The Talbotton standard. (Talbotton, Ga.) 1870-1881, September 17, 1878, Image 1

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py w. E. >l l ' Al l'O li I). VOLUME IX-NO. 36. rALL TERM OP GORDON I WITH 111. BABNKHVILLE, (iA., UfTLL OI’KN 1n KflpteiuUr 1878. with a full corps of enrtvKt, snores s'ill •em*hct> ij turiuiiu dto up the widespread and deserved reputation of this jaath cele brited h**LouL Or! >n X witnt* 'Mf rs superior inluoeui'*nts to parents desiriin? to edneute th*ii sons i‘ and 1 mil'idt*.. I 1 has nil the modern spplianc s, apparatus and urniture, and ft r <*oonl 11 r <• teatthinj{ unparalleled in Itr tuhsu- <t puni.tnt is oon dnet'd lv Pm: OuttenlH-r>''r, who has no snp*ri< rand but tew equal- iti Ins | ro*esion. Htr iis the ioor enterprising cit> on the *f ic *n and W*M tm It and r 1. id hssj iMr the r putntiim <>t having the most moral, lih ral and n* .1 e.nmu ty in (>**orgia. Tuition <ll >0 to $lB 50 p r Term. Board $lO 00 to sls 00 p r ncw:ih. i-or ( \ a ogne containing full iutoninfwm i Idrass CHARLES E. L\MBPR7N, Pres.. or W. 11. WOODALL, Secretary. jalyaoa Bar" svPle, (Lorcm Semi 1 our Orders to SCHOFIELD’S IRON 71 WORKS, - nr. r: * v. —> i e CANE KILLS, SYRUP BOILERS. SHAFTS, BRIST WS, MIL 1 MACHINERY. GIN GF •:< G. STEAM ENGINES, COTTO 1 ’ PRESSES. \\|> ENGINES FOX; T BJ . ’• G 1 .\ 1 - \\ hI'JSOI \LTIES. REPAIRING PRO IP . !’\’ ED *> WE ARE AGENTS FOR The (Vlebrated Inff 1 Water Wheel, Juds.-n h Patent Governor*. Coleman's tmpr ved UnduUtory Coin Mi, NatCnnA Previn*' Rmler-Fo* der* ;i ;u* W. -r Eva ora'- pf* SEND FOR CIRCULAR. .T K HOFIE Feb s*l v i -TABLISHED 24 Y olcJ ■ i 5351 <g3 THK LE.M-IN'rt PHOTOOUAPIIUU IN COf.r • A. G.T. WILLIAMS, OVER UTJ HClf A KINSLL’S JEWELIIY -TORI . r PHK pn lie ill tiiKe noli- e • hat i"iig • icjM-r'enoe in the 1 r Get on * n *nre unersntee I of the work in every any. Kv, r> r*t\i. a-*d *ize pietnr- i ii'Wii u> J*n •• lapli Artp. with every urn lovetneut <>r <*hniipe w< r hy of notice and n lower ,■ ri >s upij any place iuljitcitx. O'd Fu ture* ol m.v *iz>- • -upit-d fr ju the smallest mz*: to life, and finished in any style .t Prices lower than ly the fr.-veiling As/ent. KWe* hiifc- J<>siinre Pictures * ' 1 1 n lies' Pietnres ry i itdlesn ot the w.-otl er 'V’hft* you visit OirlnnitiUH, Is* sure ■ ■ at G. T. WILLI A IS’ .m 1 examine Kn cim yl Priit-s ni-tograph-,. every s,/e. Itbir>|>es A-I>.U\mk Pin rrftrtyfM s. (ityt PJ •*. T ft rafts. Phrto Clmunoft, Ac I Si ishetl iti fS 1 nod W'hm 'iil"r-. H*,m-iul<er the place r ver Wjttieji A K rj**l. comer Broad a: and Randolph ur/ ts £**“ PHI* Es HE Lt)WE> V. WoRK !HE BEST. >*lHo Cw. r l\ W I I I>l. V>l ProjiriHov. Mix & Kirtland, No. 3 COTTON AVENUE un.l GO THIRD STREET, MACON. - - GEORGIi .. IN BOOTS, SHOKS ami HATS. \V T L v * no vin Kt*>re one of the best ‘■locks we have ever offered, und at prices which ** •' } ad MHiinfivtion. It (iehts hi>4 Lr-idi* s Boots ,nd shoes, of tL he-* n nes; ti*j (ielebratej PhihKh Ijilna V' u r * itfid Chßrtren’s Shoes •tipern rto nil others; M u at.d womens' heavy kip Bouts and Shoes, everything to suit the waunts ol the pur.- •_>* 1 W urat 64'Third Street, a good line and HATS. We 1 b.-’fiitetifjon of Shoemakers to otu *ck offindinpa. Send ns y.