The Talbotton standard. (Talbotton, Ga.) 1870-1881, January 16, 1879, Image 1

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n r vu. il kUAjrV>RD. MLTJME-X-N0.3. Q!d BeJialile. ff. A. JUIUN A CO..> s.X 4b. JL. Best grades Foreign find Domwrti* Stap lo & Fancy Dry Goods. TRUKGCLtB BLOCK MACON. GEORGIA. Blade and Colored Silkt'ißl&ckand Color ed Dvosss Goods. I in nil the latest styles ami most fasli- I iouable designs. I, ,i. Suxi.a Uowekt, ! CcnsjJs, Kii Gu' l '' Nece-AVear and Fancy Gooi>s prompt and careful attention paid I orders. Samples sent on applicn t;.m and express paid on all orders f (Ten Dollars anil upwards octnf w. A. JCHASACQ. LAN IE Pv HOUSE. 15. DUD. Proprietor MACON, GEORGIA. TiHH HOUSE is now provided with t v< ry conT'nience lor th* iwroiuuio n and comfort of its patrons. Iho lo >t ist de ir.ilde itnd convenient to ‘the liihinefia portion of the city. The Tables lx,™the hast the martial offnrds. On.nibns t m i frotu depot charge, baggage . i ‘fee ot l llSr-s. &T- The 11AU is supplied wlttl Ti e best I Wiiw an.l Liquors. I T. SMITH. I J ’ i.l I Smith & Bull. [attorneys at law. T.UiBOTTOX GA. IA A MIX piucTfc* in all tho Court* of th*- In (. nattubooch* o circuit. Pr-'inpl ai- I: • .liou tf> collectiouH. K oflice ovor C. W. Kiiabtough's Store. 1 ocjflgjß7B. j;. H. wmum.U J. ft. \v< itnii.h E. fl. WORKILL & SOB. [Attorneys & Counsellors at Law. f Talbot ton, Georgia, I Practice in Superior and Supreme Courts lof and 'he U. ft. M our** at Sevan- I nl:. t fecial alien to all matter* I m Hatilmifitcy. Jan 8-1 r, | JAMES S McCORKLE I AnonsrT AMD Co’UNSHIJ'DR AT LIW, frpnevß <2norgln, O [ prnr! ic<“ hi Jhn c '>U <*f Tail) l t„ IMnnon, Ghattal; Cocli v " .*kl 1 ini >, .f*d ni the Okattxtarooenro Ttrmey in tn* font it w extern Circuit, Special atteution i'Aol to the collection of claims. Hefmßkn'ues. " -1 Lirton iV Cos., P; ''Wnl <V fL 'dit ” !<■'- *" r > J I>. Hough,., it. A, i ied, 'Dirui-r, A. J. r.iUtlW, CM)t H**ry P* r* >■--!. P McCrary, afi ff 'Gilev*. Gu, liOwa & Itnshin, fh s. L. Ih v <' t Iluei a | ■'U v r. A. .V Cos., of (’*! ml>us, <1 [" A Hlark, 8. w. It. It . Ai .m --fra. j.i!i 8-tf. ' . Si Mi/MFOKD, Attorney at Law l'aj[bo( Urn (jeory in, —O Will practice in nil tlie e®nrt* of Ilia Chat- j Er. < choP Circmi and elsewhere oy special ; Prompt il Luai ; ‘ eiktrcstf dt Irion J. M. MATHEWS, attorney at law Talhoßon tin.] * I Prompt at tenth ti to- < Vmc- I * - ‘ Super: r CdiuV’'. of Qjattabor Lee I' p And Supremo Court of (iorgia. J. H. M.mJIN, •iTTOILMIY ATLAW. TALBOTTON, (jA. \\ -’LI. pmotice in tho ConMr. of tlir C'hal f ' '"hooi-ho* Circuit au<i the Suprou:. "• |,, rhe Sute. ThseoHsotiDK I milieus ’• ' ■ ja:.Btf ■ M - WILLIS. ’ • >j. i. WU.I.IS. WILLIS & WILLIS, aitorsbvs and corxsf.LLorji at law. taldo'iton, ga. I J’l.Stf I". TIGNEB, DENTIST, ( )D ICE OYLU MASON’S Drnt; Store, “•uidolph slrctt, Colnmbus, (ja. | - 2 *|" Sae jour “Teeth;" they are boiler *'' ' ’ie All diseases of the Tn 'i ■ 1 -’K-ated. Artificial le ; fh pat l „ '■ s,rtd sugC-tf . ouv h. Vi - J HOI>K KOI*. niOTHINC In M'acoi i, —lfs - i. H. HERTZ’S. A full Stock at tbo Lowest Fi^urto Fine C' , j*rsfinC‘T*r> Sin?t e At *!•; $10; $11; fV/ CiQ, ami sls. Dress Suits sls* 011 t<j s2n 00. shirts ■ll complete. SLidc of the best lii.,’ Linen and WamsnUa Muslin Only 75 Cent's. Full Stock r.f all Goods for Um and BoyS a! pi ices lower than any Louse in Macoiy or Columbus. Quality as good as over. .1. 