The Talbotton standard. (Talbotton, Ga.) 1870-1881, December 05, 1878, Image 1

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tty \v. K. WEMFOBD. VOLUME IX-N 0.47. nOBDON INSTITUTE, TI.YTi II7TLL 0! KN (. *v in fcr '''ail t: 1 7S. with a iuJI ©oi|.s ot *w nMc:che W <o l(f rp I’je *ide>>;>rc.'d fuitl deserved lepnialiou ol Iriis ce'e b,j*cd KChool. Oordn I ate cfi’ rs hnm ior iiulucomcnN to paretm d n n.incj to o<lnc.\te <’• t omid duUf’btei •. lihus alt the modem uppliwnc s, Apparatus pod tnrnitn*e, pod n Kord npi* tc. chii.'g un n umlleled in tie State. L musio <?♦ pn went i ro"- by Pint. Go, who hrs no t-npnkrand bat tow eqiu'.l> ia |i* proc o v r!le H the mo t nferprising oily on the M.iron nnd Moslem I'.tilro. t l . r *'. jnni}t ;b of b \ing the me .t moral, liberal anti enlightened roil* wire .y t Gro. ;ji*. Tni ton sll 50 to $lB £0 p* Teiai. ro id $lO 00 to sls 00 p month. *-jr lor C.i * oui.iioiug mil in town dion mid real CHAIUttSE. LAMBOTMX, Fv or W. H. WOODALL *v\ this spac i: TANARUS h rinil tor 'll CIVICS A .A I If, 1 in ioi u! la O lot t .r-s uni I '.it 0 r-, < '..Sun lm, ('. 'l l iv will rdiiii -r in kilo Si • I si nci k if l 01l in ii V\m,r Gnns ini • trm gLt !o V t. I Cci .’e, a. tq . ! Hi- /%. CSib@oo^ No. 10 COLUMBUS, GEORGIA. \V holtmiilc nn<l Itctnil Upiilor in HUGCODS,GFCCriIEf, KGTIOSS,CROCKEEY,if. fC. —AND A FELL STOCK OF Plantation Supplies, ALL r T *V hwe are row nff'ritiff *\t the vr;y hwr-t rmirk't prior \ end piinmufee nil *v o orr £,*m C: ps i< pr* tn ed. We cordially invite the people -f Jail .ot ronnly, and * c *^' ie to J,*e rs a cull when they visit the city, Mr. L. A. Philips, formerly of Jlui J* ( on tv. i wi ll rrc c.i and will he clad ,n see his rrmny friends. iVow Don’t You Forget It. T. TANARUS, EDMUiDS, t*B Brand Street, (,'alumbiiw, Georgia. F’w'J. 2 b-m-Ymneeni; sub.tiiniiol COTTAGE CHAIKB at St 50 prr Hr.)! dozen, OO o ,R eEDRIE.iDS tJ2 50 each. COTTAGE BCBEAUS lor silo f)o.ich and nil oVrpw I *? FTJIiMI TIRE *qnally low. A lull line of beautilul EASTEAKER and CHAMBER SLIIB. BIELWiEE “AT ‘RETAIL —HAILS $2.50 FEB KEG. a gon and Carnage Material and other Ocoee as Lew as ANY HOUSE IN THE MARKET. J. A. Frazer & Cos., Broad Street, COLUMBUS, GA. Sept2l TALEOTTON, TALBOT COUNTY, GEORGIA, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 5. ]B7B. AT THE STAIUS. "Coins to the loot of the stair., innmani." Mv coaxing dtrling said, "And Rive tm there onr gvod-nlght kiss, Belore we go to bed." Yo Iho warm mi.fe.y nbore, Wbeuco shown nu elbow light. The little bare lost clambering tip, '1 ho iiqhl-gowns tin,teeing while. In the dark hall t stood and gaKed, L’Ue J.iiob When lie .roamed; Pitre r. ege's on Ibt'ir upward way, To ms the cliklren seemed. Si c bon the liitte brood is loss. One pattering step I miss; One (air. small face no move is r: .ed, To claim its good night kL-. Ah-s ! the partings at tbo stairs From (hose wo fondly love ! Onr bonseiiold angels passing up To ihe lighted rooms above 1 Too 11 ot fill- ti i in. As Cou federate war reminiscences f. e n'wavs in oulel', lie’e is one 100 good (o bo buried. The hero of the j 1 e was piio J ; tn. be was ndachrd to Rosser’s Cavtiky, in Stewn’i’s command. Jim was noted for bis si oig an..iii’v io shot and obeli, f ul a. pec i’inr wav be liau of nvoiil in- too clo.