The Talbotton standard. (Talbotton, Ga.) 1870-1881, December 12, 1878, Image 1

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' " : : : A -vl' b P By NV. K. JIUMUOHD. VOLUME IX-NO. 48. GORDON INSTITUTE, vo"**'*..".. "• * . ’ N I. : 7 . ; i.;> 4 [. j, •• • i. ■ | HAifNEsvu r,i^, Urir.L oven cailv in !- • ttml i r IS7H, wi'h a t'nH cor| *of caii'A', sucre,‘•e'nl teachers dctiumim dto keep up the widtsprt ad ; and deserved re putation ot this justly n braUd school. Horde n Irmtitnb* offer.*? Kiiprrior inducements to parents l* -irinir to educate tin tniH nnd dAttchfjfH. It has ujj tile modern uppliane s, apparatus and Umritun.. and a record ljrir *dce?s*lul twidiinj* Unj araleled in tl •• State. It- music d* paltn. ■ut is .*••!.- dt'*d by Prof. GtJflenPt p. ev. \r 1• r has ro wij.. r rand hut :< w equal n ■< JtarneßYille is tin! most M.terj:r : siug cit\ on the ''., ( in -,d We-ter ■ B.dlr a.l. i -1 U* joMly the reputation ut having the tuoKt nn ! tl, hi -ml aid • and i-.mimi atv u Ooorjpia 'I nit on sll 50 to $lB 50 per Term. Bcvrd $lO 00 to sls 00 p r moi th. ** For Ca'a-ogue containing tell iul< t ie-<t < ■ ■ h -*s CIIAKU s K TOMVHiHX, i ;,-., or \\\ 11. WOODAU,. S, er ‘.ry. jolySQtf . 1 ■ . . ■ THIN fT A < I I is KMiird i. r ’ini yi i \ ,►. \i rr, 1 If! 14 ?id I. <••.!) : 4,. ■,i Ii (I. (, ■, • ■-< Tt m Will • .:.(•' . ill il 1(M -rri .fIpH pi . \ ii,t(r €((■'> r<<,r llll(.lllll V 1(1 1(4 1,.11. t( i 'J I fr"& 2 a jfi&im CD-. L NO. 10 COLUMBUS, GEORGIA. W liolo.sstle nml IJi-j.-ill lOonlor in DEY GICEE, GICCIEIES, EtHOff.ftCtEIET, M ?C. - AND A IT LI, STOCK 0F- Plaistatson A I.L of Which WP are r.'.w rff rirc ,t *1 very I.vent market priops, 1 V n-r.-.Ui- .11 ! *} onr g*od as Mrprwuuied. We cordially invite the peopli [ 1 iMrbrro to give ns (I Pull wl.-ii they vi-ii t).< ..|tv Mr. L. A. I'j.i,. r ~. . ;; - "**l ’ [T, i with me and wilt I IVow Don’t You Forget It. Bt’oiul Wtreot, (Toiisiiilms, Gcurtfia, tnnriwimem.d substan is! COTTAGE rnAII.Siu M 50 pr Hal! doze,,. Cm ethrr.,.4.- E * f2 B 0 GO'iTAOE MT.LaLS tor ill. 00* cl, ,„..t a.. Ol trv i vv 1 ! ' , N r KE i qnally lur. A tull line ol beantilul EASTEAKLJI ..J.O. . ANM. i HAMHEIt Si 1.. .. BAtii WA RE AT HETALL --KAILS $2.50 PER KEG. acd Carriage Material and other GgocL as Lew as any house in the market. •I* A. Frazer & Cos.. Broad Street, CQLUJOUS, G-A. Scpt2l A COUNT LI Y NKVi'SP.U’I'.L FOK THE MASSES DEVOTE!! TO CIVILIZATION AND MONEY-MAKING. TALFOTTON, TALBOT COUNTY, GEORGIA, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 12, 1878. W II A I A kISJ-4 MAY 1)0. Little’B on my knee, La'lghin;’ in her pUy Tellitiß me i\ impl© tala In hoi childish way. From her lips I steal a kiss, As the words they speak, i ll! in pay she quickly t rns, And slips me on the cluck. Thun in ‘•make liki v way I cry, Jnst (o ple.use the pet; **lt oo cl dt hush up.” she says, •TiWun <k harder\ct.” A i t she slaps, to no avail; 1 < nder still I cry; j Sii- j tills my hair and makes her threats To whip m till l die. She e:;ntnt feioe me, this she see"-, F< r shame iter fat ks blush; Then lumping me. she whispers low, “IT! k s oo il oo’i hush. 5 * I cati‘t withstand such words as these; S'r iijhl'.v iy 1 ch ar my lace; At and ij idly and our quarrel with Due long and a; in embr. ce. I>'-ar child, tliiu le--on \o i have taught r list* this Mimmer day : I L it should a Ira ti 1 unconseiusiy C>fletul us in some way, S:;.4'itim? bl>ws iihii c.;d harsh wolds M til ail be amiss; lint in a <• idler way we can Mud it with a ki.