McDuffie weekly journal. (Thomson, McDuffie County, Ga.) 1871-1909, February 21, 1872, Image 4

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foetrn. The Independent I'nrmcr. Let sailors siim of the winily deep. Let the soldiers praise their armor, But in my heart Uu* toast 111 keep— The Independent Farmer. When first the rose, in robe of geeen, Unfolds its crimson lining, And round his cottage porch is seen The honeysuckle clinging; When banks of bloom their sweetness yield To liees their gathering honey. He drives his team across the field. When skies are soft and sunny. The blackbird clacks behind the plow, The quail pipes load and clearly, Yon orchard hides behind its bough, The home he loves so dearly; The gray old bam doors unfold His ample store in measure, More rich than heaps of hoarded gold, A precious, blessed treasure; While yonder in the porch there stands His wife, the lovely charmer, Th'* sweetest rose on all his lands— The Independent Fanner. To him the spring comes dancingly, To him the Summer Mushes; The Autumn smiles with mellow ray, His sleep old Winter hushes. He cares not how the world may move, No doubts nor fears confound liim. His little flock is linked in love, And household angels round him : Ho trusts to Qod, and loves his wife. Nor griefs nor ills may harm her. He’s nature’s nobleman in life— The Independent Fanner. A ritago Coach Adventure. Once upon a time, a traveller stepped into a stage coach. He was a young tnan just starting in life. He found six passengers about him, all grey head ed and extremely aged men. The youngest appeared to have seen at least eghty winters. Our young traveller, struck with the singularly mild and happy aspect which distinguished all his fellow passengers, determined to as certain the secret of a long life, and the art of making old age .comfortable, ho addressed the one who was apparently the eldest, who told him that ho had al ways led a regular and abstemious life, eating vegetables and drinking only wa ter. 'fhe young man was rather daunted at this, in asmnch as he had a liking for the good things of this life. He address ed the second, who astounded him by saying that he had always eaten roast beef, and gone to bed gloriously fuddled, every night for the last seventy years ; adding that all depended upon regular ity. 'The third had prolonged his days by never seeking or accepting office j the fourth by resolutely udstaining from all religious or political controvcrseys, and the fifth by getting to bed at sun set and rising at dawn. The sixth was apparently much youn ger than the other five—his hair was less gray, and there was more of it. A placid smilo denoting a perfectly easy conscience mantled his face, and his voice was jocund and strong. They <vere all surprised to learn that ho was i y ten years the oldest man in the coach. ' How, exclaimed our young traveller, is it you have thus preserved the fresh ness of life V 1 have drank water and drank wine, havo eaten meats, and have lived on vegetables, T have sometimes gone to bed at midnight and got up at sunrise and at noon, I have dabbled in politics and written religious papers, but I al ways paid promptly my printer's bills. Anecdote of Artemus Ward —In bis lecture on Artemus Ward Mark Twain tells the foil wing: When Artemus was very young, he and a companion got hold of a pack of cards and learned to play euchre. Artemus was perfectly fascinated with the game and played it as often as he had an oppor tunity ; but it bad to bo done on the sly, and ho had to hide his cards from his parents. So. when ho was looking for a place to hide them, the boys thought the safist place where they could put the cards was in the pocket of the minister’s black gown, under the very aigis of the church. 