The Talbotton standard. (Talbotton, Ga.) 1870-1881, November 14, 1878, Image 1

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llv av. E. SII3MFOHD. VTOmE IX-N 0.4 4; GORDON INSTITUTE, : had n ksvilu:, i t’ff.T, ftrKN rarlv in IS7-, witli :i lull cor; so! earnest, Kiioeefißfnl teachers \\ determined to kic)) Up tho Hides) rend and deserved reputation ot this justly cele lilt'd school. Gordon ejT rs superior inr\tipemeuls to parents desiring to rdneate their s'si mid daufftatfltt It lias oil rtin is-plein upplntuees, apparatus and lurniture, and a :se>td m r tenehio); nnpamlioh din tLe State, 'its music department is eon ducted by I'rot. (Inttenberjp r. v bo lias no enpi ri. r and but lew equals in Ins protession. JtnmesTiile w tlie most enterprising city on the Macon and Western Itailroad, and 1.4* justly the reputation of liaring lint most moral, liberal and enlightened coniuir.nity i. Georgia. 'lnition sll SO to SIS SO per Term. Hoard $lO 00 to sls 00 per month. fsO' for Catalogue containing frill information address CHAELK.SK I,A MEDIUM, Pres, __ or W. H. WOODALL, Secretary. ]ntyso'H ■ P Harries'die, Oeoruia. a.lliJ 1 7 n<rt* i *r t> |. { s . i ) #/ . - * "* ni ' 'll I [* < iz T* K Mn .*,l f,, r T]-(*l.N'l (>N /. ACCF, J itftlioi n.l }< < If tl i. rs mih! Hatters, (’olrr/n ln.(' a. 'I ! will i!*l '.•< Ft iff* mi it the l*r {.’ *1 STck < 1 1 til! Bi.d \\ mb r O' (iib <><, r irn.gld to Writ C-et.igiK at)2 1 f T,r i t • ML X. X \ Js # t Pf • " f : f ■v/,. /.' •<>> A e . 1 &HS €Siß3@orai s 0> ■ NO. 13 COLUSfBUS, OEOROIA. V> lrolcwrt]o nuii l£c*tnil lAostlei* in ET MODS, GEOOEEIES, K6TIOHB, CBCfKBT, 40. ;0. * AND A FULL STOCK Ox Supplies, •V ’el' Ihli e are r.ow cflrriec at the Very i nrest market prick*, and ruamnt.. nil’ - r<s as #„p T ,sent<d. Wa cordial y iniitc the people r f Tailed r.onnty, and e| .re to give ns a -all wl.„ tlr.j visit th. eity. Mr L. A. Pl,Hips, formerh ol Ha, innty. is wall, nie at and will be giad io see his many frieiids. Acm Don’t You Forget It. TANARUS, T. EDMUNDS, Brand Street, Coiiirniiuta, Georgia IVSriSS Bonie and sn i ‘tnsl ini COTT AGE OIiAII Snt > 1 r/t pr r Halt dr zen, CD I try. t $2 s*inch, t-OITACiE I T LEAL'S t, i iJO Wiereh and all i <i.'KCN •XNTCIIAM W^'siTT. 1 ,UW ' A ,oB ** ,,e °* UK,, t* ml iAM L.tKKU am., HiMWIBE IT RETAIL—-NAILS $2.50 PER KEG. • sig-oii and Carriage Material and other Goods as Low as. ANYJHOr.Si: IN THE [MARKET. •I. A. Frazer Si Cos., Broad street, COLUMBUS, GA. ; "X e' ' ” : A COUNTRY NRWSVAPEIv FOIi Till’. MASSES -DEVOTED TO CIVILIZATION ANT) MONKV-MAKINd. TALLOTTON, TALBOT COUNTY, GEORGIA, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 14, 1073. A Spleuilid Tvilrmo. HEROISM OF THE SOUTHERN t'F.Ot't.E IN WAR AW IN ytaWMSM*. Lonahn Si■Aviard. Tho youtißeT among us cannot, perhaps remenrlier the kuoii warm I sympathy with which tho English ot IS6I 65 wjtc; sssd the heroic .strug gle inatntnirirrl l>v tho "Southern kinsmen against six fold odds of numbers, and odds of position, re sources vantage ground, simply in calculable. Even those who, from sympathy with the Northern States, woro unfavorable, to the canso of a great nation revolting against a real tyranny coulil not,, but foeLprot: 1 of our near kins&ip with that incom parable soldiery- so designated bv their enemies - which,cm fifty battle fields, maintained a contest, such as no other mop evjr in modern times maintained, and at last, when all hope was gone, held for six months with forty- five thousand melt against one hundred and fifty thousand, a slender lino of earthworks thirty miles in length; who marched out 28,000 strong, and after six days re treat in front of a countless ealvaty and overwhelming attillery and in fantry pressing them on all sides, surrendered at last but, 8,000 liayo ents and suWri a. it is this people, tho flower and pride of tho great English race, on whom a more terri | bio, more merciless enemy lias now j fallen. There can bo now no divis ioa of sympathy as the re is no pas sion io excite ami keep up the coftrngo neeih and for the occasion. ' Yet Iho men and vonion of the Sqnth are true to the old tradition. Her youth volunteer to serve and die in tlie streets of plague-stricken cities, ns readily as tle.