McDuffie weekly journal. (Thomson, McDuffie County, Ga.) 1871-1909, May 29, 1872, Image 4

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|?oetrg. Fortfotten. Tinder the trees that altemoon, Across the meadows and down the lane, Sloped the son to the west fnll soon, Sever a shallow nor clond of pain: Do you ever think of it now '( How fresh the breeze from off the sea, Bending the bl nebeUa before our feet, Dealing perfume from hill to leal OUfe, it seemed never so sweet: TKryora ever think of it now ? tv hat did we any ? I can not tell— True love is very silent sometimes By your words I remember well When we parted there beneath the lines : iie’yon ever think of them now ? Only a year ago to-day, . Yea, only a year ago; and yet The ftoldern light has passed away, The summer sun has forever set: Do you ever think of it now ? ? Dead is the jsist, nnd evermore Dead is the love you whispered that day ; Dead, alas: are the hopes I bore ; Dead is lay life; yet I only pray That yon may not think of it now. ' IpjWglßxgMffft Airicun lifnmoii(lM->~liivcu> tfon Wnulorl. Mr. J. L. Babe, 3217, Sansom street, Philadelphia, Pa., has lately re turned from the diamonds regions of South Africa, and duriug a recent call at our oflice, gave us a variety of in teresting paticulars concerning the lo calities and methods of searching for the precious gems. More than thirty thousand persons are now engaged in this novel business, and thousands of diamonds are constantly being found, many of large size and great value. Mr. Babe brought with him several hundreds of thodiamonds, one of which, a line large one, is valued at not loss than $120,030. In its natural state, tho African diamond is smooth and polish ed, and when set without cutting, is quite ornamental; but its beauty is, of course, greatly enhanced by cutting in tbe usual manner. The new diamond fields of Africa arc at the present moment the focus of at traction for adventurerea from all parts of tho world. From this country and Europe the intending diamond searcher steers for Capo Town, a large and flourishing British colony at the ex treme southern point of Africa, tho Capo of Good llopo. Here by steam er, lie ooasts up the eastern shoro of tho continent for 600 miles, over the waters of the Indian ocean, to the city of Port Natal; thence on foot, or in ox carts, overland northwesterly, through African wilds for some 400 miles, to tho Vaal river. This locality is almost midway between tho Atlantic And Indian ocouns, where the Vaal riv er empties into the Orange river, and tho lattor into tho Atlantic ocean.— This is the present South African dia mond region. The diamonds are found in a certain species of cement like earth, whitish iii color, which, under the blow of a wooden mallet, is readily reduced to powder. This earth is of peculiar for mation, and its constituents have not yet boon fully determined. It occurs in pockets, of considerable depth and of about an aero iu superficial area, which pockets are scattered übout at little distances apart over the region wo allude to. Tho pockets are walled in by slaty rocks, which rise to or nearly to tho ground. The indications are that theaf cavities or pockets in the rocks havo been filled by the oozing up from below of this cement. The dia monds are found in the cement, which is miiied by picks and crow bars, and is the gsneral operation. Tii# pockets are staked off into ■claims,’ a claim consisting of a plot of ground thirty feet square, and for which tho operator pays tho proprietor from two hundred to eight hundred dollars. Tho mining is carried down vertically as far as pay ing earth is found, a narrow wall being left standing between each claim. Some of the pits have now reached the depth of 70 feet. The mining is chiefly done by the native blacks, the earth being raised in buck ets to the surfnee, and carried to a sort ing table. Here the cement is pulver ized by hand, by means of wooden mal lets, care being taken not to strike so hard as to injure