McDuffie weekly journal. (Thomson, McDuffie County, Ga.) 1871-1909, May 01, 1872, Image 4

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3£octw. V<- Hdilor's l’orplexltloK. An editor in Mr. Sqniblw, A man of lor«ly will; A mighty man likewise to wield Ye sisson* and ye <jnilL Ye honible honor* of yo pre«s With lofty pride he wears; Although no millionaire, he hath Well nigh a million airs. He strives with dignity to feed Ye little Hqutbbft with bread, And eke npon ye wings of fame Ye name of Squibb* to spread. lie takes hia little perquisites— Ye which each Pressman knows— With rearty, gracious air, For which he “puffs” bestowß. Now, Mr. Squibb* he had a pass Bpon ye rail road train ; Ye which was stolen ; ye loss of which It vexed him note with pain. Then with a frown of dignity Squibb* sought ye President; “Give orders to your bindings straight, Through all your road’s extent, To seize the man, whorever found, Who to my name aspires.” Ye orders flew, and Mr. Squibb* With dignity retires. Not many days thereafter, fjonfbb*, With dignity arose. And clad his dignity and limbo All in his Sunday clothes ; ' For Squibb* was bid to scenes of mirth All in ye distant town, And warily he cut his pen To note yo doings down. And while he viewed his toilette o’er, All by a luckless chance, ; Ho hit upon yo stolon pass, Safe in his Sunday pants. With lofty air Sqnibli* gave ye psiss Unto ye ticket man ; “But-aka!” tmiftored ho, and tamed Ye face of Squibb* to scan. ’Then, with a flaming lantern, sore, He smoto Squibb* on yo bead; Three bloody brakeitten, then lie called, Who bore him out for dead. Upon ye lordly Squibb* Mum sat. Three bralmmon, great anil small, Ye While flip wrathful ticket man His clothes did overhaul. They found u passim every road That runs yo world around ; They bound him fast, and swore they laid Ye king of pas a-thieves found. llis freedom was at last restored ; Hia dignity, aim, Was wrecked, and even to this day Squibb* Won't ride on a pas*. <■!?;. . PtoUaneoui ItolUiiml (Jul<Mi<lq.r, Important State Electimu to occur awl State Conventions to be held. The following list includes, we be lieve, nil the important political State and national conventions thus far call ed •• Murcli 27—Ohio Republican State convention at Columbus. Mnrch 27—Iowa Republican State convention in Des Moines. April I—Statu election in Connecti cut. April 3—lndiana t Temprance State convention in Indianapolis. April 3—State election in Rhode Island. April 10—Pennsylvania Republican State convention in Harrisburg. April 10—Florida Republican State convention in Jacksonville. April 10—National convention ol colored people of the United States at New Orleans. April 10—Oregon Democratic State convention in Portland. April 10—Kansas Libcrtfl Republican state convention in Topeka. April 17—North Carolina Republican State convention in Raleigh. Aprii 17 —Virginia Republican State convention in Richmond. April IS —Louisiana Democratic State convention in New Orleans. April 23 Louisiana Reform party State convention in New Orleans. April 24—Maryland Republican State convention in Baltimore. May I—North Carolina Democratic conservative State convention in Greenesboro’. May I—Legislature of Connecticut meets in New Haven. May o—National Liberal Republican couveution in Cincinnati. May S—Minnesota Republican State convention in Minneapolis. May 15 —Tenuessee Republican State convention in Nashville. May 15 