The Talbotton standard. (Talbotton, Ga.) 1870-1881, March 20, 1879, Image 1

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ALU 0 ff 0 A r \,\ . * * . . •• .. /’a •/ M- I r-vhl , ny ny. io. wruruiei). VOLUME X-U0.22 GORDON INSTITUTE, %T7y' 7S ■simM. '• .vv^j H \ KM SV!i (i V., UTTTX OPKN ' Uilv in Si * ml ♦ r ]B7H. with n full r<<, : so' run 's, sneer 'ul teftfher* ilpfi mined to k*p up the *uUsj r< ad tv. and di-vO'd reputation ol this j .#>tl> eele brnted school. (j<l d* ii luslii nt i uT* vs‘•om ri-.v in<luenu*-ns to pare-ms and. i v u ,T to eeb'eato tin ii sobs nnd dauuditiT'. )' 1h- nVI ?h appiinfm s, apj -i* ik end 'urmfeye. nnd n rerotd nor l< ;iel i* ./ ino hml Vied in G f S.a!e. I; no sie d* pu*nn nt is eon dueled I \ I’rot. Unit# ul-e r \ who las it, uj e iii # ujid hnt te v\ e qnal > in I■ ngue ssiou )?a*i esMilt* in tbe ir.os; Mite i| r sii c : t\ on ti e '’.•<• nm i VV- t#>ru L'Ylr 01. ,r and biu justly ibe imputation ot luni," the uunl # ULval nml enlightened eoiunu nitv n Georgia litthMi HI fotoslß fit) p. r Term, liiv rd HO 00 to uU p* r month. ptr i or Cn'.a'oglie icmtaii infvji l] inloun**' <m mtdress CHAULTSK HMJ’PinV, . ■ - ' ‘ or W. If WOODAhh. Sht ' rv. jnlyHCtf 1i r \ ll* , i. * r in. ■HP. /%. CS ifosoaHj no. i< ('or.nii.ra, Georgia NX liolckrlo nml li. lni! D<ml*i- in MY GCOTF, Giccrrirs, Hf.TIO'f.PFOtErRY, &\ T. - .esr a rri.T. stock or V liHi(atio!i Sinplic*, Al-J.orv eh w X are row . flare.,' at 0 o very ! est n :irk"' | ri,■. n, mi ,i et, ,* .ill . ulo.-i C ,c!iilS lf| n-lli w ,l. We c, , Inf} i- iii, Ibe. i c.opb I | nil ot CU.M mid rl-mbir* lo Kive >. •„.. t!. ••..• ||. . , Mr I. \ l ■., ;■. n. ~'. fit || ;ir fin oanl). i Mil!, m, ,| i | t.. , ; ,! ..| ig, i' - 'AHT TT is fT ■ CD ms . as now ipm;i> w ewa .t\tt c wrorg l*i'OP < iooils t 'lot la X. i ':i<si!!il'|-rs fl ml 'lVilll- Xllil}*; s illi'llulilU: 1 *>*<•!> I'llialis]) ;ui|| -V iii< -fie ;mi Unlios. A LSI! r> fio, .K,im !v ot M, ... G ■ .f .’i.liv ,ot tip to /l. Older id ihe t'M ■\ J I. ! 1 Aim it." .lit. iit TEXAS CASSIMERES Juid in, to whih wo >■■[' parti -td-, nou C . ,f. I*lOA CJO C ’ li. ( 1 -TfUMi MaM l.\,i UiT. C>l 1?U- AD STiUTT. !n our rni'ly-niyh Bto> welnwe|i lot < I Ct *i n,..1- ifuui’iwe wdl clos. on- pin . • frnv m-;>2 IP O. G. Sparks & Son, * THinn hT];l.:r,T, MAUQN. 0KO1;m\, WABEHCDEE, COTTO7, AID CriKISSION MERCHANTS. U7E ofl< r our m rviues ns Ve‘ irr house m.d Oimuis-ion MerchnjitH to our vlr.ntinp friends oj Tft’bot and .mj cmanieK. Dhinlalion Supplic's Hagginq; and ’ fuMiibl.ed ft! 10-w'vt market i .ito--, :V A .;• . ma in mi i- m store, a I, vok In anv horn.#, in the ci'V. -• l* (>. G. Sp ]*'Ks ,V >OS R~ n i-iAniyis, 114 Bread Street, COLUMBUS, GA. WciC'I.ES'Af.B AND UET.iIL DE.M.EI! IX Dry Goods, Notions, Hats, (Jmbrel las, Ready-Made Clothing, ISOOTS, SIIOEN, Kto., OF TIIE LATEST AND BEST STYLES. AUj <nr Onodn nre nf the Ifttes'* -fvtes nnd f< d> ft' rn the Xortln rn M-*rkrt/, \V, de-h c'tni eS.iem in k‘)!p and j*i n e rtM h-ni < (iiv* n- a c*..1l hi-i) in tie u'y, we I* el ! rertaiu can and uto - - Je m- n i# s|kk- <*■ .