McDuffie weekly journal. (Thomson, McDuffie County, Ga.) 1871-1909, April 03, 1872, Image 4

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llow it Wiim Done-. Tin y were Hitting Bide T>y Bide, And he sighed, and then ehe sighed. Raid he, “My darling idol!" And he idled, and she idled. “Yon are creation's belle !’ And he liellowed, and she bellowed. •“On my son! there's such a weight!" And ho waited, and she waited. “Yonr hand I ask, so bold I’m grown !" And he groaned, and she groaned. “You shall have a private gig !” And he giggled, and she giggled. She said, “My dear Luke !" And he looked, and she looked. “I'll have thee, if thou wilt!” And he wfltcd, and '-ho willed. Fish'M Itoply In Kiijfluml. Sot. a Farthing to be Paid for Consequen tial Damages. [From the London 'limes, February 28.] Nothing could be more absurd than an aWtidpnoicnt of our position because s tie Ministry have received a civil reply Irom Washington. Jt is supposed that what we wanted was an angry reply, and that, having failed in provoking one, wo yield at once nnd admit the American case without further question? The negotiation of the Treaty of Wasli ingten has not given us an exalted no tion oi diplomacy, but we have comfort ed ourselves by thinking that it was on ly to amateur diplomatists that our interests at Washington, were confided ; if, however, tho diplomatists at Paris can rcnlly believe that we will submit to the authority of the arbitrators on t he question ol indirect damages because we have received a soft answer, we shall be tempted to give up diplomacy altogether. We do not intend to pay anything in respect of consequential damages ; and the reason why wo can not consent to go on with arbitration if the claim for consequential damages bo pressed is, tfiat it is neither just to our selve nor to the tribunal before which we should appear, to allow a question to be nrgued which we insist ib not within the reference, and any determi nation of which wo are determined be forehand to treat as) a nullity. This is our position, and cannot be too clearly understood. What may he the result ol tho difliculty wa know not, and (it does not rest with ourselves; but it never shall be laid to our charge hereafter that the Treaty of Washington was abortive be cause wo did not make our meaning plain when the question of its con struction arose. [From the London Morning Post Feb, 21).] THE GEITYHHUHO CMUHR AN OUU CASK WKI.L UNDKII BTOOD IN ENGI.ANI). * * e * If Mr. Fish’s dispatch should us nlluged, contain a positive re fusal to withdraw tho okium (or indi rect damage, her Majesty’s Government will have to determine tho most impor tant point whether, under those circum stances, they will reluse to proceed to arbitration. * It is impossible to exagger ate the importance oi tins question, and ■ot be hastily or impulsively answered. Generally speaking, when a difference of opinion arises respecting the inter pretation of a treaty, some sovereign is requested to arbitrate between the con tracting parties. But to such a course in this present instance there is precise ly the same objection that there is to allowing the matter in difference to bo decided by the tribunal of arbitration. Wo never intended, and never could have intended, to leave as an open ques tion our liability to pay an indemnity ci .ami hundreds of millions, and we nay therefore object to place it in the world to say that such liability may possibly exist. No State ever refers to another State to determine whether it should be seriously crippled, and consequetly this mode of arranging the difficulty is im possible. To quoto an American ex pression, the English nation has ‘put its foot down,’ and declares that in ho event will it be responsible lor tho ex penses