Nebraska Republican State convention in Lincoln. May IG—Michigan Republican State convention in Jackson. May 23—New Jersey Republican State convention in Trenton. May 30—Pennsylvania a Democrtie State convention in Reading. June 3—New Hampshire Legislature meets. June s—Regular Republican conven tion in Philadelphia. June 12—Texas Republican State convention in Houston. June 12—Indiana Democratic State convention in Indianapolis. June 12 —Michigan Temprance State; ; convention in Lansing. June 13—Arkansas Liberal Republi can convention in Little Rock. June 19 Arkansas Democratic State 1 convention in Little Rock. r JIiCS li’it i Hlieep. Some twenty-five years ago, when Ii was a pastor of a church in—, I took 1 occasion ong, evening to visit a social i meeting, in the church. One after an-! -other arose and gave in his or her ex perience. After a time a man in hum- ; ble circumstances, small in stature, and | an effeminate, squeaking voice, arose to i give irt a piece of his experience, which was done in the following manner : ‘Brethren, 1 have been a member of this church many years. I have seen bard times. My family have | been much afflicted, but I have for the first time in my life to see my pastor or any of the trustees of this church cross the threshold of my door.’ No sooner had he uttered this part of his experience than lie was suddenly interrupted by one of the trustees, tn aged man, who rose up and said in a firm loud voice. ‘My dear brother, you must put the devil behind you.’ On taking his seat the pastor in change arose and replied to the little man as follows: ‘My dear brother, you must remem bar that we shepherds are sent to the lost sheep of the house of Israel.’ Whereupon the little man rose again, and in answer said in a very loud tone of voice: ‘Yes, and if I’d been a fat one you’d have found me long ago.’ The effect upon the audience can bo better imagined than described. A (fuN’uiimt. —It is well known that Gen. Anderson, the present Marshal of Atlanta, has a regular drill of his police force about twice a week. This, the police very much detest, in. A few days ago old ‘Tige’ was marching Ins : squad around with the old familiar ‘left,’ ‘left,’ flowing from bis lips, when all at. once, one of his men abruptly stopped, much to the General’s surprise, and tunring to the military chieftain, scratch ing his head as if an idea had struck him said : ‘General, may I ask you a question V The General thinking that the police man had suddenly thought of a den of thieves that could be captured answered ‘Yes ‘Well, General,’ said the policeman, 'please tell me what amount of strategy and military skill it takes for a policeman to slip up on a drunk mau l’ The General gave the order—‘Break ranks, march !'—Gtijjin Sacs. The ladies in Russia are very anxious to marry, because they have no liberty, before marriage- They are kept con stantly tinder the parental eye, until given up to tin ir husbands, am! then they take their own course. Almost as soon as a girl is born in the better rank of society, their parents begin to prepare the dowry she must have when; she goes to her husband. Sin* must! furnish everything for an outfit in life, even to a dozen new shirts for her com ing husband. The young ladies of Deleware take their lovers to see a tombstone in a coun try churchyard its that State, which, ac cording to the inscription, which was erected by the orders of l/.ates Anderson, who ‘died a bachelor,’ in order to warn j all young men from imitating an exam- j pie of celibacy which had yielded to I himself no other eventual fruits but disappointment and remorse. Minnie, a three-year old, got tired of ‘Now I lay me,’ and told her mother she would like to make a ‘now prayer.’ Her mother nod led assent, whereupon Minnie gravely proceeded : ‘Oh, Lord, bless all the Minnies, till the papas, and all the mamas, and all the Uncle Ar thurs. Jesus, I have been vaccinated, and I guess its going to work !’ Wanted Agents siOO to > jx r mouth- , vui-ywliero. Halo atul | Female, to introduce the gotraiut- improved .If <( r s fia 11 Sttri >t ;/ .tit arfti nr , This machine will stitch, hem, fell, tuck, bind, braid, cord, quilt, and embroider in a most superior manner. Price sls fully licensee and warranted for live years. We will pay SIOOO foe any ma chine, high price or low, that will sow a stronger, more beautiful or more elas tic seam than ours. It makes the elas tic lock stitch. Every second stitch can be cut, and still the cloth can not; be pulled ipart without tearing it. \Vej pay agents SIOO to $250 per month,; and expenses, or a coinmiss on from j ; which twice that amount can be made". | For Circulars and terms apply to or address, .**. 31AKHU.UX & CO. No. 102 Nassau Street, New York, j CAUTION. — Do not be imposed up on by other parties traveling through the country palming oil worthless cast iron machines under the same name or otherwise. Ours is the only genuine; and really cheap machine manufactured, j Great Bargains ! TIIE Dry Goods of J. N. Collins deceased arc now being offered for sale cheap for Cash at the store of C. W. Arnold & Cos. The Goods must be sold and hence extra inducements are offered to Mer chants and those wanting anything in the dry goods line. Call and examine for yourself. Du. J. S. JONEts, Administrator. aprlOwl New Furniture Store. Furniture of cl! kind* on band and ilailv being re ceived by IR. IR,. TORC-Ur SOFT at his Furniture "Ware Booms under Williams’ Hall. Walnut aud Maple Chamber Suite, fine and com mon Beadnteads, Wood, Cane un i Split 1 >t- Chairs, Bureaus, Dining, Centre and Card Tables, Wash-stands, Every article of Furniture needed to make home convenient, comfortable or hixurioiifi can bo had on the most libera l term. rrov kr* proto I' , , p.i ■ ( iilioi-ftring anil Repairing done promptly and in the roost workman-like style, such as Sofas, Divans, and (.'hairs r« -* overed and varnished. Chairs rc- incd and varnished, and old furniture made as bright and good as new. o o u* x tnt Made to order and of any sty *e required. All work warranted to gl ve Katinf^on. Orders solicited. aprlOml Thomson, Oa. Wanted” a, eoo ffoi-d.i ol TANARUS; ■* BSark | at Bouesviilein exchange for Dry Goods, Groceries, and Provisions. ALSO —tO, OOO pounds of hide? at the same place and on the same terms. JOHN and. CO LOWELL, Sec. April $, 1572 ts Boncsvillc Ga. J *•» M j biU fUSESyiT TO THE Confederate Dead of Georgia And those Sol<Mers from other (Jonfcderale Status The Monument to Cost $50,000, Tlio Corner Stone H u propped shall 1» loi.l as 2,1W)0, pri/ 'M vabuxl id txoo. ,: »m iivo hundred I thousand ilolla.-i. That, iiau.nto r.flv, i t t0d.,.:. to b« sold, I given a ocrtific&hi of Lib Mom' rdup i > tlu | titlo 1I«. owner thoivol to an equal ito-e a in th,J following property, to bn rti-.tril.m-l *|> soou as the requisite unmlwr of ... ,11. to n it: l*f. Nine bus.l.vl an.lor., a-r.