-s. Farm and Tlemc. id. sdinv jjy oil.Erf Col. Tlio money cpstion ill livoth. Aleck. Stfjihous weighs just Oil pounds. The nnrriago- market is unusually lively. f.ook oat for ghouls ami five cent ! counterfeits. It is dangerous business for aj rich man to die. I b Toomlis will make a good t lovernor. I'ftsic this in vour hat: “talk is' „ OH CAP. \ daughter of the late Ilrighain V'diug is a sneecs tul actress. George Washington < ’nlJyborn * i ingsbordcr says lie is “a rnnn of h t- j t< rs.*’ Now George \V. let us (let- j t< rs) have no more of this jaw lireakmg. 1’ 1i • Y Y. Sun, Mr, Tildeid i strongest suj>i u ti-r says he never u ain w ill bo the Presidential cun | did ito > f any party. ihiiorv Speer ot the 9th, flu., dis trict will be the youngest man in the next Congrass. When creek meets creek than comes a bigger on ek. The re-election to Congress of Hon. Samuel J. Handall, speaker of the House of Representatives is a great victory for the Democratic P !ir ‘y- Kev, .)..s/.]>h Cf,4.k’n edticutioii cost the modest, .sum of SI7OO. Keuvney siiys lie knew jt nil. Yi-n, Mr. Kearney it. will Hike just nlmut two mnntlm und s. venle'n seconds to tell ns all you kno-v. The u iiiow-miii'l''l ask, is lids oin- ')i our trike, or is lie a strnic/ iV Hilt t • ti ■■■■ v.i.o lire of a in.lili di-|/osition the wlioh; world is but one family,- Hitopodessa: Hindu. '1 lie Princess Louise is an artist 'if some note, v/hile her husband til Marquis of some. Goveinor-Generiil •/' CVutula is a l isin- author. Tim N. Y. Herald is the most on ‘ rpr .il'-jeijicr in tlio world. On Xu . 4 r her (i ij, 3 02,000 oopiis were print ed. Hon. Lftopol.l 1M.4V.-.! of M e - fiiin■ :s is tie en v 1) -in. cr,if el'-c.- P-d fr un tb it slate. lie i j i u I , indite. Haves i a brother-in 1 uv of Sen -le.r HHitilev Mattll .-'lid M" hews i". ill) ( ther ii-ia'v of 11*411. Henry \Vn terson, editor of the Louisville Courier-Journal. Be " are of nn- r r.f ton-up:—con- trol thy ton-ue. Beware of anger of the Riirid:--c'.ntrol thy mind. Praclieo virtue will: thy ton-ue ami with thy mind. By reflection, by re straint and control a wise muri can make himsdf nn is! in.] which no floods can overwhelm. Ho who con quers himsdf is gi e iter than lie who in battle conquers a thousand men. TI", who is foie remit with the intoler ant, mild with the fault-finders and free from passion with thy passion* ate, him I cull indeed a wise man. A good-natured correspondent wants to know what Congressmen, who failed to ha re-elected, will do after the expiration of this term V There are a number of things they can do: Lecture on Congressional Conventions; ofen a school; cut wood; pick cotton; sell dry goods in fact do most any thing to continue to make an honest living. An cx~ Congressman can make himself use ful in many ways and adorn the paths of private life as in the happy I days of yore. New York, Dec., sth, 1878. Tlie Ituttom of IHO Sen. Here is an end of