<> MiAlit " for aoTm\(; * * * *. * , —GO TO- 1 TEE LEADING CLCTEIKG ECDEE (F I.HIE GICECU ! TLej Jioej) tl,e goo 1-. an 1 sell at the 1 iwest prices. * Oar XJolliii* is of the best matei ; .tl and Ets veil • *‘l**T? Agents for Keep’s Shirts and Uinbrallus, . Put Baldwin is with us, mid wiii Le glad tp have a call from bi hiends. WINSHIP & CALLAWAY, No. 50 Second St.. Macon. ACOIXTKY XliWSl’Al'EK' PllK Tilth M \PSIJS DIV.'tT.U TO CJVU.IZA I'luX AND MONKV-M AKINt;. •TALIOTTON TALBOT COUNTY, GEOfiGIA, THURSDAY, MA r OH 20 1870. Our Nrw Year's Calls. iiY f.d. K. IHUW' Itente (nixuttf.} VVe were a mol> ol four. T liero was (CtWtt, Two-doUar Tommy, Sweet-oil <Ti ergc, and my self. v : e were goieg r Neiv Year’s call ing. ’ , Several . f the first fanviiies first fiom the roof—had invited ns to Call | around and chan out tiieir lunch ta i I lei Of course we were got up im- I mense. Cable had on his eelebrftted diich , hat, n dean paper shirt, and the siut | of elatin g lus ommlfnthnr'got hung in. Tivosdnllnr TNnmy wore liis cel luloid ulster, pair of white lirren pants, and had liis boots blacked. I to sensation of having his boots | blacked was so new and startling to, ; Tommy, that ho couldn't keep hie cm a otf his feet for two consecutive . minutes. Swoet-oil Uonrce "as at rayed )iit|i liis ttsiia volnpluofisite.-s. and I one liluc snspiaiiler dangled grace j fully Ir. in under liis swallow-tailed C at. As for me, 1 was dr< ssed in my etistouiarv eh gal ee. There had been f i fire in n clothing store ney!. to un the lriuiitil)' fore. The fits! thing that we and on ! was not to drink during the day; ! riweit oilOeoigt said lie never drank --on |i| ineiple. He picdi t( and t() tb ink ‘ oh the h r. Tn'o-dollar Tmemv promised liis . Chit a not to drink at his own ex pmse. (' dih diil not think it right to drii k lat all. lie liki and bei r latter. As I') it e It evi t drank intoxica 'it g I qnoi ; i :erpt as a beverage. T'i.: ■ pniht set 1.-d. the tre\t. was j ho v we should go eal'iiog. Tommy suggest< and a e ill. I thought there more style alv iit a stivi ! oar. j i 'able mid that the Um (■ n gem r I nliy went in a ferry-bout. Hat Sweet-iiil Oegrge suggested that we walk. It was much more] healthy, and, her les, i.ouhl give | the luultittide tnero of a cltancu to j I.admire his h tie -sit: pem-h fa. do we si I oitt. It wasn’t long bi-foi’O wt met a i In er sy imgogne. Geotgo sail! I hat the man who owned it was very inendaeiuns. lb had fought bravi yin the w;ir and had been kit ed twice- by stibsit tutoa. flu suggested 11] gt we call upon him. The man was very glad to see us. He said that if we would only eall again we couid have any thing we wanted. She was very much tickled to- set ( leorge. din hid behind the counter nnd remarked that she'w.iH dead, 'and implored ns to help om selves, e old. That saloon looked like a holi-'-’hoa' struck hy lightning after we left it. Getting out in the •ttecl ouce more Tommy snggo-ted that it was time that we culled upon one of the'first families, (' iMe had our railing list. H< .pn h and it out arid begng read ing it idonrl. One pair of socks. A white tu-el, tie. A tuiffled t sir of draw— ‘Kohl on;’ ciied George, ‘what in the dnee is that?’ Cable nctunty blushed. He explained that lie had written ■ our e dhng'list on the outside of his I w ashing list; and got things a little , •mixed. portlier < ti.iu.-iljon developed that dnr first call u is to be on the kf is.-e. Brown. They wen- a very high family, .S' vend flight* up, and kick nt He 'd not'. I’n* we called upon them. There wi re many Misses Browji— about seven—all red-headed except one. She was hu:n]>biieked. They were• extremely glad to -sec \ us, and handed around refreshments consisting of w ine and (.ike, The wine w as n mixi tire of-buy-nun and kerosene, aj.d the cuke hud Loin •eiDli-dmeiJ for seven years. Even Cable could' eat only sjx pieces. Vt’e oaly stayed there about six minutes, and t-hen gracefudr h ft, O ir in xl Call was at. au al(i kiosk. ( reel-go blow ns off. O.uisulting our list, we ase' i tnined that . lir speSriS call waist he upon* a I'rnssian family named Ucegha gun. Akd-le walked then: in a gutter. Somehow he couldn't gel out of it. oil to the sidewalk. He said it was rheumatism, lag George thought, it was beer. Iwo dollar Tommy found "gran* Oillienlty in finding tbo doer lu 11, ft wasn’t under the met or down on file lower r,t p. llv-and-bye, thaugb lie diseovm ,'d it. A net;ro a tme to the door. He seemed father doubtful wbe|b er to I, , us in or not. and nuke 1 for i our cards. | They bad got mixed in our nock - els. Tummy gave the Jack of ; clubs. (leorge battled cut n* tract with ‘i)o-eents, pty at ihe bar,’ onto ir. G Idc pn settled n e i ctdar which t -'.I the -iily plane in tlie city where 1 "i eon'll get a e (lin, a lie it so and two cun is; , s for twenty - live ilullaiH l lie only tiling f e.dnld find was a j lozenge with‘May TO U Home?’ in pink lettr is. T slung it in. Ihe Cb oglu-jmu p.-d ice Itad too many doors. We walked in one and < unmediatelv w iked out !>f nnother. | Temniv \vhi-p< rnl that we might possibly get into the parlor hy next (" -fistulas Finally the negro came out mid fill and us in. The pari n' was full; s-otnehedv j si id \t(* lie l , too Sweet - <il (leorge cn'mly llmga ei.-ur stump into aj e' Air ' ltd sat all bly down on the i tire. ! Tommy spit o a clessly, into a vase and stuck a I ore tel into I lie spitloOn. A s foi < fable In- h nml -i piano, and tried to pi y 'N i ex’ I.i o’ on ii with hia feet. l’riatnllv senubody a 1 led u - to refri sb. Wo rehashed. The wine w very go. al. Sweet .t il George raid > hud v. tiled to klinwd who was f si.nck fur I the round. Then he wondered why the lady of the lioiiai grew very frigs) i ed all nt once, and said she 'wasn’l ] i ust ,I to l.eie;- in .