The Talbotton standard. (Talbotton, Ga.) 1870-1881, September 03, 1878, Image 1

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By W. E. MUMFORD. VOLUME IX-NO. 34. H™SEZRIWB OF COKIIOX INSTITUTE, BARNESVILLE, (iA., I UUIhL OPEN Turly in September I S 7S, with t t ill no, us of earnest, suei-e.-slul teachers T determined to keep np the widfcspreHd and deserved reputation ot this justly cele •JS brsted school. Gordon Institute offers superior inducements to parents desiring to educate their fl 0Q and daughters. It has all the moil in uppii ones, apparvu's and Inrtiitnre, and a M reoord Aor aoeeessfnl teaching unparalleled in tLe State. It- music department is e,m --; I ductwi by Prot. Qiitteuberg. r, who Ims no np< ri. r and lint lew equals in Ins profession. Bamesviilo is the most enterprising city on the- M.coq and Western Railroad, and ba* jnstly the reputation of having the most moral, lib ral and enlightened community ffi in Georgia. Tnirion Sll 50 to $lB 50 per Term. Board 510 00 to sls 00 per month. ;*** For Catalogue containing lull information ad Ir s- CHARLESE LAMBDRIN, Pnm., or W. H. WOODALL. Secretary. ■ jaly3otf Barmsville, Georgia. Semi Your Orders to I SCHOFIELD’S IRON taU •I--- • :■ MACON, ~ GEORGIA. -FOIf- CANE MILLS, SYRUP BOILERS, SHAFTIGS, GRIST MILLS, MILL MACHINERY, GIN GEARING, STEAM ENGINES, COTTON PRESSES. I BOILER MAKING AND ENGINES I-MR riIREsItLNG AND GINNING Ol'R SPECIALTIES. REPAIRING PfiOMPITA AI I ENDED Hi. WE ARE AGENTS FOR The Celebrated Leffel Water Wheel, j Judsons Patent Governor", I * Coleman's Imprnv. and Undtilitory Coin Mill, !t Dreyiiis* Bmler-I owot'i's And wjmct Kvapwators, SEND FOE CIRCULAR. J. S. S< 'HOFIED & SON. Feb 51. v ESTABLISHED 24~ YEARS. iriioy THE LEADING PHOTOGRAPHER IN COLUMBUS, GA., G, TANARUS, WILLIAMS, OVER WITTICH A KISSEL’S JEWELRY STORE. THE pnHHc will tfiKc notice that lon - *xp r • nr. in tho profession in a sure guarantee ' ol the work in every way. Ev. ry stylo a-d >;/. picture known to Photograph Arts. | with every improvement or change worthy ot notice and at lower prices than any place in the city. Old Pictures i any size copied ir >iu the smallest izo to life, and finished j in any stylo at Prices lower thau by the travelling Agent. Never tails to secure Pictures ot (hi Idiru jits? Pi< turcK regardless of the weather | When you visit Columbus, lx- sure to call at G. T. WILLIAMS’ m-l examine Specimen I and Prices. Photographs, every size, Ivoryiypes. A latypes, Pherreotypes, Gem Photo j I Portraits, F’hoto Chromos, Arc., finished in Oil and Wafer Colors. Remember the place ov* r Wittich A K:mel, corner Broad and Randolph streets PRICES THE LOWEST. W(>RK IHE BEST. ap3o Ci. I’. WILM AUS, Proprietor. [ Mix & Kirtland, No. 3 COTTON AVENUE and 66 THIRD STREET, MACON, - - GEORGIA j DEALERS IN BOOTS, SHOES and HATS. WE have now in store one of the best stocks we have ever offered, and at prices which ; cannot fail to give satisfaction. It comprises Gents and Ladies Boots and shoes, 01 ! the beat mskes; the celebrated Philadelphia Youths* and Children's Shoes- superior to aii others; Men and womens* heavy kip Boots and Shoes, every thing to suit the wmints ol | the purchaser. We have also, at 66 Third Street, a good line of HATS. We invite attention of Shoemakers to our sock of findings. Rend us your orders—we j will execute them with as much satisfaction ns though horurhf in person * MIX A KIRTLA ND, Macon, Ga. | THE PLACE TO BUY SADDLES AfiD HARNESS CHEAP. 