-v went tortli, hoys and gray haired Ttieti, to 1 meet the threatened surprise of Peters burg—as they volunteered to dialgc again and again the cannon crowned i hills of Gettysburg, and to enrich with the blood, and honor with the name of anew vietoiy, every field around Richmond. Their si-leri, wives, mothcis and (langhtei s are doing and stifi’erinc no\t as they suf fered from fa mi tie, ant anxiety and alarm lhroughniu the four years of the civil war. There , maybe ninntig the vuviou.i nations of the Aryan family one or two who , would claim that they could have futnished troop like tlnae which fdl.iwed Lee and (lulinston, Stewart and Stonewall Jackson; but we doubt whether there be one rare be side our own that could send f, rib its children by hundreds to face in towns dm, luted by the yellow fever the honor of a nni --‘t Ido and the imminent terror of a martyr’s death. *-•*- \\ liwt Voices Isxiiente. There are light, quick surface voices that involuntarily seem to ut ter the saying, ‘I won’t do to tie to.’ The mail’s words may assure you ot his strength of purpose and reliabil ity, yet bis tone contradicts his speech. Then there are low, deep, strong voices,where tho words seem ground out as if tho man owed hnmnnity a grudge and meant to pay it, some day. That man's opponent may tremble and his friends may trust hi-: strength ol purpose and abilily to ac(. There is rTir- > >nvs Is.microns, • dictatorial tone invariably adopted by vulgar persons, who have not suf ficient cultivation to under.-bind their own insignificance. There is the inesi unions ton", that is full of a covert i-ueet, or a secret f ‘yoit can’t dupe me, sir,’ intonation. Then flicre is a, Ixx-ich ilig voice that says ‘sycophaiit' ax , plainly as if it til b red the word. J cajoles and flatters you; its words say, ‘I love you; I admire yon; you are everything that you should be.’ There then is the tender, mtu-ical, com passion ate voice tlmt soluelime.. goes with blunt sharp features and sometimes with genuine honevolenc -. If you are full of afl'etati ,n and pretence, %>,nr voice proclaims if. If you are full of honest strength i and purpose, your voice proclaims if. ! If vm are cold find onhn and firm j . : and deceptive, yonr voice will, be equally truth-tilling. You cannot change your voice t from a iigtiira! to an unnatural tone ' without*it's being know-ft that you] are so doing. Jr Hm Tran.-i rip!. ‘Ten mills make one cent,* When we were a youngster on tho farm, and the wheat had to be ground,we i’e i-Ge one selit- One mill, no,, ever, was sufficient at that time. —.— No wonder a printer can’t save 1 any money; he bu‘- to “set ’em Up” ii o often. Kii jiiiia Honey. Y here to k eep luiiiey is a subject ' that interest:; the consumer as well as the producer, llto n/t-repeateil advice, "Keep in n cooh dry pl.ute,’’ j is good, but during tho summer most - people have ti. choosu bctiM en a cool, [ damp place and a dry, warm place, i If it is kept in a damp place i; is lia ble to sour; and if a part, of it has not been capped, it is very sure to ■ become thin and sour. If kept in n | warm, dry place it will remain ‘‘as ; good as new” for a long time. We [ have kept ’l fin a year on lop of tho ; kitchen cup-board, and not more than eight feet from tho stove. It is moisture and not heat that