The Talbotton standard. (Talbotton, Ga.) 1870-1881, April 10, 1879, Image 1

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W. tc, MINFOHD. VOLUME X-N0.15. 1} AU>’ EH VII .T ,E. < iV.. UTILLOPKN etrly in September 1878. with full corpe >' rnri vst, HUcoesKfn! teacher* dcretmlned to keep up the widespread nud deserved reputation ot this justly cele brilfd school. .* Gordon Institute offers superior inducements to parents desiring to educate tln ir rMio and daughters. It has all the modern appliatio h, apparatus abd furniture, and n •word nor s'lceessftil teaching unparalleled in ti e State. Tt- innate is eon e,c!*l by Prot. Gnilenht-rger, who has no supri< r and but tew equals in his profession. Rnreesville is the most enterprising cit\ on the \f.icmi and Western Kailr ad. an! ii*jnstlt the reputation uf haling the most moral, literal and enlightened community i Georgia. pgiin.n sll 50 to $lB 50 per Term. Po-rd $lO 00 to sls 00 per month. PO For Catalogue contniidug lull iutorination addr* rs CIiAItUSE LNMimiMN. Pbes., or W. H. WOODAUi. Secr fary. jalySOtf Harm nville, Georgia. Hi. /%_ G £lt*sors, NO. 19 COLUMBUS, GEO KOI A. liolitiHiile tiiHl ltotnll in IET GCOCS, GICCEEIES, RCTIOf l CEOCKFRY, &C. O C. - ANI- A ITI.I. STOCK OS- Plantation Supplies, iLBof w> : ch we are row at Mi*- very 1 west marl<*t price*, h’*l gti ir infre all Aot our j• 4ns represented. We cordial \ invite the i eoph f lu'i M •< nn i v m 1 •.whereto give ns h rail when tin > visit the city Mr I. A. 1 .ilips, formerly <*l liar u aunty, is with me and will he glad <o*e<* his p \m tri- nrttK ATTESISTB®^ Is NC\V INYITKD TO OCR LAll K STOCK I’ioct. (><hmls. < lollis ( ’nxsinwrcs :iml r l'i - iin- inc'liwHuir KicnHi n II I Aincrii’iin .Malccis. A LAO. pund aupply ot thu various nak'- nl Honn- Good*! nil of which we n”' op to 1 oiu.r ,n tbfc L*-hA lvlc on lit. hlrort-M Polj, n. An * Xl* AIMTe and choice Id of TEXAS CASSIMERES kft in, ta which wa call pftrti.uliir uo*we. <. *Y. I*KA(>O( ’K, C loth INo Manufactory. 64 1;*-ai> Nrnfcrr. l Bur r^adv-made atock we have a lot of ••Cottonad** S •ita’*‘we will closeout at pric< a > I low D. G. Sparks & Son, THIItD STIiEET, MACON, GEOIIOIA, iiREBODSE, COTTON. AKD 0( MISSION MERCHANTS. F again rff*r c*tr rvire? tvs' WurekouM- at and Cvmniis ion Merchants to our planting fr aud* of Talbot nod adjoining counties. Plantation SiijijiliAis, Ilfißging; an<t Tics I* wil'd l 10w..t market ralee. Jti- AdmufM made on Gorton i <lw, aa Low a* b* i ton** in the city. aep-10 O. G. SIMKKR A: SON FOK CLOTHING -GO TO— UNSHIP & CALLAWAY 1 LEADING CLCTEINGECDEE CF KIIIIE CICEGIA They keep the best goo Is ami se!! at th<! 1 >wet prices. Oar Dollar fSllil’t is o( the best material ami fits well Apetits for Keep’s Shirts mid Umbrellas. W. iTrr Baldwin is with us, am! will be glad to have a call from his rndt, VINSHIP & CALLAWAY, No. SO Second HI.. Macon. ERE SHE COMES BY THE CAR I E r ek from the Manufactory, Somble Pacific Guano and Acid Phosphate t *k**e Ylu<bl* Fertilizer* f**r Wheat. Oaf* and other winter croj; tor cash or lfifH,, OCi’OEER, 187 U. Ail good and practical lurtuera buy I W. YV". JENKINS, n ° >14 u GENEVA, GEORGIA. 