The Talbotton standard. (Talbotton, Ga.) 1870-1881, November 21, 1878, Image 1

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IJv \V. K. MtWFOHD VOLUME IX-N 0.45. I LOUDON INST IT! ■Til, ■ if MIX OrEN early iu September with a lull corps ui earnest, suoca&Rful teachers \ determined to keep up the widespread and deserved reputation oi this justly oele Mthool. Gordon Institute offers superior inducements to parents desirinp to educate their mid daughters. It has all the modern iippliaiw apparatus and lurnitmv, and a r>l nor auoeesfiful teaching nnj iuulhied in ti e State. 11< music department is con-i by Prat. fintlenl>erp r, who has no aupdicr and Uut few equals in 1 is profession. JUrnenville is the most enterprising city on the Macon and Western Uailroad, and i ■u jimtlj Ike reputation of hating the most moral, libtral and eulightenel community Georgia. Tuition sll 50 to $lB 50 per Term. Foard HO o<> to sls 00 per month. SK fgr Jor Catalogue containing lull inform ition address ■ CIIAIILLNE. L AMHDRIN, Pans., ■ or W. H. WOODALL, Secretary, jnl.lotf Harnesville, Gcorein. f l ITS SPA < I : Ik miru.l l. 1 'l]!( lA’H N A A< fT. 1 • 1 1 1 TD, t r J I.< n v ill i dvt i: rinit ti e Jr-r --[rfiF'rh ff rill M.d VTitUr Cx< <ur Liiaphtto A\tht Utcij., n-[ i!4 •48- CS£bson 3 NO. to COLrilßt'S, LEORGIA. V liolc-Nnli- duel ltotail 1.-i- in MY GOODS, GF.CCIEIES, ROTIOFS,CECCKFEY, &C. SB. —AND A Ft'LL STOCK OF-- Plantation Supplies, APP which we are row often mr nt the very lowest market prices, no 1 guarc- ta. j-\ of our goods ns represented. We eordinlly invite the people ~f emruy, • e*) .rc to give ns a rail when they visit tin **itv. Mr. L. A. Pi.iiij . formerly of 11..i t 1 *, is with me and will lx* clad <o s- i,j s runny friend- Kow Don't You Fqrgct It. T. T. EDMUNDS, OS Hi •onl Street, CJot iiinl>iiss. Cn (‘org’ln. ]S .ll)ne: hsmisome and sul ?tjintiulCOTTAGE CIJAJfiSnt SI CO per H; 1! ,(. 1 * ’'F. HELSIKIL’S nt 52 Wtt eh. OO'iTAGE BUIiEAfJK h i >l<i Of •. -i ml . #w'VJ'. ‘ ( ( ' h n1 Pt L'MTTHE fqnullv low. A full line of beantilul EASXK.VK.FH and *Lk En anm: chamber SUITS UIbWIBE AT RETAIL—-KAILS $2.50 PEE KEG. " 9 gcn and Carriage M&terial.and other Coeds as Low as ANY"HOF,SE IN THE [MARKET. J* A. Frazer & Cos., Broad Street, COLUMEUS, GA. t24#tde^ ' ‘ ' ia i: C. ” * / l lui V, R,.il-In..* • i !,ujt Kir,ai . i 1 i<• itmo< Il ■< >.'• ,alt In ooi ,‘ • ..’Kjff’ W - .•.* •• _ r _ jeSUUIK JH .(Nti) • JPNW ui- -2, , ; :>T W ... - , ... r. AOH X r 11V NEWSPAPER FOB THE HASSES PEYOTEI) TO (AVI LIZ ALTON ANJ> MOXBY-MAKTXO. TALEOTTON, TALBOT COURTY, GEORGIA, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 21, 1273. .Aiuiriii I ionic. Romo was settled by two young men who enmo to Henry Comity about 753 11. C. Their graiulpnna’s brother sent them, down the liver on a steamboat, only there was no steamboat. Rut the young men did not drown; they just floated atom until they eauio tei Rome, whei, they landed. They were only a few weeks old so tie y hired an old well to take care of them and give thorn I rations. Then when they were old enough they slew the old wolf ami took her scalp to the County Clerk’s office and got two dollars and a half for it. Afterward they called on the old gentleman, who had paid their passage down the river, and han il i out with