McDuffie weekly journal. (Thomson, McDuffie County, Ga.) 1871-1909, May 22, 1872, Image 4

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IgisittUancottf. About Marrying. Forty years ago a blooming girl of sixteen married an old man of sixty for his money, expecting he would soon die ar.d leave her a wealthy young widow. Last week the lady died at the respecta ble age of fifty-six, leaving a husband aged onehundred, and four children to mourn her loss. * The above has been going the rounds of the press as a ‘sad mistake.’ Had, why sad ? We see nothing sad about it. The man at the time of his mar riage was not such an old man. Many older men have married. Last year a man ninety-two years old was married in Florida, and he was so fat that he couldn’t pull his marriage liceuse out of his breeches pocket, and it had to be cut out with the bride's scissors before the marriage Could be perfected. As fur the young girl eixteen who married a man of sixty, the assumption ' that she did so for* his money is purely gratuitous. No woman marries for money; and if this one did marry for money she got forty years of comfort and four children. Was their any ‘mis take’ in that ? True she was not left a wealthy young , widow. But if she expected to kilt off a man of sixty simply by marrying him was ft great gooose, never read her Bible, and knew nothing of tire history of Solomon. No; women do not marry for money or wed with murderous intent. We go further and say that women marry solely out of compassion. Motives of selfish or mercenary nature never actuate them. They give all and get neftilng. Pity is akin to love, and what is more pitiable than an old map? Women ought to marry old tnen and none other. What earthly use has a young man for a Wife ; what good can she do him P lie don’t need her. lie can drink whiskey, smoko cigars, ride horses, play cards, s;t up all night, 11 y around generally, jump, run, walk, swim, play on the accordcon, eat what be pleases, wear fancy clothes, tight boots, has got no corns, no asthma, rheumatism, is not bald or hip-shot, wears no spectacles, can sleep in damp sheets, and go to the theatre and join the masons, fish, hunt, fight duels, travel, pluy billiards, part his hair in the mid dle, and enjoy himself in every con ciev able way. To such a man a wife, espe cially a young wife, is a superfluity. An old wife, who would actus a mother and guardian to him might be of service to him. But when a man is in the sere, spav ined, wheezy, purblind, broken down, used up and played out, then he really needs a wife, and a young, able-bodied one to take care of him, irritate his sculp with a fine-tooth comb and smooth his pathway to the tomb. And be ought to be able to pay handsomely for these services. As woman’s life is one of self sacrifice, that most beaulilul and touching chaiacter should bo illustrated, brought out and developed. This can best be douo by marrying an ancient dilapidated man. The ‘sad mistake’ is in marrying young men. It ought nev er to bo done.— The Charleston Daily News . Toombs and Grkkley.