The Talbotton standard. (Talbotton, Ga.) 1870-1881, May 01, 1879, Image 2

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Th Talbott cm Standar WITWMnT MAY. J, THE*oldest paper. Official Organ Talbot County. Ml TilAm H-* torh Work** km It ffc to rfnf at 17'J a l‘ it* Ml * pM ao iw tin* Mk wkr mry *"*' inrwHwl Hi prnMa r pul a* tl <OO, OOB. Jtg.fbMa Mftfpl.rr.l. l \Taliitvln, h Im lt tli>) til WI that nUmt mm Mm Orut will be mei.tioi.wl an a riaaUaatnl mn.tIWU in lt.* wit Nn atllowl lUpnhlfan Convent ior* mm-- ♦ • ♦ Tktrr recnoin Av© vecnnei©* to fill in the Hrass of f*nr from Gsli wear milt Saplanilxw. and no* from tl.o Tv*dfth Ha* Twk Malrtnt, which will Iw •IM at tt vagpilat Wat* . Vim in Kb aaabar mm. ft ta war.r wmh* tot f.ii Duamiili to appwtM Ml tM*aft>‘a lUanliinnr.ta to n aaKnithaali poalnoa, hot it ia all rin lit tor Oram and tfcra tn appoint Mtmliy liim aatf. Tka own *ha lanma. thal th* Hoopla •ill tail to M* tkrnafh aoeh loatam to lira in prrpataal tear ot tba 10l killer. A pnltca urdar iwaantly wine I in Karlin dirtota arary Iraralor arrirmg it ia in Ilia of a ladf to famioli aalialaelorjr aaidanea tbot Ilia My holmi** to hw lam iljr. of Ui.t Ilia relation* Willi her ana of a lagal kiud. <n that they are ot hero ion. The ortlar baa eananl great tr"hO* among lor* •iguera reaching Berlin. Thara ia a bill hefora the Miaaoori I.og tatatnra wbieb prorldeathat a ijualißeil ao lar bo faila or artnaaa to ante lor three eonaecntiae Stela Ucthma ahull lie denned gnilry of e [Hindi Mean or and forfeit liie right to hold any oMea n* konoi n profit nadar the Htafe. -• • ♦ Waahington iiea a aenaatioiria* tlei break lag off of an •ngngeineii* hot we© Minn El J‘e Rfeuto*. * rieughter of tbe Zrh'io 11. BtftOtOM, Slid ItUSh'BJ KtI©UTL So4sltA rv of the Turkish legation. This dMhml ♦ vai ciiiinkl bj tbe lad)*e guardians rein sing to give the bridegroom vocoiMUtioual ©on* rot of ber property. ♦ ♦ ♦ COVTiHO DoS* Pai,acl C.vh PfUCfcL ©Ta bill rmtkiug it unlawful tor the Pull cm) Palace C\r Company to ch irge morn 'tarn $1.50 fof aooomo lation fora day and end fltiug the rut# per diem at sl. X\m rsdooe* the present chargee about ou< MT. —♦• ♦ The British Columbian* do not treat the '4Mosm feefsos* thty send horns two mil lr*ws of dollar* a >sar, or about £ >OO apiece sssrf because they work ot rate* no low tlmt ’*-> one cau live nt their prim. They aunt a*ienr pAAecd Hint no on a of them can ever mfutro n title to any land, nod they wuut Up lied becnuhc they Want no affilmtion CeucAMan, aud a ill imt become ifKl of flie people. itof ramore have been ofliAt lor unino time nr refard to the health ol Queo V'ic: or in tfltr visit to Italy traq made ahaelutely ne<- emary by the ÜBMAtiefactory conditu>n ot Iber henlth. It tn rnmor* and that uulcha th>r* ta a A|>ee4iT change ehe will Abdicate in tA wor of th Prince ot Wale*-, w|j.