The Talbotton standard. (Talbotton, Ga.) 1870-1881, November 07, 1878, Image 1

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Vy W. K v MLMFOKI). VOLUME IX-NO. 43. | coitnm ••• i ti:. BARNEUVILLB. (iA., Ill’ll.l* 0! KN early in tern her 1878, with a full corps ot earnest, snecofcsfnl teachers l>\ ,ptenninrd to keep up tie widespread and deserved reputation ol this justly cels I. i<d M tiool. f G* rth* Institute offers superior inducements to parents desiring to educate their L t i si.d daughters. Ii liM all the modem appliances, Apparatus aud furniture, ami a Lord ii< r '.ccesehl teaching unparalleled i* tLe Slate. In music department is con- Kcctid by Prof. Gnftt liters r. who has no sup. rior and but h w equals in bin profession. I JWnesviib' •* he most enterprising city on the Macon ami Western Railroad. and L jnMly the reputation of hating the most moral, liberal aud enlightened community L Georgia. [ Tuition 111 50 to $lB 60 p*r Terra. Board $lO 00 to sls 00 per month. [ pfr For t'a a ogue containing lull information address CUAKLKSK. LAMRDIIIN, P*** , or \\. 11. WOODALL, Secretary, I jelySCtf m Barnestille, Oeorgia. mis np.u k 7b is* ned |. r I HORN ION & G IT. 1 n*l it*i:ui 1# TioMiitrs and Hatter*-, Golmn Ink. <Js. 11.TW.11 ~tJv.r...aiV , tl „ Ur. y ■’ s’oes * j run nut " mur Goode ever brought to \\ est Georgia. wq 24 E-a. /%. Gibson, NO. 19 COLUMBUS, GEORGIA. \\ holewrtle nnd lirtnll Dealer in DET GCODF, GICCIBIES, KOTIOES, CEOCKrET, tC. t C —AND A FULL STOCK OF~ Plantation Supplies, A PL of which we are row offering at the Very lowest market priors, and guarantee all *1 of onr fin< da a represented. We cordially invite the people of J albot county, and * ***bert to gi*e ns a . all when they visit the city. Mr. L A. Philips, formerly of ilur ywhty. is frith me and will te glad to e his many friend* Now Don’t You Forget It. T. T. EDMUNDS, 08 Broad Street, Columltua, Georgia. T s ellir* batKhome and suUtnnial COTTAGE CHAIRS at f i 50 per Hall dozen, COT J ., T (IE REWGEaD.S at SO earb. COTTAGE KUKEAUS lor $lO OOmcH and all o .' ** ' FlIKM'i DUE i quailv low. A lull line (,t tartiutilul JSASTE.VKER and .Njjgll ANNItCHAMStK SI TIH _ BiIIH,EE AT RETAIL—NAILS $2.50 PEB KG. Eager, and Carriage Material and other (goods as Low as ANY HOUSE IN THE MARKET. J. A. Frazer & Cos., Broad Street; COLUMBUS, G-A. A COUNTRY NEWSPAPER FOR THE MASSES DEVOTED TO CIVILIZATION AND MONEY-MAKING. TALEOTTON, TALBOT COUNTY j GEORGIA, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 1 1870. From the LaUiopean Critique* AS OLD MAIS SIOUV. BY ROSA LIN WOOD. ‘Tig a cheerful room, n**t \it Unbinding , that tho weather outside is so v ry glmmy. Pictures, broncos, aud other trifles im <n t j u oozy home like air to everything. A fire lis blazing brightly iu the old fashioned chimney. Tho only occupants of tho room tire a lady and a young girl. Tho lady who is apparently about thiviy-rive, has ouo of those sweet calm faces, which it invariably saddens, vhth? it soothes one to look upon, she seems to have lieon chastened through much suffering. ?1.0 other occupant of flu* r >om is n young ludg of about eighteeu. Her face al though ui.t pretty in the strict sense ot the word, it nevertheless is very attractive. I here is a world of mischief lurking in her hnz*l eyes and shout the corners of her rose bud mouth, however her face is very thoughtful in its expression. Suddenly she looks up and breaks the silence which lias fallen betwecu the two by exclaiming, “Auntie, Frank Manly and I have quarr. 