The Talbotton standard. (Talbotton, Ga.) 1870-1881, April 17, 1879, Image 1

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*9 , {v \V. K. MtJIFOKD. VOLUME X-NO. 16 colli i HA H v KSVILT .12, <i A., U7 ii I, OPEN Miily in S it< nil *r 1 NTH. with a lull e*n so <rii?Bt, snrrffu'ul toucher* determined to keep up the " idespri ud Mid deserved reputation ot Ibis j istly cole brated Mjfcool. - . . . Gordon Institute offer* superior inducements to parents dextrine to edncate tie-i■ R .i;siu,d daughter*. Ii has all the modern appliune *. apparatus and furniture, and a jttord noraucfcwfnl teaching unparalleled in tl e State. It-* music and. parin.cnt is c. n j,; t. ,j t,\ IV'f. Gnttenln-rg* r, who l as i o *up< tier and hut tew equals in his profession. Pwtrt *sville is the most enterprising city 014 the 'Eicon and Western Kailr aid. v and h*j'istlr the reputation of tailing the most moral, liberal and enlightened community e Georgia 'J nil ion sll SO to $lB 50 per Term. T'o-ird >lO 00 to sls 00 per mouth. -?* F*r (’i.'aiogue containing led! iufoin; dine address CHAIUJSE LWUmtIN, Vv.r. or \V. 11. WOODALL. Secretary. jaKlCtf Ilarnesville, Geoffcin. Ml. A. Gibson, NO. 19 COLUMBUS, GEORGIA. - in JET GOODS, Gr.OCEF.IES, HGTIOrS,CROCKERY, M. P P. -ANT- A FULL STOCK OF Plantation Supplies, 1 IX of which wo are now * fVrii’cr at the very l-nvcst market prices, nnd gtinrunb <• ill ! ;\ t mir g<" ds as repress nted. We cordially invite the people . f I‘albot county n,d . thereto giv* us a chII when th*\ visit the city Mr L A Philip*, formerly of liar r:s county, is with me and "ill he glad .<• -c* his ruauv friends IS NOW INVITED TO OCR LA It F. STOCK I’icrt 1 (iloods. ( lot lis (':issiin<‘ri's;iiiil r I "i-i m mitiKss. iic*lu<l iny sicli I'n<'li>.l, ;mii Americtm .Mttkcs. t T.SO n good supply ot the vclio-i- mak's "and lion., lio M- j] of u rich w.. gat lift 1 L'Y order ,u the Uut ,tvle un tl **h r<-si o u.i An t x;-n.t vt- ivi 1 or e lot of TEXAS CASSIMERES in, to which we call parti ular no*i<-c. <•. .T. PKACOf 'K, CLOTfttKft M ANfFACPUtT. *’>4 Min .Air Stkeft. In mu r 1 adv-made .ifocU v*e h ive a lot of * XottimiMl -S its” we n ill close nut a* fnc> - j e rprisinylv low. kpj>24P 0. G. Sparks & Son, THIRD STREET, MACON, GEORGIA, WiBEHCRSE, COTTO ,, ) AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS. IFF again offer out service* as Warehouse aid Cummi n .on Mer -nt*- to ur hunting ’ ' friend* ot Talbot and adj n ing comic s Clantation SiipplifM Il;t£"ins: and 'I ios m-iiisliod t |nM>t market r ites. Advances u ude on Ciitton i- dure, a. In* n hi tsv Louse in the city. eaplt) ft. O. SB I]IKS A (M)N. run clothing -GO TO fIiSMIF £ CALLAWAY IEE LEADIKG GLOTKIKG HOUSE CF KIOLE GEOEGU They keep the best good* and sell ut the 1 iwest prices. Our Dollar is of the best material and tits well Agents for Keep’s Shirts and Umbrellas. W. Pitt Baldwin is with us, and will be glad to bare a call from hi friends. UTNSIIIP & CALLAWAY, No. 50 Second St.. Macon. HERE SHE COMES BY THE CAR ■_o/%D ! J rosb front tiie Manufactory, Soluble Pacific Guano and Acid Phosphate *be#c vulublc Fcrtiliz-r* f< r Wheat, Oats and other -' inter crop* tor cash m • le . pK\able 151 H., OCTOBEIi, 187D. All good and fanner* buy then. W. W. JiUNTIvTiSrS, E °U4tf __ GENEVA, GEORGIA. A COUNTRY NBWjSl’.ll’EK FOlt TIIE MASSES DEVOTED TO CIVILIZATION AND MONEY-MAKING. TALYOTTCN TALBOT