> ia discharg ing bet datirt daring her abecitco from Eu gland. Senator Raton and t'oauaatiCnt r m>?o the Montgomery AdvarttNur. iihh inulo hie non clerk of the committee of which be jh chair man, Henntor Vance bm done the name thing, and Imm alao pot auothor eon into a place in the Renat*. anl eevcral other Sen ator* have looked after *tka family* in the aame way. This savor* of n* vnitinin too ranch to be popular. The Senator* Klvouhl be careful I • In the course of au aitule on the Preai deucy, the Talla|KHiea IVinocrat mprvjwe s is our jadgement, the view* ot the proas ot Alabama when it my*: ‘While Mr. TUden may be the man, yet it in nnwieo to he in hot haute to declare in hi* favor. In AU bema the people man, bnt we arc I Vmh i atsan. I ere not wed to any umu, but we revere the pnn* ipb* o: the party .* L. G. UtnniA, the ’little gmnt of AU chin,' who aMietad ffldihilt lfnyrs to bte place ia the White ll<ate by tampering with the vote ot Alechau county, Florida, ha* fallen into trmbb*. lie lme just been convicted of perjury* by a Florid i Coart nd aentenced two yearn tu the yrauitentiary. Ay Mr If*yes himseit ha* rwwanltvl all the oth er participant! in the trend which made him President it i* perfectly proper tor the State of Florida to give I>eum a public position. The Mew York Tribmie of M uday cor recta the *tateeut reoenlly umW in t* Waehmgtoe diepatohe* charging upon Governor Tilden oonuedioa with r\ patent inediatue ftun that had evaded the payment of rcrenne tesee The Tribune publishes a letter tr*m Tilden & Cos. showing that Governor Tildeu has uo interest m the firm, and that the **uur* of the goods ot the c**miany whs a rna'ter of tntlmg amonnt. Thi* affair i* woithy ot notice dually for the reason that it i* the first in stance within our reoollwctiou of the Trib une making a coirection ot a stMtemen. cul. eulated to do iunry to a prominent Ih-iuo crat. iXvtor Carver, at a receut exhibition in Ragland, placing ten glam bail* on tb* ground, fired a bullet into the turf imm< di- ; ately bauaeth The aumiic tearing np the b nl, threw the hell* into tbo air, aud they 1 war* brokeu a* they ram. The Doctor‘s greatest fmt see performed mr a wager ot j one hundred pom and sterling that he would h:t au apple upon tn* eud of e knife held \ by his enkoeed attendant ndmg ou borm beck a! lull gallop a a dauamw of thirty yardr. A Urge apple we* ptoenrrrl and •tuck on tbe end at * pniumg knife Ti e negro mounted n borne and btdd tbe turv’et with kis left hand av far a* pomibic behind bu body. The atari was made about one kundrwl yardk away, and when tbe ruler came Uhiu range, niiOg a a furious gal lop. the Doctor fired. The tw>t attempt was a failure, aud odds of Un pounds to two pooud < were let against Carver The he struck th- sppi* k .-king /ii Kelt a \ ■ n pi'Oe* %iißulgiiNhitlria sf llm Itm t v f riier la a law m (rt-o M-i, and, I*h l*ve, in o*tm aonfhem Hbt *. .vbicli pro nibite iho tut* rmsrrUgt ol rnco*. With pmtbiy one or two iicvptioft* Urnre La* Itcett no attempt m her to evade or violate thi*l*v and than far it bai slumbered j r. ftly ui the statute book, being lew A bar .to lumccpcna'ion than th*< iriatnict and di airos of th: white* and l/lnchs. Iho indication* •lie, howcwr, that the c< nstitiitiovahty * f state laws prohibiting intoiimirriago vi J shortly be tested the an rcuie oourt ! of the I’nltcd Statee, with ©very pnapect ] that they will be held void and of no effect I he cac wlik'.li tf/e trapvem© court is like ly to lit* e.ilhd upon to dendo arises in u color**) nmiii arnl u whit© v.