The Talbotton standard. (Talbotton, Ga.) 1870-1881, January 02, 1879, Image 1

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By w. K. Wttiurobt). .VOLUME X-NO. 1. i.oKimy i\-titi ti:. liATtMCSVII.T.K, (; A., ILL OPEN early in Sej tend t r 187 H, with a lull coij sot earnest, KiiccefS r nl teachers and etertnttied to keep up the *idc-Bprtad nud deserved reparation ol this justly cele brsted school. Gordon Institute ©flfVr* superior inducements to parents desiring to educate their tovs mid daughters. It has all the modem npplianc s, appara us ami turnitnre, nud a recotd nor andceskful teaching unparalleled in tl.e State. li* music d* pu ,u. nt is con das *d by Prof. who has no snp< ri< r and bnt fe w equals in I is | ron-ssion. EarnesT)!le in the most enterprising city on the Macou and Western liailMnd. avd baftjnatl.v lh reputation of Luring the most moral, liberal and enlightened comuinuity a Gaorg'%. lii'ion sll 50 to $lB 50p*r Term llo*rd $lO 00 tq sl3 00 per month. ptr For Catalogue containing lull information *'ddr ss CHARLES K. LWIdDRIN, Pbjw., or W. 11. WOODALL. Secretary. Jly3Ctf }'.ro* ■ v,Me Oeo'gia. THIS SPACE In reserved for TJJOLNTON t f GTT'. I slii< ruble < iotLio* m il 1 . ( • i , r ( ,!niu In, Ga. II > will rdxfr.iM- a. it il e la. • f- M Mork •f 1 nil end WinUr Cooth cur bfocgLt tv \\ ot CJiOlgia- in 24 Ml. /%. C£ £fcsoh-b ? NO. 10 COLt'MBUS, GKOIIOIA. W lioloMile und lietnil Denier in Mt GOODS, GI.OCKIEB, KOTIOf S, CEICHET, if. 1 0 . -AND A FULL STOCK OF- Plantntion Supplies, ALL of which we are row . Sering at # lie very 1 west market price*. .< 1 guar? *ce 1! O- •! our goods hi. represented. Wu cordial > invite the | oopL- f I .t.Lot - mi y. •i*ewhere to give us a ;*l! v.-ben they visit the city Mr. L A. PLilij formerly <>t H r ri county, is with me and will be pi id to his many friends Now Don’t You Forget it. t. t, mrnmm, 08 Brond Street, ColumhiiN, Georgia •tiling bnndfiome and aubatan ml COi ’AGE CHAII. Sals4so p- r Hull tbzen, CO T*GE BEDSIEaDS ;.t t-2 50 iTAOT. BCREAT'S inr sll> ..mi Jw trticWs ot FURMT UKE t-qtmllv luiv. A lull lion ol Ite&utilQl EASTEAKLR net yCLEX ANNE CHAMBER SUITS. WMWIEI AT SETAIL —HAILS $2.60 PER EES' oagon and Carriage Material and other Goode as Lew as ANY HOUSE IN THE MARKET. J. A. Frazer & Cos., Eroad Street, COLUMBUS, GA. Stptiii A COUNTRY NEWSPAPER FOR TIIE MASSES -DEVOTED TO CIVILIZATION AND MONEY-MAKING: TALPOTTON, TALBOT COUNTY, GEORGIA, THURSDAY, JANUARY 2, 1879. h'htii Kngaged- Just ns the old umu was getting his parlor in order for visitors he received uotieo that his presence was desirable at tho Central Station. Making his way down town ho was kindly greeted by His Honor, who tossed the remains of a State Fair egg-plum out of tho window and said: ‘There are four or fivo cases here which seem to concern you more or less. There is for one, a female in the corridor who says sho is engag ed to you. If such is the ease, I do not want to send her up, of course.’ ‘Engaged to me! Great heavens! but I never was engaged i 1 mv life !’ exclaims and tho seemingly astonished Bijah. ‘Well, that’s what she says. I don’t know anything about your love alTtirs, though I have had many Hints that yon were about to lake a wife.’ ‘Bet me see the demoness who dates to innk-e nffidavv that T an going to build fires for her this win ter!’demanded'the old janitor,' his eves as wild as those of a runaway horse, and be was shown into the corridor. She was there. Sho sat on an in verted bushel basket, belonging"' to (he City Sealer of weights and meas ures." She looked about forty years old, and she had banged hair, a thin nose, and a chin sticking out like a hay window. She knew him nt sight," and shefrose up nnd’V.alled: ‘Hailing, 1 know you’d come.’ Bij ih stood before her witho t a ! word. The wobble of bis knees w plainly beard hv the audience, nnd ■ ’| he breathed like a boy running out of a melon patch with four dogs af- j Itr him. ‘Don’t von recognize me, Bijah?’ plaintively inquired the woman. ‘Never, never !’he shouted dan cing about on his toes. ‘T never saw you before Ido not know you 1 won’t know you ‘My love, have you been drinking?’ she softly asked. ‘Don’t call me your love don't put on themj’are grins for my bene fit ! A’ou are an old imposileress, a jacknlesß, a "swindleress a deceitess, and if you don’t ow n up that you have been lyin’, I will sue you for slander 1’ “And only l ist, night he called me his silver- plated coal stove !’ she said turning to the reporters with a ges ture of despair. ‘I never did ! I will make oath on the Bible that I don’t even no her name.’ ‘Boy, beware I’she biased, as she pointed her slender finger at her nose.’ If you turn tny love to hate it will he the worse for you.’ •Let ‘er turn ! Let ‘er turn! 1 say you are a ’ She clawed out for him, and she just reached him. Four of her fin ger nails raked his nose from bridge to end, and the other hand would have gathered up all the hair on top of his head if lie hadn’t been bald. ‘Serpent ’ she hissed through her! clenched teeth, ‘when I get out I’ll j meet you on ths street and throw i snuff in your villianous eyes!* ‘You will never get out—not for one thousand years !' he called hack, j one hand holding his nose and the ! Urn other keeping her off. She was then Rent, up for six months on a, charge of drunkenness and disorder ly conduct, when he went up a.d inquired; ‘Mary Ann, why did you try to play that on mo 1 she yelled back : ‘Wait till I come out? I —Fax j Pfdu. Wuai' is the dißUi Like?—lt is! like a large, le-autiful tree, which hears sweet fruit for those that are 1 hungry, and effords shelter and j shade for pilgrims on their way to i the kingdom of heaven. ft is like a cibinet of jewels and precious si ones, which are not only tone looked at and admired but used and worn. It is like a telesc >pe that brings distant objec's and far off things of j | the world very near, so that wo can see something oi their beauty and , importance. It is like a treasure-house, a | store-house for all sorts of useful ! and valuable things, and which are !to be had without money and wi.h --! out price. It is like a deep, h.oad, calm flow ing river, the banks of which aie : green and flowery, where birds sing and lambs play, and de..r little ■ dren are loving atni happy. ; Teach your child a trade even if you have to teach him to trade old 1 ion for a circus ticket. I’ewer ol n tlinei s Mio-r --stit inn. From tlio Virginia City (Nev.) Chronicle; A reporter was talking aith nip old miner a few days ago who im plicitly believed that no death ever* took place in the mines without a ; warning of some kind. ‘You see,’ he said, ‘death never comes of a sudden upon the men iu the mines. You reporters write up accidents, nnd how something gave way ori [ fell quick and killed somebody, j i Now, this ain’t so. There’s always sorao warning. "When I see my lan tern begin to burn low down and \ blue, I know that there is danger [ ahead if it keeps on for a few days and then begins to waver and flick er, I’ll watch it. close to seo where |it p lints. Now, you may set me i up as a fool, but wliat I’m tollin’ you is the gospel truth. When the flume leans over (as if it was being worked by a blow-pipe) and points jto annul, death has marked him. | Some years ago, when Bill Hen dricks was killed in the Ravage, tho llama of my lantern pointed right lto him for over an hour, and when j he moved tho flume would turn just, ! jas if Bill was n loadstone and the I flame was a mini .e.r’s needle. 