1 don’t know what irgis means, hut it’s a good word, and I suppose it’s all right. Well, the old minister was called on to baptize a convert, and as lie went down into the water wearing a gown, the cards began to come up to the surface and float oil'. The boys, who where on the bank, though in' great fear, kept their eyes on the cards. As it hapened, there come up first two bowers and three aces. Os course the boys were thrashed, and an old aunt of Artemus proceeded to lecture him on the enormi ty ol the crime. ‘Why.’ said she,’just imagine how the poor man must have felt when he saw the cards coming up! I should have thought he would have fainted, and I don’t see how he got out.’ ‘Well,’ said Artemus, ‘I don’t see how he could help going out on such a hand.’ - -*«<=»•*- ~~ The true art of being agreeable is to appear well pleased with ail the compa ny, and rather to seem well entertained with them. A man thus disposed may not have much learning, nor any wit ; but if he has common sense, ami some thing friendly in his behaviour, it con ciliates men's minds more than the brightest parts without this disposition. iOLITBLI PACIFIC GUANO. J, O. MATHEWSON, Agent for the Company, AUGUSTA, GA. PRICE REDUCED! SIS Per Ton, Cash ; S-IS Without Interest, on Time. To charge for I» ray age rr., . r : WP |i known in the Cotton States, from experience in its use for six years past. It has acquired, after it 1 " S ht i 1 under all conditions of season, a character for reliable excellence unsurpassed, and which cannot attach to ! thorough introduction. In view of reduced cost of manufacture, and the unusual facilities of the Pacific Gua r ertilizers ore - vA^uabe fertilizer is now sold at the above price, which is in conformity with the policy of the Company no company, Ferti j izer at the least cost, looking to Large Sales and Small Profits for compensation. We warrant j the stock in market this season precisely the same in composition and quality as that heretofore sold. For terms apply to J. O. Mathewson, JOHN S. REESE & CO., General Agents, Baltimore, Md. Agent, Augusta, Ga. "pacific GUANO COMPANY’S Compound Acid Phosphate of Izime, FOR COMPOSTING WITH COTTON SEED! .•enured Under the Superintendence of Dr *t. Julies Ilavencl, of Carolina. * 1 PRICE RTE3DTT CED. , , • rirenared exnresslv for composting with cotton seed. A Compost made with an equal This article, a*‘ Xd ft.SiZ th/ction sled with the Soluble Phosphate, which is necessary to make weight of thisartick m t should be made Iron, four to six weeks before planting time, in order that decomposi lt properly enective. O , He(J llt from 400 to 000 pounds per acre or more. General experience for two tion may take p tQ , )t; ;J it | oit economical and effective FutUPzcr for Cotton and corn. yP Th ß is AcMPhosphaie .s'now put into market at the low price of »3U per ton, cash ; 535 on time, without interest (no a nd“ which rate every planter can supply h.mselt ith a hrst-class fertilizer at a minimum outlay per acre. For specific terms apply to j c> mathewson. Agent Pacific Guano Company, Augusta, Ga. rSTA full supply of Peruvian Guano, Ground Bone and Land Plas’er on hand at all times. JOHN K 11KWTOX. 