-nlted. Pretty nun fit urge mid* Hint lie, fell convinced that* a fid oill lady ill j yellow stilt, with I lie grace j "f ft pi ize pig < >i an otfoinaii near by j was dead gum* oh him. He starti I over to I:iss her. I have a font idea that Georgq must I linve h- en mistaken . Anyhow lio went nut of the hojise withnul tne slightest i fi'urf on Ida part. They razioed him through j the window. We joined him. He said that New Year’s calling was a bore. It v.butd Just punish f'liks for lie ping up -itch a ffitflifjb ■ uistofn if iic wouldn’t call any more. We didn’t. Wo went at vim 1 to a whiskey dir.. J II-Usury tn try -nd induce the bead deacon (bore to leave ibis awful soul destroying bmiiiesH, We slaved there for— * * * * Oh, I'inngtjie whole business. Two dollar Ti is in the ho-- pitaj. H veet-oil George is in the station house. Cable is missing. There .ire ru-- rnors though, that lie was neon on Wldb hali St. Irving to fight a tele-' graoh pole at mjdnigdit, New Year’s. A- for it:e, I’m writing this with a lev. < )| about my bead. New Y'*urH he darned 1 .* * r Witfl alum in lull bread, coloring i matb i in ii ; . ludter, saml in his so I gar, and pen-fin in lns jjfjnor, tin- av- , ( "rage man has hard work in getting food and and ink that, vij]l riot in d:e skeleton nor lull bin,,. Now | comes t’ adulteration of colh-e oit 1, i date stones, which li-'H been dbeov in England. Bevi ral tons of : ‘tm litobu.e (a flee,’ a pn pot : and ,i I Coffee, ebiekory slid s oius,| were s< iz- and in Manebesfer recently. Wc rrgard fodder, say ft the Honth- i ern Cultivator, as most excellent j food for any kind of s’oek. milk cow’:- ■ inebnh-d. Norllieru dniryinen con- 1 aider “coni . foddei ’—made from : sown corn, as one of the very last; milk producing feeds they can give their cows Must Suit limn farmers! feed to little fodder to milk cows, to! reach vi ry accurate conclusions about it. j FaH An u;t -mi: Homan Body.-- i The kiu ooulains mope ‘than two million openings, which are the nut lets of an equal number of sweat glands. Tile human skeleton cohsials of more than two hundred distinct bones. An amount ol blood equal to (be | whole quantity iu the body passes • ibieneb the heart once every min . j ‘to. Thu full capacity of the lungs is ab nt tlnee bundled and twenty cu bic inches. | About two-thirds of a pint ( f air lis inhaled and exhaled nt each briatth in ordinary n spiral ion. ] 'I he nfomacb daily produees nine I donnds (if gasfrie juice for digestion }of fuoTlj if? oapucHy is "about live ! pints. Tiijel'e are more than five biitldiu and ! Separate lrntseles in the body with l an eipiaj nuudier of nerves and blood ! vessels. j The weight of the heart is from eight lo twelve entices. It beatsone bun lrt'il thousand times in twenty four Ipuub. Each perspiratory duct is one j fourth of an inch iu length, which I will make the aggregate length of j the "hole about uiiui miles. | The average man takes lii e and j one half pounds of food and drink ! each day', which amounts to one’ ton |of soli.l and liquid nourishment an j mvdly. 1 A than breathes wiglfteen times a | minute, and three thousand cubit j f.a t, or about three bundivd and ■unvetify-five hogsheads of air j> r ' hour. I’ flit Pisnaii.s. It is claimed j that the -new paper flour barrels are J not only cheaper lull more-light and durable, ap we'l as lights!’, 1 than Ir ■ - -if in diir rv pel arnirl ion Hy an iiiiproved nietlind of niaii'ufac ; tiliu*, these Imirels al e e-uni'ir i 1 of | alraw paper pulp, which is run inlo ! a niohl made into tile shape of one 1. 