McDuffie weekly journal. (Thomson, McDuffie County, Ga.) 1871-1909, February 21, 1872, Image 3

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Sle UJcftoffie goufttal. HOME MATTERS. Agents. The following named gentlemen are duly author ized to act as agents for the McDuffie Journal: Dr. I. J. Brinson traveling agent: A. T. Bright well and J. R. Porter, Maxev’s: M. G. Broome and O. A. McLaughlin, Union Point: Dr. S. A. Gresham, Greensboro ; Wallace Lampkin,Athens; M. Jordan, Augusta. *ST All advertisements in the local column will lie charged 50 per cent, upon the published rates, from this date. Our people have concluded that a fire engine would be a nuisance to our town. A progressive conclusion. Our Job Department. —Having supplied our selves with a large stock of fine paper, we are now enabled to furnish the public with Job Work promptly and cheaply, and executed in the best style. The McDuffie Journal is the official organ of McDuffie county, and is the only papf.i: published in the county. We are now prepared to furnish all kinds of le gal blanks, bill and letter-heads, at the very lowest rates. Supply Liens. —We have lately printed and have on hand a good supply of Liens on crops for supplies furnished, and a great many other useful blanks. Any blanks not on hand will be printed to order at short notice, and in good style. Larceny from the House. —A few days ago, Caroline Hamilton (colored), was arrested at the instance of Mr. E. S. Harrison, charging her with the offense of larceny from the house. Caroline is the servant girl mentioned in another article as being the supposed person that first stole the five hundred dollars from Mr. Harrison. Her trial will come off on Thursday next, at the same time as that of Dick Collins. Union Foint Hotel. —This excellent, hotel well deserves the reputation that it lias acquired among the traveling public, as being the best hotel on the line of the Georgia Railroad. Mr. A. J. Bell, the clever landlord, supplies his tables with the very best the market affords. Mrs. Bell, the hostess, is one of the most affable, kind-hearted and energetic women we have ever met. She keeps everything in order and neatness about the hotel. We com mend the house to the public. Dedication.— There will be at Appling, Colum bia county, on the second day of March next, a dedication of the Monumental Slab, or Record to the Confederate Dead of that county. The Rev. Mr. Florence will perform the religions part of the ceremony, and I)r. IT. R. Casey will deliver an address on the occasion. The Monumental Record will include all of the dead of that portion of Mc- Duffie county which originally belonged to Colum bia. The people of Thomson are earnestly invi ted to be present. Let McDuffie be well repre sented. Charged WiTn Receiving Stolen Goods.— About six years ago it will be remembered by many of our citizens that E. S. Harrison, of this county, lost from his house a sum of money amounting to five hundred dollars in United States currency, and that it was supposed at. the time that a servant girl in his employ stole the same. In vestigation was then made, but to no avail. Sus picion, however, rested on one Dick Collins (col.) as being the actual recipient of the stolen proper ty from the servant girl, but no evidence of a tan gible character could at that time be gathered suf ficient to warrant his arrest and conviction. Since that time, link after link it. is thought has been add ed to the chain of evidence, and accordingly a few days ago Mr. Harrison made affidavit before Jus tice Johnson that to the best of his knowledge and belie', Dick Collins received the stolen prop erty, whereupon a warrant was issued for the ar rest of Collins, who, hearing of the same, prompt ly came forward and surrendered himself to the Sheriff. To-morrow the trial Mill come off before Justice Johnson and two other confreres, at this place. How to Build Ur a Town. —Encourage men to come and with us, especially the worthy and active, whether they