- rnan were f msrritd iia tVa*>li%iigtoii. They, were autiHe quentiy am *• cl in Virginia, tried for vio j kiting t lie at.ile la*', con vie cd, and senteu- j sod to five year* each ir* the penitentiary. U this partb tilnr rust is cuitiod to the su preme court, there i no mrt of doubt as to the ruling ot that tribunal, lor the marring© in WaahiiigtOD, under United Mutes laws, whs not a .viols: inn of the laws of Virginia. Hat there is another question and a very i importiiut one, which tho court will U celled upon to consider, namely: is tho state law of Virginia, which i.ftixo.-! a penal- ; ty upon in term trriage, const itutionid ?• 'lTie I first section ot the lomtouulh aiuendineut dvclnres that ‘no state ahull make or enforce any law which ahail Abridge the privilcd'gca or ir.muniiica of citizen'*- of* ffte ffuitorl Strtes,’ m4m! it ia to bo presumed that the court wMk Si gurd umrnags an one of tbo privileges ol n aiti&£n. Hiiy rato th* prospect’ that the care will be C.U'l'ied be fore tho court opens up an cscecdlllgly in teresting discussion. A few j© ir* ago, Bub ft prospnat would hare oeut u shiver of aprehsoaiou through fhe ootifb, bn* the trtaiU iw th*-reia.i law against race iatcruuirriage winch irrero cable, a law that cannot be repealed or dis turbed by the decision* ol corrt’a or tho opiuions of judges. It is beyond the juri diotion ol legislature*. It i* a law tint was adopted, and confirmed, and imp] uiled in the liuiJimi milid at the beginning. The prohibition 1* beyond all human law. - At lanta Const Hut ion. A Toi poi* Trpoi or iiHidiviiy ot (be kidneys la sc riotisfy (Tangcrous to tboso organs, since it ia the pi©•■client ot diseaHCH that destroy flieir an 1-stance and endanger lif. T his slnggishnerts may Ih: overcome by stimuli ting them, not exovoaively, but moderately, an ©fleet produced by Hosteller's Stonnn h nitter*, a general invigorunt and alterative possessing diuretic propsrtie* ol no ooramon order. Tbo impetus whic h this admirable medicine gives to their evacuative function ooantxracts any tmubucy to congeatiou which may vx’vt in ebuir ti Hues. Moth they andtUniruß], tlie blader, are invigorated a* well as gcutlv stimulated by tho Miners, which etirts a kindrrd h,t>u unco upon the stomach, fiver and bowulm, aud by at rung t hening, the system, tumbles it to withstand malarial epidemics, to which wh©u’oxpo*od it might othorwia© Niiecotub. Tiujr.x’* Poutuajt. Goorgo Francis Train and avis tins lucumte portrait of Til deli: Tilden** talent is of a low and seltUh order! Its chief element iH cunning, and its second element is caution! Ir is a talent f-u udWi luiniug and circumventing! A b lent for eel ting trap* and I*} mg plots! a talent for diplomacy end chicanery! a talent fur tricks and evuaionst a talent lot compas-.nig | results by the crookidest possible methods when a straiglitforwiuil manly ccur.vo would Iki far hotter! It is a kind of foxy, snaky talent, which iK>bnly trusts, which every body iH afiunl 01, and which is always leav ing ita auspicious *ool-f racks dr its oonvic ting slime wherever it creep* or crawls! Ij i* a talent which no one raspects, and which no nmn who loves his country wants to arc in the ITosidcncy. •ff Urrut It oust. While in Macon recently we wont through the grand Wholesale Dry Goods Emporium of 