The Talbotton standard. (Talbotton, Ga.) 1870-1881, March 27, 1879, Image 1

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I t 3-■3-■ ' ‘' " . • I •. ' AT ' fly w. a:, mcm^okd. VOLUME X-NO. 13. <.OIUO\ I.XSTITI TE. ISA Ft \ KSVIIJ.E, <i V., UTITiL OPEN early in September 1878. with lull corps ot earnest, success'll! teacher* determined to keep up tbe widespread and deserved reputation of this justly cele bratfd school. Gordon Institute offi rs superior inducements to parents desiring to educate their *ab and daught* rs It bs all tho modem appliano s, apparatus pid furniture, and h record nor sncressfnl teaching tie State. It* music and. p u m.ent is cou dsctrd fry‘Prof. GnttentnTg* r, who has no supiricr and but few equal, in Its j rofession. Bsfnesvijle is the most enterprising city on the Macon and Western Railr id, avd h** justly th^reputation of bating the mast moral, lii> ral and enlightened community n Georgia 1 i*K>n sll 50 to $lB , r 0 p*r Term. Hoard $lO 00 to sls 00 per month. p-v Fujr Caift!ogue { coiitnining lull infoliLfttinn addrr&s • 1 * LAMBDRIN, Prf.-l, or VV. 11. WOOIMMj, Sccr tarv, jnW3otf . Georgia. HI. /%. C£ibson 9 NO. 10 COLUMBUS, GEORGIA. V haloKHlc and lletntl Ooalei - ini DET GOODE, GROCERIES, ROTIOKS, CROCKERY, iO. fC. - AND A ITI.L KICK It OF - Plantation Supplies, \LL of which wo are row ofterinc at the very lowest market prices, and guarantee nil ot ftur good* an represented. We Cordially invite tl.e i• ■ ph- f lallot cnnnty, and rl*eljere to gir*- us n civil when t 1 * r visit tL< city. Mr T. \ Philip*'. formerly of liar ris county, is with me and will be glad to see his many friends ATTEEMTIOm IS NOW INVITED TO OCR I. AHi K STOCK I*iec** Ci <o<ls; < -'lot lis.- ( 'si swimcrcH mid Trim initi|{H, incluiliDyf Fri'iii'li I 'lijflisli, mid Amt'i'ionn Alnlti-s. A LRO a good auraily of'the varionv Irak, k i.f Houie Go al .'! f whirli v. K"-t up t Oid*r ,D the biht ilyli. on the blioris; notice. An . in., v.- ao.l cl.oi'-e 10l ol TEXAS . CASSIM ERES Just in, to which we call particular notice. i *. *1 . PI! VC C>< It, Clothino Manukao-uhy, 6Pllroad Htukjt. In nor Irady-niade stock w# have a 10l of * (l*tt <ii.iH- S its we will d< su out at pne< * nrpnamftl.v low. , O. G. Sparks & Son, THLItD STIIEET, .MACON, OEOliai.l. WAREHCUSE, COTTON, AND CC MISSION MERCHANTS. \\7T- again offer our services an Warehouse and Commission Merchants to our planting Vv friend* of Talbot and.ftdjoining counties. Plantation Huppliets, Hjigsins 1 and 1 furnished at lowest market rates. JFS" Advances made on < ottr.n is store, as L“-r as b> say house in the city, *i>lo () G. SP \ HKS A SON H 114 Bread Street, COLUMBUS, GA. WHOLESALE AN'D RETAIL DEALER IN Dry Goods, Notions, Hats, Umbrel las, Readv-Made Clothing, BOOTS, SHOES, Etc., OF IHF, LATEST AND BEST STYLES. ALL our Good* arc of tbe Intent etylefi and ft*h from tbe Northern Mrkt.-t. We iletv competition in style am\ price ol Goods. Give us a call *hen in the city, wo h 1 , •ertain-we can pleaee you. Polite and attentive halcMnen to sln w goo hcpJ4tt FOK CLOTIIINU - GO TO— VINSHIF &EALLAWAY THE LEADING CLOTHING ECHSE (F MIDDLE 6EOEGU They keep the best goods and sell at the lowest prices. Our 3>ollar fSliirt is of the best material and fits well Agents for Keep’s Shirts and "Umbrellas. W. ITtt Baldwin is with us, and will be glad to have a call from bis friends. • . WINSHIP & CALLAWAY, No. 50 Second St., Macon. A COIN TRY NEWSPAPER KOU THE MASSES—DI-VOTEI) TO CIVILIZ.VIION AND MONEYJtIAKINO. TALEQTTQN TALBOT COUNTY, GEORGIA,THURSDAY, MARCH 27. 