The Talbotton standard. (Talbotton, Ga.) 1870-1881, January 09, 1879, Image 1

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j,v >v- I'. MIJJircKD. VOLUMF X-NO. 2. nmtluiA instititb, IiATJ'iICSVn 1.13. <i V., IMI.LOM'N #oi|* in J'h; t nil n lr<7-S, writ a lull <*oi | r ot nirncst, Kiirctcuftll teacher* \\ to ktt'p up the wid<s| r* ..1 and ilrscrvtd reputation ot this jnsly ccL* SillOOl. (irrd-n limfitnt*'-off. r* snprrii r inducements to parents deiritiff to educate tneiv M and dHUtfhttr**. Ii han all tlx modem upplianc k, apparatus ami furniture, and a ecnl nor *'*err*Mnl teaching unj nral’eled in tie State. It* music rh p.irtn.ent is con i#V(t by Prof. GnMciilHTgt r, who 1 o suptii r mid but lew equals in his profession. ■ • • ind W, :-ru l.uilrmd, and |t jaMlr the rrpnUtion ol bating the most mural, libtral and enlightened community Georgia '](uiinn sll 60 to $lB 50 tvr Term. Pood *lO (to to slu 00 per month. fXr For (’ata'oeut coirtfiining full hilDir.. >u •• ’r--< OH A BIT'S R. LvMrPUIX. Pbbc, or W. H. WOODALL. Secretary. i!rSCtf r.rtru. svillc, Georgia. r rr r-s •- r-.s < i: ? 1.. rw-ii ■ , i * •.' • . . >.. rr. IriiiiiH'l. t ’ •.1 1 t• I . '.1.11 ill, ... II •- ■■ ML Mil , II I \ si >’<, i, ,! 1. Ji i.i < ' 11 - r (lif an- our Iji iILI ' i \ i. i I 11 i o o o. ia * m no. is coLnmcs, Georgia. . \x >1 (>l.*sn 1<• jukl lUtail L'puler in' M COCtf, 61 CGfHK, ECTICt B,(tC(HET. 40. ft —AXI/ A IVLL STOCK OF Plantation Supplies, ALL of which we :relow >fi ri? :* d*l• rv p y ! w-.{ i. aiket prices, ard guarantee \ r : --o o J J.r. (hi r:s 10} rr IG<l. \V< < i•.\it. •!• I C-Oj.h- of iaihot railin' v, MIG' ! hrra to h‘ ,v< * 1 * " ,hli Vii r,i >•••'* ' Mr L. A. Philips, formerly of Har^ 3 fc Vi' 1 : F < Aid v. i J t.- {_'l tl .O ‘P.- Iris I! HUY fri and. Now Doi Forget It. I 9 1 9 Ife ti> a J Brotid Ntroet, (/uliunliiiK, Georgia }V” 1! f• <■' h*n<lw.n!<* nml ... iCi!: :At": (’JJ.WI :,t?4 50 rr Hall fottm, CO ■ *"• hEWKIE.'IiS nt Cos .. oh. 1,01 I’ o.i-: 'di.] Ans fdf) 00*. Hi nwl all Or-; -'I u ‘l? °* * : ’T ’ f rpu.'iy low. A lu.t line ot b antilul and “ hCN AWNttCHAMKICK SI J Vs. WEtWIBE AT BETiIL—HAEB 52.50 PEE KG. •**gcn find Carriage Material end ctkir Goods as Low as AMY HOI’Si. IX THE MARKET. J* A. Frazer & Cos., Er<yid Street, COLUMBUS, GA. bipt24 f ! fir*? )i \! * < a ' am y' a ***■ §Mt @Up teiffttft ra • * ,<w: AIM \ T TIiV Xi’WSl'A I'l’.K FOll THE MASSES DEVOTED TO IEYIUZATIOX AND MOXEY-MAK! > i. TAT T OTTON, TALBOT-OOUNTY, GEORGIA, THURSDAY, JANUAIY 9, FJ79. A < nrrli Sciindn! Tlirt A\ i-m!\o;n Muilimli! I ( InirMi in Clltrtilil flic o llli'.'lt ! ::VC 1.:.• 1 : sort of llcecln r sc Hi!. ', hot, it <ti. 1 not. A vuncrali! ■ cl. rovmim v. ns tiil in(* to tho district, conference, in the cistern townships, somewhere near Stnnsteml, iiis companion in the bnpjry 1 1- in;r a vomu', z ah s nml indiscreet minister, not loop station ed in that part of the country. As they jop.ised past a tittle cros vo tavern, the old "vnt!