-nr orders vfe* wiii ex ea ri - ,q with as much satidtaction as :hough liout'ht in person MIX k KTRTLAM), >r ,< , (hi. THE PLACE TO BUT SADDLES AND HARNESS CHEAP. MARK A. BRADFORD, w 4 MANUFACTURER OF RTS Saddles, Harness, Trunks, Yalises -AND narriage Trimmings, Leather and Leather Be!ling, —ALL KINDS OF \\ ork and Repairing Done Ar TfaE oLlj STAND OP H. AIUjLLEBKOOK. AT SLORT notice. t> ' l JJftf) Al) ST., COLUMBUS, (r A. TAL’ OTTON, TALBOT COUNTY, GEORGIA. TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 17, 1878. Terrible Revenge. | At diiybfeak on Juno 251i, IG3I, ovorvb ulv in r J’ni in waa still uslt-e]}, O lv Clmrlo* Enmnti(>l r Duko of Suvov, loft liis conch, tul was oin iFijy |mein 2 his sitting rnrnu in hi -ineii-nt ptlucc of his ilvnnst.y. Ho innl boon nnnl-le to find rest. Sonin vioiio evil foul) I ini* of tive it iininiiiptit misfoi'nno nid hinintcd him nil tiiofit. As he was u nlkiiif* ncrvoiiKly u|> nnd down the sumptuous npnrtment, which was faintly lighted up by the fi’ st mis of the rising sun, he now an 1 1 iiiittorcd incoherent smi- Wiiat can tliis rtienn ?' he said to himself. ‘What is going to happen? I- it it presentiment of m v approach ingendf Inm very healthy: Bare-j ly 40. Will my wife die? My sis ter—’ He was intemipted by n lend rap at the and or which he hastened to open. Then he started back with i cry of terror f r into the room rush ed a young woman.dressed in a t mi wrapper. Her bare feet were covet ed with mod. She was deadly pale and panting for breath. ‘Angelina !’ exclaimed the Duke, in dismay. ‘Yes, my brother, it is I,’ she re plied bursting into a lit of crying. j ‘Tell me what all this means,‘ lie ' ’ said, imploringly, stepping close up j j to her. 1 She sprang to In r feet, and, draw ing herself up to her full height,she j slowly hissed out: ‘lt means tint TANARUS, ihe Duchess An gelina, of Savoy, only sister of the ■ reigning Duke, have been vilely dis* j honored As rOg uttered liese words she j presented a weird, awe-umpired nj>>* : pea ranee. The Duke shuddered. ‘Dishonored!’ lie ejaculated. ‘By W'lOlll ?* Listen my brother, and I will tell j j you about this dreadful occurrence. ! Yon know that 1 retired at an early noiir last night. The air was so sultrv that I opened the window of niv bed chamb' i', T'or hours rnv yas feverish anil restless. At ! flleca n * very dm -" ' old sank cpih t sin i S11! letily I | i' 1 ok• ■ By the dim light of ui.y niglo ]ar 1111 I perceived to my hor. mr that several ruasked mift were in the room. 1 wanted to scream for help, but before 1 was able to and so ■ of them exclaie ed. ‘She is 1 I will put In r to sleep :it ' He rushed up o me and •Id s'rengh r no-1 h■id : rc’ii f Model lei* 1 lOS I ’ e • a Mac in ii scions In that Cotideioli ! r Minin ed for hours, and three hours ago I awoke, chided through and through, ■>u the Astrtrga road, near the deser | ted Castle Teveritii. It, was raining ! very hard arid I did not meet any -1 body as I hurriedly sped back to this palace.’ j ‘Then you were carried off and— l He stopped short. i Hie burned her face in her hands. ! I Tin Duke stamped his foot angrily. ; ‘Wlfat vill ,ins may have couuniL-r ted this infernal outrage?’ She dropped her arms her In- n i fhl face was livid. A. siestcr tire was burning in hei large black eyes. I know nothing about it,’ she said. ‘Only one thing remains for you and me,‘ slid added, raising her voice; ‘youliiitst Sveuge me, and— ’ ‘And you ?’ be asked quickly. ‘I muyt die !’ So saving, she snalched his poin erd froni its golden sheath and bur ied it in her heart. dVith a loud cry of terror Charles Emanuel enught her form in his | arms. She shuddered convulsively aH^KTMiired. 