The Talbotton standard. (Talbotton, Ga.) 1870-1881, December 19, 1878, Image 1

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Uy XV. 10. MUMFOIiD. ' VOLUME IX-NO. 49. GORDON INSTITUTE, #J *■■ JW ’l ' * ' L '| I y.i fcTlj si&. I I •*> i * ' .LX! —.- .-i- . l--±} baii\k.kvii T.i:• <; v -111 I. 01 KN rally in Haj t* i• r IhTK. with •- i;:: 1 cor} s< ' in.ost, sn<v->fu! teacher* ,1, (<nniiM l to ki ep pp tl < . br*frd M*hool. I and <hHCbtfr*. It bus nil ?Ik in (l t*> :u fno-s. Mppnratim ;unl furrlttm*. nml n I record nor snccessful tenchlp nnrmal I '-1 din t! State. It- irr :<• <L p u tn.i ut is con- I by Trot. GnMelK*rgr. wl.r lasi <> snj ißr ,id but few equals in las profession. : JtfirtHwri!)* in the most enterprsing eiiv on the Macon on< Western Knilr ad. And I h*' jnutly the repntution of taning the most moral, }ibt ral and enlightened c.*mmr.nity In QpnrcrU Initinn sll 50 to $lB 50 p> r Term, lio-rd $lO 00 to sls 00 per month. For Catalogue containing lull mfonimt ;4 a 'p. s .-. I CHAIU-T SF. MMRTUUN, Prf.*., [ or W. H. WOODAI.I . Seer; t^ry. .. .*! ff r i i • ts. .*• i < i: Is rfK n ..1 I 1 TANARUS) 111.,V1 <IN ■ r.r, llslill Hl* < • ;. ! ~1 j'. I'. I . I Is, IH. I1 ' i II MM I-: -( i: i: li r I • H Itc I: <f I ... .t . V ,1 i (r ( , , till tLI 'll Y.tfl (..* ~ir f ■ tH2 Jsk i Bbs sc &bt& j Sn. 19 COLUMBUS, OKORUJA. "' jiinl Yictnil Denier in DEY eCCES, GICCIBIES, KCTIOrP.CECIKEY, &C. ffl, —AND A FULL STOCK OF - Aw. Of which we are now . ff- ring if tin- vrv !■ -wed market (.rices, v.*l c ratilee ,11 -4 0. oar g-.eiß „K r „| r . \V, refill! j ,„<i, - 111.- ~ . pie f fail,.,! r |,f v ty : Nm Don’t You Forget It. T. I, EDMUNDS, D** Droiul Slre.-I, t.'o In nilrn.x, Gcurgla. Milistmr.ini COTTAGE CB at $4 50 r.-r Hull dozen. 00 ;'.!' E ,!,V ; T,> GO'ITAGE hl'MEArs Vr:?ln l ■ h 'KEN VnVf ( KIM!tF Si' -e lull lin ol Loiiililnl EASTKAKEK mill HtEDfilE AT HETAIL-T,AILS $2.50 PER KEG. snd Carriage Material and other Goods as Low as any house in the atakket. J* A. Frazer & Cos., Broad Streot. COLT MBITS, GA. 3<p;2i '.T ' V ” f < ■*-* ■i— - - - - - • • - t •sr-.x.zj.jkj&.i • 7-- . x . ~T —I © ' ' - - .. , AGUUtfUiY AEWSPAPEJ. Foil i'M£ S -DEVcA’EIi TO .GIVI tiZATION AN I) \fO\T',Y-MA Kl' U. TALEOTTON, TALBOT COUNTY, GEORGIA, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 19. 1878. A Wild WestoTß Adventure. | Snm. S. Hill, ‘Buckskin Sam.’ nml 1 old Rip Ford were trapping in tlie i Arkansas river region. They were . men of desperate courage, who had taken their lives in their hands too. often to care for the danger they were exposed to. Old Rip was a man who stood five feet eleven in his moccasins—a man whom you would hardly care to meet in the close tug of ft desperate battle. His hard brown face was seamed with seals from bullet, knife mil claws of ; wild beasts, an 1 his muwtirir body | showed the marks of many a des perate struggle. “Buckskin Sam - ’ was tho ‘beau ideal’ of a moun tain! er and plains mm ; the Wes tern hunter that tlm novelist paints and the school boy dr. ains of and wishes some day to be. Although ! not so powia fal as old Rip, he was i a man of great per-ml strength, j and desperate courage, for many I years these two had roamed tho trapping grounds together, lighting