1 AAIOUNTttY NKWSIMPt l, FUK THK MASSES -DEVqjTEI) TO I IVII.IZATION ANI> MONKY-M VKtXO. TALBOTTON TALBOT COUNTY, GEORGIA, THURSDAY AP IL 10 1879. ! Mr. Henderson’s Mania. BV HAWKKYF. HDIIDJCTTK. Mr. Ellis Henilerson, one of our best young men, went out walking I with two of the sweetest girls in j Burlington. They were nice girls besuiiful, accomplished and modest. And Mr. Henderson was a nice voting man, too. He wore that evening a little straw hat with a navy blue band, a cutaway coat, a pmf of light 1 wide pautloons, a white vest, n hut ! ton hole boqnet, anil J 5 cents. 'lke 1 evening was very warm, and as they walked, these young people talked - about the base-ball match, the wenth er, and sunstrokes. Bvsaiidby one , of the young ladies gave a delicate little shriek. •00-oo ! What a funny sign !’ ‘Wliere? Where? Which one, Kl frida ?’ asked the other young lady eageilv. lla—yes,’ said Mr. Henderson, 1 m troubled tones, looking gently but I resolil'ely at the wrong side ot (he ! street. ! ‘ l'liert !’ exclaimed Elfrid i, art J lessly pointing as she spoke. ‘How funny it is soelled; see, Ethel.'’ 'Why, said Ethel, ‘it is spelled ! correctly, isn't it, Mr. Henderson?’ ‘Ha—why—aw—win, yes, yes, ti lie sure,’ sml Mr. Henderson, very j huskily, staring‘ns hard as he could j at the window full of house plant. ‘Why, Mr. Henderson,’said El ! frida, in tones of amazeineut, ‘luev 'call viol say so? Just see. ‘i c-e, ice ! c-r-dmible. e-m. cream;. tlnuV not the way to spi 11 cream ; lliut’s not i the way to spell el earn.’ ! ‘Oh, Efi ids,’ ci ied her comp anion you must lie near-sighted. That isn’t an e. is i<. Mr. Henderson ?’ And Mr Henderson, who was | praying harder than lie ever prayed In that an eai thipiake might j erne along an I swallow no edher j tiimse'f i l' all the ioe rri am saloons ill the United States, be didn't much can- id j ’• looked up at ti e cliini nei i, 1 *V h mse and said: ‘That? Oil, yes, ves; -f course, j why certaimy. II iw ve v much cooler it has grown within the past few minutes,’ the j’oimg man su 1 j denly added, with a kind of \ nra | tjon: ‘surely that cool wave the sig | mil-service dispatcher antiouiiced ns ! having entered this country from | Manitoba must he nearing us once | more.’ And he took out his handkerchief and swabbed u face that looked as though it had never heard of a cold wave, nor even looked into fbo face of a man who hud heard of one. He knew when .he talked of its being cooler, that his face would scorch an ice-berg brown in ten minutes. Bv this time they bud turned a corner, and the appalling sign was out of sight.. Mr. Henderson brcith ed like a free mac. ‘I a'wuyu like to stroll along Jed ; ferson street in the evening,’ said Ethel. ’lt’s so lively. My, just. [ look at the crowd of people going in at that door. M'hat is going on in [ there, Mr. Henderson?’ Mr. Henderson looked across to the other side of the street, us usual, and said, ‘Oh, yes; that is a clothing house.’ ‘Why, no, Mr. Henderson,’ ex claimed Elfrida. ‘Thai’s an ice cream saloon.* Ethel laughed merrily. ‘t>o yon know,' she said, ‘I wondered what so many young ladies could want in a J gentleman's clothing store 1* Mr. Henderson said, ‘II, ha, to j be Hare!’ And, oh! the feeid ■ I ghastly tincture ot rnir'll there was I in iiis nervous, ‘Hu, ha !' It sounded as though a hoy witn the ear-ache should yssay to laugh. | ‘Jm it true, Mr. Head rson,‘ asked i I E'hel, ‘that soda fountains some- ! times explode?