McDuffie weekly journal. (Thomson, McDuffie County, Ga.) 1871-1909, August 21, 1872, Image 3

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©Re fgcfjttffie goutttal. HOME MATTERS. 0T All advertisements in the local column will be charged 50 per cent, upon the published rates, from this date. STAix Job Work must be paid for » cash, on delivery. This rule will hereafter be strictly en forced. The McDuffie Journal is the official organ of McDuffie county, and is the only paper published in the county. Divine services st the Baptist Church Ist and 3d Sabbath* in each month. Divine service at the Methodist Church 91 and 4th Sabbaths in each month. Masonic Lodge meets the Ist Tuesday night and 3d Saturday evening, at 3 o’clock p. m. in each mouth. I. O. 0. F. Lodge meets every Saturday night. Good Templars Lodge meets every Friday night Arrival of Trains. Up day Passenger arrives at Thomson 10.14 a. m. Dow n “ “ “ “ “ 3.28 P . m. Up n’ght “ “ “ “ 10.30 p.m. Down “ “ “ “ “ 3.59 a.m. Up Macon “ “ “ “ 2.08 p. rp. Down “ “ “ “ “ 11.30a.m. 411 .fob Work positively Cash on Delivery. <4T Our fanners are complaining of mst in their cotton. Mnsquitos greatly disturb the nocturnal re pose of our good people. Not a Candidate.—We are authorized to an nounce that Mr. Juo. H. Scott is not a candidate for the Legislature from this county, nor will he be under any circumstances. Southern Masonic Female College. —We ask the attention of our readers to the advertisement of this admirable Institution of learning which ap pears in this issue. Kev. J. N. Bradshaw, its aide and efficient Pres ident was in our town a few days since in the in terest of the college and endeavoring to raise by subscription, an endowment, that cannot prove burdensome to any one, and which will yield to the children of Georgia the rich blessings of Ed ucation, on better terms than can be afforded else where. Cff* Xho advertisement of Mossrs. Graham & Butler Cotton Factors and Commission Merchants, Augusta, Ga will be found in another column.— This enterprising firm has attained quite a popu larity with the people for honesty and business ca pacity and certainly merits a liberal patronage. Penmanship.— Mr. D. F. Walker, professor of Penmanship has just closed his last writing school in Thomson, after successfully teaching two classes in the place. As to the efficiency of the Prof, no eulogy from us is necessary, as he has long been teaching in this and other States—giving universal satisfaction wherever he has gone. His mode of teaching explodes the old fogy idea, that writing is st natural gift aud not an art, as no matter how poor a scribe may be that follows his instruction he is alway sure to make him a fine pensman. If you want to be a good scribe there is no ne cessity of going to a Commercial College at a great cost, but pay a nominal sum and go to Prof Walk er. We take great pleasure in commending Mr. Walker to the public, as a successful teacher and a courteous gentleman. A Whole Team. —The eloquent divine and bril liant lecturer, Dr. W. Watkin Hicks, who recently thrilled the Southern heart with his lectures of Gen. K. E. Lee, has taken editorial control of the Daily and Weekly Macon Enterprse. The Doctor has been connected with the leading journalism of this country for twelve years, and is therefore no novice in the chair editorial. Mr. B. W. Smith, the late editor, has now control of the news and local departments. The paper is fast winning its way into public fa vor, and stands to-day among the first papers of the State. Subscribe for it. Address Lines, Wing A Smith, Macon, Ga. Beautiful Banner. —Miss Mamie Hamilton, of Hamilton Manor, has purchased a beautiful and costly banner—which she intends presenting to the McDuffie Hussars of this county. The banner we learn, will be presented by Paul C. Hudson Esq, and received by Mr. B. M. Evans, color Bearer of the company. The time of presentation is not yet definitely fix ed, as Miss Mamie is at present on a visit to Atlan ta, but judge it will take place as soon as she re turns. We know the company will appreciate this generous offering, coming as it will from one of McDuffies fair daughters, and predict that Paul and Dock will do their level best on the occasion, showing to the donor and people “what they know about speaking.” Personal.