McDuffie weekly journal. (Thomson, McDuffie County, Ga.) 1871-1909, August 14, 1872, Image 4

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gfoefog. Gen. Grunt ot tho U. S. A. Ain— Captain Jinks. I was General Grant of the U. 8. A.. With nothing tu do hot lounge all day, And drink and atuoko and draw ray pay Ab General of the army. I had shown the rebela how to fight, How to fight, how to fight— I had shown the rebel* how to fight, And I was the pet of the army. I was General Grant of the U. 8. A,, I fear that I will roe the day When I gave up the honors and pay Os General of the Army. I tun President now ot the U. 8. A., Not much to do, and less to say, With plonty of gifts and better pay Than as General of tho Army. I give my relations each a place, Each a place, each a place— X give my relations each a place, But not tire men of *ay army. I was General Grant of thd U. 8. A. I fear that I, Ac. Froth's a lacutonant of the XT. 8. A. lie has gone to Europe on full pay, And with him has gone, in a flunkey way, The General of tho Army. Fred shows tho foreigners ho can take, lie can take, he can take— Gifts, as well as Itis daddy. 1 was General Garnt. Ac. I should liko to be President many yoars, Hut I lajgin to have my fear* They will cut off ray head with jiolitical shears, And vote for Horace Greoloy; And then I shall not he President, President, I’rosident— And then I shall not ho President, Nor General of the Army. I was General Grant of the U. 8. A. 1 fear that X shall rue tlia day When I gave up tho honors and pay As General of tho Army. •tUiocdlaiiemis. <WM»— ■ ■■■■ nil . »..■■ ■! _ j m Imuip Your J'’eli<d(icK. ‘Eli Perkins lias undergone matrimo nial aroposuls at the lianas of one of his lady friends, and ho has this to say about tho matter: First, I ca’led on my liquidoyed bru nette friend Miss Sallie Morris, of Madi son Avenue, Now I’ve spent a good deal of monev on Miss .Sallie for operas, bouquets, Donnonico lunches, etc. I’ve been trying for two years to win ber if flections. Last night, full of love and hope, I rang old Morris’ door-bell, in a mo ment, Miss Sailio was by myself on a retired sofa. After speaking of tho coming opera, I felt her velvoty hands touch mine. ‘Do you know, Mr. Perkins,’ she said, looking me struight in tho fuco, that to-day is our proposing day.’ ‘Well I suppose so,’ I remarked, look ing modestly down at her mosaic brace let. ‘Well, you kuow, Eli, my dear Eli! that I have been out with you a good deal.’ ‘Yos,’ I replied, beginning to feel em barrassed. ‘You kno\V*my dear,’ she said, taking both of my hands, ‘that it is costing me a good deal for dresses and gloves, and ’ ‘And coating me a good deal for car riages, bouquets, and Dolinonico lunch es,’ with increased embar rassment. ‘And while I have enjoyed myself all winter going with you, Eli ’ ‘ln expensive carriages to the Acade my and Delmonico's,’ 1 suggested. ‘Yes. While l have been happy to go there, with you —I feel—l feel— O, my Eli, l don't Anow how to say what 1 want to !’ and the beautiful child hid her face on my bosom. ‘Do not fear my answer, my beauti ful one,’l said soothingly. ‘What is it that weighs so upon your sorrowful heart V ‘O, is love,' she said, sobbing wildly, and twisting her jeweled fingers through my auburn hair. ‘Heaven be praised,’ I sighed, as I felt the beating of her heart against my vest. ‘For whom is this love darling?’ I asked, ‘for you know lam deeply in terested in you.’ ‘You will not be mad with me Eli ?’ ‘No, sweet one, I shall be only too happy,’ 1 said wiping tho tears from my eyes. ‘Well, my dear—my long cherished friend I Love—’ ‘Who, dearest Sallie—tell me who do you love?’ ‘Well, Eli, I love Charley Brown, to whom lam engaged ;’ and then the scalding tears fell thick and fast on my shirt bosom. Well, Sallie, what have you got to say to me?’ I asked, hesitatingly, as I loosed her hands from my neck. ‘Why, my dear Eli, Charley and fa ther thought that 1 had better see you and propose ’ ‘O, darling one lam thine/’ I said, with great emotion, ‘Take me! Nev er mind father. Take me as I am. Take • ‘But, Eli, let me explain. They wanted me to see you and thank you for your many kindnesses, and propose that you don't come here any more.’’ A rum-blossom is one species of rye flower. T lie Now Laws Coneoruiiis: Newspaper Pontage. The following is a summary of the laws concerning newspaper postage just issued to postmasters; Sec. 138. That no newspapers shall be received to be conveyed by mail un less they shall be dried and enclosed in proper wrappers. Sec. 139. That when packages of newspapers or other periodicals are re ceived at a post office directed to one address, and the names of the subscri bers to whom they belong, with the postage for quarter in advance is hand ed to the postmaster, he shall deliver such papers or periodicals to their re spective owners. Sec. 140. That postmasters shall no tify the publishers of any newspaper or other periodical when any subscriber shall refuse to take the same from the office, or neglect to call for it for the period of one month. Sec. 141. That publishers of news papers or periodicals may print or write upon their publications, sent to regular subscribers, tho address of the suberi ber and the date when the subscription expires, and enclose therein bills and receipts for subscription thereto with out subjecting such matter to extra postage. Sec. 142. That any person who shall enclose or conceal any letter, memoran dum, or other thing in any mail matter, not charged with letter postage, or make any writing or memorandum thereon, and deposit or cause the snme to be deposited for conveyance by mail, for less than letter postage, shall, for every such offence, forfeit and pay five do’lars, and such newspaper or periodi cal shall not be delivered until tho pos tage thereon is paid at letter rates. Sec. 158. That on newspapers and periodical publications, not exceeding four ounces in weight sent from a known office of publication to regular suberi bers, postage shall be charged at the following rates per quarter, namely : On publications issued less frequently than once a week, at the rato of 1 cent for each issue ; issued once a week, 5 cents additional for each issue more fre quently than onco a week. An addi tional rate shall be charged for each additional four ounces or fraction there of in weight. Sec. 159. That on newspapers and other periodicals sent from a known office of publication to regular suberi bers, the postage shall be paid before delivery, not less than one quarter, nor more than one year ; which payment may bo made either at tho ollico of mailing or delivery, commencing at any time, and tho Postmaster shall account for said postage in the quarter in which it was recoived. Sec. 160. That tho Postmaster-Gen eral may provide, by regulations for carrying small newspapers, issued less frequently than onco a week, in pack ages to one address from known office of publication to regular subscribers, at tho rato of one cent for each four ounces, or portion thereof. Sec. 101. That persons known as regular dealers in newspapers and pe riodicals may receive and transmit by mail such quantities of either as they may require, and pay tho postage thereon as received at the same rates pro rata as regular subscribers to such publications, who pay quarterly in ad vance. ‘Guess I Might as Well go ’Long too.’ —Tho St. T.ouis Dispatch says a gentleman of that city recently sent word to Dan Voorhees that ‘all his old friends were getting into the Greeley boat; that he was too good a fellow to leave behind, and he had better come along too, before they shoved off.’— Voorhees received the message and sent this back: He said he was pretty much in the condition of the boy at camp meeting, where nearly all of the people had gone forward on the anxious benches, and he was left blooming alone. At last the minister saw him and came up. ‘My young brother,’ said the preach er, ‘why do you sit here alone ? Why not come to glory V ‘AH them gals goiti’ to glory ?’ asked the boy. ‘Straight as a shingle,’ said the preacher. ‘No switchin’ of!' nor nuthin’ V ‘Through by daylight,’ answered the minister. ‘Well, parson,’ said the boy, ‘if all them gals is a-goin’ to glory, I don’t see as it’s much use o’ me a whittlin’ here by myself; guess I might jest as well go ’long too.’ WILLIAM D. DAVIDSON. JOSETII DRUACMEL. Davidson & Biimmel, Broad St., Augusta, On. Roetifiors, Importers ami Wholesale Dealers in Pure Foreign and Domestic LIQUORS BRANDIES, WINES, GIN, PORTER, ALE, ETC. j TOBACCO AND SUGARS OF EVERY VARIETY. I may 15 nl9m4 -- The Great CJause f-yj Qp I FT enve AKT isAISIETVSr. Jua*. Published, iu a sealed Envelope. Price, six cents. A Lecture on the Nature, Treatment, and Radical cure of Sperinatorrhceha, or Seiuiuftf Weak ness Slef-Ahu*c, Involuntary E«iissiou«, ImjjoteDcy, Nervous Debility, and Impediments to s!arrix^e.#£h*». ra'lv; Consumption, Epilepsy, and Fits;: .Mental and Physical Incapacity, Ac.—By Rofc». -J* Culver* well, M. !>., author of the*‘Green Book,' ; Ac. The World renowned author, in this admiraTLect urc, dearly proves from his own experience that the awful consequences of Belf-Abnse may be i fteclual lr removed without medicine, and without san§er oiis surgical operations, bougies, instruoicnt.*Xiugs, or cordials, pointing out a mode of cure at osce cer tain and effectual, by which every sufferer, is matter what his condition may he, may cure himself cheap ly, privately,and radically. This Lecture iiilbjrove a l>oon to thousands and thousands. ojHL Sent under goat, in a plain envelope, on of six cents, or two postage stamps. Also Dry Cul verwetf’s “Marriage Guide,” price 50 coubu Ad dress the publishers, * * CIIAS. J. C. KLINE &pO., 127 Bowery. New York, Post Office 80r4,586 jan. 24, ly i a >?s r on mis ll ONE note of hand on Jas. L. arjJPW. M. Hardaway for 555.00 raade in May in 1871 payable three months after date, in favor of Joseph Dunnivant, all persons are forbidden to trade the same as it has been settled toy sfi"receipt against it. july 10 ts JOHN G. GOLD WELL. FOR HALE! IN THOMSON, GEORGIA. THE dwelling house and lot belonging to O. L. Cloud, situated in the business center of town contain ing four elegant rooms with all necessary outbuildings. This is the most desira ble property in Thomson and’ any one wishing a good bargain will do well to apply to COL. JOHN It. WILSON, Thomson, Ga. n26m2 LUMBER. LUMBER. LUMBER! ANY quality or quantity of de livered at Thomson, or .M Mile Post on the Georgiu Uaihoud, low for cash. Poplar, Oak or Hickory Lumber sawed to fill orders at special rates. Lumber at Mill. Ist, class Weather Boarding 816 00 2d, class “ 14 00 Ist, class Flooring io 00 2d, cluss “ 14 00 j Ist, class l’alings 17 00 Paling Ix3 16 00 Ist, class Scantling I t 00 2d, class “ 12 50 Ist, class Ceiling 12 00 2d, class 10 00 Ist, class Inch Boards 15 00 2d, class “ “ 12 50 Hough Edge Sheeting , 5 00 Straight Edge Sheeting § 00 J. TANARUS, KENDRICK. February 21, 1872. 7mfl 8"“ 1 ■'* Legal Advertisemonl s. Golumbia Hliorill’s Sale. G EORGlA —Columbia County. WII.T. be sold before the Court licn.s doer iu Ap pling, Columbia County, on the firv. Tuesday in September next, wt Umi th‘ legal hours of sab’, one Framed homo on the lands ot Dr. 11. 11. Steiner, leviod onus the property of Jilms Flint and Juo M ir-ilmt to satisfy aa execution issued upo * a me dian cs lien, frouffiS DUt.,O. M., iu Qjk jjrof Jamas Smith, of said county. Levy made by Constable uud returned to Sheriff. BRADFORD IVEY, Sheriff of Columbia Cos. ALSO, nt the sam© time and pW© nhouso kuown as tho Harlem High School Academy ia imid county, levied ou as the property of the Tralles of Harlem High School, to satisfy an execution is.ued upon an affidavit to foreclose Steam Saw ruill4ien, in favor of E. S. Florence. Levy made by the and returned to Sheriff. BRADFORD IVEY, Sheriff ,f Columbia Cos. McDuffie Sheriffs Sales. G EOHGIA —Me Du/jic County. WILL bo sold before the Court house doorin Thomson, McDuffie County, on the first Tuesday