1 And Ihtra died in hfr nineteenth I year one of the most beautiful Priu* ■ cesses of Italy i The Duke was in such consternn • ; tion that-, for > moment, he did not ! know what to do. Then T*e canied ■ i her corpse into his bed chamber, and laid it fentierjy on his couch. ! Locking the door he shouted out; ! i ‘Camerieri ! Cameriere !’ ATe,> minutes later a atedpiug* i lucking fliamberiain came in. i ‘Ansehno/ said the Duke to him with forced calmness, ‘I want to see the Nlurcbese Tre ssini without de-J , *’D-’ | The Marches*) I ressini was Charles i Emmanuel’s confidant, favorite and fictotum. He was possessed of all: the cuimiug and utisci upulousness j of the, 1 Iturfiaiei’ace. ■ He was about; 43 years old, and whenever the I Duke of avoy w anted to Seed anj j j one on a confidential mi-sion ho in~ ! variobly selected tho Mtirchese. 1 AOOUNTUY NEWSPAPF.K FOR THE MASSES DEVOTED TO CIVILISATION AND MONEY-MAKINGt. | The latter was, half an hour later, lat tho palace. Charles Emmanuel | conimiiuicated everything to him I In conclusion the Duke said: l ‘Tressini, ferret out the perpetra tors of this outrage, and I shall give you the finest estate I own.”. The March's piomised to Jo his best. For two and vs all the efforts he made to -disc ,\vr a claw as to the m n who had cui-i I off and ravish ed the young Duchess Angelina res main oil unsuccessful. ‘Any news?’asKed Charles Em manuel eagerly. ‘I know who did it,’ replied the Mat-cheap. ‘Your Hi .ei s. a few ■ lavs ago rode onfce tin>re along the Astarga road, near the point where our lamented young Duchess, tic i cording to what she told you, re-a- I woke to consciousness on Unit terri ble night. Suddenly I was met by a young matt galloping up the road. Il was Signor Cabedino, one of the live young Venetian); that recently arrived ill tliis city. Upon c telling sight of me he was visibly frightened Suddenly it occurred to me that he might bo one ol the guilty parties. So I ordered him to stop. Hu ac celerated Ihe speed of his horse. I tired my pistol at him and wounded him in the shoulder. He fell to the ground. Hurrying up to him I j leaped from the saddle ‘Do not | kill me,‘ he said imploringly, ‘and I will confess everything.‘ And then lie told me that ho and his four friends from Yetiico, after drinking a great deal of wine, had conceived the idea of carrying oft tho Duchess Au go. lie a, whoso charms had excited their desires. A faithless footman of your Highness was bribed into be traying to thorn how they might easily gain access to the bed cham ber of your noble sister. They en tered it, drugged her, and cariied heron horseback to a deserted villa near Castle Tevnrini. After pwp—. I rating their horrible outrages upon the ill-fated ladv.they left hor in hot night dress in tho road near tho villa." ‘And these sconndrols are scions of the noblest houses of Venice!* exehtiitied the Duke, bitterly. ‘Their names are Antonio Balh rio, Bern ir lip /a fni ii. franeosce Varon-, Marco <> lie, ail.l Sergio Altogr t’l Ailogfo’tj is lie one 1 shot..’ ‘When is he?’ asked the Duke. *1 left lif ill at a joaiSiUit’s house near when: 1 caught him,your High | ness,’ replied the Marchtse. ‘Let usr-.I i either, Tressini.’ An hour i ’i■ i the . arrived and; tli | peasant’s le e- wu.a-e the voting | Veneti iu*ff% -i , eHieii w ith 1 ing and pr rt pten. ‘What f.o)tman*)i' t br.b- ■, ed by you?’ deman b-d tin Duk'-. ‘Tomiuass. ) Alg. ’ replied the Venn,., tian. 