< man indie i oil it with his whip ar.d said: “Many nml many a day I've been to that tavern years ngo.” “Yi s,’ said In companion "itli indifer nee. •V. - and n mighty l and emo wife the tavern keeper had, too.” “Ah,” id tac young laotio' with i;urp:is •. “Yes,” continu and the . Id.a . “ he w:n one of tlie hand-omed won, n Ten i saw, young, pretty, plump, lino col or and such arms ! Many ami many a hiss have I given In i' v. hen vo ware sitting in a lag haircloth eha*r in the little pi ivate si! ling i < , m w the bar. Mill, well, time ll " ami the good old mall gar. ,1 at his e >m- panion, who ,• . yes were as larg • a ■ soup plati s, then blushing of a deep. ■ beet red . lie raid, withs uuo cuef t siom'llle-s me,what have l been say ing? Of course, brother, you wi t ! not, lire it he av, >rd of l his; I cannot j imagine how I eann* to sav n.iydiim; shout (hi . hat then tie- Ia: j The yoiin,:'e! rgyinan gavn tin re. ■ iplin (1 | aedg.■ in-] pealed it at. f1 < I end of lla ir and: ire win n the old man 1 besought him • in. iy to i ■■ lit her at.d md 1 ■H■ a w. ;,1 of the mnttir flat during the nftcniooii the young minister n and, <le daring t ha! he emiscii •• ■■ w.-ui.i n< t longer id ,'v him to In er lie harden he l.a.i imp ■ ,1 upon it, and he must tell tlie !ruth no matd lu.w terrible the ennsi ipteuee.--. inform and the brethren that Iholliev had that day admit!. 1 that lie had be n guilty ot iinpi .per and line! li .! i.iti conrliie* toward, a more 1 woman j -m tie . i.i.l refit and hi ’ll i with an I, - on that aho ml tin f, had never h. a so am, y re;, n i Of 11 is 111 ede i It) *.V the'. O'.. I \ body fir i :■ tum I;d I 'n* ye., '.er m<, . then at tl.e iceu cd niiuo.ter, who. foi a hundred m T ■- ; ■ !. hud vv, ,i nil etivialde 1! , Alt t iell for upl'i lit - ness and pm ay. i act: • :mo ied hi . face in his hand, and He ('liairman ih ired the young brolhtr to repent his Ktiirtiing iiceusation o detail. The young clergyin-iti did; so, and when he an.mime and that the other iiiendier of the 'guilty paii rvas a woman whose name he did not Know, hip whose illia'ellld lap; a tavern at G irneis, wa elec trifij and til he ir tie < ’ airman bawl, ■ ‘Ha! ha! ha !’and every n:(mi lr o! the eonfere 1 ee go eg' in ; are ;eni oflangi.ter. ‘Gan you- is it sstbl roil can oi.iile at such a revela in Y said the dumbfounded y ung niiir ter, anp as soon as tho tlie ('haii man had sufficiently mastered hi-. emotions to speak, he said: ‘My dear young brother, h' lure brother was converted at: 1 entered the ministry, Jie 10-i.t that tavern.’ 'J here after that young minister was nolo I zealous and infinitely more discreet. Pottku Pai.mik's r ..:u. —A fe dava ego during one of hia rounds | through Ida pa!,.tin: hotel; the land-! lord of the J’.dmi If - o entered a l Mini sudd nly iindoi ' .void a win (low '.vuhlier lei .iirtly em.oi fed in reading a jinw.