in Septem ber next, within the legal houis ot sale, the following property, to wit:— One tract ot land, in said County, on the waters of I [art’s and Upton’s Creeks, containing Forty five Acres, more or less adjoining lands of W- H. Murray and others, being a part of the land purchased by David Seay from O. H. Walton, and was originally a portion ot the land be/onging to the estate of William Murray deceased. Itjs /evied on as the property of Dimtrfea)' to satisfy one Fi. Fa. issued from Superior Court of Co/umbia County in favor of H. Murray vs. David Seav. Property pointed out by P/aittlff. JOHN T. STOVALL, Shetfil’. Ju/y 31d30 Letters of Hisinissioie, GEORGIA —Me Duffle County. WHEREAS, E. A. Steed and W. P. Steed, exee » » utors of W. P. Steed, late of said oounty, deceased, represent to the Court in tlieir petition, duly filed and entered on record, that thoy hive fully administered tho estate of the said deceased, tins is, therefore, to eite and admonish ell persons concerned, kindred and creditors, to slow cense if any there he, why said executors should liot be discharged from their said administration, and re ceive letters of dismission, ou tho first llondav hi .IS . july 1772 A. It. THRASHER, Ordinary. Risley’s genuine Golden Bell Cologne Water, according to the original formula of Pro vost, Paris, s<.) long and favorably kuown to the enstomers of liaviland, Harral and Petit-Y a-1 their brauehes, for its fine permanent fragrance, is now made by H. W. liisley and the trade supplied by his successors, Morgan A Itisley, Wholesale Druggists, New Yolk. » Agents wanted to sell the beauti'u! Photo graph Marriage Certificates and I holograph Fatally Records. For tern-;, send turnip tj Ciuiiitis & Bito., Publishers, York, Pa. july SI lm j€f. W# ARHOIiDi Grocer & Commission Merchant, Thomson, - Georgia- HAVE ou baud and lor|Sale at the lowest market prices FOB CIASM CnOICF, FAMILY GROCERIES AND PLANTA TION SUPPLIES OF ALL KINDS. Among which may bo found the fo/lowlng, Bacon, Flour, Snjjar, Coflee, JLarri, Cliccsc, .Tlackercl, Oysters, Pickles,Canned Fruits, Soda, Tobacco, aud everything kept in the line of a First Class Grocery Store. I Ilespecfuliy invite my friends [to give me a call. c. W. Arnold. Thomson, Ga. March 13, ly FURNITURE OX. 1 ' ALL DESCRIPTIONS, AT— PLATT BROTH LBS, (Formerly C. A. Tlalt & C 0.,) 214 Broad Street, Aagusla, Ga. 1,000 Maple & Walnut Bedsteads, $5 to slOl Wo particularly call the attention of purchasers to our .Solid Walnut Chamber Suite for Beauty, /Vurabilrty and Cheapness. Our Manufacturing Department is «tilZ in opera tion. Special orders will he promptly attended to. Repairs done in all its branches.* Upholstering Department . Hair Clo»h. Enameled Cloth, Reps, Terry and Spring#,and aU articles suitab’efor manufacturers, wo offer at Low Prices. jan3l rnG M O’DOVVD & CO GROCERS -A-ISTID €oinmiooion ittcnljcmts, No. 284 Broad Street, • tufjiista, GEORGL4. HAS on hand and for sale, at tho lowest market prices, for cash or good factor’s acceptances, | payable next Fall, a full scock of Choice Groceries & Plantation Supplies, among which may be found the following : 50 hlids. D. U. bacon sides 10,000 lbs D. S. shoulders 10 casks bams 100 packages lard 200 boxes cheese 000 bbls Hour, all grades, 300 sacks oats 40 v ‘ wood rye 100 bids. Irish potatoes 100 packages new Mackerel Nos. 1, 2 ami 3 100 44 extra mess Mackerel 10 bids. Buck wheat 100 chests tea all grades, 500 bids, syrup —different grades 200 cases oysters 1 and 2 lb. cans 200 cases canned fruits and vegetables 300 cases pickles, all sizes, 50 44 lobsters, 1 and 2 lb. cans 200 gross matches 200 boxes candles 50,000 Charles Dickens sugars 50,000 Georgia Chiefs 4 4 50,000 our choice 44 200,000 various grades 44 5,000 bushels corn 25 hhds. Domarara sugar 35 hhds. brown sugar 10 hhds. Scotch sugar 25 boxes Havana sugar 50 bids, crushed, powdered and granulated sugar 200 bids, extra C and A sugar 200 bags Rio eoffco 50 44 Laguavra coffeo 50 pockets old Government Java coffee 