'L’I'O Duke dnpv his jiistol and sliof Ahogt-otrt-flinJigh the heart. Ho then ordered the ; easant j.o bury the corpse in some lpm v spot. Returning to Turin Charles Em manuel summoned tho lour Vene tians to his presence. ‘Mtguo)i,‘ ho said to them, soonl ingh- nidi oareli ss : tone ‘I want to -how you a small hut a very curious j iW( ib jlps Dalaee^ Lead ing tiro way ho cMihiolet} i them to a sort of niche in tho vi ry J thick, solid wall of the apartment, in | the basement of the building. As smnr aS the faur young men had ftteppffd, not wifliWU serious tnis-.j givings, into the niche, the Duke \ faid lo UicJTi iy a lo Voijji-: ‘Do you know why I showed you this niche ? Yonare to bo immured hero, murderers of my sister 1’ They tried to rush on*, but draw ing his sword he drove them buck, and closed the niche with a large boerd, , Then two masons ma lo tbeit ap pearance. They carried bricks and mortar, and quickly walled up the niche. The four' victims were buried alive !’ Their fate remained a profound J secret for testy years, when llieir skeletons were accidentally discover, j ed. Their familyes had made tho most desperate efforts to ascertain what had become.of. |he/n, all to no purpose. Tomasso Algi.tho Duke’s faithless footufau, was slowly and bath.irons ly tortured to death. His eyes were dug out of their sockets und then he wis burned over a slow fire. His execution lasted three quarters of an i hour. *7 Anew cannon has just been tested in the Krupp artillery grounds, Bredelar, which is fired at the ex ponse of 30 a shot. Tivo lli n make One Man. One of the pioneer settlers of Ken | tacky was Major Robert Benham. I His name is associated with the I thrilling stories about tho ‘Bloody Ground,’ one of which seems Ihe cli max of romantic adventure. Ho was once left wounded on the ground by his'Vlcf-aturl companions, who hid been mi Wished by a superior fores of Indians Both tlii-li bones wore shattered, find the Indians were all around; but, fortunately, ho was hid don by tin branches of a fallen tree. The evening of the secoud day, perceiving a racoon descending a re ■ n r him, he shot it, hoping to devise some means of reaching it, when ho amid kindle a fire to cook it. Searcfly had the report of his gun souiicjed when he heard a hu tuiui cry near. Supposing it to he an Indian, lie hastily reloaded his gun in expecta tion of shod seeing an enemy. Again he heard tho mnutnful sound, hut much ncUier; yet he ventured not to reply. A third exclamation now came in a tone of impatience, which made Bonham know that it came from a w hite man, therefore ho answered the cry, and the two men soon found each other. The stranger had escaped from the battle-field with both arms broken by a shot from the enemy's rifle. The circumstance was peculiar. One with broken limbs unable to walk, the other with shattered arms, unable to load or shoot a gun; thus one wus able to su:.ply the other’s wants. Benham could kill game, while his new friend could go in search of it and bring it to him to cook. At first great difficulty was found in getting watm, hut Benham at length took his hat, and placing the rim between his companion’s teeth, directed him to wade into the river inddiptho hat into the water l>\ sinking his head underneath. The man who could walk was thus en abled to bring water. In a few days they Imd killed all the squirrels and birds w ithin reach, and tho man with the broken iuuhn was sent out to drive game within reach of Bonham's gun. Fortunately wild turkeys were abundant and easily driven. In this manner they supported themselves fol'Several win ks, until tln ir wounds heal and so as to permit them to I ravel On Ihe 27l li of November, they saw n llatlnart.moving down tin river Bei i -a instimtly raised liis Iml in id; and cried loudly fur Jn j The