him. Remus held the old gentleman's ears while Eomnin passed a thin slate of steel from the storuo-hyoid muscle through tie ; common carotid artories and juglai | vein, and emerging a little below the occipital bone. Shortly after ward the action of the heart became irregular and weak, the pulse fell r apidly, and there was a genteel do. croaso in tho temperature of the body, respiration became ditlicnlt, and finally impossible, articulation was impeded, and when tho family physician arrived it was evident that a permanent suspension of tho vital forces had already ensued. It is claimed by some historians, indeed, that poor old Aninliiis never re covered from tho shock, but died the same day which, being wash day, covered the memory of Amulius | with ignominy. .Shortly after this event the two brothers returned to Rome where one <1 iy Remus, while climbing over a picket- fence around his brother’s water-melon patch, was shot by Romulus, although oth.r authorities say he was killed on the railroad,while trying to carry two (piaits ot Roman whiskey across ; the track in front of a 15. and M. freight engine. After that Romulus; disappeared, and the Romans think bo went, to heaven, although the ap ! poatanco of an Illinois yhei iIV in Rome two hours after Romulus be came scarce has earn ed some au thorities to think he went to tho penitentiary. Romulus and his brother were considered great men, and stood very high in society, though it is said that their urn was no better than she should have been, which was very consistent in her. These boys hud two Midsin fact,; and one of them was their pa. This’ sounds very strange, but it is as true as anything else in this history. As Rome grew, society was rent ill two great divisions. Nobody wa | considered anybody who did not! j own a red sleigh and a -1 ed horse, find didn’t live in a house ! with a hay window, chateau roof, j mechanics’ lien find a cut throat i mortgage on it. A Roman lady who I did not, belong to a Literary Club, ' and attend conversations, and get | trusted for five now hats a year, | was snubbed at prayer-meeting and | neglected at mite societies. So the Ipatiicivus did all the voting, and : hcl I all the offices, and run all the public institutions and Spoilt all the ; public funds, and the people who ! ffiuokc clay pipes and carried hods, lied clerked, drove drays,did all the . fighting and paid part, of the taxes. ; whenever the patricians ca-iglik u plebeian they put him in jail or | dratted him into tlio finny. And i whenever the plebeians saw a pa I trician alone, they mauled him around \ and pelted him with stones. The patricians were called General, Col- I onel, Major, Captain, Judge and I Honorable. The plebeians v.ere called plain Iliil. Once in a while a 1 plebeian would aspire to honor and authority, and become a kind of I.p - vet patrician. He was then styled “Sipiire.” A noise in Mr. Lake’s house in San Jose, Cal., led him and his dog to believe that a burglar was ai work, and they started in different directions to investigate. It was m tho night, and when tho man and the beast, came together in the hall way, each took the other for the in truder. The dog sprang from under a table, intending to scums Mr. Lake, who, believing ho was attacked by a robber, hastily fired several