100 boxes No. 1 soap 200 boxes pale 44 150 boxes starch 100 boxes soda 100 dozen buckets 50 dozen brooms] 10 bbl.s. pure Baker whisky 50 bbls. Old Valley whisky 200 bbls. rye whisky, all grades 50 bbls. puro corn whisky 30 bbls. brandy, gin and rum 10 quarter casks imported Cognac brandy 8 quarter casks Scotch and Irish whisky 20 quarter casks Sherry, Port anil .Madeira wine 20 casks ale and porter 10 casks Cooper's half and half 50 cases Champagne 40 cases claret 50 cases Schnapps 100 cases bitters 200 boxes tobacco, all grades 100 cases smoking tobacco, all grades. jan3lyl A New Beautifying Agent. All den tifrices had their drawbacks until tho salubrious bark of the soap tree was brought from the Chilian Valley to perfect the fragrant Sozodont, the most delightful article for the teeth that a brush was ev er dipped into. Children’s Lives Saved for Fifty Cts. Every case of croup can be cured when first taken, by Dr. Tobias’ Venetian liuiiueut, warranted foi 24 years and never a bottle returned. It also cures diarrhewa, dysentery, colie, sore throat, cuts, burns aud external pains. Sold by the druggists. Depot, 10 Park Place, New York. Burnett’s Cocoaine. No oils, neither pomades or alcoholic washes—foreign or domestic —can compare with Cocoaine as a hair dressing.— It anchors tho hair firmly in the scalp—gives it new life and lustre—and renders it the crowning glory of both sexes, old and young. XAA AGENTS "WANTED for our splendid e H nj life-size charts of GEN. LEE, “STONE WALL JACKSON, mid 20 other Historical and Religious Charts! Our MAPS, CHARTS, etc., have a universal sale. No risk ! Large profits!— H AAS IS A LI BRECHT. Empire Map and Chart j Establishment, 107 Liberty street, New York. L. A. PEACOCK, 90 Green Street, AUGUSTA, GEORGIA. Transient & Permanent Boarding. jau3l ly WESTERN &. ATLANTIC R. R. Night Passenger Train to New York and the West. Outward. Leaves Atlanta, 8.3-5 p. m. Arrives Chattanooga, 3.40 p. m. Day Passengea Tram to the South and West. Outward. Leaves Atlanta, 8.30 a. m. Arrives Chattanooga, 3.50 p. m. Lightening Express to New York. Outward. Leaves Atlanta, 4.05 p. m. Arrives Dalton, 0.23 p. m. Night Passenger Train from Netv York to the West. lnwrard. Leaves Chattanooga, 5.20 p. m, Arrives Atlanta, 1.30 a. m. Day Passenger Train from New York to the West. Inward. Leaves Chattanooga, 8.30 a. m. Arrives Atlanta, 3.50 p. m. Accommodation Train. Inward. Leaves Dalton 1.00 p. m. Arrives Atlanta, 9.50 a. m. JOSEPH E. BROWN, President. TO 8100 ,»«,r WEEK. Made easy by any Lady. 20,000 sold in six months. The most rapidly selling article ever in vented for married or sin gle ladies’ use. M ®y 10. noil ts. PATAPSCO GUANO. S J * ver P <>< d Middling Cotton, delivered ' at the nearest railroad depot, on or before tho dint of October, 1*72, Becured by note, lienor factor s a<;ceptance, will bo taken in puvment for noe ton Patapsco Guano. . . M. A. STOVALL, Agent, fob 11 m 2 Augusta, Ga. FOR SALE. rpilE store house and lot of Mrs. E. M. Masson - | gale, opposite Groenway Hotel. Also, a l»eau tifulvacant lot Dear the Parsonage and residence, of D. If. Irving, For terms apply to feb2Btf IL C. RONEY, Esq. Agents are wanted for Chicago and the Great CorT flagratoon, by Colbert <t Chamberlin. Editors Chi cago Tribune. 52$ octavo pages. Fully illustra ted. 30,000 SOLD. Address as above*, or J S Goodman, Chicago, or Edward F. Hovev, Boston! or Fred. M. Smith, Auburn, N. Y., or ‘Walton & Cos., Indianapolis, Ind. ~ THE PENN LETTER BOOK For copying letters Without Press ok Water, continues to grow in favor wherever introduced, and thousand,, now naing it attest its wonderful merits. All praise its Simplicity and Convenience, and a public test of six years has fully established its genuineness ami reliability. It has only la ptop-Hy shown to be appreciated by all business men. Price 7 7”». and upward. Address P. GAItHETT A 00,, Philadelphia, Pa. wanted. p.S\ CHOLOOIC Fascination or Houl Charming, 1 > lm (“‘ges by Herbert Hamilton. B. A. How to use tins jiower (which all possess) at will. Di vination. Spiritualism, Sorcerism, Demonology and a thousand other wonders. Price by mail, '* l ■ 2r ’> in <4olhi in paper covers, sl. Copy free to agents only. SI,OOO 'monthly easily made. Ad drossT. W. EVANS, Pub., 41 S. Bth st., Philadel phia, Penn. Great Bargains ! The Dry Goods of J. N. Collins deceased are now being offered for sale cheap for Cash at the store of C. W. Arnold & Cos. J lie Goods must be sold and hence extra inducements are offered to Mer chants aud those wanting anything in the dry goods line. Call and examine for yourself. Dr. J. S. JONES, Administrator. aprlOwl A Great Chance for Agents. £9 t)o yon ■want ao ageury, local or traveling, ■■ "Xth opportunity to make $5 to S2O a day U setting our new 7 strand White Wire Clothes Lines? They last forever; samples free. Send for circular. Address at once Hudson River Wire Works, cor , water St. & Madeu Lane, N. Y. or 34t> VV Randolph St. Chicago. Stantlawl Americau. BILLIARD TABLES! Everything pertaining to billiards at lowest prices Illustrated Catalogues seut by mail. H. W. COLLENDER, NEW YORK. Successor to Phelan ts- Co/lender, nl7w4 738 BROADWAY. THE BEST PAPER! TRY Isl The Scientific American i* the cheapest and best illustrated weekly paper published. Every num ber contains from 10 to 15 original engravings of new machinery, uovel inventions, Bridges, Engin eering, works, Architecture, improved Farm Imple ments, and every new discovery in Chemistry. A year’s numbers contain 832 pages and several hun dred engravings. Thousands jof volumes are pre served for binding and reference. The practical re ceipts are well worth ten times the subscription price. Terms, $3 a year by mail. Specimens sent free. May be had of all News Dealers, touts obtained ou the best terras. Models of new inventions and sketohes examined, and ad vice free. All patents are published iu the Scien tific American the week they issue. Send for Pamphlet, 110 pages, containing laws and full di rections for obtaining patents. -lddress for Paper, or concerning Patents MUNN & CO. 37 Park Row N. Y» Branch office, £cor. F. and 7th Sts., Washington, D. G. nl3 4w The Bar Room Remedy for weakness for the stomach is a dose of Rum-bitters. They are sur charged with Fusil Oil, a deadly element, which is rendered more active by the pungent stringents with which it is combined. If your stomach is weak, or your liver or bowels disordered, tone, strengthen and regulate them with Vinegar Bitters, a pure vegetable stomachic corrective and apperi ent, free from alcohol, and capable of infusing new vitality into your exhausted and disordered system. Subscribe for and Advertise in Che gtosmess A LIVE WEEKLY PAPER, Devoted to miscellaneous intelligence. We want agents in every town, village and hamlet in the country to solicit subscription for our paper. Published every Wednesday ! Containing a resume **f all the local news up to the time of going to press. The State , General and Miscellaneous Yews Will be the best that can be procured. Terms BSJ.OO per Annum. CiT Large cash commissions given. Send for a specimen copy as soon as you read this notice. Address. W. T. CHRISTOPHER, Fcrt Valley, Ga. K R R RADWAY’S READY RELIEF Cures the worst pains in from One to Twenty Tlinutes Not one Horn' after reading this advertisement need any one suffer with pain, Radway's Ready Relief is a curefor evcrif I*l IV. -It was tbe first, and is the only Pain Remedy that instantly stops the most excruciating pains, allays Inflammations and cutes Congestions whether of the Lungs, Stomach, Rowels, or other glands or organs by one application, In from One to Tirenty .'Tlinutes, no matter how violent or excruciating the pain the Rheumatic, Bed-ridden. Infirm, Crippled, Nervous, .Neuralgic, or prostrated with disease may suffer, Railway's Beady Relief will afterdinstaot ease. Inflammation of the Kidneys, Inflammation of the Bladder, Congestion of the Langs. .Sore Throat, Diffioull Breathing, Palpitation ot the Heart, Hysterics, Croup, Diphtheria, Catarrh, Influenza Headache, T.