1 i knew he was gone and told him to | |he careful about tho blast. Well. : lie got through all rigid and got on j the cage. As we got up Ihe candle | ! kept acting strangely, and at times ! I he. flame would stretch out long and I thin toward Bill. At length it gave a sudden flicker and 1 till reded to one side and was caught in the timbers. I heard his dreadful cry as ho disappeared down the shaft, and while he was bounding from ! side fo side, dashing out, his brains and scattering his flesh down to the j bottom, my light went out. I never Jit that lantern again. It bangs up in my cabin, and it always will. There is more in a candle flame than people lhink. I’d rather see a cocked revolver pointed at me Ilian a candle II one; a rovwlver sometimes misses, but a candle flame is sure to kill when it starts toward a mall.* How toTaiae a IVomnn One morning recently, a man whoso every look proved how hun gry nnd penniless lie was, halted be fore an eating stand at the (k tifral Market to let bis month water awhile. The woman know his worth, and called out: ‘0 me, be jogging along. You won’t got any food hero unless you have (lie cash.’ ‘My dear woman,’ ho confident!* ally began, as he drew nearer, ‘I j am not hungry; I just left the breakfast table after the heartiest | nioal I overate. I was not looking] at your beautiful meats, your lovely I cakes, or your rich juicy pies, but at yourself.' ‘What, aro you looking at me fo’?’ ‘I was wondering,’ he said, ‘if you . were any relation to Tonly Glare, of ] England. You have tho same brown eyes, same beautiful hair— same sweet accent.’ ‘I never knew her,’ replied the woman, as her taco began to clear np. ‘Didn’t, eh? Well, / navor saw two faces nenier alike in their sweet expressions. I wish T had your per trail painted on ivory- I really wish I I had.’ She handed him half a pie and a piece of meat, nt|d as he sauntered ol!she began limiting around for a piece of mirror. Or What is Kai.v a Rvmboi, ?—Of fidelity. A man who lias taken salt with yon is bound to you by the laws of hospila ity, and thus bread and all aie < '< u at the ratificuti n of a bargain or treaty, to make it. binding on all parties. Suit is also an emblem of desolation; conquered ci'ies wi re so" n with salt. In Scot 1 1 ml and Ireland salt appears to have been c ti ideis il to represent the iiiCoirup’iMb spirit, and it ws t her' fore laid above Uifc heart of a corpse, and in some places a large p.attor was so placed, containing a small portion of salt and earth nil- [ mixed, Hie one to represent tho im • ! mortal, the other tho mortal part. 11l former days, w hen it was the custom for all the household of a no- Weman or gentleman to dine to - gether the lar ;e salt -e.llar, which was placed in ihe middle of the ta bla, was the bam lary of distinction ; between the family nnd die menials. When a man is hanging by his toes from the corner of a high build ing, and expects momentarily to drop, nothing so completely reas - sures and so tii rough y satisfies him as the .sudden discovery that lie