1879. HIS L/U CK ! They were to nave been ntarried Thanksgiving 1 evening. Why cynlln’t he have had even common luck, and made a fair passage? Joe Thurso or Sam Andrews, who wore not half as careful as himself,-.were‘probably off Moutauk Point by this time, ni.d here ho was, south of Hattoras. halt his.crew down with fever and ague, a whole suit of sales blown aw Ay, his cargo of fruit probably rotten, sttid the wind hauling to tbe nortlTard all the time, with a strong prospect of another gale. It was too bad—‘too deuced bad!’ ho added, with an emphasis almost allowable under the 'circumstances, .as ho glanced tit the compass. ‘As unlucky as Arad Thorpe,.’ had passed into a proverb in his native town of (.'overly. And yet he was prudent, energetic and smart. Ho always made money for his owners; •>t however much ho might lav by for himself, was sure to bo, in some j miforseen manner, 1 .s|. The Hatnmerton hank, wherein he had deposited a thousand dollars, had suspended payment I'l.n for of the 1 fume Savings instil ute had ‘defalcated,’ leaving him a loser ,ol an equal sum. His little house on Elm street was burned in li is ub - settee, tho insurance policy having expired a day or two before. He had been knocked down am) robbed of bis freight money in Panama. A H of which events, occurring at differ out times, had come nigh to make ’Arad a fatalist. ■ . But, thanks to Jessih Banks, his betrothed, ho had kept up a good heart, and his courage had won from. Banks, / '-re, tlm promise that if he brought homo tlneohundred dollars ns his own share of the trading voy - age in tho O tribeftn son, ho should marry Jesdc, without further notice, on tho coming Thanksgiving even mg. This voyage ho had made some sncce-sful ventures, which had net ted him .about throe hundred and fifty dollars, said sum being locked up in his dfisk below. ‘How do you h ad now Jerry? was his querry for the twentieth time; and the tins'llisfactory answer,. T. tat-north -< est, sir,’ c .used an l ira ulation of impatience to escape’him. ‘Breckoy Joe much sick. Ho want med’eino,’ was the salntxoTj which met his ear, as a tall powerfully built sailor, a Spaniard, accosted him. Ho lmd slapped liis crew of four men and second mate in .Tumaca, id a rascally-looking set. tliey were though up to this time they had done well enough, and now that two of them were ■ sick, tho remaining two had done double duty; so that Arad had begun to Think. very well of them. Taking some quinine from the medicine-chest, he wont, forward, and enteting tho little forecastle, which. was dimly lighted by swinging lamps lie was about to proceed to The bunk of the supposed sick man, when L{i was suddenly seized from behind, a blanket thrown ‘over his head, and almost before he could think, was hurried to • the rail, over which He was thrown in an instant. Tint. Ai ad, like yll ('overly hoys, was a perfect water-dog; and after coming to the surface, he blow the water from his mo th, worked off his boots got himself out of his pea-jacket by dint of much squirming, and wiping the spray from bis eyes as he rose on tho crest of a wave, he had the cheer ful satisfaction of seeing the binnacle light of his vessel appurrantly half a mile distant, and rapidly growing fainter. ‘My luck” was on his tongue, as he struck out, with a vague hope ! of keeping himself afloat till morning; and then' Jessie’s last words eurne to 1 his mjnd; ‘Be sure, Arad; and do all you can ; God will do (.lie resf.’