11. Hertz, 90 CLerry Street, octllf Macon, Georgia. gouetsTady's idotr* k;:i>i t 1*1:11 ter>i's in .u'fyi^<*r. PUSTAOK I'KKPAID. We rfTi*r no Cheap Prcmiuma. Put giv von the Pest MacMEine jinhHflhed. CLUB TERMS One copy, one vent CM) iwoci picH. one year 3 S> ii. copicH, one. year, ft 40 I' Dr CO}; feS, f'lß' prcAr.o 80 Five coj left, one \cur, and au eitra copr to the pefson gerting np the f üb, making six enpian 0 GO Kigh.’ c'piOK. pie year, Hiil-afl extra cojiy t- the } erson g? fturg n;> the cl b, making ninu c p '■, .. ....14 -i fn corces ->h< year, irti-rari eirra - j y to the per-ioii getting up th‘ cJotr, making elev ri copies ..... 17 Ob I Avi j,tv v pie?, liDft year, and copy to the person "ettin?( np the c!ul>. making twenty-onf? copies. . 31 50 N* v Is THE TIMK TO MIKL T7F YT>Ua < IjVM. HOW TO REMIT. M a Post Office M t . vOrder on Philadelphia, > r a Dralt on Philadelphia or Sew Vurk. If you esn not get either of these send Bank r*<6M,Wnd in tLe latter cast register your letter. I** ies desiring to get up efubs kciu! hr a spec!men copy, which wil Ikj erl fr . AduroH, God Fa's iqc. E Pi ni.isjj* imaj < Vv, Oalmh i-.ih * • ]Oofi Chestnut ftt.. Philadelphia, Pa. N OTICIC l All kinds of TCRMMi DONE, both wood and iron. GINS wbeted and L'-sstl* ’ repaired. • j. F. W S Str^i, Mill two miles east of Talbotton. mnjiltf A COt'N'THY NKWSrAPEK Poll TH* MASSES DEVOTED TO CIVILIZATION AND MONEY-MAKING. TALBOTTON TALBOT COUNTY, GEORGIA, THURSDAY. JANUARY iff. 1879. Ni>‘k Twitting '■> Cliuk’li TLers are practices which are tol erated in religions congregations which chvistiaus, who are jealous of tho honor of their Master’s house, should utterly condemn. Decorum is tho handmaid of devotional feel injg, and for this reason a church should never bo disturbed by the slightest approach to irreverence. ‘lt is a j art of my religion,’ s lid a pi oils old lady, whou asked why slit; went early to church.* 'lt is a part of my religion not to interrupt the religion of others.’ And we believe if many congre-ga tioas made it a part of their religion not to twist their neck's out of joint to witness the entrance of every per son who passed up the aisle of tin church, it would ho better for their necks and* their religion.. A gross abuse of religions decorum some times needs a harsh remedy. Wu give tslmt adopted by Henry Clay Dean, who was at ouo lime I lie chaplain of Congress. The anecdote s from a paper called the Facile Methodist: Dung worried, cno afternoon by this turning, practice in his congre gation, Mr. Dean.stopped in lesser moil and said: ‘Now, you listen to me, and I'll ,toll yon who tho people are as each One comes in.’ He "fill with his itis course until a gentleman entered, when ho bawled out, like an nslier: ‘ Deacon A, who keeps a shop over the way.’ He then wont on with lus sermon, when j rcsently another man passed into the aisle, and his name, resi deuce and occupation; so lm contin ued for o netieie A leng h .some tme opomjtl the door who was unknown to Mr. Dean ! when he cried out : j ‘ A little old man, with drab coat | and 1)8 bid v lute lot* ibltl’i !<¥ .T him drool; 'for yort rse! ves. ’ The congrcgoliou was permanent ly cured. AVIIY So.Ml' I’KOPI.E Mil I*OORe A bushel oi sense is found in the fol lowing reas.imi why si ino peojihfmti poor. It is taken fvojii tbe Arknncas Tribune: “ 1 liev raise pot ton.fu the x<-'nsU>n of corn, hinall giain and hay. “They rent land, instead of buy ing anil clearing a farm for them selves, ' • , “They fitlf a great trifnv thinpdi ton credit, that tliev don’t need, in stead of paying cash for what they do need. “They mortgago their crops ti> bnv fine clothes to wear out at rough work eve.