1 half of ahr 1 1 1 1 i.iil v rtieallv. Tile Jinlji in slilij'V'i-d to a puwe fill hy dranlie pre stlfpj and, wtlen indue and to (lie required thickness, the ends i uf the halves are cut off; the piieus j are 'hen placed in a steam drier, the i sides arc I rimmed * evenly and tin ! substance thoroughly dried it 1 conies from the drier ready for nmk ] ing up into barrels. /I'luoe are tipa e | Heavy Ao.idep hoops and two hoops hisfened together, and into grooves j cut in the staves, t lie paper halves, ] which have nh averagfi t hick lie-s •of IlireessixteenlliH of an inch/are slid, flu i nils of Ihe bana l are made of ! a snail ir thickness, constmeted on the sum: principle as lint sides. Tiio | barrels are iniuuifuetured entirely by | I niacliim ry, and I in: lial'v s are cut i so true Hint, two pi< ees of the sum i size wqik'ivutbjy lit togmher. Trad a [./ mi w.’ A It mu l.rtooy. .Yfi'e have a good sforv of a laiyver and client in one l of Hu chi"s of (i- j'gffi.•' It appeals i that, a all- iriger entered the office of the lawyer and showed him a letter from (he alyi. riff of u county in a western shite, who wrote that, a cor j 1 •*in one of liis oonslii e ills had (bed I and left a legacy to jiis m.iiroi.t kin. I • was l lipng!,t that Ihe proper heir lived in tlin county in which this | lawyer lived, and that if identity arid j kinship was proved the legacy would lie promptly forwarded. 'J fie law ! ycr saw in this letter a choice far a j rich fee, and he went to work am 1 i soon worked np.all llie nrco<K- iry point*, and having Hindu n complete case, sent on the papers and claimed the “legacy.”' It cairn: very soon in I the sl ap' of Iwo orphan ] who had been loft by the western I man, and one of them a one leg' ed 1 child at that. An interesting' i ues lioll nop is presented; if,the lawyer | was !p rc ceive a port of the legacy as his fee, will he take one of the cl.ih : iln n ? ; It i* feuned that Acklen of Louis-- ' iana, will go.over to the Hepubli i cairn. lie has. since the Democrats !<J the House deelimnl lo vindicate j his personal character, been very j Milky, and lias been voting with the K publicans, on many important meusuies. Ti e 1 h-public . ns, too, | have been his friend.-, iu nil his e-ea puiley; and moreover, it is said that! the Seereh.ry of [fie Tieasnrv h-.s it ( in his power to pass upon a el dm fu- forty thorn- md dollars in which [ Aokten ia indirectly interested. Disso vc eomnioti salt in water, sprinkle the same over your manure heap, mid the v.Tilde parts of the. atmuiia will hccoVnc fixed salts from lluir having unite 1 with the muri atic acid of the common suit, and' the soda thus liberate! from the salt will quickly absorb carbonic ft'eid, forming o nb'Upde pf,s da; 11ms you "ill ret:i ;, i with y,,ur imuiu.'e tile amoiift liiat would otherwise fly away, and yoivdmve anew and im* pot'tead a. i*iH ■ i*iH’t>'lne-'d, viz: the e irl , n de of soda, which is n powor | In! solvent of al! vegetable, ftljer.