have capital or not. Those who have means M ill purchase lots, build manu factories and houses, and give employment to la bor. Stimulate every legitimate enterprise by giv ing it proper encouragement or by uniting our in dustry and capital in the cause. The importance of our people spending their money at home is great. There is not a quicker or surer way to build up a town than to encourage home business. Home architects should plan our building, and home mechanics should work for us. Encourage our own manufactures by purchasing w'hat they make that w’e may need. By this means all will be benefited, and our town Mill grow’. Such a course M*ill enhance the value and demand for houses and land. Let every man cultivate a pub lic spirit, and talk less than he works. Help our neighbor. If he is in danger of breaking down, prop him up in some way, instead of kicking him under—his talents and labor are M*orth money to the community. Encourage our citizens and local authorities in making public improvements, and stimulate every individual enterprise. Many plans for experiments in agriculture may be laid in winter, to be carried out in the spring and summer. Every farmer and gardener may be able to derive useful information from very simple and inexpensive experiments w’ith different fertili zers, and the different modes of applying them, deep and shallow draining, improvement of grass land, &c. The feeding of the various kinds of live stock also affords a wide field for experiments, in order to ascertain what kind of food is best adapted for producing certain desired effects— flesh, milk or growth in stock, and many desired improvements might be made in matters pertain ing to husbandry, did the farmer but give a little more of his attention during the long winter months to maturing plans for experiments in the proper season. Many farmers are too prone to while away the winter season in a sort of listless, do-nothing manner, and when spring opens upon them have neither plans nor time for experiment ing, consequently they are compelled to pursue the old system from year to year, and never make any advances either in their farming or finances. Wanted —A Town Council and Marshal. A violent hail storm on the night of the 10th. Factors’ and Merchants’ Lien Blanks for sale cheap at this office. Particular audition is caMed to the advertise" niAnts of A. B. TOraslie*, Ordinary. Query. —Has the Agricultural Society of Mc- Duffie woodbined ? Always trade with the men that advertise most. They have more public spirit than others, and M ill give you a better bargain. We tender our thanks to Hon. D. M. Dußose, member of Congress from this district, for favors received. Don’t read yonr neighbor’s paper. Be independ ent, and have one of your own. Your children will think more of you. A business man Mho supports a column adver tisement in his county paper, is a live man, and deserves a liberal patronage. Harp A Houghton’s storo in Augusta was robbed of $1,600 worth of guns. M atches, shot pouches, raZftrs and other articles a few days since. No business man can afford to allow his county paper to be published and circulated without from a quarter to a whole column advertisement in it. Justice Johnson held his Court on Saturday last. Several cases came up for trial. OM-ing to the pressure of business an extra session will be held on the 2d of March. Sudden Death. —The Augusta Constitutionalist of Tuesday, says: Our citizens Mere painfully surprised last Sunday afternoon, by the intelli gence of the sudden decease of Dr. David J. Both well, senior partner of the firm of D. J. & J. T. Bothwell. He Mas apparently in his usual health at dinner on that day, and soon after partaking of which he laid down for his accustomed afternoon nap. In a short time after he had laid down on the bed ho complained of being unwell, and in a few* moments expired. His death was caused, Me believe, from paralysis. Dr. Bothwell Mas a na tive of Jefferson county, but resided for some years past, until liis removal to this city, in Dooly county, which he at one time represented in the Legislature. He was about sixty years of age.