8. W*x*lbium A Bio., whose fame has spread ovtr more than tw ( States, and we must say that the eights seen nii-1 the goods viewed made us feel more like wo wore in New York thauiu Macon. This greet cstah lishii.eiit occupies three Ntcries ol one of the largest store-Ileuses in Georgia, and when c visited it the othei and ij it was filled with goodK from top to bottom, yet nt least u half million dollura worth of gnotU had bcoti sold <*ff of the Spriug stock. On the tir>t floor you find heavy Dry Good* and Doinoe'ic* ami also Milliiw ry and Htras’ goods. Ou tbo second flooi ia the Notiou Department and several other huge el part uients, and on the thirei floor ia the exten sive Clothing Department. In all of these departments von will lull and com plete stocks nt Now York prices and equal in quality and variety to any wholesale stock kept in tho metropolis ol the Union. Mr. Sid. Waxelbaum, tho engineer and big proprietor, is a merchant of wonderful genius aud success. Atv v years back ho started |n>er in the town of Aimuien-, G*., and no* lie lias the largest Wholcsab house in the State. Ho is a moilel ot vim, energy and cntu prise and is one ot the most popular merchant* iu tho land. He cm ploys a perfect army ot clerks and assistants who air ever polite find attentive to his large tr uk\ Nix Waxolbamn i* still <x tending his tuiaiitbsa ami trad ami ©re long lus house will l>e known and p..tron d lar alul wide. tt. J. S. JONES & CO, CoLl MSI ft, GSOBOIA, Will open during the week a large line of Huntings iu spring shades. Also other Dies* Fahuc* suited to present use. t**pr injrJlS ilk w. Noreluca iu j Fancy Silka, embracing Stripes, IMaide and ITu-Clucka, also solid cvuiuig shedva. 1 losicry. Full assort men! of ijudiee’ and Mist©*, Plain and Fancy. Parn sols. An entirely treah lot o! these OiMXie, No old stock on hand. Tbc>e were bought low vety I>a, and can he sad. here at prices l>e lo'V the cost ot old fftwck carried over from uiMt seartui by other hauses. Full liuxw ot Hlmchcd au.l Brown ?'g*. and Shi©> ,i; pi vs. ' r. 1.27 J " JON WACO. in i: G”OKGIISTATEGAZETTEFR - AND - DIRECTORY. IH7O Mil* 1 Fnt©rpnaing citizen* ot thi* manufacturing and wholesale deah r* North . wiioul I Nubaeribe for and advertise in this VALUAHLK WOItK, which sill isHtie about June, lith, 1879. Letter* promptly aiiawer©d.- A. E. KHOLES4-&CO., l*nb!i*her-, Rox 7U)H. Axlakta, Ga. ! C. W. NeitwooD, Compiler. (hfiy where you saw this card.) FINE TROTTING STALLION, STARTLE. rpms fine Stallion wag fo.Ec.l April 1872. I Ho i* ivdark bi--wn or cheat nut color, blaz; face and !w!t hind foot white, 1C hard* high, fAie firtn titni vifj To with large bom* and grwvt mmtciriar power. Wpl stand the aonifon at Tnlbolton, at in} stable*, ad will servo mare* at $lO tho seji •ou. sls dollar* to them. Will •tano *t Wavcrly Hall, Ham* e,onn tr. tbe 22, 22. and 23 ol April, and ou the 19, 20 and 21 of M%y. All possible can? wiit he taken t*> avoid accident, but will not t;e litl-l** lor any th-t may occur. Tho season will com mem c the j t?r*t day ol March and <?lo *• U:e first day o! Tunc 1579. Hl’ Vll I* 1,1*2 received the firat premium at the State Grange Vale in ian. Ahi., in 1875. tor the bet thv •* year old colt in the 1 State; hlho the tiist jwernium nt .Montgome ry in 187<h oswr a rins* ot tt’teen Stallion* 1 At three years oil? the only time lie was ever on the tr.rek. He show* great Kpe and It an I nut rallied colt, having trotted a qu.vr'ei ot ! a mile in 13 hm’Oihlh. lij him is combined ! all the gules a- ei ssary fr t!e Middle horse, | a faHt walk, tr-it. pace or single ffot. n :i >i<; i ;i :• STAIII'LK fii'Mt rire, the .