3IAKK A. BRADFORD, MANUFACTURER OF AND DEALER IN Saddles, Harness, Trunks, Valises Carriage Trimmings, Leather and Leather Belting, —ALL KINDS OF New Work and Repairing Done AT THE OLD STAND OF H. MEDDLEBROOK, AT SHORT NOTICE. P 4 IJjtOAl) H i l ., COLUMBUS, GA. A COUNTRY NEWSPAPER FOR THE MASSES—DEVOTED TO CIVILIZATION AND MONEY-MAKING. TALBOTTON, TALBOT COUNTY, GEORGIA, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 3, 1878. For Her Sako Only a miner and his sweetheart. He in his eveiy-day fustain clothes, she in her simple calico gown, with but a knot of ribbon at her throat— he living nil the bright, sunshiny day where the brightest rays might never pierce, so deep is lie in tho bowels of the earth; she, the dangh ter of a miner like himself, for whom with her own hands she pre pared the noonday meal, or set his home in order for his coming; hilt, for all that, the story to which sho had been listening was none tho less sweet, and Tom Wilcox felt his heart beat as it had never throbbed in face of any danger,when lie looked down into Ray Bernard’s shy brown eyes, which, raised fi r one brief in stant to his face, flashed forth their cherished secret, then stooped and sealed it on their lips with Cupid’s seal. The moon laughed and tho stars twinkled- It was such an old, old story to them, but it was full of honest truth, even though the sim ple little brown cottage formed tho background, and the low breezes whispering through the trees were their own witnesses. What if they repeated the secret in every clime? No one could understand their lan - guage save the trees, and they were ever silent. But suddenly a cloud hid the pule moon from then - sight, and somehow it seemed reflected on tho girl’s faco ns with sudden courage she clasped her hands about her lover’s arm. j ‘Don’t go down into tho mine tos morrow, Tom,’ sho said. ‘I feel as if something were going to hap j pets’ ‘Why, little one, ho laughed, ‘such fancies as these don’t do for a miner’s wife. You forgot [growing serious] I havo a safeguard now which f have never lmd before—l he safeguard of your love, or rather its most precious knowledge. Don’t worry, lassie. We’ve work at the now hall to morrow and it would he ns much as my place is worth for mo to be missing.’ Rut tho ,oirl ehivevod even in the warm summer evening, and the hands clung more tightly to his arm. ‘I can’t help it, Tom,’ she nn swerod,‘l never felt so be'ore; but try ns I will I can’t shake off the feeling.’ ‘We will laugh over it together t t-rnorrow evening, when—’ and In stooped and whispered something very low in her ear—a something which brought the blood tiding once more to her very temples. ‘I can’t wait long you know,’ he said, aloud ‘Your father roust be looking out for another house keeper. Rav, my darling, life has just begun for me. God grant I may make you as hap py as you deserve 1’ And with his fond good night kiss ho left her. With folded arms, resting on the ■wicket gate, she watched the tall, stalwart form until it disappeared from sight, with as ranch pride in is manly grace and strength as if he were a king who had offered her his kingdom, and she a princess worthy of a royal dower. Then the last echo of his footsteps died away, and, with a. happy, tremulous sigh, she turned to enter the house; but by her very side a dark figure star ted up. The girl uttered a faint scream. Then the moon emerged j from her hiding place and disclosed j the man’s face. Strangely white it ,'Hiked, thought Ray, as sho Raid: ‘Why Jack! How you startled] me 1 Where did you come from ?’ I ‘l’ve not been f.;r away for tho past hour,’ was the surly reply. ‘Eavesdropping, eh 1’ asserted Rav, with sudden scorn. ‘I trust you wete repaid.’ ‘Not if the old adage be true as to listeners hearing no good of them selves. You’d no time to make mention of my name, you and your lover. What was it he whispered in your ear? Was it to name the day? Answer me !’ grasping her arm in his passion. ‘And by what right do you ques tion ?’ exclaimed tho girl,wrenching her arm from his touch. ‘The right of love 1 Have I not loved yon from your babyhood ? Were not tho first nuts, the first wild flowers, the first berries laid at your feet as boyish trophies of suer cess, your smile the highest reward? It was for these—for this I have loved yon all these years!’ ‘Jack, I am sorry’—and Ray’s voice grew soft; ‘but it is through no fault of mine. I thought yon loved me as a brother, and gave you a bister’a affection in return. Xinr will soon get over this disap pointment.’ 