'PMom-ton. <«■»• janKml SCHEDULE ON THE Georgia Hail Itoail, On and alter Men.lay, January 23(1, 1871, die Pwwenger Tram* *• l run 119 follows: Leave Augusta a! . ‘ ” L ’’’ Leave Al'ania at ‘ Arrive at Atlanta, ” P- • Arrive at Augusta, " . ' P' " Nitflit l’ltwst ntfer Fx-suii. Leave Augusta at “j? P Leans Atlanta at P m ‘ A nine at Atlanta at ” '*[' *• Arrive at Augusta t “o, a in Bf3k.l!oth Ha; and Night passenger trains will make close connections at \ng at* and A' ' nl ' w " passenger trains of connecting roads. Passengers from Atlanta and all stations -n (lie Georgia Railroad, t«y taking the down day p issen gor train will make close connection at Oan.ak a* 'it the Macon Passenger t’rain, and reach Macon the same dav at 7:4’l (>. ui. Palace sleeping cars oti all night trains. S< HIII>I Ll'l ON THE Macon AugustaH.H Leave Augusta at 12 00 noon. Leave Macon at 0 00 a. m. Arrive at Macon 7 40 p. m. Arrive at Augusta 1 45 p. in. The Day Passenger Train arriving at Macon at 7:40 p. m. make close connec tions with Trains of connecting Roads at Macon. Passengers leaving Macon at 0 a. in., will make close connections at I ttm i/r with up dav passenger Train for Atlan ta Athens, Washington and all points on Georgia Railroad, and will connect at Atlanta with trains for the West. S. K. JOHNSON, Superintendent. HEW STOKE. Shields & Coldwell J TAVE just opened a Large and Well Assorted stock: op l Dry Goods Groceries Boots and ShoeS ( Selected with gioat cate for the Thomson ti adp. Full Stock of Wax Brog m Boots. fom s'l 25 to $3 75 Don’t ask any more for *h* ui. Ladies >ho*»«nd Foots from one dollar and *et>ou v fivo cente to two dollars and twentv-liv > com-. Full Stock of Mm ’s Brogan Shoes, from one dollar uud twenty-five cents to two dollar—don’t ask any more for them Boy's lb ognns—Full Sto. k—from eighty live co: t* to one dollar ami fifty cents -don't ask any mote tor them. Stigats in variety, from 12J to l ljcent l Don’t ask u v more. Coflee of different guides, from 31 to 4Jibs to ttie dollar. MACKEREL. No. I. No. 2, No. 3. We Defy Competition. Our Dry Goods Line is C OMPLE T E ! and guar.ioU ed to give satisfaoti >u us to price and quality. gi-.j) 1 - Our Pretty ShawlsshouH be mmmi by every Lady who desires a beautiful, du ahle and cheap article. And we havo no hesitate* »*» s.tyitig the best ever open and by a merchant iu Tlu*rn-ou. Fluids Toplit s Soitiugs Mohair D hums. all colors and styles, Our Invoice of INTOTIOKTS Consists of everything useful and desirable—heantifu and durable, to p/ease the fancy of the most fastidL 'a ! and examine before purchasing elsewhere. Our wood* «r* marked in plain figures, and tot iu chat Actors. wtir i ,tl‘ e u understand. We soli «* all a *»ne price ami on the nine terms, (\S(I O\l, V. 43 Iv Ohristailoro’s Hair l)vc is ti c safest j and ln>Kt. It corrects the had effects of inferior ! dyes, while the black or brown tints it produces i are identical to uaUiro. Factory GS Maiden Lane, New York. II If II R AD WAY’S READY RELIEF Car-8 ill-worst pai 8 in from One to Twenty tlinntf* Not one Hour after reading thi* advertisement need atiy one Buffer with pain. Hallway's Ready Relief U a cure for eeery pun. It was the fir*'., and t» the only l‘a.n U*B-dy tint instantly iun|i» i’te most nxcrae.stin* pans, allays Inflftiiimslion* and cures Cenje.liwue whether of lli- Lituga,Sioniitch, Howe’s, nr oihei glands or organs bv one application. In From One to Tireufy Allnttfri, no matter ho v violent or exorueiati m the pain the Rheumatic, lied ridden. Infirm, Crippled, Nervous, Neuralgic, or Drnstr. ted with disease tnsy suffer, Ittiilwav’ti Kciiily Itflit'f wi l a fiord iiklo a ase. lu'lsmmaiiouof llie Kidn-ys, lull .mm Ilinii of til" IP‘id ter, Congestion of die Ljngs. snro rtiroit, Difficult lire,dung. Palpitation nl the Heart, Hysterics, Gmup, Didi'holn, Catarrh, Intlu»ii*a He dtolie, Tiioltiaeh", N-.mlghv n Cold <’3iillst, \ gut* 4Biilld. The appl e ilici of Hie Ho tly it-lief to 'll-pans whem the pain nr 'lilfien t / exi.ts witl a ‘ord -sse nnd lomfort. Twenty drops in a half tafflbler of water will in a few innin ids rare O--ditini Spasms, Sour Stointeh. denrl. Darn, s'iok lie iditehe, l)i irrlma, Dyseaterv, Colin, Wind mill- Howes, and ah let mil pains. Trav-lnrs shoull always o-nry a Ipiitie of Rail way’s I! • nlv R lie' Wit'i ilisin. 