-eh-brated trot ing horse ilo|*r, be by Eureka and he by Long Island IJlai k Hawk, and h- by An drjiw Ju- khofi, lie by H-i-sh,iw, and lv- bv Grand H.ihslhw, mi imported \mbian hois©. S'nitle 7 * don was a frue brown inare titter!) aud a hall Inud* l.kdi, a stout, h< tine *tvied and fast trotting m, r- ; hei taml ly qiinlite* were mtsiirpuHv and l\ any *i thi* ! country;'rot in three immUti* without train 'ing. Ilowh-i'.-t dam iq Gray eagle tr-Ums j ti .rse, ®i.ii:d dam a lao r and m ire, Fur* k*s | dam was tail' M'*ou\ Ia Muhl!jß*-> ; Pay \fivt*t. by Mand-ino, bv iuipoiti I | ldaek Ihiwrk’n lam by Keldti -kv I 'Vliip,; ii,utd dam bv Imported Sh>k- s ( ,f.n-<\ ii. r. imosi febbl thrill r*< >M r ri<i;i > Talb t County Sheriff Sale- Will he sold before fixe Court Hou*e door in Hie town ol Talbott n, on the first Tues day in May next, between the legal hour* ot sile, tho I- 'Mowing property to- 'it One r.Uire Uon*e and lot in tin town of Talbottou with the laud wher* on Knidltcu-a i* loeateu and the h.nd back of eiud store hone© to Ckiy street, tho wad h "I said stor. bon Me, the HHiuv i-emg the bo ise now o-i n pied try F.inanucT Griffin. C"h and hi in •., tho wtsf ©kl© ©C tin* j >ti 1•! i ►r j> i. i-- in ©aid town. Also titty acres m land oil and tdi iior*hwe*t corner ot :he !->t of land on wh’-i Mmion lilium* now 1;\ >►, in tho id*h D,st of said county Also two mulfK Ah x laiko black, or dark col.'•led mnlf and Id ' light l ay mule each ahoni ten year* "i *. A \< >-t said property levied on as the | i -p-'ity ■ t Marion Hvtlmno t > Halivfy an eocrrti i tr<m Talbot Superior fourX iu ta w -r A Mud Austell vs Mrion Ihflinne 1 evy in U this Jan. 29, 1879 and nuln e given. Jan , 29. I . H. PF.rtSGtt.H-, Sheriff. GKGtidlA—r.u.i or loi’uv Willifthi Reedy applies t me for leltfis of Guardi iiiship -f ihc per. u* and projwi ty ol John, Alton aud Comer R e ly. >rph an* of Miry Uc<dv; and <>t M 'llix and Fan nie Reedy, orphan* ot Julia Rocd\ 'These are therefore to cite aud admonish all po ona coueorned to be and appear at my office and show cause, if any there h , why ami letters Hhnuld not bo granted l on the l*t Mond >y in Jim© next. Given under my official signature tins Ist by of Ma\ ,1879. * RICH VUD FI. UioNXRP. Ofdiuary. (tI.OUGTA Tai.iiot Cocntv AVhfcrtas oeitain |*Mni n* is have made tb ir application to this Court praying an order tor tht obstnictum f>t tb# lord across Flint river at the Dont-h Fridges; wlm ri iiH CoiuiniHM*n©r., pp luted t - cx uii ine into the nti ity if so doing, have report, ed that si.idi obstruction wouhkbe ot public utility and couv* nience. by inducing tie stock-holders ot the old bliTges l tniil 1 new one© Now this i* to cite en-1 admonish all po sons that on and af er llie l-.Mh day nt Aprd next, And lord will Ih* bstnu trd. it no good ea e to the contrary i© shown. Ry order ot the Commis-ioneiH t -mt of the county of I’llbot. 