all romance about hidden odean depths. We onn speculate no longer about, perils in chambers of pearl, or mermaids, or limped treasures and dead men’s bone whitening in coral caves. The ' whole ocean floor is now mapped out for us. The leport of the ex* | peilition sent, out from London in ! her m ji s'v s ship Challenger has j recently luvn published. Nearly i four years wore given to the exami* I nation of the currents ami flows the four great oceans of this world. J The Atlantic, we are told,if drained would ho a vast plain, with a luoun j tain ridge in the midd'o running j purniled with onr coast another range crosses it from New Funnel* j land to Ireland, on top of which lies | a submarine cable. The ocean i* ! ;hus divi led into three great basins, no longer '“unfathomnblo depths.’' i he tops of these siai mountains are | two miles below a sailing ship, and ' tin basins according to Red us, mo ■ litteen inih-s which is deep enough for tlrownicg if not for mystery. The mountains are whitened for thousands of miles hv u liny eieimiy slu 11. The depths are red in color, and heaped with volcanic masses. Through the black motionless iva'i-r of these abysses move gigantic ad (UU'imd creatures which never 'rise to upper currents. Thero is an old legend,coming down to ns fiotn the liist ages oi tho world, on which l hose scientific deep sea soundings throw it curious light. J’liito nud Solon record the tradition, ancient in their days, of a country in tho western sear, wieno flourished the. first civilization of mankind, which, hv volcanic action, was submerged aml lost. ’The same story i told l.y the Centra] Aimuicans.who still eelo In,ate, in tho fast of Izculli, the fi brill fully cataclysm which destroy cl this land with its stately cities. Do Bourbourg and other arclia-olo* gists assert that this lust las i exlon* 'll 1 from Mexico beyond the West Li iie*. The plateau discovered hv the Challenger cm responds w ith lliisj theory. What il some keen Yankee should yet dredge out from it’s 1111- I fathomed slime the lost Atlantist,. Fall J’i.anting of Okuhaiuis.—- Th.-ieare many reasons why trots j do better planted at, this season than iat any other. The following from i the New York Times contains about : all I hat. need ha said: ‘There are several advantages in : this. There is more time and op : portunity to perform the work well; and, if not well done it wi re bettor not done at all. The trees conic f esii. r from the nursery, and am generally of a better kind and char uc er than can ho procured in the : prill;.', t lieiv is also n full ‘lock on hand, aml tl. varieties di sin 1 are : more e< r : in to ho receive and than la* ;(-r, win i: „tuck has been sold ! The trees are generally planted with more care at this sea son, and I lie roots begin to grow at oner, and become established before , tii" growth begins in the spring, and ire then able to withstand with more I'.igorany untoward influences of sea mn or weather All these ad-j ■ vantages are very important, and ; ' are utlicii.nt to inaure success in the i j majo; itv. An an,using siy.e of blunder is I the ‘hu::.’ for which the Irish got , !. ist credit. It was an editor i :hat exclaimed, when spie l.iug i,l ■ the -.'