shots. A light was brought, and tho woun - ded dog, recogni/dug Lis waster, crawled to Iris feet ami -i. and. The Burlington Hawkeye lws no ticed that fn.m the time a boy is 8 years old until he is 13 Lo devotes two solid hours of every day of his busy life to learning how lo make a new kind of noise. j Judge not tLy fellow man till thou | art similarly initialed. ms :j Wifiipicis in ; Itimloi' (’ax**. If would s&.ijrccly ho sufo ns u •'•on oral thing to trust to tin* interven tion of spiritual powers for tho dry toetion of orinuS and for 'ovid’ifi’ifeo suflieiont to convict its ]H'rp(>trntors. F>ui in a murder ea >o ii?Connocticui a grand jury, an able counsel, a learned judgo and wu l.uww not how many others soein bound to convict ! a person of tho capital < fi'enco ol J murdfi on tlm sU’ongtji of revela tions made l y :i prete-ndt and spiritual medium. o are assured, on the authority of one of tho prosecuting lawyers, that all (he circumstances attending the cruet murder of poor Mary .v ..uinud were iuinutol a \ do ! soil’ 1 to a niimbiT of the grand jury by medium, even to the deserip | lion of tho weapons used and the woi ds spoken during tho enactment of the tragedy. An ii t rvicov io— -tween a corrt sp indent and the clair voyant confirms tho wonderful tale. Exactly how the evidence is to housed on tho trial of the Uev. Mr. Hayden, who has been rosarrested, is not ex plained. Perhaps tho medium is to induced to pass into the clairvoyant state and describe the murder after the fashion of llamlefs players. j But then how is the oath to bo ad ministered that is luressay to make ■ the testimony legal ? Who is to he | sworn, tho spirit or the agent? ' What is to become of the l ight of defence to a cross examination? 1 Who is to vouch for the credibility of a witness when the mediums tlnmsolves do ./not seem to kmnv wether they are med by good or bud spirits- by truthful .spirits or ly ing spirits? Many such legal difficulties suggest themselves in such a c.i ;e. liven should they bo overcome, who can vouch that the ' jury "ill not bo composed of men of common sense, who will remember Unit the medium’s wonderful din • closiil- s were made after he had en ■ ■ joyed tho opportunity to examine the spot, measure tlie distances and ai i an* blood etui nod stones at his 1 pi i -lire, and so make up their ! minds that he is an arrant humbug? ; It would be fortunate for I lie ac- i cased if more material circumstances 1 had not occasioned Ids second arrest. Should it be proved that, ho pur chase 1 arsenic on the morning of j the murder, mid that tho poison was found in the stomach of tho victim, il will not need a spiritual medium lo Convict him <L the cruel crime, nor will any efforts of spiritualism save him from the toll penalty ol the law.—A r . Ilrmld. Bu. Run iy a (bui oiinu v £>isi.iu\ By ninny it has been held as a theo ry that the Y uma desert was once an ocean bed. At iutevals, pools of sail- water have stood lor a while in m tho midst ol the surrounding waste of sand, disappearing only to rise again in tho. tho same or other localities. A short time since one of tho saline lakes di: appeared and a p irty of Indians reported the dis c->very of a big : hip, hH by - the M<V| ding waves. A p-day of Aui' i-' can ; ut once proceeded to the spo 1 , and