1 his 12ih day ol March 1879 RICHARD 11. LEONARD, Clrk. GF.t)RGIA Coi ntv: AVhereas, Mirtha A. Smith, ot the (’State of Finney Dismukc, deceased, represents by her petition that she Ims ‘nil\ administered the estate of s.*nl dto a*cd ..uni pm\s to ho dismissed therefrom. Now these are to cite and admonish ©l> persons concerned to apfvur nt my <fli *c within the time prescribel hy law. to show cause it any they have, why said Adminis tratrix should not be disnnsj- .and. Given under my official signature, this first day ot Mav. 1879. RICHARD H. LEON \UD, May I Aui Ordinary, j New Pianos $125 Ewh. and all styles, inel idii.g Giatnl, Squar© ahd Fpnght.all strictly first-class, sold at the lowest net cash wholesale fie- ’ toiy prices, direct to the purchaser. Hirst I’miios I’lie ol the tiuest displays a; the Centtiinial Exhibition aud wire uuani uiously rcuommemltd for the highest hon ors ever 12,000 in use Re übrly incor porated Manufacturing Cos. - Factory estab-I fished ov©r 36-years. The Square Grands' contain Matheashek * new patent Duplex Overstrnuf Scale, the greatest improvement in the history ot Fiauo miking The Vp rights are the fluent in America. Pianos seat ou trial. l>on*t fail to write lor Ulus (rated and Descriptive Catalogue of 4b fleti— mailed five. MY.NDELSSOUN PIANO CO.. 21 East 15. h Street, N. Y. (iEORGI A Tai rt CorsTv Whereas sinjon (.. Saiith a ul I’hnrles L. Smith, of Charles L. Smith, de cc>sd.i* l lesnd by their pcfitien that the.' have Inllv admini.-ter© 1 th* Estate of y.ud decHUsiaU and pray to bo dismissed theie trom; N...a thee** are to cite and admonish a’l pc son* conci rued to appear at my . t 5 a , iijfh u thutiuie pr< si-ru t and b . nur, to snow cause, u A*'j t a v cju. why s.iid Licautors should i*oi Ik ti t nwseit. Gncii uiwlnr my i.o Mguvtnre this 3rd d*\ ot Apr 1. R *t\K ’ IT I FOWRD • KDINaRV. ‘ |G. L. SUMMERS, E. U. MURPHEY, i orin. r!}-ol SMITH & SUMMKKS. 0/ s IEPHKXS, Ml Ul'i!V A ('■' SUMMERS & MURPHEY. ManuliicfitriM-s und I>>ii]<>ck in Carriages, Wagons. Etc* I *: trjl<sville, Georgin. Ehwpo on Forvyth Street, next door to HTEPHENS. MCRl’ff Y A O. . j : II amess of all Kinds. Wii have now completed our new shop*, aiwl with a stock of the Latent Improved Tools and l**t Material bought at the lowest rasa t rim s we ate ipw prepap-d t-> do all kind*, and int the short©.-1 notice. \V liave <■•©.ured Hi© *t svie#*snf a corps of tl> L-st workmen in the Mat©, including all t!,e former worknw n <>t t.Y- late fian ot Smith A Summers, ex ! repf three, tom-fh..r with five others. W guarantee \Xc ure ww turning out n large lot ot work <4 Our Own Manufacture, j And we will keep on band a large Id of work ot Northern Manufacture*. In t! e Wag' n Line, we can suit the trade in price and q laldy. We are the sole agents of the Celebrated Htatlebaker Flantalion Wa^on. I* needs no praiso ati-nr hands. It ho* a world-wide r©pnt it ion, and his ho n hM t-r tho old firm of Sn ih A Summcts f• >' h past J n war*. AV c m u * a.* nt* t r tl * polly celebrated Teuue**©© Wagon. VVv .u* filing Plants n i \V it Filty-fivt* D 1 ini*. r>f at! kind j done on Bhi>C N t low pr *to hoc the times, -n 1 aaliHlartion qmr ant© and f-#r plantslUMi Work ahllh r e Sin* iLg w- maka u specialty and at unpriced* ntedlv Low Piii-s** Our HARNESS SHOP we propo*. t<* ic and wIT mlww < fc.