McDuffie weekly journal. (Thomson, McDuffie County, Ga.) 1871-1909, May 29, 1872, Image 3

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site UJcJPnffic f Mwal. HOME MATTERS. £sT All advertisements in the local column will be charged 50 per cent, upon the published rates, from this date. 3"All Job Work must Ik? paid for in cash, on delivery. This rule will hereafter be strictly en forced. The McDuffie Journal, is the official organ of McDuffie county, and is the <»§ly paper published in the county. Our Job Department.—Having supplied our selves with a large stock of fine paper, we are now enabled to furnish the public with Job Work promptly and cheaply, and executed in the best style. Come Up and Settle. —We earnestly request those indebted to us for subscription and* job work to come forward and settle. Many are a whole year in arrears for subscription, and we cannot possibly grant further indulgence. You have had the benefit of our labor, and it is no more than right that yon should now pay us the small amount you owe us. Our business requires money to con duct it, and those indebted to us must pay us at once. Arrival of Trains. Up day Passenger arrives a! Thomson 10.1 Ga. m. Down 44 44 “ 44 14 5 3- p. in. Up irght “ “ “ •• 10.30p.m. Do*n“ “ 44 44 44 3.59 a.m. Tip Macon 44 4 4 4 4 4 4 2 .00 p. jr. Down 44 44 “ 44 “ 11,50 a.m. All JTol» Work positively C.'a*li on Delivery. *3T If ignorance is blias, there are some very happy people in this world. A yoong gentleman in town defines a flirta tion to be ‘‘attention without intention.” GT Some of the ladies have pet fiees. Would it not be better to pet their husbands ? Dolly Varden potatoes, it is claimed, are fiftee u minutes ahoad of the Early Ilosc variety. S3T An innocent, unsophisticated writer solemn ly avers that “mankind embraces woman.” Well, who said he did'nt ? *ST There are said to be more letters mailed on Monday than any other day in the woek. Os course, the sinners do this writing on Sunday. S' A Western editor describes a Dolly Varden dress, as an animated, old-fashioned window-curtain hung over a red brick wall. Some people are so funny. (.c Excuasiou. —Tlie Methodist Sabbath School at this pi ce will leave on the 10 o'clock tram Thurs day night next for Milledgaville. We wish the teachers and children a good time. trST What a world of gossip would be prevented, if it was only remembered that a person who tells you of the faults of others fully intends to toll others of your faults. Listeners make talkers. S-fT There are indications that Thomson is again soon to be afflicted with a Base Ball Club. There is snrely a Jonah in our midst, that Providence permits such grevious tribulations to come npon us. MTWe notice a disposition an the part of seve ral Georgia editors to copy the style of Harris of the Savannah News. It resembles the largest kind of a speculation with an excedi ugly small capital. CsT Invest your capital in manufactures. We have as fine natural locations in Georgia as any State either in or out of the Union, and every dol lar thus invested will benefit you and every body else. *HT Careful people should put hot ashes in a dry box or barrel, and place it under some shed or in some out-building to keep dry; then when their houso burns down they will have the consoling sat isfaction of knowing how the fire originated. The ladies will be glad to learn that the latest patent is for a fan, to he attached to a sewing ma chine, and operated by the same power. A single gentleman, an acquaintance, insists the motive power is amply sufficient to run anything—it did him. CdT We have had several fine showers during the past week, with every prospect of a continu ance of seasonable weather. Crops are looking bright and growing, and the prospect now is that our farmers will forget the unpromising spring in the abundance of the harvest. A Military Meeting. —There will be a meeting of the citizens of McDuffie county, in Thomson at the