-v dav. “They buv their bread and meat from the merchants and pay for it by raising co ttln. “They Imv seed potatoes that are raised in New York when they could raise thorn cheaper than* tiir-y can pay the freight on them. “They feed tin it corn away to a ■gli at number of hogs; then being unable to buy more, let them die La want of food. “They fail to prpvjde hay or .bel ter for euttly e.r fiorsea during It:" wititer months, allowing them t tinnt out for a living in the snow atrdfcohl winter rains. . “They fail fo raise vegetables or fruit for tjieir families to .eat and have to send their money out of the country for fat meat instead. Tliev try to do as theft more for tunate and wealthy neighbors do, and not being aide, they find them - selves—left.” A Washington oorjespoh'tent who ha been iqi estigaling the subject of the sate of photographs there, writes that Mrs. Hayes leads ail others. Of the Senators Mr. Dlairie goo of b'-rt, with L unar and Gordon following, Conkling i far in the rear, ‘even Thurman beating him. Of the Hep r<m ntaiLtesHpOakei' Uaudull leads, with A. If,. Step hens .close to bis heels, an'd Gi neral Jlutler next. An extra sujiply of Hlaiue’s was laid in to meet the emergency 1 ® bis lattf speed). **sJ N FLUE N( Y. OF Nj;-.V G-AJ'KF.S. A Brljof.l tcaei. r who htm betn l a 1 in Li profe ion, nrift wirfn?*ho r l the influ ence of a newspaper, ‘'ihcwe young meli who h tve for iftira bcefi rhi Jcr v of ‘‘niwapapera aic *fiifng th * Je:tA ili deb.ttii>g soci' a indre ex. ffenvsve mid a gr'cafbr fluency, I cleariiiH;i and coijfectuess* 4 *—ftTANDABD. The Duels of (lie I’utt Year. MKM WHO MKT OX THE riKt.P OT HOTTOR AND W HAT TIIKV qt'AHUEI.KP ABOUt. <'ir.cintmti C"aiari'il. January I‘J.- At the junction of the A. and O. and S. and 0. Hail road, three miles from Savannah .be tween Walter A. llucley, lawyer, and Hubert. Vishburh, ten paces, <’nit’s revolvers, Hurley killed; cause, politics, February 3.‘— A. J. Xicolopulo and George YilUre fought with ■avoids at Montgomery station, on X. 0. and M. li.:iilro. and; Xicolopulo w- aiided in the hand. 1 (binary 2d.—ln Charles City county, Yu., forty miles from llicli - im ml, Thomas Wilcox and llieluml Walker, dispute about, hands adjoin ing; two shots (hail and Walker full; \\ lieux slightly wounded in the arm Both parties were arrostoil After t ie that shot AYiifox said, ‘hold oil, my pistol is out of order aiul won’t hi" 'All light; I'm not in a liurvv 1 urul i’li wait,’ was hit opohont’s rc p'y- March 7,—At'Panton, near TTni ‘versity of Virginia, 3. T. Johnson,' Ji', and Mr. Cockrell fought witli bowi). knives; IWkvell called John'- Son a liai’over a game of billiards. I ho young mon were a u-d 22; neith er party were hurt. M ircli 2K —At I'astville. Vti , Sid uey Tilts and A. P. Thomas fought with pistols, to swttlo a quanolabout S2O, two rounds at six foot apart. Pitts was killed and Thomas fatally wounded. July T--On Luliomhimrg frontier, I .lories Cairo.lo, minister to Belgium from San Salvador, and Moilira,min i r from Guatemala. C'ace.lo wouu •li hi I!)■> .hoii'd'-r. Dr. VTti im A'nhery and Adolph F nuimer. Colt’s six- hooting pis I " Near I.atuiiia Springs, Kon 'y.e yj i lie shot. Dr. Auln ry ivnuu-. 