—The gloom of our sanctum was lighted up by the genial countenance of onr good friend, Hon. J. D. Mathews, of Lexington, Ogle thorpe county, a few days ago. Years have passed since we had the pleasure of seeing the colonel; changes—sad changes—have come upon us, and the “Triple Barred Banner of the Lost Cause,” which he suffered so much in up holding, has been folded together and laid away— is among the things that were. Nor has Time for gotten our friend, himself; for though it has dealt gently with him, the trace of its “effacing fingers” is there. May his shadow never grow less. In another column, our readers will find the an nouncement of the Colonel’s appointment to ad dress onr citizens on Friday next, on the great po litical topics of the day. Let all come out and hear him. I?" The beautiful oil Chromo, “The Two Pets,” which is given subscribers to that standard maga zine, American Homes, for $1.25, by Chas. Taylor <fc Cos., of Boston, Mass., deserves the wide popu larity it has gained. The Chromo is delivered im mediately by agents before any money is paid, or mailed at once when a subscription is sent to the publishers, and in these days of trickery, this hon est and fair way of doing business i« appreciated by the people. It also enables the publishers to keep their promises good, and works most benefi cially. The August number of American Homes is fall of bright sparkling stories, poems, fun, etc., is beautifully illustrated, and has a novel feature in its well filled advertising coUnmns, which con sists of alternate columns of humorous reading and advertisements. This is not only a good thing for advertisers, but the subscribers get three more pa ges of reading matter. All in all, American Homes deserves the success it has achieved. DIED. Mrs. Johu B. Lamb rt, at her home near Deal ing, on Monday last, aftet a severe but short illness Maiy V. McCord, wife of George T. McCord, and daughter of E. C. and Drucilla M. Hardaway, died at her home near Wrightsboro', Ga., Angust 7th, 1872, after a brief illness of 12 hours, in the 23d year of her age. Scarcely had the pen dried from writing the obit uary of the mother, before the news came that Death had also stricken the daughter; and now, while we write, their bodies slumber side-by-side until the Resurrection Mom. Mary was just in the bloom of her young womanhood; a fond, loving wife, and the tender, devoted mother of three little ones. Her sudden, premature death has made a dis tressing void in the family circle; but it is God’s wise, unerring hand that has dealt the blow, and though His ways are mysterious, yet we know love controls them all, and we desire to bow in meek submissiod to His will. In her girlhood, Mary was one of the loved pu pils of the writer, a studious, amiable, gentle girl. At the early age of seventeen, she married; and from that period, full of bright earthly hope, and engrossed with the cares and pleasures of domestic life, there seemed but little leisure and inclination for serious thoughts of another world, but she was the subject of many prayers, and it is to be hoped they wero not offered in vain. The writer had some serious conversation with her the night pre ceding her mother’s death, during which Bhe was very sad, and appeared very deeply impressed with the importance of being prepared to die. For the last two or three months, she was a frequent read er of the Bible, appeared unusually serious, and often talked to her husband on the subject of reli gion, expressing a determination as soon as she was able to unite with the people of God. Mary’s illness was brief, and so quickly did the destroyer steal upon her faculties, that she had no time to talk. The raorningsuu found her a bloom ing flower; at even-tide, it was cut down and with ered. In the short interval between her mother’s departure and her own, we trust,her soul had been reconciled to God, and washed in Jesus’ precious blood, had been made meet to join that sainted mother in singing the Song of Redeeming Love. May God sanctify to