Court House, on Saturday the first day of June, at2s o'clock in the afternoon, for the purpose of organizing A Volunteer Company of Infantry. May 2Cth 1572. Many Citizens. Party. —A very pleasant party came off at the residence of our esteemed townsman, A. D. Hill, on last Friday evening. Quite a number of the young people were present, and every one seemingly en joyed themselves to the fullest extent. The music was good and Terpsichore reigned Goddes3 of the evening. ■SiT Every third man you meet thinks he is emi nently fitted to run a newspaper, and that he pos sesses the peculiar talent, (if he only had some one to put in the stops,) to make a popular and successful editor. Oh! if we only had the gift to donate, and afford him an opportunity to view himself from the same stand-point that others see him, we have not the slightest doubt he would talk less and read more. CTT Our thanks are due and are hereby tendered to Mrs. Cowles for a fine mess of English peas. No one appreciates these favors like him to whom the fates have denied a garden, and we really thank her for her kindness. P. S.—Since the above was in type, we have been placed under further obligations by the pre sentation of more fine vegetables from the same good lady. Who would be without friends ? The D. Varden Wale. —The Dolly Varden limp is out. An exchange gives the following descrip tion of it: “First a lurch to the north, then a half hitch backwards, the eyes at every flounce be ing innocently turned towards the sky and poeti cally rolled around, the body somewhat between a Grecian bender and the humps of the drom edary.” It is rather painful to practice, but then it distorts the natural shape more than anything else we have heard of, and will, therefore, we sup pose, soon become very jiopular. CiT We do not intend this as personal to any one and hope it will not be especially appropriated, but a certain one who accidentally discovered the place of business of a man who does not advertise, calls it “the dearest spot on earth,” If you want good bargains, go to an advertiser for them; his adver tisement is an infallible evidence that he is a live, energetic business man, who keeps himself posted in commercial matters, and says by his advertise ment that he wants customers. On the contrary, he who does not advertise gives you no invitation, and when yon happen to find where he is, and go there you disturb him, and are an intruder. County Board of Education. —The new County Board of Education, contesting of John L. Good rich, E. A. Shields, Thos. M. Steed, A. J. Adkins and George T. McCord, appointed by the last Grand Jury of our county in pursuance to the late County Court Bill, met in the court house on last Saturday for organization. John L. Goodrich was elected President of the Board, and Thos. M. Steed County Com missioner. Mr. Martin V. Calvin, of Augusta, general agent for J. B. Lippincott & Co’s publica tions, met the Board for the purpose of introduc ing educational text books in the county, and upon his suggestion the following resolution was passed by the Board: Resolved, That Sanford’s Analytical Arithme tics be, and they are hereby addopted for use in the county schools of this (McDuffie) county. Artistic. —An exchange has the following item: “The crack compositor of Indiana is Mrs. Au gusta Miller of South Bend. Not long ago a proof of hers of 9,000 ems had but two typograhpical errors.” That will do very well “for high,” but we can trump that trick with a Georgia boy, only nino and half years old. Lawrence Sullivan, of this of fice, a few days ago, set 4,500 ems, solid matter, with no extra inducement whatever influencing him, without an error. His usual average of errors is about one to tho 1,000 ems. Lawrence began to set type on tho Ist day of September last, and weighs fifty-ono pounds. Whoever thinks he can match him and beat him, can have an opportunity of doing so by coming in roach. Wo would take groat pleasure in