— liis funeral M ill take place this morning. Commitment Trial of Joseph L. llodo.—To day the investigation trial of Joseph L. Hodo, charged with the offense of assault and attempt to murder Captain C. V. Hamilton, of this place, a short time since, M ill come off before Justice John son. The arrest of Mr. Hodo grew out of the Hamilton and Hodo affray w r e mentioned in our columns at the time the diffinlty occurred. It Mill be recollected that in the affray, Hamil ton shot Hodo ami inflicted quite a severe wound, M’liich for some time afterwards confined Mr. Hodo to liis bed. The warrant for his arrest was issued and served about the time Hamilton was arrested, but owing to Hodo’s illness from the wound re ceived, he has not until recently been able to stand an investigation trial. Book Notice. —We arc m receipt of n pamphlet compiled by request of the Trustees of the Uni versity of Georgia, setting forth the present or ganization and proposed plan of expansion of this time-honored institution. From the statistics therein presented, and the plan of development proposed, by uniting the proceeds of the sale of the Congressional land scrip with the present en dowment of the University, thus consolidating our prospective State Agricultural with our present Scientific and Literary College. We can conceive of no more advantageous or profitable disposition of the Congressional donation—certainly none that would be more conducive to the “liberal and prac tical education of the industrial classes.” The strong and irrefutable arguments—the logical and deductive conclusions so forcibly impressed upon the minds of every one who reads this work, should, in our opinion, leave no doubt in the breast of those Mho have the matter in hand, as to the course they ought to pursue. An Independent Agricultural College in the present condition of our State, Mould most assuredly be a failure, and M'c would urge upon our legislators the necessity and importance of a profound consideration of the facts set forth in this pamphlet, before any final decision is taken in the matter. Bonham is Coming. —Bonham, . the greatest Reader, Delineator and Balladist on the American Rostrum, will on his return tour, by special request, give one more of his chaste and interesting enter tainments, at the Courthouse, on next Thursday night, liis many friends in Thomson, will hail his reappearance with great pleasure, and be sure to greet him with a crowded house. An entire new programme Mill be given on the occasion. Don't fail to sec Bonham. Below M’e give an extract from the Savannah News, as illustrative of the warm reception Bon ham met in the Forest City: B. MELVILLE BONHAM’S Drawing Room Entertainment last night at Armory Hall was one of the most charming per formances ever given in Savannah. Asa delinea tor of character, w’hether pathetic, eccentric or comic, he is emphatically unsurpassed. He is al so an euckanting vocalist, and accompanies him self with a remarkably sweet-toned guitar. In fact he is rightly termed the prince of versatility. One of the most priseworthy features about this gentleman’s entertainments is the purity of senti ment that prevails throughout, truly elevating and moral, at the same time decidedly interesting and amusing. We heartily commend these performances to the elite of our city, and feel assured in saying that no lady or gentleman who admires true merit will go away without feeling that their time lias been en joyably and profitably spent. [communicated] Thomson, McDuffie County, Ga.,) Feb. 15, 1872. / Editors McDuffie Journal : Gentlemen. —To-day, in company with several prominent citizens and planters of our County, I witnessed, on the plantation of Geo. W. Evans, Jr., an exhibition and practical test of “A. F. Robert’s Patent Subsoil Attachment,” under the direction of Capt. Thomas Archer, the Agent; and, as this invention