- ol iaL in Lin- 1 M, r ;,,oi l n..’l *’• -I- , >'< " «•”.*>. i non. And In s- v. • 1; -T brty-fnur I shares in one hundred thousand dollars* f United States coummcv, to wit: l aha roof #lo,non* *IO,CKK) 1 “ ,*i.nnn| .',nfin j 10 “ si .‘ 10 “ 10,01 MM ‘JO “ ■ »‘L>... lOpwlG j 10*) “ 100.; ln,n-f» 100 ** 25 h’jMhi 1000 u 10.., Kudu I From tlifl first class real CvsUlji olfered by wsdl kiiowu patriutio eiti/.en -, to thoa'nHfv-derate M»>n i muontal Aasociatiim, the u)l; r*,!u» prizes haw ! been srh ub and and •« Med to th • , .■ liar, a : Ist. Ucr/.elin. this well Iwi i u s.ut, with the large residence* store, etc., nt}! four hundred acres of iuimodiately on thol looigia Ilailnuid twenty mile, from Augusts. Ft iag an annual yiuhl <»f fltoeu tiious-md 1 Ua ;. 2d. Tim well known City !, fronting on 11 road ; •!. Tie’ building i- <>f brick, three sto ries high, Id! .;ofr t. Yam \:* VJ.‘,oun. ;ld Tbo Boliittde FlantatioerH tt’issel e-mnty Alabama, on the Cliatlahon 'i. e L’. with elegant and commodious iuiprov e;ui.:us, av erusfo rental dollars. Ith. Th> large brick re dun•i v, 1 story on the northwest ooruer of Broad and u uner streets, known as the FUinizy or Jl.’iidry b*uso. Kent, two thonsun 1 dollars. 51 h. The Bo p'rs H etsc, on Or *Y atom 5 :, anew and elegant brick residence, in a bust desirable portion of that beautiful street. \ :.U ; edat #l«‘*,Od»i tlth. Flat Busii with 120 a r. s or land* half a mile from the citylimiis, the elegant suburban res idencc of Antoine Foullaiu, JA p, il gmui order. Valued at #l*l,ooo. 7th. The Bearing House, a larg • end cemmodi ons residence, with thirty city lout, ;.0 h .120 feet, fronting on Mck if. and Carnes driete. Valueil at #IO,OOO. Sth. Stanton residence end budyrd on the Go«>rgia Bailroad. Value.l at #S.U(Hb Also a share of one lmu Ir. 1 b.-,,s • e >-:ou : 1 share of fifty bales; 1 shivre of t venlv-tive bales: Ito shares of one bale. The. bales to average X pounds, and class Liverpool Middling. nounce to the public the manner, the time and place of ilistributioa. The following gen demon have conserved to act as Ooumbssii ‘.uers, and■ will either by a commit ice or frv>m their own body, or by special tmstees, ap pointed by thorns, •v;-'-. r-.eeivo s u.l ttke proper m ments for subscription. and will determine upon the plan for the monument, the inscription there on, the sue. the re for. select an cvvafor for the oeea- | sion, and regulate the iv re monies to be observed j when the corner stone is laid, to wit: (generala L, \ B Yddeii: , :t A Stovall, i W M Gal-duei\ th. ’d •lh . u. 1 A 0 Sne.a-d. ! Wm P U raw ford, M.rors J*.s ;!i B Camming, | George T Jackson, Jos GanahJ, J ! J Oiranh v, Hon. j K U May. Adam John - 7 .hnatuan M ‘Miller. W II Goodrich, J L Buy, 1U .ry Moerc, l)r \V E I Bearing. \ gems arc allowed 2.) percent. They are i\ gui red to pav their own exp. ses : Tickets and ein u- i lam alone 1 eing furnished vo them. They will re-1 their oommiss-.e-n. N%» commissions will be de-1 ducted from simple contributions. f more promin, a. »,-ll nut favorably; known thivughou: aie fck>uth r vrdi be accepted to I act with ns. Parties dt siring to ooutrilmtc to the monument, i and who do not wish to partiupato in the award. | will receive ; c-ial reeoi ... T’he money will be i turn-. I i>ver to thv treasurer, and will be appropri- i L. a A. H. Mt I.AWd. (i-acral Agents, No. OM F O ih.r. -.1-, Mclntosh