'Men don’t get over wounds that strike to the heart. It is only wo men who can do that, since no steel, however sharp, can penotrato their hearts. I don’t want your pity— givo it to the man to whom you have given your love. He may yet need it if ho evosses my path.’ ‘Jack, hush 1’ exclaimed the girl; ‘you do not mean those words. Havo I not veeu you step aside rather than tread upon a worm, to crush out a life God-given ?’ ‘Aye—but let the serpent rear its head across my way, and see how quickly I will grind its venomous head beneath my heel 1’ ‘Yes, Jack, but Tom Wilcox has never done you wrong.’ Tho man laughed. ‘He has entered my house and robbed mo of tho one thing my soul prized—has despoiled mo of my all! Down not punish those who steal from us ?‘ ‘Not if they etenl that which is their own. I know you, Jack. bet. ter than you know yourself, and know the noble heart which you cover to-night with so false a mask. Remember Jack—you say you love me. I love Tom Wilcox. Whate'er you do to him you do to mo. His is tho shrine which holds my hoart, eveD as hix is here.' striking her breast. Then, with a low good night, a swift touch of her baud,she left him to his own gloomy thoughts. * * * * * * Six men busy at work—a little group apart from the others—on the new hall in tho mine. It was a strange sound which suddenly made each man throw down his tool and start with white faces to their feet —the sound of a cherry whistle echoing through the silent, vault like place. ‘Hush, man ! are you mad,‘ said one, ‘to whistle in the mine ? Don't you know it has never yet failed to j bring swift punishment T ‘Nonsense, hoys, 1 laughed Tom, I tho c,ir..|,der. in answer. ‘That's uii old superstition, fit for crooning hags by the fireside. An houest whistle can do no man harm. Bis ten !‘ And again (he cheery sound rang out—this time tho whis- I tier's feet keeping time. “Ah, if you were happy ns I am, you'd nhistle too, since I‘ve won the pret iji st luss in all the village for my bride. On one listener's face theso words brought blackest frown; but he sternly kept his white lips together, and mute none noticing the instant start, the half-clenched hand, but none had time to answer, for, as though far off, camo a dull, heavy sound they' knew too well. One moment they looked with blanched faces upon each other,then followi and a crash. The wall had fallen and hemmed them in their living tomb. In the darkness rose cries of vengeance and curses upon him who had bronght the curse home to them. ‘Let us find him,’ thoy cried, groping in the darkness—‘he who dared whistle the evil spirits to do their work !’ ‘But, singular to say, he, the in strument of their vengeance, was the one who lmd fallen helpless and dis abled, and lay half unconscious un der a heap of stones. Jack Howard was the first to find him. Why, then, did he not de nounce him ? Ouce more his hand clenched, his face darkened, but a girl’s white, pleading face seemed to rise up out of the darkness, and quietly ho took his stand in front of the prostrate form. ‘Wo will kill him!’ shouted the men. ‘Perhaps then we can appease the wrath of the spirits of tho mine, and they will show us some way out, or keep life in our bodies till they dig for us. Ah, here he is I’ starting forward as one stumbled over him for whom they sought. ‘Back, men 1’ Would you do mur •der ?’ shouted a voice. ‘Has not the old wall threatened danger for many a day, that you should suppose a man’s whistle could cause it to come tumbling about our ears?’ ‘He put the spirits to work !’ said one. ‘lt’s never failed yet. We’ll give him to thorn 0 one of them. tNot unless yqu give me, tool’ said Jack his face growing very white, and the words rushing from his lips as thougn’he could not re press thorn. ‘He can’t defend him self. It’s only a coward who will strike a helpless man.’ j The men paused, with a flush of thame, while their hands sank quiet- ly to tlioir sides, and Jack Howard know his defence had proved good. So the long, weary hours dragged themsilvcs along, each man busy with his own thoughts; some thinks iug ol the wife and bairns who wait ed thoii return; some, tho mother timi sweetheart. Occasionally would sound I dull, rumbling noise, draw ing nearer, and unless rescue soon reached them, all knew tho wall sur rounding them would soon give way’. They knew not whether it were day or night, or, save by the pangs of hunger and thirst already assailing them, how long they had been en tombed, when hope rose once more in their breasts, as, faint and distant came a human voice. With one ac cord they answered it, and grasping their tools with now earnestness, fell to work to meet, those digging their slow way toward them. Ah, the ec stacy of the moment when the first ray of light ponetratod their dark ness! ‘Mo dare dig no more 1’ shoutod a voic. ‘One by one yon must enter, crawling through this hole. There is room but for five on the shaft. How many of you are there ?’ Slcntly they conntod. Thoy woro six. ‘Jo need for lots,’ asserted one ‘W will leave the whistler. He is al nio A gone, anyway. Thoy can come b ick lor him if there’s time.’ So thoy decided, and one by one crailod through tho narrow space. Jack Howard came last. He cast oe look upon the silent, death-like place, tho silent, death-liko lorm, while Ray Bernard's words stood wrftten iu letters of fire in tho black ness: ‘Whate’er you do to him you do U me.’ Then lie turned back, and raised (fin prostrate form, and whispering |n his ear; ‘Tell her I kept sacred tlio shrine which held her heart, anil Aid it for her sake,’ ho dragged him as best he could to the aperture. ‘Lend a hand, boys 1’ lie shouted. ‘We’ll send Tom up first. He has a sweetheart waiting. I— havo no ooe.’ Tbero was no nmo ij j answering, ‘courage, Jack, we’ll soon he back for you !’ they obeyed him. So Jack went back to his doom. It was a glimpse of Edon to the men—who thought themselves shot oit from it forever—as once more thoy saw the green fields and the sunlight, while weeping women and ciildren clung, sobbing, to their kites. But they suddenly grow weak and tender as a giea l crash smote on their ears, and they knew that Jack Howard had expiated bis sacrifice with his life. Like a faint dream, tho words whispered in his ear camo to Tom Wilcox as Ra v nursed him back to health and strength, and wondoring ly ho repeated them to her. Then, os though unvailing some sacred thing, with sobbing breath she told him why Jack Howard had done this thing. How great, how true an act of heroism was his, even though no marble shaft nor sculptured urn re cord it. Woiilrs of \V l-utnni Duty cannot bo plain in two di verging paths. War seldom enters but where wealth allures. Time is a filo that wears and makes no noise. Be lively, but not light; solid, but not sad. Try to get good, and you are sure to got good. Keep good principles, and they will keep you. Love thy neighbor, but pull not down their hedge. The magic of the tongue is the most dangerous of all spells. People often affect to be out of humor to appear of consequence. Ho hath a good judgment who doth not rely entirely upon his own. Account him thy friend who de irsos thy good rather than thy good will. A bravo man is one who is not afraid to wear old olothcß until he can afford to buy new. Prizes would be for legs of slowest, pace, wero cripples made tho judges of the race. He who thinks he can do without others is mistaken; he whp thinks qthers cannot do without him is still mare mistaken, A little girl, when her father’s ta ble was honored with an esteemed guest, began talking vory earnestly at the first pause of tho conversation, j Her father checked her very sharply | saying: ‘Why is it that you talk so much ?’ ‘Tause I’ve dot something | to say,’ was the innocoul ronlv. Some Facts to Kenn-nilier About the Sun. The sun is 320,000 times as large as this earth. Tho sun is 400 times as far off ns the moon. A lady who weighs 100 pounds here would weigh 2,700 pounds if on the surface of the sun. Tho heat given off by the sun would melt 287,200,000 cubic miles of ice ovory second. The diameter of the earth bears the same relation to its distance from the sun ns tho breadth of a hair to 125 feet. A railroad car travelling without stops at the rate of forty miles an hour would get to tho sun in 203 years. The snn is believed to become some 250 feet smaller every year, this contraction would bo sufficient to generate the enormous quantity of heat which it radiates. Another theory is that comets and moteoric matter filling into tho sun may b i its ailment to offset the tre mendous loss which combustion cer tainly involves. it would require tiio combustion of thirty feet of coal over the entire surface of tho sun every second to generate the same heat. Tho stars are supposed to average larger than our sun and to have planetary systems like his. The nearest star is 250,000 times as far off as our sun. It takes light eight minutes to come from the sun, but it must have required 40,000 yours to coma from tho furtherest visible stars. When the eleven year storms on the snn occur, tho magnetic noodle on the earth is variable and some u times considerably detected. Tho earth is flying around the sun at tho rate of 1,000 miles a minute. The sun anil all the stars are mov ing through the space, accompanied by their planetary system, at a rate varying from 20 to 200 miles a sec ond. Some of tho sun-spots (craters) are 100,000 miles in diainter, and one ot them would easily swallow up the whole of the planets, Jupiter himself only maxing a unrauuiui. Maedler’s curious and brilliant speculation is that tho star Alcyone is the coutral sun of our universe, and that our sun and the visible stars are swinging around it, in or bits measured by millions of years. I* Friday an Unlucky l)iy 7 Friday, long remembered as n day of ill omen,has been an eventful one in American history,and Arneri ciftis ought nut be afraid of it. Friday, Christopher Columbus sailed on his voyage of discovery. Faiilay,ten weeks after he discov ered America. Friday, Henry VII. gave John and Sebastian Cabot the commis sion which led to the discovery ot North America. Friday St. Augustine, tho oldest town in the United States,was foun ded. Friday, tho ‘May Flower,' with Pilgrims arrived at Princetcwn,and on Friday they signed the august compact, toe forerunner of tho pres ent Constitution. Friday, George Washington was born. Friday, Bunker Hill was seized and fortified. Friday, the surrender of Saratoga was made. Friday, the surrender of Cornwal lis occurred. Friday, the motion was made in Congress that, the United States were, and of right ought to bo, free and independent. Fashion Notes. Sleeves in tho latest imported dresses are much larger than usual. Birds of all kinds and their plum age aro much used for house deflora tions. Indian mousseluine over whito sat in is the newest style for wedding dresses. Tho most stylish visiting cards are very |duin, with the name in writing or a fac simile of tho owners hand writing. A beautiful material for evening drosses if tho new jasper silk which is, in color, a combination of delicate colors and shadings. Deep collars made of lace and loops of ribbon are very handsome, and may bo manufactured by ladies with little expense and time. Breakfast caps formed by an ob long piece of fine Swiss, and orna mented with laoe aud ribbon, aro worn by young ladies, and are fas tened to the hair with long gold headed pine. Talbot Valley SELECT SCHOOL THE EXERCISES OF THIS IN STITUTION WILL B 1 RESUMED] AUGUST, 1LJ,1878. CHTRSE OF INSTRUCTION EM BRACES Greek. Latin. French. Mathematics and Enprlish Branches- J.