*ep on hand a large lot ©I Saw Harms*. Hand Mde and o! the v.-rj - s’ mu*--. Ii me! in a I set of harm s>, c >n>e and m> u*. It you need your old beraess r paired. mesndse- n-. ff yon lacd Lighiniuo R nl.< mi your Imu-e. wo i-au put th m ©n tor Im1( w lat Um m o. l J ling agents W'pi ( harge you Ou© finisd W gon <>l our own make ulways ou ban 1, and *•* J the bruit qnalit . (>U Ii ( () IU IU IX r.CSIN KSS Will h- npenot".l-.l . Mv.ii I, Si.! M M i.:,.r. W- witl !..•.•(. <• .'.,'aMlj .mi h;.mi mil f MEiaur 4...1 wool i.N’i;n;i\i, iasks. ..... ... i 'l. ■ |n\vf.,l pi ic. M.l Ih ■! , /Ml. :.M |.l V! ; 1 r ..t■ ■‘ 1 ' ... V. M 1..; ... ! !.i ■ i t.. 'l. I ■ !. I" IU M... .Di or A. 1,1. u. \\\■ Hill k(..|. <f ■■ I-.U Hit- ■' T,...h-* liuruil H .Im-h, ih„ t.lO|, .... tn In wnr.l. we |'|. ,81. In inept ll.i! a-.n I.s ul the trA'. i.d i pri ••• tn anil t!. t i"h,■'.... IW. .1.- V ...... ..'PI... \i, V... 1 ...V.. IH .1 ti. I I '■ !! r. V.. 1, Mii.u...iou ami \ I .- >. ivc.l : r v nr „ i . .. f.,,1-24 M UMKIiS ,1 Mrui'ill.y. LIFSITCHAim Th om it shut. ( m iortjf n, 1 JTKI.IS CONSIAX ILY ON IIANP All I.!.'■!.> K < >I * Dry Limmls <i*<H*<‘rics. Spools. * Shoes anti ISafs, Tobacco, Cigars and Snuff, All kinds of (\ >i 1 1 1 a*t it >n< ■1• i < -s. ’Country Produce taken in Exchange for Goods. V¥H m Hi_ ILEE, - i>i:a i .iif i\ Straw anti Silk (>oo<ls. Flowers. Faaflicrs, eft*. |()‘J I frond StiMMd. t >1 * lai lni, (icoi‘&; i(l --l11 .VN H i.ow opr n nii'i u ndy lor sale the la i- nnl in . rupl t# s k -t Straw ai Chip It its and Ronnrt* wer bhowu in this < it>. < : - isting id II !!.■ iatest Parisian. ! English, Italian. Swiss and American Noveltu- . ‘ ■ r ,m end I•> variety of the leading elm pcs in Staple Straw Good*. M\ Silk and l'i our IV. artour.t are aso re* ph t© wrth fviiythirg new and desiraMc !'or:nt:i.: tin* ne .st and mont ©leg. nt display 1 ot Silk. Ribbon*. Flower*, etc., that the Hotic- nil For* M <:>•:. can prod ce. I have also ready for inspection an ex'r< :n©ly ch i ■ sde.ii.Mi ot Pattern Hats ai.d | Bonnet* and am "nnsi inllv nviivinp addition* to luy general My in iivs will as ii-ivd Th- v r\ la. ad l r- s; e-a fully solicit a oaii from the 1 dic> befonj making their purchases. Yours very IJc-p. otfullv, m. 11. 1 .i:i P. S. Plea*© observ. my address. 102 lroad \t to Mcveis S.-.o St-r-. apr 10ft * “ j The Old Shoe Store Ts Li ill ot just sik-1i (roods as the in :< ii .1; w \ > r: Evi ry variety trom tho heaviest Ditchers BOOT to tho dainties SLIPPER. Pi ices WAY DOWN! Big Stock ol LEAT HER and FINDINGS. It will pay you to look at our stock before bin mg. wl:i j.s ci irtis. 73 bre-d Stmt. COLUMBUS, GEOIUiIA. / Sign of ihc Big Boo!. uprlOii - MM 1 E DOl .1 -A 1; Slot iE. L. .VEHVI/./.V, Proprietor. S3 CuEjtr.Y Stbc: t, - MACON, GEOHcIA. C1 V 'ST VN [T Von bv. d\ l r-e n>-.l ' : F.a' . • nble M M.: ; . F.tfj mid V i.p'j ■ iC. ~r# rituiLd tv! ' Iwh-wil iTii-e- A*- 5 M.ilkh is. ntul MriclliUltU Sp|li<'l :lt N.;vv Y< H k [nice*. cell If . i P. B. PATTERSON <6 C 0„ WHOLESALE AUD RETAIL DEALERS IN (Stoves, House Fm-nishiii*; CiooiU und Manulketnrers ot* Tin-Wm-o. D< > Yoi i X eed a Stove P IF S<>. wn can sell you one nt these list of ware, inuliiding tliiity-five piece.