street. Hon. J axles M. Sm # : IE, TavcHng Agent. G EORGIA —Me Duffie County. To the Honorable the Superior Court of said County: rSIHB Pension of Jam kS. Shields, James X,. J fehickK E.A- Shi -Ms. John G. Cos Id well, and J. J. Morris, n.e : ra/>-o- atrsajd - ico - • r-. respect fully Shcweth that they have formed an organiza tion for the purpose vs manufacturing Shoes, Flour, Meal, aud disposing of the tame, and for further purpose «»f carrying on a gen era! .Mercantile bud neH» : that they desire to be incorporated under the j corporate name of‘‘The Boutsvide MannfaciuHog Company/* that the amount of capital fob** employ ed by them is fifty thousand dollars ? .£od,oob,J of which there has actually Keen paid iu tweu ? y-five thousand dollars 00b) : that their place oi do ing UnflinesH will be at Bones ville, on the Georgia Rail Boad, iu the Couuty and B'ate ao;rc>ai<?: »ha* they desire to be incorprtated for the fieri <W twen ty years, with the i-rivi-v-ie of renewal m th - expirn- i (ion of that period, and to have lb? right to -oe and be sued in their corporate Hmip, to and use a common Sea!, and the same to break, alter and renew at pleasure ; to make a Constitution stud By laws for the government of said organization not in eoiwietent with th« laws oft! i-» State and of the United ; to receive donations by gift or will: to hold such property, real and personal, as m t • be necessary for the purposes of *>aid organization, and to do all huoli acts aa are heces-ary ie-fiiitnate execution of these purposes. Wherefore your p-iition.-rs pray an order of this 11 one Court, beginning the fii’th Moutlay iu April 1872, incorporating your petit oners*, ihetr a?- riuciatea and successors under the name nud style and for the purposes above ust forth, and your pe 'Hiouers wii 1 ever pray etc*. Casey & Hudson, j Pei 1 Honor**’ Attorneys. GEORGIA —McDuffie County. Clerks Office Superior Court. i hereby certify that the* above P*?iu*m has been duly filed and record* and in this (HUeO, April Bth, 1F,72, cn the Minutes of Joint. b. n. rt;Air:R cu*rk. \<>t ic<‘. At the Tarn* of the Superior Court of McDuffie t’o’uity, ordered to be held and to commence on the lif‘h Monday in Aprdtho for*b;>ing »cHuon will bu presented for the iaoorporiiii m of * ‘The l**m- Aville Mttnufacmriilg Company.,the same having been only filed and recorded i * Terms of the Status© in such cases mude aud provided. CASEY Sc HUDSON, Petitioners A'Lorticy \ Thornton, Ga, April 8 1872 10-tw ~u' n it~ BAD WAY'S HEADY BELIEF Cures tbeW >rst pa: . in fr .m Owe So TwpssSv ‘(Singles Not one Hour after reading this advert We mant need any cue suffer with pain, Rutiwai/'s Il o'ljltcliefi;, a cart for cx •■■■/■.-/ ' V %|.V -ft was the fir ', and is the only P.fin Remedy that inHaully stops the most etcruoialing pain*, alt avs hvtbimm •lion* an i cm« s Cun :•* i. • wheth 'r ..f tb fiUugs, Swmach, Bowels, or o . *t glaudii or organs j bt o v* application, j in Prvm to Tire ■ ■ ?*j ..TITt n !# .Vs, no matter hour vmbmt or excruc: stiu'; th » pain the Rheumatic, Ik and rid in. luLm. Crippt-d. N* rvms, Neuralgic, or proitrJed with may suib.r. Hail way’s Kc!Hily Urlkf wtd afford distant ease, pclummntioa of the Kidneys, Ini'amw’atiou .»f iba lb‘.