1- ed again ! llu is no very exacting; I think I shall break the engagement existing be- i tween us and see if that will not teach him , a lesson.” ‘‘My child, this ts tho fourth time yon have quarrelled within too weeks and each time it has been fora mere trifle. If you love him, ami intend to become his ife, this state of things must not continue.” "Oli, auntie, you lo<>k at it in too serious a light. Of course I love him, but I un go ing to have a merry time before I settle down into an old woman, and it is useless for him to commence to (lictato to me now. He became angry with me at the party last night because I waltzed with Harry Chap man and said that it I did not regard his wishes more be would cease to regard mine. At that I too got angry, and told him that 1 did not care how soon ho ceased to bcuor , iuo with his attend >n, and that I was not go- I mg to le dictated to by any one. Ho then ■ asked permission to see me this afternoon, [ and said he would tell me his reasons for ! not wishing me to go with Ilnrrv Chapman, j I told him that I cared nothing for his ren- i sons but that he might cull if he cons kred . worth his while Tdo not know whether he will ooine or not, but it he does I shall tr at hin very coldly.” Looking up she saw the j head of her listener was bowed as iu grief, 1 and that tears wro slowly trickling down ! her cheeks. She sprang towards her ox- : claiming: “What is it auntie! are you sick V” after a few moments her aunt lilted j i her head and said: Kffie, shall I tell you tho story of my j S life ? ‘Tis a sad one and will perhaps j j tein-h you tin- danger of trifling with the i ! lofo Of ft true and hones* UiaU. I .as. as j you know, the only uaugun r, a position j which though very pleasant at the time is no! calculated to fit one for the stern reali ties of life. My parents and two brothers • putted me and anlicpated my slightest j wiidi, and all the hoys of our little circle, ! | taking their cue Irniu them sm dto thini I that Eva should have the best of < vei vfbin . There was oue especially, win) h and alw v | loved me fronr the time w! *n | lt . ns* and l draw roo to school on hi**l and find brn |me the choicest' lr*iG and flo rs from I ! home. I loved Fred Grej with all my heart, and theidore it wft- no and fllcult h* ■ to fay Yes* when on my eighteenth t'ii'h da v he asked me to become hi wif* . M.en six months roll I away, hipiy one* despite several quarrels between u-. At he end of this time a young artist came to the place and qnie charmed every on* 1 aKliou h looking ba-k I can that 1 • was not a tithe the gentle mum tint Vie pre tended to be. He wmk very h <l ome ttnd • all the girls fell in love with him. ID seemed to prefer me t> all ot them and I, silly creature was fluttered by it and went with him constantly. Fred said nothing tor a longtime, but T could sec that my conduct wn* a source of great pnii) to him.and woman like I gloried in ny power. One day,however Fred came jto did smd attempted a re me nsfranco with me. I was angry and told him that I would not give up tny friend for him or any one als*'. He said no more but turned away ! with a grit v. (1 look in his eye . Things went on in this wav for some time, Paul Linton paying the most devoted attention. Oh! ahy did I not see the man as he really was! At last Fred cam*? to in? and j asked me to give up all int* with Paul tor leftsozis which he ai>t ho would j sometime explain. I answered by saying . that I would not do so and that I should not do so,and that I knew he had no earth* j ly reason except p< tty jeft’onsj. Never will I forget the * xpreesion of his face as he j said: Ever darling consider thU matter well before you decide. Pinl Linton is a- t villain and I ran not have tnv promised wife asaocinte with him ! I cried out an- j grily, “If the choice, Fred Grey, lies be tween you, and Paul Linton us you sc rn to intimate you may go, I will not be dic tved to in such a manner. Your charges are false; you cannot prove them. Here is your ring, now go.” He looked at me for a time with a dazed expression on his face and then hoarsely asked, "Eva are you in earnest ?