Indians, grizzlies and wolves.chased j l>y night over tho burning prairies, defending the camp against tho nml dim attacks of red fiends, r spend-- ing r< cklcssly at. the. monte board the money they had earned so hard- ! ly on the 1 1 apping gpomub They had bee'll out nil winter,amt. | as spiring approached, the last, cache was covered and tho trappers now began to think of returning home. The camp was built tip near the river, a tributary of the Canadian, which flowed through the dismal i cannons in which the light of day : j never shows, under tho shadows of j gigantic c-lilTs upon which human \ beings ncvi i yd sit h ot, and only spreading out at places where Ihe [ cunning beaver had built bis dam. The river was broken by great rapids, and abounded in rare fish, upon which lliev had feasted loyally | for many a day. ’! In \ had a eaiioe, and lmil 1 < an ili-cns: ing the chance i of going down tije streauTlr. that in' order to save time. ‘1 am ready to take the chances if pon are, Uiii,' , o I .Sim. ‘I don’t like to giv ■ m;. df aw ay,’' said Hip. What do yf>;: know- about tho river after we g. I down to. the big canon, and whoever passed through it V’ ‘That’s the fun of the thing', IT![ . We do what no one else dare do.’ ‘1 don’t like it, 1 replied Ford, who was by far the more, prudent of the i iwo. ‘I -ha! what in Jehu is that?’ I'll y seized their weapons arid ran 1 to the door of tho hut just in time 1 t> see a dozen Indians running down through tho grass,blocking up the ordv way of escape. The mo- j ment the.repealing rifles began to j play upon them they went out of sight among the rocks and begun their gradual approach, which could only end in one way—the white J trappers would he overwhelm! I ! i ‘There's only one chance, llip, ; ciied Sum. ‘And that?' ‘TIIO canoe,‘ ‘1 am yi ur man.' cried 1-he giant trapper. ‘You push the canoe into ! the water and throw in the weapons while i keep those fellows at I y Oh, would you? Take, that.' An Indian had raised his tufted head to get a l>ett< rrhot at the trap.-- jp' l's, but. before lie could get back : the unfailing eyes of the trapper | hail looked through the double sights, and the riflio cracked. The Indian i-prnug suddenly to his feet, spun sharp around upon his heel and fell chad in his trucks. The next moment the canoe shot I from the bank and headed down | through the boding flood, plunging ■ .n the e.iron b. io.v so rapidly that the Indians bad si-arccly time tore- j cover from their amazement at the! sudden ex-ilns before the trapper:-' were out of sight. One of tho In diane bounded to his feet and tit- j j tered a low signal whoop, and two' light canoe;, containing in all about | fifteen men, rounded a point in the river above the canoe and came fly ing down under the stroke of the padtllers. The Indians on tho shore simply pointed down the stream, and the canoes dashed by at a fu rious speed, the wild yell of the pad dlers announcing to tlie white men that they were pursued. The first rapid passed they entered a long stretch of water where the current was only iour or five miles an hour, and where tue propelling force in the other canoes began to tell, and the Indians gained rapidly. On one side the canoe the canon I was like a v. ail, 200 f.