McDuffie weekly journal. (Thomson, McDuffie County, Ga.) 1871-1909, February 28, 1872, Image 4

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j Tilt! of Mohcm. On Aylip’s banks, contaKnong to tlie Nile, King Pka-ra-o’s daughter wint to walk a whoil, And pealin’off her duds she took a schwim, Ran tip and down the hanks to dry hi r skhin ; And, rushing thro’ the rushes, thick and thin, Discovered the basbkit that the choild lay in. And, thin and there she cried in accents wild, ‘•Which av yecs ladies owns this choild ? It’s none o' your own, you're quick to say, An' that's the truth, I’ve known yon many a day; Hut since we’ve found him in this hed of roses, By all means let us christ’n him Ilowly Moses.” 01*1 Jllllll’H Opinion. Do you think, if I’d a baby, That I’d let hirn poll my hair ? Do yim think I’d put on collars Just for him to soil and tear ? Do you think I’d call it pretty When he bit his little toe ? Yet I’ve known some silly mothers, With their babies do just so. Do you think I’il set him crying, Just to see his cunning frown; Do yon think I’d set him walking, Just to see him tumble down? Would I call my baby pretty, When he’d neither teeth nor hair ? Yeti know some silly mothers, Think their babies wondrous fair. 10 11 lx l tin <1 ii ii <1 t, li © U nite <1 States. The following is a statement of the real point of difference between Eng land and the United States, as given by a Washington correspondent of the Atlanta Sun : When Great Britain and the United States created a High Joint Commission, with the authority to nrrango a basis of settlement for alleged difficulties exis ting between the respective Govern ments, the result was the ‘Treaty of Washington.’ This Treaty specially stipulates that the respective ‘High Contracting Parties’ shall, by a certain date, havo prepared their ‘case’ for submission to a High Court of Arbitra tion, to bo holden at Geneva, Switzer land, composed of rulling sovereigns.— And it was further stipulated that the respective ‘High Contracting Parties,’ in the preparation and presentation of their‘case,’ should be governed by facts, established usages, and the well recog nized principles of international law The United States being the plaintiff in tho case, in brief, charges and com plains that Great Britain, as a Govern ment, during the late war between the States, was: Ist, a friend of the South; 2d, that belligerent rights were accor ded to the South without the consent of Lincoln’s Administration ; 3d, that tho Alabama and Capt. Sernmes es caped from English waters, and thore-j by destroyed tho commerce of the Uni ted States; 4th, that tho Queen’s pro ■clamatoin recognizing tho Confederacy as a Government de facto, with the es cape of the Alabuma and other crusiers, prolonged the war for two or more years, and for such violations of the laws of neutrality aud international commodity, Groat Britain is constructively responsible for ail loses and expenses incurred by tiie United States in suppressing the 'rebel lion' nfter and from a certain date, &c. The ‘case,’ as it is called, prepared by the United States and printed in book form having been submitted to the British Government, is so arrogant in tone, and extraordinary in its state ment of the law and the facts, that it is not only condemned, but denounced in the strongest terms by tho British public. A cable dispatch of the 3d inst says: ‘Chief Justice Cockburn has oilicially counseled tho Cabinet that England must recede immediately from tho Trea ty of Washington, leaving America to decide between a new treaty or war.’ The fact is, the ‘case’ as presented by the United States is so insulting to the English Government that her states men and public press declare that their Government cannot maintain its dignity and sell-respect by a submission of the case to tho arbitrators, as tho matter now stands. English journals received by the last steamer are unsparing in their criticisms on the American case, and as exponents of public sentiment are unusually denunciatory and de fiant. Tho sudden and unexpected attitude of Great Britain in this matter, has produced very considerable excitement in Washington. The probabilities of war and its effects and results, is the all absorbing topic. Os course, there will be no war, for reasons which are unnecessary to enumerate. It is said, however, that an intense Radical politician said to a Canadian gen tleman on yesterday, that ‘England dare not go to war with tho United States, for any reason, because England bad, lying at her very door a lion, in the Emerald Isle.’ The Canadian re sponded, ‘that such was the physical fact, but,’ said he, ‘is the United States any better situated ? If England has lying at her door a sleeping lion, in the Irelandized South, waiting an oppor tunity to break the bars and chains by which it is at present held ¥' The Radical enthusiast said he ‘guessed’ our folks would fix it up, and‘as lor himself, he did not believe in wars.’ Lips have they, yet kiss not—Pitch-! ers. SOLUBLE PACIFIC GUANO. «T> O. MATHEWSON, Agent for the Company, AUGUSTA, GA. PRICE REDUCED! @lB Per Ton, Cash; @5.*5 Without Interest, on Time. So charge Tor Dray age Tiiis Guano is well known in the Cotton States, from experience in its use for six years past. It has acquired, after thorough trial, under all conditions of season, a character for reliable excellence unsurpassed, and which cannot attach to Fertilizers of recent introduction. In view of reduced cost of manufacture, and the unusual facilities of the Pacific Gua no Company this valuabe fertilizer is now sold at the above price, which is in conformity with the policy of the Company to furnish the best Fertilizer at the least cost, looking "to Large Sales and Small Profits for compensation. We warrant the stock in market this season precisely the same in composition and quality as that heretofore sold. For terms apply to J. O. Mathewson, JOHN S. HEESE & CO., General Agents, Baltimore, Md. Agent, Augusta, Ga. PACIFIC CIIAMO COMPANY’S Cdsifoiidn Ann Phosphate of Lran } FOE COMPOSTING WITH COTTON SEED! Prepared Under the Superintendence of Ur. Sit. .liilien Ravenel, of Charleston,*. Carolina. PRICE REDTJOED. This article, as above stated, is prepared expressly for composting with cotton seed. A Compost made with an equal weight of this article and cottonseed, furnishes the cotton seedWith the Soluble Phosphate, which is necessary to make it properly effective. The Compost should be made from tour to six weeks before planting time, in order that decomposi tion may take place, and should be applied at from 400 to 600 pounds per acre or more, General experience for two years has shown this Compost to he a most economical and effective Fertilizer for cotton and corn. This Acid Phosphate is now put into mar/ret at the low price of S3O per ton, cash ; $35 on time, without interest (no drayage), at which rate every planter can supply himself ith a lirst-cl.iss fertilizer at a minimum outlay per acre. For specific terms apply to , T 0 matHKWHON, Agent Pacific Guano Company, Augusta, Ga. full supply of Peruvian Guano, Ground Bone and Land Plaster on hand at all times. .JOHN 10. BENTQN, Agent, Thomson, fist. janl an. 1 ! SCHEDULE ON THE CjJ-eorjjgia Itail lload, On ftntl after Sunday, January 23d, 1871, the Passenger Trains will run as follows - . Leave Augusta at 8 00, ft m. Leave Atlanta at 7 10, a. ni. Arrive at .Atlanta, 0 80, |>. m. Arrive at Augusta, •> 40, p. in. Nluflit PtiwNtmjyor r rVnin. Leave Augusta at H 30 j». m. Leauo Atlanta at 10 10 p. in, Arrino at. Atlanta at 0 40 