- -2^^ 1 13. I^aitcrsoii iSir Cos., a])i3'f 109 Broad St reet, ooliirnUu c ,*<h. U. H. 11EIUUNG. ~ J. li. J.NMiI. Wi7 Pill CARRIAGE WORKS, Herring & England conrMin s, ueoiu.ia, MANUFAI’TUKTMIS AND DF.ALEItS IN Carriages, Buggies and Vehicles of till kinds. Also MMun'aehiers of th© DFX TKH BCGGY’. NVo also A gout* ferCui uiiihus, Ohio li iL’gy Cos., and tie- Whit© Wat* r Wagon Cos., mid can exeente all oido At -hoit notice. \V- g.iniaute* nil work mole or sold by u*. NVe guarantee th© ir t -ou tbo White W..t©r NYug n will not have- to hu m.-' <-r .shrunk until it I leaks or w.-ucs out. ftpr3!f FOB CLOTIIIXC* -<;o i'o— UNSHIP & CALLAWAY THE LEADING CLOTHING HOUSE (F MIDDLE GEORGIA Th.'j lieop t 1..! 1.. ;t ” I'.Ls an.] it ili Invest prieos. Onr !>oll:ii- f-hii'l is ■f.llit b. ot and fits well nts for K. . p's Si.irts and,n,!l,i-. M . . I'\: i' i:< i-u iiii u-, and will be glad to have n. call from Lis [ friend*. WINSHIP& CALLAWAY, Ao. 50 Second St,. Ofacon. Thos* . Wood, AI <ic*t >i l. (J <*< 11 *giji, DF.ALKU IX FuiTiiture and Carpets. Fine Bedroom and I'urlor Suites in vreat variesy. t.'AIIPF.rS. Baity md Tapestry Brussels, "t lu*-<- l*l\s, FAtia Super, Su]H,r and all Lower Unulcs. Ait will lie sold at ixcet.iiupiv low juices. < oi-i’ixs vm> ( vsivirrs, |of eiei'V tl* vij.litu! aial (uici*. m AVooU aud At. Oil. Cull alul , xauiiue Goods act IT. .s THOMAS WOOD, - S’ \t to '(...nier IK.,is#. The liuUdituj 117f/i Two Flay* is THE PLACE TO BUY YOUR PICTURES, FRAMES, ROOKS. STATIONERY, SHEET HUM t: .I). ERVIXE , NO. 9 COTTON AYK, - MACON, GEORGIA. Invites the citizens rf Talbot ion and vicinity te call and examine kis immense stork ot Picture Frames, Pictures, Brackets, Books, Stationery. f.IMT> AVI) TOYS. The boa pest place i" I Vie State t< buy Picture Fiaraes. Looking Ghvftscs, Sheet M’J* sic. Sii.auul piiccsio parties liaviui: Premium Picture* to tram.-. Teacher* write te me r Catahe .• s-f School Novelties. Remember th© place, ‘-Building with Two Flag*-* cc 29 tf _ Never. No Never! \NCr<‘ I>UY <<><>!>> so Cheap. I WILL not name price*, but will sir, it y in and a PARAS )L, see my stock beioro 1 you buy uiii . It \on want I T O S 1 Klt X" I will say von never saw in ('<-lambus, us fc ;n-at a variety of Colored Hosiery iu one is van will find ! re- Iu buying my Spring Stock, I have had my attention constat/ ou keeping up ;n rej.nt.ifinn kr bargains, end an say I now have tor my patron*, * IIARGAIXS l> IIIOSIKHV. Collars and Cuffs, Har.dkorebief*. Silk Tie*, Rows and Handkerchiefs, Ribbons, Lin^ a low aid Table Linen, A•-, and th -tock <•! Dres* Good* I have over brought to this mark. t. You are'ly a.>kd tx rail and inspect my Goods, whether yon want to buy or not. We consid rit a pI.-*H*uare to show cur Goods. Respectfully, J. ALBERT KlßVEN spr3tf No. 90 T3aou> Stheet, OOLUMHIS. OS Monumental Marble Works ! FIRST DOOR NORTH OF YIUGINU GROCERY, BROAD STREET. C 'olnmbus, Georgia, MONUMENTS. TOMBS. HEADBOARDS, VASES, 40., OF TH BEST ITALIAN AND AMERICAN MARBLE. 7 O' Designs nud estimates furnished by addressing ns. Worliinainsbi]) the Lost. Prices reasonable A M & J H- ELLEDOE- Proprietors! snarCif