•* "Yes I urn.' I replied in a hard voice, “very well perhaps some day yon will realize what you have done, may your life be happy.” He turned and walked down the path, I went back thoroughly miserable, but thinking os yon do that he loved me too well to leave mo. Several days passed during which I saw nothing qf Fred and little of Paul whose ' face and conversation bad become loath some to me. One day I that Fred had gone to California. The news operat ing on my already iritated mind threw me into a long spell of sickness. Here she i ceased and after waiting u few moment* , asked, “did he never come back An | tie ?” “No my child, I have heard nothing ol I him since that time. He had no relations with whom he corresponded. All tlii.-, was | tong ag°, and I havud t*> bear m sorry patiently. Sum diy h * wi'l know' .1! , . reiKiutcncc, und until th n I am co.;te o | wait.” j “But, auntie, what became of P.ul Liu* I ,on 't' y “Ho toll very soon oft r uml wo hoard nf. .ntx that he Imd n o ito and child lint, there is the door hell, ami yon must (to to the pnrlnr. Alter lioaritif; my story, I ovn trust you to listen patientiy to what ever Frink inv say; can I not V” EHie hissed her aunt'with n smile that was 1 1 so)t a promise, and hurried nwnv. l.t, inn; too Ernst Men are living too fast. Idleness and indulgence have begotten pride amt discon tent. Tho ao* is thirsty tor luxury. The very [ranpars ot our cities s a ru the patched Birmeutsund simple fare which once satis tied the wdl-to-do; the yo mo cleric mast live ill a house about as luxuriously furn ished as iris employer's, though ire steal to support his establishment; the servant* rival thair mistresses ill lire costliness and ! elaborateness of their attire, th.myh to do it they waste the savin,.* which they may need to keep them from want and tram min. The young couple who tiepin a; homo must have it richly and eoruled as that ot those who labored lor ye .rs, and there | is au utter unwillingness on tin port of too many to he content with simple surrouml ino* Wo must chanyo our standards of judgement, and learn to rate the people at what they are, and not what they hav This is a money-worshipping age; men of vicious principles through tho clink of gold, summon host, of admirers; others nro tol crated for the bauble, the mob scramble j for and still others are permitted to occupy posts ot honor in church and state which they only obtain by their wealth. Men live in the fear of gold and not of God. and seek the honor ot rim, and not tie honor that comcth from above T here should be'a return to more simple, more honest ways ot living. It should lie deemed dishonorable to live beyond mu ’s means, no man should be encouraged to spend a tew tuverish years in luxury at the risk ot breaking down aud making a dis honorable ending. How a Woman Trans on’ Nkw Snogs.