a. rn. Arrive at Augusta 7 30, a. ra. BPfjUUoth Day and Night passenger trains will make close connections at Aug lH,a rv, A^' n * ,a passenger trains of connecting roads. Passengers from Atlanta and all stations on the Georgia Railroad, l»y taking the down day passen ger train will make close connection at Cainak with tho Macon Passenger Train, and reach Macon the same day at 7:40 p. m. Palace bleeping cars on all night trains. SCHEDULE ON TIIE Macon & Augusta It. It. Leave Augusta at 12 00 noon. Leave,Macon at 6 00 a. in. Arrive at Macon 7 40 p. m. Arrive at Augusta 1 45 p. in. Tho Day Passenger Train arriving at Mucon at 7:40 p. m. make close connec tions with Trains of connecting Roads at Macon. Passengers leaving Macon at 6 a. m., will make close connections at Camoi with up day passenger Train for Atlan ta Athens, Washington and all points on Georgia Railroad, and will connect at Atlanta with trains for the West. S. K. JOHNSON, Superintendent. IIW BTOII# Shields & Cos I dwell J T AVB jttftt opened a Largo and Well Assorted S T O a IK O Tr Dry Goods Groceries Boots and Shoes, Selected with great caio for the Thomson ti ade. Full Stock of Men’s Wax Brog in Hoots. !Vmn .$3 2“> to $3 75. Don’t ask any more for tin ni. Ladies Shoes and Hoots from one dollar and eercu y live cents to two dollars and twenty-fiv* cents. Full Stock of Me Brogan Shoo*, from one dollar and twenty-five cents to two dollars—don't ask any more for them Boy’s Brogans—Full Stook—from eighty five cents to one dollar and fifty cents -don’t ask any more lor them. Sugars iu variety, from 12J io 14} cents. Don’t ask any more. Coffee of different guides, from 3} to 4}lba to tiie dollar. MACKEREL. No. 1. No. 2, No. 3, We Defy Competition. Our Dry Goods Line is COMPLETE ! and guaranteed to give satisfaction as to price and yunliiv. Our Pretty Shawls should be seen by every Lady who desires a beautiful, durable and cheap article. And we have no hesitancy in saying the best ever open:d by a merchant iu Thomson. Plaids Poplins Suitings Mohair Delaines, all colors and styles, Our Invoice of NOTIONS. Consists of everything useful and desirable—beautifu and durable, to p/ease the fancy of the most fastidi ous. Cal and examino before purchasing elsewhere. Our goods are marked in plain figure's, and cot in characters, which al! can understand. We sell to all at one price and on the same terms, UA.SU OAI.Y. 43 tv Tho purest ami sweetest Coil Liver Oil in the world is Hazard A Caswell's made on the sea shore, from fresh selected livers, by Caswell, Hazard A Cos.. New York. It is absolutely pure aud sweet. Patients who have once taken it prefer it to all others. Phvsieans have decided it superior to anof vthe other oils iu the market.' it ii it H AD WAY’S BEADY BELIEF Cures the worst pains in from One In Twenty TiiniUe Not one Hour after reading this advertisement n»«4 any one suffer wiln pain. Railway's Ready Relief is a cure for every P\l\. It wus tho fire, ami is the only Tain Remedy that instantly stop* the most oxcraeisling pains, allays Inflammations and cures Congestion* whether of th*» Lungs, Htomaoh, Bowels, or other glands or organs by o»« application, It i From One !o Twenty no matter how violent or excruciating th* pain the Rheumatic, Bed-ridden. Infirm, Crippled, Nervous, Neuralgic, or prostn.t«d with disease may suffer, it ad wav’. Ready Relief will affbrdinstaot ease. Inflammation of the Kidneys, Inflammation of the Bladder, Congestion of the Lungs. Kor* Throat. Difficult Bp't hing, Palpitation ot the Heart, Hysterics, Croup, Dinhthnrla, Catarrh, Influenza Headache, Toothache, N«*iir;t!gm, Rlieumah u, Cold Chill*, Ague Chill*. The application of the Ready Relief to tho parts where the pain or difficulty exists will afford ease and comfort. Twenty drop® in a half ttn«jhl»-a-AJ’ wat*r will in a few momenta euro C‘sduitu Spasms, Sour Stomach. Heart Burn, Viok Headache, Diarrhea, Dysentery, Colic, Wind in the Bowels, and all Internal pains. Travelers should always carry a bottle of Rad way's Ready Relict with them. -\ few drops in wa te will prevent sickness or pains from change of waler. It is bettor than French Brandy or Bitters as a stimulant. Fever and Ague. Fever and Ague flu red fur Fifty Cents. ‘Mi-to h not a remedial agent in this world that will curs iFever ad Ague, and all other M tlirious, Billions, 'Jcsrlct. Typhoid, Yellow, aid other Fevers, (eidol l»v Radway's Bills) so quick as Railway’s Bendy Relief. UEAI.TI 1., lIEAUTY ! Strong and pure rich blood —lncrease of fleeh aud weight—clear skiu and beautiful complexi n secured to all. Or. RADWAY’S SARSAPA :!LLIA*i R SOLVENT Hus made the most astonishing cures: «o quick, so rapid are the chaugec, under the iu nonce of this truly wonderful mfdynue that Every Day an Increase in Flesh and Weight is seen and fell. The Great Blood Purifier. Every drop of the Sursapardlian Resolvent com municates through the Blood, Sweet Urin, and oth er fluids and jucics of the system, the vigor of Ido, for it repair** the wasts of tli • body with nev and sound material. Sc otulu, Syphilis, Cons uni ft ion, Glandular Diseas s. Die r- in the Throat. Monti, Tumors, Nodes on th»* (Bands and other parts ot the system. Sore Eves, Stritinoronx Di•‘charges from tin* ears und the worst forms of skin diseases, F.iuctions, Fever >ores Scald head. Ring ' orm. Salt Rh u n, Krysipelas. Acne. Black Spots, Worms in fh* tl -h, Tutnore Cancers in the Womb, and all weakening and painful discharges. Night sweats,, Loss of sperm aud all wasto of the life principle, are within ill» curative range of this wonder of Modern Chemistry and a few days’ use will prove to auv person, using it for either of these forms of disease, its potent pow er to cure them, Diidney Jk illadder Comgdaints. | Urinary aud Womb diseases, Gravel, Diabetes, ! Dropsey, stoppage of Water, Incontinence of Urin, | Bright’s Diseases, Alhuminural, and in all case- ; h ere there are brick-dust deposits, or the wa ter is thick, cloudy, mixed with’ substances that is like the white of an egg, or threads like white silk, or there is a morbid, dark, billious appearance and white bine-dust deposits, and when there is a prick ing burning sensation when passing water, and pain iu t e small of tho back and along the loins. Dr. RADWAY’S Perfect Purgative Pills. perfeetly tasteless, elegantly coated with sweet gum, purge, regulate, purify, cleanse and strengthen Bad way’s Pills, foi the cure ot all disorders of the stom ach Liver, Bowels, Kidueys Bladder Nervous Disea ses. Headache. Constipation, Costiveness, Heart burn. Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Billicusness, Billious Fever, Inflammation of the Bowels, Piles and all derangements of the Internal Viscera. Warranted to effect a positive cure. Purely Vegetable, coniain iug no mercury, minerals or deleterious drugs. A few doses of Radway’s Pills WILL free the system from all the above named disorders. Price 25 cents per Bo#. Sold by Druggists. Read “Fal-e and True.” And send one lett *r to RA l )W \V & CO.. 87 Maid-ii Lans, New York. Information worth wit! b* sent you. July 12, 1871. n*2o lv The terrific duel between Prussia and France is over, but thousands of battles between Dr. Walkers Vinegar Bitters and Dyspepsia and Liver Complaint are now going on in every State , of the Union. The issue of such contests is never for one moment in doubt. The conilict may last longer in some cases than in others, but the lead ing Vegetable tonic and alterative of the nine teenth century, invariably triumphs. Ml M.IONS lienr T««t irnony to the ir Wonderful Curative FltWl*. TRf, mV Siotavl. l aiu v Drink, mu.]