s safely a‘ homo iu lied. Tlie ( ol im nl<> Desrrl, Sim Francisco Bulletin. A night trip by rail takes you across the Colorado desert, which may be properly termed the Sa hara of the pacific coast. Upon a clear,full moonlight night tho trave ler may form some idea of the sterility and loneliness of the Pacific Sahara. You pass this particular section about midnight, and at the ’ very stmilitv of the scene a fowling i of awa takes possession oi the soul. Unlike the greater portion of tho desert, whose monotony is disturbed by mountains, hills, lagoons, creeks and a variety of animal nnd vegeta ble life, the eye wanders ill all di rections nnd encounters but a vast level surface of a fine, white sand; not an elevation, hardly, nor a de cline of tho feeblest nature present; the mesquite, the maschnl and the cacti have entirely disappeared and not a bush nor a blade of grass re mains; no living thing, not even a bird or an insect is to be seen. A (b ath like stillness seems to pervade iho scene and an awful unbroken quiet prevails. In this particular ! locality, it is said, rain never de- I sounds; no dew ever falls no delic ious exhalations of the evening ever ] touch the feverod face of nature, ! which diurnally quivers under the scorching rays of the fiery monarch of light. It is true that a pass ng cloud, over-freighted with moisture sometimes bursts, or is dashed by a driving;,wind against some ] distant mountain-top, and is made to dis charge its voluminous contents with distinctive force nil over the desert but the blazing orb quickly trans forms such visitations into the merest evidences of perspiration,and the wliolo surface soon after assumes its natural stato of incandescence. CowpeiVbcuntiful thought: “God'moves in a mysterious".,way ite.‘'jis folfc ; withfail/that sublime force and ecstucy of expression which must have controlled jthe gif ted pools in its production. Nko.'.kctkd ‘ ini,hums. Muiiy a mother lias cepi over litet sins of her child, litth dreaniing"tlmt while Hhojpersuftd her round of idle (and e Ihllt.ehihl v s taking] its tirst lesson,iu _hiu tram thef ex.implu ot n vie.imis mime. The truth is, parents lake up. .1 thernsi-lvv-t bound by duty to perform to-, many lusktj, which,"are ol much less eonsi'ijuene.o than the l ,-hing and training of (heir children. Thcjlathcr lifts his 1 rede or tirolusftion.piud his ten luisusc hours he must spoud in social pleasure. The moth er has her household cares, and the com forte of her family to study; and besides this thrio is much time to bo devoted to fancy work, visitors, and to amusements ol one kind und anothc. tier children are mere see salary consid. rations, and depend upon the khalie s nl hireling, i heir dresses may be mimcles ol putting, rufl’u.;-, refit -s and embroid, ry. lint v hilt does that count when tin ir minds are dwarfed through neglee, ? tier house may he Ihe model of ni-athess, her bread excel that ot all her neighbors, her jellies find preserves enough to tempt 1 tic most (asli,lions; but ii in all this she has kept aloof from her child, has chilled his heart towards her, what does it count? SaiiieiHiiiK Im- the New Yesir I I e world renowned success ol Houlet ici’s Bitters, nnd lln ir continued populsrity for ft quarter ol u century as a stomachic, is Hcnreely more wonderful than the welcome that greets the annual npprftranee ol Hos tetler's Almanac. Thin valuable medical treatise is published by Hosteller & Budth, Pittsburgh, l’u.. under their own humedia'c supervis'd, employ in H'l