is no humbug, but is certainly destined to be of great utility and benefit to agriculturalists, it is right that all should know something of its real merits. Those whe saw and examined the workings of this Subsoiler, being reliable men and success ful planters, and whose endorsement and recom mendation ought to be sufficient to convince the most skeptical, announce themselves perfectly sat isfied M’ith its operations, and authorize the follow ing Statement. Yours &c,. J. E. W. i The Subsoiler was first attacked to a two horse turning plow, with two small mules, the land being a field cultivated last year in cotton, upon a por tion of which the stalks nearly head-high were standing. These were turned under, and the ground, below the furrow, thoroughly pulverized to the depth of from three to eight inches, ac cording to the elevation or depression of the Sub soiler; and, in fact, this Attacluuent is so arranged’' that it can l>e extended to fourteen, or even six teen inches, if desired. The soil is not throM’n out by this Subsoiler, but is simply broken up and thoroughly pulverized, and remains in the furrow. The Subsoiler was then tried on a one-horse plow, with one mu/e, and in ground around an old giu house, which had been trampled and packed for many years, with substantially the same results. This Attachment i* very simp’e, can be made by any ordinary blacksmith, and attached to any nlow. We have given it a thorough trial, and are satisfied that it is all, and more than is claimed f.*r it, and willingly recommend it to all farmers and planters. a. r>. thrasher, 11. W. YOUNG, JAS.R. WILSON, JOHN THOMSON, • GEO. W. E VANS, Jr. J. T. LANSDELL. Our farmers, now that the ground is too wet to prepare for planting, are bus ily engaged in purchasing fertilizers and getting up manures for their farms. Special Notices. M pounds prime Tennessee Dry Salt Bacon ; 500 pounds prime Ten nesses Leaf Lard in 50 pound kegs, on commission and for sale by feb2l if JOHN E BENTON. Baugh’s Rawbone Guano. —Mr. Johnß. Wilson, of this place, lias the agency for the sale of this M’ell knoM*n and popular fertilizer. It can be had at the low price of #4B per ton, cash, and $55 on time. Call on Mr. Wilson, and give his Guano a trial. Feb. 7,2 m Old prejudices are dying out. New facts are tilling them. The idea that invalids weakened by disease can bo relieved by prostrating them M’ith destructive drugs, is no longer enter tained except l>v monomaniacs. Ever since the introduction of Dr. Walker’s Vinegar Bitters it has been obvious that their regulating and invig orating properties are all-sufficient for the cure of chronic indigestion, rheumatism, constipation, di arrhoea, nervous affections, and malarious fovers, and they aro now the standard remedy for these complaints in every section of the Union. 5w4 You are troubled with a bad breath. It annoys your friends as M’ell as yourself. You would like to get rid of it, but scarcely know what means to adopt. We will tell you. Use the fragrant Sozodont; it M’ill cleanse and beautify your teeth and leave your breath pure. UJT We know that for cleaning paint, windows, cliina and glassware,; for polishing knives, iron, tin, brass and copper wares, and for removing stains from marble and porcelain, and rust from machinery, Enoch Morgan’s Sons’ Sapolio is the best thing in use. "Owl 3 Many housekeepers are not aware of the deception practiced in the manufacture of fla voring extracts for cnlinary use. Many of thorn are deleterious and impure. Burnett’s Standard Extracts are made from the finest specimens of the fruits and spices they represent and are perfectly pure. Burnett’s standard flavoring extracts, lemon, vanilla, Ac. Charge vour servants and deal ers and observe that they do not substitute in their stead any of the pernicious unpalatable ex tracts M’ith which the market is flooded. Burnett’s Standard Flavoring Extracts are established as the strongest, purest and the best made. A youthful appearance, and a beau tifnl, clear