found embedded in the sands ■the wrccl; of a large vessr 1. Nearly one-third of tho forward parts of tho ship or hark is plainly visible. The t stump of thy how pin rents ins, and poltloiisof the dock are perfect. Tho wreck is located lolly miles i north of ti-m Born.undo ami I’orl Yuma road ami thirty' rniios west of Los I’idmos, a well known watering place on tho desert. Tlie road across the and -sort has been traveled for more than one bundled years. The i history • t the di-ode,l vc, e.I can of j c-iui'se, never bo known, but tho dis covery of its decaying timbers in the mid: t of what ha ; lias been a desert will furnish important uid in the cal culations of -science. If anybody hes liar l work of it to 1 please most poopl % it is an editor. If he omits anything, ho is lazy. If j he speaks of thing . as they are, [>co jt]<: get angry. If ho glosses over or smooths down the rough points, he is bribed. If be culls things by their proper names, bo is declared unfit lor his position. If ho does not furnish his leaders with jokes he is a mullet. It he does, he is a rattle-head, lacking stability. If ho indulges in personalities, ho is a blackguard. If ho does not, his pa - per is dull and insipid.— Kx, Probably at tho last awful day*, when O -.brioi sounds his trumpet, if he doesn’t stop dice or twice be tween the blasts, and shoht: “Gen ; oral, Colonel, I say !” not more Ilian 1 two-sfiftlm of the uitu in American I cemeteries will get up. lie Opening a Tftorouutifsivo- In ciiler to gtuu'T r. r linsl utterly srthvci’sivj'©f health, it is uhsolukly oss n ii il tint tho gram! tliojonghiun? or iivenno of tho tnMoin, tin- bow, Is. HhouM lio iv oponotl iiH spfi'ily [\n possible when they Uvoinc Cl's! i*n.*toil. If they nro not, (ho hilt* is loisuiiveUtl into the llor,J; tho liver iieeoines teapil. visciil bilious in.ilkr gets mio Uio stonmoh, nud [HoJiiot-s imligctttioD. htudaehrs ensue, mul other symptoms are | ’ rt'diieed, wio Ti air of the ox ‘ itiac eiuiKo onlj tends 1 Tho i rpertieii t propertk‘ol (lei’s Stomach * ■ : . r.x constitute a most nsefnl ngont in * -vt rooiuhig const riclioii ot die bowels, mid , roniulmg a v pilrtr Inhit ot body. It is 1 ti* i : *I.V :i'*r t" he drastic calhnrlicn t'ltpieUfd.v <KSOI iov tv.o* pnipiNv , hiliCA i; dt'es not,!; !v diem, act violently, but pro duers a, juiiuli . tlee.t, which d-u.' M ‘4 i’ lp.rr the tune ot (he evaeeatovy ftr •; ms, whieli il invi ’nt s iiiHlea lot wotili 11ii ;'. Tho Ktomaeh and liver, iils.i.hideed die (iniii’" system, is sirciß’lheiied mid icgu ; i. 1 '.-I 1. Asi i nsjmlt ed ( luirai ter. Money is a pood Thing especially in these hard times,but them is something, a thou . uul told mom vidua! le. l! i-< die char,tr ior -the eouseh iieo of a pure and honora ble li.Y. That il i.lioahi ho a man’s first -din t- ; i servo at any cost, in times ot column > ilis(r ss,whieli some arc proved and l -und wanting, others come 1-rth a tri< dby lip*. Here and there one comes out. ol the lunmec tar more ol a man than before. Amid the wreck of his fortune lie stands < root, a noble specimen ot true man hood. We have oec.ihionly \viluc.sscd an example ot courage iu such a crisis, ot : moral intrepidity, that deserved all honor Let it be tlie. aim ot every bieiiuss man, j abovi all things els , to keep