* Mr. Henderson, gasping fu breath eagerly assured her that, they did ; vor> f-eom-ntly, and that in every! instance they scattered death ami j destruction around. Ic many of J Eastern cities, he said, they have ! been abolished by law, and the same I thing should be done here In New ■ York", the young man went on, all the soda fountains hud been removed , far outside the cit.y limits, and were in located far lonely meadows, side by side with powder houses. ‘I am not afraid of them,’ said the hiring Ethel. ‘I dont believe they are a bit dangerous.' I I' ‘Nor I,* echoed Elfrida. ‘I would not bo afraid to walk up to and stand by it all -day. Why arc you so afraid of them, Mr, Henderson ?’ Mr Henderson gnashed his teeth and secretly pufloit out a great sheaf of hair from his head ill nervous ago nv. Then he said that lie once had a fair young sister blown to pieces by one of those terrible engines of destruction while she was drinking j at it, and he had never been able to I look at n soda fountain without I growing faint. j ‘How sad,’said both tho young la !di<B, and then Ethel asked: ‘How do they make soda water, Mr. Henderson ?’ And while the young man was | getting reaily to recite a receipt l coni posed mainly of dirt and poison, El j frida read aloud four ice-cream signs, | and Ethel read oil a transparency, I ‘Lemon ices, cooling, refreshing and I healthful,'lied Elfiida read, ‘Ladies’ | and gentlemen’s ice-cream parlors,* twice, and E In 1 looked at tho door and sain: ‘Oh, don’t they look nice and cool in there! how comfortable and hap py they do look !’ And Elfrida then said: ‘Yes, indeed; it makes this dusty street an 1 scorching sidewalk seem like an men. just look it at them, evan,’ and then y,*mig Mr. Hender son, who for Iho last ten ntinnb s had been clawing his hair, and tear ofl Ilia necktie and collar, anil pav ing the air, shouted ill tones of wild frenzy: ‘Oil, yes, yes, yes. Come in; come in mi gorg" your-elves ! Every!) dv come in olid feed up n whole week’s salary in li!'b en minutes Set ’em up! Soda, ice cream, Cakes, straw berry c-.bbb r, lemon ice sherbet, i Set ‘(111 tip ! ll's (111 me. Oil, y es, I | can stand i . H', lia, lia ! I am ! John Jmsib Y inderbilt in dispoi .<•. J Oh, yes, it (I in’t cost anything to j to (akc an evening walk in Burling ! ton. Oh, no ! Put on your frozen pudding ! Fa, Ini, ha aa !’ 1 hev carried the young man to his humble boarding house and put i him to tied, and sent for liis plivsi | 1 cian. He is n>l yet cnfircL out of danger, bill it is thought, will proba i lily recover, wi'h cars ant good 1 nursing. The pliy cim does not | know exactly what ails him, tmt thinks it must tie hydrophobia, as the sight of a piece < J ice throws lho J patient into the w ildcat and most fu rions paroxysm?. A friend of Wade Hampton in New York has sent him a pair of sil ver mounted rosewood crutches. A soil f the Siamese twins is 1 achieving high honors in an East i erii college. Why shonld’nt he rise in the world ? His father was well connected. The latest thing in robberies comes from Vuma, where a gang of ties peradoes travel in a coach, and rob ' all highwaymen who stop it for the I purpose of plunder, j President Hayes receives S6O 000 i a year, besides rent, furniture, fuel, towels, gas, medicines, Vegetables, beef, gardeners, cooks, steward, doc tor, coachman, (lowers, etc. A Chicago woman is going to try to keep her mouth shut for three ' thousand quarter hours. Beta of twenty to one are offered that she can’t do it, and there are no takors. But for liis dog, which pinned him and held him do in till the neighbors