<LU*r, of iho Lungs, Sor*-*. Throat, THf-irntb Bfwafiung, , Palpitation ;;f :!:? Heat! lly*U * o-*, Croup, Diphih ria. Catarrh,, Lifitieuza Headache, Toolhaoh**, N»urn!g : &, Uhvumab--i, Cold 4'h»lN, V gtie 4’lisUk. The application of the Ready R lid lo the pari ah ere the pain or dhfujuH/ Pk. : ; will afford oaso and eomforf. Twenty dropH in a half fmobW of wder will in a f»*w mo u“uts trim* C**i mu Cj o iin. S-mr Stomacli. I »I**arl Bwi n, .Vick ll.u l.wV. I); .nio'-t, l>v s-utery, j Colic, M ind in the Bow m. and ;v!i Lu u \ ain*. | Traveler? should always carry u boltdo of 1* ad- | way’:! Richly R- ‘in! wdh ih**ut. V few drop*, in wa* i... will 'prevent - rb:i(*.'- { or pains from eba .*n <»l witer. Uis bclierthan Pfciich Brandy or Bitters us a stirnot mt. Fever and Ague. Fever and A. •i" ! for Fif y Cmus. Tlicre h not a renu* l al i , nt m lids w b.l that wll cure iFever ad Agm*. and fill other Mai rums Billious, Scarlet, Typ’.mi !, Y'-.dloW, a id other Fevers, { ddod by Rul ray's Pills) m> F«j tick h U i Lvay’s Ready Relief. i IK. VI/IN I. .1 5 :<IAUTY Z- Strong and pure rich blood £«crs3--* of fi and weight—clear skiu en l bentiitful complexion sceured lo all. Or. RADWAY’^ S A USA PARI LL IAN RESOLVENT Has made the most adoni.ditng cures: vo quick, so vapid are. the chauues, under the in luence of this truly wonderful medicina Fiat- Every Day an Increase in Fitsh aad M cght es seen stud felt. The Great Blood Purifier. Ev ry drop of *h * Sarsapardliau coin immicutes through the Blood, Bwool l jin, and oth er Raids and jueies of the system, the vigor of life, for it repairs the w jsts of t!m b■ lv with nev and sound material. Se olula, Syphilis?, Consumption, Glandular Uh.‘*r3» in the Throat. Mouth, Tu:»iovs, Node- on the. C m is and other putts of the , Sore Eves, ears, and the worst forms of skin discuses, Eruptions, Fever Sores Scald ne.el, IFog b''*nu. Suit Rh uni, Mry*»ipela Ac no, Jbo :k Soots, Worms ! n the flesh, Tuniore Cancers in the V\ umb, and all weakening and piinfa/discharges. Nigh , sweat.*,, of sperm and a!: waste of the /ife pr.neipic, are within the cur ali v o range of this wutid -r ol‘ Modem Chemistry and a few days’ use will prove to any person, using it f-»r either of those terms of disease, its potent pow er to cure them. liidisu’y& gsLsilslor Coaipl.imts, Urinary and Womb diseases, Gravel, Diabetes, Drops#/, stoppage of Water, Incontinence of Ur it:, Bright’s Diseases, Albuminurnl. and in all eases iiieru ‘here are h-k-du-: . its, or the was i© is thick, ciondv. wi:h snbstauees that is like the while of an *>r rhreuds white .- :k. or there is a morbid, and uk, uppetkrunci* and white bone-dust depost's, aid when there is a prick j ing, burniuf sonsatiou when p ->.-"ig water, and pain | iu the small of the hack and along the loins. Dr. SADWAY’S Perfect Purga tiv c Pi 11 s. I perfectly tasteless* elegau ’y coated w-fi, sweet sum, | purge, regulate, purify, do**use and strengthen Ru.l --| way’s Pids. foi the euro ot eh ands -r-iers of tbe .»eh Liver, Bowels, Kidney> IPad i- r N nous Disea ses. Headache. Cnhslipasiv ti. C vtao-n.*©?, Heart- A urn. Indieesi 'i, Dyspepsia, .Unfit u-m-ss, Bfifitms 1 Fever, lufiammr.t on of the Ik wels Fi.cs and all | deraugemeuts of the laieruai Viscera. VYurrauted toefthei i po-ititH' cure. Pu:; ' Vegetable, couiaiu iug no mercury, minerals or ueicreriousdrugs. A f-'v doses us Ikeiway’s PUN WH.Ti free the system fro nak the above named dis eiders. Trice 2 > cents per S-»’..lby Druggisrs. Read “FstLe :.:ul True.” And sou 1 one lot t**r to * lI.