-ot in height, f and the trappers coul .1 only put all flieh'slreiigtb-iu tho ptfilHles : tipiyT j dash on ns fast as They could. Two l milts further and the pursuing f ehi ; nocs wore scarcely a hundred yards behind, the Indians yelling like dos metis as they saw tho white men al- I most within their grasp, Rip Ford shook his head ns ho looked* ovtr bis shoulder, when siul.lenjy his c:\- :Uoe wnssei/id by a mighty > force and h(Tried downward, iftfe if'Tmlli ( ! from a ritlo. They had struck an other rapid mote powerful than t! e j first, and the rocks absolutely seeiu ; ed to fly past them. | , ~‘ is semeibing like, ii.’j- eri.d tlwi during Buckskin Saw. How We i do move.’ I should say Vi* .1 >, ol 1 hov,’ re I plied Rip ‘I am only afraid wo are moving too last.’ ' I >.i volt bellT'VC It, those fellows | seem to be standing still,’ said Saul, j ‘They will got in the current, in a moment," gasped Hip. ‘Look at. that.’ The hindmost ean,o of the lie | (liana appeared on tho crest of the ! rapids ami camo flying down after j tile trappers fttT frtriou.-f itpeeil. The Indians no longer used their paddles with the exception of tho man who at. at the stern, and by a, tough on the water, mov on one side, now on ' the other, regulated tho course ol I the canoe. Tho second qauuo to!- lowed in u mouii lit, a little furthei in shore. As they gazed, tho bow of the last, canoe was suddenly lifted into the air as it, struck a brow n rock in tho channel,.which tho occupants tried in vain to avoid. The fierce current caught the stern, and in an instant there was nothing left of the: craft save broki n fiugmenfs, while - tho occupants, with loud shrieks ol terror, wer - borne swiftly oil by the j n.sislleHS tide. ‘Thai e ds ihoug’ said. Rip Fill'll ‘ill! can 1 nl, S mi, for you life.’ Oil, on. bore liv the power which , • hey could not, resist, the two canoes I were hnrrird. There was a sense of wild i-xnltiiti-m in the hearts of the white men, for they iSoilld see that Ui"ir enemies wou’d have glinlly es" ! eaped it they could from the peril Hud .‘•'iirroiimh-d tin Tin-ir m il and I , foi ,-. dp i: n I pi miller I. and i led tliciit into s' trap, add Ilfey m>! longer thought of the canoe in ad-! vstice. They knew as the whites did j not, the terrible dang"!' In In'O them, i for they laid exjil. .e l tfu) banks of Hie stream on font mi ny times. Tho ! river suddenly narrowed, ami tlie trappers ric 1 • I into a canon barely j tweiily J'i.cL, wide and nearly roofed over by Ike dills on each idc. Tho current was not iplite so s'.vift. here and they guided the canoe easily. ‘This gels interesting, Rip,’ said I Hun, as they went on through tin- j narrow pi, 1 : . 'We are going - ’ ‘To , onr dentil,’ interrupted Hip Ford, in') a solemn voice. ‘iJoyni hear Hit falls?’ Tlirough the splash of water and tlie dip of paiblfoß they heanl a low, tie* p, tremulous rnar.twhiah w ih gm lid of filing w ater. b'olfn mOs nr id. the bronze fane of Ktliu IJi rich ed, but he drew his figiire up proud ly .-iiying t ‘Better than tlie ;*• iij> - iug knifu-or stafie, old friend. \s Ihe ['Vcnchnnin says,‘Vivo la inert!’ Long live death.’ , ft was, itd. i d’ before Hunt; for as they shot out of the narrow pass they w Hi*- frills - I low high they could not bU, but thesippke which I aro e showed llial it was not a small ' one. ‘K- i p liei he e! to it,’ cried Rip ff ac don’t get thro gli if,it’s gou.l --1 bye forever, Ham.’ Tiie swift current caught them, and tin; canoe, liiuleil forward with 1 terrible foiee, wont flying toward Hie . verge, a moiueut loon, and if. Hint i out into unknown depths. Unci) 1 ! man i lung io bin paddle as he waul , ! iimvn, Ir id by an invisible power, whiif 1 ioun-1 fro, a- in a ma'strom, and then shot up into tho light' be- * low the tails. Far tug ; canoe floftted, and a e'linVtfl s'.Vi pI them down the two men looked hack |in time to eo H o Indians’ canoe come over tint fails sideways withont jan occupant. It was hurled far out. and fell lightly on the wfttcr, only to Ibe arrested iiy tlie strong hand oi | Buckskin Sum. Oenrge Titus h s lived in (flffc he:-.i hotels of tho large cities, for five years without paying any board I worth mentioning. He weeps good i clothes, talks like a man with plenty of money, and is so dignified ih his j demeanor that lh > clerks hesitaio fo ; demand prompt payments, lie is 1 rarely turned out sooner than a month, and is of:enable to stay lun ger. However, he is at last under nr ro.t in B istou as a swindler. Sami', lii-ffir i.,r- the New Velir. -* Ehe world reuowneit suoeesK ol llostot (er's Hitters, unit their continued populsvity 'Fi n quarter of n centliVirits’a MiYm'rehti'. is scarcely more wonderful than tho welcome that oiachOlie alumni nppearmiCA nt II.)-- tettei’s Almaiino. Tliii vaiiMhle medieul treatise is pnhlidieiHiy Uia'ulu A finiilh, Fittstiuriih, I'lfl. ur.der tliiar mv.i he" j slip, n is m, ( . SO. hands lu III,: an- i piirtiJiTut. :t'i nyijf i(iler priatiiiK (re- ■ ! 8 luliUoa ami'hines, Gj >b pres- .-s, Ae., nrc nmniiif* about eleven months in tho year un lhtT work, nml tho issue .of snifie fur IS”;* iVill liotJio.JesK than ten millions, I uittited in the f rchhh. ■(revram, i'’roftoh,. WiJsh, Korwvslan. Swedish, || .llcd. Ho | l iir.,l Spimiidi ];,.ler tn ) 1 <'i;'Vo I Tt"f rv da id.! a itiid in'ereaUll'e ! reiidina t’P'.i'ei nin ; lie.tfth, ap'd iiumcrrms ; esUiyopial -an to the * (Tie.v'y of Beall del'.- I Hilt is, (uiHisHiimiut, valid iidormivtion, as- I tronamind e denlnltnns and elii-oilotoyicid i d('m a Ae., wl i •!: run he d.-pi v il, and nil for j .ipi'i re! ae. s. i lie Almanac tor 187.) Can )be ~ Plained free of cos' lrom driif’|;ils jail .'Herat country dealers m all parts ol j tho coniijyy. yjWaid. j iu'dish Goi -id-Geiiei.d Flavian' has hr 'V ledA< Ibo h'oreeMi llliice in Isvndaii, mi uefiy nt el ft i sails in his i Xp.-i'tiuenhs mi p n. ti if aid re ing lie sin j Ale-rria. 'l’ll,* loeahty clioaru for the-e Uees shontd lie one p. -sessino n llliamtc . iimlar lo tied el the M ditiriautau biisi: . h.xtivmes ol both hull and cold are fatal In sliot-i ss. The enealv ptus will stand i Hi old ami.nut of frost if not of ion,; eonlii.v --o: re, and a eSUi-illi.l.lbh: (IPiI)UUt lit droll; I t ii well r. ..I and; but it i : li 1 : hop. 1 so to a!