4 few drops in wa in Wdl prevent si k.essnr pains from chi.ioe nl tt'iter. It is beitertli in Kiencit Hr indy or Ritt-rs HS a -1 umlaut. Fever and Ague. 'Fever mid Agio eared for Pif.y Cru s. 'here s not a remedial .'gent n this world Hwt wdl cur • iFever si Ague, ant nil other Mn! •nous, tldlimis, Scarlet Typhoid, Yellow, anl other Fevers, (side I hv Hilt vay’s I’llls) SO quick as Rad way's Ready Relief. lIE.VI/ni, IIEAITTY ! Strong ml pure ncli bieod—lner"-i" nftl -haud weight —clear skin «n l beautiful complexi n secured o ell. Or. RADWAY’S SAHSAPA <ILLIAN RF SOLVENT Ha* made the most u'tomsliiug cures: «oqu ck,*o rapid »re the ehftuuo*, m.tlcr tfie in uence t*f this trul, wouUerlul mediciue iliat Every Day hu Increuso in Fie-h ad \VV>ght i* seen mid felt. The Great Blood Purifier. Every drop of th** 80-olveut com tnuaicatHS through the Blood, Sweet Urin, and oth er fluids hii t juoie* of the system, the vigor of life, for it repair-the w «■*!* of 1 1»- body with net *nd sound mutfiirtl. 8c otulft, Sypuiiis. ronsnmrlion, Ghuidtil *r Disc «s s. IDc r in the Throat , Tu nor*. Node* on th G ands anti other paitx <»■ the s\ -'eui Sore K\es, Struinorous DLchirges from the f i ,i nl the w<»rst. forms of skin diseas**. F.iurtiois, F«’Vo ores So lil oe »«l. King '' orm, S«l( |JI» uni, Erysipelas Acne B/nok Spots, Worms in th flesh, Tuinore Gui cer* in the Wo - l>. nnd all weak*-mn|r ami p*infn/discharge**. Night sweats,. Loss of .-perm r.ud il* waste of the /ife principh*, are will in the euraiive range of this wonder of Modern (Chemistry a id .1 few days’ use will proveto any p*»r-n«, using it tor e tt»‘*r of the*e forms of disease, it s potent pow er t.» care them, Khiiirv .V Rlaililci' Complaint'*, Urinary uud Womh disease-, Gravel, Diabetes. Drop-ey, stoppage ot Water, incontinence of Urin. Bright’s Diseas* s, Vlhaminural, anti in all cases h ere H ere are hrirk-dust deposit*, t the was i r is thick, cloudv, mixed with sttb-tftoi os tl -v i-- 1 Ike the white «'f an egg. r tire > U tike wdp - k or there is ft morbid, •* ik. hill on# t.ppe’t? u«*d white deposi s. and who n th-re is a prick ing burning sensation wt.en p issmg water, ..n«l p iu io t * sma I of the h ick and nl > ig the loin*. Dr. RADWAY’S Perfect Purgative Pills. perfectly tasteless, elegant/y eoftted wth k\v*ht gum. purge, regulate, purify, cleanse and streug’h-n Bad- j way’s foi the cure ot all and sorders of the *iom- \ ,-tCh idver. Bowels, Kidneys Bladder Nervous Dist-a- ' ses. Headache. Constipation, Costivenes*, Heart 1 urn. Indigestion, Dyspepsia. Billn-usnes*. Billions j Fever Inflammat on of the Bowels, Files and all ; derangements of the Intornal Viscera. vv arrant»‘tl | to efleoi a posit ire cure. Purely Vegetable, comaiu- j ing mercury, miuerais ot deie'orious drugs. A few doses of Hallway’s Pi//s WILL free ihe system from all the above named disorders. Price 25 cents per Ro,r. > v>UD»v Druggists. Head “Fa/-e and True,” And send one /ett rto \ RAL)W \ Yfit CO.. 87 Maid-n Lan*, New York. Information worth thousandshvii! be sent you, July 12, l**"!. n2O lv A youtht :l appearance, a hr au tif ill, clear complexion is the desire of everybody. This effect is produced by using G. \V. Laird's “Bloom of Youth,” a harmless beautifior of the skin. Will remove all discoloration, tan, freckles, and sunburns. The use of this delightful toilet preparation cannot be detected. For sale by all druggists and fancy goods dealers, depot 5 Gold street, New York. V. 11. I, TONS Ilirar Tt *finiouy so ih«I» \\ omlarfi I C'»irafive I JJi ct*. T • - I’-.: .in BrhiU. f Poor Hurt, YVhiwLrv. PvuoS Spirits n ml KrlLi** Li. i-'Jm l *• l\mi~ . . * R-Ac., that ■ ■ . • cl: \t i(r.oo;> pi us j ikh n«i \ Lira: c: ♦ is « r.t: .. n i.i:. *p fm He..o. V .J T .. | I. r t- r . f t.w f\v Mm. cnrryi»K off all«*rai>U i t in,- tool to h healthy oon- Tlm-v i»•*• n G.ft*tirirut ivv a writ a* n i «>•••.,- : -V,lff r ♦»•.