.Tongs of his country: “Her cup -I misery i. . been ovorllowin;/, , ! and is not yet full !’ It ss an Irish iii-v. -.paper that said ',f Jtobespierc tbs ‘he left no children behind him, | except a brother, who w,is killed at the same 1i: a.' Il 1 h also was tho cornet who when waning from India ipi-s' iii ; tlm much abused climate | as realty one of the best under tii sun, ad led: ‘But. a lot of young .'id* j l aws come out hern, and they drive, j and tney eat, and they cat and they drink, and tiny die; and then they w ito home to their friends, saying it was the climate that did it! 1 An, (hijcurrency Hne*, p.-.yable in gel l ?'* 'l.-mai.iN .a gr'.-etihac!. paper :o western In va, anil E.iia it fioca on to discum ilia rnatler tor iline long, ti-rrihl-, columim. And he talks about millions an 1 t boa snail : dl the time and ncvi-r once ds-f nds to | anything so siasll as h iudreils, and jast to*ses iiaiioufti ilcb's and tiyasari sand nu banks ironed like piiything. A,.il you wouldn't think, to read thu article; that that man wears second-hand clothes, I 1 never saw a bond, hasn't bad a ' ve dollar ' hill for litre-# years, and owes ten weeks j board. Ti. rc is sfirn ilhihg awfully ups- j terions about linance. Tiie man who tilks the most rilioat it generally seem to have tho least ol il. Burlington II iwkeye. Bread is the still of file, and liquor the stil s Ihe i rm r sustaining a loan, the lat te r elevating him lor a fall. “Owing to the darkness that tills our deep mining shafts,” says a cor respondent speaking of the lament mines of Nevada, “our minors are less conscious of the dangers of their trade than they would otherwise be. V miner standing on a bit of plank thrown across n shaft 1,000 or I 500 feet in depth sees little of Hie pit yawning beneath Itis feet. The dark ness rises up under his plank, giving a place on which his eyes may rest, and preventing an unsteadi ness of ihi head. Place (lie •umo shaft on the surface of the "Hi Ih and It il lower, 1,500 ill the ■dr and broad light of day, and tho miner standing on his plunk at an elevation tnree times as great as the tallest church spire, would bo unable I 1 move would be paralyzed. Looking down through tho awful depth, b low, ho would clutch the nearest timbers, afraid to make a move in any direction. Al ike for I im doors on ea 'll side of Ibis shaft, representing Hie penings at the shilions, and he would not bo likely to leap from door to door across the yawning shaft us lie does utnlcnmtli tlm ground, where Ihe dark rises up and makes a seeming floor between th ■ doors. It is undoubtedly tho darkin ss that benumbs the senses of tho miner to the danger to which lie is exposed when passing to and fro across shafts and winzes, or when elitnbing 'ho interior of their com part monte, trusting to tho scanty hold for hands and foot afforded by the narrow ledges of tho timbers projecting from tho walls.” Starling n A’rU'Sfinprr. There urn people, niosliy yonug amt inno cent however, who look upon newspaper life an tlio happiest, and easiest imaginable. I’rinli its ink and public lif.? have tor them an infatuation which e.m only bo ilisaiput.d by nn actual rub with llio linns itself. Hour the voice of nil able West-'injiruruii! - i.