-e communion with tbo s.: no, but ~t last alibis plans inileci to Lcep bim out of the "row,” and be, wi b bi s companions, under a ’ euienanl, was detailed to stipnoi, a ba.te\v that composed a ponion of •bo tear guard. The enemy kept nvess'ng so close in fact, as to en danger (.to rei.caiing forces, and .’’o tloops covering the retreat bad i o dels to keep tbo enemy ill check ; for a given period at all hazards, a ul the o- del' was obeyed lo the let | ter under a ga'ling fite. Jim grew dosperalo. He sate’; belli-d i ees that, appealed lo his esciicd vision no larger 1 ban lam rods. He tliei i ten olio down. Ia fact be placed . 'nse’fin everv position Us geoms cou'd invent, but the 'hiss of tbo bullet slid bauuted him. At. hire in dcspal bo ca"ed to .'-e commanding oTicer: ‘L'enteoeaf lie stall buck!’ T i not do it, Jin ! ep'ed die eTcc-r. ‘Wed, }‘ll lie jj'a.ted if wo do.Tt get c'caried eel jif we slay ; e el‘ ‘A y o cle a, J in. ; ft e to bold tl>'s place and snppo-1 bat bade v of guns,‘ pointing to (beni.iderv close bv. ‘lf we fall back the enemy "ill i osh in and cap !’ e the guas.‘ Just at 1 lint ins sianl a wed-diieclecl bullet impress ed Jim wi.b the fact (bat a change of base became nece ,sa v. Jim found another appaven ly protected spot, nod, as soon as bo recovered Ids mind, be sa-’g out; ‘Ob, lieuten ant what do you Ib’ak them Vie c.muons cost! ‘I don't know, Jm I suppose R1,000.‘ ‘Well,* said Jim. j ‘leds take up a codec ion and par I for the darned guns, and let die Yankees have rm.‘ He Took <le Glianic* A rat of a boy, who bed in vain searched the post office cor riders for the nickel which a careless baud oc casionally ikons at ! he stamp clerks window, yesterday look his posh ion before a chestnut staod on Griswold street and eyed the fiesh nuts a long Gmebefoie drawing a deep sigh amt g nailing; ‘Ob, I wish I was rich !’ Toe cbestoat roas er made no re. ply, and <be odor of ibe roasting i-ills finally induced ibe boy to in qu'rc: ‘A e chestnuts liea’tby ?’ ‘No, hub—they are pvoliuc of ins digestion,’ was tbo reply. After awhile the boy thought ii. was time to iemmk: ‘l)-d you ever hear (be sto v of the ro. u who gave a poor bov a bnud'iil of chestnuts, and wliou the bov grew up and got rich rewarded the ol<, man with a diamond pin and n four horse team ?’ ‘No. never did; but I heard of the man who brought a poor boy lo (be edge of tbe grave by giving him a dozen eh< -;lnuts ’ The boy took a lorn up and down, secured anolhei stirmg snuff of the pleasant odor, and then leaned over and whispered: ‘lf I’ll take the chances on the edge of (be grave business, wi'l you iake them on the chestnuts ?’ Tbo vender finally thought he would. When a conulry editor who is struggling along, trying lo rear a large family and build up a lowa on a a inerme of s>soo a year, discovers ihnt a base ball pitcher hauls in $4,000 for Ibe season, it makes him sit down on the roller boi and think. The plain and wholesome things of life are its g' eatsst blessings. We are taught lo pray not for luxuries or dainties, but for daily bread. ACOUNTBY NEWSPAPER FOB THE MASSES—DEVOTED TO CIVILIZATION AND MONEY-MAKING, Four CeloiMUicd Tree*. A correspondent of (he Troy Times thus describes fear celebrated ‘big trees* of California: The ‘Father of tbo Forest,* whose huge form now lies prostrate upon the ground, and measures 112 feet in circumference at the base. It must have been 400 feet high when standing, We climbed up by a lad der on the mighty trunk and walked from the roots toward the top for 300 foot, (hen were compelled 'to come down nuothcr ladder because tbo tree liad boon broken In two by falliug. At the break we found the si ;!eeu feet iu dinmeiei. Through the truuk of the fallen monach, which is hollow, one cm > ide for seventy-five feet on horse b.ic* . A party of ns walked side by side through the inside of this tree, then we all cianted through a knot ho’e. Tbo '.Vo her of the Fo est,* now deed, but sti'l s.andiog, is 327 feet high (Aln.e limn 100 feet higher (ban Bunker Hhl monument) —This is tie (al'c3t tree on the continent- Some years tiuce the bark was skip ped f oin Ibis, for a distaucoof 116 feet from the ground, end car ried ,o England. Your correspon dent saw it in the London crystal palace, in 1867. One of ilie Gees of this grove (the C.daveras) is called Iho‘Old Bache lor.* Hr- is s xiy feet in circmnfor chop, and looks, like some other ok, bachelors, rather forlorn. Another is ca'leri .ho ‘Old Maid, 1 and she is full sixty feet around the waist. The Old Bachelor and Old Maid are quite a distance apart (they geae l ' nlßiro, you know.] The Bachelor is still si.Hiding; but a few youis ago the ok! Maid tell, and I must tell of i,. she fell right toward the Old Bach el o . S .' - . Moodv, while nk ng o' hdi ai ihc Baltimore mceliog ibe oi.hi .-d.iy; ‘Oil my way to Balti more I slopped at iho bouso of a f it- ii. ami there was n g r.ik) fat her who was ve, v fond of a Ride grand child. 0.-c day Iho liitlo giil led him, wi.bout h word, to the comet of the room, a id there spelled out iu those letters made of crnckois, was. Dear gi andpa, get mo a box of painls.’ She did not like to ask, but had laiili iu her g atidfather that he would grant ht r wish. Wav, bo told me that n-glit that ke woo'd not have come home ihat box of paints for a hundred dollars. A Suns Fact. —An editor is a to a a who lives on what other men owe him, until ho starves to death. A siibse, ibor is a person who takes a paper and says that he is veiy much pleased w.dh it, ami tells everybody eke thnt lie ought lo ‘subscribe.’ Af ter lie has ‘subscribed’ about seven ye.i'-n, the editor 'niter to him and asks him to send bim $3.60, noil then the subsciibor writes back to the editor and tells him not to send his old paper any more, lor (here is nothing in it, and then Iho pool editor goes off (o starve some more. A widow who used to go forth eveiy day with a watering pot and spiinkle her hushund's grave, upon being highly complimented lor her devotion, replied; ‘I told Jimmy be fore he died that I would not marry again i : ' ibe glassg>ew on his grave, and ar ss is rather backward this sea :<> i I uiocght I would hurry it a i, t t'e. ’ When Auam aod Eve were yet, in Eden, when our fair young grand mother knew theie wasn’t another 1 living soul in ihe woild, but herself and sou ing husband, we don’t sup pose she ever went to sleep without first looking undero the couch of moss and 'eaves ‘for a man,’ and i rous ng Adam from his fi r st sweet 'nap to ask him if he was suie Ihat ! he had locked the kont door. When 1 lie modest young man is uuexoect'y caught iu a pallor full of women, one of whom bas ro guish eyes and begins to try and ib : uk whether bis hair is palled straight or not, tbo blushes stal l from his forehead and creep over the top of his head and down his [ back unlit he feels like a rulnoeg grea er with a tin ea - . A timid BosLonian has mar,ied a lady whose weight verges closely upon 200 pounds, My dear, says he toher ‘shall I help you over (he fence ?‘‘No,‘ says she to bim, ‘help the fence.* ! Surprise is one of the principal elements of wit. This is why it al ! ways maker a man laugh when he l sits down on a pin.—[Hawkeye. The Liquor Tinfllc in (lie IVfi-riram, Not a drop of liquor is sold at any point io Irwin County. Tho sale of tho article was discontinued voluntarily, nml without any legisla tion upon the subject. The people of Coffee are preparing to petition to present lo tho Legislature to enact a law prohibiting tho salo of liquor in thnt county. The last Legisla ture wo boliove pasrved a bill abolish ing tho salo of spirits in tbo com ly o' Wilcox. In Dooly and Pulaski some of the peop'e sYU e ing to lie old custom of taking a ‘ni, ’ occa sionally, but there has evideiuly been a great fulling off in t ie tby bought nndso'd in this section; because, heretofo-e, the fanners could always find enough empty whiskey barrels in Hawkiosville to conta a their crops of syrup, but this season .hero were rot half as manv of these barrels on hand as wore needed, which is evidence that leva wh'skey -h..u usual b..s been coa. sinned, or tho cane c.op has been unprecedeuDy laige. We do no. know how it is with tho people of Dodga and Telfair, but probably those who don’t use c.lllO juice or •he water from Sugar cieek, indulge at Iho tuipeotine dhl'llo-ies. Ia Montgomery county tho people use jiiiets as .be sale of raw liquor is forbidden br law. Up at Coen an, in th-s county, Ibe town council de mands two buudied and fifty do’la-.s from each applicant for duo p iv, ego of selling by the diiuk for ono year, and it has been asserted, but wo w ield not reveal tho author’s ratnu for a jug-fill', that it is usual at Cochran for the party taking a drink to pick out the wiggletails before ho d' ains ihe glass. Wo don’t vouch fur this stoi v, and trust iho Cochran Observer may not bo curious enough to ask us how wo know nnylbing about it. —Ht Li,, fa //• pe-‘ h. The Swiss Ag -cultural Dop.iii meut baa experimented in broad a id nar ow wheel (iies. The