his purity un- ! stained. This is the bi tL possession, this is the capital which can never ho taken from him; this is di in!:* rituiiee which he can leave to his children. Tin lfo;\IK \ ALUM OF I*I,LTV. /11l f\- ' ' a:c o The ’.in ol an animal, whether cow, call', colt or liiii:.c, that diet 1 -ii the farm, is w a;h lin i'e at homo than t the tummi’.s. Cut it into narrow slrap- 1 , and slmve oil’the l.air with a sharp Unite i before tho kitchen lire, or in your workshop lon stormy days and evenings. Von may j make thorn solt by rubbing. A rawhide ! halter strap,an inch wide, will hold a horse ! better and last longer than an inch rope. | I', is strong' r than hoop-iron and more | durable, and may be used to hoop dry |e i .lv ; and box-r, und for hinge-;. Try it on Ia broken thill or any woodwork that inis I iicon spilt. Put it on wot amt nail fast. Thin skins make the best lo use in tbeiv i natural .stale. For other purposes they i may bo dressed. We would only add to j j this that il you have more pelts than y< u ! ue< and io im in this way tho voiy Lost thing to do is to sell them. An t it <l4* it e2 l In I Tniih i You il -.erve to sutler, and il you had a miserable,unsatisfactory tile in this beauti lul world, il is entirely your owu fault and :li<iiw i rmly ono exeime for you,'-your un reasonable prejudice and skepticism, which Ins killed llintisahds. Personal knowledge and common n reasoning will homo hUow >on that (i i'"t''i *h August Flower will cure 1 you of Liver Complaint, or DyspepKia.witli ill its miHe.rablo cfieelH, such as sick head ;o-|.e, |...lpitution ut the li' Bil,t our stomacli, habitual e" t:v. :n . g dizziness of (lie bead, nervous prostration, low Hfiirits, Ac. fts rale now roach every town ou the V ostein *' dir nt and not a Druggist but will tell I you 01 it:. w.Hid< rlu! cures. Yaj can buy a Sample pottle for 10 cents Three ihws will )•- bexe you, Jor sale by Dr. Jd. li. Lardwdl. tow. Many iigricuHiU’ibls mlvise, mid mo.sf, faniit is jiniciicc, wiihliiug scod I in ntroiig Lrino jjiovlouh io nowing i who ii it Las not already been | through the floating process. Mr. j Allen, tlie well known authority on 4 this subject, advises, in addition to I w ishing in brine, when grain inclines to tfrmit, intimately mixing it with oneHwellth its bulk of fresh izod qnielc-lime, which ho contends I not only kills tho smite but insures early and rapid growth. , Old .Maids, di liaH lieen slated that Ma | saclms 'H ; married ov* r fi.OOIJ ba.di* hus j ye.u an I only D5 old maid 'J bis in j the very heath ol woman’.-, rights, too. We see the success of’thcu ondoavors to domi nate jrt an inverse ratio to t : ; ell tls pul forward. In the olden time Jacob served seven years for each of his wives: Hoffman s ives only eight years lor nine of them. Wiv a evidently are getting cheap; and we advise thof.') who don’t want to figuro in u ' •pressed and over-crowded market to get mto some other business. A precocious youth < f Aft eu years residing at Indian Spring, applied to I the Ordinary of the county olio day j lust week for a license to marry a ; little girl of eleven. Tho Oidimuv ! informed him ho would have* co wait j awhile, and tho youthful swain was 1 forced to go away disconsolate. A Kentucky farmer writes to the j local newv-paper, complaining