma -aiaiMT *icx m if'.ur IW4w * **-•- 30 te r.c“er - jj i 7m -ii- i vreoee H •fpic :-iH on -ie 4U Ia mmi so sauuoai *K rrjtmite , ‘.t :nr a* p it- au i.-.'-rs 50 -ieUy | rpemeag of r?f*. A awr- m^ried S*ttprvn*Et j* tie ~"ia ; - fisy xm! qmu:*r of tbs qprs-C tfaw f th* wiafiss-sown* r*o*. St Star-to?:* tb? ftnw -sf ©•*.*! aa#f prswv* is firrsn ‘a-..~r i akr in waykr 4 ? i* ear Fttsaws. ’ .r --stc*, pema. hesMß* sape. ggi.Ta, kr%*i*r\ ardke are *as;. r/**i hy ar*„ ’Ot flax iii , w aijiHHna 6s*®** ts* ftr?u.*2ta -f tr> ta E*i g!! in a- c gsflwra -.2. Lad st r .. wf* a f*a af>? I ate beta apj&wi. H ijrrscw• srr.A wazxm> -la tpt- i 7 *sf aiixaire i:r * :r* -r *—>ere a **- **y* n :r i*i.*g*f ;f ptesa If !f‘osp*ie?t.y ctr*trwl *i a in* siaa-irt iaey arc mritsm*ijj£ s<:€ fc-sslly : ~ Z.C-iJiA‘ :2.'*3k a iSpLt cf OUkBMI KUtaSTi k* i th* s£iS ptosae&iaa, to* pmtfi ccxte -•-£ £r**i va'! .T'—c to* 9$T-zj£ A wr.ier to tie Ptsm Fxnnrfr my*. T vo year* I mwil oc* of the beds v .to '.--ar** <• ■ * ento*.' ax.d in toe ver I f#-sT .;xf fine -va-rteato part of ii. Ei . to<* 4of?c ; su 'J*i ]xi toa..t i*ni I '.ttcTM Kiti ante* if toafcc. to*& trim i2j rtjus. * To penfmrs fcto*l ttoer t-Ust* f-Tffi. "i' VtCtoH X rt| -f 40.5 ar -toi eueh p xjS/.i3b-. a*!L ...'.i .-a ts. XLe ▼ ton* ♦. ; - r *' *z.i vt-i e n..a i'• toit .e to ti* sou wiJ A- to*?, fwar tikaces tr*ad tie rvaa. T > keep :-r?m SBCfly !>>v [ low cat the hones Ir.r eaessalKr, nftML > aieloa sal fNßnpkia sad pat to a j*ss or re -1 beta miliar?. Cover w;^h l carta sad pin at r ie wed Wi-,j* tie vines ' grew toi totatiy it >LI be too aapCito-:..* ! fi>r to* b^a. Aaottor s to sow a tow sadato seed with torf aL,v to-ea'.v a-e 4 see>-L Bags *r* w:* ; fo4of rvi;.h p.U:.w. tort they will cat ; them ia pretoretaca to toe yoasg vines, aad ton* caabia them to a good Urt and > cot of its iigwr the iraccia f Hem m M -tot -as. I to; fo. io wiag rai^-s are i.swtoj fn:>ca a Nw York tactory ? r th* a*e of it* ptti.riae: 1. Mika cows shoohi free acce**, at t time*, to g->od water. ! 2. ftfcoti.d never be htatol, by fce*ng f ran or dogged. 3. The almost elsanlinatt %LouM be ob served in nulkinr, an i t-y no get the ban<k in th* mailt while milking, ; 4. No can of milk toonid stand * Ler* it wdl absorb the u*r& yard or rtabk- odor or ; any othr scent | 5. The milk should be strained and well 1 airvd, immediately alter having been drawn t from the cow*. ? 6. Home arrangement for the effecUtd ■ cochng Uat all tixnrs desirabk, and when j toe milk u Lt t t home over i iu to^p^UKablu. A raw Hnrrs ow Wuhiso.- Every woman should have a bottle of ammonia, t plenty of borax ar*d , good wringer; soap • tli* clothes w*dl and on to boil in cold water, witk two tabUwpoonfols ol liquid aaxtnooiA to wich boiler of clothts: boil i hard one boar [do thi* on .Saturday mom j ring them out of the suds and ufircad on the gro*. (.hi M >rid*y tnorning ui&ke a i sod*, putting in two table spoonfuls of pul - venied borax; *cai<! the clothe* wring out aad rinsa. Any om who may try the above ! will be gratefil to find their clothes much i.t *r than they would hare been if they ! had rubbed them for hoars. j A Fact foe Fasmebs. —lt may not be ! generally known tli-it the seed of the sun flowar w the mort infallible remedy yet dis covered for the speedy cure ef founder in horse*. ' “Immediately on discovering that your j horse i foundered, mix about a pint of the whole Mred ia Lie food, and it will work a perfect cure. H Eoos ro Srrrno. —An English agriosl tural paper says that inUnded lor Rtt j mg should be stared with the large end ; lown, becau-e the air bubble doc* not rpread so much as when the small end is dawn,this spreading of the air bubble being known to affect the freshne** and vitality ot the egg. Taste of Pine. A pino curbing to a well or spring which ha* but a small discharge where it conies in contact with the water, j often canaes it to tasto of the wood. If lx>ard.