—When n woman hns anew j pair of shoes sent home site performs j altogether differently from a man. | She never shoves her toes into them i mtd yanks until she is red in the i luce aud nil out of breath, and then j ones stumping and kicking around, but carefully pulls them on part wav, twitches them off again to take a last, look and see if she has the right one, pulls (hem on again, looks at them dreat lily, snvs they are just right, then takes another look, stoops suddenly to smooth out a wrinkle,twists around aud surveys them sideways, exclaims, “.Mercy, how loose they are 1” looks at them again square in flout,works her foot around so they won’t hurt her quite at the heel, the toe, the bottom and the inside, puts them on again,walks up and down the room once or twice, remarks to her better half that site won't have them at any price, tilts j down tlia minor so she can see how j they look, turns in every possible dime 1 i.m aud nearly dislocates her j t ek Irving to see how they look I'lM n bat Way, b writs oil, steps Up I . ■ ■ , t d:e. Uni tv or forty farewell! ,i, i, . n . s they oi ke her feet look j a fu! big ami never will do in the voi 11, pulls them off and on three <u lour t imi os mote, asks lmi husband hat he lhin La about i t and then |ci\k no attention to what he says, on"* over it all again, and finally „ , S she will take them. It's very •auipie mat nr, indeed. — llnthjepuit Shu,ila and Ho , ;iii I'Txkullim—Hie young i man was evidently honest in Ins in-, trillions, but three years of constant courting had failed to overcome bis excessive basbfulness. They Mere silting in chairs at a respectful dis tance apart. .Said the young man, having spent five minutes in search of a subject; i “How do you get along with your cooking j “Nicely,” replied the young miss; j “I’m improving wondetfully. 1 can 1 make splendid cake now.’ 1 j “Can you ?” said the young man in a pleased nniimei; “..imt kind do you like best V” “I like one made with Hour and sugar unci citron und raisins and cun, nts, and lolh of those things, and beautifu. frosting on top,” re sponded the young miss. “Why that’s a wedding cake,” ex claimed tho young man, nervously. “I meant wedding,” said the young miss, shyly. They aro going to marry. Tuue Loveliness. —lt is not your neat dress, your expensive shawls,or your ringed lingers that attract the attention of men of sense. They look beyond these. It is your char* acter they study. Tf you are trilling ! and fast in your conversation, no matter if you are as beautiful as an : angel, you have no attraction for them. It is the true loveliness of your nature that wins and continues i to retain the affections of the heart, j Young ladies sadly miss it who labor !to improve their outward looks, : while they bestow not thought on their minds. Tools may be won by ! gewsgaws, and the fashionable by showy dresses; but the wise and snb . stautial are never caught by such i traps. Let modesty be your dress. Use pleasant and agreeable language : and though you may not be courted | by the fop and the sap, the good and truly great will love to linger by your I side. ] An old traveler tells a pretty ! tough story about being lost in the : woods with bis dog, where he could find nothing to eat, and had to cut off bis dog’s tail, w hich he boiled for ni.ufu.df, and afterward gave the dog tie bone ! We would rather borrow ; .me bundled dollars than believe ! that store. Maukiaui: Knits. Among tho j mountains in tho eastern part of Hungary a fair of murriagetible youths and maidens is bold every year. To the plain of Kalinos.i, pa - rents repair with their sons and I daughters from a large extent of | country. They bring with them such cattle, furniture and money lIS they i expect to give as marriage portions. ■ When the tents are pitched or the ! wagons ranged in order, the match making begins. The girls dressed in their host me seated among their treasures. Tile young men walk round to soo what strikes their fancy Tho