the diamond. The pulverized cement is then spread out upon n table in a thin layer, and the anxious eyes of tho searcher carefully scan the particles. Good eyes are in demand. Fortunate is he who after days of hard work finds at last one or two of the bright little stones to reward his labors. The work of crushing and separating is, as we have stated, all done by hand. An invention is greatly needed by which the crushing at least, may be done by mechanism. Chevalier Forney says : Notwithstand ing the defection of the scholarly Sen ator Schurz, the German Republican papers generally, except iu the West, remain, loyal to tho party, and even those whose fealty has been weakened by the brilliant rhetoric of the German leader have nearly all refused to support the Cincinnati nominees. A Comet Sensation. —lt may not be generally known that some scientific men have predicted, and sti k to the prediction, that a comet will strike the earth nexc August and play the mis chief with the Cincinnati and all the other nominations that may be made. Some of the European astronomers s»y that they have seen the unwelcome visitor, and that it is of ‘extraordinary size, and truly fearful.’ On the other hand, Professor Donatis, of the Ob servatory of Florence, Italy, denies that there is any comets whatever in sight just now, much less one that is rushing upon the earth with terri&le velocity; an assurance which will quiet nervous people. He declares, however, that there is a comet, Biela, which, if on time, ought to make its appearance in August; but there is no danger whatever that it will interfere witli the coming campaign. —Savannah Republican. A Revolt on Randall’s Island.— A revolt occurred yesterday among the boys on Randall's Island. Thomas Buchanan, assistant foreman of the shoe shop, censured a young ruffian named McDonald. The latter seized a /criife and attacked Buchanan, stabbing him in the head and cuttiug of!'part of his nose. He also stabbed the foreman, W. J. Adams, twice in the left arm. The young outlaw was quickly secured, but as bis companions apparetly meditated a rescue, and refused to obey the orders of the officers, a messenger was sent to the twelfth precinct for a platoon of police, who arrested McDonald and twenty-six Other boys. McDonald was committed for trial on two charges for felonious assault. The hoys Hay that cruel treatment and improper food give cause for complaint.--iV. F. Post. The Port Gibson, Miss., Standard tells of a terrible murder which was committed near Brandywine Claiborne county, on Thursday, 18th ult. The person murdered was named James, an old man about seventy years of age.— The man who did the killing was nam ed John Twiner. He met James and liis wife in the field, and after shooting James in the head and face, with a shot gun loaded with buck-shot, which caused immediate death he deliberate ly shot Mrs. James in the face with the other barrel wounding her severely.— The villiun made his escape, and is still at large. Twiner had a difficulty with James some years ago, in Copiah county, caused by Twiner killing some hogs, for which he was arrested, but escaped, mid it seems came back to thus take revenge. General Lougstreet unreservedly ex pressosmio opinion, in tho New Or leans Republican, that the nomination of Horace Ureely was the best that could be made, and the belief that Greely and Brown will bo elected No one need be surprised at such a declaration from Gen. Longstreet, as it is only somo Jsix weeks ago that ho published a letter in which he ex pressed himself strongly in favor of the re election of Gen. Grant. The South ern man that could support Grant, the despotic tool of the Radical party, had but a little lower to full in order to ac cept Greeley, the acknowledged father of the party. Tho Cork correspondent of the Bost on Pilot says that more people are now emigrating from Ireland than at any previous time. Not less than four thous and leave the country every week, and two thousand go from Queenstown