<t ho used are soaked in milk or lime j or a Rotation of potash and soda before be ing put into the well there will be no trou- I ble. i For hums and|scalds take the white of ! an ©gg and apply immediately as a plaster, j aud the pain will evas* most instantly. | This recipe is nearly always on hand in I most families, and nothing can be found i better. j Many merchants prefer a country boy as ’ a clerk. The country youth is not a fast ! boy, full of impurities. That’s so about | the country boy. He is simple aud guile -1 less as a fawn, as the jack-knife etchings i about the cv untry school-house plainly show. L — t yn-eous advertisements. ======== JJL walker. chah. h. watt. W ATT and W ALKBR, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Grocers & Commission Merchants, Corner under Rankin House, SAVE lS LARGEST BEST STO-7K <rf GROCERIES in the City of Cclambn*. castErnxG ot El( - y f.TLK SIDEN- BACON SHOULDERS, BULK SHOULDERS, SILVERI.AKE trend, th. 3*0,000 YAR FIEIS. D irrtvr TIE- SALT >UGAB. MACKEREL, SOAP CHEESE. B V r vV > k- • SA£D!Nr* • CR.A- KEU.S. iOTASH. SOD.A. ‘ 3 to y*- ** statlb pbvgoods, web** 'k\' :i SHEE IX'i. SHIRTISOS. CHECKS. STRIPES, YARNS and :T; -.r 4 kT.n to S5. and of any brand or per cent, proof - i: to t-*, ■ '-to,, -. , • ’f Syrup can . . - j- i-idess" ail grades of N--’v Orleans in barrels, also. ' Z‘ Florida *-vrup* which ia anperior to anything ic ’ . .. ; I: a delightful flavor and rich, clear color, .to and ter r irad*. ~ , , , . .* j, . br giving as a trial before purchasing.- WATT a WALKER. 7ji •_ Fain ers of Talbot Sc Adjoining Counties. C. E. MALONE, Macon, Ga, AGRI "LTUiAL WAREHOUSE IN HOLLINGSWORTH BLOCK, rrr ■. - • ,v - ; .-c’r n EVERYTHING nerdtd on a farm, in the way of T ANARUS: f-‘i- 2 ; ■'♦.:•■ ■: I'LOWS, Dixie and other ftopnkr makes, .a- y": Hf>HEly. . RADI.KS iIOWEIi-S. PORTABLE ENGINES. WHEAT ,Vv . rv , - . r i ... • - I wisitir.y Macon to call and see him, or send orders, „ •_ e ; „j „: l-.:. nnies as in person. C. E. MALONE, Macon, Ga. B< X )KS, STATIONERY AND MUSIC. J. W. PEASE & NORMAN, ITooksellers & -Music Dealers, 7 0 liroad Street, - - COLUMbTJN, CiA. keep . -1 Ns [AS ELY ON HAND A LARGE AND WELL ASSORTED STOCK OF SCHOOL, SUNDAY SCHOOL & Miscellaneous BOOKS, FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC STATIONERY, Tie , e-* tr. .V ar.d s';.!— • t PLAN* in. CHURCH aid PARLOR < 'LOANS, Sheet Music, Jfi.; B- !:. M'i-cat In-trum-nt*. Strionrs, Ac., Croquet, linso /.’nil and Games of all kinds. Wall Paper. Hanging*. Ac.. Ac., A, Ac., Ac. p*-ALL GOODS SOLD AT THE VERY LOWEST PRICES, FOR CASH.-®* Orders by mail or e\ r r promptly filled, and on as Rood terms as if made in person. - t.i f r pr.m of anytliing you may a ant in our line, which will be promptly aUeuried : LiO-ral terms i y eu to Teachers aud Merchants, and satisfaction ynaranteed them on i J pnrehasea made at our establisl tneiit. -*- v. .re 4.--nt> f r the -,d of GEO. WOOD ACO S Parlor Organs. Marsh 15.1 t WITTIGH & KINHEL, WATCH-MAKERS, JEWELERS, AND ENGRAVERS, No 07 J Jrontl Street , G olumbus, Ga. W t't;M respec-fully inform our coatome's and tha public in general, that we bare at i r*i *:ot receiving an entire new Block ol So'id Silver VJare, Silver Plated Ware, Watches, Chains, BRACELETS AND EVERY DESCRIPTION OF FINE JEWELRY. : sue Best Han't.’