entailed by the prolongation of ihe war alleged to have been caused by the departure of the Alabama and her ister cruisers Irom English ports. — This is well known to the American people and to the American Govern ment. We do not like the idea of go ing to an arbitration with the assurance that we will not comply with the de cision should be monstrously and Ha grafitly unjust; but if, after that decla ration on our part, tho United States should be willing to to proceed, in the! hope of obtaining compensention for direct damages, there might, perhaps, I ■ im real inconvenience in allowing the arbitration to proceed. Three little boys were disputing as to whose father said the shortest grace. ‘My father says, ‘Lord, we thank you for these provisions. Second —‘And mine says, ‘b ather bless this food to us.’ Thud boy—‘All, but mine’s the b> t cl all. He shoves his plate to ward mamma and says, ‘Darn ye, till up.’ SOLUBLE PACIFIC CrUANO. J, O. MATHEWSON, Agent for the Company, AUGUSTA, GA. PRICE REDUCED! i* 18 Per Ton, ladi; Will'.out Interest, on Time. No charge for Drayage. This Guano is well known in the Cotton States, from experience in its use for six years past. It has acquired, after thorough trial, under all conditions of season, a character for reliable excellence unsurpassed, and which cannot attach to Fertilizers of recent introduction. In vic-W of reduced cost of manufacture, and the unusual facilities of the Pacihc hua no Cotnnariv, this valuabe fertilizer is now sold at the above price, which is in conformity with the policy of the Company to furnish the best Fertilizer attl.e least cost, looking to Large Sales and Small Profits for compensation. We warrant the stock in market this season precisely the same in composition and quality as that heretofore sold. lor terms apply to J. O. Matliewson, JOHN S. KEEBE & CO., General Agents, Baltimore, Md. Agent, Augusta, Ga. PACIFIC GUANO COMPANY’S Comfouxto Acid Phosphate of lAmb, FOR COMPOSTING WITH COTTON SEED! Prepared Under the Superintendence of I>r *t. J»Hcn Ravenel, ol Charleston,**. Carolina. PRICE R.-B3DTT.OE3D. Thi. article, a. a.rove i. WM---* SSffK Slelt.pLtXt weight ol this article and cotton seed, furms u- f rto s j x WPe k s before planting time, in order that decomposi it properly effective. The Compost should be made from racre r or more. General experience for two tion may take place, and should be applied Fertilizer for cotton and corn. years has shown this Gomposttohe am an . $;jQ ton< cagh . $35 on time, without interest (no This Acid Phosphate is now f^V^^n.mnlvlnmsef-wS a first-class fertilizer at a minimum outlay per acre, drayage), at which rate every planter can supply fnmseii will. For specific terms apply to ,j. c>. SIATHKWSON, Agent Pacific Guano Company, Augusta, Ga. . n in„„„ ,n,l I n»d Plaster on hand at all times, t-y A full supply of Peruvian Guano, Ground Bono and La.»« janl7m3 .IOII7V 10 ItIOTNTOIN, Ag«mh i . ■ SCHEDULE ON THE Oeorgia Rail Roiul, On and after Sunday, January 23d, 1871, the PwHMpnffor Trains will ruu as follows: Lcav.AugWaat * ft** 1 Leave Atlanta nt. j “• m ’ Arrive at Atlanta, "“ [• P - r "' Arrive at Augusta, ” ’ (l - P- In TSitflit PitssenKer '■ Letve Augusta at JJ ”. 1 !’■ m- Leauo Atlanta at 10 '/> P- m - Arrineu! Atlanta at ■*’’ a - ,n - Arrive at. Augusta 4 ®*'> a ,n - Night passengor trains will make cloBO coiivieotimis at a and \tl inLa Willi passenger trains of connoeting rnnds. I’nsspngers from Atlanta and all stations on tho Georgia Railroad, hy taking the down day passen gor train will make filose connection at ftamak with tho Macon Passenger Train, and roach Macon the name dav at 7:40 p. m. Palace sleeping cars On all uight trains. SCHERUIiE ON THE Macon die Anfftusta R. It- Leave Augusta at 12 00 noon. Leave Macon at 6 00 a - m - Arrive at Macon 7 40 P- m - Arrive at Augusta 1 45 p. m. Tho Day Passenger Train arriving at Macon at 7:40 p.