meeting tho “Baby Printer,” of the Home Advocate, (Texas,) if we wore near enough to got the little competitors together; and if Master Forest Morgan is a com bination of good generalship, Lawrence “never gives up the ship. ” Fine Gardens. —We had tho pleasure on Satur day evening last of examining the garden of our friend and townsman, Dr. Jas. S. Jones, and un hesitatingly prounco it one of the finest wo ever saw. The Doctor takes great pride in his garden, fully appreciating the value of nice, tender vegeta bles—indeed, lie may be said to bo the father of the gardening interest in Thomson ; and havo inci ted others to help themselves l»y following his ex ample. We have received a practical demonstra tion of the quality of the Doctor’s vegetables in the shape of a present of a quantity of the largest and finest Irish potatoes and squashes we have seen this season. He has our thanks for the same. M o also had the pleasure of a walk in tho garden of Mrs Lallerstedt, and found it in a most flour ishing condition, furnishing her table with an abun dance of rich, tender vegetables. After seeing these fine gardens, it is a difficult matter to resist the temptation to moralize upon the subject, but if experience and necessity will not teach our people the value, of these home lux uries, wo fear that anything we could say would fall lightly upon their ears. Appropriation.— Anderson Shields, a well known light-fingered gent, of the Hiiecnlli amendment pur suasion, wh > has long pi ed his subtle avocation in our town on unsuspecting clerks and merchants, vis ited the Stors of Gerald & Dillon’s one night not long since, and while the members of the firm were busily attending customers, ho unobserved, appro priate Ja ue sized 4 tub to his*'isc, and heat a hasty retreat from the store. After business hours were over a tub was found missing and it was pliin that Andy was the wily appropriator. Nothing however wa3 said of the missing property and matters progressed quietly, until last Saturday night when Andy again suddenly “turned up in town” looking as innocent of guilt as a two year old baby. Dillon finding that the dislingu sed g-nt was in town, waited upon him, uncerimoniouH ly nabbed him by the collar and was preparing to chastise him in a regular stylo when tho aforesaid Andy, taking a hasty glance of the situation, by one tremendous bound fieed himself from the iron grasp ol his antagonist and when last seen was receding from his view with the lightening speed of n locomotive. A pistol shot was fired at the fugitive but taking noeflect only tended to accelerate his speed. It will be remembered that And/ is the same boy who stole from the store of Mr. Costello, “one simerc vest and a bolt of shirting” and from Messis. McCo-d & Hardaway one pair of shoes, which, for the latter offense he received from the hands of tho junior member ot the firm a genuine Ku-Klux dress ing. It is time the law should deal with this thieving scoundrel. Whippiug has failed and nothing save legal punishment can ever reform the gent. New Advertisements. We direct especial attention to the advertisement in this issue of Messrs. Gerald & Dillon. The prop erly they offer for sale is the most desirable in town. Situated in the busy centre it will command a good price. Any one desirous of purchasing property wili do well to take advant ge of this opportunity. See advertisement. The professional card of Dr. Gas. W. Sims will be found under the head of New Advertisements. The Doctor comes with the intention of becoming a permanent citizen, and entering upon the practice of his profession. We bespeak for him a share of the public patronage. See card. The Board of Education of this county publish es an important notice to teachers, in to-day’s issue. Read it. Owing to the almost unprecedented dryness of the present season, the wood lands in various parts of the country have caught fire. Thousands of acres of forest in the West and in New York