causes : honey to sour. I think 1 hear some ’ inquisitive mortal say: If that is so, : why do they talk of a cool place at ; all ? Y ell, souring is only one of the troubles with which we have to contend. When the hofiey boxes i are taken efV the hives, there is apt to be qomo of the eggs of the wax moth sticking about the edges of the combs; and if any of tho combs con . tain even a few cells of bee bread, some of tho eggs are pretty sure to bo these. Now, if the honey is kept in a cool place, these eggs will not hatch nnd will do no harm, tlnloss honey is Lpt in a cool place, it oil rit to lie examined in about two weeks after it is taken off tho hive; and if there is any white dust like flour on any part of the combs or on the bottom of tho box, there is sure, lv "mischief brewing.” And it re quires prompt treatment. l’ut the ho iry boxes, with all holes open, in on<i end of a dry (foods box and burn some sulphur in the other end, cov.. ering the box closely. Tbe quantity of sulphur should bo proportioned to tin* ski* of tin* box. For a threes bushel box, about a. half outioo (a small tnblespoontul) of sulphur will b<> required. The box should lie tolerably well filled with smoke for twenty or thirty minutes. Tf there is not enough of smoke, the worms w ill no! la killed; if the smoko is too den -e, the eotul) will bo changed to! ■ri en color. Honey is also injured i to some extent by severe freezing; tho comb will be cracked and some! of the honey will run out and make j things sweet and sticky. Honey I boxes should always stand ‘right side ] up, with care,’ for the honey will be! less apt to run out of cells (hat. have, j not been capped.— J'roclicalFanner. Inquiry in Thompson, Fit., where two tiamps were said to have horri bly mutilated a young school teach er, who wrote on the blackboard -. itli derpiTaf ■sb u■: !i, J f torn slya j and. I, the details of tho crime, leads | Io the h* no that the story was nil true. No one in Thompson had In aid of the outrage, but there is a rumor that such a crime occurred in (hinnoii'-villn, Delawaro county,New York. Inquiry (here also leads to the belief that the story bad no real foundation. The first report came le Fort. .Tervia, apparently on trust worthy information. 'Io cleanse a Mersehaum pipe: T have found si rung coffee an excellent thing to use; let it stand in tho bowl foi a short time, or draw it a few times back nnd forth through the, stem, when it will be found, upon draining it off, that Un-re is a large amount, of oil floating upon Ilio sitr fac ;to draw it a few times back and foi ’lt through Hui stem will more tli'ii* -ngiiiy n move the foreign par ticles and oil than by merely drain ing ft off after remaining a short time in the bond. W<-.iiiaii‘<; (tuffrago has been dis eua/u.d in the Vermont. T/gis ’.iture, the immediate issue being *.v ht-iiicr women .should he permit ted to vote for school trustees. Judge Poland advocited the ni di ielion of the privilege to unmar ried women, because* he deemed married women sufficiently repre sented by their husbands. The en tire measure was voted down. A dispatch says prosecutions Against the Mormons for bigamy haw been commenced at Salt Lake, Tho law for its punishment was passed in 1 02, but lias n< e been e. into effect until now, on ac count of local difficulties. The Mormons with but few exceptions stick together apd take up for one smith r. If tiller those circumstances i* is almost impossible to secure eti (fence of a bigamous marriage. j Save your washing suds for the; girder; it they are poured over tie* roots of the plum trees they will kid the ctnciiiio; if turned at the roots of geranium 1 :, l oses, etc., they will! i chalice the beauty tenfold. Siisulay Tliouahl-. Oluigtiaaily itself is most beautiful. The sweetest plwisimi is in imparling it. Little sinii multiplied become great one.