COUNTY, GEORGIA, THURSDAY APRIL 17, 1870. The Way They Do Ir. One of those little incidents in seperablo from travel in Texas, is narrated in a late telegram front Sun Ultonia, Texas, to the St. Lout. Globe-Democrat ft occurred near the place bearing the eupltoneus and j suggestive name <f Peg l.og, on the j banks of the river San Sabi, on the j Eastern border ol Stake 1 l’l mis: The coach, laden with mail sacks and several passengers, coming < ast., bad approached within one mile ol ; Peg Leg. It was nine o'clock i t night, and the vobickle rock' and along m the dense and sombre shadows of the timber, bottom, or swamp of the San Saba. The diiver vas urg ing his horses up a smart ascent. : Tin )i issenger o , dreamy, tired, and half asleep, were suddenly startled i by the sharp ‘whoa!’ of the Jehu on the outside. 'I he stage stopped. ‘ls this alio her stopping ?’ lazily inquired one of the pass n a r> ‘No.’ replied the driver cooliy’, but its Six Shooter Post office, I reckon. Tie- travelers began to lake the j hint, and were soon confirmed in j their suspicions wln-u they next heard a gruff voice order the driver to drive off to oie- side of the road. The vehicle moved, buts mil came to tl standstill again. In tiio mean time there was it tremendous and exciting flurry inside the singe,! though not a word was spoken. Each j passenger strove to see lmw much J be could conceal on Ids per-ou . All j went, to work hiding Jewelry an I mote y. Some stowed it uay in j Iht ir stockings, down 'lit ir backs, up their sloevos-any where. Ones uok I $lO in Ins shoe; olio secreted tin contents of his pocket, which, how- | ever lie kept r-< tdy, c mt lining only i one check and a make believe. The occupants of the coach now j pen-- ive 1 they were ii| the Ii ,nd- ol I ilte Philistines; nor u.t. they stir ' prised win n the same gruff voice is , In. fore plane I out: ‘V ufti'v. in 'h ie step out mo j by one, and if any man sh evs a six i slimuer'--it’d bow the top of hist head off Tito older was obeyed. The lirs p issenger to make his exit was a milidiry telegr-ipli op -r.itor, g u g to j Sa:i Antonia. Tin; boss robber ask ed lnm who and what be was. ‘l’m iu operator,’ said the tele ! grnphi t. ,'i’hen I’m d—cl certain you rntist have money. -Come, folk over. Pull off them shoes.’ Tlie updator, whoso overcoat one of the robbers thoroughly, was about r<■ 1 iiet 1 ill.tjy obeying, the highway man, when the latter seemingly be coming impatient, said: ‘Vail, I recon ymi needn’t take off , yorslme ; never mind ’em.’ The operator gave them SO, and Hived $lO lie had in his shoos. Af ter going through the man of elec tiicity and voltaic but cries, the rob tiers ordered him buck into the st.nge. A HOSE OF THEPBARIE. The n< xt man ordered out was a stage agent named Rose, who had formerly been stationed at Rio Pe | Co-. The young man got out. like one who is about to put his neck in the halter, ih.foie getting out Rose had stuck iiis lag six shooter in the waist-brad of his breeches, and 00 in currency which be bad in his porlemnntiaie lie stuffed around in his cloth s to the best of bis ability. He threw a blanket over his shoul ders, to.conceal the pistol which he afterwards mid. lie intended to use on the highwayman in case of din necessity. Asa blind he bad twenty lollars in silver in a tobacco box. Rose stepped out in the shadow of a urge trie, ami with the air of a man whose let dime is leaving him, ban and rl the bag to the boss robber, and said: 'Let me have a dollar and a half to get a. good squat a meal in Peg Leg u il’n, wont you?’ The robber made no reply, but failed to search Rose’s person. Hi ! S9OO escaped. One of the travelers, Max Lind j beira, was the next unfortunate to sti|i forth and confront the Highway j men. ‘Who the devil are you ?’ said th<- robber in-chief. ‘My n me is Max Lindheim. Who nrey >u?’ ‘.fLut up; git back thar an I fork I over every thing,’ was the stern re j ply from behind tho ominous and I mysterious mask. ‘Here’s all I've got: take it,’ said ' Lindheini in u broken down kind of way, at the same timo thrusting bis hand into bis bosom and pulling nut SB. ' j • I’urn them pockets inside out, and : that and and quick !’ exclaimed the chief j brigand. j Twelve dollars more resulted. 'Nmv bold ur* your ban Is, and | lcmnie see them rings of yourn.’ j ‘One of them is not. mine; the j i other is ti family relic,’ pleaded (he j nas.-enger as ho exhibited two bean, ifui rings, one evidently a momenta of a friend. ‘Well I don’t keer, you may keen j ’em. Haul off that over-coat thar!’ again came from behind the mask. I Tho garment was searched, and Lindheim ordered to re-enter the j coach. Tho list, passenger put, through the ordeal was a man numm Mu 1 r who had sdl) liideii at various place, on his p u'sim, but which ho ovaniu" ally lmd to surrender. ‘Golmiv arms?’ said the robbers 'Yes; inside tho the stage.’ ‘I io and bring ’em ’ Muller did so, and biinde.l the brigand a largo six-shooter with which Ini might nu.ilv have blown daylight through t vo others ut the vildans. Tito robber took tho ‘shooting iron,’ viewed it, through the mask an Isa ‘Yon may keep it; its old and worn out, and not worth a d—d.’ Hiving got through with the passengers, the brigands text <n,der ed the driver to throw down the luai p inches from under the seat. II del so. One of the. villains i lop -d op.-ti one of the saeks and tint rune- I therefrom several regia'ered packa ges. Asking tlm driver if ho hi Ii six shooter, and being alts ver,' ! i . Ihe ling .: ive (lie hail t!i ' dere llnn t . I,not II -. 'li nt first preti-n lei tie hid iimie. o piece of one was at leng h lon I With this they began to searc i Mi interior of the sL .ge-, In' fmi ..I lid or nothing worth e e ry in ; "!1. Tie tins r ilibef . a k. e . scarse 5i feet, lig'i, ami e . bine soldier’* oveieirt, with tro ."is Stuffed ill lus boots, then gave the following exnmauil: ‘Yon follows inside there got out and walk ahead of the horses, ’lie fest one that 1 ailts hack will have the top of Ilia head blown off!’ They marched off in good time. The exercise was kept up till the bandits had got through searching the stage. kite brigands then dis appeared as su l lenly ns they lmd emerged from the deep gloom Of ;he trees in tho ‘bott mi’ of the S iii Saba. fn regard to these robberies, now so frequent on the Texts frontier, the question his often been asked, why don’t the passengers, who ere generally well armed shoot? 'i In reason is, as on this occasion, not from cowardic' perhaps, but from the uncertainty of the nurnbet of the robbers, not knowing but several of the gang might be concealed near by to back their companions iu ca-e of trouble. Ci.oke or iiiK Siasux -A female was hanging out some clothes iu a j aril on Gaston street, when a bov i looked over the f. nee and culled out: ‘Htivciou h, eu any mud dogs go by here just now?’ ‘Mad dogs— rnotcy !’ gasped tile woman, and she threw four wet sheets on the ground in a heap nnd g .t into the bouse with tour bounds The boy maintained bis position. After a few moments tlie woman put her head out tho door and ask ed: ‘Have you ?’ ‘No !’ wits the calm reply; T guess the season for them has come ; to a close.’ ‘You arc a miserable boy ! \Vbv did yon alarm me so?’ she said as she op tt .il the door nnd stood on the step. ‘Who’s been alarmed ? . I guess if I want to find i mad dog I’ve got a right to inquire if any have gone by, haven't I ? You don’t expect me to go an 1 get out full sheet poster;; and leave 'em at houses, do you ? Hump! the idea that a boy can't even inquire about mad dogs !’ Kiilcm Fur IliiMb iiulM. Do not think when you have won ti wife that you have got, also, a slave. Do not think that your wife has Vhs feeling than your sweetheart. Her re atiou to you is simply chat g • ■ ed—not her nature. Do no* think that you can dis . pettse with all the little civilities of life towards her on marriage. She appreciates those things quite ns much ns other women. Do not lie gruff and rude at home. Hid you been that sort of a fellow before marriage, the probabilities are that you would bo sowing on your but tons yet Don’t make your wife feel incumbent on you by giving her gmdgitdy, What she needs give ms clieertnlly us it were a pleasure for you to do so. She will feel much bolter, Mini so will you. Do not, meddle with the affairs of ‘he house under her charge. Yon have, no more right, to be larking your nose into the kitchen than site h is to walk into your place of liusi ii"ss and give directions to employ- Do not find fault with her exlrnv Mgiincn in ribbons, etc., while yon waste money on cigars, tobacco, whiskey, etc.. Do no leave you wife at homo to nurse the children on the score . f economy, whiff yon go ti the tlren- Ire-t and spend money at billiards. Do not bolt your supper, and thou hurry off to spend your evenings 1 away from your wife. Before mill'" ] riage you couldn’t spend your even ings enough with her. Do not pr.n.l about, till midnight, wasting your time in culpable idle, ness, lea ting ymir wife lonely at tune to brood over your neglect and her (Ii- appointee nt. Do not think that tho woman ‘bom \'iu have solemnly promised to ‘love, cherish and protect’ becomes i set v-int for yon as le r put t of the .iil r .et. Do not think that bond nnd ej are sufficient for all that a! , ife litleS for VOU. I) . not expect n woman to love an l honor von if you prove to be a ut". id tin wort by of tier love and D ii t, e less your wife in public ed iben snarl and growl at her ' lien you are m privati. Tin’s p aives that you are a hypocrite. Do not wonder that your wife is not iih cheerful as she used to Iv, when she labors from early morn 'ill late ill night, to pander to the comfort and caprices of a selfish pig who has not soul enough to appreci ate her. Iliiltti Minis. For a sprain or weakness, take tho w ell-lie 1 1 eu while of one egg a Id a teaspoouful of atilt, nnd rub i‘. web over the. sprian mice or twice a day. To make lip salve, take one gill of sweet oil, one ounce of white wax, three quarters of an Ounce sperm tr eed Dissolve them over the fire and stir till cool. Milk is found to form an excellent solvent