- i (llnintaquit Farmer, . Dr. AY. Ik Taviur, who was al taria:,ll" tliv Hampton 1. ifiun dmine the , n!irv war, ;muait'itv,l t’o'a b aiitet' ilatirr’- aaJ and, a U< r llimuimi ' ■ 1- -s <' - -- I’iamiti am! Oi atisiil Factory Itat, - j Oi-ar.,l li'U-oilavlou ts.l" ceniniea<*tng' Xovi'inl'i-r 1 t. 1.000 M.i iii:'.'-'.,0 Irmtni ai, ats fr in 1,, -a nail,, is m 1,,, glared, f,a Inti",l'letien *,nd Adv, riser-rut, in t>rn 1,"Ill' s nt \r, ill’s Whole'salo Kales, id eaai't 7 t>et. t’i uies 5125. Sfngnill e a! S,| :iie ‘ Ilands, eit f, : a 1 priift SI.OOO eab s'.'.iO. tl iiidsiiliie 1, Step (Vanns. Su7; 10 Sloe-' s7l; iUiiria- l’op, It! Stops, $Hd. I’tieieeia IVlU!a**: ,t 1, :, s! pneii-l evil' Kiimvu 0 y,ai*s written giinmrttec. 15 ] days lest hi and. Writ" tor lulrodnetinn Sale 'lie lu-.' \ddi-ss I rum n A !Iw .: s'Smi k •rn M ll ie I! ms". Kav uiua'i, The (i veal t ‘ ,no asd llepo! id llio. Sail fit. j:hl2 .1 n 1 I vei- is tf iug Tlie t.iv, ris tlif im|c-iu 1 er an of the ivlit'i,' liilllnoi ed' ', in It e.irfli'.ds tie, tile, he dtli ihd ii i|ipii,'ys nl ninn, it is dlslurti, and In. it- pulp, r a', lieu, all kind, nf lilmeuts m-i- O " until ra fi< ■ idt Tin- diaes tieii 1 and teed. the. moveuienis ol tluv heart and ti’ " and. Ite- aeiioa ol the t'Snin anil ner om v-iiem,'in-" idL i I'lin-di.iiel.v eomiee. led Willi 111, ,1 oi-kiliL's et tie T.iver. [l has Ill'll Nile's I- hllll Ml' 'Veil Uiilt (P, ell's All ■a'lsl .l lliwe Is III" ,]U il'cd in ('livin'; ail |> e . allied d■■ iMi Jnspepsin or Liver i '''le: i.i ie, hi al ull If. u fta i ’ ions Hymplormt ilia! i, mil troin Mi, iiale al'liy "'Hiuil'n'l ol tl.e laver and N'omaeli .SllUele hollies lo try, 10 een's. I'esilos ll sold ie ail t(I a 1 ill (111 the Western 1 Vie ideal Til es: and sses ill proim ill .1 ii j. j,w’ whirl you wtml. L'er sal, hy Hr. Ik li Hard nil. One ol the i u 11,<1 ill 11 a, ti'ius iii Geir vn is id. * n]s ili ini'et .nd edirig house. The ■a llie e| I’ll pi. Moire. .11 id his 111 "ft (Xl'elh n! aidi i- ■ |u'e d'll' heyond the limits of the 1 lad’ 111," (U'l taildy leer j I line of till) best 1,1-dns a him nrin ei.-r -at do vn to. If riim Wlii'n you :.'u lo i '"lmnbils, don't full to rail a* ilm prai.d 1.-ei-v nml glassware in ol [, 1,. I'n'nh re, ,V Son. in tl,. tieeri'll Ih'IHP I'l.ii'lillf. t hi*V 111 VO till ill" and eh l.sild -ill t'hi'e'dila! stock et Cr'iods n (le.,rain !■ > i lor 1 1 tl i. . ft. m Ll ' *2 khaSLua' ii.o s.jNii*:: for GLOTHINfi ill a\ lILCOII, r:K-w J, H. IIEIITJg’S. A i fil Stock at file Lowes! Eioure”. ‘ 'i:t * C iissifneiu* N.*uils At 8J; $10; fill; $1:1 50; ami r!5. Dr . : Suit' .15 00 to ivi.j 00. r*i J i 1 RTS *H enmjih te. Mmle of ihe hi>;l TiThli Gillen ami Wamnutlq Muslin only - 75Ck'iitH. I ; ’iil] Stock of a.l4,(A,iotlM fi r md Boys | al, prices lower iban any house iu ; M icon or oMinibus. Qualify as good as ever. 5 [erl 00 Cherry Street, | ectltf MttCOD, Gvoruia. THU.IIK, jiJ.OO a VCar in Ailianca WHOTi NUMBER 450 Old Reliable. W. A. JITHN t CO., r * .