-' lempl to i;v \v it in' the lll)|)ies iln i( Weiihl be in ilie tioriii of Send,u and. The eucalyp tus will su'coed hist in j.lvces win re there (I'O only Iso luarkid seasopK tin: eo!d and rainj one from October lo April,and Ibo hot anil dry > nil, from Alay t.) S fifem bcr. T o cxpi limco hitherto gained in Alg ria jioints lo only two speed s as snl ii -ie Ily hardly lo be c'clvii mi a r. ut ■rale the euoalypltt ( plnbidns.or Hail gum and the ene.tiyplns resiidlera, or rid gun . To iUiiAMTti; Coax in Tin-; Onm - - This i'tjjo will apply lira crib of any size in kind. Two cubic feet of good sound dry corn in tlie ear will make a bushel of shelled corn. To gel, then, tho (|iiaijiily of shelled corn,in u crib of mru in Hie ear. measure (He length, hridlh, nml h.'ig!.t. of Hie crib, inside of the rail; multiply the length by Iln; breadth, nd product ly the In iglif; third di vide tho product by two, and you . . vs tin 'lumber of bushel • of: lic it. and corn in tho crib. Tha (-inv.- - iug b.'.nd of Madison anil Alachau c nintii FI rriilu, hav ing discovered frauds in three Radi eal preeineis liavp Ihroivn them out, and tlnrehy redtieed Hisbee’s major il V fo a , io in mv i I nil’s elect ion to Uongn :, nml the deleut of I. (i. B urni fo tin Legislalurq. As usu al the Radicals are heaving to get | the United Stales offieials to abstain t hem by evoiy possible means in their ii amis. Tim eollecdors of the fluid for the relief of those who were liiade or pliaiiH by iim Biincsu Alien disusin', mi the Thames, after Obßiining mi less than F 150,000 In that piirpouo, are at a !o s to know what Ip ilo with it. They can find omy twelve per Sorts tlmsbereavedj aiifl, I bough i! is jrroposed to educate them and give them a sum of money to start Tn life, it i . justly Boughi that o()0 a piece would bo an < ucesFivo sum. A woman at ft hotel table, in ! /’! oingtii Id, .Mi refiipeil 1a potato * 'tb it, a waifu'ess Inouglit lif-r la.cause ! t Was not im a]y. Tli waitres took it away, and |ot,njned with one of j monstrous ic. Tip- guest' n gar and I Hr, as all eiioVmily, and limpid Hi ' w actress’ cars. Tim waitre l o tali awl by scratching. 'J'lu.n tun two Women fought like eats until parted by force. * 'I .c prices of some . ■ • la® jjrn (■ioiiteen per cunt, lower th.n( liefore ; Ha war. Horn has not been so low | 1 sinea: 1845, excepting in 1801, e Hun 1 | not :-.o low in twenly-threo years,! and n:< pork not :-inee IS il. J Wendiil I’liilips credits Horace! Mire.-ley with having said to a he- Hire committee, who paid him a t Vi i stern bank bill,Hint, il convenient 1 In would prefer to have a well ,ex t< ntlcd counterfeit on some Eastern i bank. I If you wilt make it jour iti hgifur; ; duty to take ever; lliiiig' hy Th smooth handle you will save your- ) | si. If a great many unhappy. hours. -ri | I iver Iw Ti.c I.iv* ris Hit imperial nrpm of Iho ! 1 ’.viior: In.m .a .-ysUaiyas it emir .Is t 1 * I: ,-, i ami,-.. oi mail. Wucc ,i M , il: turliciion i(K proir .iiAiiia. all | j uifiueiits are the fuiturai rertult. The niges. ties el Joe,l, tiie lu .v.-nje.ils ol lee Jaurl and blot'll, On acdoa ol On 1.. r. , van sysiem, are all tinnitsU.r.'ly a,.|, r „.„. , lid will, the '.voihil,;;.; ! |.,„ tdvtr. li.hns j baai sircceestnlly proved ilmt lire-n’s Au gust 1-lower is iiiieipiallni in eirriag ail p-i.