-nt. make closo connec tions with Trains of connecting lloads at Macon. Passengers leaving Macon at (la. m., will make close connections at LamnA with up dav passenger Train for Atlan ta Athens, Washington and till points on Georgia Railroad, and will connect at Atlanta with trains for the West. S. K. JOHNSON, Superintendent. NBW: STORE. Shields & Coldweli IT AVE just opened a Largo uud Well Assorted st o o k: o -f Dry Goods Groceries Boots and Shoes, Selected with groat cate far the Thomson trade. Full Stock of Men’s Wax Brogan Boots, from $3 35 to $3 75. Don’t ask any more for them. Ladies shoes and Boots from one dollar and scoou'y five cents to two dollars and twenty-five cents. Full stock of Men’s Brogan Shoos, from one dollar nnd twenty-five cents to two dollars —don't ask any more for them Boy’s Brogans—Fnlt Stock—from oTghtv-fivc cents to one dollar and fifty cents -don't nsk any mote for them. Sugurs in variety, from 12] to 141 cents. Don t nsk uny more. Codec of different grades, from 3} to 4llbs to the dollar. MACKEREL. No. 1, No. 3, No. 3, We Defy Competition. Our Dry Goods Line is COMPLETE! and guaranteed to give satisfaction ns to price and utility* Our Pretty Shawls should bo scon by every Lady who desires a beautiful, durable and cheats article, And we have no hesitancy in Buying tM* best ever opened by a merchant in lhoinson. Plaids Popliis Suitings Mohair . Delaiims* all colored styles, Our Invoice of notion 9 - Consists of everything usofu\and desirable—beautif I null durable, to please tUe fancy ot the most fasudt 011C.'l and examine beforo purchasing elsewhere. Our roods are marked in plain hgnres, and not in characters, which at! can understand. \Vc sell to all at one price and on the same terms, C ASH O.AIiY, 43 tv . FOR SALE. r I'M IK store house and lot of Mix E. M. Maancn i I gale, opposite Groenway Hotel. Also, a l>eau i tiful vacant lot near the Parsonage and residence of \V It. Irving, For terms apply to I fcbSStl 11. C. RONEY, EU'j. II It' K RADWAY’S READY RELIEF Cures tile worst j)i-’ uS in ‘ r J ,m One In Twenty Winnies Not one Hour after reading thi- • 1 suffer with pftiTi* Radwaifs Ready Relief is «■ eunfor every ruv It was the firs l ., and is the only 'Fain Remedy that instantly stops tho most olcrnriA"ng pin*. 5™ Inflammations and cuics Congestions w 11 " Langs, Stomach, Bowels, or othc« g'atide or organs by one application, In From One to Tue»l</ AHnutr*, no matter how violent or exorneiUjoK lh " P 8 ""| ho Ithenmatic, Bed ridden. Infirm, C"PpM. Nervaiis. Neuralgic, or prostrijteil with dis4 asc may suffer, Jtmlwny’e Hcails?' Kclicl willaiTordinstant ease. InflammaM°“ of 'l'o Kidimys, Inflammation of Urn Bladder. Congestion of the Bungs. Sore Throat, l>lni»« lt Breathing, Palpitation of the Heart. Hysterics, Croup, Diolitlierla, Catarrh, Influeuxa Headache, Toothache, Noura^g" l , Rheumatism, Col<l 4'liillH, Agi'iF Fliill*. The application of tlie Ready P'' l 'ef to the parts where the pain or difficulty ef ‘ l 9 w, “ a!r ° rd " a, ‘ o ait<l (somfort. . a „ . n . Twenty drops in a half Ismtif f,r wntor wm in u few moments core C'sdm.u Seisms Sour Stomach. Heart Born, .Vick Headache, {>'«rrliea. Dysentery, Colic, Wind in the Bowels, and all Internal pains. Travelers should always car r J ,l lx>ttl» ot Kaa way’s Ready Relief with them. 4 few drops in wa le will ’prevent sickness or * roin chß ;;»'y ol walsr. It i« bclterthan Frcucß Brandy or Bitters as a stimulant. _ \ a Fever and Ague. Fever and Agii" « lirr d for Cents. Phcre snot a remedial ajont in this world that w. euro iFever a 1 Ague, and all other Malarious, Scarlet, Typhoid, Yellow, and ether Levers, {"tded hy Kad way’s IMIn) *o quick Uadway a Hcauy Uelief. 