could break in and bind him, a far | nier near lfip m, Win, would have j killed his wife and child while in an I insane fit. A number of enterprising irdivi l ' mils have bei n engaged in collecting hones of homes that fell jil tile late battles between Russia ami Turkey. ! and have sold them to Austrian su i gar refiners. i A religions ( xchange advises poo | pie not in learn to pi ly cards. Tint : Tiie writer appears to lorget that a j knowledge of cards • ill someiimee j b event a gambler from carrying off j a hundred dollars of a man’s money, j One—!bird of Chicago’s population ' is Gi-nuat), and an- nriy equal pro- ; portion of the public school teaching is done in the German language, Tne board of education proposes to exclude ail languages except English f.otn the schools, unless tauglu sim ply as accomplishments, and the Germans are holding public meets . ings in opposition to the measure. I AN IKl>tl LETTER. AS KXTtN! IVB DROVE OF THOBOCOHBKED BULLS. My DiiAit Nephew; I haen't sent you a letter since the last time I wrote to you, beknse we moved from our former place of living and con sequently I couldn’t tell where a let ter would find you. But I now, with pleasure, take mv pen to inform you of the death of your only living Mel*i lvilpathrick, who died very suddenly last week afther a linger ing illness of sick months. The poor man was in violent convulsions du ring the whole time of Ids sickness, lying perfectly quiet and spachlcss, all the time talking incoha*ontlv, and calling fi r watlier. I had no time to inform von of his death soon er, except 1 had wrote to yon by the last (lost, which went off ten days before he died, and then you’d had postage to pay. I am at a loss to toll wh it his death was occasioned by, hut I fear it was by his last sickness, for he wait never well fen days the gfither dur ing the whole time of his confine ment, and I believe Ids death was occasioned by his at ing toe much rabbits schnffed wttii pays anil gra vy or pays and gravy schnffed with rabbits - 1 can’t tell which. But be that as it in tv, as soon as he hreutli ed his last the ilocklherA gave up ah hopes of his recovery. I can’t tell you any thing about Ids age, for you well know that in March next he’d have been twenty-five years oul i, lacking ten mouths, and hot he ivrd til that time, he’d been jist six mouths dead. His properly no v revolves to his next of kill, who all died some time ago, so that I expect that it will be divided betae il us, and you know Ids property was something very con ideiubli', for ho had a lino es were sowld to pay liisd tits and the remainder he lost in a horse rue ; b t il was the opinion of every outwit the time that In* would have won the race if the horse he run against Imilu’: been too fast lor him. I never saw a mail and the dock then* all say so, that obsarveil direc tions or luck medicine hell her than he did. lie said he’d as lave take bi’llnr ali.nvays as sugar candy, it if it only Im l tile same taste, and as ipecacuina us whisky punch, il il would only put him in the same hu - mor for lighting. But, poor soul, he will niver ate or drink more, and you havn’t a living relation left in the wide world, except myself arid yonir two cousins who were killed in the last war. I can’t dwell tin this mournful subject.and I shall sale my letter with Wack salin wax and pill on it your uncle’s curt of arms, so 1 beg you not to break the sale