hands in de partment. Ten cylinder priming presses, W loldlnp msehineH, 5 job presses, Ac,, are running about eleven months in tho year on Ihi v work and tho issue of same for 18711 will not ho less than ten millions, piloted in ilie- English, Gsrnlin, French, , Welsh, Norwegian, Swedish, Holland, Bo hemian and Spanish languages. Kcler to j a ,- py of it far valuable and interesting i reading concerning health, and numerous 1 icalimonialsae to (he effie.iev of Ifeslelter’s Bi't'-rs, amusement, v.tri-d inlnrmatiou, as- Ironemieal c Icnlalions and chronological items, Ac., which can lie depeviled on for , orreelnc -s. The Almanac tor 1H7I) can ,he obtained free of coat from draggis's Hid general country dealers in all parts ol the country, til J .ml. K.M.T I.lit THE Tmt'iAT. —Ono who h is in ,1 ii with benefit recommends call ns a gurgle f r the throat for, these inclined to a hacking cough, or j sore-nesH of the throat ami month, j V te.iisjiooriflll of salt is dissolved in | half a tumblerful of cold water, and with this the throat is gargled just ] before each meal. An unusual free dom from coughs and sore throat is ! claimed to lie tho result of this situ ! p!e remedy. A young negro boot-black observ ed a neighbor poring w isely over a newspaper, whereupon he addressed him thus: ‘Julius, what aro you looking at dat paper for ? You can't i read. 1 ‘Go avvuy,‘ cried the other, indignantly, guess‘f cun read; Us big enough for <lat.‘ ‘Big enuftT retorted the other scornfully, ‘dat j ain’t ntiflin. 1 ‘A cow is big ennflf to catch miip) but site can't do it. - I j vpi* 1* Hi*’ i; r in ti < or j.i .i of (he| wlioio In.i' ii fc-ysipnqns it controls tht lne, licillh aiut hiippiiu'H* ot nun. When it is disturbed in its proper action, all kinds ol nts ure tbc natural icsult. TUo diges tion of lood, the movements of the heart nnd blood, the nciion ot tho brain and ner votis h.ysl. iu, pro all imnu diiitoly connec led with the of tho Liver. It has beeu suctitle tn)l " proved lent Given's Au gust Flower is umipialvd ii cuiiutf all puisor.s articled wi h Dvspepsia <>r Liver Goal plaint, nud nil tin 1 nu iu rous \ mptoms that rokult liom in unheubhy eomiitfou of the Liver aud Stomach Sample hottlea to try, 10 ceuln. Positively Hold ii aU to'vrs on tlm Western Gontineut. Three doses will j j rove that it -in just what you vaui. y Dr. E. L. Bard well. • A hnsbimil who was advis- and by bis wife to put his overcoat on to wear down town one cold moms ing, complied with her request by pinning a pawn ticket on the lappel of his umiercout. Sho could not sue through it. —O— ETLJR J®" m Lj tuS faaama noiisi: eon CLOTHIBG I 1 1 M aeon. IS J. n. HERTS’S. A full Stock at tho Lowest Figures. Fintt ( ’assimere Suit s At $9; $10; $11; sl2 of); and sls. Dress Suits sls 00 to $25 00, SI I! (ItTS all complete. Made of the best Irish Linen and Wamsntta Muslin only 75 Cos 11 Is. Full Stock of all Goods for Men and Boys i ill. prices lower than any liouso in Macon or Columbus. Quality as goorl as over. •i. * a, a n t 90 Cherry Street, j out Ilf Mivuon, (Uorj-ia. ORL RlOfeij 37 Courl Place, LOUISV'ILE, KY.p / rtfularlr fflnaic4 uni l*iwlly qiwllflrf ph<r!rlrn and ttm | hn':-4ei*Hfiil. :<* Ma wiH |'nve. Cur. *l il'/rui* I i,t chrunio nnl koxu* 1 dineaw.*, *pfx ,rmtor-' *l<sa Rail Impoicncy. ",t*“ i a.'sem youth, •< *i •-• -*in n ijrer tmh. or winer Cl-. n1 !.-•! mu* **’• */.’• l>c. s -qtiia! Cm I'.-.i, Wwn*'<<>!>• ti'kt, DrfceUva Mvro f.-r/ l*!iv j alD'-civ, i'i i) 1 ou Avrr-irrij t/i Hi <i**v 1.