alone. Whole hamlets an i villages are left with the old and decrepit in them, and some cities, as Liineric, are going to decay. In tho opinion of tho Pilot’s correspondent the United States should discourage the Irishfrom coming here. A young lady in a neigboring town has taken up deutistry for a living. All the gentlmen patronize her. When she puts her arm around tho neck of a pa tient and caresses his jaw for the offen ding member, the sensation is about as nice as they make ’em. One young man has become hopelessly infatuated with her ; consequetly he hasn’t a tooth iu his head. She pulled every blessed one of them. She is now at work on his fa thers jaw. He holds tho jaw. Laughable. —Not long since , in a court not a thousand miles from this city, a negro was sworn as a witness in a case, and he was bid ‘to take the stand.’ He misunderstood the order to mean to‘shake the Judge’s hand.’ He waUed up the steps and to the Judge‘s chagrin caught him by the hand expre iqg his delight at meeting his Honor. C R. B. PHILLIPS, (■43, jackslK street, me ah .new i-ost oifive,) AUGUSTA, GA. IMPORTERS & WHOLESALE DEALERS IN Foreign anil Domestic Liquor-., Brandies, Wines, Gin, Rum, Whiskies, Bitters. Porter, Ale, Etc., Etc. TobaccO and CigarS Os Every Variety .- AS 133 If 3 !?©» If £ll Celebrated HOD E STO.II VCH BITTERS. T. M. Wholesale anti retail dealer hi ssair © ail & LAMPS AND LAM_P FIXTURES, Manufacturer and dealer in all kinds of TIN AND SHEET -3IOS WARE I GOTTKRFNG, ROOFING, And all kinds of Jobbing done promptly and neatly. Grr,6 158| Bro*»-St„ Msgusta, Ga. Established in 184.1. T. 11. MANLEY, WITH— NURSERYMEN, •JIAVE FOB SALE a laugh abhorment of ORNAMENTAL TREES, EVERGREENS, & roses; Grape Vines anil Small Fruits, DWARF STANDARD FRUIT TRJES, Rochester, N. Y. Wanted. 11,000 Cords ot Tan Bark at Bonesvilleilu exchange for Dry Goods, Groceries, and provisions. ALSO — 10,0019 pounds of hide? at the same place and or> the terms. JOHN G. CALDWELL, Sec. April 8, 1872 ts Bonesville Ga. FURNJTUEE of descriptions, —ATV PLATT BR»TIIEItS, (Formerly 0. A. Iflalt & C 0.,) 214 Broad Street, Aagmla, Ga. [ 1 000 Maple & Walnut Bedsteads, $5 lo $10! ■ We jmnicHlurly call the atteufeon of purchasers to our riolid Walnut Chamber Bait* for Beauty, /durability and Cheapness. Our Manufacturing Department U »t»U in opera tion. special or ier* will be prcruptly attended to. Repairs done in all its branches. Upholttcrtltg {ibirent . * Hair Olo*h, Enameled ClollX Reps, Terry and Springa,and aU articlea suitable tor manufanturerH, wo offer ut Low Frtccs. j*u3t inti A bound canvas«ing book of the PICTORIAL HOME BIBLE, containing over 300 Illustua tionh. With a comprehensive Cyclopedia explana tory of the SeripturcH. In Euglrnh and German. WM. FLINT & CO., Phi la., Pa. SPRINGS SUMMER GOODS, Mma&Y SfOFF 9 sf» 1> R EBH OO J> 8 F.mbraoing all the us the Season. Abeautifni Rno. oC. V£}mo_ Goods, plain and ** Piques, Striped an! Fignrefjj. Full line of Hosiery, Cers6)t.', Tritmnii gs and Notions. Edging and liuerung, a beautiful assortment, Clothing, of all grades. Now Spring Hats, for Men ; and Boys. Boots and Shoes, in grefi* varieties. Which Will Be Sold Low Tho Public aro Rotjhcstod to call and oxam.fie. No Trouble to shorv (jrOt>ds. apr24tn3 buy! •’ buy! Spring & Summer Dry Goods. J. B. NEAL &L SON, Have just received a large and well selected stock of Spring & Summer Goods, consisting of Ladies’ Dress <#oods, dent’s Furnishing: Umyds Bendy Ratio Clothing, Hats, Caps, Boots, Sc. Shoes, And Everything Usually kept in a FIRST CUSS MADS STORE. Have always on linncl a tine lot t,'>l’ (iroceries ML IF 111 IE WILL SELL IT TIE Lowest Cash Prices. CALL AND Examine our stock before PURCHASING elsewhere and we njjis&iTfii mm mm* j\ b. nsr <fc soisr, nprl7wl Thomson, Ga, ‘~T«l , * >4 "T DOLLARS A MONTH to sell our Univer -010 sal Cement, Combination Tunnel Button- Hole Cutter, ami other articles. Saco Novelty Cos., Saco, Mo. ► Carbolic salve, recommended by tbe leading Physicians