-ues a fit eled villi JlVKpeputa or luver I (tomplaiiit, mid all the tmmeroux Hymiiioiii- F.c ' 1 ub- troru an uuiaajtrn a.mmuen of , Hi', rand Stomach Sample hottles lo n.,. 1U ccn'.H. Fo-.ilivelv Held il all I . me We-deut I emu, an*. Th re*. ,1 ,• . •• id prove Ih ,t it is j,i.,i wlmt you waul ’ l or sale by Dr. E. ],. Daul-wll, 15” HE CiAIPIT I lousr: FOR . OLOTHING 111 jVlaooi i, is - J. n. MERITS. A full Stock at tbo Lowest Figures. ISi nc < *st susiinei-o Suit s At $9; $10; $11; sl2 50; and sls. Dress Suits sls 00 to $25 00. Sit S J ItTS all complete*. Made of the best Irislj I.ini'ii ami Uamsutt a Muslin only 75 Cents, Full Stock of all Gv)o(.lh for Hen ami Boys V at prices lower than tiny house in M aeon or (Jolilßlblls. Quality as good as ever. .0.3!. E liu-t s., 90 Cherry Street, octltf Macon, Georgia. UtBCE, 37 Court Place, LOUISVILLE, KY., / r oenhirly i'il'iant"'l niftl lopall /nu ill'i.-d 1 1, , islnn end the i, i i-lnl, * lilrt |>rm u-'H will jn ’o. Utiro *'■ iforiiif ifl-nv.i: , uhmnloMi'l c total di -*. SpiTßlf* tOT rhea and IfmTJolency. to-rcmtoi s.ff at.ur •in youtli, c'i4l nrio >’lu in ■: urer y< nr ■, or otlior C.. 11 A lid prMiHuif *Wi Ollhw folio" ii-K •fi” ft erv, I’li v I l)"jnv, I’iuipli-Ji ii Knee, Ay: don to Sorh'lv of i K. iIC !, tlonf i ion of iil-IMI, l.oas of Hi iri ) I'o. 'r, r * .1 ilm'innirhu;- improper or uuhc.ppv, arn dmroughly Olt RHEA. Ch-ft, f l'lh- UI(1 Olh'-I ; pn- TUt*' di*<*:isui nuletfly ci|rod. I’iUlClil* liytl 'I l-V Bin. ‘‘ "' l ’ On,(•!.Iiou fi-1- mil fun 4. !,•■ reusouabhk (uni corresKitfil n'o Mr! '<*V ronfldi'ntini. A PRIVATE COUNSELOR Oi VOO I nr,on, -ot rtny MdrtM. Art.h-ino^thlrtf O(tUx, iioitra flout OA. 01. to 7 I*. W- Eufutayn, 2to 11*. M Important Combination! LEVEST & I-CLIINSWORiII INSTITUTE 'UN ri J ii >. ‘ r-pursn SCHOOLS have leei, ei.mUneil I in'(> one Institution, ilh one Hoard of Instruction find one (' ol Study, lor I he (duration of holh s- xt*n. The .\!ul<? D•- p:irt sent under control of J. V. McLAITGH- I,IN. wi-1 ho taught at Collihr aorih Insti lute, find the I'Ym dr ihent, under J It. / 1 1,1 ,NN, ni ImVeil, itli Friday evening ! exeic.i .ii uni Monthly and Annual cxmi.i -unt;lHi,it JioVort. '1 ho Pull IVrm \*illj commence i li.niibfi IS7B • ! 'J he ('. urse of Study ot both Tnvtifricibhs t ‘ will he l*t mod 1< I and adapted to the dr- j iu.oid.s ol the public. YVo pro]lose to ini j‘pan a thoimi-h, practical, fccientilic unci I chitfßical education: TUITION: I'm.MAM OkJ'AHTMKNT, I'f.K Wi-NTH, ... 82 00 A CADKMIO “ “ “ 3 00 < 1 I.;.MATH AND SoiHNTIFIU DePAJ.T- Mr.NT, IT.II Month 4 00 <•- .NTI.VOhNT Kl K, Tl \f, 1,0(1 Musk; and Oi:namhnj:al Di.daivi mi;nt, Kla- SONAIILK lUtks. Tuition charged from tin e of entering to clone of Term, and no iledu'-tion allowed exci jit in case cl protracted Kickness. liiils j ’ payable monthly. Hoard in the lust fnniilirr from *8 00 to i ' cl*2 00 per month. ;.nd from Monday to | I’iidiiy evpLin.'f, >•> 00 per month. LOCATION ’ Srv< :i nnlcfTlroii, Genera, S. >V. K. H., ! Eh and lily . tied easy of access by ; ; Hack line, connecting with ©very tr-in ot i ’ 'ttrs. I luck-hue irom Geneva, round tii}> ! j to .student s > J 00, | X.' If. 'll • f .11 hem fit •of the V l.'ic ! 