*. TUeiv ! milling so li'nrful Asa bnd eon sofrne.\ Error and'cntancA are the Cojnpritiionp ot raahinxM. Jiiitgd not thy till thou art siniil illy sitimtod. Piio hum n heart i* like heaven tho mow angels the move mom. Never trouble vomst lf with trifles ntul noon all will a tritl >. All good thought**, words and actions me : Iron.* tlio cehvti i! world. Wo le.ihi mueli tlmt can be taught in j ojother school. Don’t sad iv. it may convince yon, but it is sure not to convince others. ! Tho heart that is awake to tfio floWera is ioihvftys tiHst (. be touched by the thorns. W • imrn to loye God Iroin Himself, yet "ur truest love is bo*s>ly ti taint typo of His. 1 hi re is nothing lass than a giain ot sand; Hurt’is nothing heavier than the an ml ot sea when multiplied. C’haraeier is the fact ol human nature - the roc t troni which springs all that is good and no'de and grand. Tin* lust pr.'piuation tor service is the knowled ;e of our owu weakness, and talth in the almighty power ot Goo. There are repulsive saints and attractive dinners, else the great tragedy and comedy ot life had never been written. A progressive C■hristianity cannot ap proach any iorni of Kousationalivin,progress always loads away from sin h resort. rv man stamps his value on hitnsell, j Hie price wo charge ter ourselves is given us. Man is made great ur little by his own will. “Give lire ad t.o stranger >" is the 1 nuio of the universal brotherhood which hinds all mo i togetlf'i under the Common Father of na t lire. An excellent quartette: A good temper, | a good library, a good wife, and a good Iri ml, are four of the choicest blessings ol human life, Je uE lived as mir example. His life was a revelation upon earth of tlie heavenly | li le, and a model of the course over which we slmuM walk to the glorious land.’ It you would ho exempt from uneasiness, tie imlbing which you know or suspect is an ng. And if you wish to onj y tho pm, est jtleasure, do whatever is in your power that is right. Pythagoras used to say that “a wound from the tongue is wnre than a wound from (he swi'rd foi the latter aflfeetH only the bedy, the tornu r the spirit the sou 1 . With j the humble there is perpetual peace. tie Opening n Tfioroiiulifat*** ! In ord'T to guard ftgM'irl *e.snltu utterly j subversive of health, it is ab olulelv essen j tial that the grand thoroughfare or avenue | of the system, the bowels, slto ild bo ro ! opened as speedily hh po l ;siblo when they become obstrmled. II they are not, the ; bijc is uii.sdireeled into the blood; the* liver i bocomeß torpid, viscid bilious matter gets ■ into the stomach, and pioduees indigestion, headaches ensue, and oilier symptoms are j produced, \\ inch a prolongation of the ex-I : citing cause only tends to aggravate. The i ap< rtienf properties ol llostettei's Stomach | Hitters constitute a must usebd agent m| overcoming constriction ol the bow F, and i promoting ai( gular lnhit of bod}'. It is F infinite Jy superior to the drastic cathartics j Ircimently lor the purport, since it di •■K Jio;,like them, net. violently, lint pro- I duces a iiiitui.d, painless efi -ct, which does not impair tlie tone, of tho evaouatory or- I gajfn, whi.di it invigorates infltea l of weak ening. Tin* storaaeli and liver, also. ndeed tlie entire system, is Hfretigtheucd and regu lated by it. til Duel. T. i ver iw i njy The Livt ris tht imperial organ of tire whoio human system,ns it controls tho Ido, If ilth and happiness ot man. When it is disturbed in its proper notion, all kinds of ailments are the natural result. The diges tion of food, the movements of the heart and bleed, the action ol the bruin and ner vous system, are all immediately connec ted with the workings of tlm Fiver. I: his been sueece fully proved that Green’s Au gust Flower is unequalled in curing all | pm-HOMi nhided w ith J)v-pepsin or Javer < 'ornplaint, aial all the numerous symptoms \ that i -e|i trom or. ujrhcaUby condition ot the Lb.