bio.ul tires is ttx, best on now and dry roads. Fully one hoiso in four is saved in broad tires, while tho road is not cutup. On wet foods tho hr.i'i-g is as heavy, but tbo oads are not cut up bv tlie broad It e. l,;no women of Bn, Legion baud-d. themselves together last month,by a solemn vow, never to speak of o, her women at all if they could not speak wed of them. And their tongues havo grown so rusty from disuse ihat they have to lubricate them with tnachino oil before they can sw.-i~ 1 nv. — ♦ ♦ ♦- AKe unc'.y paper remarks ■ hat tie look nf intelligence assumed by tbo young lawyer as lie sits in corn t should he put a slop 10. It is cal culated ro cause the presiding Judge to loso confidence in himself—to make believe lie doesn’t know any thing. A W’es.ei a ednor ifius kiuoty •'- luded to a contemporary: ‘Ho is young yet, but be can sit at his desk and brush cobwebs from ibe coding with his can.' 'No rnoie fit to go to Coog, ss than an oyster is for a dauoiug master,' is a Kentucky paper's opin ■ ioi ol a candidate for Cong c s. There wouldn't have been any milk ia Iho cocoanut if some of our dai y.-nen had had ibe const!netbon of ii. llc-O pen ini u T lioi tin i- Hi ■-<-. Iu order to guard sqiinst lcsulu nut- ly snbvi-rsive of health, ii is abtolulely en. en Hint tho grand thoiougiil.ue or avenue of Iho sysiaiij, the bowi-lu. Hbo-dd l o re opened as speedily os possible when (bey be,ouio obslrncled. It they i e not, Ihc bile is misdirected into the blood; tbo liver becomes torpid, viscid bilious iimtier ;,eD into tbo s.omacb, and produces indigeslion, bciuhtche.-i ensue, and olber syiuptonri lire produced, winch a pro'on.'-aiion of ttio < citing cause only tends to i gyravate. The npedient properlien ol Hosttttei’a Htoinucb liillere consliLiite a most tiselul agent in overcoming constriction ol the bowels, end promoting a regular Dibit of body. It is i ißniiely superior to the dmsiic (faiharlic liequently n, -cl for the purpose, since i; does not, like them, act violently, but pro duces a, painless eflect, which doe , not impair tho tone of tho cvjcuu.ory or g.,n r„ which it invigorates instead ol w-vk eiiiiig. The stouiucli and liver, aUiymli-ed die intii-o cysicai, is streogtliened nod li.-gu- Lied hy ii. tilDocl. I, vct its JCiii-’j. eL v- is 'ut ia: .ii or,, i o'r - r,,e ui .i v -r.,, s ituonlm: thw h < ’ ' i.u pud t apiiie -of m. n, Wtiro /, ; i’ n-.d ia it p.o icr ar-tio.i. nil oi p .lirnts nu Hie u tpi. | ,-l . 'Hie i -,r . I on of lood, Gie i.iovcoi'id* ot the ur. . ."ml blood, tbe ration ot liebv, i.irad n • von sysleia, are .-It i aut'di itcly u-.m-.. •and with tho wo," logs of tue Liver. 1: ; - b-ea scene: ullv proved vii..tti,eon’s A,-- ITowor is oueqn Prd in in.. ’V r-l P'r-ons efiicled with Dv, pepL or J. v.. Complaint, rail all the nuuu runs ,„p o r ih.d rewuh troin an nnUerl-bv'i oi Ire Liver amt Hlorn.ieh Sjniple Dot l l, ilo , y. 10 rents. Positively sold i<- nil 10.