loved ones left, the husband, father, brother and two sisters, this doublo afflic tion, and teach them the necessity of preparing while in health to meet that hour which shall so certainly como upon them all. “Leaves have their time to fall, And flowers to wither at the Northwind’s breath, And stars to set—but all, Thou hast all seasons for thine own, O, Death!” Aunt Edith. Spooial Notieow. ft is a mark of the unstrccesxful man, that he iu«- variably locks hi* stable door wh«n the horso has been stolen. This-s rtof wisdom never thinks about bodily health until it is gon«. Rut just as much as nnv disease has become seated, the power of the system to resist and throw off is weakened ; time is all important F»r dyspepsia, all diseases of ihe liver, stomach hkin A* kidneys, & all -that begin in vitiated blood, do not wait until the trouble is con ' rmed hut attack itb\ ? a timely use of Dr. Walker’s California Venegar Ritters. Asthma, Jonas Whitcomb’s Remedy. Prepared from a German recopie, obtained by the late Jonas Whitcomb, in Europe. It alleviated this disorder in his case when all other appliances of medical skill had been abandoned. Joseph Bur nett & Cos., Boston. For sale by all druggists. Substitutes in the Dental Ranks are not desirable ; therefore keep the natural teeth sound and pure with that wholesome vegetable elixir, So zodont. Do this, and they will last as long as the breath lasts, and the breath itself will never be tainted. To Owners of Horses and Cattle.— Tobias’ Derby Condition Powders are warranted superior to any others, or no pay, for the cure of distemper, worms, bots, caugn, hide-bound, cold, Ac., in horses, and cold, caughs, loss of milk, black tongue, horn distemper, Ac., in cattle.— Price 25 cts. Depot, 10 Park Place N. Y. Physiologists say that our bodies are renewed once in seven years. The materials of which they are reconstructed is the blood, and un less it is fully charged with the elements of vitality the strength and health of the system declines. Os all blood depurents, Dr Walker’s Vinegar Bitters is the safest and most infallible. There is no disease arising from the depravation of the blood which it will not speedily cure. For Dyspepsia.—lndigestion, depres sion of spirits, and general debility in their various forms, also a preventitive against fever and ague, and other intermittent fevers. The Ferro Phos phorated Elixir of Calisaya, made by Caswell, Haz ard A Cos., New York, and sold by all druggists, is the best tonic, and as a tonic for patients recover ing fron fever, or other sickness, it has no equal. Thurston’s Ivory Pearl Tooth Pow der. The best article known for cleansing and preserving the teeth and gams. Sold by all drug gists. Price 25 and 50 cents per bottle. F. C. Wells A Cos., New York. Christadoro’s Hair Die stands unrival ed in the world. No lady or gentleman of discrim ination uses any other. It is the most perfect, re liable and effective hair die in the world. Manu factured 68 Maiden Lane, N. Y. Carbolic Salve, recommended by phy sicians as the great healing compound. Price, 25 cents per bottle. John F. Henry, sole proprietor, 8 College Place, N. Y. Risley’s Bucha is a reliable diuretic and tonic for all derangements of the urinary and genital organs. The genuine, as formerly, sold by Haviland, Haral A Risley, and their branches, is now prepared by H. W. Risley, the originator and proprietor; and the trade supplied by his succes sors, Morgan A Risley, N. Y. Svapnia, or opium purified, the most perfect anodyne known in the market made by pro cess of Dr. I. M. Bigelow, Detroit Medical College. Is always uniform in strength, which is rarely the case with other preparations of opium. Pratt’s Astral Oil, has a world-wide reputation as the surest and best illuminating oil. Over two million gallons have been sold the past two years, from which no accidents of any descrip tion have occurred. Send for circulars. Oil House of Chas. Pratt, established 1770, N. Y. We have frequently heard mothers say they would not be without Mrs. Winslow’s sooth ing syrup from the birth of the child until it has finished with the teething stage under any circum stances whatever. The