•«»«.. i.m *»r liiilarma; tlon F»Jil FL.HALI! PLAINTS, in vre.npr or ii»a»r>t , r -ijiiii.-, at. the «la*tt of womaiihoeal «rt*t I or lii ininiaatoi v a n.l < hionic ri* . Loaf, io i .or I.Hliccniio.i, |jj|- i hi-, IScmiillt,*at ami I mcs uiiltent Kiwis. Diii-um sos tin* illocd. Liver, lx Gluey* tnid ilia,l.l ir, Litter* I, .v> mkcch^J. ‘Midi • '< »>v \ hinted Blood. : ;>I- U entile Or.-nn-, II \ SPEP?*I A OH IN:iIH:sTION, Headache. l‘aiu hi the M o t. t. is.(.'uiu;hs. Tiytitne.'J* of tho Chest. Dia*lness Sour Ktuctaliotis oftlie Btmnaeh. Ihi<i Taate Its the Mo.itli. IHliou < Attacks. PalpUaltou of the Heart, liilliti.ima.tion of the Cm, .- s r,ni in the ro#ion* of the Kidney*, ami a hundred ttlhcrpaiuftil symptom*. ore the t-lNinhurs «f I they imi .-oral, e the Stomach an*l stimulate the torpid 1 v. rami llowel*. Which them of unequalled effi c.n y in cleans: >f the Lino l of all Impuritle*. and lmpart- L.g n v> Ilf' and vi,or to the whole system. I'Oll SKI MMHKAHKS, K-upturn*. Totter, Salt Rheum. Illotcb. s, ihiots. Pimple*, Pustules, Boil*, Car t 11 ctcs. Him--Worms Scald 11, ml. Sore E>**, Eryaipeln*. Itch. Scurfs Discoloration!, of the Skin. V .rnora ami Di*- s ,»i the Skin, oi whatever name or win re, are literally il u.,' up iui-1 , nrriud out of the system in a short t me by the use nt the*© Bittnra. One bottle in anch c j.ea trill convince tin* most incredulous of their curative effects. Cleanse the Vitiated Blond whenever you find its Im politic* Ui»r*'.injr tbromrh tho skin iu Pimples. Erup* lions or Sores; cleanse it when you find it obstructed ami MuffuLh in the veins; cK'.use it when it is foul, and ' your ft'Htngs will trHyouwlmn. K ep tho blood pure, and the h al h of the svstvm wilt follow. Pin. Tape, and uiher Womu, lurking In the of so many thousands, are effect ua llr dentrored and remol and Seys a (listi-.icuUhcd i>liy>i.,l,<«Ut, there h --;mvly an individual upon the face of the earth whose body \i exempt from tho pres nee ©! worms. It is not upon the healthy element* of tb body that worm* exist, hut upon tho diseased hum>> sand slimy that hr -od these inon*tiu> c. dt.—nse. No of Medicine, no r, rmlfu<;,s. no •nrhidmiutlca. "ill free the system from w,, wh like these Bitter*. .i WALKKII. Pioprktor. It. IT. MeDONAI-D A CO.. P 1 u- island Hen. \ .m,t-. San Fraecisco. Califhrda. - > a» I m ! =1 , n-c S*r. •t. N. m York. BY ALL DItLbK.ISTS AND DEALERS. Hay 24, 1871 n!3 ly (i e <> i* <»• ii». LIU 11 FERTILIZER CIMPAIY. M ,nufaciurrr- and l)e»l**n**tti LIM E , FOR MASON And G U ICULTU KA L V U UP OS ES Agents for the English Stonewall fertilizer, l he best Colton Fertilizer iu u*e, and Pure English Dissolved Bone. A Pure Superphosphate of Lime, for composting with Lime and Cotton Sect!. Delivered at any depot in Augusta. COLES SIZER £ CO., No, 14 Mclntosh St,, Augusta, Ga. JOHN R. WILSON. Agt., j an3l m3 ] Thomson , Ga. Ris’ey’s Philotoken is an established, warranted remedy for painful menstruation; and equally effective as a nervous antidote in all eases of nervous excitement, stomach and sleeplessness in male or female. Sold everywhere for *1 a bot tle. Morgan & Risley, druggists, New York, gen ►»rnl Accents. GUANOS. o WE a?ain offer to the planters of this section the following Manures, all of . which have given