— ‘Napoleon’ the Savannah Advertiser, writing from Atlanta under date of the 14th inst. says: , 4 The general impraesion which lias pre vailed that General Toombs would unite with Alexander H. Stephens in bitterly opposing the ggjldi, luture of Horace Greeley, is likely be disap pointed. Ileain that in a conversation a few days ago, on Lie subject, General Toombs remarked that be naJ not yet made up his mind whatcoursehe would pursue, but that he was giving the mutter serious thought. The tenor of his remarks left an impression that it was not improbable he would decide in favor of Greeley, It certainly would be a curious freak of politics which put Greeley and Toombs once in the same political ship. In the ‘good old days’ they battled for the Whigs together, but who would have imagined, after the disruption of their alliance, and the bit ter political enmity which has existed between them for years, that the possi bility ot their reconciliation would ever arise? Should Toombs decide in Gree ley’s favor, his inlluence would certainly alter the present determination of many Democrats to abstain from voting if the Democracy endorse the nomination- Two little boys were quarreling, and their mother came to settle the dillicul ty. She could not find out which was to blame, and at last said, ‘well, I shall find out in the day of Judgement who told the fib.’ A few nights afterwards there was a terrible storm, which blew ot the roof of the house, and so frightened every one, that some member of the family exclaimed in terror that the day ot Judgement had come. Thinking that it was all up with him, the little fellow who told the fib, cried out, ‘oh, mother, if it’s the dayot Judgement, I told that story!’ Ail die Ballou married a couple at Terre Haute, Indiana, last week, and in the nuptial lecture told them “cradles were cheaper than divorces.” NEW GOODS, | Arriving and to arrive this W eek, bailies Dress Goods ami Hats, (■entlcnietis Clothing, llats, Boots and Shoes, Heir Cttvlc*. mayltfi J- II- STOCKTON. FURNITUEE OF ALL UIiSCI tII'TTOIVH, —AT— PLATT BROTHERS, (Formerly C. A. I’lalt & C 0.,) 214 Broad Street, Augusta, Ca. 1,000 Maplo & Walnut Bedsteads, #5 lo $10! Wc particularly cnll the attention of purchanerß ♦ o our ‘Solid Walnut Chamber Suits for Beauty, Z>urabilUy nnd Cheapness. Our Manufacturing Department id still in opera tion. Special ordern will be prumfiily attended to. Repair* done in all its brauches. Upltolsleiing Department. H»ir Olo*h, Ensinnleil Cloth, Hops, Terry and Spriugsand all article* suitable for manufacturer*, wo offer at Low Prices. jaiilll tn 6 A bound canvassing book of the PICTORIAL HOME BIBLE, containing over 300 InnuaTnA- Tiotts. With a comprehensive Cyclopedia explana tory of the Scriptures, In English and (iernian. WM. FLINT <fc CO., Phila., Pa. SPIUNG& SUMMER GOODS, AT Mo wrt'X & Scott*??' DRESS GOODS Embracing all the novelties of the Searoo. A beautiful line of White Goods, plain and Stripes. Piques, Striped and Figured. Full line of Hosiery, Corsctts, Trimtnirjjs and Notions. Edging and Inserting, a beautiful assortment, Clothing, of all grades. Now Spring Ilats, tor Men and Boys. Boots and Shoes, In great varieties. Which WiU Bo Sold Low The Public aro Requested to call and examine. IVo Trouble to show ( ■ ooclm. aprSlm.l Bmr! m:v! Spring & Summer JDry Goods. J. B. NEAL & SON, Have just, received ft large and well selected stock of Spring & Summer Goods, consisting of L:ul ica’ Ih'css ilooils, C4eiit’s FiirnisHing Goods, Ready Hade Clothing’, Hats, Laps, Boots, & Shoes. And Everything Usually kept in a FIRiiT CLfISS DRY GOODS SMI. Have iilvvayw <»»» haml a fine lot ol’Groceries in men imsell it the Lowest Cash Prices. CALL AND Examine our stock before PURCHASING ELSEWHERE AND WE rUimtiTEE SATISFACTION*: J. 33. 