-paj •r. Going very active idn,s.lf lie had no use fur a lazy man, or one who slights bis work, 11,-discharged the washer on t.iie spot and ordered him to go to tlie office for his my. The man ol .ay: I. got his money, went, to h.s room on the the ii;>; r Hour, .UTiiyJ: I him-eif in his Sunday :">it, paeke , up his dn is, and dcKCt-nded to tin: servant's apuriuieut to lshe 1; nvo of his for on l a on,ad,;. About thi i tune dir. l’alui' r < nterefl, but did no; recognize his uotidam employ ill his t.ture clotiit-s. ‘Hong in; man, you look as ti..,ugii there was good v.otk i:i you; do you want a jobTlie ex-washer, som surprifif.l, admitted tli:P lie toot I in need t.f one. ‘Canyon wash win. .downs The m, m a ''owed that L could. ‘Weil, Slid Mr. I‘, in.or, ‘f have just 1 1 1 t-liai gfd a man .who ha | boon doing that mat of work. I paid him only twenty dollars a j month, kail if you lake the place ml jgo right to work I'd I v you twenty two dollars.' The proposition was i quietly accepted and in half an hour 1 the di charm and employe "as f-e.iih king away in tho s.axo old room.— Chicago Timex. | Vii tue would not go iur did not van ity escort litr. Kitled !n His Sister. imman • i u i.i:n in A VBN'en'T.VA- Ni\ I'.untl'li a oil'll \Ne H.n-l.'Oli't'UXK. •Totiustown Ti'ilmap. O' i o ' the i addest of tragedies was that on Friday evening at the home of Mr. U.chard flothem, near l'idside, Weslmoti land Ceunty, l’a. Mr. 11. and his wife went away on a visit on Friday, leaving r.t home their son .1 ,h, aged ‘22, their dailgater Mary, ng. and 19, ii’nt two other daughters, 9 aml 11 yearn of age respectlmly. In the evening des; ph attended a spel ieg ‘bee.’ emrioning his sish r .Mary, ns he went away, to beware of tramps. At about 9 o'clock lie started for home, and as ho approached the house the hat king of the dog a alarmed his sis ter a do ph was not expected b :rk at Si i ,:rly iai an h mr. Jl is pro! - ml • the young til m intended to test In- sit. er Ma y's courage, for lie pulled hia hat down over his eye and otherwise disguised himself. NYaeti lie was within a few rods of t.liu hot'-e May app ns and in tho and airway and li 1 led him: ‘ls tl at you, doe y' I'm ho did not answer nd continu and to ud\. ice. The ■irl now win '."d up to adjjgh pilch of cxcili tie. lit. ag.uu hailed Iho a a vaiieing figure with, ‘Who are you T S’ill lio answer, and Mow shouted a 1 . ,' 1 ; that yon, Joi?’ and ran into tho house uml armed herself with a shotgun. Jh turning to the o a- : be discovered, to her surprise the ~(range man st .ti ling on the ■ti pn, and as toon . , she appeared lie advanced toward lie]'. ‘Stop,’ i slanted’ a,I >p, or I will idioot >oii!’ JIo took toot i'stop, and at tho sumo instant the girl raised tho j e: a. 1 :i:' !, and he sank and wn oil •he porch groaning, ‘Oh, my dear I -, 'ir!’ ‘Oh. my dial' brothel', I have killed you I’ tho poor girl ha cami las slip threw down the gun and carried him into the house, wlu el. ion died 11 .1.1 1 In'hem, the flthcr, is ! h ■ 1 "•;! U |. | .go, j iek i ii; ahe ;;ine 11 :i t !:■ ■ raih um.] m o his houi" Me v,as w'liking along the road and uv a in! led newspa per, 'el on picking it tip found en closed hi*; .'in hank notes. He t ; k ... - 11-' to an at I- niev atid SOU gilt. legal advice. Advert ise m nits w< iv in scried in tho news p ipei.s tin .ii ;lii >td 111 ■ e inn! iy, in the liep ol disc iv. ring the loser of ft i money, - nd for over a year ilili • ml h wa ■ made fur and wide, bit* no one ever appe ired li) claim it, ami Mr. Holbein even.u:l!y anpro tu ,it'd it. to his o a us A short lime t rcvieeiK to the iiadieg of the i:ioli• v a la’ an- expre-s i .ihherv hid iiei.ii perpetrated m -a ilarper’H Fcr- IV, ai; lit\v ei the i.ei-d belief that , h. ii,g c! :<• 1 y jires- oil hv pierauers, the :ha I thrown tho money from a car window, intending to re turn I it on the ti.-.i. opportunity of eluding the detectives. Mr. Fane -,v ui'c 1 to give bis wif ■ ind two ehi Iha n a sleigh lido, but ■ lioh 'd neither 1 a e nor slcigli He avereame the dil.lenity by nulling j runners on it Inigo box, and choos ing the ice on the river ('.his was | i.■■ei' Dubuque, i.iw i.) fur the riding pi ire, h- e eme tie re he could easily nit h th" va and its loa-l. The po !y .:a rid eg in hi;g!i glee, first mi'king pri ;i ir it ions f r a hot hinch eim oil their ia turn. The ice was sir •’> > n i rie a! in re but thin over 1 the a .:f• euni'iit. s!r. L ine pushed in- : 1 igli to .va 1 1 the mill,Ho of the stream. The party broke through and weie drowned. One.of the vi i v best pin.) arations f o p .i, 1',.., . 1!,,e leak is to i.ree'i; ■ e iar at th ■ gas works' •Old mi li.. ■ :,.fled (••ml ashes or road d'l-t v. i ii e till about as Illicit I ns mortar. I’ a wt'ii this care fa',;. - lo.iii ' !■ :,; •.• roof valleys or gatl. i'-, or : eldii.aey fl-i liing. It a .11 .. i a -:t us b ird as .-‘one and i app r idly as ire]-structible. This | :i. ;i- di 'li i.-. very eh up, and would pr ibuhly arm . c oqaal'y well spri a 1 Iml o.a r n red p.eviotVliy liliil with .'■•l or roofing paper. Once put on nioperly it would seem to be lucre ; far all time. A shoc.-ling affray occurred at Crab Orchard, K uMicky, 1 Inn -day night, Stewart Meyer, ml the Carson bro- j tilers I" ii g the cliff actors. A tier . 1 the firing commenced loth sides were rt in force t an 1 some forty shot , j gnu and pis o! • bids were exchanged. .1 v- i.’ onl h r was shot t, >pec s, ! Dive G I*S 111 A a:, .eei iousiy wounded, and half ft dozen o 1 ors were more or levs hurt. It is feared that the ‘ trouble is not ye conclude J. ; Wu.vt i\> ’J eveu Tin: Foyh. A 1 phiiosopliur bus suhl that the trier education of boys is to teach them what they ought lo know when they I become men. What, is it they ought to know ; ! b pl ' ? ( 1. To he true, to he genuine.— N T o edncatiin is worth miylhim: that does not inclndo this, n m: i n ! had belter not know how to road; . ho had iielter never learn a I iter j in the a p lain t, and he true •vd genuine in intention and in action rather than, being learned in all sciences and in all language!'