fathers and mothers are more interested in prying into tlm value of the propet ty that is to go with the several maidens. Every article is e: - aiuiued in order that its defects may be noticed. If the respective pa '■ rents are satiitied with tlm property that is to be given, the voting pen* ! pie are brought, together to see how j they like the selection that has been j made. [!' they are pleased with each i J other, a priest is called, w ho married I the couple, chants a In mn and says ! a prayer The bride kisses her pa rents, says good bye to her friends, and starts out, with a husband she never saw before. We like tins frankness and lack of sham. Amer icans do substantially the same things iu order to perfect eligible matches, but aro at a great deal of pains to cover up their real iiiten tions. A Rjsvekib,—The future is to me a barren waste a Sahara without one solitary spring of pleasure bub bling forth. When once from in the happy past I thought, I saw sweet Honors blooming, I now behold the sands of a desolate and uncertain future. All is gloom to me. Though the sun shines as brightly and the little birds sing as sweetly as iu the days gone by, yet mothiuks there is a sadness iu their very songs. Tho moon and the stars seem to look down on an almost wrecked and ruined world. Time passes away; toed liop.s aro unrealized; onu by one wo pass to onr graves. Our race is short; we ura as the flowers of spring that put forth their tiny leaves,bloom for a day,and are gone. Once 1 loved us pure and holy a lit tle nugel us over brightened tiiis world with tho sunshine of her heav enly presence, I loved her with an undying love and I thought it was returned. But, alas for human hopes. She is another’s. Another and kisses tenderness of my lintm..' lost to me forever. Life is void of charms and without a hope of hap piness or a ray of sunshine. Would to God that death would blot out the memory of my blasted hopes. ICxti-ii l<livl)ililv lo NJGtlatial n|, (Tinii. Pernons \Hiohß blood is line, digestion weak ami livtr blUf'ftiKli, nr tfxtiu-liaoiu to tl.o attacks of malarial <!ih* Tho most trifling hxj/GHur? may, umlor nucli ooiuii tioi.H, infect a nyt* m which, if healthy, would I*- i * th*’ niiiiKinatio taut. The only way to seem imttfunify (V* in malaria in iociilit OK wlidc it is pretjih nt, is t tone and regulate die by Hi cm hy improving i work* n*l digestion, fiuichii Kr the blood, find L'ivii h a wholesome im; Him t<> biliary j secretion. Iho • results m ace,nnplmhed by nothin’ ho effectively tiw 11-.tHtrr'H •Stomach Lunin, which lon# experience I Ims nrov* *i tn he the most reliable satc -1 tftiard nuainst t* ver and a;;ne and kindred I disorders, ns well ah tho host remedy for thorn, dhe Bitter* an*, moreover, an ex cellent invi,;*iaiit of the organs of urina tion, and an active depnrent, eliminating from the h.ood thoae acrid iniimriti'H which lgirmte rheumatic ailments. tdNovl. To Pickle Aiitichoke (lather j them when small (they lire much i moie delicate than largo ones) and throw them into boiling brine to too main in it, about two minutes; tlion drain them and when cold and dry put them into juts and cover them with vinegar prepared as follows; l’ut in a quantity of vinegar (enough to cover tho quantity of ar tichoke*) some ginger, mace, and nutmeg; heat it to tho boiling point, and, without additional-boiling,poor it, over tho artichokes in the jars, The pickles can be used in a day or two Imt will continue to get better. Cover well so as to exclude Die air as much as possible. I.lvor Im King The T.ivcr Is tin. imperial organ r,( lh„ whoio human system,an it controls