and New Jersey have been left bare and blackened. The fires continue unaba ted for weeks, and the mountain tops have been crested with flames, while up their sides the witheied leaves and the underbush burned like tinder. sommwiaL Cotton Report. Thomson <© 22 Savannah , @ 23 Augusta (S) 23 Charleston 23} Thomson Prices Current. CORRECTED WEEKLY BY JOHN E. BENTON. Com—per bushel $ <© 120 “ Meal—per bushel 1 20 Bulk Meat—Rib sides 8} <© 10 “ Shoulders 7 @ 8 Bacon—Sides 9} <2) 11 “ Shoulders 7} (S) 8 Flour—per barrel 11} @l4 00 Salt—Liverpool 2 25 Sj>ccial Notices. CL — -a The Cause of Temperance finds some of its most insidious and dangerous foes in the many so called “tonics” and “appetizers,” made of cheap whisky and refuse liquors, finished up to suit de praved appetites, under the name of medicius, Dr. Walker’s California Vinegar Bitters are none of these. They are not a beverage, but a genuine medicine, purely vegetable, prepared from Cali fornia herbs by a regular physician. For all dis eases of the stomach, liver, kidneys, bladder, skin and blood, they are an infallible and uurivall rem edy. Children’s Lives Saved for Fifty Cts. Every ease of croup can be cured when first taken, by Dr. Tobias’ Venetian liniment, warranted for 24 years and never a bottle returned. It also cures diarrhoea, dysentery, colic, sore throat, cuts, burns and external pains. Sold by the druggists. Depot, 10 Park Place, New York. Venus herself would not have been beautiful if her complexion had been bad. If beauty is skin deep, it is necessary to secure and retain that part of it, and ladies, instead of resort ing to paints acid powders, should roinember that an impure, blotchy or sallow skin is tho proof of feeble digestion, torpid liver or vitiated blood, for all which Dr. Walker’s California Vinegar Bitters is a safe, sure and efficient rw' ,dv. Burnett’s Cocoaine. No oils, neither pomades or alcoholic washes—foreign or domestic —can compare with Cocoaine as a hair dressing.— It anchors the hair firmly in the scalp—gives it new life and lustre—and renders it tho crowning glory of both sexes, old and young. Pratt’s Astral Oil—safest and best illuminating Oil ever made. Does not take fire or explode, if the lamp is upset or broken. Over 150,- 000 families continue to use it, and no accidents of any description have occurred from it. Oil House of Charles Pratt, established! 770, New York. A beautiful white, soft smooth, clear skin is produced by using O. W. Laird’s Bloom of Youth. It removes tan, freckles, sunburn, and all other discolorations from tho skin, leaving tho complexion brilliant and beautiful. Sold at all druggists’. This preparation is entirely free from any material detrimental to health. Just the Remedy Needed. Thanks to Mrs. Winslow’s Soothing Syrup we have for years been relieved from sleepless nights of painful watching with poor, suffering, teething children. For dyspepsia, indigestion, depression of spirits and general debility in their various forms, also as a preventive against fever and ague, and other intimittent fevers. The Ferro-Phospho rated Elixir of Calisaya mndo by Caswell, Hazard A Cos., New York, and sold by all druggists, is the best tonic, and as a tonic for patients recovering from fever or other sickness, it has no equal. Risley’s genuine Golden Bell Cologne Water, according to tho original formula of Pro vost, Paris, so long and favorably known to the customers r.f Haviland, Harral unS Rlsley, and their branches, for its fine permanent fragrance, is now made by 11. W. ltisley and the trade supplied by bis successors, Morgan & ltisley, Wholesale Druggists, New York. Thurston’s Ivory Pearl Tooth Pow der, The best articlo known for cleansing and preserving tho teeth and gums. Sold by all drug gists. Price 25 and 50 cents per bottle. F. C. Wells & Cos., New York. Christadoro’s Hair Dye is the safest and best. It corrects the had effects of inferio, dyes, while tho black or brown tints it produces