of Iho low price of dairy produce,and adds: ‘ 4, 1 shall not soil my eggs for eight I cents a dozen it don’t pay fur tho ; wear and tear of the hen.” There is no man on earth so pure | but can find something in himself to ; amend. Hence the necessity—the 1 absolute necessity—of every man minding his owu business. Is there a scientific man in tlie country who can tel], after a seqk gets a hole in it, what becomes of the material that once took the place of the aperture? | 1 I BHS K IKHTpC l.’Olt In Mncoii, Is - j. re. nmm. \ A full Slock nt tho Lowest Figures. t ’< ssimeri: Sisil s A! SP; SBO;.&I1; sl2 CO; ami sls. J Irens Bulls sls 00 to $35 00. SI a ! EJ’S’H nil complete. Miulo of the Lest. Irish l.iuen mid V/ummiUn Muslin only 75 C<ui is. Full Stock of nil Goods for Mill and Boys nl prices lower than any house iu Macon or (Juhtuil'us. Quality ns good ns over. .3.13. I Scrlz, 00 Cherry Street, octlif Macon, Georgia. . ~ y:/. y A t<‘7 'ilurlv rflu<;nt'*'l nti'T Im'tvllv qunllllcd plivltcfoß and it , t 'Li mjoslwl. ns IBs pnictiim will prove. ■Cures aliform* ,r |•i. a-, r.iironio e- i• iiiH..enSiximiator** rltoa und ImpoioTiey. ■-> i... .. .T- .ir idei , .ii you'll, *ai;.l *'.' ■■■■ 'tin matnrer veins nrother ( v's. i.: i'l i .luiiuii v-'i <• :wts: Ner vo■■ r ■- ;. il Emissions, DJnm-m i , jjrht, Ueftctlvn ~ . r l.> d-1 It ••%*, I’l.l. 'e* OU Fao, AVI" il Ui J •" 's Of Icm •!' . C'uii'i i"U of l ! I.OS-: of ..eMlii l row **., re dvi Ing mu ii ive limit-..per rr unhappy. ar, ‘ IBori'U.'lily ORRItEA, Oleot.HM-icinrc, p,;.sn.,d ollg! Ill vnU'dljrnst s u'li By cnr."l. IVl'.iiit r*-i"l by nmrlofws- J, r .s*. .11 t, - nii.l Invi!-*!. oliarße* reu*oßM% aiulborreip'iud .i tr -i’v ■ *iif ; :util. A PRIVATE COUNSELOR Ot m p-uvi.% " ndilr.-HS. s.vun lv for thirty .m, e ,.| lU y,' I I I. r "1 By all. Address iß -wi. Oflioe hLuni from 0 A • it i'< i P. . 2 to J 4. Important Combination! LEYEuT & COLLINS WORTH INSTITUTE UGN I T LED. 'PFII'SFS' WOOLS l.avo been combined ll into one lunlitutioii, " ith out* Hoard of luttlniciiou hi.'l onq (Curse <.l Study, for tli* education of both s. xes. The Mule I > p, trfui<■: * nndr e ltfrol of J. |. McLAUGII LIS', wi 1 Ituiif')it at '’oiliiiKwox 1)1 . limti tnte, and the I‘* ni-tl*• I>. purtincut, under .J. It. GUAM, at F.eYejT, with Friday evening ■ : ' aid * lonllil V ui.d AllUll il o*,lliii a t'ioi;a ,it LoVoad. Tiio Full I'crm wlli Monday 2<! IS7W. The Four-,t: of Htuijy "t both Institution , | will b() )vu,od< 1< I and mtupled to tins <U • I m.ujdH of flu-public. AVti propose to iin- I (•art a thoion -ln practical, tci. untie and! ‘labMi' ul education; TUITION I PIHSfA HY DkI'AKTMKNT, IKK MONTH, ... S*2 00 i Acad, mic “ “ *‘ .... 3 CO (a t j.;:o[vn; and Scif.ntifkj lAjupajit m:;nt. MONTH, i 00 ( > n\oi vr i ;n. TtM • idftil, 1 00 Ah IC AND <)i: v .amj:M’a:i. Dm'ajuimckt, Ki:a- Tuition charged from time trf entering ! to elo<v of MV rill, and no deduction allowed - KC. p! in cao ( | protracted fob.l* init h• Jjiijs 1 payable monthly. lionrd in tin best familirs Irom $8 00 to i cPi uO per mouth, and from Monday to I Friday evening. SO 00 per month. LOCATION: | Seven luib > iuiu Genov i, S. VV. li. IP, ■i* li daily mad-., and ( any of ftreesn bv 1 Hack Imj , route (ding witji ovtry tr in ot ! c;t •. !1 .id i from Gem va, round trip i to N'. P. :be f~! ben.