an! the President of the New York Boar! of Health. Gives instant relief to burns, cures all kind of sores, oats and wounds ; and a most invaluable salvo for all purposes. Sold i everywhere at 25 cents. John F. Henry, sole i Proprietor, S College Place, New York. M O’DOWD & CO. GROCERS .A-isrr> Commission JRerffiants, No, 284 Broad Street, Augusta, GEORGIA. HAS on hand and for sale, at the lowest market prices, for cash or good factor’s acceptances, payable next Fall, a fnll scock of Choice Groceries & Plantation Supplies, among which may be found the following: 50 hhds. D. li. bacon sides 10,000 lbs D. S. shoulders 10 cattk.q hams 100 packages lard 200 boxes cheese 300 bids flour, all grades, 300 sacks oats 40 “ seed rye 100 bbls. Irish potatoes 100 packages new Mackerel —Nos. 1, 2 and 3 100 “ extra mess Mackerel 10 bbls. bucKwheat 100 chests tea all grades, 500 bbls. syrup—different grades 200 oases oysters —1 and 2 lb. cans 200 cases canned fruits and vegetables 300 cases pickles, all sizes, 50 “ lobsters, 1 and 2 lb, cans 200 gross matches 200 boxes candles 50,000 Charles Dickens sugars 50,000 Georgia Chiefs “ 50,000 our choice 200,000 various grades “ 5,000 bushelH com 25 hhds. Demarara sugar 35 hhds. brown sugar 10 hhds. Scotch sugar 25 boxes Havana sugar 50 bbls. crushed, powdered aud granulated sugar 200 bbls. extra C and A sugar 200 bags Rio coffee 50 “ Lagnayra coffee 50 pockets old Government Java coffee 100 boxes No. 1 soap 2(H) boxes pale “ 150 boxes starch 100 (sixes soda 100 dozen buckets 50 dozen brooms’ 10 bids, pure liaker whisky 50 bbls. Old Valley whisky 200 bbls. rye whisky, all grades 50 bbls. pure com whisky 30 bbls. brandy, gin and rum 10 quarter casks imported Cognac brandy 8 quarter casks Scotch and Irish whisky 20 quarter casks Sherry, Port and Madeira wine 20 casks ale and porter 10 casks Cooper’s half and half 50 cases Champagne 40 cases claret 50 cases Schnapps 100 cases bitters 2(H) boxes tobacco, all grades 100 cases smoking tobacco, all grades. janSlyl Cm W ARNOLD, Grocer & Commission Merchant, Thomson, - - - Georgia- HAVE on hand and (or Sale at the lowest market prices FOR CASH. CHOICE FAMILY GROCERIES AND PLANTA TION SUPPLIES OF ALL KINDS. Aiming which may be fouud the foffowiug, Uncoil, Flour, Sugar, Coflfco, Far<l, Cheese, mackerel, Oysters, Ficklcs,Canned Fruits, Soda, Tobacco, and everything kept in the line of it First Class Grocery Stoic. I Kespecfuliy invito my friends to give me a call. O. AY. ,Vi-ru»lcl. Thomson, Ga, March IS, ly New Furniture Store. Furniture of all kinds on hand and daily being re ceived by B. JEI. JOHCxsTSOIST at his Furniture Ware Rooms under Williams’ Hall. Walnut ami Maple Chamber Suits, fine and com mon Beadsteads, Wood, Cane und Split bot- Chairs, Bureaus, Dining, Centre aud Card Tables, Washstands, Ac., Ac. Every article of Furniture needed to make home convenient, comfortable or luxurious can be had on the most liberad term. C*T Orders promptly filled at Augusta prices. Fpholstcring and Repairing done promptly and in the most workman-like style, such as Sofas. Divans, and Chairs re-covered and varnished. Chairs re-caned and varnished, and old furniture made as bright and good as new. o o ins Made to order and of any style required. . All work warranted to give satisfaction. Orders solicited. aprlOml! Thomson, Ga. What every Horseman Wants.—A good, cheap and reliable liuiment. Such an arti cle is Dr Tobias' Horse Liniment. Pint bottles at one dollar. For lameness, cuts, galls, colic, sprains, &c., warranted better than anv other. Sold by the Druggists. Depot 10 Park ‘ Place. New York. Nature gives us teeth, but she does not preserve and purify them. That must be done , by fragrant Sozodont. The dental bone and its enamel casing are made invulnerable to all destruc- ■ tive influences by the daily use of this beneficent j aprepartiou. 