., to li nt the sumo time false in hear! and counterfeit in life. Above all things leach the hoys that, truth is more than riches; more than any earthly power or position. 2. To ho pur,- in thought, language and life -pure in mind and b aly. ■Yn impure man, young or old, is a plagu spot, n leper, who ought to he treated as were the lepers of oh’, who wi re banished from society. I U. To be utiseftish. To care for the feelings uml comforts of others. To be poliie. To la; just in all dealings with others. To he generous, noble, nd manly. This will include a gen nine r. vevenco for tho aged and things sacred. 4. To bo self reliant and self help ful, even from early childhood. To be industrious always, and self sup porting at tho earliest | roper age. Teach them that all holiest work is honorable, and that an idle, useless life of dependence on others is dis graceful. When a boy lias lenanod tin so four tilings; when lie has made these idea a part of iiis being, howeri r young ho may he, however poor, or howev er rich, lie lias learned Homo of the most important tilings he ought to know when he becomes a man. With these four properly mastered, it will lie easy to find all the rest. The Coluiulms Times thus lolls hrov the Me or of Reynolds pro vised a gna’ 1 house in a late ease of pre-sing e-. ... -ney. Ii Riys: ‘Rey nolds, a vi Ii go mi the .Southwestern J! iilrou.l. In : i r.-ently been jncorpo rated, and d< ai not yet enjoy the indispi n.- .blo luxury of a guard house, without which no well regiilu tod town cun, in this enlightened epoch, well exist. Rut notwith.-tniid ing this hiatu.; ill the young town, people will ieei ii mully imbibe too much of the 'fiery stuff,’and purlieu hirlv when they are bent on having a jolly Xmas. Thus thought two wn.telicM who eumo to tho embryo city on Flr'istinas day, and soon b came g'ori'i'i'dv jelly. Tho an'lin i ties of the villago calling it, however >\ 'he vulgar trims of drunk and di; i dci ly, had the Marshall t.-i ar j rest (lie h siive pair under a, brim new ordinance trained for that pur pose. After trapping the birds, the perplexing question arose, where and how to cage them. Too Mar shal concaved a grand idea and forthwith ii'iiized that rare article ! Spying an old w agon body, and be | ing readily assisted, he placed our ; heroes under it, and then fearing' that they might still slip away,rolled ! a convenient, bale of cotton ori top of ; aforesaid wagon body. A smile of | triumph lit up tho Matv-lial’s face when ho was last Been by our iufors : ui'int. Giipt. Jim Dense, to whom, by ; i lie way, we refer for furl If r panic | ul'ii'H, ni.'titig astride the lade to ha and ;cihqi-. the additional weight ol authority. t 2 <>:•-! of Fei-pie ;<i’<• Slur iyi'H T i t.ouil.ielio. iofiilliM ■ s-ymptnui ot -i ili - 'r<lrr. it stem ich, liver Olid tirwct-. Many Mitfvr trorii it as liiiUi.y as ti.ev or tom* timen n veek. Tjiuy do ho arfsllcssly, f r Ihist'-U its Stomavli tlitn-rs, by touiiv.' tho di;." .fiv.j oritanf. and tho 1,0,-. - 01. will liver, louiovea tliß c u e, and di.,- pels lie paint'll symptom. The iutim-d. Kvmpatliy I ■iv.e u lie briin ah’, t i- ati *l u ii'.;t! r-- v • CiUnan tt:o n'.irrhte.