3ST3F3A.L Sc SOIST. nprlTml Thomson, Ga. - DOLLAKS A MONTH to sell onr Univer •) /•/ hiil Cement, Combination Tunnel Button- Hole Cutter, and other articles. Saco Novelty Cos., Saco, Mo. Wanted Agents *loo to $250 per month—everywhere, Male anil Female, to introduce the genuino improved Marshall Srtri »i g .» «f Aitir. This machine will stitch, hem, fell, tuck, bind, braid, cord, quilt, and embroider in a most superior manner. Price sls fully licensed and warranted for five years. We will pay SIOOO for any ma chine, high price or low, that will sew a stronger, more beautiful or more elas tic seam than ours. It makes the elas tic lock-stitch. Every second stitch can be cut, and stiil the cloth can not be pulled apart without tearing it. We pay agents SLOO to $250 per month, and expenses, or a commission from which twice that amount can bo made. For circulars and terms apply to or address, »i. MARSHALL & CO. No. 102 Nassau Street, New York. CAUTION. —Do not be imposed up on by other parties traveling through the country palming off worthless cast iron machines under the same name or otherwise. Ours is the only genuine and really cheap machine manufactured. M O’DOWD .& CO. GROCERS -A-ISTID Commission iTlerdjcmts, No. 284 Broad Street, *'lngu*la, GEORGIA* HAS on hand and for Bale, at th# lowest market prices, for cash or good’ factor’* acceptance*, payable next Fall, a full scock of Choice Groceries & Plantation Supplies, among which may he found the following: 50 hhds. D. R. bacon sides 10,(XX) lbs IX S. shoulders 10 easkß haras 100 packages lard 200 boxes cheese 300 bbls flour, all grades, 3<H) sacks oats 40 “ seed ryo 100 bbl«. Irish potatoes 100 packages new Mackerel—'Nos. 1, 2 and 3 100 “ extra mess Mackerel 10 bids. bucKwheat 100 chests tea all grades, 500 bbls. syrup—different grades 2<X> cases oysters —1 and 2 lb. cans. 200 cases canned fruits and vJgttnbl. s SIX) cases pickles, all sizes, 50 “ lobsters, 1 and 2 lb. cans 200 gross matches 2<X) boxes candles 50.000 diaries Dickens segars. 50,(XX) Georgia Chiefs “ 50,(XX) our choice 2(X>,000 various grades “ S,(XX) bushels coni 25 htnlH. Demarara sugar 35 hhds. brown sugar 10 lihds. Scotch sugar 25 boxes Havana sugar 50 bbls. crushed, powdered ciut granulated sugar 200 bbls. extra C and A sugar 200 bags Rio eoffeo 50 “ Laguayra coffee 50 pockets old Government lava coffee 100 boxes No, 1 soap 200 boxes pale “ 150 boxes starch j— r 100 boxes soda 100 dozen buckets 50 dozen brooms] 10 bills, pure Baker whisky rxJ bbls. Old Valley whisky 200 bfifc. rye whisky, all grade* 50 bbls. pure com whisky 30 bbls. brandy, gin and rum 10 quarter casks imported Cognac brandy 8 quarter casks Scotch and Irish w hisky 20 quarter casks Sherry, Port and Madeira wine 20 casks ale and porter - ■ * 10 casks Cooper’s half and half 50 coses Champagne 40 cases claret 50 cases Schnapps 100 cases bitters 200 boxes tobacco, all grM^* 100 oases smoking tobacco, nS grades. jan.'ilyl Cr. W AEOTLB,. Grocer & Commission Merchant, Thomson, - * j - Georgia* * * ► HAVF. on hand and (or Salt at the lowest market prices FOB OAOH. CROP'S FAMILY l.ROCEfflfcS AND PLANTA TION sCPi’t.lEs OF Al t. KINDS. Among which miy bo found the following, Huron, Flour, Sugar, Coflto, Lartl, Chec»c A fllacperel, Oysters, Pickles,€an»e<l Fruits, Soda, Tohticeo, ami everything kept io the line of a First Class Grocery Stoic. I Respecfuliy invite my friends to givo me a call. OJ W. Thomson, Gu. SWteh ly New Furniture Store. * Furniture of all kinds oft daily being re ceived by ZB. 33. OTOBCj.'JSOISr at his Furniture Ware Rooms under William s ’ IJal 1. Walnut and Maple Chamber tSKts, tEqg and com mon Bwvdsteads, Wood, Cana und Split Chairs, Bureaus, Dining, Centre and Card ' Tables, Wa&hstands, Ac., Ac. Every article of Furniture needed to make home convenient, comfortable or luxurious can be had on the most libe rail term. SiT Orders promptly filled Augusta prices. Fgxiiolstering ami Repairing: done promptly and in the most workman-like style, such as Sofas, Divans, and Chairs re-covered and varnished. Chairs re-caned and varnished, and old furniture made as bright and good tvs new. O O FF INS Made to. order and of any style required. All work warranted to give satirffictign. % , Orders solicited. . apriOaud Thomson, Ga. What every Horseman Wants.