1 School Fund will healhiwed to all attule.Ms j c.f lawful age. .5 i Ue LA 5 OIILXN, A. M. .i. h. a. Tu. Anvucisi|<* Ibint ijmls. i I Ta: on, Oa., S-; tendc-r 31. I*7B. vv\* b\ r rUu^s DENTIWI’. Of'T' K 'll O'v till, ..JASON’S Drug Store, i it indo|{>h wlrcct, OolumhuH, On. I H ive your “Teeth; 4 * they arc better I t-Hi-J ■v < Is. All die ase-. of the leeth and | I D inm Heated. Artificial Tedli put m i,i u and jbired. auJlLi TURitIS, *il.oo u Vein in Advance ATXE raTIONI IS NOW INVITED TO Ollf T.ATt E STOCK 1 ’ioco ( ■ oixls, < 10l li. Cnssipicms ami rX'*i*iin minjfN, irU'liidinjjV’rcnoli, lCuglisli, iind. Ainencsin Alakcs. \I-SO a good Ktip])ly of (lie vuriou‘l mak(*s of Homo Goods; all of which wo got up t© order in iho bent stylo on the nhoreat notice. An extensive and choice lot of TEXAS CASSIMERES >1 ust in, to which wo cull particular notice. < 4. J. I*l7 A OOC ’TC, 01/miTKCI \JA*I’FACTORY. 04 pROAD ftTML In out readv-nmde stock we have a lot of ••Cotton.l SuitH” we will cloHe out at p'lMi smprisingly low. aep24lf O. G. Sparks & Son, 'THIRD STREET, MACON, GEORGIA, WAREHOUSE, COTTON, AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS. UM a i in ofr r our services ns Warehouse ai.d (Vuimha-ion Morchauts to our ybusting friends ol Ta'bot (ind.ocljoinlng comities. I’lanfntioil Wupj.lii's, and Ties uvnisl -d at lowest market rates. Advances lnado on Cotton is store, as Low an hf my house in tljc ciiv- seplO (). G. SF '.KJvS A SOX KL.. HARRIS," ii 4 Bread Street, COLUMBUS, QA. WHOT.KSALH AND liETAIf, DE.Ii.EB IN Dry Goods, Notions, Hats, Umbrel las, Ready-Made Clothing, BOOTS, SHOES, Ktc , OF THE LATEST AND BEST M YLES, \],l, imr Ohoilk niv of the latest stylos anil ficall from the Northern MnrkftU, H'e il*fy eiimpelilioa iu Hiyl.l anil prieo ot < jooilrf. Give u. a e.ill ifhen in the eiiy, we tel eii.iin we can pl< le e yon. I'oliteunil aU-mtivn Ki.U'Mhen lo slew e n , .op'iitf FOll CLOTHING ' -.<;<> Ti,- TilE LEADING CLOTHING EC'JSE 0F MIDDLE GEOEGIi 'J'lioy lump tlio best goods ami sell at the lowest prieos. Our I )oli;u* lSliii-t is of the best material and fits well Agents for Keep’s Shirts and Umbrellas. W. I'itt Rai Owin is with us, and will bo glad to lmvo a anil from bin friends. WTNSIIIP & CALLAWAY, No. 50 Second St.. Msicon- Hillside Shops, TALBOTTON, GEORGIA. J . C. (MMPEBLL , Proprietor* 'l’ho Public are informed that film thornngly equipped a'd prepare 1 to do WOOD WORK ot all kinds, such as making and r-pairing Huggins, W,\:gm*, Ac. I also do kinds <-f Mii'-ksmithing, including SlmMug nnd 1 Piii'iitMtidii W ulc. I gaar uutec Hid inflict ion in all my work. Xtf* I'riciv to Hijil the time Give mw a trial. .R C I A MFI 5 | R< f> ito.J D. Hough, IV. J. Mcßryde, G-.-ncva; Cant. J. W, Gamble, .S. A. lluuA, TAll.ot count! ; T. N. Gibson. Talboftdji . aug ‘‘ I W. F. GRACE, . IHLVI .i:u. ITV ( ic; A IDS. TOHACCO. SNUIT .A. TV I > Ull’ES. 7Q CHERRY STREET, MACON, GEOIUOi; THE PLACE TO BUY SADDLES AND HARNESS CHEAi. MA UK A. JIHADFOIID, 1 -•>i o ■- :hrf< l t 7., 9 - ■ : 7e*'.UkU MANI'I'ADTLHtet! Ol’ AND DE VLEII IN Sas<Us, Mantes, Trimls, Yftliscf, NTS I Carriage' Trimmings, LeatKer and Leather Belting ALL KINDS Ol’ Aew M T oa*k and Repairssii* AT Tin: OLD STAND OF 11. MIKDLKBKOOK. AT SHORT NOT cE. u i imo VI) (oiii'MUOrs u WHOLE NUMBER 438