-.t di'sinl.’i liny, 1 ~ i.etpr to 1.0 1 : il.-.clc l, as il rr, 1:1 tlie in of tlioualit. Tin l r -*f,: j,i i s'if tod tiy fin Hitters ' laui t li<- dp.sviv . . ,-r i"" and rvaea.iiivn limotioiis arc in .■ stale ot clia-is, has other and uiarn lioaol:. r'isult.s, v : /., the coaijili-tii natrition of do* .vb"l physic ii r.coii'uny, the le.s'or.aiou '.I nppiVi'e an I roporo, and an ii.- i'-as- in ho pe or el tlie system tu rof.i.t, disuaics ot a iijal.'.rf.rl type. j2ti!2t Ati I i.di'miible 'lT'itJlj. Yuli <1 serve tu sail ;r, an lil yon lead n s aishu-t- ry lift* iu thishiaiiti fill u-nrl-.1, il i-- nlirely ymir o-.rn fault a’ul iv eit'y one . xen-e lur you, yum- tie nSH- ;. !d e j.rijiliU -i: and si.eplieisin, wljieli • i I iluUHands. Per Si mat kn , . 1 . . • aid mamiuti i reasoiin :■ ill su si.o, you tli <1 Green's Asuust Flower will ee, ‘il Fiver Gninpl iiut, or Dyapepai i.wnh "il its miser .hie I Heels, such ass ek le ad ae p'lpi a'inii ot the heart.sour stein e-h, h'll il Mai I",-I V;.||(HS, diZzilii'H. ol tile lead nervous prnafration, luv s; i’iis, A*. Is r-ite innv rruieh cvi ry tmvn on the We t- rn <>nt -mil a Driiy.-G 1 but will tell you o! i's uudert'.l cures. ,a eiu buy n Sa Uuttle !ur tl) cents Three d,',. .. will relieve you. For sale by l)r. Iv i jjsnl-ifcll' yj w. 30. T.vo D. i ;w ash vu-i ( ..M's will got t in .rnMAi.ii i fl Lite. ■. Book 1.. rti ev. 18?.'. N . is tin. liiuo to subscribe. 11. 84 20- Povn D.u.i.uis am. -b i-> '.is will 1:0! tlif St.iM.AUI> lU.II StMlltxnu's M. Mini .lie .veil- 1ST!). 'l’lii- rci'uli.i- pi*ice ol herd nev is lour dell,tv. If. S : >3 •£> >. Tl.lnk of ill Oni: Uoixir mill ninmt rr\r- -"ill -A the Sonmis. ntvl the A:.n:nir.iN KutMun otto year. T 1 ’ plant a. ...t.. l.t not to iv.o.t i.'Pßotieml info unit ton cou.‘ their business. Sp. ciin. ii co, tes ut this . (flit •. - .TOII lMlIi. IIN 1. ■ r ut. liixn-', il utt ,it this i.tli c with n.ittn s. .itul .liumtoli .111(1 .. . .ft I! THIN AY .1 l.v 1...1S IT. 1' .11 on hh for I .t.-rc having vonr work ilon ■. 1 istvli. 1 ■. 1 I'Olt c tmm ! n Macon. -is j. il mxmi, A full Stock nl. tlio Lowest Figures. It’iiHi f .'nsshiKTt' Hiiils At, $1); $10; $11; $1.2 50; and sls. DressS t Jls 00 to $25 00. lAII al2 TS 1 :11 complete. Alitiln of tlio btsl Irish Linen and Wamsutta Muslin only 75 C<- n Is. Full Stock of Good.; for aim —A Bays id prices lower than any lionso in M .eon nr (tilninbii:'. Q. tidily in; go . 1 nt ever. .$. $ it. r 2 -• ri z, 1 'horry SI rent., octltf Mm.-. ut, Georgia. : . : . 37 Court mc8 I LO;sy!LLE,KY. J I r'..,d.r-7ed;c.:. 1 f.r;.l "-M; '.••• V. ! j,rv* M-inO CA-I J.O . ; .... it, - /,U Ul* ; f■; .;.,i. . . IA . <■ i. ■' . " '.if ,l\ E7 : '.v 7s ■.'.■'7.7.?: W. 7fr v!-ss,.G A PMIVATK COUrTfEIiOR W.. *•'. TKiXEH, DM TIST, Ot'/ICT. OVER .MASON'S Drug Store, flit. I-'lj-li sir. 1 1, Columbus, Go. ■ ■ vivo :" 1 i;'t tin j nr. ittei t'l -,J 1 .11 1 .