for quinine, and also to dis guise, in a measure, the bitterness of tire drug. It will be found par ticularly useful in iitlministering qtii nine to children. Five grains in n tumblerful of milk is almost taslts less. Persons troubled with lent that j perspire, or smell offensively, can ef fect a cure by bathing them every night, or oftener in a strong solutioi borax. Two or three weeks of tins treatment wilt probably be found sufficient. (dive yonr children plenty of oil! door air; lot them sniff it. until ti ends tin' rosy eurreut of life dun eing joyfully to their cheeks and temples. Air is so eho qi and so lieo . s-ary That no child should be de nied access to it. Ilr. Tiovle Piiii' O was ninety-five y-,nj ltd on tho 21 Ii of iflst month. tf'i via. norn in North Car -liuii. Mocii gliti, 178 J Ito C'-letn-ated Ids nin.:y-tittii biitli day ir the t.oin.' of t ie s m, Bishop P erce, in Sp;o --t. Cm. At the (Ndabn'ion were fattier, ion, g .i.'lson, gmit-grand-iun, grand son, in one room on tho ranio tuy l.v# gent-rations together. The eelnliraied trotter Goldsmith Maid was rf-liv-ired ot a fine hay horse colt, at p ".Irion Soul Farm, near Trenton, New J 't.-cv last Wednesday. The sire is George Vashingion. Tiie n-rter is said to have r -(used an offer of S2O (Hid tor it. Kerosene will soften boots or shoes which have been hardened by f water, and render them ns p liable ' s new. Pianos iiiut OigmiMiit Euclory K a leg. Grand Introduction Sale, commencing November Ist. 1.000 Mngnittccnt Instru ments Iran heal makers to be plnoed, for [ntrodaction and Adverfisoniont, in South ern homes at Agent’s Wholesale lialos. El "Rant 7 Got. Pianos $125. Mngnitt e nt Sipinre tlrands, cat dogne price SI,OOO only $250. Il.iudsotue ft Slop Organs, $57; 13 Stops $7); Mirror Pep, 13 Slops, SHtS. flioieo instruinontH ut tiAveit prices ever Known 6 years written gunrantee. 15 days test trial. Write for Introduction Sale I circular. Address la.'mil'N A Ji.mV South- I era Music Mouse, Savannah, (la. The I Cuvai mid Organ Depot of the South. ! jau2 3ui .TJT tirJ; T/l f.v. TTiere is iu ( ai)umhus a little man wlio is dl eleveroess and sunt and tie conducts a li'isiuesa in vliinli all arc iutercßtod. llis name is Mark A, Bradturd and he keeps on I hand iuc ol Ihelincst stocks of .Saddles, ll.tua'.s, Ti links, Ac., m the State, llis lioiti-inade Harness are Kup"rl)ly good. Bis prices dety oompetition, Mr. It. Mid dlohrook is with littu and will be pleased to CPKKI NS. u i, 4 1< In! COFFINS for eulo nt tlle lowest r.vsii piico. ly jime 25-tf. W H. MAIiTIN. Odd ot tho j! r.i 11 1 lust ut tractions in is ils superb linlcl and outinj' h-uso. Tho •;tmo "I (’apt. Morris And his most rxoollcnt lady is KprcadiiiL,' hryond tho lindta of tho state They oortainl}’ keep one of the best tildes a hungry mm evov sat dawn to. tf Erri/iiH'. When yon po t* * Columbus, don’t fail to call it the prsmd orookory and plnsswaro linuso of L L. Cos" dory fc Son. in the* Got-r p i Homo Luihlinp. I hey have tin* most p int >m.l b uititul Htock ot Goods in Gforpia, Don't toroot thorn. tt. PPV*f Side. Ihidclifl’s West Side llotc-l, in Columbus is rapidly pro\s inp in popular favor. It is well kopl and Id piiti’iniizocl. G. W H ih lit!* Fropi iotor. HOUSE FOB 11 1 M : ICOI l> ! kS J. 11, HERTZ’S. V full Stock at, 11 10 Lowest Figures. ITimi K ssitnopp Hnif s At $9; $10; $11; 812 50; and slo. Dress Suit.