aro identical to nature. Factory 08 Maiden Laner New York. Svapnia—is Opium purified of its siknening and poisenouH properties, discovered by Dr. Biglow, Professor of Botany, Detroit Medi cal College. A most perfect anodyne and soothing opia.te John Farr, Chemist New York. Carbolic salve, recommended by the leading Physicians and the President of tho New York Board of Health. Gives instant relief to bums, cures all kind of sores, cuts and wounds j. and a most invaluable salve for all purposes. Sold everywhere at 25 cents. John F. Henry, sole Proprietor, 8 College Place, Now York. Dr It. HiOllf, AGENT FOR Peter Kalbfleisch, Manufacturer and Dealer in Mouldings, Odd Size Sashes, Door Frames, and all necessary trim mings used in tho Erection of Tiuilcling-s, All patterns of Fug ret Few eimq , Also House Carpentering, Furni ture Manufacturing, and Gene ral Machine Repairing, done at shortest notice. SF" Prompt attention to house Paint ing, Call on D B HADLEY, Thomson, Georgia, OR TO PETER KALBFLEISCH, may22tjanlS73 Saw Dust, Georgia. MRS J7n. RIfIHARRS, MILLINER, HAS just received a fine assortment of Millinery goods, consisting ot Ladies Dress Hats, Doily Varden Styles, Elegant Trimmings, and everything in the line of a first class Millinery Store. Call and examine. For Sale. A beautiful house and lot in the flourishing town of Thomson, contain ing 5 elegant rooms, newly repainted and renovated, together with all neces sary out buildings on the premises.— Now is your time to secure a comforta ble home. For terms apply to H. C. RONEY, Esq., Thomson, oa. may22tf D. QUINN, Wholesale and Retail Dealer ill BOOKS, STATIOSSSY. MUSIC AND PIIIODICAIS, 183 B oad Street, Augusta, Ga., * Manufacturers’ agent and wholesale dealer in all kinds of b’ank books, for mercantile use, including ledgers, journals, day books, records, pass books, memorandum books, time books, drawing and scrap books, autograph books, copy, cyphering and exercise books, for school use, &c., &c. The writing pa pers include cap, letter and note, American, English and French ruled and plain, stamped and unstamped. The stock of envelopes embraces letter, note and official sizes, of all colors and quajites. besides a full line of general stationery, including all the innumerable minor items for use in the counting room. Also many articles that would be appropriately designated as fancy stationery. In the book department, will be found the stadunrd text books for schools'and col leges, dictionaries, bibles nnfprayer books, music books and a large assort ment of juvenile and toy books, and a well selected stock in general literature. In the miscellaneous stock, in which we deal, we can offer to buyers as favora ble terms as any establishment in the trade. Anew price list will soon be is sued, which will enable pwrehsers to make selections and order by mail, if desired. Such orders will receive jYrompt and careful attention, since the most thorough system marks the mode 0f doing business in this establishment. aprl7m3 1872- ” DRY GOODS- 13*73- Meant, liandbam A Cos,, Are now receiving 4 a very large and attractive Stock of SPRING AND SUMMER DRY GOODS. Black Gross (Grain Silks, from $1,50 to $4,00. Lyons Colored Gross Grain Silks, a beautiful line, Striped ami Plaid Silks, in all colors, Japanese Silks, Japanese Cloths, Challies, Mozambiqes, Lenos, Iron Grenadines, Plain, Black and Satin Striped French Organdies, Colored Lawns, and all kinds Dress Goods, 12J cts. to $1,50 per yd.J Lace Points, I,ace Sacques, Summer Shawls and Scarfs, Ladies’ to S3O. Lace Colhy-s, Lace Sets, Dolly Varden Bows, Einbroiderigs in ’endless variety, &c., &c. Our Domestic Departments. Are lull of ail the popular branches, which will be sold at the very lowest prices Extra Indue oinonts offered to Country Merchants. Very Respectfully, :il>i-3iii3 KE/ I.WDltlll & CO. TAKES Pleasure in informing her patrons and the Public Generally, that she will have, on Ehibition, Wednesday, April 