when you open this letter, and don’t open it until three or four days afther yon have resaved it, by which time yon will be prepared for the sorrowful tidings. Your sweetheart, Judy McGee, sends you In r lout unknownst to me. When Pat Finnegan arrives in America ax him for this lelther, and if lie does not know it from all the rest, tell him it’s the one that spakes about your uncles death and Haled m black. I remain yotlr affec tionate Ould Grandmother, Judy O’liooLieiNE. To Mistber Larry O’Hooligane, lately of tbs town ol Tijllymucklesb rag, in the Parish of Beilerngget, near Ballyscliiiihguitliery, in the county of Kilkenny, in Ireland, now hi America, forninst the pump. N. il. Don’t write to mo till you l'esave this. P. iS. When you eoino to this place stop and don’t read any more til! the next,. A story comes from Milan of a highly conscientious bm-ber who fi and fr in temptation. He had been call ed to suave an eminent capitalist in his own house. After scraping the miiiionaire'.s chin for a while the bather suddenly threw down his.ra zor and ran out of the room. Be ing pur-alMil and an explanation <lo muiilej, lie said: 4 1'he sight of the goiil was too much for me. If I had not run away I sin,aid have cut the rich man’s throat and rob bed 1 1 i; 11 .‘ The gentleman who es caped the sad fate was so grateful that he presented the barbel' the sum ■ J 100 /nines At Portland,' Oregon, on the 3d inst., two stuffed figures, one icpre settling President Haves and the other a Chinaman, were publicly burned in effigy, and the liberty-lov ing people danced around with de light. Pianos amt Oritalisul Fnctoij It a tvs. Omnd Introduction Sale, oonimfiicina Novemlirr 1-t. 1.000 MnouKlcsnt Instrh ii. lit- from best makers to lie placed, foi Introduction and Advtr isenolllt, in South ern homes at Agent’s Wholesale Itates. El egant 7 Oct. I’ianos only $1:15. Magnifi cent Squire Grand*, catdogne price SI,OOO only $250. Ilaiidaotne !) Slop Organs. $57; lit Stops *7l; Mirror I’op. 11l Stops, SBii. Choice instminenta at lowest prices ever Known 0 years written guarantee. 15 days teat trial. Write for Introduction Sale ire,liar. . Address l-in o s A. Kites’ Solid)- eiai Music Mouse, Savannah, (la. The (treat Pimm and Organ Depot of the South. ja|)2 3m —# 4. .Hnr/i /Vif.v. There i w in Aadumhus a lilt'io mail who ia all cleverness and soul and tie conducts a Inmhiess in which ull are interested. His name is Atari* A. Itradlnrd and he Keeps on hand one ot the finest stock)* ol Saddles, lioness, Trunks. Ac., m the (State. His homemade Harness are superbly good, ltis prices dely competition. Mr. H. Mid dlchrooU is aitli iuiu and sill he pleased to see his friends. ft < ' S. A1 U't C'OFFINS for sale nt the lowest cash price, by jane 25-tf. W IT. MAICTIN. One of tin* nttractiouH iu Gen* \n is its superb hotel and aiding house. The fume of (’npt. Morris and his most excelh ti Indy iw pprciidinu' beyond the limits of th into. Thoy ocrtdinly keep one of the ben! t.iblos ii hungry m\u ever do vn to. tf i'jccitmx. When you yo to rolumbiiß. don't fail to (*ul 1 'it the pvand crocdicry ami glnsswari house of Ti G. ('oA'derv A Son. in the Georoji Homo i r.ildint. They havo th* most cl £nnt mi I heantihil stock of GooiL in Georgia. DonM for jet them. tf. ffV.W Side. Kftdclifl’H West Side Hofei, in Columbus is rapidly growing in popular favor. It ia ' e'lkupt ami Id orally patronized. G. W It