- sls 00 to $23 00. SJ 8 i If’rs ill complete. Made of the liest Irish Linen and Wunrsuttii Muslin only V-Y Con is. I’nil Stock of till Goods for M-on Boys it prices lower than any bouse in Macon or Columbus. Quality ns good as over. .r. ii. i ici-tz, 90 Cherry Street, OcMtf .Macoo, Gcoigia. TF.IOIS, $1.0(1 a Yeni’fn Advnnee WHOLE NUMBER 454 Qlil Kelitilile. ff. A. JUHAN 4 CO., DCALin* IN 1 >cSt. grades Foreign and DomeUi, j Staple Fancy Dry Goods •rniAXGUI.AR CLOCK MACON, GEORCIA. ; Black and Colored ■ Sillts, Blaclt, and Color ed Dresa Goods, id ail the Infest styles ami ifioat fash ionable designs. Cloaks, Simu.s Tlobiert, CoKSETS, KiD-GIoIEH, RinBONS, Nf' k-Wj au and Fancy Cuorwi. ib’ompt and careful attention paid to orders. Samples sent on applica tion and express paid on all orders ot Ten Dollars nnd upwards o< tlff W. A. .TUIIAN tt CO. LANIER- HOUSE. 15. I>l 15. I^l’oprietor MACON, GEORGIA. | r PilbS HOUSE is now provided whh every | ■ ner-‘ss try ci iivt-nienee for fhA ncconiwo * Liti>n mill eonifoi’t ol its patrons. '|’h lo ■ ilii'ii is du-ir.diJe Mini convenieul Lu fchc busings portion of tho city. Tiie Tables, 1 1 .*$ vt■ Hu* best tin* nmrkef offords. Ottinibna bttui depot Ireo ol ehrtiyc, buggdgo linndled free of charge. ’ Ihe lAU is suppliod with tiie best Wine nnd Liquors.* J. .Hull, ' ATTORNEY AT LAW, TALROTTON GA. UyTILL practice in .dl the Courts of the <'tiiittuhooclu-c circuit. Urempt at ten (ion 'given to collections. Fin' eolh-ofion of all claims for Pensions in wai’A ol lJ2iui(l Mexico n Kptcialty. ( ’omh-rpondenl at Washington. Oflice over ('. W r . Kimbrough's Store. < IS7S G. O A LHOUNj ATTonNIiY AND (.'oUNHKLLOH AT LdW, (em,‘vii (uorpiiu. 'VILE practice in nil tho Courts of thd ('lmi G< 1 1< udiee Circuit. ; I” < i ll attention *iven to collection*. lie i s U 'IT-Kpor,ding Agent for Ihe the General '’ !.. . iii.g Agencies of New York and Ra viunmh. msv6cf EDGAR T. SMITH, A I’TOR.X K V AT LAAV, Tai,iio7tox, OnonuiA. U r I [A, pr.ielii'o iu Courts of Glmttukoo chiie I'innit. t’hiHu ami i-ai'il'al nlWu-. lion given to nil liiisincaa entrusted lb him, "ilevtionsnliji.rialty. Kemittaricea prompt teh'2olf I’. 11. WGIiIiILL, J. 11. WOI'iUILL, E. H. WORRILL & SON. Attorneys & Counsellors at Law. Talbotton, Georgia. I 'taelid.' in Snpcri' r nnd Kupreifio ('<•s nf Gdirgiii. ami tin; I'. K. Courts at Sn#n "ah. spr.-ial attention given to all matlt-m 111 Bankruptcy. .fan 8-ly. ’ W. E. MUMFORD, Attorney at Law I’ Itotl on (.ooj'giu, Will I'l-.ielino ill all thn remits of the Ctmf '*• car Circuit and i-Wwlicm hy spedril cwniiirt. I’ronq.t uttuutiou givou to all Lusv ness enlruKh-iI to him. J- M. MATHEWS, ATTORNEY AT uAW- Talbotton 0a,., I’l .lnjit attention to all hiiKiti'isk. Prao -1 in Su;., rim- Courts, of Clmllahnocho# ! i |v "il ■ mil H'lproine Court ot Goorgiu, ■Jan S-l y. J. H. MARTIN, A I r<yitJN ICY AT I.AW, TAi,i;urro>f ( ga. Y y IU, piwrtiri ilf Iha Courts ot tkr Cl:at * * t"l; >-"-hi.i- Ciuaiit ntwl Ilia Hhpt'-m* -nit ill It; St.iia, 3 tie aoßocliug.biiainMa 1 -|i • "Hilly- jpnbu M. WU,I,IS. J, T. WILLIS, WILLIS & WILLIS, vr-roiiNKvs am) aoDxg*i,r,o*B at law. I AI.IIOTTO N r , OA. janitf \v. I*’ 1 . IKLIVKII, 9 DEaNTWT. / y-r-'icEcrEß .masons ' / l. uiilolph strott, Columhaa, Go, r.-r- Save your -‘ r. etn il„.y aro'hetfar 1 "i ! "" ls - All dia-ase- ot the le ih and .1 ‘l'aatc-d. Arntiaial TcAtfl putm w-h-n u 3 “ lr 1