nreiv, however, mistook ir Indians, and paid rmatten -*i"iii ' then ienal of di-tnss. Ini' rapid!;, made for the opposite shore. Been in saw them pass with fuel in. s fd pair, fur winter was ap proaching. At length after the boat had pa-sed them nearly half a mile, he shiv a canoe put off from it and cautiously approach the Kentucky shore, reoonrioitering with great o ire. Again he culled loudly upon them for assistance, mentioning lus name and using evi ry means to make know n his coi di' mu. After r nsi lr''able delay and much reluctance mi tie part of the boat crow, tub'cano <■ at length loudied the shore; and Brilliant and his com panion were taken on board in a pitiable condition, almost entirely destitute, of clothes, one hobbling on crutches, the other unable to raise his hands. They were immediately taken to Lviiisvitle, w Imre ejuthes wore ob tained, and every kindness shown them by their ncjghliorM and friends. All l ll< X]>eCl-(l Glio-t. There was a real dead in in at a | Paris boarding house, and after lie lmd been taken In his last lodging,it got about that he was in the unseem ly habit of plying nightly visits, to the rOom in which he died; and for a long time remained tenantless in consequi nee. At last it was taken hy a student, who laughed at the idea of the place being haunted. An noyed at his incredulity, two of the lodgers arrayed tnernseives in sheets and glided into the room one night at the witching hour when grave yards are supposed to yawn. With silent step, and slow they stalked around the bed, until happening to glance behind them, they beheld a sheeted figure watching their move ments. This was mote than tli y bargained for, anil they were out of the room almost before they knew it. Next morning they settled witli tho landlord and departed, never thinking their intended victim had divined their intentions, and paid them in their own coin. They were not quite equal to the occasion. Ti llu* Knur winds llviiTrn llrlp Turin. Fivfl weeping oliildren wore loft orpkaus the other day by the death ot their mother, a widow who lived on Prospect street. The father was killed at one of the depots about two years ago, and since then the mother hid kept the family together by bard day’s work. Lack of food, ov posnre and worry brought on an ill ness which terminated fatally, and J the children liudled together in a corner of the room feeling awed and frightened, but yet unaided to root. izn that death had made them waifs. When the remains had been sent away to the potter’s Hold, a dozen women gathered and held a whisper ed conversation. 1 wi 1 take one of the poor things, though I have four children of my own, said one of ihu women. And I’ll take another. And I’ll take one. And so will I. Then there was the baby—a t si dling boy, who h"d been locked to , sleep every night of his life, and, whose big blue eyes were full of tears as ho shrank behind his sisters to escape observation. As none of the poor women seemed prepared to take so young a child, a girl not over ten years old, dressed a little bettor than other children there, crept into the group, reached out for the habo, patted his white head, kissed him and said: I will take this one! I have no brother, and ma and pa will let me j keep him. He can sleep in mv trnndle-bed, play with rny doll, and they may put all the Christmas presents into his stockings I and the girl ran mound the corner and res turned with her mother, who sanc tioned all she had said. Come baby —you’re mine now 1 Called the girl, and he laughed as she put her arms around him and tried to lift him up. By and bv n woman said: Chil dren yon have neither father, mother nor home. You must lie divided up or go to the poor house. Kiss each other, poor orphans, and all kiss the baby !’ They put their arms uiwwiel him, and hugged and kissed him,ana they went out from the old house to go in different directions and perhaps never again to meet all together.— flelrtii' Free /'resit. Question-ly on Absent Mlikl ed A* mi. An absent minded man propounds the following conundrums: Tti.l von ever write a letter to a dead relation and only find your mistake out when you wanted the address ? Did yon ever stand for three quar ters of an hour before the glass won dering where on earth you hud seen that fare before ? Did you ever light a cigar with ten pound note, and then stick the lighted end in your mouth ? Did you ever meet your father in (he street and wonder for fifteen minutes who that grum-looking old buffer was ? Dul you ever run about till the perspiration trickled from vonr two brows, looking for your pen and spectacles one of which was behind vonr ear and the other on your fore head ? Did you ever take any body else’s change for your own ? Did yon ever hung yourself over Ills hack ot a chair in place of your top coat ? Did you ever pay your tailor in an absent mood 1 And did you over sprinkle your strawberries with salt, pocket the silver forks, drink out of your finger glass, or scratb sonu body else’h head toi your own ? One of the attractions of a Paris circus is the firing' of a young woman trlmi a cannon loaded/ with n care fully regulated load of powder, land ing bet trim and smiling|in a strong netting thirty five feet off'. We may invite the Deity in all His attributes, but mercy is the one in which we can pretend to equal Him. We Cannot, indeed, give like God; surely wo may forgive like him. The Memphis Appeal notes the fact that although Chinamen reside and do business as laundryman in tne infected districts, not u single oue of them has yet taken the yel-; low fever. Hewitt's labor committee is still in operation. Thus far, it appears, not a single laboring man has been examined. All kinds Fancy Urooerics at J. A. FOSTER'S. I Collinswortb Academy, Redbone. Georgia- PROF. J. W. IIALL, Phinciiwi.. —o — T7XERCIHESOF FALL ItE IAj SCJMED MONDAY, JULY 15TH. BOARD AND TUITION VERY REASONABLE. Any amount that may bo received from the Public School Fund vaill be credited to i lie account? of paying patrons. DISCIPLINE MILD BUT FIRM. For pftrticulnra apply to J. W. IIALL. jnlylGtf Talbotton, Ga. Groat Reduction in Prices- WE WILL SELL TUB VEttY REST FAMILY SEWING MACHINE F°r Twenty five Dollars IN CASH, on an ornamental Iron Stand and Treadle, with Walnut IVp and Drawer, and necessa ry Attachments, and deliver it any K.iilr<nd Depot in the United States, Fit UK OF CHARGE. These machines arc warranted to do the whole line of Family Sowing with more rapidity, more ease ot management, and less fatigue to the operator than anv ma chine now in use. Send tor a circular. Uvery Machine warranted for three years. AGENTS WANTED IN tTNOCCUPIED TERRITORY. CENTENNIAL MACHINE GO., Limited. 729 Filbert St., Philadt Ipbia Pa. ling Gtf JOHN H WHITE. WITH JOHN PARET & CO. MENS, YOUTHS AND BOYS CLOTHING AT WHOLESALE. 