complexion is the desire of everybody. This effect is produced by using G. W. Laird’s “Bloom of Youth,” a harmless beautifier of the skin. Will remove all discoloration, tan, freckles, and sunburns. The use of this delightful toilet preparation cannot be detected. For sale by all druggists and fancy goods dealers, depot 5 Gold street, New York. Ohristadoro’a Tlnir Dv«* is tho safest and best. It corrects the had effects of inferior dyes, while the black or brown tints it produces are identical to nature. Factory 08 Maiden Lane, New York. Risley’s Philotoken is an established, warranted remedy for painful menstruation; and equally effective as a nervous antidote in nil cases of nervous excitement, stomach and sleeplessness in male or female. Sold everywhere for $1 a bot tle. Morgan & llisley, druggists, New York, gen eral agents. The terrific duel between Prussia and France is over, but thousands of battles between Dr. Walker's Vinegar Bitters and Dyspepsia and Liver Complaint, are now going on in every State of tho Union. The issue of such contests is never for one moment in doubt. The conflict may last longer in some cases than in others, but tho lead ing Vegetable tonic and alterative of the nine teenth century, invariably triumphs. To owners of horses and cattle.—To bias’ Derby Condition Powders are warranted su perior to any others, or no pay, for the euro of Distemper, Worms, Bots, Coughs Hide-bound, Colds, Ac., in Horses, and colds. Coughs, loss of w milk, black tongue, horn distemper, Ac., in Cattle. Price twenty-five cents, depot 10 Park Place, New York. Carbolic salve, recommended by the leading Physicians and the President of the New York Board of Health. Gives instant relief to burns, cures all kind of sores, cuts and wounds; and a most invaluable salve for all purposes. Sold everywhere at 25 cents. John F. Henry, sole Proprietor, 8 College Place, New York. Svapnia—is Opium purified of its siknening and poisenons properties, discovered by Dr. Biglow, Professor of Botany, Detroit Medi cal College. A most perfect anodyne and soothing opiate. John Farr, Chemist New York. Mrs. Winslow’s Soothing Syrup.—lt relieves the little sufferer from pain, cures wind, colic, regulates tho stomach and bowels, corrects acidity, and during the process of teething is in valuable. Perfectly safe in all cases, as millions of mothers can testify. The purest and sweetest Cod Liver Oil in the world is Hazard A Caswell’s made on the sea shore, from fresh selected livers, by Caswell, Hazard A Cos., New York. It is absolutely pure and sweet. Patients who have once taken it prefer it to all others. Physicans have decided it superior to anof ythe other oils in the market. Jouvin’s Inodorous Kid Glove Clean er restores soiled gloves equal to new. For sale by Druggists and Fancy Goods Dealers. Price 25 cts. per bottle. F. C. Wells A Cos., N. Y. janlOml Pratt’s Astral Oil—Safest and be t illuminating oil ever made. Docs not take fire or explode, if the lamp is upset or broken. Over 150,000 families continue to use it, arid no acci dents of any description have occurred from it.— Oil house of Charles Pratt, established 1770, New York. scnuuctrial Cotton Bcpoi-t. Thomson l!) Savannah 20 on 21 Angtusta 20 @2ll Charleston 21 l Tlioinson’Priees Ciu-i'cnt. Com—perboghel ftl OS ' @ 10 00 “ Meal—per bushel 120 Bulk Meat—Clear sides !l <s ioj “ Shoulders 7 !>’ Bacon—Sides 10 @ 12 “ Shoulders <1 @ 10 Eionr—per barrel !) 00 @ll .70 Salt—Liverpool *2 25 New Advci-tisorncuts. in wsm be rented to the highest bidder on Saiur \ \ next. Tho house is Zarge, and *as two good rooms below, and a large ha/I above stairs. One good fire-place below, and one above stairs. Terms made known on day of rcnling. feb2l4w A. th THRASHER. Ordinary. LUII LUMBER. LUMBER ! ANY quality or quantity of Pine Lumber de livered at Thomson, or .14 Mile Post on the Geotgia Kailtoad, low for cash. Poplar, Oak or Hickory Lumber sa v ed to fill orders at special rates. J. T. KENDRICK - February 21,1372. 