*' I*' 1 *' lustrmnoutiil amt Vocal Music by Mis. Brooks. Tanas Reasonable. Board, washing, lights, etc., per mouth, 59.00. W. C. CARTER, Principal. jnlv3otf Collinswortb Academy* Redbone. Georgia ritOF. J. W. HALL, Principal. —o— TTiXERCr.SESOF FALL SESSION RE- Ili SUMED MONDAY, JULY 15TH. • HOARD AND TUITION VERY REASONABLE. Any nmount that may bo received from the Public School Fund will be credited to the accounts of paying patrons. DISCIPLINE MILD BUT FIRM. J!®" For particulars apply to J. W. HALL. jnlylGtf Talbot ton, Ga. Great Reduction iu Prices- WE WILL SELL THE VERY BEST FAMILY SEWING MACHINE F°r Twenty-five Dollars IIN CANII, on an ornnmentui Iron Stand and Treadle, with Walnut Top and Drawer, and necessa ry Attachments, and deliver itany lbiilroad Depot in the United States, FREE OF CHARGE. These machines are warranted to do the whole liue of Family Sewing with more rapidity, more ease ot management, aud less tatigiirt to the operator than any ma chine now in use. Send for a circular. Every Machine warranted for threo years. AGENTS WANTED IN UNOCCUPIED TERRITORY. CEN rE£RIAL MACHINE CO., Limited. 720 Filbert St., Philadelphia Pa. ang 6tf FOLSAI,K^ A SPLENDID FARM of HO acres lying ono mile north of Tulbotton on the publio rood. There is a good dwelling and other improvemeuts on the place together with a tine spring of water. Enough clear ed land for a good two horse farm. Will be sold cheap for cash. Apply to, L. T. EDWARDS. july23lm. Talbotlon, Ga. W- TIGNER, DENTIHT. OFFICE OVER MASON’S Drug Store, Randolph street, Columbus, Ga. Pr* Save your “Teeth; 1 * they aro better than Jewels. All diseases of the Teeth and Gmiv treated. Artificial Teeth put in when desired. nucG-tt T lie Organ War.—A 1.00 lb. JSolid Hliot. If any man insults your common sense by offering a first class 9 Stop Organ for SOS, “Shoot him on the spot.** All neces sity for buying such inferior Organs is for ever done away with. SIOO, Cash, or SIOO on Easy Terms, now buys a m ig uifluent Mason Ac Hamlin, Parlor or (Jliiircl* Or If an with Four Nets lieetls awl Ten Slops, in Elegant New Stylo Case with Illuminated Puneifl.—-Handsom est Style of Cn ho ever produced.— special offer to introduce this new Style.—Sent on trial.—Guaianteed fora lifetime. —Ren- te'! until paid for,—Other new styles just out. Illustrated catalogues free.—Address bUDDEN A. llATK&Savannab Ga., Manufacturee's Wholesale Agents kou the South. jnne 25-4 t. TO BE CLOSED OUT-~ A LOT OF COFFINS of all kinds and A sizes, CHEAPER than elsewhere. wm. h. martin & uko, ungZly AuTiNT". ai-sii make money faster at work for us than at anything elso Capital not le qnired; we will start you. sl‘i per day at, homo made by the industrious, Mon, wo men, boys and girls wanted everywhere to work tor ns. Now is the time. Costly utfit and terms free. Address Tbuk A Cos." Augusta, Maine. Pb/? C* a week in .your town. 5 Outtit s>vJ O free. No risk. Rea ter, if you want a business at which persmsoi oitber sex oau make great pay all tie time they work, write for particulars to 11, Hjaleit Cos., FurtJuud, Maine. TERMS, SI.OO a Year in Ail vtttn • WHOLE NUMBER 423. LeVert College, For Boys and Girls. Tnll>otton, - - Goor^in. THE FALL Session will begin on MON DAY SEPTEMBER 2, 1878. under the control of J. H. Glknn, A. M. with C.unpe tent Assistants. Parents aud Guardians may here find lor their childreu and wards a School practi cal and thorough iu training, strict in dis cipline and comprehensive in its range of instruction, embracing as it does the Pri mary, Academic and Collegiate course*. Ihe music department will t>e under the care ot a competent and experienced In structor. RAXEM OB' TUiriON, payable per Q lartcr In advance. Spelling, Readiug uud Writing, per quar ter, $3,75.