3d, a Mugnificent Assortment of PATTEJJ.TST BONUETS -A.HXrr> HATS Selected by berAlf in'person from some of the leading Modistes in New( York city, anihwcli wrbrfli the inspection of every one wanting .a Sping Bomiet or Hat. f Real and Imitation Hair Goods A Speciality. I have in Store, and wili constantly recieving, a full line of this kind of Goods, and interiM, in the future, to make this brunch of my business a Speciality. Goods in this line ordered when desired, and guaranteed to give satisfaction, as regards quantity and quality in evpry instance. A small assortment of fine and medium quality of Ladies’ Dress Caps, Sash Ribbon* Scarfs, Ac. FIARASOLS. PARASOLS. We are still keeping a full assortment of Parasols and Umbrellas, and res pectfully call the attention of all wanting a fine and stylish Parasol or Umbrella to call and examine our stock before making selections eleswhere, as we offer superior indueef|ierit4 as regards Style, Quality and Workmanship. We still keep the Shop for Repairing and Making Umbrellas and Parasels, and would be pleased to see all our old customers, and as many new ones as will favor us with a call. LECILIE’B, April 3m2 No. 171 Broad Street, Augusta, Ga. EL. GANT JST W DRESS GOODS. CHOICE, MiltE AND BEAUTIFUL ASSORTMENT. JAMta W. TUBUSY Will Have on Exhibition to-day Black Gros Grain Silks, BJack Drab de France, Colored Silks in all the new popular shades, Japanese &ilks and Imitation Silks, Black Iron, Grenadine and Canvassed Bareges, fine to sublime quality, Dolly Vaden Styles in many mate rials, Grenadines in variety, Dalerruves, Searsuckers,. Suitings, Linens, Lawns, Black Llama Lace Sacques aiVd Points, &c. <fcc. Also very large assortment of Cheap Dress Goods. , March 27, Gm \ JAMES YV. TURLEY, Augusta Ga. JAS G. BAILIE & BRO., A -A.U-G-TT3X.A- GEORGIA, RE now opening a beautiful assortment of the following Goods for the Spring trade, all of which will be sold off" quick at a small advance : Brussells, Three-Ply, Ingrain, and low priced Carpets, Rugs, Floor and Table Oil Cloths, best goods, cut any size, Druggets, Mattings, Mats, Cornices and Bauds, Chromos, Window Shades all sizes, Curtain Goods, Lace Curtains, Wall Papers and Borders, Hair Cloths and Upholsterers’ Goods. We also keep on the first floor, a large stock of Choice Family Groceries, Wood and Willow Ware. We solicit orders from our McDuffie friends for the above Goods, which will be sold Low For Cash. JAS. G. BAILIE & BROTHER, apr.lOmJ _ 205 BROAD STREET, MOWFV MA.DE RAPID! Y with Stene ill.'-'i' JJ A Key check outfits. C«fAh»»g»» samples aind full particulars free 8. M. SCenckr, Brattleboro, Vt. nl3 4f# Free to Book Agents. We will send a hnUdaonw pro«i»eeius of our i»#w Jlluntrafed'Fnmily 6ib!e contninincY over 450 fro* Scrpjure /imstraffotis to fttty Boos A free of charge. Address National Pid) i>hing Cos.- Phifadol phia, Pa. AGeat Chance for Agents. Do you want an agpffry, local of with an opportunity to 1 make $& to S2O a day selling our new 7 strand Wfrh# Wire Clothe# Lines ? They last fore ter; artraph-s free. Send ior circular. Address at once Hudson Riter W’ire Works, cor , water St & Mad on .'Lane, N* Y. of 3iG W Randolph S». Chicago. Standard Amariann. BILLIARD TABLES! Everything pertaining to bi".hards at lower*!, price* Illustrated Catalogues sent by mail. H. W. COLLENDER. NEW YORK. Successor to Phelan C#tlend**r f n l7w4 738 BROADWAY, . T m -f dtjjjyiril Tliea-ivectapj A 1 ’.ire Chirese Tea T,!r - CESTTKA IMronTEE, Wlsß-J Warranted to suit all tastes. Pat up in our lr,l<ie " llrl - Half Pound 30 ; ,iid 60Pound Box . f or a .le at W notes ■ • t V?fiaBSMR only by the Groat A - 111 nlie St Pacific Tea Cos , flr,ajj-JIWkL. in Do. Pox 6506. H C.Vor l'ork City. n!7w4“ IDO NOT FAIL While on your Summer Excursion North to secnr one of the Celebrated Intprocni \ Stewart Cook Stoves With its special aIR chments, Roastrr, linker A Bo»l er. The Stove aud Furni'Ure onivfullv packed fr* safe shipment. Boeks sent on application. FULLEu, WARREN & CO. 23G Witer St N. Y >.cENTß.Yitv«Trp'>qs. -J “jssns:” :*■% gtiAKuary: 't>hmw. 