* , and .Sionmeli Lam pic b-ottles to j , try, 10 rants. I’nsitivfl' sold in all tn.vufli m the Weston Centim nl. Three and iscs I ' ill prove tlmt it i just what, you want.! For sale b> Dr. B. L. Farb.velh A rnnii in a clnncli fait;, wlio had a fifty cent howl of oytor slow*, suil ' dollly rose ill grout i-xeilrmont and hi "11(1 to ])llll off his coat (>H(I Vest. ■ Why do you cfortlmt ?” asked the liioiis fmu—lad) who took the fifty j cell tii.” “Why, great heavens!” — Le ; cried, “IhcTO is a little oyster away ! down (lie it, and I’m going to dive I for it.” a An old Granger who cuine iulo (own to purchase a piano for his and. editor, asked (lie agent if he j hadn't one with n handle in the end, j “so wo cun give it a turn once in a i while.” When a hoy falls ami peels the skin off his none, the first thing lie dm -is fy get up and yell. When j a girl tumbles arid hurls herself bad ly, the first thing she does is to get up and look at her dress. ‘Dearest,’ lie murmured ecstati cally, as lie folded her to his arms | for the first limn, ‘let mo sample i (oe nectar of your lips.' ‘Take a | whole schooner of i!,‘ she family ! whispered. ‘Husband I must have some change to day, 1 ‘Well,stay at home .and take care ot tho children; flint I will be clt: ngo enough for the day.‘ TT M B= CHABFfiST I 1 ij< >1 irvii: i’< >ir CLOTHING In Macon, —is l H. HERTS’S. A full Stock nt tho Lowest Figrirce. < 'ajsHimoiv Suits At s,!>; $10; $11; fj2 50; and sls. Drags Suits sls 00 to $25 00. SIH UTS nil complete. Made of Iho best Irish binon and W'amsutta Muslin only '75 Cents. Full Stock of all Goods for Hen and Boys nt prices lower than any house in Mucon or Columbus. Quality as good ns ever. J. 11. I 90 Cherry Street, octllf Macon, Georgia. 37 Court Place, LOUISVILLE, KY., A regularly nn<l legally ouallfted phrairlnn und tho I ii. i • ueo sful. as hU p< uoH ie will prove. Cures alliornio ; * f pitv.G", ohroulo met 4=exua.l (liseaseM, Sppj-nmtor riica ami Iropolcmey. ummtifimM al/uac io youth, inxml exm sln inr.turor yems or otnor M'ki j. arid prxductug s'Hue ollho following idlfs'ls Neivoua* n -•••miunlKiuis I Dili '. .* of r-G l.t. I>. F*cilv Mwn erv, Pli .• 1 alt) Ir. INmi ’ * '<u I in- , Aversion t*> Koelvt* of t 1 ! • re ilei lna inurrlugo tmpropur or unhappy, are ilior'.u K ,hr ♦ er.-d rtrsj utitlflv or.idr-atril Consult .tlon tree unit Invl- .1, charges rtusouaUsv •xnl corresjioiidenoo itn 't'y condilsiitlil, A PRIVATE COUNSELOR Ol 700 p/ifroa, f“iii to nny address, ■<-< urely s. uled, for thirty /'lui oe.jt*. Sio-uld l-o )' "1 *' all- Addle.s si above. Uoc nears fm- BA. W. lo IP. M. Sundays, if to 4*\ UL Important Combination I LEVER! £ CGLLINSWORTH INSTITUTE xnsr.xT.Fiip* r IF!FKF 8(-H. )01/S lmvo been combined I in‘r one* Institution, with one Bonrd of liittlrntMion and ono XoiimG of .Study, for 1 he education of both iscxom. The Alalo De partment .under c ntio) of J. T. MoLAUGIf • I/IN’, will ho bnight n' *'olliimworih Insti - luh', i u'! Ihe Female D'-partinoni,- wodftr if. It. (UiLNN, tit In-Verl, v i'h Friday evening < x<‘)c\xoh ur tl Monthly and Annual oxami iiiifionH at DcVerC Thu Fall Term will j commence Monthly Sc pie mix-r 1878. I he. Course of Study of hoßi luarjtntions will l<o remodeh and and adapted to the tie-’ ,in He :.s of Ihe oid lm. Wo propose td im part ti thorou-h, practical, pciwutific aud cluwKicut education: TUITION: PRIMARY DfI'AUTMKNT, I’KK MONTH,. . . $2 00 A( Aixr.Mio “ “ “ .... 