\DW A V & CO.. ->7 Maiden Lane. New Y > U. luformatk.n worth thousand3 will ba sent you. I July 12, If 7 \, irJO l y G UA NOS, 0 WE again oiler to the planters of this section the following Manures, all ol which have given entire satisfaction for the past four years : Chesaj)eake Guano i Cash price, Soo Time, cqc Sarily’s !Soltil>lo Gun no; Cash price, SIS Time, g. 55 I’hosplio Peruvian : Cash price, $-33 Time, SCO Nova Seotia I.and Plaster: Cash price, SI-5 Time, sig Branch, Scott & Cos., Agents. Shields & Coll well, Agents, Thomson, Ga. jan24m3 Isl fi 4 a | % *-h ft t' ‘i-V — ayFa < -■ \'Q v / -' V-,. - ■* r -U • " ■■ s ffv£\ nAx Mui - iSh me ■ v:^ WH.MOXS :• T*-.i TO It«el> » %«* TE-. ev, „ • . v. - f’nmw |>- - • * Foor Uum, Whl?h»‘ V, Praul Spirlta n ••.,{ ti t- l.i rr ■ f‘ S ■ - - ' .- lutilft, A J.I J*K i.l V ! , 1 \< a ‘ ’«” v '* ...uiic P ;r::-Litvp is . well ;*** n a•' - ■ -ririb.rii.strTioo • . .1 . t . i: inun. >C, if» -r •••-: or -thai. mi. I-.-.-*. ;<«- .i i » " .riJH-ct I'OVl’l-M, : Idnrxa aud • '*< -' • fv-*» •• ‘■-•"■ j V iliiitnl lllood, - .■ *i*t • : td.- I)j --ppmlivi’ II l> * and. » \ c> :l lr. :>u. r,r*T!()*.', IT sudachj, I- • - hi i'. -lCi. s C!,-d. " •• - >'!o-e: ts , i•; i • .El, liC ■ i’a''jvTiui* <-*f th«; Heart, i- • ■ .**.*• 1t ft::, le: I' n f:t tbo r**.7tons of thd I- • ** ’ • • * •* • . :-l r :< • • a: • the - I'ini s', EE'.?.A ■'!!>, Tet‘er. Halt • ■ '■ I 1 . - I el!.!,?, It..;:*, Car* W-n. ii ii t\ Erysf.^h,^ '■ - ■■■:■‘U ;:=• >kin. «: :m --it. a **h«>rt f in© hy • ■ >} lr x. On.? \v,nb- in *m-h * j*-n Will «- " • ‘ t,V ,*• ti.ri i-s y-'-tiC . -i ill r Erup. L'»n«i>r :> !’I 11 f.lvmiiK.dft.i.l uluachit I. • !•-« ltv.i;©n it i* f* i:1, ami ... J -i., T;»»«r. >• '.i.l Oiv :• Worms 1 ' r. r tn the f» ' ! • I !<1 *troy*d ii- • y si iii' l1:■> '. \\ f., • • .if tin? oarfh • • • • !•-'*» 'I ' 1: r.- i.l '1:- « J»eo of UGi-n*. It is 1. U • • : dr? b- . l p- < - - 1 f l>o<iy that vi-*, ‘ *» r.p ■ A .. .1 s arid uliinjr . . • . •' 'V Mi : r • r. V.. 11. >i 1„)\ \|J, ,v ( • -i • - - ' A. -its. n C. . u, ** •" :•>■• -Vew Vo 1 : ** -'-bu Ei.. AND^. •lay 24,1871 u l3 ly 1 je*yal Advertisements. 4'if:ition. j GEORGIA —McDnijic County. OL. CLOUD having applied to be appointed guardian of the person j and property of Charles P. Stanford, a minor under fourteen years oi age, resi dent of said County, this is to cite all persons concerned to he and appear at the term of the court of tho Ordinary to be held after tho expiration of thirty days from the first publication of this notice, to show cause if any they can why O. L. Cloud, siiouid not be in trusted with tiie guardianship of the person and property of the said Chas. P. Stanford, Witness my official signature. A, B. THRASHER, Ordinary. sherilf'S' Sale, -’WWT'ILL be sold before the Court Y*' House door, in the town of Thomson, Ga., on the first Tuesday, in May, within the legal hours of sale, the following pro; ertv to wit: The entire lands of It. S. Lazenby j lying in McDuffie Counyy, about two! miles front Thomson. Adjoining lands j of Eiias Lazenby, Mrs. Mary Wilson I and J. W. Morgan, levied on as the j property of R. S. Lazenby, by virtue of j sundry fi. fas., issuing from the Justice’s j Court of the 132nd. District G. M., on tiie 12th, day of February 1870 in favor | of A’. D. Wilson, 'f’homas M. Steed and j F. A. Morgan vs. R. S. Lazenby'. JOHN T. STOVALL, Sheriff. !. THE PENN LETTER BOOK | For copy;;: - letters Withoct Fress ok Waxes, ‘ ’ ‘ : : in' ix jilucct 1. ; an.l th-. .:-ii i-!s t-.x.