-**-A good, cheap and reliable liniment. Such an arti cle is I)r Tobias’ Horse Liniment. Pint bottles at one dollar. For lameness, cuts, galls, colic, sprains, Ac., warranted better tlianluiy **ther. Sold by the Druggists. Depot 10 Park Place, New York. Nature gives us teeth, but she does not preserve and purify them. That must be done by fragrant Sozodont. The dental bone and its enamel easing are made invulnerable to all destruc tive influences by the daily use of this beneficent aprepartion. GEORGIA — McDuffie County. To the Iloncrab/c the Superior Court of ' said CoitnOji, - THE Petition of James 8. Shields, James L. Shields. E. A- Shields, John G. Coldwell, and J. J. Morris, their associates and successors, respect fully that they have formed an orgauiza, tion for the purpose of manufacturing Shoes, Flour Meal, and disposing of tho same, and for further purpose of carrying on a general Mercantile busi ness : that they desire to be incorporated under the corporate name of “The i>oues»iile Manufacturing Company,” that the amount of capital to be employ ed by them is .fifty lh susaud dollars (swO,OOi>,) of which there has actually been paid in twenty-five tlfiusand dollars ($25,000) : that their place of do ing business will be Sit Bm.esrille, on the Georgia Hail head, in the County and E'ate aforesaid: that they desire to be incorp, r ated for the peri’d of twen ty years, with the privilege of renewal at the expira tion of that period, and to hare the rigtt to sue and be sued iu their corporate name, to ha»e and use a common Seal, and the same to break, alter and renew at pleasure ; to make a Constitution and by laws for the government ot said organization not in consistent with the laws of Uii* State and of the United Sates ; to receive donations by gift or will; to hold Such property, real and personal, as may be necessary for the purposes of said organization, and to do all euch acts as are necessary for the legitimate execution of these purposes. Wherefore y»ur petitioners pray an order of this Ifrjnerabie Court,, beginning lire fiiyli Mon lay in April 18??, incorporating j..or petitioners, the t a -and successors under'the name arid style arid for the purpos-e above set forth, and your pe titioners will ever pray etc. Casev & Hudson, Petitioners’ Attorneys. a EORGI A— McDuffie County. Clerks Office Superior Court. I hereby certify that the above Petition hns b#cn duly filed aud recorded in tbits Office, April Bth, 1872, tn the Minute* of Court. R. 11. PEARCE, Clerk. TVolico. At the T.*rin of the Superior Court of McDuffie County, orderod to b« held aud to commence or. the flfb Monday in April the foregoing l etilion Will be presented for the incorporation of “The Bonesville Manufacturing'Company, ** the name having been euly filed aa l recorded in Terms of the Statute in such cases made and provided. CASEY A. HUDSON, Petitioners' Attorneys. Thomson, Ga. April 8 1872 104 w K K R BAD WAY'S BEADY BELIEF Ciir** slut worst paius in from One to TwcilJv Uinutew Hot one Hour after reading this advertisement need any one Suffer with pain, Radivmfs Ready Relief is a cure for every i\vi:s. .It was the firs*, and is the only Pain Remedy