11 l'l A1 sTI I e BEAUTY! strong and pure rich blood -rucresse of 11-sli and weight—clear skin and beautiful complexion I Hecurcd to all. Dr. RADWAY’S SARSAPA RILL IAN RESOLVENT lias made the most astonishing oures : so quick, so rapid are tho change.. i-Wer the influence of this truly wonderfuliViedioine that Every Day an Increase in Flesli and Weight is seen audtelt. The Great Blood Purifier. Every drop of the SarsAparllliau Resolvent com municates through tho BlOoil, Sweet Erin, and oth er fluids and jncies of the system, tho vigor ot hie, lor il repairs the waste of the body with new and sound material. SomMla, Syphilis, Consumption, Glandular Diseases, lllcers in the Thvont. Mouth, Tumors, Nodes on the Glands ami other parts of the system Sore Eves, Strumorous Discharges from the ears, nnd the worst fo-nisofskin diseases, Erurtions, Fever Sores, Scald h*«d. Ring "orm. Salt Rhmin, F.rysipelns, Acne, B/pok Spots, Worms in the flesh, Tuinore Oauccrt in Womb* and all weakening and pninfuiiliscluirgVs, Niglitsweafs., Less of sperm and all wnsto of tljlife principle, are within the curative range of this wonder of Modern Chemistry and a few .lavs’ use "ill prove to auv person, using it (or either of th<^ e forms of disease, its potent pow er to cure them. Itidiapy A Bladder Complaints, Urinary and Womb diseases, Gravel. Diabetes, Dropsey, stoppage ot Water, Incontinence vt l rin, Hri,dll’s Diseases, .Vi':'in.i;ia- jl. and in all cases lireto the' o are brick-dust, deposits, or the wa le is thick, cloudy, mixed with substances that is tike the loitito of an egg, or threads like white silk, or there * s » morbid, dark, billions appearance and white pm e-dust deposits, and when there is a priok itt", burning sensatiou when passing water, and pain iini<e small of tho back and along the loins. Dr, RAD WAY’S Perfect Purgative Pills. perfectly tasteless, clegautly coaled with sweat gum, purge, regulate, purify, cleanse and strengthen liad wav's I’iTls.-fot tho cure ot all disorders of the stom ach t.iver, llowels, Kidneys Bladder Nervous Disea ses. Headache. Constipation, Costiveness, Heart burn, Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Billiousness, Billious Fever, Inflammation of tho Bowels, Piles and all derangements of the Internal Viscera. Warranted to effect a positive cure. Purely Vegetable, coniain ing no mercury, minerals or deleterious drugs. A few doses of Badwayks Pills WILL free the system from all the above named disorders. Price of, cents per Bo.r. Sold by Druggists. Read ‘• Fal-e and True.” And scud one letter to RADW AY" 8t CO., 87 Maiden Lane, New York. Information worth thousands wit! be sent you. July 12, 1871. n2l) ly PATAPSCO GUANO. J£A lbs. Liverpool Middling Cotton, delivered Ttlo at tho nearest railroad depot, on or before the ,'tlst of October. 1872, secured by note, lienor factor's acceptance, will l>e taken in payment for ota ton Patapseo Gnano. M. A. STOVALL. Agent. | foblluitt Augusta, Ga. !UIT.I.ION!S He-in- Tr-tin to nr to \\'«» side rfii I Cm rmivi* UliMt-. They nru not n vlla Fancy Drink, Poor Itnm. Wl.itUcv. Proof SpiriiH nml Kclii>m- l.i <1 norn<tnrtorc<l. ftm! BWft tonc.l L) . cuIUnI *’To»K" ‘•Apivtiiun’t.” • Sir., that 1 t-l Mw tippler on to(lniiiki;iiiieiM> rm«l ruin. Imt arc n true Mnlli-inc’.mruUY from the Nntivt.