tin; tile, lieultlr and happiness ol man. When it is j disturbed in ils propir action, nil kinds of ! ailments arc the natural result. The diges tion of food, the movements of the heart and blood, the action oi tho bruin and ner vous system, are all immediately connec ted with the workings of the Liver. It lias been siicceesfnliy proved that Green’s Au gust Flower is unequalled in curing all persons afheted with iJvspepsia or Liver Complaint, and all the numerous symptoms ; that result Irom an unhealthy condition ot the Liver and Stomach Sample bottles to try, 10 cents. Positively sold in nil tonus on the Western Continent. Throe (loses will prove that it is just what you want. For sale hy Dr. E, J,. hardsell. Ml’lchku SrKAwitEiKtiEß.— ln De cember, or Junnitiy, a strawberry bed should be covered with leaves, straw or chaff, and burned off. This ! being done it should have a suitable | quantity of manure well forked in | und be mulched with clean nice ! straw three or four inches thick. \ The young plants will come through j this at.d have a nice bed to rest : upon, and will bo free from mud and ; dirt. This is a good time lo set out young j,lants for anew bed if the ; one is giving out. V. e have seen a | pretty good crop g Altered tho fol lowing seasons Irom plants set out, 1 in October. "G’HE HOlSlri FOH .In JVJacoLi, —lts I < J. H. HERTZ’S. A full Stock at the Lowest Figures. Pin*? Cnssimeru Suits At $9; $10; $11; sl2 . r >o; and sls. Dress Buils sls 00 to $25 00. SHIRTS all complete. Made of tho best. Irish Bitten and Wamsutta Muslin only 75 CenFs. Full Stock of all Goods for Men and Boys Macon or Columbus. Quality as good as over. .1. 11. llrtz, 90 Cherry Street, on*llf Macon, Georgia. DR. RICE, 3? Court Place, LOUISVILLE, KY. S A regularly odii.-ntcd and legally qualified physician and tho tu.;.'tv>*riil, u* Ills pri' ih u will prove. Cure* allform* of private, i liro'nic und Kextialdimuuoa, gpornmtor rhea aud Impotency. tb. r. uitofaoiii abuse in youth. ..oxtial *< xces <-In innturer yenrs. or other uid prod e ■n £ tmiiii, n I the following effects Nervous n’r ' Heiiiiu'.l l 1111...i",11, Diiim' mol Sight. DrfccUve Muiu* or/ >'bv i uID-’uuy. Enii’i.l ' u Face, Aversion to gorletv ol Icm ii..*, Gonf.i,,n nr j baa, I. tint of Sexual lower, Ae., re and. ling mam age Improper or Unhappv, OTO tboioilghfr presa. CouHUltailna tier und invited, chargee reaeonahha aud oorreu|Hintleiiuo itrletly confldenllal. A PRIVATE COUNSELOR Ol 200 |in gee, <nt to anv addfOM. Office huara from 9A.M.tu7 P. M. Biuidaya, 2to A i*. M. Important Combination! LEVERT & COLLINSWORTH INSTITUTE TJISr IT IE I). r piIKSE SCHOOLS lmve Lot h combined I in l o one Inslihili'Mi. \'itli one Board oi liiHtruciion and one Conrhoof .Study, lor the education ol both k* xi-. The Main De partment, under control of ,). r. MLA I 'GI I I,IN, xri \be taught at Collinavvortli limti lutfy )tiul the Fuinah* Departraenr, under J. R. (iLI.NN, atLuVert, ill) Fri<lav evening * xeicistis ti <l Monthly and Annual oxauti inilioiiH at, LoVort. The 1 nil J’enn will commence 31 outlay Seirtemfo/*r iil. IH7H. Tho Course of Study ot both luvritiilions will lie remodt lod and adapted to tho de mands of the public. We piopowo to lm part a thorough, practical, Hcicntifie and claxslcal education: TUITION | Primary Department, pku mnth,. ..s‘2 00 j Academic ** " “ ... 