* tu-ara and the Latent doles. ISI Watches, Clocks, Jewelery, Sterling Silver and Plated Waie, Aix or the I t.hi Lath' i MASrrsrn nrjut. i DIAJfOVDS. GOLD AND SILVER SPE'TA’ LF.S. EYE-GLASSES. GOLD A SILVER THIMBLES (.EN fs A LADIES' CHAINS. PLAIN A FaNCY GOLD RINGS. Or Bixiiirui. W kixs.h:p, ihi Every Vabibtt or Articles Focnd nt a FIRST CLASS JEWELRY STORE fsV-sTENCTL PLATES of every dct.cnj.tion for Marking Clothes, made to order. WATCHES. CLOCKS AND JEWELRY REPAIRING in nil of its branches. HAIR JEWELRY. SOCIETY BADGES DIAMOND SETTING,OR A.VY NEW YORK made to ■ t ier at reasonable charges, ENGRAVING promptly executed. Fd>23ly. A. M. BRANNON, E3 r J 9 s ggs i 135 Broad St., Columbus, Ga. THE OLD AND WELL-KNOWN !Br,T K DRUG STORE, A. M. BRANNON, ... Proprieto, Which has liec-n diapenaing melicme forth* many ills of mankind for the last twenty years, still continues t solicit the patronage of its many friends. It ia unneces saiy to enumerate the many inducements to buy from me, “sufficient to say,” I will make it to YOUR interest to buy whatever you w ish from a PIHST-CLASS DRUG STORE per Coma and see me at 135 PRO \D STREET. Very respectfully, A.. M, II HANNON. jan 2(VI y T. GUERNSEY. GEO. W. REYNOLDS GTJEITisSEY & REYNOLDS, DEALERS IN Bash, Doors yVud. Dlinds. AND BUILDERS' SI PriAES. MACON, - - - - - - - - OA. : rfiTfjEl 5 1 5 (BUILDERI SUPPLY > * “ I UtTffllljp : ' LOCKS, HINGES, SCREWS, NAILS, WINDOW GLASS. OILS, PUTTY, CAKPENI Fits' TOOLS, TAINT BRUSHES, LIME, CEMENT, _ HAIR, ETC., ETC. The only complete establishment of the kind in the State W A REROOMS ; OX SECOND STREET, OIT OSITE J. W. BURKE & CO‘S. <lec-7-oin. THE LARGEST AND MOST COMPLETE PHOTO GRAPH CALLER Y IS O. T. WILLIAMS’, COLUMBUS, ______ _ GEORGIA. The BEST PHOTOGRAPHS, from card to life-size. Ry the aid of the Painter’s Brush, tne most beautiful PORTRAITS are made, not only from life, but from old pictures ot any kind, and regardless of cloudy weather. 1 Attention is called to the importance of securing good pictures without delay, for wv know not when death comes. No one knows the value ot a likeness until it is ' too late to secure one. ale The COPYING of old pictures is superior to those gotten up bv Northern traveling agents and prices tower, if you will compare pictures. And when ’you patronize home institutions you are building up your own State. ** **ome Tl. Aif.’ Kctn ™ o ’, ever - v st >de known te Photography taken plain, or finished in India Ink. Water or Oil Colors. Onr large Portrait Frames have no superior, and prices are “'° n W a y an - v An invitation is given to all to visit ColnmbS nnd have Pictures taken. You ean get thebest at the lowest prices. G t WILLIAMS Prop-, letor LAUGHING COLC^ •Scriptures .bar de P ostle % 4 pistol to the Fesion.i. ’ * ul Jitit y°n.‘ ’''id John Henry in Lis eyes, ’.he lake, W ’’*>4 easy that perhaps sh a A * ll ' * , hurts to Lave mine pulled out.' * • •Cslonel Pompey, how i, j0 _ .. ing . 'Look ec hre, ai,, Kg . , , 18 s ®n. Colonel no more, rince and! ,tj u ° ‘.?< run dis ting iu de ground p w , Baffin, arier dis time.' * W hea a detects am; aft.r getting ou „ dean Unit house is aware ot the tact, hr tl t "’ i ' skirt and puts on another ( * 4 ' all th. while. He never, never to a soul. A dra^ B Irifi Lman, on b. io „,. questioued iu a very narrow JH which he ws reeling. as tat , the road he had traveled, replito’S*' * it’s not so much the length of it breadth of it that tired me.' “ Somelsody gave Paddy M cGrith *BB yesterday. Paddy bit it iu x *?* o[rcned bis mouth, made o f,.,. , f**' •Be me sowl, I‘U go before ony L? -UO ia the wurreld an' tase ffl ,' J" * the hin that led that egg haj , taand or the hiartburm’ •My dear Ellen,- said Mr. young lady whose smiles he •, ' have long wished for this sweet otto tv, bat I hardly dare trust mynlt m% speak the deep emotions of uiy 1 heart; but I do declare to yon, m ,7j Ellen, tha; I love you most tender;/ „ smiles would shed-would ,h,xL '.tY mind would shed,’ said Ellen, 'go ot T! that pretty talk.' Tnso THE Knot. -A v ;-g w!o , % akiLg a a pretty . 