d' liff Proprietor. -BT,VtIE CHEAPEST HOUSE FOR CLOTHING I ii ]VTacon -is- J. H. HERTZ’S. | A. full Stock nt the fiowost Figurcc. U‘in<‘ ( '.'issimon* Suits At $!); $10; $11; sl2 50; nn*l sls. Dress Suits sls 00 to $25 00. so i mri'* all complete. Minis of the best Irish Linen ami VYnmsuttu Muslin only 75 Cents. Full Stock of all Goods for Men and Boys at prices lower than any houso in Macon or Columbus. Quali’y ns good as ever. J. iI. Ilt-i-fz, 90 Cherry Street, ociltf Macon, Geci’gia. TERMS'. *I.OO n Year In Advnnr* WHOLE NUMBER 453 OSd Reliable. W. A. JDHAN t CO., DBAUuia a Best grades Foreign and Dora***, Staple & Fancy Dry Goodi TRIANGULAR BLOC* MACON, GEORGIA. Black and Colored Silks, Black and Color. od Dress Goode; IJ in nil the latest styles ami most fush* ionnble Hesi^ug. Cloaks, Shav\ij* Ho*ikrt, CoRhiTH, Kid Glotkk, Kxbbon*. Nstk-Wbab ninl Pa MCI Hue w. 1 l’ompt and careful attention paid to orders. Samples sent on applica tion and express paid ou all orders of len Dollars and apwards W. A. JUHANACO. lanTe^house. 15. I>lT|l. Proprietor MACON, GEORGIA. * pills HOUSE is now provided with every I necessary ci nvi iiieiic-B lur the acoommu- Liti’in mill enmtort of its patrons. Tho 1- ■ation is’le and convenient In the ini-sineis portion ot the city. The Tables, ifivo the hint tin* iißirUef offords. Goauibns I** Hi t! >iin ihtpot irr of charge, miulitid free ol chnrge. ft# - * The BAR is Hiipplied with th bti A iiu* and Liquor*. vl < ‘sst * rj. Bull, ATTORNEY AT LAW. TALIJOTTON CA. U/ T lLfi prnolice m all Mia Courts of th* Clmttahooehee circuit. Prompt aL tontimi Kivni to oollmciiouh. Tho colleoijofi of ul) claims for rcasionc in wnr\ of INI2 and Afcxico n wptcifilty. ('onespoiidcnl m Wushingtßti. (>fli .’c over 0. W. Kimbrough's Store. ocf‘2‘2 1878. <J. OAI alio U" jsf, ATTOItM T AND CoDMBKIXOII AT Law, Geiicvu (*oorg;lfi. practice iu all the Courts of tie (iluittHhoochc'H ( iron it. •Special attrmion pivoii to collections. He is C ur* Fpondin for the the General -l.oclii.y Agc.icieri of Nevr York end Se- EDGAR T. SMITH, ATTORNEY AT LAW, TAMMirrON, Gkoeoia. U T lUj pruriice in Courts of Chattehoo* <h* circuit, CloHe end careful atten •i " Niven lo all hnsiueKM entrusted to hint, > /olh*ctiouH anpecialty. JiemitUucea prompt febaOtf K. H. WOREILL, J. IL WORRIU^ E. H. WOREILL l SOI. Attorneys & Counsellors at Law. Talbotton, Georgia. I'metier in Superior and Supreme t’onrt* (Georgia, amt liie It. S. Courts *1 Savan nah Special utiention given to all matters ill dnnkrnptcy. Jan 8-ly. VV. F. Ml MFORD, Attorney at Law Fiilbottoil Giuorgia, Will practice in al! the court* of the Chdt ahooc.hec Circuit find elsewhere hy apceial •niiuct Prompt a tentfou given to all (auh iickh crttruKt* and t‘ him. J. M. MATHEWS,"" ATTORNEY AT lAW- TulboLtoii Oa., Prompt attention to all hualnvM. Prae in Superior Courts “f Gifvuit. and Supreme Court ot Georgia. J. H. MARTIN, ATTORNEY A.LT JLA.W, TALROi roN, GA. vy H'h practice in the Con Ha of the Ohal- V V tainkiclikc Circnil an t Hie Snprvine Court of the Stale, 'the collecting a specialty. janlttl I*. M. WILMS. j, x. WILLI*. WILLIS & WILLIS. ATTORNEYS AND COUNSM-LOB* AT LAW, '1 At (HOT TON, UA, jinStf W. F. THiAKIi, DENTIrtT. / \FFICE OVKK MASON’S Drug Ale ml ' / Randolph atreet, Columbne, G*. TST- Save your “ IVetlt;- |H V are better (hail Jewele. All di.raaea ot the Teeth and G i’o— ‘rented. Artificial Tevh pm in wti* H’l.S-tt