'ir "f — UlB gjvUliy aal ntUoruallam raut+iTTT? popular u>4 ntpUlT-Mlliof «»rft «« V.r [?lr«ol»r«, jfej'Ul. PlllLUttHO ffnc7";n, —■*- Burnham’s .Tttf Titrbbiiiff* m general use through ‘Pout the U. 8. A six inch, la used by in the palest Office, Washington, fir U. Its simplicity of Construction and the® pSpower it transmits renders it the best water® wheel ever invented. Phainphiet free. !“* N. F. BUItNIIAM, York, Pa. nlO 4w T HE IT Golden Hill Shirt • If you want I lie best fitting and nicest made s'dit to be had ask your clotblei ■' for the Golden Hill. If he has not got it lie can get it for yon, if he will not we viili (.end c. O. D. to any address ‘ free of charge. S-nd for circular and full partlculsra. L-t-t HENRY C. BI.ACKMaR, |C97 Broadway, New York Importer & Manufacturer of Men’s Furnishing Goods for the trade. nlO 4w THE .BEST (PAPER I TRY if! The Scientific American is tlie cheapest and best illustrated weekly paper published. Every num ber contains from 10 to 15 original engravings of new machinery, novel inventions. Bridges, Engin eering. works, Architecture, improved Farm Imple ments, and every new discovery in Chemistry. A ytar's numbers contain 832 pages and several hun dred engravings. Thousands |of volumes are pre served for binding and reference. The practical re ceipts are well worth ten times the subscription price. Terms, ff>3 a year by mail. Specimens sent free. May be had of ail News Dealers, J?aton ts obtained ou the best terms. Models of new inventions and sk”tolics examined, and ad - vice free. All patents are published in the Scien tific American tho week they issue. Send fog Pamphlet, 110 pages, containing laws and full di rections for obtaining patents. .Address for Paper, or concerning Patent* MUNN & CO. 37 Park Row N, Y Branch office, cor. F» and 7th Sts., Washington, D C. n!3 4w Kml rl BLOOD PURIFIER !■? Is a powerful Tonic, specially adapted for use ijd Spring, when the languid and debility system needs strength aird vitality: it will give vigor to the feeble, strength to the weak, animation to the dejected, activity to the sluggish, rest to the weary, quiet U tho nervous, and health to the infirm. It is a South American plant, which, according to tho medical and scientific periodicals of Lond n and Paris, possess the most powerful tonic proper ties known to Materi Medica, and is Well known in its native country as having wonderful cttritive qualities, and has been long used as a specific in all esses of Impurities of the blood, Derangement of the liver and Spleen, Tumors, Propsy, Poverty of the blood, Debility, Weakness of the intestines, Uterine or Urinary organs, Dr. Wells’ Extract of Jurubeba It is strengthening and nourishing. Like nutrL cious food taken into the stomach, it asslrfiulatee and diffuses tself through the Circulation, giving vigor and health, * It regulates the BowCls, quiets tlie Nerves, acta directly on the secretive organs, and by its power ful lonic and restoring effects, produces hea!thy and vigorous action to the Wiole system. JOHN Q. kELLOfrG, i8 Platt St., N, Y% Agent for the United State*. Price, One Dollar per Bottle. Sfcnd for Circular Come mid Buy. 10,000 lbs. Prime smoked Sides. 5,000 lbs. “ « Shoulders, 500 Bushels Corn. 00 Bbls. Flour. 150 Bushels Oats In Stdre and fdr sale by JOHN E, BENTON March, 20 ts A NOw Beautifying Agent. All den tifrices had their drawbacks until the salubrious P,ai*k of the soap tree was brought from the Chilian Valley to perfect the fragrant Sozodont, the most delightful article for the teeth that a brush was ev er dipped into. Mrs. Winslow’s Soothing Syrup.—lt relieves tho little sufferer from pain, cures wind, colic, regulates the stomach and bowels, corrects acidity, and during the processor teething is in valuable. Perfectly safe in ail cases, as millions of mothers can testifv.