10 met a minister who was soaevhu •rated lor tying toe m,.; fl , ta* t hort notice. He stopped him, , 0 n lorriedly: ‘Can you tie a knot for me ?* •Yes,* said brother B ,■[ •Vben do you want it done? 1 ‘Well, right away,* was tb reply, awful, though, litre in the highway? 1 ‘Oh, yes; this is as good a placeumi ls safe as the church itself.* •Well then, I want a knot tied u aors€‘s tail to keep it out of the snow.* The minister strangely displayed pr s^, • rath. A Smart Bot.— A young man tailed 51 uis intended the other tTeniug, atd hn waiting for her to make her appearance U struck up a confersatiou with hu prospet t.Te brother-iu-law. After a while th* bry asked : ‘Does galvanized niggers know onch? •I really can't say,’ answered the young man, and silence reigntd for fc* moments, when the boy again resuaed; ‘Kin you play chequers with your non 11 ‘No, I have not acpmred that uccoopiah ment.’ ‘Well, you’d better learn, you hear an’' ‘Why r •Cause, si* says that yer don't know u much as a galvanized nigger, but yer did* got lota ol stamps, nnd she ll marry you anyhow and she said when she g: % hei: the old man's FUgar she was a goin 1 to ill the Fourth o‘ July perceshuns ' ice cream gum sucks; and let you stayxlkw and play checkers with that hollvbog sh of youru.’ And when ‘Bis‘ got her hair banged ud came id, she found the parlor deserted cy all B;ivc her brother, who wm intjcu tying of two cats together iri singing. He Couldn’t Tune It.—While dig Pitman was sitting on his Iroat porch w day last summer, a mau came along with carpet bag, and entering the yard ke a.. ‘ls your piano out of tune?' ‘No, I don't think it is, ‘ said lb# ‘Ain't you sure about it?’ *No; I never tried it lo see.' ‘How long since it has been tn*i' •It has never been.* ‘Then, of course, it ought to be tumd and ouce. You'll ruin it if you dout bv •• attended to. ‘ ‘I don't believe I will.’ ‘O, yes, you will though* Nothing* worse for a piauo than standing uuuma* ‘Do you think you can tune it?* ‘Certainly I can. ‘ ‘I don't believe you can,' said the ;<# ‘l'd like to*know why not. 1 ^ cr *' a piano yet that I couldn t tackle. ‘There‘s one mighty good reason why y<* can’t in this case. 1 ‘l‘d like to know what it is.* ‘You waut me to tell you, do jon'r *Yes. * ‘Well, it*s because I haven’t got •*. Pian °* 4 . „ arte Then the man put his carpet bg w his arm, wiped his nose thoughtfully left. Almost too Dutch to Yankee while footing it towards on l got very hard up, and was cudgeDh ' brains to see how he should make x r ‘* ; a little money. Finally he met a ia man who was followed by a _ cowardly dog, and he entered into “ CIiT tion with him. , ‘Nice dorge you've got there, a ‘Yaw , he pees a very fine tog.‘ ‘MI bet you a dollar than 1 can ti his name is. ‘ ‘What ish dot ? And you naf ' tog pefore ?• , [ 'No, of course not, hot I'll Uet * u can tell you what his Barne is. 1 •Py tarn, I dakes dot pet,'said tlie man, eager to make an honest dol-ao •Well, call him up here and lt “ a look at him, 1 said Yank. ~ •Here, Fritzy ! Fritzy! C o ®* make me von teller, ‘ said tke calling his dog. fea a, The Yankee patted him on looked him in the eye, and finaij open his meuth and looked down * ‘His name is Fritizy, said he, liberation. , Ji •Donder audt blix.n !• Dutchman, with open eye and men ‘Am I not right?' T(r •> ‘Yaw, by tarn, said be, banding wager. Py Jinks, I know not 0 carry his card town his droat, c 10# to his tain neck for him, and aw. who** trying to get a kick at the poor name he had given away bun£ fi lial! an honr later that lan** * mg for another Tictim ■