1 din ho foot. Quarrel about, a tndy; lifteeu paces. July II Tho Tlov. Dr. AVade I Hill, Baptist, and Andrew Scrog- I 'ins, soii-iir -law, fought a duel, leu jmeea in Ilnthsiford county, N. 0.; Scroggins skunked l)r. I foil’s dangh ter an 1 tho doctor,reproved loin. A qnarn l'an i fight ensued, doctor cornin'out best. Scroggins chal lenged, the reverend declined. Scrogg n. vowed revenge, if lie pois oned h'HCoflV,.. Ti e reverend was ti lap si mod. They met on horseback. Major ‘H i, T’vo got you now.’The reverend—'Keep cool.' Major—‘Ten minutes to sav your prayers.' The reverend—‘Will sir, Pin /cady,’ i draw ing a*l wringer. Major—‘And jso 'am f; ituty the Lord have mercy j '>n its both,' and fired, with no i fTeet, : Tho l evel end fired and killed Scrog gins. _ August I— ft: S' ftanlsbury and J. 1 S. Iverson, of Augusta, Ga., met on i <jar .iioa side of the river and ex -1 "bang' and shotNofioily hurt. S ii emberll John Kiley and an I unknown man, at tho Catholic ceme tery, San Francisco, ton paces and ' advance; Riley woilndod; rt-filHo.t to | 1011. I'lnfs. 'Xovi mbi r fil—A ilrml with pi*trrfsf bettveen M. Gambettn and M. de Fourtorj, arising out of tho | pa- .age n the chamber of deputies, ! on the 18th instant, whoa tiro latter i was unseated, was fought to-day at | Pleases Picket. They fought at. j thirty-five paces. Only ono ex | change of shots was had, and neitll ,, it pm ty was hurt, i Cgi."muia, S. C ;} January 2 A I duel was fought last Monday night ! m ir.Di.T ip.i'ie, ihe pnncijialfi be ing Mr. <'.infer, of Camden,and Mr Cah,,,oi < in-q depot. Two shot,; were exchanged without effect. float of* Peiijdo are Mai'- lyrs fo K.c’ hnt. ifif ijli* !c ayrnptom of h fl}*-* , 'utoViHoU. liver ntul howolH. ■ Mny Ruffcr from if. many three or kmr n_.YL;e’:. _ I hoy. do ho for Ha tetft r’ atom tc h Hitt era, hy tho m,imJ the boY*- elw and liver, removes th cauKO, and dis i'H>n tho iTiififei ji} rnfifom. The inUnmto Ryraputhy botv/eeb the; hr%in and the ab- TToni ’ ;tl re ,i ci citiiwx the !ig!itest disorder affecting the iHtter to k" reflected, nn it wore, in the firman of thought. Thu reform insiit'tted by (lie Hitlers ’.viion the digestive, cretive HD 1 fv .cnative functions are in a **trtte ot dmhas,other and more br/.efi ' dal result'-*, viz,, Uio completo nutriiioti of | thf wL(I4 pu.VfAic .1 Mofjotny, the restoration j of appetite an ! repose, anil an iucr -uso in | tbo po.rer ot the system to resist diseases iifam l.iriid type. j2tii2t Self-’ll,luminatino Hot rks. —Pro*-* feasor Morten, who a while since comforted the gag companies in con* ventiou at New York, with skeptical words about the prospect of Edi son’s achieving cheap electric light for tho million, presents anew sng gestion concerning the possible I lipht of the future. This is not to be attained by electricity, but through phosphorescouo ■. It is al l ready successfully applied to clockr. Tne dial is filmed with a cheap coin* pound of Lime and sulphur, which baa tlm curious property if absorb mg light by day and emitting it at night, and the color of tho illuuiiuas tiou may he varied at pleasure. When this method of lighting is per fected, it will simply ho necessary to whitewash the ceiling of a house with this sulphide of calcium for in terior illuminnttous, and paint, tl e outside with it to muko the stroets glow with a soft ami pleasing