-n-.l'-n, Omri','. t H-M, It* f> f Beau* I Pof, *•-. j r- 'lviiriK nrirri • Improper tr unhappy, r*U l,,r • | ! (>nu:i.ii.o lr *■ Hn'l inrltd, ebarge reatonabi* i ui'l oorreapoti.lcnc*'y call tonllil. V A PRIVATE COUNSELOR Oi 200 pagoa, n-u’. to nny address. nn urdy **:il ! :■ -r thlrtjf OfU£ l.ourt from 9A.W,107 r. M. flauila) , 2Ur 4 I‘. M W* b\ TiGNEE, DENTIsr. OFFICE OVI’R MASON’S Drug store, Randolph Btr t, Columbus, Gn. X**■" S tvf; ronr *‘ I’cjotl.they nre iutter than .hi <rA. ' All nt the hvlh and Gum- (rented. Artificial Todh put in when <l-aired. a u. G-tf i Jii ,!Sl, < "lIS I Ilf •’. Tlo Tux Ho- •••Us of Talbot county will he closed by the FIRST OF JANUARY, with out fail, mid executions ill he issued uguiimt ull delinquent*. liy order of die County Commissioners. C. F. DOZIER, J’. C. _ _ W NOW INVITED TO orn un F. STOCK 1 *iM* (iooils I 'lot lih. <'asHimorrs and Trim iniii|;fl, inclu.liritr and .A Maki's. VRSO n good supply of the various rruiV- kof Home Goods; nil of which wo get up t* older .u the best style ou the eUoroat notice. An extent! ve and choioo lot of TEXAS CASSIMERES Jut in, to which we cull particular noth;a. C*. T- I’IOACOCK, (’I.OT IbO MiXIr.MIOKY, t>4 iIIIOAD ftTRKU. In nnr remly-tnade stock we have a lot of “(■ :f** iodv Suita” we will clone out nt. pney* surprisingly low. sep2-ltl O. G. Sparks <& Son, THIRD STREET, MACON’, OEORdIA, WAREHOUSE, COTTON AfD CCBSISSIOR MERCHANTS. U T 1! nff r our services na Warehouse m.d CwmmiiMon Merchants to our planting friends of Talbot nml .adjoining counties. IHantalion Kiijiplion, llofryliiKand Ties fuvniKhrd *t lowest market rules. "'fir* Advances made on G<ttin is store, ns Low aw i*} any Lour* in tin city. aei IQ O G. SPARKS A sox. ~ 114 Bread Strest, COLTTKBUS, GA. wnoLEs.u.i: and retail dealer in Dry Goods, Notions, Hats, Umbrel las, Ready-Made Clothing, is< >o r rs, si i< >i '<<■, OF THE LATEST AND REST SI ALLS, \l.|, onr O.Kills urn of Ho I .lost slvlr and fn-Di linm tho N. rlli-■rnJMorhfta. We iloly .-•>>.i|.< t<lion ill Klj-l-aml |.ri. •■! H >*o. (.. . n. .1 r .11 .vin nin the oily, wo fool certain wc can phase you. I’olih* and attentiv.i sid‘> ueui to sh >w y ,O aep24lf roit CLOTHING -(JO TO THE LEADING CLOTEJNGHOUSE OF NIBBLE SEOBGII They keep tlio best goods_ and sell at the lowest price*. Our Oolliir tSlfii'L is of the beet material and Agents for Keep’s Shirts ami Umbrella*. \V. i’iTT Baldwin is with us, and will ■> glad to have a call from kia friend*. WINS!IIP & CALLAWAY, Phi. 50 Second St.. Silicon* Hillside Shops^ TALBOTTON, GEORGIA. . J. Cos CAMPBELL, Proprietor. 'l’liq Public arc informed th it I am t.hormi;'lv equipped and prepared to do WOOD WORK ol all kmdrf, iu.cli as inuking and r U . <. W. ■ 1 . Ac. I also and tvM kinds "I iihc-kisinithiiiß', inclii'i .;11* *r. *: erd I 1 t iixtiou VV .*rk. I gaar untuo butiiilttction in ail uiy work. JT-O" l'ih ■to suit ii• - ri-u s Givo inn a 'rial. \ i.?.V M Ref, i- to J. I). Hough, V>'. J. M-iu.' k, (t-u-va; t. J. W. (tumble, S. A. Haa*. I nlbot count';'P. N. Gibson. Tulbotton HiioU'f ~ ' W. F. GRACE, ' DEALEIt I-V CIGARS. r rc> I3A( XJO. SNUFF an i > 70 CHERRY STREET. MACON, GEORGI/ THE PLAGE TO LEY SADDLS AND HARNS3 Ol Af. MARK A. RRADBORD, MA N V i■' ACT 111 KIl OF AND DE\LF-R IN Sables, Hrrnes, Trunks, ¥al:is@; : yV.N I>- Oarriage Trimmings, Leather and Leather Beltiu —ALL KINDS OF New Work and Repairing Dor* AT THE OLD S TAND OF 11. MIDDLED!!OOK. AT SHORT NOTICE. U 4. IJROAD ST,, COLUMJ3UIB. C TEIUIS M.OO it Ycur In Ailvnnce WHOLE NUMB [J, 439