that distantly stop" the moat excruciating pains, allays Inflammations and cures Congestions whether erf the Lungs, Stomach, Rowels, or other glands or organs bv one application, fn From /A>if to Twenty Minute*, no matter how violent or excruciating the pain the Rhcurnittc, Bed rid Dn. Infirm, CrippUd, Nervous, Neuralgic, or prostrated with disease may Miffcr, Sfadvray’s Steady Steliei' will atrordtusfant ease. Inflammation of th© Kidneys, htHißuiiiiUuii of 4h»-iih*4»ier, Cange#u<>u of tlio Lungs, Throat, Difficult Breathing, Palpitation rit the Benrf. fTysterics, Croup, Diphtheria, Catarrh, Influenza lieu Uche, Toothache, Neuralgia, Rheumatism, fold OlailN) Apic thaMK. Tire application cf the Ready Relief to tho parts where tho pain or difficulty exists will afford ease aud comfort. Twenty drops in a half tumbler of water will in a few momenta core Gudmiu Spasms, Sour Jtomacb. Heart Burn, Nick Headache, Diarrhea, Dysentery, CoUc-AYrnd ?n tho Bowels, and all luL-rnul pains. Travelers should always carry a boftla of Rad way’s Ready ID lie l with them. \ few drop? i j wa le will ’prevent .sickness or pains Ironi change of waters it is betterthau French Brandy or Bitters as a stimulant. Fever and Ague. Fever and auivd for Fifty' Cents. There a not a remedial ngeut in this world that, will cure iFever ad Ague, art ! all other Malarious, DilUoug, Scarlet, Typhoid, Yellow, aud other Fevers, (aided bv Ra lway’s Pills) so quick ns Railway’# Ready Rrlief. HEALTH, 1 SEAITT Y I Strong anil pure rich blood—Uteres.■. of flesh and weight—clour skin and beautiful complexion secured to all. Dr. RADWAY’S SARSAPARILLIAN RESOLVENT Has mad a tho most astonishing cures: so quick, so rapid are the ehanoes, under the iivluence ot this truly wonderful medicine that Kvnry Day an Increase in Flesh aud Weight is seen and felt. The Great Blood Purifier. Every drop of the Sarsaparilliah Re-solvent com municates through the Blood, Sweet Urin, aud oth er fluids and jucies of the system, the vigor of life, for it repairs the wasts of the body with nev and sound material. Scrofula, Syphilis, Consumption. Glandular Diseases. Ulcer** in the Throat. Mouth, Tumors, Nodes on tin- Glands and other part? of the system. Sore lives, Strumorous Discharges front the ears, and the worst forms of skin diseases, Eruptions, Fever Sores Scald head. King Worm, Salt Rh um, Erysipelas, Acne, B/ack Spots, Worms in the flesh, Tumore Cancers in the Womb, and all weakening and painfu/discharges. Night sweats,, Loss of sperm and all waste of the fife principle, are within the curative range of this wonder of Modern Chemistry and a few days' use will prove to any person, using it for either of these forms of disease, its potent pow er to cure them. Kidney &. Rlndilor Complain**, Urinary and Womb diseases, Gravel, Diabetes, Dropsey. stoppage of Water, Incontinence of Urin, Bright’s Diseases, Albuminoral. and iu all eases h rere there are brick'-dust deposits, or the wa-» te is thick, cloudy, mixed with substances that is like the white of an egg. or threads like white s»lk, or there is a morbid, dark, billion* appearance and white bone-dust deposits, and when there is a pricks ing. burning sensation when passing water, and pain iu the small of the back and along the loins. Dr. SAD WAY’S Perfect Purgative Pills. perfectly tasteless, elegant/y coaled with sweet gum, purge, regulate, purify, demise and strengthen Rad way’s Pills, sot the cure ot all disorders of the stom ach Liver, Bowels, Kidneys Bladder Nervous Disea ses. Headache. Constipation, Costiveneus, Heart burn, Ludniestiou, Dyspepsia, Bdliousuess, Billk>us