7 m G PATAPSCO GUANO. >S Liverpool Middling Cottdn, delivered it/U nearest railroad depot, on or before the 01st of October, 1872, secured by note, lien or factor s acceptance, M ill bo taken in payment for one ton Patapsco Guano. M. A. STOVALL, Agent, febllm2 Augusta, Ga. NOTICE. ALL persons indebted to (be school firm of E. A. _ A Ik iVi. ‘-teed will please call and settle their accounts l’O/Z SALE.—A good Piano, very (»heap Apply 10 THOMAS M STEED. Thomson, Feb 14, 18721 f. IIUKKAU FOB THOMSON. MY friends and the pubZic generally will take notice that I have just opened a General Grocery and Commission Ibis niss, at. the old stand of .\hnsenjrfe & Jenkins. 1 will vfeo keep a good Rcsturant in connection with 11 y Grocery business. Anything you want in the ealiiig line served up on short notice. Give me * triaZ. Respcctrully, 1,41 ts JERE F JONES 'ro WIOO Jjtsr WEEK. iUnfie easy by any Lady. 20,000 sold in six months. The most rapidly selling art ielo ever in vented for married or sin gle ladies’ use. M "y 10 > noil ts JSXTSTGtHSri. STILL JLI I FIRST PREMIUM AT ATLANTA, MACON & TIIOMASVILLE FAIRS! Gold Medal and Three Silver Medals awarded the Singer at the Augusta Fair! l a tj'.i' 9V 9 o Machine manufactured. Call and examine our Sewing Machines. I.very machine is fully warranted. Machines delivered in any part of McDuflie, Columbia or Lincoln counties. Jas. H. Birch, Agent, Thomson McDuffie Countv, Ga. Also—Deals in WATOLLS, CLOCKS. JF.WFLRY, LAMPS, &<■„ which he Sells below Augusta |triees WiLdies Ol inks and J ■ welrv repaired ill the very best, manner, and warranted. feh 14m2 Kami's (%mkai /ciflber! This compound, which hss so fully sustained its character as a first-class Fer tilizer for the past two seasons, is now ready for delivery. In order to secure its more perfect adaptation, its composition is varied to suit the condition of two classes of soils: No-1 Specially for Light, Gray, Sandy Land. No. 2 For Eed Olay Land. Results have fully demonstrated the necessity of modifying the composition of Fertilizers to the physical and chemical condition of the soil, equally as to the production of the plant food necessary for particular crops. The undersigned believes he has succeeded in preparing Fertilizers to meet all these indicatTons, and offers thjrn with perfect confidence to all Southern planters. The cost of Fertilizer No. 1 will be $55 oo per ton. The cost of Fertilizer No. 2 will he go t)0 per ton- The usual time arrangements can be made, and all other information given by appl vimt-io EDWyVHD HARRY. M. ». Practical and Agricultural Chemist, 2!>o Broad Street, Augusta, Ga. .T. IS. .'NCtrl, Affcnt, Thomson, fin jaril7m3 THE special attention of the public is respectfully invited to the beautiful stock of lE’-A.XjXj -A-3SXID V/INTTER GOODS now arriving from New York, consisting of a full line of STAPLE DRY GOODS, FINE DRESS GOODS. White Goods, Embroideries and Dress Trimmigs. YT AZCSTKEB 3STOXIO3STS. Umbrellas, and Parasols, Gonts Furnishing Goods fients’ ami Ciiilrireu’s Fine Hoots, Shoes, Hats, Caps doves, Hosiery, Etc., Etc. A full assortment of Plantation and Family Groceries on hand. Tins is the place to purchase goods and get the best bargains in town. •fiMieai ti 17 ly Manhood! How Lost, How lie stored. JUST published, anew edition of Dr. Culverweli’s Celebrated Essay on the ra'dicaZ cure of certain weaknesses, the effect of errors and abuses in curly life. TIiS celebrated author in (liis admirable Essay clearly demonstiat-4 In m a thirl j years’ successtid practice, that the alarming consequences of such er rors and abnsew may be radically cured without the dangerous use of internal med cine or the applica tion of the knife; pointing out a mode of cure at once simple, certain and effectual, by (Deans of which every suffeier, no matter what hi* condition nny be, may cure himself clieapZy, privately aud radically. '/’.is lecture should be in the hands of every youth and every mail in the land. Sent under sefttj in plain «• ve/op<*. to any address, post paid, on receipt of six c ntfr, or two post stamps. Al.