-v using it ..1 its wonderfid ience, I a»J a puUie test c ; -f. U est«Uhdbed f its gi-iiiiji. •. ss and >-..!L-d.iliiy. It Las only to bo : pro,., rly i.y.nvii to i : a;. 1 l>v all business ■■ r: 1 njv.vird. Address P. ;<iAi:i!KXT ,t Ob. PliiUWplii.t, Pa. j t-ir*Agent» wanted. j l ' ' ‘ ' ■ i ( arming, I -I 4no p.uyxx by Heri.eit HaniilUm, 11. A. Hnv cdi possess; at will. l)i - Si.,laicni. Soreerism, Demonologr, | ‘•'■‘■l a thou >.iud other wonders. Price by mail, i in cio-h in pisper covers «i Cor,-.'Cro:.: ba ! i"^s:itK 00l •. :.'■■ ! m-i le. Ad i (i ; v ' 1 • " • 111 AXS. Pub., 41 S. Bth St.. Phila lel jpma, P..m. j f\f U 1 VGENTS \V VSTEO for our splendid j.H ) ■ -hart f «1!;\. I.T-.E. “STONI’- : tv M-I. I vs.'!-, .. ] y• other Historical amt ' OH ARTS, etc., i have a mnv vsei sal;-.. No risk ! Xiargo profits.’— lt\\S: - ' BK i 11. Ihopire Map and Chart L - street. Now York. DM >1 J. SALE. ■ *’|inr. -tor. hon-u . and lot -f Mrs. K. M. Massen -4 •- ■ va v ii M. !-;n. a bcan- ParKonaos and residence. ••I l). li. Irv ic- Pur terms appiv to feb-’-tf ' H. ‘(j. -ROXEY, P.SIJ. : ' a.-.; - ! >v x\o., , , ~,] the Crvcai, Oon x , h.\ <■ -n I oaiabcrliu. Cln vvs Chi -; I. bn..... ;0.,5. PuUv ilfnstra ; r.0,0!«l SOLD. Ad ire so as ab.,ve', or .1. 8. • "''' i.- ii;. ion . o. i xtaanl 4'. liovey, Boston, '■ Sui li, An n.-:;. V. Y or Walt m .t Cos., India inpolis. J.,J. LI-IE ffIKMRC». M imiAicttiri r.s and L)oal**rs in Jj I M, Id , FOR MASON An 4 A<■KICL r I, TUR A l. PURPOSES Agents for iho Knglixds Siossnv.iH Fcrlilizac, i Fo.'i Cotton Fcr'ilizcr iu u«e, rtiul Pare English. Dissolved Bono. •V Pure I'upoipb- pk u * of L-itv, for composting wifi* l.iiii ‘ anl Cotton Seed. It 'ucn jat any dcp X i H Aoiriistu. COI.KS SI7CKR k co., tin, 14 Mclntosh St., Augusta, Ga. JOHN R. WILSON, Agt., j a 11 31 mb] ihomson. (in. Manhood! I low Lost, lit o w Kcsloihhl. | l ST imbbslic l. :t a- v edition of Ds. Culvervvell's rdcbrateJ L"-m v <m :ke l ufii.-a/cure of certain weakn-'.'AC', tiie eiU-c- of e: rors and abuses in early life. Tfio cofi briited -iUtlwr in UFs ad mi table Essay dearly denim; : .it-s fr* tu a thinly years’ successful pi ac lev, Unit the alarming "onacipienees of such er- I'ors and abuses may be r .liicady cured without the j dan.aerous utse of internal med cine or theappliea ' icn of the kiiife ; poiufin;»- out a mode of cure at once simple, certain and effectual, by means of wbtcii '•vivy surlier, no matter what his condition tiny be, may euro hitn«elf c n a; /y, priVat-Sy and radically. Tui • b*cU:v 'ln-fil 1 l>f iu ice bads of every youth and every man in tbs land. S** ;! m. It i*. i . • vt/ .pe. to any address, si x ' t«,vo post stamps. Also, Dr. (’ iwcrwc./'s .Marriage Guide, price 25* cents. Auuiv.s ilie pub/ ah civ. (‘HAS. J. C. KLINE &CO., i27 IFnvcry. New York Pv> Oilice Box 4 jan. 24, Jy ~j. ivr. jei Y 2.X 3 *, Wholesale and retail dealer iu 113 3? ill 3j<33 3?J 3 ©3 i a LAMPS AND LAMP FIXTURES, Manufacturer and dealer in all kinds of TIN M) SHEET IRON WARE j GUTTERING, ROOFING, And all kiufis of Jobbing done promptly and neatly.. Cm 6 1584 Broad St., Augusta, Ga. R.B. PHILLIPS, (43, JACKS; S STKEBT, NEAR SEW POST OFFICE,} AUGUSTA. GA. IMPORTERS & WHOLESALE DEALERS IN Foreign und Uouiestic Liquors, Brandies, Wines Gin, Rum, Wbiskie?. Bitter?. Porter, Ale, Etc,, Etc. TobaccO and OigarS Os Every Variety. A©333 7 3 f© S If S 3 ColcDratecl H 0.71 S3 STU3IACM BITTER^ JlayS, 1871. Shi ly