Secret of Beauty. What is it? no longer ask, for the world of fashion and all the ladies know that it is produced by using a delight ful and harmless toilet preparation known as G. W. Laird’s Bloom of Youth. Its beautifying effects are truly wonderful. Dept, 5 Gold street, N. Y. Svapnia—is Opium purified of its siknening and poisenous properties, It is a perfect anodyne, not producing headache or constipation of the bowels, as is the case with other prepara tions of opium. John Farr, Chemist New York. FARMERS, SAVE LABOR, Make the most of your land by using the BEST MANURE. Nesbit, the great chemical agriculturist, says that 1 ton Guano is equal to 33 tons bam-yard manure. We have on hand a small lot of West India Guano which we will sell on favorable terms. ANALYSIS : Moisture, 13.67 Salts of Amonia, 30. Organic Matter, 22.05 Phosphate of Lime, 23.08 Soda and Potash Salts, 10.20 100.00 Directions. —Use one bag to tho acre; spread broadcast or with drill ten days before planting. Harrow it in. stop in so no mu. Eat More Nourishing Food. Keystone Mill Company’s PRB&&BED AND Sugar of Jplt. Patented July 23d, 1872. A Farinaceous Food FOR INVDLIDS AND INFANTS. By the peculiar process in which this preparation is made, all tho flesh forming constituents—Earthy and salino elements of the grain are retained, with none of tho Starch, all of which being converted into Dextorino. It contains all the Lime, Sulphur, Phosphorus, Iron and Magnesia for the animal juices, and Gum and Focula for respiration] and fatty tissues, with the protoinc compounds (Gluten, Albumen, Ac.) from which nerve and muscular tissues are formed. It is believed by the most intelligent men that much of the Ruffering, sickness and mortality of mankind is traceable to deficient or faulty nutri tion. To the same cause may also bo assigned the frequent disappointment of physicians in the result of the action of the most approvod remedies. We feol sure that this article will supply tho diticiency. SUGAR OF MILK. Lactin- Is a crystallized sugar, obtained from the whey of cow’s milk by evaporation. It is manufactured largely in Switzerland and the Bravarian Alps as an article of food and for medical purposes. It has been used considerably in England as a non nitrogenous article of diet in Consumption and other Pulmonary Diseases, and with excellent ef fect in extreme Irritability of the Stomach, (see Wood A Bache’sDispensatory.) We manufacture two grades:—No. 1, in yellow wrapper, ground coarse, to be eaten as cracked wheat, with cream. No. 2, in white wrapper, is ground into Flour for Puddings, Blanc-Mange, and Bread. DIRECTIONS. For Making Mush with No. 1, Ground Coarse.— Mix four tablespoonfuls of Wheat with a gill of cold water; rnb into a smooth paste; then pour it into a pint of boiling water, stirring briskly : boil for 20 minutes. To be eaten with rich cream. For Puddings Ac. Use No. 2, Ground Fine.— Mix a tablespoonful of the Food with a small quan tity of cold water; rnb to a smooth paste; add to one-half pint of boiling water, constantly stirring, and boil about 8 minutes over a moderate fire. Add milk and flavor to taste. For bread, use as ordinary flour. Price 50 Cents a Pound. Packed in a Patented Or namental Tin Can, .Sam ple IJoxes to Physi cians free. Office, 48 South Fourth Street Philadelphia, Pa, Aug. 21, 4872. YOU BEST THAT Ch»IBTOPH1B CrRAY & Cos., OF AUGUTA, GA., OA.3ST SELL THE CHE APEST DR V C3-OOIDS To be had in the city. And they not only Can, but they Do Sell in all cases as cheap, and some articles MUCH CHEAPER THAN They are sold by any other person in the trade. One of the members of the firm lives all the Year Round in the City of New York Where he buys goods For Cash And takes advantages of all bargains in the market. That’s the reason why So call in the Store (recently enlarged) COR3STER BROAD Sc IVL’IISJ'TOSLT: STREETS Where you will find every kind of Dry Goods and receive the best attention from _aprlom3 CHRISTOPHER GRAY & CO. AUCUSTA CLOTHINC EMPORIUM. W. A. B A BE m BY , Takes pleasure in calling attention to his Large and varied stock of SPRING AND SUMMER READY-MADE CLOTHING, Manufactured expressly for the Augusta market, by