-o, Dr. CuiverweZZ’s Marriage Guide, price ‘25 cents Addre-.s the pilhZshift*. CHAS. J. C. KLINE & CO., 127 Bowery. New York Post Office Box 4 586. jail. 24, ly m imihi-iiummiimu ■nan Legal Advertisements. Citation. GEORGIA —McDuffie County. rpO all whom it nray concern : John Harris have j ing in proper form applied to me for perma nent letters as administrator do bonis non on the estate ot John Harris, deceased, aud ii appearing to the Court that C. IT. ShocArley. former adrninis-’ t rat or, has departed this Zife before finishing the ad ministration of said estate ; This is to cite all inter ested to be and appear at my office within the time allowed by I,tw, and shew cause, if any tbey can, M’hy permanent letters of administration shou/d not be granted to John Harris nn said estate A. B THRASHER, Ordinary. February 10, 1872-Bw<* G EOR GIA —Me Du [ft eCo unty . ALL person 4 indebted to the estate of Dennis Paschal, (co’ored) deceased, arc respectfully requested to come forward and make immediate payment. Those having demands against said es tate are required to present them in terms of the h>w. S. It. WEATIIERB, Administrator. febl4w4 Notice. l/I/ILL be sold before the court house door in the * * village of Appling, Columbia county, on the first Tuesday in March next, a tract of land con taining one hundred and sixty-three acres, more or less and adjoining lands of Mastin Y/alrott and others, the same being the place whereon William Moore resided at the time of his death. Sold for distribution. Terms on day of sale. January 25th, 1872. janSldflO SAMUEL MOORE, For Distributees. Citation. GEORGIA —McDuffie County . To all whom it may concern. JAMES S. J ONES having in proper fdrrn ap plied to me for permanent letters of adminis tration on the estate of John N Collins, late of said county, deceased, this is to cite and admonish all and singular of the creditors and kin of the said John N Collins to be and appear at my office with in the time allowed by law, and show cause, if any they can, why permanent administration should not be granted to James S. Jones on said estate. Witness my baud and official signature, this Jan uary 20, 1872. A. B. THRASHER, Ordinary. jan3ld3o DOLLAItS A MONTH to sell our Uuiver-' O I O sal Cement, Combination Tunnel, Button- Hole Cutter, and other articles. Saco Novelty Cos., Saco, Mo. Rare Chance for Agents- AGENTS, we will pay yon S4O per week in cash, if yon will engagfe With ns at once. Everythin;; furnished and expenses paid. Address F. A. ELLS & CO.. Charlotte, Mich. $lO from 50s 12 Sampijir sent ( paid) for Fifty Cents, that retail easily for Ten Dollars. It. L WoLCOTT, N.Y. X/ 1/ \ AGENTS WANTED for our nplendid f H life-size charts of GEN. LEE, “STONE WALL JACKSON, and 20 other Historical and Religious Charts! Our MAPS, CHARTS, etc., have a universal sale. No risk ! Large profits!— HAASIS & LUBREOHT. Empire Map and Chart Establishment, 107 Liberty street, New York. r |MIIS IS NO HUMBUG / By sen ’mg CENTS with ago, lie'ght, color of eyes at and hair, you will receive l>y return mail, a correct picture 01 your future husband or wife, willi name and date of mar iage. Address W. Fox, P.. O Drawer, No. 24 Fultonville.' N- Y. __ n43 w PSYCHOLOGIC Fascination or Soul Charming, 400 pages by Herbert Hamilton, B. A. How to use this power (which all possess) at will. Di vination, Spiritualism, Soreerism, Demonology, and a thousand other wonders. Price by mail, $1.25, in cloth; in paper covers, sl. Copy free to agents only. SI,OOO •monthly easily made. Ad dress T. W. EVANS, Pub., 4-1 S. Bth st., Philadel phia, Penn. "FREE TO AGENTSr A bound canvassing book of the PICTORIAL HOME BIBLE, containing over 300 Illustra tions. With a comprehensive Cyclopedia explana tory of the Scriptures. In English and German. WM. FLINT & CO., Phila., Pa. Profitable Employment. We desire to engage a few more Agents to Sell the 1 World Renowned Improved IXnclcoyo So'W'-' iVXtK'liino, at