• "} ff -%ln J'li.\LEK3 , \ • V * 04 !•( ( I'oreign aiul Doiuosti, Stapb Fancy Fry Goods TltrvNfU’/.AR JU.CM’K MACON, GEORGIA. Black and Colox'cti c '! .k s Blacß a’A cl Color od tii'ess Goodis,, in nil I ho Infest c fjiosuii(l most fuali i umliio dcnigiis. ’ ‘l.' .Ui , .Skaa OS UomußV, 'is I is, Kiu-Oumis, Kiinona, Xi. ii-Wi'-AK 'unfl Fancy Good*. Gromjit and can fill attention paid fo oidieiS imples aeut o,u applica tion and express paid on all pydera of Ten Dollars and upwards W. A. ,IU)IAN A CO. la;\ !K!; house. ii. 1> I H 5. I’eiiprietor AIAC.UN, GEOHGU. * I 'IIIS Hr 1 1 1ST;is no-v jimvluefl with rveyy I i,D( ■ i'-.ii.i v"HVMiienci: li'i* lh ftcpoiiimo •l" 1,1 in' it i.i its paUttPP. Tlif: lo '■'■!>"i‘ h <!• ilk.lilf and fniivimieiit to tui buMiiMw porii-ifi of tfe city. T!,e Tables I ■' l ( L I' - ,i ; oirobdw, (>njnilmg , l '■ and !r. in dt’|H.| ir - ,-ol elmrgo, Imiidlrd Iri’D of oLarpjH. * * I I" I! \lt is siijtjtllGd with tho bet mic and Liquor*. O: ( L'\ ! ii l( ) IJ NT, Ano. i.\ 'L l* t’oTINKYLLOR AT Law, < i eorji ia. v ' 11 l 1 1 1 <' in all the Courts of tho Chutlahoncla c 1 irenit. *i-((* 111 1 altcnlion rivan to c.ollootirvn*. Ho { '• ’' C ! *din r ' i \jm :,i lor I iu* tlie ©em-ral ' E. hi'. : ,c:. , ol^ T i \r York nnd H v ""‘•tli. inarGtf fA R TANARUS, SMITH, _ VTTO’t.NI-IY AT J. v\>, f J’.‘vI.IK)TTO N, GEOKfiIA. ’ ifiL i*ric i(> in Coiirlw of Cfmttahoo f* ‘ 11 'U ! . (’I *• and mri-ful ntt<*n i' '■ ;■ 1 •• 1 hii-.iu n i cnU'usi( <i io hi in, ( "E* 't: s' as| tcially. prompt lel2Utl ,U ’.-SSI * f J . Bull', ATTORNEY AT LAW, TAEHOTTON GA. L 7* . U !U. jmielie,- m ,and) |J,„ ('ourts of llie 'i! luhooclii e yircuii, Prompt nP 4e: 11 1 i < ill- pi Vi n tl) eolleplions. ’ Oili.-e over U. W„ Kimhrongh'g Store. eclh’U IH7M. b. H• W( lit KILL, J. 11. WO Kill LL, E. H. WORRILL & SON. Attorneys & .Counsellors at Law. Talbotton, Georgia. id "In-e in Superior itlul Supremo Courts t •*' ”' *. mid Uni (7. S. (Jourtu at Kavm. "“b I dll litlcutiou given to all inattoni 11 ; “ iirupi■■). ifuuß-ly. W. Ia MUMFORI), Attorney at Law rull)oUqn (- , " ill | r o ll"' i 1 nil (tin Court): of (ho Chat •■ll,o "I 110 nil and el-."win re Uy speuiuj '" h: 1 la 'Mij.t.i ii.-miuu given to all 111 ra entnihti and lo him. J- M. MATHEWS, ATTORNEY AT LAW* r M’: 11 bolt on pU. u—- I'ijitnjit ikLloitioji lnsin*.ss. Bran i ' in ttit-i-u; -r uf Clmlt,iho<eho ■ 'li-’n ' . i , | H'lpromo Court of CeoiLjiu. - Jrtrn 8-Iy. J. H. MA^TIINf, •vn.'< >fi 7\ ! ; A- AT LAW, . ■j '.!,b'i: roN. ga. ", yn.l : U . ( 'bells ol the Cliat * * hill I" Vl ,t. ml HI, I Hie Hoprenie et "l H >Si il.e. 410, eoilocunc bn-.(n*es jiHthU I’.. M. W!i,LI: . J. t. WII.LW. WILLIS & WILLIS, ATJOHXEVS AM) COI NS! ht.OR.S XT IAW. 1 Al.lioq I'OM, (JA. janStf •W. I*”, 'i’l Cs-TV DFNTIST. " ■ mi Or?tCK OVKII MASON'S T>rh K 3to*D, M l'id lij’li K‘| |f t, Columbus. Oft. r. -'r- >, (* v*.i -■ “ fVrtli; 4 * they are better di .it •( ■ f's All di'- iHfvs of the IV.-fh ami ' G’**utcd. AiTilkual L’eMh put in whfAQ choired. auoC-ti