-fit* of the Pub’io S ■ ; and Fin 1 will bo allowed to ail htudentu ! of lawful ag<*. I .! T. McUrtJIIUS, A. M. .1 It. (iLMNN, A M. A Pi incipids. Tflfc rtWpWVM. AVL i\ IMPM’IHT. / V'l'iri; OVFIt MASON’S Ling Stum, ' ./ J* uidplph btr.a t, t/olmubuH, Ga. Save your “Teeth;** llirty are better j Ilian lie'a els. ' All disease* ot 1 1,‘n Te. t)i mid j G inn: treated. Artificial Tcrtli put in when ' cljbued. an&G tl I'I’.IUIS. *l.Ol) n Vear in A<l l ame ATTEaeTioai IS NOW INVITED TO OTTR I,ART. STOCK I < ><> <> (|s, < 'lollis, < I n.ssi ini'l’ON :i i<l r lTiin* if’iHMich, lOnyyiwli, unci A nicricnn IM nlcew. Al .St) ; i - hid ■n: i)*l> ol vaiioiiH of Horn* 4 < ronfls; nil of wliirh v ■ tfot up I. onltT ,u lur I is;\ I on flu: Hlioivut uuljuo. Au ..xiuusivo ami vlioiuu lot of TEXAS CASSIMERES ■fust in, to which wo ndl particular nodco. < , ,j, I*KACOCK ('i oTri tn ; Mvm i vcToiiv, Cl JSjioad Stuuit. t' "iirPAf v-nmili'stn.'k wo have a lot of ••Gottuuail..* W ain,” wo will closeout nf nricisi aifYpv.vmq.y low. „< v o.4 ‘ O. G. Sparks & Son, Tllllil) STKEET, MACON, GEOIiGIA, WiSEECHSE, COTTON, HID 0 RTHISSIOH IEKCHANTS. U T •- “ii oft’, r our s' rvices as Warehouse m.d (' nnnUdon MeichuntH to our * hinting friends ot Ta'bol aluljuljoining comities. l'limUflioii Siipj>li(>i.i, 1 Jfig-ifingnml 'l'ioni furnished at loud niailnd rates. ; • Advances made on la it ton is store, as Low a b| ■:iv l.iiii'-'i: in tlie eily. s.-plO O. G. SP IJKS SOX , HABRiaT 1 114 Bread Street, COLUMBUS, GA. WIIOM-.!UT,E VXD RETAIL DEALER IN Dry Goods, Notions, Hats, Umbrel las, Ready-Made Clothing, iiootn, Etc., OF TflK LA I I’ST AND IJFS I’ STYTACS, A LL our i'l< oils nr f the Infest styles and flesh fr ail the .Northern Market/:. We iVy f \ com; eii; son in tyb‘ and price ol (ifiodri. Gis uh a call when in the oily, wo fool '■ci min e ran pi a" c v on. Polile and at.t( ntivo saleKiinm to show y ’0...1 ..nbllf FOK VAArTm^G' -GO r EM)- TBE LEADING SLOTHING HOUSE OF MIDDLE GEORGIA. '.riiuy kcop (.In; bmit goods and soli at the lowost pricM. Our J>4ll:ia* Sihild, is of (ho best material ml flUj wl Agmils for Keep’s Shirts and Umbrellas. W. J’rr'r JLlaldwi.n is with us, aud will bu glad to have a oall from kk friends. WINSIIIP & CALLAWAY, No.’ 50 Second St.. Macon. Hillside Siiops, TALBOTTON, GEORGIA. J. t. CAMPBELL, Proprietor. 'Hie Public up- iidonned that. I am thororioly r•((nipped a’ul prepared to do WOOD Wui;K o! all l.iiuls, :-am.i a., midiingaud i•ipaniii,; llnggieH. Wagon.*, Am. J nlxo do oil kind i 1 ij Pi t' !,•,!,iishing, including anlc ; is I action in all rny work. / r.v- Pricet in .suit, the tinn-H. Give me a trial. .1. C. I .WIi'IIKLL. Ilcfc, to .1 I). I lough, W. J. iMcdryde, Geneva; (Japt. J. W. Gauibb', S. A. MaaA. T.dhot county ; T. N. Gihson. I'albolton . aug' : ‘t W. F. GRACE, DIiLVLKIt IN Cl G A l IS. TO IPAOCO. SNUFF AM> UIUKS. ; 70 CHERRY STREET, MACON, GEORGIA |TBE PLACE TO BOY SADDLES AND HARNESS CHEAT. '• • 'a . * i did t hn- SI AUK A. liUADFORD, MANUX''ALTI'KEI! UP' AND DEALER IX SCV'gs, Karnes, Trunks, ¥alies, -AND- Oarriage Trimmings, Leather and Leather Belting* —ALL KINDS Of— New Work aoid lie[mirlng Done AT TiiK OLD STAND OT H. JIIDDLEDROOK. AT SHORT XOTICI. i 1 itltOAl* Sr., COIiUM lil r ?S4 UA WHOI.E NUMB FIR 434.