* Primary Guognphy, and Primary Arithim tic with above, $5.00 English (Trammer, Geography and Arith metic, per qtiaiter. SB.OO. Latin, Greek, Higher English, and higher Mathematics, per quarter, SIO,OO. Making the rates of tuition bv the year at $15,00, $20,00. $32,00. and $40,00, which is very much reduced Iroin what it has been before. Tuition will bo charged from the time of entering school, and deduction only made lor sickness or other Providential hiuderance, For particulars confer with Prof. J. R. Gli-.nn, or any of the Bouid of Trus tees at Talboitou, Ga. jE. M. Wonttitn, Pies., J. M. Mathews, 1 H. H. Luonabd, Thos. A. Bnowu, J. T. ( Willih, Trustees. Talbot ton. On., January 22nd. 1878. Wesleyan Female College- MACON, OEOUGIA. THE FOItTY-FIRS T ANNUAL SESSION BEGINS SEPTEMBER 18, 1878. ELEVATED conrse of study, full corps of firithful, cornjieteiit instructors, bust advantages in Liltratnre, Sciuce. Ancient and Modern Languages, Music and Paint ing. In addition to the .tegular College course, a liberal piHt-gradnate course has been pro vided, offering graduates ol all respectable Female Colleges special advantages iu High er Culture, Modern Languages, Natural Science amt the fine Arts. The services of able lectur. rs have been seen red. The Fall Term will open iu this department with to tall course ol Lectures by Dr. Lipscomb, of Vanderbuilt University. For catalogues and full into-mrttion ad dress Rlv. W. C. BASS* l>. V., President. C. W. SMITH, D. D., julj23tf Scretury. DR. RICE, 37 Cutirl mtu, LUuivH.i.c, a mauiif mcau*a n<t legally qfoHflud phvridaa and the most aaoctiMfol, mhU practice will prove. Cure# al)*mn of private, obrcaio and eoxaal dIMNMoe, Qperinator eauana. and producing mon ofthe fe>tlowlr.g elm-tr. Serve** nets. Hcrnlaal Kmlaalona, DlainvM of KWjht. DeferUve Moa> ory. rhynl<i*lDecay, Pimnlna ou Face, Avorlon to SocJctveC Feotalne, GonfaCon of fdeM, Loee of Sexual Power. *e, re* doriug marriage In.proper or nlMapT'v, enredaad vnUrwly aradiciMd^faQtfc# eyrtem; GON ORRHEA, Gleet, Strict ere, Pltceaad eiker pvt* vote dfiJLa. quickly cured. Patient* treated by *n <*•£ prraa. Oorunlutloo free and Invited, char*** rcaccttabl* Mtd oomapon-lenoe etrictly confldenUaL A PRIVATE COTTNBELOR Ol M 0 pagu, aent to any addrcca. eewely eealed. lev *W (30) cent*. Should be read by all. Addrera ee abowa, hffiee hour* from A.M.to7 P. H. Sundays, *to 4P. Me LANIER HOUSE. B. I )ÜB, F*r oprieto*- MACON, GEORGIA. THIS HOUSE is now provided with every necessary convenience for the accommo dation and comfort of its patrons. The lo cation is desirable and convenient to the business portion of the city. The Tables have the beet the market offords. Omnibus to and iroui depot tree oi chut go, handled free of charge. The BAR is supplied with the best Wine ami Liquors. isf otiojeT All kimln of TtJItNIWG HONE, both wood and iron. GINS whetad and REPAIRED at J. F. WALKER'S Steam Mills two miles east of Talbotion. J Km\2ltl Notice! I HAVE just received a new' supply of Coffins of all grades for sale at the store of W. H. Marlin, who will use every effort to please those who favor him with an or der. He U offering a very nice nnd i well trimed coffin both inside and out for from fifteen to twenty-five dollars. Those who have no conveyance!*, and when the diflfanc# is not too great, will tie furnished with either a wagon or back to carry the coffin without charge. Having hnd a’long experience in this business I trust to share a liberal P*** ronage. W E. WILLIAMS. FOR SAFE! farms lying m the eastern part L ot Talbot county Ga., two, of 300 acre# each, one ot 215 acres These are desira ble lands, well watered, well timbered, soil good, better than average lands,* situated tour and six miles from the depot. Apply to W. E. Mtiraford, or James Pre* Talb<t county Ga*, or address the under aned at Boston,Thomas county Ga. si may l 7 If. E. J. HOLMES S2O KNITTING MACHINE. The NEW BI<;KFOttI*FAXHWT KNIT* TING MACHINE all complete lor *2O (former lowest Price ?3M Delivered ataay Express office in the U. S or Giuiula Fros. on receipt of Retail Price. Send toi New Descriptive Circular. A chanco for Agents, one wanted in Tow. Exclusive Right of Salo given FREE. Address, Rickpobd KNT'm,vo • ! Mvcuinl Afco. Cos., fMajM WV', Y *-