-rs on Ihe Wesleia Cominent. Three iV> ■■ will prove lb t It i ,ju t tvb t you i.. For sale by Dr. E. 1 B rdwell. CIABPEST IIOITSK Foil CLOTHING In ]\Eicon, —IS-- J. Ii HERTZ’S. A full Stock at (ho Lowest Figures. I’inot 'DssiinppoSuits At $0: $10; $11; sl2 50; anrl sls. Dress Soils sls 00 to $25 00. Kill ItTS all complete. Mmlo of the best Irish Linen and Wamsutta Muslin only 75 Cen is. Foil Stock of all Goods for Men awl Boys at pi ices lower I ban any house iu Mi con or Columbus. (,' liy pp good an eve-. .1.18. Hertz, 91) Cherry Street, col I,* M,icon, Georgia. DR. RICE, 37 Court Place, LOUISVILLE, KY,, A r**r>'lrly edttoaUvl and locally qunllflod j hyalclnu and tho ■Hist suicostiful, an hla J.racuof! w ill prove. Cures al Iforur* of private, chronic and sexual disuusus, tvpoini fltor- I rhea and Impotency. * r ikrruii.if iejf j abuse In ymiih, oxurvi*xflussis In maturer rears, or other causes, and preduelrig son m of the folbiwlng ofWts Nervoua liess, Seminal F.iuUshms, Dimness of bight, Defssllve Mun orv. PhysloalDeev, Fltuploa on Face, Aveislont" Horlctr of Females, Confesloti of Ideas, I.oas of ftexua I Power, ke , re di-rlng marriage Improper or unhappy, are thoroughly and portnarteutly r..r -1 SYPHILIS rnrwi snd MtUrrly erd 1 rsted “ r .lrn thf vAu-u ' ; GON ORRHEA, Glent, 9trirtnre, piles and other f-l -yalodiseases iiulekly cured. Futlcnts treated hy mallorux press. Consiiitatliin free and Invited, chains rcasonabltt aud corres|Moideui'o etrieiiy cootldouUal. A PRIVATE COUNSELOR Ot TOO pagos, sent to any address, securely sealed, for thirty (HO) cents. Hbotild bo read bv ail. Addrevs ns nlgue. Offioo Duurs trout 0 A. 11. to 7 P. M. Sundays, 2 to 4 P. 14. Impoitant Combination '■ LEVER! & COLLINS WORTH INSTITUTE u n t rrjoi ). r PfIICSE fcCttOOLS have bc-u lOmbiK.' I in,o one Institution, wi 'i one Poaul of J islmction and one Com.soof Study, for the cdnc.ition of both wxoi. The Male I)-- p •• tniont.nnd' r CHiiiro! of J. T. McL ALGID UN, will l.e t n;;lit nt (’ollir)H.V(<nli Ins'.i iti.c, nud the b* I). p.. ment, finder J. P. GDLNN, at I>• \N t, with Piid.iy evening <'fM nrl Mon.hi v nnd Annual esami ii.i.ion:: at LaV. .. 'J ho lull will <o nmctice [Gondii y Sfp.c in brr IS7S. 'lTie (’< ii. eo' K. ud vo: 1)0 h 1 i .in ion w ill he r.oiiod h and ml r*f] ,id to tho and - inds of the public. Wo p ojv uto im ' . tt a flioiou ,h, pr,i\'k• ci'-'iiiiUc cun -■ i .<1 cuv . ion: TUITION: Phivary D. pai. m ~ i*. mo ~r ... $2 CO Aca n .. a 44 44 44 300 Cori, <;nrr, a no i'cj : ;• I) [* yr- M.iNT, PJEtt VO.. Tlf T 00 Co.Nij .o. sr K). 1- 'I '\r I 00 AND OaAMi .-ixAl, I) PAH W: vr, Uka- SONAW.I. RaTKK. elm ~ci.l / oiu t : re of eebrinß to clon© of TV, m, p'k! no drop' ion allowed except hi i./ acfpio r. cl ands. Uiils p.'V.ibJo mo'h iily. Uo.rd in the ! ti. r>'lVuom :800 lo f.JJ 00 per nion'.b r ><l , uni Mond. y to Fru I. y evenin'* 4f5 00 per month. LOCATION: : eve in •< ~un (it nof . H. VV. J\. P vii,li and litv re.. | , pud <, y of n.t c. -i bv il (kl t)c, con-.rfMV' w l i ev< y (r. iu ol * H e!.- r- j'Oiu (.>'• tv., round liip O hi 1. cl 00. N. If. The foil l,f of tho P.ibic S hoof Ptind will I e **>low <1 op f l ~ uder.ts | o' J w ,-t r;,e. •5. T. Mi K At <;|ILT\, A. iVI. J !