*...} Poor It mi, Whitkcv, Pronf Spirit h r.n«l K. ln-r *.i. qiiorml tored. -j.iwl andiwc, true rtu’-Va-..*the tarte. < ■ i•• v..' • L.-: .vrthat divine, made from the Native iLx.Uani llnh. ..f C’„ii fri© 11 <> •» till Alcoholic H«inm!n::ts. T'.cv * i;:; v\ :nvii:u&> i A IJFK cmsa I'UiiSCH't.C,*; , tUer.o- Vi.t.or uni J. . -ari,r of tho Fj canning oft all lotia matter and nmlorinff tiie Mwml tu a ht-idthy con dition. No } <•:• :-»** ern take *hi*!if* nittora twconlinjf to i riHinl. n;:-:.-.. i-lrd their ’ at •f r- pair. They uro n Dentle I’nriintlvc »• well nv n T.iuic, |>OS . Dl-o, tin 1..! :ipr merit <.f «. t aip r.t u wvci rul»«. nt In relieving Congestion or Infiammr lion or la. Liver, and all the Vlverai Oi-gar^. i’Oit LK rtMIIM.AI.NTS, In yo op or old, inanie.l or.nigKul t!io dawn of w.-nmolex'd or at the turn or life, thc-e lonic Kittwre havo no e-jnul. For I .flammntory n I ( h.onir ICIu nmn d«»i “»d (Liui, or 1 udicestion, llil. Remit! -wt uml lute.inlttent Fever-*, ol i tic [IIom!. Liver, Kiduey n nud Utndder, tar • IRuer* have I mimivWul. > I \,y \ || In ted 11.’00.1, Di- BfNilrc Oruan«. DYSPEPSIA OR INDIDIISTION. Btadacho, r.aa iu the t»lji.iil.ter«.C..iwiis, ~f the Chv.-t. I> Sour Eructations of the Htoiw.udi, Bad Taste ia tho Mouth. ILL is Attacks, Nation of the Heart. I .d.iinmaUoii of !!i • tuiif.s L in in tho regions of the Kidneys, nu't a liundn-d other painhU mptouiA. are the ofli|>i'iin. r 4 of D>>spopsi«. Ti.. v the Stomach imd stimulate the torpid Lii.r an a Bowels, wlueh rena.r them of unequalled offi ra.-y tn ch .«n-inif tho 1 L r • of all impurlttes, and impart in': .!■ w life and vuor 1o the whole cyst* in. FOR DISK \-ii:s, Bniptiona. Tetter, Salt Rheunt, Blotches. Spots. Pimples, Pustules, Boils. Car hiinclrs, Hm«-Worms.Scald Head, Sore §;>.•», Erysiiwla?. I ivh.eeu :t •, Di colorations of the Skin. V .mors and Dis ‘•l, up •' ii em riol of the .s\ ! v iii in a slc-it tme by tho us ed Jbeoo 1 . t« •«. One Lotto in au,-h will convince the ">•' and inrr.-ih:Luv of rtv -,r curative effects. CL- » '■*■the \.* *:i “l Blood whenever you find its ira en.tle, L|,. I X skin in Pimples, Eruj>- tmns or .-..r. : •it v. u vnu f.-. IJt obstructed and Hu«i:Ki. in the vein-.: c! -o it when it is foul, and •' 11 ’ ““ '•*' 1 1 •: >••’. v !,en. Keep the R-od pure, a .and the h allh ..f tl„. will follow. I’iii, »...»«•, in l other Worm<*, lurking tn tho stsi.niof -.o y :h -.jda, are effectually doatrored aud i loov and. S.i; >ad tiu-uiehod physiolcfiat, there ‘ -bidu-.l upon the face of the earth w! '" -l ‘ -!v is cX“inpt front tl»c pr-k nee of worms. It .s ..Ot upon tl.o healthy elements cf the that V" ” Vp- humo sand slimy . M '' - • •• Ivr'u ‘•‘niir.dmtntios! .•..I iiv.* .he •->ii.t.l fi.nn wonua like these Hitlers. J 'V \i.KEIt. p.oprictor, R. H. McDO.VALD \ CO., • ami (i o. San Cahfor-ia. - York. *i>-sOl.l» HY AU. ImtUUISTS A.NU DEALERS, (lay 24. 1871 nl3 ly (i eoi-«• i a LIE IIFBTILIZSR CJIPJIY, Manufacturer- and Dealers* n Ij; I Ml E , FOR MASON And agricult ur a l purp Os e s Agents for I he Gnslidi Moncwall Fertilizer, The best Cotton Fertilizer in u*»e, and Pure English Dissolved Bone. A Pure Superphosphate of Lime, for composting with Lime and Cotton Seed. Delivered at any depot in Augusta. COLES SIZRR & CO., ■No. 14 Mclntosh S t „ Augusta, Ga. JOHN R. WILSON. Agt., jan3lm3] Thomson, Ga. A youthful appearance, and a beau tiful, clear complexion is the desire of everybody. This effect is produced by using G. W. Laird’s “Bloom of Youth,” a harmless beautifier of the skin. Will remove all discoloration, tan, freckles, and sunburns. The use of this delightful toilet preparation cannot be detected. For sale by all druggists and fancy goods dealers, depot 5 Gold street, New York. GUAN © m . o WE again offer to the planters of this section the following Manures, all of which hare given entire satisfaction for the past four years : Chesapeake Griiano ; Cash price, 555 Time, 562 Sardy’s Soluble I’:tfillc Guano ; Cash price, S4S Time, $55 Phospho Peruvian : Cash price, $53 Time, SCO Nova Hcotia Kand I*l»ster* s Cash price, sls Time, $lB Branch, Scott & Cos., Agents. Shields & Coldwell, Agents, Thomson, Ga. jan24m3 eiT&OJWIC tiCm PEQSPimvE. THIS article, prepared by the Atlantic Phosphate Company, under direction of their Chemist, Dr. St. Julien Ravene', for composting with cotton seed, ; is now offered at the reduced price of S2B per ton, cash, or s3l per ton, payable ; the first of .November, 1572, free of interest. Orders filled now will be considered as cash Ist March, 1572, or on time as ;due Ist iVovember, 1572, thereby enabling planters to haul it al the time when their wagons and mules are idle. PELZER, ROGERS & CO., General Agbs., R. H. BUSH, Agent, Thomson, Ga. Rown’s Wharf, Charleston, S. C. ATLANTIC PHOSPHATE. THNIIIS Fertilizer, manufactured by the Atlantic Phosphate Company, an.ier | JL the direction of their Chemist, Dr. St. Julien Ravenel is now offered to the planting commu ity at the very reduced price of $lB per ton, cash, or $52 payable Ist November, 1872, free of interest. This fertilizer has been very extensively used in this State, and has given en tire satisfaction : some of the most practical planters admitting it to be equal to Peruvian Guano, pound for pound. All sales made now will he considered as cash on the Ist of March, 1572, and to those buying on time the sale will he considered as due Ist iVovember, 1872 By this arrangement planters will he enabled, without extra cost, to haul their manure at a time when their wagons and mules are idle. Pamphlets containing the certificates of those who have used the Atlantic I Phosphate will be furnished on ap lication to the agents. PELZER. ROGERS & CO., General Agents, R. II RUSH, Agent, Thomson, Ga. Brown’s Wharf. Charleston, S C. HEW COTTON <fc PRODUCE WAREHOUSE. Hie flauttt’s' Joan and paving* ganfc. Sl IFrRIRUD r/ PITAIi $l,O 0,000. T-E-IIE] WAREHO JSE OF THIS B AISTTC, Corner of Campbell and Reynolds Streets, Augusta, Georgia,,^. Is now ready to receive Cotton. Liberal Cash Advances Will be Made Upcn Cotton in Warehouse or upon Rail Road Receipts. Parties storing Cotton with the Bank will he furnished with receipts for the same that will be available in this city or any other for borrowing money. The Bank is prepared at all times to make loans on produce or provisions, on the most liberal terms. Parties would do well to apply at the Warehouse, or communicate with the Officers. CHARLES J. JF.N’KIVS, President. JN’O. P. KINO, Vice Pre«id»nt, Sept. 27 n3l Cm T. P. B »\NCH. Cashier. Bargains!! ADKINS & HAGERMAN, .’Vest Moor to the Post Oftlrc. WE HAVE just opened with a large and well selected stock which we guar- antee to sell at Augusta prices. All are invited to call an 1 examine our stock, whether for the purpose ot buying or comparing prices. We nevei charge anything for showing goods. Our Line of Dress Goods Comprises: Silk PoP i ins Poplin Cloth Hats Tartan Lustre Worsted, all colors Trunks Scotch Plaids Blue, Black & Valices Tycoon Reps Brown Merinos Umbrellas AL S O . Cabics’ Jllcrino Huber tlcsts, &c. mimnls, Ladies’ Over-Slincs, Children's Fancy Knitted Saqiies. Misses Eiloods, &c. A large and fine assorment of Gennts’Ladies’and Chidren’s Shoes. Gent’s Furni hing G^ods. Wool and Merino Under Shirts and Draxvers. G&qpkjtjvg* Cr.oTirr.YG, Clothing* Clothing* In my line of Ready Made Clothing I offer great inducements. Having dealt exclusively in tiie Clothing Business for the last five years. lam induced to be lieve that I can suit all : In 39 ts