*>thache, Neuralgia, Rheumatism, fold Chills, Ague Chills. The application of the Ready Relief to the parts where the pain or difficulty exists wrtll afford ease and comfort. Twenty drops in a half tumbler of wafer will in a few moments core 0.-tlcmu Spasms, Sour Stomach. Heart Born, Sick Headache, Diarrhea, Dysentery Colic, Wind iu the Bowels, and all Internal pains. * Travelers should always carry a bottle of Rail way's Ready Relief with ihein. \ few drops in wa le will 'prevent sickness or pains from change ot water. It is betterthan French Brandy or Bitters as a stimulant. Fever and Ague. Fever and Ague cured for Fifty Cents. There is not a remedial agent in this world that will euro Fever ad Ague, and all other Malarious, Billious r Scarlet, Typhoid, Yellow, a id other Fevers, (aide! by Radway's Pills) so quick as Railway's Ready Relief. lIFAI/ni, ISEAUTY I Strong and pure rich blood—lncrease of flesh and weight—clear skin and beautiful complexion secured to all. Dr. RADWAYS SARSAPA KILL IAN RESOLVENT Has made tbe most astonishing cures: so quick, so rapid are the changes, under the influence ot this truly wouderful that. Every Day uu Increase in Flesh aud Weight is seen uud /cAI The Great Blood Purifier. Every drop of the Sarsapar Ilian Resolvent com municates through the Blood, Sweet Urin, aud oth er fluids and jucies of the system, tbe vigor of life, for it repairs the wasts of the body with new and sound material. Sc olula, Syphilis, Consumption, Glandular Diseases. Ulcers in ihe Throat. Mouth, Tumors, Nodes on the Glands and other parte of the system. Sore Eyes, Sirumorous Diicliirges from tho ears, and the worst forms of skin disease*, Eruptions, Fever Sores, Scald head, Ring Worm, Salt Rh jum f Erysipelas, Acne, Black Spots, Worms in the flesh, Turaore Cancers in the Womb, and all weakening and painfu/diacharges. Night sweats,, Loss of sperm aud all waste of the life principle, are within the curative raugeof this wonder of Modern Chemistry and a few use will prove to any person, using it lor either of these forms of disease, its potent pow er to cure them. Kidney & Bladder Complaints, Urinary aul Womb diseases, Gravel, Diabetes, Dropaey, stoppage of Water, Incontinence of Urin, Bright’s Diseases, Albuminural. and in all cases h lere there are brick-dust deposits, or the was te is thick, cloudy, mixed with substances that is like the white of an egg, or threads like white silk, or there is a morbid, dark, bilious appearance and white Ixme-dust deposits, and when there is a prick ing, burning sensation when passing water, and pain in the small of the back and along the loins. Dr. RADWAY’S Perfect Purgative Pills. perfeetly tasteless, elegant/y coated with sweet gum, purge, regulate, purify, cleanse and strengthen Rad way’s nils, foi the cure ot all disorders of the stom ach Liver, Bowels, Kidneys Bladder Nervous Disea ses. Headache. Constipation, Costiven-ss, Heart burn, Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Biliousness, Billious Fever, Inflammation of the Bowels, Piles and all deraugemeuts of the Internal Viscera. Warranted to effect a positire cure. Purify Vegetable, contain ing no mercury, minerals or deleterious drugs. A few doses of Radway’3 Pi Us WILL free tho system from a/I the above named disorders. Frico 25 cents per Bo,r. Sold by Druggist*. Read “Fa/se and True,” And send one Zettor to RADWAY & CO., 32 Warren Street, Cor. of Church Street, New York. Information worth thousundsjwil! be seut you. July 13, 1871. n2O ly SPRING & SUMMER GOODS, A T Mqmg&jv & DRESS G OO D S Embracing all the novelties of the Season. A beautiful line of White Goods, plain and Stripes. Piques, Striped and Figured. Full line of Hosiery, Corsetts, Trimmings aud Notions, Edging and Inserting, a beautiful assortment, Clothing, of all grades. New Spring Hats, lor Men and Boys. Boots and Shoes, in great varieties. Which Will Be Sold Low The Public are Requested to call and examine. ISTo Trouble to show Goods. apr24m3