-S ol till' I. li ll ill).; ■, .. O', t 1 (01. 10li u.,1 To!li put in ■'.'i.i'ii o, atiufl-ti 5 j;wl. < Min sit;**. The Tux It.i. lis n( i .iibot c.oiiiitv trill hr 01. 1 0.l by the IT,; ,T OF JANL’AtII, vitb ont foil, (ii'.l ex.outioi.s ill bo i.snul .o' 1 inst nil rl. limpi- tttv. Ity order of Conoty C .muiis .ionoiy. C. K. DOZIER, TANARUS, c. ! -7! KNOW INVITED TO 01 K Mil I- (It "ii-re < i ootis, (dlotli't (ki s ; in r, s.iulTrlm miny s, •e• -, ”'itr.> ii>.h, uiul Aiuericini g. \\L' ■"■nl sn t.|v f.f th,* V rioMf m.\\ '-lilt ii •.! : i . :.•••!* w j £ft up U onler .n tbo best Hivlt on tl.o lion*st hoticn. An cxlcnsivy nml choice lot ol TEXAS CASSI MERES Inn in, to tC I I, \vp nil P irU.-ule.r I'lo'i.e. * (i. .7. PKA (fOCIf, Ci< : ♦■ 1 'i:v, * 4 STKKHBL ! • ! 1•1\ -1 • 1 m>li• slecli \v- lmvc a lot ol ‘ *(s lll m. ■ tl• .*'• il*" \\r will c'.gko out at pno .i' l >v7iii' 'v h--w. ecp2Jtf &S6:n, Tllllil) STREET, MACO'f, GE-.ldtJIA, , to?, mon ich mmum; f \7l! .* ■.••■ l *-i v . r our • rvitvs as Wim iMm s-m .1 C mim .1 M .••iiunls to our blunting’ U jVu iul .1 Tu'ix-t Eiuljuljoiuing couniitK. ri.mlTGon Supiditis, J .• s **•;*• in.!A‘ and Tics pi.: ■ 1 • ! Ii tlx-t r.itrs. ' ' Ail'ir tv i- ? * f:-'' • . fvr.v nH b) m 10 O. (7 ?• P TilvS & :-OK. 314 lli’oad Street, C •:.!! r ii5JS, •. 4. WHOLESALE AND BET.ItL Dl’ALni* IN' Dry Goods, Notions, Hats, Umbrel las, Ready-Mado Clothing, HOOTS, Slid !M, Site, OF THE LATEST AND IJES T ST VI,'IS, I,L ' 1.1 111'.. I.l'll 0 1 itest st.vlra anil ft.-slt lv m l!.. Xortli.-ni MiirkH,:. We defy I atul priite of Goods. < . uit di rflten iu tliQ eiiv, K’s t™ eit.un , , ..u pl< ;e miu. Colite and utteiitiv,! s ;• , ■u "> sc |2d if F4M CLO c t ; aSNCi " -(JO To -111! fifMIAI CE LiIAEIEG CI.GIBIKG EC3SE CP LfEE GEORGIA .They keep tlio best goods and sell at the Owed prices. Gtr J lolltir Wll jj*t is of tl;,' 1m ; ‘ and fitsr^weil Agents for Keep's Shirts and Untbie’las. A . I’u r llauhvis is with us, and wi.l !■ .dad to Lave ' cull from Ida friends. & € A¥, . Macon* Hill. ops, TALBOTTON, C EOI\GIA. . J* Cos CjIMPBELL, Proprietor. ;:i infonii''llli.xt I-tin idoi'" .7 . . ~ i vul jir.*j; Ito do \Voo*> is, s'icit ns in-living mid i j '.i: n•i * • . V,i ■ tfi, Ac. I al*o do # •'- ■ it: Imliu j, J I'ti i : . 1' . .ii ■ W r'i. X v ill'? • . .i in in nil iuy work. jCii • J.'iitv* *■. .. , . t ,, s (Jiw m n trial. . '.A A3 ; :, f 5 3'M^l/- 11. ■■ I. I). Unit 11, W. -1. M, 11rn1,., C ,1. C mil I", S. A. Han', eoui.t i; I N. Gib,, .11. T.iliiottoii. nuV't W. Rg: . E, i > ii! ai-.i cj 2 i :<■; vn CLG A.IIS. r FO I? A ( 'CO: SXUjj’l .’ a-\i> ■ !i 1 ' i’A 70 CHERRY STREET, MACON-. GEOF^QI . BUY S 'ESS SHE!-- c}ark Ao cAAmmm, MANUFACTUHEB or AND UEVLEII IN ,Hai . tlisaS) —A >J 3)— Jarriage Trimmings, Leather and Leather Beltii:;. —ALL KTNDd OF New VGork asnl b^e'...airing Iloixo * • t AT TUF. OLD STAND OP H. MIDDL'CLiIOOK. AT dIORT NOTICE. Di imOADST., rOId tIBIJS <J.* TUIt.MS. : V. h! \(!v:mtc WHOLK NFJMBrR 140