-t, who, like ('ardinal Woolaey, Retans to have Huuiidrd umbilical to an unlimited ox lont: Been asked to drink. 11,1102 Drank U,:i'J2 liKpiested l" retract 472 Detracted 103 Invited to parties ami receptions by per..oils tialiini'lor puli'. 3,1127 Took the Innt 82 Tre-itencd to tie whipped 17H Be.'!! whipped 17 Wli'jipod thu iHi tI. Ilow . II ! I’roiuint <1 whiskey, gin, etc., it wo •vuiiltl tfo niter tin.-in 5,710 Been nltur ilu-m 5,710 Bettn asl*-<l what's tho uowh .... 300,000 Fold :>1 Diriu’l know 200,000 Irttil nt Mint it 99 979 li • ‘ii to flnirch il t’h.iii-.'i tl politicM 35 Expert, to chin HtilJ 50 < Live to charity $5.00 tr.ive t i- terrier t’atsh on hand $1.0(1 Snini i hini; lor lh<* Nhv Vcnr 1*1. : world renowned tiucce-n ot Hostel ter’rt BriU rH, and their continuod popularity fora quarter o* a century as n. Htonnohin, is scarcely more wonderful than tho welcome (hat greets the ituimul uppearanco Hoh t'ttcr’s Almanac. This vdnahle medical treatise, is puhlishod lj Ilostctter A Smith, !‘ili.-Liirt'lt, F.t., miclwr their own immetliate snpervit-.on, employin'.: HO Iriihlk in that <!•- partMicnt. 'I t n e\liudor printin'.' prewta’*!, H fettling machine , 5j *h presses, & ■,, are ruiiitin ; about eleven month* in tho year "ii thu voHc and the issue of same for 1879 .vill not be Ichh than ten millions, print* and in lb F.nqlinh, fJer? :m, French, Wtlslt, Norwegian, HwcdiHh, Holland, 110- In iMi.iiMind Spanish lto/or to a. c tpy of it for Talntiblo and interesting rtadinq concerning' lujaHh, and numerous us to the efficacy of Jf**totter’s J’i’t' iH, Hmusomont, vni- and information, ns fronomieal c I'-ulations und chi" iolotu'cal i items, Ate., which can be dupended on for j corr-' - I Levs. Tho Almanac tor 1879 can !be ol,f iined free of coat from dmoists | ind [ynrml country <!■■:dors in all purl* of ! t!ie country. til Janl. (yji.\NGK ni Diet voi: Cows.—One 5 great trouble with iunners i.s tlmt they f/ivo 1 1 jo “o!d Jersey” the 4* ame fo<) 1 li.iy or day, udn-rens slio likes i u ehueg •of diet ns wr it an Intmait Lf nnl, even if sb does have 1 meal nud slmrtH, s)e will thank yon for a feed of beets, earrots, or any o'ln r root", during the cold winter i that, is coming. Take good care ' hen you feed your cows that von do not aMenipf to feed in the draught from tJie floor, for, w ilh the best of c trf: and fet'd, jf your ajiimals h■ ve to stand in the cold, they will be poor, give poor milk, make poor but t , and cause your neighbors to call you a poor farmer. — Hr,. An 5 as<l s sun Jj!e lT*ilf!i. Y'"i and rei ve t suffer, and if you lead n | rniscr/ibliMins riw!.. ‘"ry li to in the b'Mtiti ! Ini wftrld, ji ;- ♦ ri’ir -Iv your own I, and ri.cic i r riiy one xcn -e for yu, your m.- j roasc nnbl* prejudice and, which killed t linn sands. J/erMoimi knowledge hf'l common < -i.hc rcaMonirg will mooii show jou th ‘ (> fch*i‘s A'/ttu-it ricwf-r will cure V>u of Id v-r e'"inj>l tint, <>r l>,VMpcpaiu. witn j nil if* rne- r blc ffcclß, such a* sick head iu t:c, j: ilpiiation of lh heart,sour r.'nmwh, , ihitiml c*• 1 1 v< hi 1 hm, di/zim ss ot thu In ad, | nervous prostration, !o.v sniritH, Ac. Is mlc now reach every town on the We :t< ru ftoiitim ut htj(l not a but will tell | you ot in woi durl and cures. You can buy a Sample Bottle tor 10 cents. Thro* doses ill rcieve you. For sale by Dr. K- H. | Bard well* oo w. We love the sweet gl :ry of si-t --j ting sun, bihl wo can gush a little | over the rising moon, but when we come unexpectedly upon a free fight i iti which we have no interest, anil meet a hric!;_bit going notnewhero in a hurry, tho stars we see are not i the of astronomical sttnly in i which wc take much interest. TTHES mmi HOUSE FOU CLOTHING In Macon, -is- J. H. HSRTFS. V full Slock at tlio Lowest Figures. I’Unot 'simsiiuerc'Sirits i At $9; *10; Jll; sl2 50: ami sls. Dress Suits sls 00 t,<> $25 00. SI 1 I If'US all complete. Mails of the best Irish Linen mill Wamsutta Muslin only 75 Cents. Full Stock of all Goods for ** Soys I ut prices lower than any house in Macon or Columbus. Quality as good as ovor. .1. i 1. llerlz, 90 Cherry Street, octltf Mftcnn, Georgia. DR. RICE, 37 Court Place, LOUISVILLE, KY., ( A rrr'Urly eflncwWd and lorhllt qualified pbvilrlan and th n. >.t . ;TC(rtil, a* Ll* t*cu c will -ror. Caret all torn* nf | ehnmlo .art *•**•! dl****e, rl- HR find impotjincjr^ **"•'***£* ' ■ * • 1 • ■ ■ ' ■ : • • r ‘■ '• r ' r• | lic-s. rnin.l LuilsaOiin, Dlinu • t M*-bl. Inlrtllif H nrr. nivsiwlDeour, I'ltu >!• n Kue, AvrrloiiU' f 4 irty*< 1 heniilm Oeufa -u-* r,T 1 , Loan of M* *ua I Tower n- and tiu* nr.-rl.*e Improper rr unhfri", *'* IhimneMy | tM?£oZ ! OitKlfllA, lllart,*- V —** 1 vo •-.* •• -kly C*r.Ml. Pa'l-.,'. I- -'*-d by wi! or. j (jwrutilta'ioii L* end iu/it.-d, MMurga* rcMj(i*i4q, i iuiUcorreoj/Mideuoe •trici';, ouaAtlaiiWwl. A PIiIVAYE COUKSTXOTt | Oi V> pa***, <utui *v •ddr*#. *..|ur!v .*1 1 r...-thirty (jUm. uoiu. fi'oui l A.H.tttl P. U. Bn. jk,i to 4 If. u | Important Combination! LEYERT & COLJJNSWOItTH INSTITUTE TJN’TT.’FIT). j r I'UfKHK S(WOOLS lmrc I er.n combined | ! into ouo liißlitution, v iIIi one Board of i I ujilruetion hi id one Courhe of Study, fori bo education <-l both /*> x<■•••. The Male I )<•- I part merit .under c mlr<*i f >l. T. McLAUGIL : LfN, will be taught nl 1 'ollnißwrrib Ii Kli 1 tnt<•, and the Or-p>.• Inient, under J. , It. Glil./>N T . nl I f-Vert, v ifb Frit lav t veiling exercise* and Montlil•. and Annual exami nation* ,it LeVen. The Fall i’erm will ! commence Moinlay Si'ihfiitliM'2i! IH7W. j Ibo Gourse nf Sind.| ( t both Jnwtitutions - ill be remod. bd -and adapted to (ho de mand* of the public. We propose to ini part a thorou, h, practical* fecieuliflc and classical education: TUITION: I’jIIMAKT Dl T’AKTMI M, Milt MONTH, . . . $2 00 Academic “ “ “ 3 00 (-'Of.LI'XH \T r , AND S< HINT/FIO DeIMJ.T --r/.ENT, l*Kli MONTH i 00 GontinobsT Fr.r., i* 1 1 km 1 00 Mt>ic AM) On* A Mi..vial Dtpaju m ;.vr, Jb a sonabi.r. Rates. Tuition charged from lirno of entering to c!< *<> (if Tenii. and no dedirtum Allowed cr.c in case of protruded sicklier/*. Bills payable monthly. Bo rd in Iha best families from f’H 00 to <! 2 00 ml from Monday to Friday evening. $5 00 per month. LOCATION: Seven miles from Geneva, 8. ‘V. R. It., a. bdai!> mails, and easy of access by Hack line, connrciing with over., ir on ot • -irs. M. kd.ue !rom Gei.nv.i, jonnd trip lo student-, $1 00. N. B. The full benefits of t' e p.d/ie F’-‘■;.