radi.. | .nice l(y night. And then it will be so cheap that oven electricity will stand no chance beside it. If gas is ever supplanted, for lighting purpos es, it is likely to find ready at hand other profitable uses. Aside from the vast field of domestic heating, it can ho economically utilized in driv ing small engines. Last week’s Scientific American contained de scriptions of two promising new gats meters, one for light household pnr poses and another calculated for printing offices and lighter manufac ture generally. , A clergyman said: ‘A young wo man died in my neighborhood, yes terday, while 1 was pronohing in a beastly state of intoxication.’' A Bowery tailor advertises: ‘Gen tlemen furnishing their own cloth will bo made ami trimmed to order at the shortest possible notice.’ A Western paper Lays: 'A child was run over by a wagon three years old, ali.l cro.vs eyed with pantalets on, which spoke afterwards.’ A coroner’s verdict read thusly; ‘ Tho deceased came to Ins death by excessive drinking, producing nppo plexyin tho minds of the jury. The following appears ili an Irish paper: 'purso lost by a poor woman who has a sick child containing Ills and a letter.’ • ‘My son is a great mechanical gen ius,’ said a lady, speaking'of her soli. ' He has made a fiddle out of his own hand and has plenty wood loft to make another. A correspondent, witting of a re cent celebration in the city of Clove land, say.-, ‘ J he procession was very fine, and nearly two miles long, as was also the report of Dr. Ferry, the chaplain.’’ A Deailwood, D. TANARUS., paper men tions the shooting of (Juris Hoffman, a saloon-keeper of t hat city. It says: “lie was shot twice in tho abdomen, and ijnco ig u lho barber-shop adja cent.’ Tho enforcement of tho test oath leaves tho grand jury of tho United at os Court, in Jacksonville, Fla., ns follows: Of the twenty jurorr thii'.. •on Arc whiles and seven colored, Foiitiestly, thirteen oro.ltepublicuns, Denioernts and .no Independent. Thorn is not u single white man burn iti tbo Confc.lo.ri.ato States among, tho number. In: exempt from unea siness, do no tiling that yon know or inspect to bo wrong. Would you onjwv tho putost pleasure do every thing in your power which you are convinced is j ight. Liver !w JKiiifg. The Liver is fbr irugrrial or am of Ibo ■■vli-j!'. Imm-.n fc-yatenv-s iteuiij-' 1h the lilr, lie ■ l!h sm] lei|fi.mss ot rtlan. Wiion i! is di iarlv-'t in ifs proprr fii-limi, oil kind- of atlr.i' at- are- ih" i dined re .alt. 'I de di:;,- ,- lien of Led, tbo inoverr.eriis of the Ueari arid Idoed,' tbo aotins ot the brain and nor v.iie i.yfiiern, are all iniiiii diaiely roma e ‘"d wiib fli' id (he (ever, ti lias I 'II ) a-feerlyUT [. r<. vr and I!: a 1 Ultra's Ai ! i'dievr . is mifSjU ded Hi euring id I j.-i-r in aflteiert svjffi fiv. pr pHin or Liver 1 'emj.Liint, and ali Uie huiuorolis HyHj|>tolus Ida: e Halt trAm o uoheaJiby eernit'oa ot tlsj fever and dfornaeli Hftroj.le tint ties to try. idcirita. positively sold in all tosiis on tl,e Western Cbtitiiißiit. Three (loses Sill prove that ifisjuat a bat you waul. For rate by Ttr. E, L. Eardwelb About the only wealthy tramp in the. oommry ta day ta O'Leary. 