8«5 TO 8100 per WEEK. Made easy by any Lady. 20,000 sold in six months. The most rapidly selling article ever in vented for married or sin gle ladies’ use. May 10, noli ts. PATAPSCO GUANO AKfi tbs. Liverpool Middling Cotton, delivered ■xtJU at the nearest railroad depot, on or l»efore the 31st of October, 1*72, secured by note, lienor factor’s acceptance, will be taken in payment for noe ton Patapsco Guano. M. A. STOVALL. Agent, febl lm2 Augusta, Ga. FOR SAFE. npHE store house and lot of Mrs. E. M. Massen- I gale, opposite Greenway Hotel. Also, a beau tiful vacant lot near the Parsonage and residence of D. H. Irving, For terms apply to feb2Btf H. C. RONEY, Esq. Agents are wanted for Chicago and the Great Con flagration, by Colbert & Chamberlin, Editors Chi cago Tribune. 528 octavo pages. Fully illustra ted. 30,(XH) SOLD. Address as above, or J. S. Goodman. Chicago, or Edward F. Hovey. Boston, or Fred. M. Smith, Auburn, N. Y., or Walton & Cos., Indianapolis, Ind. , THE PENN LETTER BOOK”" For copying letters Wrrjiorr Press op. Water, continues to grow in favor wherever introduced, and thousands now using it attest its wonderful merits. All praise its Simplicity and Convenience, and a public test of six years has fully established its genuineness and reliability. It has only to be properly shown to be appreciated by all business men. Price £2.25, and upward. Address P. GAURETT A CO„ Philadelphia, Pa. Cir Agents wanted. PSYCHOLOGIC Fascination or Soul Charming, 400 pages bv Herbert Hamilton, B. A. How to uso this power f which all possess) at will. Di vination, Spiritualism, Sorceriam, Demonology, and a thousand other wonders. Price by mail, £1.25, in cloth; in paper covers, £l. Copy free to agents only. £I,OOO monthly easily made. Ad dress T. W. EVANS, Pub., 4i S. Nth st., Philadel phia, Penn. X / W \ AGENTS WANTED for our splendid p )\ /* / life-size charts of GEN. LEE, “STONE WALL JACKSON, and 20 other Historical aud Religious Charts! Our MAPS, CHARTS, etc., have a universal sale. No risk ! Large profits!— HA AS IS & LUBBECHT, Empire Map and Chart Establishment, 107 Liberty street, New York. Great Bargains ! THE Dry Goods of J. N. Collins deceased are now being offered for sale cheap for Cash at the store of C. W. Arnold & Cos. The Goods must he sold aud hence extra inducements are offered to Mer chants and those wanting anything in the dry goods line. Call and examine for yourself. Dr. J. S. JONES, Administrator. aprlOwi GEORGIA —MeUuffie County. To the Honorable the Superior Court of said County ; THE Petition of S. Shields, James L. Shields. E. A- Shields, John G. Cold well, and J. J. Mo rris, (heir associates and successors, respect fully shovveth that they have formed an orgauiza, lion for the purpose of manufacturing Shoes, Flour Meal, and disposing of the baiue, and for further purpose i*fcarrying oa a general Mercantile bu«i nc»s ; that they desire to be incorporated under the corporate name of ‘‘The BonesvilJe Manufacturing Company,” that the amount of capita! to he employ ed by them is fifty thousand dollars (£50,000,) of which there has actually been paid in iweu*y*five thousand dollars (£25,000) : that their place of do ing business will he at Bonesville, on the Georgia Rail Road, in the County an I S'ate aforesaid; that they desire to V»e incorpuiated for the period of twen ty years, with the privilege of renewal at the expirn lion of that period, and to have the right to sue and be sued iu their corporate name, to ha"e and use a common Seal, and the burnt; to break, alter aud renew at pleasure ; to make a Constitution auil By laws for the government of said organization not in consistent with the laws of this Elate and of the United Sales ; to receive donations by gift or will; to hold such property, real and personal, as may be necessary for the purposes of said organization, and to do all such acts as are necessary for the legitimate execution of these purposes. Wherefore your petitioners pray an order of this ITonerahle Court, beginning the fifth Monday in April 1872, incorporating your petitioners, their as sociates and successors under the name and style and for the