> inward prayer for help, i he resolved to make a struggle for life, though ho felt his chalices wale j infinitesimally small ; -and, by dint lof husbanding his strength, the I morning light its it dawned over the ! turbulent sea found him cbiLled to '•the bone, exhausted and fainl, but ! still swimming. j On, how eagerly, ns it grew light : fit, did he look, for a- welcome sail 1 And, rising-on a crest ol a wave, his heart came almost into his mouth; for not a stones throw distant was a little hermaphrodite brig, under | short sale Muring down upon him. ' | ‘Hilloot>a Eho shouted, with all j his strength! ! Surely tiny must hear lyiin; but no answering lufe came to his listening ears, and in another moment, io his surprise ntid|horror, the brig’s course was altered, juid.sho headed in an - other dircetiqi, though Arad could seo that her yards with untouched -being, iu faty, braced iu an oposite ! direction. ‘S imotliing wrong there I’ lie thought; and, as it was his last uktlnoo for life, with a desperate oils orgy he sought to intercept lit i Bourse, when suddenly her soles were thrown aback, and for a moment sao. drifted down towards him as though he> had l/oeti seen and measures ta ken for his relief. As she neared him, he managed in a roll of sea, to seize bno of the raainohain plates, and with a final effort, ho swung himsalf into the rig ging and over the rail, whory ho sank senseless oil tho deck, tbiuk'ing dim-- j ly how strange it was that no living soul was in sight. When ho recovered from his stir nor and K '-Llv vi'imw) el ....... ~n lie saw the wheel was lashed lead-a ■ port, and the stern boat gone from her davits; and it 11 islu-.l across his miml that the biig had been deser ted—a fact which of invest tigutiou into the cabin eenlinneil. An open elf art whs lotitul on. the fl >or, whereupon the vessel's course from a little island in the YViedivurd group has been traced, aud further extwninatiou of her papers and leg. I took showed her to ho tho Spanitlr brig Don Carlos, bound from Jucand with In x sugar ‘to'anv port north of HaUer-.s.’ Arad.s mind was made up on the instant. Ho sounded the pump’s well, found nine inches of water th rein, aad, having refreshed him self Iron the steward’s pantry with Spanish tortillas, he stripped and went at it till tho pumps siieko 1. Then he loosed the lower sails fere and aft, sheeted tic m Icon ; with inlabor, a H ired the yards, and went aft to the wheel. The wiicld'.-cl hauled to the south west; a glance at tho but imeteer showed that the mercury was rising; and, with high hopes, Ar id b-ig.n his voyage ‘to a purl north’ard of Hat I eras. •Oh, if T could?’ was tho only .thought which he dared to give vent, to; and though it. did not seem an impossible feat if the weather held f dr, lie did not carry his liopeful'anticipatiens furl her. For four days aud nights did lie stand at.the wheel, only lo.ivng it for his hastily-matched teed’, or 'to change the position of the yards, ex cept as ho was obliged to tako ob nervations; and his heart beat high' its on the twenty-fifth of Ivavo.iiher he sighted land, which ho know, front his course oh the chart to bo Sandy Hook.. Two hours later, pilot-boat