entire satisfaction for the past four years : Chesapeake Guano s Cash price, S-55 Time, Sardy’s Soluble Paciftc Guano : Cash price. S4S Time, S-55 Cash price, S-53 Time, SCO Xova Scotiii I .and Plaster: Cash price, §l-5 Time, $lB Branch, Scott & Cos., Agents. Shields & Coldwell, Agents, Thomson, Ga. jar.24m» .'lTh;l,YTia &cm PBOSPU.'IT£. TjHIS article, prepared by the Atlantic Phosphate Company, under direction of their Chemist, Dr. St. Julien Ravene', for composting with cotton seed, is now offered at the reduced price of S2B per ton, cash, or s3l per ton, payable the first of November, 1872, free of interest. Orders filled now will be considered as cash Ist March, 1572, of on time as due Ist November, 1572, thereby enabling planters to haul it at the time when their wagons and mules are idle. PELZER, ROGERS & CO., General Ag’ts., R. H. BUSH, Agent, Thomson, Ga. Rown’s Wharf, Charleston, S. C. ATLANTIC PHOSPHATE. rpillS Fertilizer, manufactured bv the Atlantic Phosphate Company, under JL the direction of their Chemist. Dr. St. Julien Ravene! is now offered to the planting com nun ity at the very reduced price of $43 per ton, cash, or $52 payable Ist November, 1872, free of interest. This fertilizer has been very extensively used in this State, and has given en- I tire satisfaction; some of the most practical planters admitting it to be equal to Peruvian Guatio, pound for pound. All sales made now will be considered as cash on the Ist of March, 1572, and to those buying on time the sale will be considered as due Ist November, 1872 By this arrangement planters will be enabled, without extra cost, to haul their manure at a time when their wagons and mules are idle. Pamphlets containing the certificates of those w r ho have used the Atlantic Phosphate will be furnished on ap plication to the agents. PELZER, ROGERS & CO., General Agents, R. II BUSII, Agent, Thomson, Ga. Brown’s Wharf. Charleston, S C. NEW COTTON & PRODUCE W A TR R W OIT R R » V CA> O.:' 3? tiL-2 eJUdla Jv-3 8 (the Xoan ami J'aviugs nk. titini u t pitvi. $l,O o,o!»o. THE WAREHO JSE OF 1 THIS BA. IST Hi, Corner of Campbell and Reynolds Streets, Augusta, Georgia, Is now ready to receive Cotton. Liberal Cash Advances Will be Made Upcn Cotton in Warehouse or upon Rail Road Receipts. Parties storing Cotton with the Bank will be furnished with receipts for the same that will be available in this city or any other for borrowing money. The Bank is prepare I at all times to make loans on produce or provisions, on the most liberal terms. Parties would do well to apply at the Warehouse, or communicate with the Officers. CHARLES T. JEN’KIVS. President. .ISO. P. KING, Vice Pre>idr*i»t, Sept. 27 n3l Cm T. P. BRANCH Cashier. ADKINS & HAGERMAN. Next Door to the Post Olfiee. HA\ E just opened with a large and well selected stock which we guar- V v antee to sell at Augusta prices. All are invited to call an 1 examine our stock, whether for the purpose of buying or comparing prices. We nevei charge anything for showing goods. Our Line of Dress Goods Comprises: Silk Poplins Poplin Cloth Hats Tartan Lustre Worsted, all colors Trunks Scotch Plaids Blue, Black & Valices Tycoon Reps Brown Merinos Umbrellas AL S O . £abics’ itlccino Huber bests, &c. Shawls, Ladit’s- Over-Shoes, Children’s i'aney Knitted Saques, .Hisses floods, Ac. A large and fine assorment of Gennts’ Ladies’ and Chidren's Shoes. Gent's Furui hing QMs. All Wool and 3lei’iwo Unclei* SSliii-tss and Drawers. Ct.otiit,xg* C&Qrai*YG» Clotiu.xc, C&qfmixg* In my line of Ready Made Clothing I offer creat inducements. Having dealt ! exclusively in the Clothing Business for the last five years, I am induced to be lieve that I can suit all : u 39 ts