purposes above set forth, and your pe titioners will ever pray etc. Caret A Hudson, Petitioners’ Attorneys. GEORGIA —McDuffie County. Clerks Office Superior Court . I hereby certify that the above Petition has been duly filed and recorded in this Office, April Bth, 1872, tn the Minutes of Jourt. R. 11. PEARCE, Clerk. ot ice* At the Torin of the Superior Court of McDuffie County, ordered to be held and to commence on the sis h Monday in April the foregoing Petition will be presented for the incorporation of “The Bonesville Manufacturing Company,” tho same having been duly tiled and recorded in Terms of the Statute in such cases made aud provided. CASEY A HUDSON, Petitioners’ Attorneys. Thomson, Ga. April 8 1872 104 w Wanted Agents sloo to $250 per month—everywhere, Male and Female, to introduce the genuine improved Marshall Sewing Machine, This machine will stitch, hem, fell, tuck, bind, braid, cord, quilt, and embroider |in a most superior manner. Price sls fully licensed and warranted for five years. W e will pay SIOOO for any ma chine, high price or low, that will sew a stronger, more beautiful or more elas tic seam than ours. It makes the elas tic lock-stitch. Every second stitch can be cut, and still the cloth can not be pulled apart without tearing it. We pay agents SIOO to $250 per month, and expenses, or a commission from which twice that amount can be made. For circulars and terms apply to or address, S. 3IAIiSIIALL & C O. No. 102 Nassau Street, New York, CAUTION.—Do not be imposed up on by other parties traveling through the country palming off worthless cast iron machines under the same name or otherwise. Ours is the only genuine and really cheap machine manufactured. Subscribe for and Advertise in iThe gttsme&s Hintor, A LIVE WEEKLY PAPER, Devoted to miscellaneous intelligence. We want agents in every town, village and hamlet iu the country to solicit subscription for our paper. Published every Wednesday 1 Containing a resume -f all the local news up to the time of going to press. The Stale, General and Uliscellaneons News Will be the best that can be procured. BQ.OO per *£ir Large cash commissions given. Send for a specimen copy as soon as you read this notice. Address. W. T. CHRISTOPHER, Frrt Valley, Ga. A LECTURE J~~4to YOUNG MEN. JuHt Published, iu a sealed Envelope. Price, six cents. A Lecture on the Nature, Treatment, and Radical cure of or Seminal Weak ness, Involuntary Emissions, Sextuui Debility, and Impediments to Marriage ; Nervousness, i Consumption, Epilepsy, and Fits ; Mental and Phys ical Incapacity, Resulting from Sell-Abuse, etc. By Robert J. Culverwell, M. D., author of the “Green Bonk/’ eiC. The Wodd renowned author, in this admiral Lect ure, clearly proves from his own experience that the awful cousequences of Se'f-Abuse may be effectual ly removed without raedi- ine, and without danger ous surgical operations, bouges, instruments, rings, or cordials, point in-y out n mode of cure at once cer tain aud effectual, by which eveiy sufferer, no matter what his condition may he, m iy cure himself cbeap y. privately, and radically. This Lecture will prove a boon to thousands and thousands. Sent undnr s»*al, to any address, in a plain sealed envelope, on the receipt of six c«nts, or two postage stamps. Also Dr. CulverwelTs “Marriage Guide,” price 25 cents. Address the publishers, CM AS. J. C. KLINE & CO., 127 Bowery. New York, Fost Office Box 4,586 j*n. 24, Iv it K It RADWAY’S READY RELIEF Cures the worst pains in from One lo Twenty TSiiuttc* Not one Hour after reading this advertiacinent need any ons suffer with pain, Rasbcaif's Heady Relief h a cure for every P4IIY. -Tt was the first, aud is the only Pain Remedy that instantly stops the most excruciating pains, allays Inflammations and cures Congestions whether of tho Lungs, Stomach, Bowels, or other glands or organs by omo application, In From One to Ticenty Jtllnute% no matter how violent or excruciating the pain the Rheumatic, Bed ridden. Infirm, Crippled, Nervous, Neuralgic, or prostrated with disease may suffer, Railway’s Ready Relief willafFbrdmstant ease. Inflammation of the Kidneys, Inflammation of the Bladder, Congestion of the Lungs, .