those celebrated Clothiers, Jas. Wilde, jr. & Cos., Chas. B. Peet & Cos. Having every facility to procure Goods from first hands, I will at all times Keep the Best of Goods at lowest Prices. My stock of FURNISH NG GOODS, is of the most elegant style and finish ever brought to this market, and of the greatest variety. The smallest to the largest man can be fitted. Clothing Cut and Made to Order, at short Notice, in the most Elegant style I have also a full stock of Fine and Medium Hats of the very latest styles, also Trunks and Valises, and gents furnishing goods of every variety W, A. RAMSEY, Opposito National Exchango Bank Next door to Butt, Boyco &. Co aprlom3 Broad Street, Augusta, Georgia. the AUGUSTA .Jso©w awfb fetaoni Imporivm PETER KEENAN, TENDERS his thanks to his McDuffie friends for past favors, and respect fully invites them to call and examine his large arid Well Assorted Stock of Boots and Shoes, which he has recently purchased for the Spring and Summer trade. THE ONE PRICE SYSTEM is still adhered to, and a strict observance of the principles of honor and integrity. He guarantees perfect satisfaction in every instance for articles purchased at his store, and he holds himself personally responsible to make reclamations in all cases when the articles sold fail to be as represented. He employs no Drummers, and hence adds no percent, upon his shoes forfees of that nature. Call and exam ine his elegant Stock, at No. 320 Broad Street, (at the store lately occupied by James A. Gray & Cos.) aprlOm3 PETER KEEMT. SPRING STYLES E 3L.H O- A. 3ST T JST E~W DRESS GOODS. CHOICE, RARE AND BEAUTIFUL ASSORTMENT. jjMmmm w. tublby . Will Have on Exhibition to-day Black Gros Grain Silks, Black Drab de France, Colored Silks in all the new popular shades, Japanese Silks and Imitation Silks, Black Iron, Grenadine and Canvassed Bareges, finq to sublime quality, Dolly Vaden Styles in many mate rials, Grenadines in variety, Balerruves, Searsuckers, Suitings, Linens, Lawns, Black Llama Lace Sacques and Points, &c. &c. Also very large assortment of Cheap Dress Goods. March 27, 6m JAMES VV. TURLEY, Augusta Ga. JAS. G. BAILIE & BRO., A.TTQ-TT3TA OEORGI A., ARE now opfining a beautiful assortment of the following Goods for the Spring trade, all of which will be sold of! quick at a small advance: Brussells, Three-Ply, Ingrain, and low priced Carpets, Rugs, Floor and liable Oil Cloths, best goods, cut any size, Druggets, Mattings, Mats, Cornices and Bands, Chromos, Window Shades all sizes, Curtain Goods, Lace Curtains, Wall Paper! and Borders, Hair Cloths and Upholsterers’ Goods. We also keep on the first floor, a large stock of Choice Family Groceries, Wood and Willow Ware. We solicit orders from our McDuffie friends for the above Goods, which will be sold Low For Cash. JAS. G. BAILIE & BROTHER, apr.lom3 205 BROAD STREET, Mmado from 50 cts. Call and examine or 12 Samples sent (postage free) for 50 cts. that re tail quick for $lO. It. L. WALCOTT, 181 Chatara Square, N. Y. july 31w4 a A MONTH easily made willi Stencil and Key-Check Dies. Secure Circular and Sam ples free. S. M. Spencer, Brat:lcboro, Vt. Rare Chance for Agents- AGENTS, we will pay you #4O per week in cash, if you will engage with us at oncf.. Everything furnished and expenses paid. Address. f\ A. ELLJrT k CO., Charlotte Mich, AGENTS Wanted fjr our most attractive sJUUU “Greeley & Brown” and “Grant & Wil son” Campaign Charts. The best ones out. Send for Circular. Immense Rules. Large profits. Ha* ASIS & I ÜBKECHT, Empire Map and Chart Ea tabiisment, 107 Litberty Street, New York. “Psycomaucy, or Soul charming.” How either sex may fascinate and gain the love and affections of any person they choose, instantly. This simple mental acquirement all can possess, free, by mail, for 25 cts. together with a marriage guide, Egyptian Oracle, Dreams, Hints to Ladies, &c. A quee-, ex citing hook, 100,000 sold. Address T. William & Cos. Pubs, Phira. rtnfpiU'TlP WANTED lor the Autobiography of U Horace Greeley. Anew illustrated edition, now ready. Get this the best and only edi tion written by himself and endorsed by the Tiibune and our 187*2 Campaign Manuel for aW parties, just out, p