Fever, Inflammation of the Bowels, Files aud all derangements of the Internal Viscera. Warranted to effect a positire cure. Purely A'egetable, contain ing no mercury, minerals or deleterious drugs. A few doses of Badway’s Pi/Zs WILL free the system from ail the above named diserders. Prijte 25 ceuts per Bor. Sold by Druggists. Read “False and True,” And send one letter to RADWAY & CO., 32 Warren Street, Cor. of Church Street, New York. Information worth thousands wil! be sent you. Jo!y 12, 1871. n2Q ly |f» . g r*a 5 y 'f'f A !I#G rfOii sl!)\ Jp m MILLIONS Hear Te«lli»nny to rlielr Wonderful (nrahve fc'llect*. They arc nut a viie Fancy Drink, miuU-ot Poor Rum, Whiskey, Proof Spirits and Refuse Li* nitorn <Jortorc<!, and sweetened to pleas*tiietmete. mllol **Tonic*.” *‘An>ctizers.” kc.. that load the tippler on to dnmkemics* and ruin, but nreatme >l**to frot.i the :..itr.e I /"tsan-1 Herb j of Cali f •. fire from nil Aboliolie Stimulant*. 1 V :.:•#.*» fHri’ iT HLOOit HTRIFIEK and A LIFE UIVI.NU PRiNt IPLE, a perfect itaao v.o-r mv.\ i . . r.t r f v-urn. carrying off ail dit.on. No jHiraou rw tike thc«a Dittrra *aordin* to duenumi an. run. on long unveifnrovkM their bunea n* * tbc v:t oor ve t-l b* vor, t tha point of repair. They are n Lrntle Purar-ilive na well ns a u , o ful in FOR FF.IIA LK C f> HPL A l NTS, *ln yo'.ng or ol«'. tuM-rif \ r at t.h- duwn of womanhood or at tiie *HiTi of life. tho«w> Tonic Hitter*have no equal. For I adit min n lory nud f'bronic Kiicitnin* (ism oad («ont, I>> apepain or I ndiaesliou, Hil- Kemil*< ut uatl luU rmftlent Fever#, Ifiaensea of the Itlood, Liver, Kidney# mid filnddi r t i . -e Hitter# have bu-imnd suecesaful. v.,,, j, DiKonit'oarc e/iu-ed l*y Vilinted Blood, . 'ii > ,j• • r»*iproduct and bydenwigvioentof the l)i« ue»»*ive Ortiaim. ii\SPEPSI A OR INDIGESTION* Dead ache, I’-ifn in tho J*UouM*-r#.Couirhii. Tiijhtneaa of the Chest, ltirxin****. 9-»ur Er tation* of the Stomach. Bad Taate in the Mo itb, Atraciu. i’alpiiation of the Heart, lnBaoi: oat sou of tb« Unsrs Pain in the region* of the Kidney*, and a hundred othtr painful aymptoms, aro the otteprfnir* < f l>>>sX |»Kia. i'h v tli- nnc’i and stimulate the torpid L:v.:ranj il.-w.-t- nbh h renour them of uiiftyunlJed «ffl* c«ry ;n ri»-#M*eiir ti»» t<t -o*l of nil lmportttea. and impart* in* n- n !•,{,■ an# vi ;er to thu aholeaysteui. i «>s: til SEAS !•:.-»» Eruption*. Tetter, h’alt r. K! t'!u «. £ pots'. Pimpled, Pustak*#, Bolla, Car • !'•» K.n:i-Wonan, Scald Head, Sore E>f>a, Eryulpelaa, l • . Dim•. lojaUotut of the ."kiu, IL.mors and Vln •■"•* *cf -* ski a, of» iat.-v r na«n»- or ne/are. are literally and . up n.» carried out of tJi ? eastern in a abort t me by ilie 'i- -d thebe Jsii:*i». One bottle in such c **■* will f > • tfiemo«t !;.?*( • duluos oftbeir curative effect*. <;:• the \ !:;./«»d Whenever you find its Im politic# buivi;;- tlit«.'i«hthe akin in l'imple#, Krup ti-uia or S..r i: alien yon find it obstructed and aliuUfSih in the »-i >■<: <| aoso ft when It in foul, and >-c v* feefiiit:* will t SI y wh>-n. K***-p the blood pure, wti M»e h »i h of will follow. Pill, Tune, r.nd otii. r \Voni>», lurking in the ■ *vhj o! m> u..«;;y thotixjn'K are dfectunlly destroyed mi l removed. Stiv# 4 it- ■ -*t .trly an individual upon the face of the earth vh-- b - !v i« •> ui:-.: fn.m the pr-aence of worm*. It is not u- ei the hoal'hy el .rn-nts of tlr body that r .rrjt • ' xi-.t. hut ih,. diswuwd hnnw * and slimy ■ . ..f «»'••. mi rermlfuees. no .rntiieltnfntiea, nv • “ i*y-' in f our w mi,.* lik • the.