300 ! COLLUX-IATK AXD SCIENTIFIC IJUCPANV ! MF.NT. PER MONTH, 4 00 j ( )(jNTINOKNT FICK, PER TfBM, 1 00 Mi ri*: and Ornamental Department, Kka- I SON ABLE ltATEff. Tuition charged from time of entering lo clowe of Term, and nf) deduction allowed except, in < uHe oi protracted KickncbH. Bills payable monthly. Board in t. <> beat Aimilies from 00 to <512 tK> per month and from Monday to Friday evening, $5 00 pel* month. LOCATION ; Seven miles from Genera, S. \V. R. It., I wiih daily mails, and easy of access by Ibu-k line, connecting with ev*ry train ol l<arn. I lack-hue from Geneva, round trip to Bthdrnfc, Si 00. i N. B. -'I be fall IHtiicfits ol tin* l’ .b ic School Fund will be allowed to all htudeutH ot lawful age. .1 T McLAI'BIILIN, A. HI. .1 It. GLENN, A M AHiociate Pnnciiialn. Talztton, GA., September 3d, 1878. \V. I \ FKfilN KK, DENTIST. OFFTGE OVIHi MASON’S Drug Store, Randolph ntrttt, ColumbuH, Gu. ! /'Cr- Save your “Teeth;" they are belter i flam Joiuilh. All diKeasc.-. *f the L’eeth and • li Uin. rrented. Artificial 'i Oith put in when Hind. mi. Off AT"XE lI9XBOBI LS NOW INVITED TO OTR T,AR( V. STOCK • . - .n I ‘icco (roods, Clot hs, Cnsuiinvras aiul Trim niinju'ss, including: French, Knvjliwli, tmcl American Makes. ALSO n K<mil supply ol tho various niakt-s of Home Ooods; nil of Li h wo y.A op t. ord-'r in tho boat style on tue tlmmt notice. An exteuKivu and choice lot of TEXAS CASSI MERES •Just iu, to which weevil particular notice. <W. *T. PKACOCIt * . Clothin Mamrr autort, 04 Broad stArkt. In our roady-nmdo stock we have a lot of “CottuiiHiU* Sails" w will clone out at urnna surprisingly low. wtfui 1 O. G. Sparks & Son, THIRD STREET, MACON, (iEOItOU, WAREHOUSE, COTTON, AND C EMISSION MERCHANTS. Ufß again offer our services as Warehouse nud Cwiuiuiariou Mulch nils to our liantfo'g friends ol Ta'bot audjuljoiuiug counties. lMantalion Ntipplius, Uag-ylng nu<\ M'ioia I furmuhrd at loauKt nrnrkot rut#s. JDiir Advances tuado on Cnttnn is store ru, laiw aa Ll any houae iu the city. ej>lo 0. ti. Sl’AllKS A SUN A. It. ADAMS. JONATHON 1.. ADAMS. ft.. HAHRIB, ' 114 Broad Street, COLUMBUS, &A. WHOLESALE ANI) DETAIL DEALER IN Dry Goods, Notions, Hats, Umbrel las, Ready-Made Clothing, BOOTH, SIIOICM, life, OF THE LATEST AND XiESr STYLES. ALL onr Goodw are of tbe latest styles ami fiesh from ths Northern Market*. We daf y computuiou in style and price ol Goods. (live iu a oall vlion in the city, we feel | certain we ran please von. Polite and'attentive a-tlentueti in show good * FOR VIAVnUXC* I - (JO T VINSHIF & CALLAWAY Hit LLAUIiUi ULUimnu nuuou VI ITIIWUU . They keop the boat good* aiul Sell at tbe lowo.t price*. Onr Doll.ii* fHllii't is of tha beet nutminl and fitsj wel Agents for Keop’s Shirts and Umbrellas. W. l’rrr Baldwin is with us, and will be glatl to Lav* it call from kin friends. WINSHIP & FALLAWAY, No. 1 50 Second Nt.. Macon. Hillside Shops, TALBOTTON, GEORGIA.; jJ. C. CAMPBELL, Proprietor. Tho Public are informed that Fain thorough' equipped n"d prepared I > do WOOL) WOLIK of all kinds, snob us making and repairing Haggles. Wagon,?, Jbc, I also and all kinds ol liluckAinitbiug, including Horne looting mid general LLantation Work. I guai auteo satisfaction in all lay work. r Prices to suit the ti n a (Jive me a trial. .1. C. CAWBHBOL. Refer to ./ D. Jfongb, W. J. Mcßryde, Geuevu;C*pr. J # W. Gamble, fi. A. Hu4, Talbot eonntv;T. N. Gibson. Tulbolton. aug‘B W. F. GRACE, DKAIaKIt IIV OIG AXIS. TOBACCO. SNUFF AM) PIPES. 70 CHERRY STREET, MACON, GEORGIA THE PLACE TO BUY SADDLES AND HARNESS CHEAP. MARK A. BRADFORD, I MANUFACTIUtEtt OF AND DEALER IN' I • ; . ‘ . i iai! Saddles, Harnes, Trunks, Yaliws. -AM)- Carriagc Trimmings, Leather and Leather Belting' —ALL KINDS OF - Work and Repairing Done AT THE OLD STAND OF H. MIDDLEBIiOOK, AT SHORT NOTICE. !x! BROAD ST., (<>l,| MIMS <; A TERMS, il.lld a Y ear*ln Ailvmice WHOLE NUMBER 432.