No, 2 was alongside, and three men sent Oil heard, when his story waS heard Anri then'Ante! laid down fora little nap, which lasted precisely thirty six hours; and when awoke, fho little bldg, under lo ver topsails and I jib, was rounding tile light at tho hi- j trance of Ciiverly a.uber, ‘.idi half-a | gain of wind bloving nsferif. ‘Luck was with you this time, sir,’ I said Joe Carter, cue of the pilots, as tho anchor chain ran rapidly out, ! and the little vessel swung roun/l in j the wind. ‘ln three hours more you j will see it blow great gurus.’ ‘God was with me, I think,’ said Arad, reverently, as they went aloft snugly stowed the sails, which, as Arad usdd to say, was not milch for >et*4lian a b.nidana handkerchief. Old Bunks rowed out is his dory, as was his custom at evoyy new arm-, al. ‘Wliat. in the dance 1’ was liis lucid remark, as he stalled at Arad. And then, • Humph ! Lost your vessel, I s'pose? Picked up by this here brig, and come liome without any -roentry. ‘Jfember vhat I told ye when ye went away!’ Arad rjunouibered it very well; and whoa he went on to tell Banks, | pirr, that it was he that had picked up the Artg, that she was sugar laden | and that his share of salvage money would probably be it nice little sutn, Banka embraced him raptuously.and •j-sard: I ‘D'idt’t I always tell 5’ ot b Arad?’ Arad didn’t lvn'cmber anything of the kind; but theu, it is neither po lite nor politic to contradict 'one's prospective father in-law, so ho said nothing, and accompanied tfio old man n .shore, where, after meeting Jessie with a raptuous embrace, he said: •You know it was to be thanksgiv ing evo, dear ’ And it was. . The mut-inerri managed (-■> run his schooner ashore on iVukcd llul Bars, Gape Cod, and, hr obedience to retributive justice, were drowned; which, as the owners got tin excellent insurance on the vessel, did not seem to cause general grief. After the usual vexatious delays consequent upon such oases, Arad received something like eighteen th. usand dollar.-; as salvagir.mopoy A New Mul Law.—--Thera is a lie* mail regulation which is now strict.y enforced. .Matty merchants ’have expressed dissatislaction at the conduct of route agents when they were really only doing their duty. It is now a law that no package of third ploys mail can bo mailed oh 4 .i car, but must pass through the local yilliee whence it comes. Uiulur no uiroiimstaiiceff is a mail route agon! allowed to receive packages of mor - ohandise, samples of goods or an ar ticle of this kind- The government foiled it necessary to enact such a law to prevent a great loss of postal talc-. Under the oldsy’stea'i a pack age weighing several ounces could" be mailed on a postal oar with oa y one stamp aud the agent was obliged to accept ft. aud carry it to the desti nation for avhiou it was marked, In tins way, the goveunuent was annu ally delraudOd of thousands of dol lars. The mail service is an expense any way, and it was necessay to cut ..If all tae waste pussiolu. let, alt packages ol iuercUau*liso,-tdO, sent by mail must he seel thruuglt tho post office. Newspapers may be mailed on '.lira ears at any time. Wanted t'iia.r. - Tim Tuscaloosa Times puolisues the iuiiotymg: H'e sa.v tin old negro mail la t weak trying to obtain advances to make* a crop, tie waff asked; - Have you a horse or mule?’ ‘No.’ ‘Any com ?’ ‘No.’ ,‘ilavo you any land?’ ••No-’ • Well, what do yen Wiyit with ud vauces ?’ ‘1 is gwine to rent sorfiy land, and kalknlates to \toi k out for du hire ob a liorse, pervidiu’ I has do ’vances.’ IJe’reminded us eJ the bad little boy that stbb. a pint of milk on liis way to Sabbath School, aud after weeping over the iOlluuucGs of a moral lecture from iiis teacher, and oxjirf'Ksing great regret-for his crime replied, when ask' and by the pious teacher, tvh it he in’endod to do with thesbilyn (njjk: ‘fffeal a puppy to drink it.’ He was a voting man—a blonde. Ho entered tho office of an up town merchant, the the other (lay, amt said a tiuiid ‘Good mmiing. The merchant responded gruffly. . ,Do yon ktlow,‘ said the young man swflly, ‘that Vanderbilt, bought the Herald?' ‘Tho devil ! Is that so ?‘ ‘Tisa fact,' answered the young man. 1 ‘W, H. Vanderbilt bought tbe Herald?’ muttered r tho merchant laying down his pen. • ‘Fact! I assure you,* answered the young man as he moved toward the .door. , - ‘Stop!* cried tho merchant. ‘How much did ho pay for it? 1 ‘ Three cents I‘ replied the young man, aS he sSftly cLoscl the .door afy ter him. . i Some years ngo the great Vest, i 1 was almost entirely dependent upon | 1 the Bast, for machinery and shop 1 tools. "tire West makes 1 | nearly everything required in the | machifie shop, from the engine and ! boiler to the twist drill aud.tunullOst | bench tool. . | A Texas preacher lost ' three ! Iqurths of his deacons hy praachiug j a serinon against horse racing. ; —The formers genetully are begins I ning to go it heavy ou g>mio. I'iatiim unit Oi jn i ! f'actoiy llutt E. (Irani! liitrodtietio'ir Sale, eeinnwneillg Novombi'r 1-t. 1,000 Maginfioi.-nt liiHtrn- Mients from best mnkfts to lie pl.icril,' fi-t lutrnduetien and Aflv, r isei nut. In Ninth - eril homes at Vp iit’s Wind, ale Rati*!.'. El - ;unt 7 Oet. I’imoa oi lv SVJS. itiißtiirt -oi.'Ht Sqaiire'Clmnils, eat d;;ueprleo SI.(HD only $250. Handsome 0 Stop'Organs, f.57; 13 Slops s7l: Mii'mr.roj). 13 Stops, sKit. Olioico instrnmeuts at lowest, 'pricei ever Know'll 0 veils written guarantee. 15 days test trial. Write tor Intristnetion Hsle eireillar. Addl'.-SS 1 tlD'.'l'.N & ItATfls' Sou'll iTu Music l-haise, Savannah, (la*. The ( itviit i’i ino and Organ Depot of fho Soutli, jan‘2 am ‘No, thank you; I never wnllz: mn says if tiny of the young men want to hug me they must do it on the rly; sho won’t lutvti them mussing my ihes.t up, anil leaving linger marks on my while waist., so long ae she does the washing and has to sup port me.’ (■Ol-DVi'NS. ..-r' '<■ "T * '~U = *r7T-.>fc ■ . ! ALmSJU Cd A lot of COi^L'l\B (or ale at the I / l iouost c.U'ii pvit‘o. ly jape 25-jf. W 11. JIAuTIN. ♦ ♦ ♦' Omo of tho qmiHlust attriu lions in Gciu vi is ils NuporU hotel ami cut in" lu nso. Tin fame of Morris .uni liis most exurllt 11 ’ lady in Fprgj'vliiJ:; beyond the limits of the Stuto. ThoV cei'tainly keep one of tho best i l.thiti/i a hungry man ever sal down t.. tf t'xrit tug. j When yiu y r o to Colmnbns, don't fail to fall al the praud and glusswai. j house ol ii L. (.'olvdery A: Son. in the : lie .i ri Home I uildino. They have tin 1 most el ;girtt an I beantifid stoelc of Goods ■ in Don‘t for ct them. tf. IP Va 7 Side TlftdelifiT Vest : Ah 1 Tot 01, in Colnnibiiß is rapidly Rowing in popular favor. It is well kept ai-I liberally patronized. G. \\* H-deliff. TVn; -Vf- r CHEAPEST HOUSE FOU CLOTIHFJ6 Itl Macoii, ■-is- J. H. HERTZ’S. A full Stock at the Lowest Figure'. C hr Nsimt-rc Suits At. $!); 110; £'dj ; sl2! dff; and sls. DreNstiorta sls> HO to $25. 