37 & 378 UROADWAY Corner of White Street, NliW VORK. JOHN PARE I’. Hphcul EREI). E. BACON. WILSON G. HUNT Atlanta Medical College ATLANTA, GEORGIA. The Twenty-first Annual Course of Lec tures will commence October loth, 1878, and clone March Ith, 1879, Faculty J. G. Westmoreland, W. t<\ Westmoreland, W. A. Love, V. H. Taliafer ro, Jim. Thud. Johnson, A. W. Calhoun, J. J. 11, Logan, J. T. Hanks; Demonstrator, C. W. Nutting. Send for full infor mation. JNO. THAI). JOHNSON, ftngfl-tf M. I>. , Doan for'sale.'' A SPLENDID FARM of 140 acres lying one mile north of Talbotton on the public road. There is a good dwelling and other improvements on the place together with a fine spring of water. Enough clear ed land tor a good two horse farm. Will he sold cheap tor cash. Apply to, L. T. EDWARDS. ju!y23lra. Tatbottou, Ga. W. F. TIGiNEH, DENTIST. / \FFI(’E OVER MASON’S Drug Store, v./ Randolph stmt, Columbus, Ga. 7 ril" Save your “Teeththey arc better thin Jev'els. All diseases of the I'ecth and Gi mv treated. Artificial TeMU put m when desired. nivGtt I In* Organ War A 100 lb- *olil SUot. If any man insults your common sense by offering a first class 9 Stop Organ for SOS, “Shoot him on the spot. “ All neces sity for buying such inferior Organs is for ever done away with. tjjtaa). Cash, or SIOC) on KrU?y T*rim, no v buys a rung "ifi'-eiit Ala son Si Ila in I in, Parlor or fy'lmrcti Organ with Four Sets Heeds and Tm .Slops, in El New Style ( : use with Illuminated Panels. Handsom est Style of Case ever produced.--si'Kcjal offer to introduce this new Style. Sent fn trial. Guaianteed fora lifetime.-—lien ted until paid for. Other new styles just out Illustrated catalogues tree. Address l/UDDEiY HAd'f’S^avannali Manuficyurru'h Wholesale A or. nth phi thk South. jme 25-4 t. TO BE CLOSED OUT A LOT OF COFFINS of all kinds and . sizes, CHEAPER than elsewhere. wm. ii. marlin a rro, ang’Jly Aoknth. a can make money turner at work tor its than at anything else Capital not le tpiired; w will start you. sl2 per day at home made by the industrious. Men, wo men, boys and girls wanted everywhere to work lor us. Now is the time. Costly tit fit and terms free. Address True & Cos. Augusta, Maine. dNCjC a week in your town, j>s Outfit tree. No risk. Reader, if you want a business at which persous of either K‘*x cun make great pay all the time they work, write lor particulars to H, ILaj-lett Cos., Portland, Msiuc*. TEliifiS, SI.OO a Year in Atlvaure WHOLE NUMBER 425. Important Combination I LEVEST & COLLINS WORTH INSTITUTE XTISTITTUD. r PIIFBE SCHOOLS have been combined I into one Institution, with one Board of Instruction and oue Course of Study, for the education of both sexes. The Male D - under control of J. T. McLAUGH. LIN, wi 1 t-e t mght at Collipswortb Imjti,- tute, and the Female Department, nude# J. R. GLENN, at LeVert, v ith Friday evempg exorcise* aid Monthly and Annual ethtni uatioiiH ,it L©Vert. The Fall IWm will Monday ember 2d, 1878 The Course of Study it both Institutions will he remodeled and adapted to the dJ mauds of the public. We propose to iqfo part a thorough, practical, scientific ainy classical education: TUITION: Primary Department, pek Month. . .$2 00 Academic ** “ “ -.... COIXECIIATR AND SCIENTIFIC DKPAWT- Iff MKNT. TEH MONTH, 4 Contingent Fee. prr Term I Op Music and Ornamental Rea sonable Rvteb. Tuition charged from time of eut<4fng to close of Term. and no dodn'-tion allowed except in ease cf protracted hiokuo.