a liberal salary or on com mission. A iiorscand wagon given to agajits. Full 1 Particulars furnished on application. Address W, A- HENDERSON & CO-, General Agents Chive-' aad Ohio, & St. Louis, Mo. n43 4w ||LA I ISod by Druggists at 50 ct” jg r.sgsiw—. ■ ~r THE PENN LETTER BOOJE. For copying letters Without Press on Water, continues to grow in favor wherever introduced, and thousands now using it attest its wonderful merits. All praise itsJSimplicity and Convenience, and a public test of six years has fully established its genuineness fihd reliability. It has only to be properly shown to be appreciated by all business men. Price $2.25, and upward. Address P GARRETT & CO,, Philadelphia, Pa. *£y“Agents wanted. C« V. Vonti Pui-6-. and G3 Mam, BU. N. Y. Agents are wanted for Chicago and the Great Con flagration, by Colbert A Chamberlin. Editors Chi cago Tribune. 528 octavo pages. Fully illustra ted. 30,000 SOLD. Address as above, or J. S. Goodman, Chicago, or Edward F. Hovey. Boston, or Fred. M. Smith, Auburn, N. Y., or Walton <fe Cos., Indianapolis, Ind. WELLS~CARBOLIC TABLETS. FOB OOUGHS, COLDS AND HOARSENESS. Those Tablets present the Acid in combination with other efficient remedies, in a popular form, for the cure of all Throat and Lung diseases.— Hoarseness and Ulceration of the' Throat are im mediately relieved, and statements are being con stantly sent to the proprietor of relief in cases of Throat difficulties of years standing. P A TT'TTrVTtT Don’t he dsceived by worth-' less imitafions. Get only Well’s Carbolic Tablets. Price 2.1 cents per box. JOHN Q. KELLOGG, IS Platt st., New York, solo agent for tho United States. Send for circular. AGFNTS WANTFD FOU THE LIFE OF GEN.R.E.LEE 7 he Onlij Authorized and Official Bwgra ])hj of the Great Chieftain. CAUTION Old an inferior lives of Gen. Lee are being circulated.—Sec 111 t the book you buy is accompanied by a superb lithogropnic portrait of (ion. Lee, on a sheet 13 by 24 inches, suitable for framing. Send for Circulars and see our terms, end a full description of the work. AddressNatioualPublish ing Cos., Philadelphia, I’a. ritlanta, (7a, or St. Louis, Mo. 4w vriHioivrsoixrs WORLD-RENOWNED PATENT GLOVE-FITTING CORSET. If yon want the most satis fy dfactory, best fitting and the r/ll V7 lilrl c * iea P Corset for its real . if value yon have ever worn, buy N&|V ; Mr Thomson's M.S'UPk GENUINE PATENT m s|i - rFamrasa®* ffs! If! j|||; No Corset has ever attained such a reputation, either' in 'iy this or any other country.— 'J' As now made, in length or fullness of bust, it CANNOT BE IMPROVED! Every Corset is stamped with tho name Thom-, son, arid the trade mark a Crown. Kept by all first-class dealers.' » HOMSON, LANGDON & CO., Sole Owners of Patents, 301 Broadway, N. Y. 11 mi 1 mi 1 cun Miisl sighs the weary and exhausted one, ns the languor and lassitude of spring c;>mes upon him. Com»» anti receive vigor and strength from the womlerfal South' American Tonic Ling aud successfully usod In its native country, ad a puwenul Tonic and invent Purifier of the Blood, it is found even to exceed the anticipations f uuded on its gre t reputation According to the medical auti scientific periodicals of London and Haris, it posses ses the most powerful Tonic known to’ Materia Medlca. Dr. Wells’ Extract of Jurubeba is a petfeet remedy fu- all disea«esof the Blood, Or-’ game Weakness, Giauduious Tumors, Dr,,psy, ; Scrofula, Internal Abscesses, nnd will remove ;II obstructiotions of the Liver. Sp ecu, intestines. Ute rine and Urinary Organs. It is strengthening awl nourishing. Like nutrK cious food taken into the stomach, it assimulates and diffuser t-elf through the circulation, giving health ana vigor. /t regulates tjie Bowels, (,niets the Nr rves, acts directly on the Secretive organs, and by its power ful 'lonic and restoring effects, produces Healthy and vigorous notion to V e whole system. JOHN Q. KKLLOIVG. J 8 Platt St, N. Y. .■solo Agent for the United Stales. TrUe, One Poßur per Bottle. St ml f r Circular.