■ i Fniid will be allowed 5 > kil stttdents . i lawlul age. .> i 31cLAI (iIIIJ.\, A. M. .! K i-nIA'.SX, A. M .'iticriab: I'm noi nii Ss r r.u jiotton. tiA., bopl .n.ber 31. 1 7H. W. r\ 1 Ki.NEU, DENTIST. OFFICE OVER MASON’S Drug Store, Randolph strut, Columbus, Gu. i ft*'" S,ive your ■‘Tertli; 11 they ;iro better tli hi .to. Mils. All discuses ot the I’eetli m,u j G mi* treuted. Artificial Testh put in when djsired. "ST E^TlOhl IS NOW IXYM ED IX) OLTt LAR if STOCK ! < 3 oods. ( Tof hs, Cawsimoros anil rFi*irn— mingx, im-liul t!!;:' Erem’lt Engllh,"anil American Makes. \LB?' v ' ’.'-?ily -f the Tiuiotiw make# of He ne Goods*full of which wo gd up t# ordt ii ticj be*: Miyle on tin slmrest notice. An exlonaive aud ol.oioo lot of TEXAS CASSIMERES Just in, to which wo call psllloular uo'.lce. O. T. PEACOCK Owruim* Uisi'McroKT. 6t Rkois Stio. Til (liir rmilv nmdo stock *• li.iv* . lot cl "(.'utl ..i.iilv Suit.” w will elote ot mt priM* sm-pri.iugl.v low. ..pSih O. G. Sparks & Son, THIKD STUKET, MACnV, GEORGIA, IWAEE3JEE, COTIO?, II D C. MSISSIOS IEECHAKIS. UJ T ANARUS; B.'iuin “li r our services us Wsrelionso aid C-nmiUsiou Mercliauta to our pluntlog friends ot Ta’bot coumi^. D'hinl :t t ton 1* n}iliosi, I Uig g ing’ mid Ties I limb ■!.. 1 G l.fvest mru Uet r.t •. Advance* made on Gottnn is store, aa Low au U| my b.'Tc in the city. he, 10 O. G. HIbiRKS A SOX. n [\n /■•■•-a or® m *s** * j L-isaes ea ftU LU A “*m Lu feji £> Itl li 4 Broad Street, COLUMBUS, GA. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN Dry Goods, Notions, Hats, Umbrel ! las, Ready-Made Clothing-, HOOTS, tSIIOISfi, 12t0., OF TIIE LATEST AND REST STYLES, ATjFj our lood* i\r< of the latest sty!* s nnd fiesli from the Xorlhern MurkeU. Wg wWy competition in hfyl-i sunl prii-.* of G.-mils. (iiv,* hk a call a’Uciii in the city, wo f4 ( ••rlaiu we ran phase visi. and alt liv* a!‘sineu to klu'W g OO rt SwpQW FM ULOTSiING - GO TO TOE LEABIHS CLOTHING MOUSE OF MIDDLE GEORGIA They keep the best goods and soil ;it the lowest price*. Our Dollar hwliiirt is of the host material and fifes wo! Agents for Keep’s Shirts and Umbrellas. W. I'itt Lauiwin is with ns, and will bo glad to have a anil frtua Ida friends. WINSIIIP & CALLAWAY, No. 50 St.* Macon. I 3 ShopsT^ TALBOTTON, GEORGIA. ' J. CAMPBELL, Proprietor. 'i'lie f’.diiic are inff.n e 1 that \ am thorou d.v ' quippod fi'x.l propared lo do WOO'D < d ail k U. mud! im inakin'/ and r- |-‘.irmg 1; . Wagon*, &.O. T ftlo do all bi l i -.i I‘dnckßinitiiiiiT’, im lu<!.ng llor-i and uc-nural I'iauUtion Wars. I anieu KaJiRM.u:.. as in f.ll n:y v*., a. /'li" I'le-e* lo mhi t!,e ti■ 11 <n Give no a trial. .K O. CAMBMIELL. Ib -•■*• to .7. f>. . .'ou'.di. W. I. Meßrydf*, t’*pt. J, W. G*aihl, 8. A. !>!!.’.t ouutv;'!’. N. n. ! ..: dot lon wj Kif W. F. GRACE, DEALER IIV CIGAHSi TOBACCO. SNXTF'F AM) E*3 B *idS. 70 C MACON, GEORGIA THE PLii'E TO bdY SABDLE3 AND HARNESS CHEA? MARK. A. 15RADFORD, MANUFACTURER OF AND DEALER IN S&0 s, EsrEfis, Trunks, ¥alisvs AiN I>— Carriage Trimmings, Leather and Leather Belting,' —ALL KINDS OF New Work and Repairing Done AT THE 01.D STAND OF 11, MIDI) EEL’ROOK. AT SHORT NOTICE. li)4 BROAD HT., COLUMIIUS <*.V TICK .VIS. Sl.OOa Year in Advance WHOLE NUMBER 437