* i;. i t n.l ll.tlw «»r ChU frnii. fren f*o-M nil AI colt ol ir SiininlnntH. Tl’"v :irr On- liKF.AT lU.OOD iM'ItIFIKII ami V LIFE V I Nt; PRINCIPLE. atHrf.ct lici.o vritor amt InvijMr t*-i* . f tho in. cnrryinjr off n.l matter timl rcwtoHtkt thehlomt to n hcnltliy con ilitiou. So jh.thhi* nu t ikti tluvc Diitcm’ fie<xmtiii« t.» •Lrvmionii nmi n-miiln their Ih.wh me not ai-tr-.y-l hy mineral pufmin «ir utlwr mrotis, mi l the vit il o»ynn.i utulcyl U-ytm.l the point r,f repair. They fire ti (L*title Pureativc nn well iih a Tonic, ir.vf.Mm', the prcnli:ir merit of aetinsr n u , HAt-i ful in r. li. vii tr or liillummi tion of Hip Liver, am! nil the VlMfrnl Orentiß. FOIt FE HALE COMPLAINTS, in or oM. m.iiried or*in«le, r.t the -lawn of wontmihocii or at tie- turn of life, thexoTonic Hitter* hnve no ihjiiul. For Itiilainin nt or y mid throuic li«in •» ml lioul, I*J MpriiNin or I udiuentioii, lift I - It pin it tent mill 111(111111110111 Fever*. IH«eitMc« of 1 lie 111 or. <l, Liver, liidncyn nud Itlmliter, the’*' Hitler* lmvf iM-eumust sueecNsf il. Sueh |»kseii*u’* ue •MiH.-.l is Yltlarrd Blood, w hieli i- ITH.’rally pusluct and by ilcrni.gemcut us the I>|- ur-livo Oryn.i*. DYSPEPSIA Oil INDIGESTION, Ilea«h»c!.e, Pnin ill the t*hY»nlders.t , ..u«li.M. Ti* «.f the Che.-t. Soar Emctiitlnn* of the Htnmnch, Bad Taste in (he .Mo th. Bilious Attack*. I’filplmtionof tlie liiUumm&iiou of tlio LunjfS Pnin hi the regions of the Kidneys, jin l s hu'Mr- and other painful symptom*, are the ofl-i»rimr« *>r Dyspepsia. They invieorstto the Stoffinc!i and stinmlafe tlw» torpid Liver and Bow eln. which render them of unequalled effi cacy in the hkiod of all impurities, and import-* iiiL* new lif • mid \T--tm to tho whole system. FOB <l4 IN DISEASES, Eruptions. Totter. Salt Uht'iun. Blotched. Spot ft. Pimples. Pustules, Boils, Car- I'.iful •*. Kinc-Worms. Sc’.fld Head. f*ore K>. s, ErysijH'la*. Ileli.Nciirf--. Diwolomtitvnsof P .mors and Dis eases ot theSkm. of whater- rnan»e or no.are. nreJiteraU.v dus up nnd carried out of the system in a short t mo by tho use Oi these Bitters. One bottle to such ejw» will com :»tce t!»o uin>t incredulous of their cum live effects. Cleanse the YiAitc.! Blood whenever yon find its im* P’liitle* Utry'Anz through the akin in Pimples. Erup tionv or Sores; eleanso il when you find it obstructed ami slmrsMi in the veins: cleanse it when it is font, ami your feidiio: * will tell you when. Keep the bl -od pure, and the h nt h of the svstent will follow. Pin, Tnpts nnd other Worm*, Inrkhur in the system of so many thmisainls, nr,- effectually destroyed and r. inove.t. Says a distinenl.-hed physiologist, there Is scat retd y an iudivi-lu.d upon the f;uH» of the earth whoso ltody is t x nipt from the pr. s, nee of worms. It ts not upon the h"a!!!iy elements of the body that worms exist, but 11JH.0 the dbeasal bum y sand slimy a- remits that breed these livuu: monsters e. dis.-ase. No System of Metlieine, no vennifuif«-s. no mthelmintics, will free the xysfetn from like,. Hitters. J WALKKB. Proprietor. It. 11. Me DONALD «Y CO.. Ihuirsistsand Hen. Acents. Nan Francisco. California, an i i‘ fi t R Commerce Street. N. w York. L.#-SOLD BY ALL PRLUGINTS AND DCALL 113. ilay 21, IS7I ul3 ly LIE II HTILIRCIPIY. Manufacturers ami Dealers B «u LIM 1 , FOR MASON Aud AGRICULTURAL PURPOSES Agents for the fliisiisli Moaicwall Fertilizer, The best Cotton Fertilizer in use. and Pure English Dissolved Bone. \ Pure Superphosphate of Lime, for .composting with Lime and Cotton Seed. Delivered at any depot in Augusta. COLES SIZER & CO., No, 14 Mclntosh St.. Augusta, Ga. JOHN R. WILSON, Agt., jan3lm3] Thomson, Ga. TO s* 100 pot- WEEK. Made easy by any Lady. 20,000 sold in six months. The most rapidly selling article ever in vented for married or sin gle ladies’ use. May 10, noil ts GUANOS. WE again offer to the planters of this section the following Manures, all of which have given entire satisfaction for the past four years : Cliesapealie Guano s Cash price, $55 Time, SG2 Sardy’s Soluble Guano ; Cash price, $43 Time, $55 Phospho Peruvian : Cash price, $53 Time, SGO \ova