3 00 ( or.LKOIATE AND SciF.NTIFIC JJUCr.IIfT- I fr.HT. 1-Kll MONTH 4 00 ( 'ovitnoi.nt l-'i.K, p r r.ft 'l’kHh', 100 Mfr id AND OIiNAMItN'fAL Of I'AJUAi KNT, llJU ! HGNABU: HaTKK. 'l’ tX'iii ciiarpfod from time of entering 1 to Clo,?e r.f Tefit), and no deduction flllrtwdtf e.mept in case of protracted Mekne-H. Bill# payable monthly. _> Board in the last families from $8 CO to ;1 2 00 per month, find from Monday to ! Friday (. veiling, *!j 00 per month. LOCATION: I S'-vcn miles frimi G.-noru, S. IV. 11. It., ’■ith diiily mails, and easy of access by 111 ' v. line e'l'ii.i-'-iir.;,' wit.i ©very trdo >' > f i r am. irnd.-fat'- from Ciunera,' round trip ' fo students, • I m. ?s. J:. 'lho full benefits of flic Fib'io I Sc.liool Fund will he nJlewcd te> all Htudcnts f-1 lawful ii^e. .1 T 31c I* \ I (if! Ll!\\ A. 31. .1 H. <-Li N.\, A. 31 A siocintc S'i i n<:i p;i Is. 'FATyV.i TToN, (la., B*'pfomb r 3d. 1878. i Tit;.M’:ii,’ DENTIST. OfTf/T. OVrtH MASON'S Drill, .-ilora, K'r. 11, Cdl.uhlw.:., Gl. Sive your “T' tt'l:they are JieX*.| linn Jew o!h. ’ All di.'ascsol the Teeth and <. irev treated. Ar'ifi.'id I'eifli put in when d;Mnd. n u^Ci-Xl r-TE iiiTioni IS NOW INVITED TO OUB I.ABGF. STOCK £*ieo < foods, C Mot lim, CamKii noros rl'eim mingM, including Fronoli and Amerioiin Makes, A I/SO a pjood supply nf the virions nmke of Home Goods; nil of which wo get up t ofdfct in tho bent Ht.vlo on the Bhorost uotice. An oxleunivs aud chollJd lot of TEXAS CASSIMERES Just In, lo IVblcJi wo call partionlaf nob'ce. < . .T. I*l7 ACXX TC t rT,oTrnNo M XNI KAt roBY, til Rhoai> r riIKAX. Tu our ready-made stock wo have a lot of “Coltouatk* S ,u" we will clone out at prioeti snrprisiUKl.V low. nepTU; O. G. TMIIID STIiF.ET, MACON, OEOItOIA, WAREHOUSE, COTTON, AND C MISSION MERCHANTS. \ A JR a pain our services as Warehtfise ni and CwmniUMon Merchautß lo our planting * * uieml.s tit Ta’bot coumiek. IMnnlnl ion Su))plioN, mul M'ies lurnifthed at lowest market rates. T.#" Advances made on Oottonla wtf're, as T/Ow nfl bj m , in O. G. SIMHKB A S<TN XL.. HARRIS, 114 Bread Street, COLUMBUS, t>A. WHObESAbE AND BETA It. DEALER IN Dry Goods, Notions, Hats, Umbrel las, Ready-Made Clothing, ljoo rs, siioi:s, OF THE LATEST AND BEST STYLES, ALT. our Goods oro of tho lotos! stylos aud flesh Irum the Nmtheni Afevlcet., We •V eehlpHilion in Rty)<> and price ot Good*, (tiv.* iih a call when in the ciiv, we f*?l certain woenn pJeilAc voft. I’olilu and altt-.utive Hnlesiueii f<> show i mioj/u for vAArrmm; -Go Tti— VUVSUF& CALLAWAY THE LEADING CLOTHING HOUSE OF MIDDLE GEOKGU, TLicy koop (bo brut goods and soli at Ilia loivcat pricoa. Our I ioltsii* Shirt is of the bosrt malarial and I5U] wel Agents for Keep’s Shirts and Umbif'llas. YV. l’rrr Baij/wis is with us, and will bo glad tohsve a call from kls friends. WINSIIIP & UAIJ.AU AY, No. 60 Second St.. Macon. Hillside Skops, TALBOTTON, GEORGIA. J. ( . CAMPBELL, Proprietor. Th> Public are informed that I am oq iippad am 1 prepared to <’o W<X)D WORK <>! ill kimlH, Kueh a* making aud rMmirm-; os. Wagotx, Ac. I hlj**) do aJI kinds ot including Ho rue Scoring and general Piautntion W*jrk. I guar iiutue AiitiHiuctiou*in all 1113* work. Bricei- to Kirii *bo tun-ff (*ive mi- a trial. .1. O. CAMieHELt.. liefer to .I I). Hough. W. J. Mcßryde, Gvii'-vn; Capt. J. NV. Gamble, S. A- Talbot count \ ; T. N. Gibson. T’alboltou. oug r *d W. F. GRACE, DIiIAI.EU IX CIGA IIH. TOBACCO. SNUFF AND IMIAh. 70 CHERRY STREET, MACON, GEORGIA THE PLACE TO BUY SADDLES AND HARNESS CHEAP. MARK A. BRADFORD, MANUFACTURER OF AND DEALER IN S.uMies, Harms, Trunks, ¥ali, , - VNi)- Carriago Trimmings, Leather and Leather Belting’ —ALI. KINDS OF New Work ami Repairing Done AT THE OLD STAND OF 11. MIDDLEDItOOK. AT SHORT NOTICE. 1)4 HltO VI)ST., COI.IJMDIS CJ-A. TY.lms. *(i.(l;) Viuir In Ailrnnie WHOLE NUMBER 433.