-sore Throat, Difficult Breathing, Palpitation of the Heart, Hysterics, Croup. Diphtheria, Catarrh, Influenza Headache, Toothache, Neuralgia, Rheumatism, Cold Chills, Ayue Chills. j The application of the Ready Relief to the pa« 1& where the pain or difficulty exists will r.fiord ease and comfort. Tweuty drops in a half tumbler of wa>er will in a few moments core Osduiei Spasms, Sour Stomach. Heart Burn, -Vick Headache, Diarrhea, b,ieiitery t Colic, Wind in the Bowels, and all luterual pains. Travelers should always carry a liottle of Rad way’s Ready Relief with them. A few drops inna te will sickness or pains from change of water. It is better than French Brandy or Bitters as a stimulant. Fever and Ague. Fever and Atf'te cured for Fifty Cents. There is not a remedial agent in this world that will cure Fever ad Ague, and all other Malarious, Billious, Scarlet. Typhoid, Yellow, a id other Fevers, (aided by Rad way's Pills) so /quick as Railway’s Ready Relief. I IE. VI jTII, 11EAUTY Z Strong and pure rich blood—lncrease of flesh and weight—clear skin and beautiful complexion secured to all. Dr. RADWAY’S SARSAPARILLIAN RESOLVENT Has made the most astonishing cures: so quick, so rapid are tho changes, under the influence of this truly wonderful that Every Day an lucrease in Flesh and Weight is seen andfelt. Tho Great Blood Purifier. Every drop of the Saraaparillian Resolvent com municates through the Blood, Sweet Urin, and oth er fluids and jucies of the system, the vigor of life, for it repairs the wasts of the body with nev and sound material. Scrofula, Syphilis, Consumption, Glandular Diseases. Ulcer* in the Throat, Mouth, Tumors, Nodes on the G.ands and other parts of the system. Sore Eyes, Strumorous Discharges from the ears, and the worst f.,rms of skin diseases, Eruptions, j Fever Sores Scald head, Ring Worm, Saif Rh urn, i Erysipelas, Acne, Black Spot*, Worms in th* flesh, Tumore Cancers in the Womb, and all weakening aud painful discharges, Night sweats,, Loss of sperm and nil waste of the life principle, are within the curative range of this wonder of Modern Chemistry and a few days’ use will prove to any person, using it for either of these forms of disease, its potent pow er to cure them. Kidney & Riaddea* Complaints, Urinary aud Womb diseases, Gravel, Diabetes, Dropsey, stoppage of Water, Incontinence of Urin, Bright’s Diseases, Albuminural. and in all cases h lere there are brick-dust deposits, or the te is thick, cloudy, mixed with substances that is like the white of an egg, or threads like white silk, or there is a morbid, dark, billious appearance aud white bone-dust deposits, and when there is a prick** ing, burning sensation when passing water, and pain in the small of the back aud along the loins. Dr. RADWAY’S Perfect Purgative Pills. perfectly tasteless, elegaut/y coaled with sweet gum, purge, regulate, purify, demise and strengthen Rad way’s Pills. foi the cure ot all disorders of the stom ach Liver, Bowels, Kidneys Bladder Nervous Disea ses. Headache. Constipation, Costiveness, Heart burn, Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Billiousness, Billious Fever, Inflammation of the Bowels, Piles and all deraugemeuts of the Internal Viscera. Warranted to effect a positioe cure. Purely Vegetable, contain ing no mercury, minerals or deleterious drugs. A few doses of Rad way’s Pills WILL free the system from all the above named disorders. Price 25 cents per Bo,c. Sold by Druggists. Read “False and True,” And send oue letter to RADWAY & CO., 3*2 Warren Street, Cor. of Church Street, New York. Information worth thousands will be sent you, July 12, 1871. n*2o ly Rare Chance for Agents ~ AGEXTS, we will pay you S4O per week in ctuih, if you will engage with us at once. Everything furnished and expenses paid. Address F. A. ELLS A CO., Charlotte, Mich,