Scotia Uand I*l aster- s Cash price, sls Time, sl3 Branch, Scott & Cos., Agents. Shields & Coldweli, Agents, Thomson, Ga. jan24m3 &cm rnospiMTE* riAHIS article, prepared by the Atlantic Phosphate Company, under direction JL of their Chemist, Dr. St. Julien Ravene', for composting with cotton seed, is now offered at the reduced price of S2B per ton, cash, or s3l per ton, payable the first of November, 1572, free of interest. Orders filled now will be considered’as cash Ist March, 1572, or on time as due Ist November, 1572, thereby enabling planters to haul it at the time when their wagons and mules are idle. PELZER, ROGERS & CO., General Ag’ts., R. 11. BUSII, Agent, Thomson, Ga. Rown’s Wharf, Charleston, S. C. ATLANTIC PHOSPHATE. THIS Fertilizer, manufactured by the Atlantic Phosphate Company, under the direction of their Chemist, Dr. St. Julien Ravenel, is now offered to the planting community at the very reduced price of S4B per ton, cash, or $52 payable Ist November, 1572, free of interest. This fertilizer has been very extensively used in this State, and has given en tire satisfaction : some of the most practical planters admitting it to be equal to Peruvian Guano, pound for pound. All sales made now will be considered a3 cash on the Ist of March, 1572, and to those buying on time the sale will be considered as due Ist November, 1572 By this arrangement planters will be enabled, without extra cost, to haul their manure at a time when their wagons and mules are idle. Pamphlets containing the certificates of those who have used the Atlantic Phosphate will be furnished on ap plication to the agents. PELZER, ROGERS & CO.. General Agents, R. II BUSII, Agent, Thomson, Ga. Brown’s Wharf, Charleston, S C. Bargains!! ADKINS & HAGERMAN. Next Hour to the Post Office. IIAY E just opened with a large and well selected stock which wc guar v v antee to sell at Augusta prices. All are invited to cal! an t examine our stock, whether for the purpose of buying or comparing prices. We never charge* anything for showing goods. Our Line of Dress Goods Comprises : Sik PoP ins Poplin Cloth Hats Tartan Lustre Worsted, a I colors Trunks Scotch Plaids Blue, Black & Values Tycoon Reps Brown Merinos Umbrellas ALSO, LaMcs’ itfetino Uniter bests, &c. Miiinls, Ladies’ Ovcr-Slioes, Children’s Fancy Knitted Saques, Misses Hoods, iVc. A large and fine assorment of Gennts’Ladies’and Chidren’s Shoes. Gent's Furnishing Goods. All Woo and Merino UnderHliirts and Drawers. @t,QTMz.xe, CceOwm.YGt €mwmxmi 9 €&owatW6» In my line of Ready Made Clothing I offer great inducements. Having dealt exclusively in the Clothing Business for the last five years, I am induced°to be lieve that I can suit all: n39 ts ‘garni’s (%inical ! This compound, which hss so fully sustained its character as a first-class Fer tilizer for the past two seasons, is now ready for delivery. In order to secure its more perfect adaptation, its composition is varied to suit the condition of two classes of soils: No-1 Specially for Light, Gray, Sandy Land. No. 2 For Eed Clay Land. Results have fully demonstrated the necessity of modifying the composition of Fertilizers to the physical and chemical condition of the soil, equally as to the production of the plant food necessary for particular crops. The undersigned believes he has succeeded in preparing Fertilizers to meet all these indications, and offers thsm with perfect confidence to all Southern planters. The cost of Fertilizer No. 1 will be Sos 00 per ton. , The cost of Fertilizer N'o. 2 will be 00 00 per tom The usual time arrangements can be made, and all other information given by IP'ji-S to EDWARD It VltltV. M. 13. J Practical and Agricultural Chemist, 200 Broad Street, Augusta, Ga. i ,T. 15. IVeiil, Ageul, Tlioinsou, Ga-