%• LLl'iNiN, A M. A cciHle I*t mc*i;ils. Tat. ' x ton Ga., S-ptornber .'LI. 1871 , VV'. F. TIGNEIt, i> til \ t r st. OFl"0E OVER MASON'S Ding St .rc, li Jciol .'h Klmt, (Joluwbin, G.i. i ,WP* Save your “Teethtlmy aro belter ! Ibim Jewel*. All di .eases ol tee leelii nod |I■ mi" treated. Artificial lo:Ui put in ■!,.u djbircd. a us fill Tlulli)IS, SI.OO a YuHrllit A.fvnnce mrrrir eiutiom IS NOW INVITED TO OUXI LAR. E STOCK I ( foods, ( -lot li s, CnKsimorcs mid Trim initiois, includinjr Fronoli, Ktigiuli, aHd Amencah alukos. Af,Si) n pniiil supply fl llio various nmkoß of Homo ftrmds; nil of wliieh we get up U oidt*r .n the best stylo on tho shoreet notic'd. An extensive and choice lot of TEXAS CASSTMERES Just in, to which wo call parllonlar notice. Cm, #T. PKACOCK OionriNo MAMri'ACftjRY, G-l JtKOAD Sthhbt. In onr roady-mudo stock wo lwvo a lot of • (.'oito i il. Moits” we will close out at mice* surprisingly low. i.ep24tf O. G. Sparks & Son, IHtr.D STUEET, MACON’, GEOUOIA, WAREHOUSE, COTTON, AND C: ffiWISSION MERCHANTS. W K . n ' 1 ~n’ l °" r 1 ivit< ' ns Winebor entd Ct-intuisMon Mcn b uls to our r ktillnff ’ - lin'iid o: T.i bot r i.d .idjuliiiog couu < . Pkuitat ton Sup]illeß, Raggins’ and Tics l .ii u':, , i.-.l at loiv.vt market i.ites. J&r- Afltnn, .-s rou. eon Oot'on in slme. m Low hb ” ' ’ “ ' - '■ v r>io O. G. SPARKS & SON ■ h-b/Crris, - 114 Bread Street, COLTJMBUS, GA. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN Dry Goods, Notions, Hats, Umbrel las, Ready-Made Clothing, BOOTS, SHOES, Elc., Or’ THE LATEST AND REST STALES, API, our Goods me of the latest stylos nud U~h I. oni the Northern >tprkcl.L \Ve defy coni|Mi iiion iu style au,l price ot Goods. ( vo um n call when in the city, we feel - <•' l in w> an ph io" veil. Polite and attentive - de- men t.o show 'ood seo2TU > FOU CLOTHING -Cio r r<>— WIIPAGMAVAY THE LEADING CLOTHING HOUSE OF MIDDLE GEORGIA 'J’aey keep Hie bast goods And sol! at tUe lowcit pricos. Our Dolßii* !*Sliii*t, is of tho bestj material and fitsj wel A glints for Keep’s Shirts nud Umbrellas. W. J’n l!.\ dwix is with us, and will bo glad to have a call from his friends. WINSKIP & CALLAWAY, No. 515 Second St.. Macon. Hillside Shops, TALBOTTON, GEORGIA. •/. C. CAMPBELL , Proprietor . dr* T Ik.* Public aii that T fim thoroif ; lr cTdipped rnd ptepaved to do WOOD WOI. Kol fdl hm<l.d, hiicli an making and r• p.tii n * Ldids of niiU ksmithin;;, including IJoric Shoeing and Plantation Work. I ga> fuiu o k.i‘i.-.iaclion in rll my work, pti - Price- to unit tho ti t- n Give did a trial. .K O. ( Itefr.-to.J. I). Honyh. W. J. Mcßrvde, Geucva; Capt. J. W. Gamble, S. A. Ha*k Talbot couut; ; T. N. Gib'on. T.iluoiloa. aii,;‘ J, f W. F. grace - -1 DEALER IIV C L ATIS, TOBACCOf SNUFF AM) lIPE^, 70 CHERRY STREET, MACON, GEORGIA THE PLACE TO BUY SADDLES AHD HARNESS [CHEAA MARK A. BRADFORD, MANUFACTUUGE OF AND DEALER IN SaJihs, llamas, Tracks, Valises, ,-AND- Oarriage Tiimmings, Leather aad Leather Belting. —-ALL KINDo OF New Work and Repairing Done* AT THE OLD STAND OF H. MIDDLEBBOOK. AT SHORT NOTICE. 4 IJROAD ST., COLU3IBUS C A WHOLE NUMBER 436