- Bitters. JWV. AI.KER repriutor. K. If. M DONA ED A: CO.. 1>« is-simd <».n Atrent*. San *Tanciaoo. Cnhfor da. a.'i i A and 54 Comßie*re Strert. New York. “ itV ALL DKLtiiRSTS AND Dt:AL£US. tluy 21, IH7I it 13 ly Legal -Vclvertisejneuts. (; r.l li.'tri A —Ml Duff: Cattily. ■m-HEUEAS Charles W;t<Je, sr., V V has a[>plied to me for exemption of personalty and the setting apart and valuation of homeateatl, and I will pass upon the same on Saturday, the Jlth day of May 1572, at 10 o’clock a. in., at my oliice. A. B. THRASHER, Ordinary, may 1, ilt GEORGIA — Columbia County. TANARUS) VV. Crawford, lias applied for * exemption of personalty, and aud suiting apart and valuation of home stead. and I will pass on the same at 10 o’clock a. m., on the fourth day of May 1872, at my office. W. W. SHIELDS, Ordinary of Columbia Cos. nl 7t2 Citation. GEORGIA —McDuffie County. Or, CLOUD having applied to be appointed guardian of the person and property of Charles P. Stanford, a minor under fourteen years of age, resi dent of said County, this is to cite all persons concerned to be and appear at the term of the court of tho Ordinary to be held after the expiration of thirty days from the first publication of this notice, to show cause if any they can why O. L. Cloud, should not be in trusted with the guardianship of the person and property of the said Chas. P. j Stanford, Witness my official signature. A. B. THRASHER, Ordinary. *ihei-i(f* , g Sale. * WriLL be sold before the Court y y House door, in the town of Thomson, Ga., on the first Tuesday, in May, within the legal hours of sale, the tollowiug prof erty to wit: The entire lands of It. S. Lazenby lying in McDuffie County, about two miles from Thomson. Adjoining lands of Elias Lazenby, Mrs. Mary Wilson and J. W. Morgan, levied on as the property of R. S. Lazenby, by virtue of sundry fi. fas., issuing from the Justice’s Court of the 152nd. District G. M., on the 12th, day of February 1370 in favor of W. D. Wilson, Thomas M. Steed and F. A. Morgan vs. R. S. Lazenby. JOHN T. STOVALL, Sheriff. PAT APS CO GUANO. j£A lbs. Liverpool Middling Cotton, delivered a*JU at the nearest railroad depot, on or before the 31st of October, 1872, secured by note, lienor factor's acceptance, will be taken in payment for noe ton Patapsco Guano. M. A. STOVALL, Agent, febllmP Augusta, Ga. Rare Chance for Agents. ■ if you vi:l engage with us at oxcb.*' Everything furnished and expenses paid. Address F. A. ELLS& CO., Charlotte, Mich, Subscribe for and Advertise in itltc tgrxmm fjjiwor, A LIVE WEEKLY PAPER, Devoted to miscellaneous intelligence. We want agents in every town, village and hamlet in the country to so.’icit subscription for our paper. Published every Wednesday ! Containing a resume cf all the local news up to the time of going to press. The State, General and Miscellaneous Yews Will be the best that can be procured. | Terms 8*2.00 per *2T Largo cash commissions given. Send for a specimen copy as eoon as you read this notice. Address, W. T. CHRISTOPHER. Frrt Valley, Ga. A LECTURE J““4to young men. Just Published, iu a scaled Envelope. Trice, six cents. A Lecture on the Nature, Treatment, and Radical cure of Spermatorrhceha, or Seminal Weak ness, Involuntary Emissions, Sextual Debility, and Impediments to Marriage generally ; Nervousness, Consumption. Epilepsy, and Fits ; Mental and Phys ical Incapacity, Resulting from Self-Abuse, etc. By Robert J. Culverwell, M. D., author of the •‘Green Book,’’ e«c. '1 he World renownedauthor. in this admiral Lect ure, clearly proves from his own experience that the awful consequences of Self-Abuse may be