'I lia pato re eeipts for tbo match in which ho came oft vie'orions am Hinted to f-.vnnty-six tbonsmul doilars, and as Oampana liidirt cover a suf ficient number of mdes he didn't got a cent A barefooted dm key, while booing cotton ono day, saw his toe under a clod, and thinking it a mole's Lead, bit it arid hurt himself. After working with it awhile he got i sd, sot bis foot oh a stump and said : / “ Wed, jes pain away now, t doe n't Oare j jou hurts yersell v.uniu ye do me. “ TEIUlfi, tI.OO a Your iit Ailvnne* GORDON INSTITUTE, /fW’sG- tm. r: >' • : is; Y, v - : .; * j ■ r w 'v- f ■ • A r t - r ';;;j f . ■ ■ ■ : -■•3^ • a.: 2, -.'-a '*■ Y UnAifXKsviLLi:, a v.. MEL OPEN early in :.■P nd er I-' ', will, a lull ~ s"I ean ■sL st.eceiwfn! tnebtM kraled sclrnoi" J ° ki PMII ' !| 11l 1 ' 1 " 1 llu *“‘veil reputation ai this justly eel*. V"; 1 ' s "' i ■ riel- in in meld : lii parems dr.iving tn educate Ueb le.mrd imrtnc’r'-' I ‘ ’ "" " ' "ii|‘nratus and lumiture, and • i..i tT i ,o' ' " ■■ ""!'. led m tl." Slale. 11- musie department it eo eqnaAST^SJS . , ' 'iia 'pro it,* r -:t> tti t 1,., It. m ami Western Kailroed aed • Ueorjhi " M ’" - ll "‘ *■" 1 '"oral. lib. rat and euligliteued commonity LL. ■" * ,K " |; ' r r ""” 10 1)0 to sls 00 per month. ’ ur Luta.osiiu contuimng lull mfoiumtion address CHAKLESE. I.AMMDKIN, l’site., i_i_or .t or W* H. WOODALL, Secrntarr, J LTJOir JMnn-svillc, Georgia. ' ® Mkm i bsoila NO. 10-COLUMBUS, GEORGIA. TV holewale jitnl Itctail Dealer ij BBT GOODS, CI CCEEIES, NOTIONS, CROCKERY, tC. US - AND A FULL STOCK OF— i’lsintatiovi Supplies, A 1 V of we re now ..fieriiii; at the Very lowest market prices, and guarantee all , •* °nr go'-.s ns repre.-s nted. Wo cordially invite tbs i e iple „f Talbot county, and • laeeheie u. give ns a . all when they visit the rdy. Mr. L. A. Philips, formerly of He*- iib cßp(y, is with mo ami will lie }’la<l M*e his wnny Inrudß. ATTEMTIOM Li NOW INVITED TO OUH LA RLE STOCK ! ‘ieco Gooilx CJlotliM, Cusisfinipreki and Trim* lniiigM, iut'liidin}; icVosn-li, lilngjlixli, and Aiuericim .Ylakott. A LSI) a good supply ot the vmieiis makes of Ilome Goods; all of which We get m m x Y older ,u the Lsel style on the shores! notice. An extensive and ehoice lot iA TEXAS CASSIMERES Ju t in, to wbioli wo cnII \ hi ti. .Ur uo>i>q. < /, # PEACOCK^ < i.gihimo MAKri'Acrioßy, 15-1 Broad Btrjc*x I' ir r> i iv-mß(i‘ Block w: ljnv> :t lot of “(JulloHuitt Suiu** we will closo out at priori Rup24K O. G. Sparks <fc Son, THIRD STREET’, MACON, GEORGIA, WAREHOUSE, COTTO?, ASD tCSKSSIOM OEECHAITI. U T * attain r,n '" r our service* as Warehouse and Cunimiuton Almohauts to mr friends oi 'i alboraml.adjoioing counties. EManlalioii Snppftcs, ILigging mul Ties tVii rii. 1 bed at lowest r.e.-s. Adv eiccs u;;v.!.- on Oottonis store, ns Low as by O. G HP ARK3 A. HON. 1- - B-fl A RJR. ■ ST" 114 Ereatl Snetk COLL KIBES, GA. WIIOLL, ALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN Dry Goods, Notions, Hats, Umbrel las, Ready-Made Clothing, 3 JOO r X>i, SHOES, Etc,, OF TIIE LA'ITvST AND HE ST STYLES* ALL onr Goofln aro of tJio I ' nt ! tind f;c it from tlm Northern Market*. We deiy v. pouipeliiion in i!yle:ui'l ■./>! G<></d*. (ii\“ u a'' ll when in the oilr, vm feW i we ean von. I *olif< f .dI atn niivo<* .men to nhow goo nepSittf POII CLDTIMNG -<JI> TO THE LEADIRG CLOTEIE6 HOUSE OF EIDDLE CFOIGIi They konp tlm beat goo ls and sell at tlia lowosit priced. Our JJYollsu* SSllivl. is of the boat material auif | fit* vadffl for Keep’s Shirts nud Umbrellas. W. Fitt Baujwin i.v with us, ami will be glad to liava a call Iren kid friends. WINSHIP & CALLAWAY, - No. Sceond St.. Macons WHOLE NUMBER 441