00. Hill FITS ail complete. Mail/ of the best Irish Limn ami WamsuCta Muslin orily 75 Cents:. Full Stock of alt Goods for Mca and Roys jat prices lower than any house in I Macon or Columbus. Quality as, good as ever. .1. IT. ifoFtZ, 00. Cherry S.reut,. oetltt M.iv jd, Georgia, ’TKIGIS, kl.Olt a Vcitf in Ailvimco WHOLE NUMBER 451 Reliable. W. A. MAN & C 0„ DEALERS IN Host grades Foreign and Domesti, Staple &. Fancy Dry Goods TRIANGULAR BLOCK MACON, CEORCIA. EUe. k and Colaretl 3ii ks, B 1 ackaud Color ed Dross Goods, in ad t ho latest styles anil most fuSh* ionablc, tlcsigiiH, ; Cl. '.UI-5 .SUAUIA -HII^IKUV,. I HUM.IS, KiD-GIoIES, ItIUUONH, , Nil" al-Wear and Fancy Ooodh. Prompt and careful attention paid to orders. Samples sent on applica tion and express paid on all orders of Ten Dollars aud pwards octltf W. A. .HIIfAN A CO. I A M.I IT P. F-rrATHSTT ! L I>l TI s _ i ’ropvietor MACON, GEOItGIA. 'j ’I I TS IP IHS|; is now provldi-il with overy l i.' ■ : ry ci.nvt-niiaien lor tli acoomaiu l.uion ami eumlurt t.i ita pntrims. The lo 'Mlioii i, hi and eomenieut tu the Inisinv.'s pnt'lion of tho city. The Tables i hitvu flu-! Lest tlu> market oflordK. Omnibus i • and I<r n d"pot jreo of chtirgOf Imndled fn r c ol etinrgp. Mu MAR is supplied with tho best Wine and Liquors. J< ‘ssi 1 -J . I Mill, ATTORNEY AT LAW, TALBUTTOX GA. I V T !LL pr.u-tic’e in .ill the Courts of the V ('luiMiihooeln-t circuit, Prompt at tention given to cullgcuoifh. Tin- f'ill, uiion ol nil cJiiims lor Pensions ii \ui •oi .\I( xteo a yiH-dalty. < oi'it poiiilent at Washington. ODi ‘orC. W. Kimbrough's Store. cict‘22 1878. ( \ CA LI lOljjsf; A'JTOIINI.Y AND CoiINSELLOU AT LAW, (jinucvti (*oor^ia. W ILL i.raetier in sdl tbe Courts of tbe Chrtltuhoochec (Circuit. spici.d ultHiliuii given to-colleclions. 110 i C ii• ? | ‘Hiding A •'(•:if‘tor the the General II >L( .’in. l ; Age.icics ol New York aud Ba v Linmli* . nurtUf EDGAR T. SMITH, . ATTOItMGY AT LAW, Taluotton, Oeorqia. \\, r ILL j T.uMu'f in Courts of Clmttalioo- V V ch.c circuit. Close and caruful niUu* uni iven to all business entrusted to bim, < hollections a specialty. HemitUncea prompt fefcSOtf I''. H. WORKILL, J. 11. WORIULL, E. li. WORRILL & SON. Attorneys & Counsellors at Law. ’ Talbotton, Georgia. Pr .dice iy Superior and Supreme Coarta "l Georgia, and tbe lb S. CourU at Savan tiub. Special attention given fo all mattort in ji.uikruplcy. Jan 8-lj. ’ !!i Attorney at Law 'l’.ullwittoh Georgia, : o— . '>•■' - ; Will practice in all the cotiriß of the Clial i ibo'ifbee Circuit and elsewhere by spcHal conf.'ic.t. Prompt trkntion given to alt bn entrusted to Lim. . , J. M. MATHEWS7’ ATTORNEY AT LAW- Talbotton Gra., . * ■ . Prompt attention io all ImmoMN. Prao , in Superior Coluis, of Cbattwhooob## C'ircuit, and Supremo Court of Georgia. Jim 3-ly. J. !I. MAP X TIN, A i rou-N #'D\' AT, hAW, taltjoti'on, fa. * 17(IiL practice io tbe (Inurt-s of the Cbftt- VV tah.ochec Circiiit and tbe Supremo I . WILLIE. WILLIS & WILLIS. ATTORXEVH 4N’l> c6t , Nßl''.l.r.OlW’'il‘f Li/W. * O . v.roiD.N, OA. ' “ __ AV*. I’. 'nOMGIt, 1' - DENTIST, ’■ - ' ! OFFICE ovm. MASONS Dng- Store, Randolph sticot,^bns, - Save yoiyr 4 'Teeth;*• they are bettor (lull Jewels’ All diseases rtf th TVeth and G im- treated. Artrlkial Teeth put in whaa desiretl. augt-U