effectual lyl removed without medicine, and without danger ous surgical operations, bougies, instruments, rings, or cordials, pointing- out a mode of cure at once cer~ faiu and effectual, by which every Sufferer, no matter what his condition may te, may cure cbeap y, privately, and radically. This Lecture will prove a boon to thousands and thousands. Sent under sea*, to any address, in a p/ain sealed envelope, on the receipt of six cent#, or two postage stamps. Also Dr. Culverwe//’s “Marriage Guide,’* price -3 cents* Address the publishers, CHAS. .T. C. KLINE & CO., 127 Bowery. New York, Post Office Box -1.556. jau. 24, ly Wanted. a,GOO (JordK ot Tan Itark at Bonesvillein exchange for Dry Goods, Groceries, and Provisions. ALSO—IOjObO pounds of hides at the same place and on the same terms. JOHN G. COLDWELL, Sec. April 3, 1372 if F.onesville Ga. Great Bargains ! THE Dry Goods of J. N. Collins deceased are now being offered for ■sale cheap for Cash at the store of C. W. I Arnold >fc Cos. The Goods must be sold and hence extra inducements are offered to Mer chants and those wanting anything in the dry goods line. Call and examine for yourself. Dii. J. S. JONES, Administrator, aprl Ow 1 THFPEIWRir For copying letters Without Pbkhs ob Water, continues to grow in favor wherever introduced, and thousands now using it attest its wonderful merits. All praise its Simplicity and Convenience, j un 'l public test of six years has fully established its genuineness and reliability. It has only to be properly shown to be appreciated by all business men. Price 62.23* and upward. Address P. GARRETT A CO,, Philadelphia, Pa. &T. Agents wanted. OSYCHOLOGIC Fascination or Soul Charming, L 400 pages by Herbert Hamilton, B. A. How to use this power (which all possess) at will. Di vination. Spiritualism, Demonology, , mid a thousand other wonders. Price by mail, *1.25, in cloth: in paper covers, *l. Copy free to agents only. 1,000 monthly easily made. Ad dress T. W. EVANS, Pub., 41 S. Bth st., Philadel phia, Penn. XAA AGENTS WANTED for our splendid * M /U life-size charts of GEN. LEE, “STONE WALL JACKSON, and 20 other Historical and Religious Charts! Our MAPS, CHARTS, etc., have a universal sale. No risk ! Large profile!— TTAASIS iV .LUBRECITT, Empire Map and Chart Establishment, 107 Liberty street, New York. i 1 FOR SALE. FINITE store house and lot of Mrs. E. M. Masson | gale, opposite Green way Hotel. Also, a beau j tiful vacant lot near the Parsonage and residence, [of D. 11. Irving, For terms apply to : C. RONEY, Esq. 1 Agents are wanted for Chicago and the Great Con flagration, by Colbert it Chamberlin, Editors Chi cago Tribune. 528 octavo pages. Fully illust ra ted. 30,000 SOLD. Address as above, or J. S. Goodman, Chicago, or Edward F. Hovey. Boston, or Fr<‘d. M. Smith. Auburn, N. Y., or Walton & Cos.. Indianapolis, Ind. 3\ M. TTAV>T»~ Wholesale and retail dealer in SISK E^r&@SS7]l LAMPS AND LAMP FIXTURES, Manufacturer and dealer in all kind# of TIN AN] SHIT IRON WARSI. GUTTERING, ROOFING, And all kinds of Jobbing done prorapt/y and neatly. 6m6 15SJ Broad St., Augusta, Ga. R. B. PHILLIPS, (43, JACKS,X STREET, NEAR NEW POST OFFICE, J AUGUSTA, G. 4. IMPORTERS & WHOLESALE DEALERS IN Foreign and Domestic I.iquot> Brantlics, lVinos- Gin, Rum, Whiskies, Bitters,’ I Porter, Ale, Etc., Etc: TobaccO and CigarS Os Every Variety.. Cciebi-atofl HOHESTO.MCH BITTERN, | May 3,1571. ulO ly 8*25 TO SIOO per Wl tflH. Made easy by any Lady, 20,000 ssertL. . in six months. The most rapidly selling article ever in vented for married or sin j gle ladies’ use. i May 10, noil M.