-s, Uiil/i payable moiitbly. Board in the best families from $8 O&Jo <512 00 per month, and frutti MomUv to Friday evening. $5 Oh per month. LOCATION Seven miles from Geneva, S. W. R. Tt., with daily mails, and easy of ftfeoen by Hack line, connecting with #v*ry tr.iiu yf ears. Hack-fare from Geneva, round trip to st IK If I its. $1 lit. N. Jl. -Tbi full benefits of the Pu\> ie School Fund wi,Jl be allowed to all students of lawful age. .1 T McLArdIILTX, A. M. J Ii GLENN, A HI. ton. Principal*. Talh rroN. Ga., September 3tl. 1878. Wesleyan Female College- MACOBT, GEORGIA, . THE FORTY-FIRST ANNUAL SESSION BEGINS SEPTEMBER 18, 187!". LEVA TED course of study, full corps of t.dthful, competent instr lie tors, best advantages in Liltruturc, Seine*©, Ancient and Modern Languages, Music and Paint ing. 1 4 Iu addition to the .i-gnlar College cmire, a liberal past-graduate eoiir-e has pro vided, offering graduates of all ruapeetjdH* Female <’olltges special advantages in High - er Cfilture, Modern Languages. Nairn al Science and the fiue Arts. The services'of able lectur rs have been secured. The Fpll Term will opt u in this depattfnent with a full course of Lectures by Dr. Lipscomb, of Vandeibuilt Univentity. $ . / For catalogues and full information ad dross Rev. W. C. BASS. D D . Pr*Hiik)t. C. W. SMITH, D. D.. jul\23tf S*eret;UY. DR. RICE, 37 Court Place, LOUISVILLE, KY., A rwilarly MootOed nd 1r1!y ouallflod |.hvnieinfi n<t •A> ■sort su-cwwrul, Mf bn pnM!U win P'*o>, CuqM iw of |irlai, chronio and sexual SpennktOT' rlioiN cauAi-*, an', urodu>’lnK aouie eOho follow!■* eflect*. Wei rewK n<!-*■. 8--mloat i*.niia(oiia, IHnino*# of Klpht. IHfraUr* Mrta orr. Plivsli-ale**oajr,Pimulae on Faoe, Aversion V> Aoeletr e< V•males, Confusion of l*uM, ofß*u*l Power, to. re dcrins mnrrlauo Improper or nnhanpr. U*e*o**iv —SYPHILISHJS' onred and *-n* r *r*-!kit*d tvstm: OOM* ORRHL A, Gleet. Strlrture, PUm and StW prV vatedlsMses qul-kly cured. Pstl.nts treated bjo*4lrf press. ConsultmtoQ free nnd Invited, charge* reaeo>bfc. ■ud correspondend# •trlctly cooflvteotlal. A PRIVATE COUNSELOR Ol 200 !*ee, s-nt to any nsldros*, seeurelv seeled, fcr WBrvr (fii), cent*. Should l r-ed bv all. Addrese ss *bm%, OAm boors froinV A. U. toi P. k. bg l LANIEI\ HOUSE. IX. TXtfflX. PropAMr MACON, GEORGIA. THIS HOUSE is now provided with fcvtery necessary iwiiv-‘iuoi) ; e* for tbu ac(*nuitr*w dation mid comt'irt of its patrons, 'J’ba hi cation Is and ir.J le and coriienfeht 'to th businees portion of the city. The Tables i v, J' have the best the market offords. Omrifbn to and from depot free of Cbtlrgo, ba^gjigr handled Ir-e ol charge. - > jr-W- 'l'li*? BAR is supplied with ih *I)Mt Wine and Liquors. isrerriej?! ' 7011-4 Oil! —~- ° ’ iIMIJIMS : <l!li All kimiH of , [[( , ■ -(; ■ ,itl td ad TtTI’SIVIIVO DONE; lIUJI inti ■ i Ufh h, til Hi rer as.iffT both wobd and iron. GlNS’whsted and repaired; ; at. J. F. WALKF.H'S Steam Mills two miles east of Talbottou-J] ma>2ltf Notice! I HAVE just received a now, supply (’oflius ‘f;ifl grades for sale at 111© stora ef W. H. Martin, whn'wtll use ev• ry *n to please tbeso who tavdir him with An; or der. He ig offering a vary nice and we ' trimed coffin bonli inside and out for from, fifteen ten Xwotity-ljve V>llnrk. 'flho**©- tw/u have no coiiyey/iocesand when tho is not too greitfr.wilf tie ftirnished vvifWi'ith a wagon or hack to cni*rv the ooftbi wiih<■' tt charge. Ilftviug had a long experiei-O’o this bufiheHS T trust to share A p.u ronage. W. E. MTILI^LW^ FOR SALE cpHREE farms Tying tn tlm eastern part L of Tnlhot coimly Ga.. two, DP3OO each., otm of 215 acres dourr hh- lauds. w*-!l watered, well timber L =* r * 1 good, better thaw averag** hilidsv iel/uat#^ four and six mjJ rt * fro -i Apply to W. E. Mumford. Or Jti ttoffV Tlt‘>t eO'llily (hi., or-address t"b :tlut . signet 1 at Gosiou,Thomas county G. may 7 tf. E. J. HOij.ViL.’.