iece #1 50 One Agent sold 80 in three days. Splendid Steel Portrait of Greeley, sl. S3OO a month ma le sel'ing the above. E. B. Treat, Pub lisher, 805 Broadway, N. Y. Agents Wanted For Goodspecd’n Presidential Campaign Book EVERY CITIZEN WANTS IT- Also, for CAMPAIGN GOODS. Address, Good, speed’s Empire Publishing House, New Orleans, Cincinnati, St, Louis. IDO NOT FAIL While on your Summer Excursion Norlh to secure one of the Celebrated Improved- Stewart Cook Stoves Wit h its special attßChments, Roaster, Baker A. Boil er. The Stove and Furniture carefully packed for Hafe shipment. Books sent on application." FULLEci, WARREN & CO. 236 W iter St N.Y . cords' <>t Q} at LOWELL, Mass., troves . F . It l It \ II AJS ’ sfc*' ciNEW TURBINE^ to all other-*. It gave a higher than any other wheel of common finish. Pamphlet and Price last, by N. F." BURNIIAM, York, Pa. ROANOKE COLLEGE. SALEM W. Twentieth Sewdon, begins Sept. 4th, 1872 Ex pen es for 10 months about S2OO. This embraces Board and Tuition, including modern Languages, as well as all necessary incidental expenses Special atte’ tion invited to unsurpassed location, Salubriou? climate, moral and intelligent community, thorough course of study, good conduct of students, &c. Stu dents in attendance from fourteen different States* S *nd for Cat dodges, C.rcutara, &c, to Re*. D. F. 11l TTLF, D. D , President. I O' II BLOOD PURI FIERI It is not a physic which may give temperary re lief to the sufferer for the first few doses, but wlwh from continued use brings Piles ami kindred diseases to aid in weakening the invalid, nor is it a doctoed liquor, which, under the popular name of “Bitters” is so expensively palmed otf ou the public ass .ve* reign remedies but it is a most powerful Tonic and alterative, pronounced so by leading medical au thorities ol London and Paris* and has been 1 >ng used by the legular physicians of other countries with wonderful remedial results, U WILL'S EXTBACT IF Mil retains all the Medicinal vi-lueS peculiar to the plant and must be taken as a permanent curative agent. Is there want of action in your Liver & Spleen 1 Unless relieved at once, the blood becomes impure by deletriou9 sccrctations, producing scofulous or skin diseases, blotches, felons, pustules, canker, pimples, &c., &c. Take Jurubeba to cleanse, purify and restore the vitiated blood to healthy action. Have you a Dyspep’ic Stomach/ tinless diges tion is promptly aided the system is debilitated with loss of vital foroe, poverty of the blood. Dropsical Tendency* General Weakness or Lassitude. Take it to assist Digestion without reaction, it will imparl youlhful vigor to the w«ary sufferer. Have you weakness of the intestines ? You nro in danger of Chronic Diarrhoea or the dreadful lu-> flammation of th*> Bowels T*ke it to allay irritation and ward off t ndency to inflammations. Have you weakness of the Uterine cr Urinary Or* gans? You must procure instant relief or you arc liable to suffering worse than death. Take it to strengthen organic weakness or life be- a burden. Finally it should be frequently ta’ en to keep the system in perfect health or you are otherwise in great danger of malarial, miasmatic or conta?eou» diseases. JOHN Q. KELLOGG, 18 Platt St., N. Y. Sole Agent for the United States. Price, One Dollar per Bottle. Send for Conlars %V:tsliinglou tlniversitv MEDICAL SCHOOL BALTIMORE, MD. The next Annual .Session of this Institution will be gin October Ist, 1872, and continue five months. The Clinical advantages of the School are unsur passed. For Catalogues containing full particulars apply* to Prof. CIIAS. W. CHANCELLOR, Dean. July 24w4 Baltimore, Md, For Sale. A beautiful house and lot in the flourishing town of Thomson, contain ing 5 elegant rooms, newly repainted and renovated, together with all neces sary out buildings on the premises.— Now is your time to secure a comforta ble home. For terms apply to H. C. RONEY, Esq., Thomson, Ga< THOMSON HUM SCHOOL. THE fall term of this Institution will open on the sth day of August next. Students from abroad can obtain board in good private families at moderate rates. For further particulars apply to N. A. LEWIS, Teacher. july 10 ts