McDuffie weekly journal. (Thomson, McDuffie County, Ga.) 1871-1909, September 18, 1872, Image 3

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S'ltc |scf)ttffie journal. HOME MATTERS. C3" All a Ivertisements in the local column will be chftrg<;.l 30 per cent, upon the published rates, from this date. CrTALL Job Work must be paid for iv cash, on delivery. This rule will hereafter be strictly en forced. The McDuffie Jourvat. is the official organ of McDuffie county, and is the only papek published in the county. Divine serv ce* at Ihe Baptist Church Ist and 3d Sabbaths iu each mouth. Divine service at the Methodist Church 21 and 4th Sabbaths i- each mouth. Masonic Lodge meets the Ist Tuesday night and 3d Saturday evening, at 3 o’clock p. m. in each mouth. I. O. 0. F. Lodge meets every Saturday night. Good Templars Lodge meets every Friday night Arrival of Trains. ITp Jay Passenger arrives at Thomson 10.14 a. ni. Down “ 44 “ 44 “ 3.28 p. m. Up light “ 4 ‘ 44 44 10.30 p. m. Do vn 4 4 44 44 44 44 3.59 a. m. Dp Macon 44 44 44 44 2.08 p. n\ Down 44 44 44 44 44 1 1 .30 a. in. All Job Work positively Cash on Delivery. Kates an<l Kul< k s lor Lejjal jV clvert e n t >s. Slieiiff Sales, per square *3.25 Mortgage ti fa. Sales, per square 3.25 Tax Collector’s Sales, per square 3.25 Citation for Letters of Administration and Guardianship, 7.00 Application for Letters of Dismission from Administration and Executorship 7.00 Application for Letters of Dismission from Guardianship, 5.00 Application for Leave to Sell Land, per square, 4.00 Notice to Debtors and Creditors, 5.00 Land Sales, per square 3.25 Estray Notices, (sixty days) 7.00 Sales of Perishable Property, per square, 3.25 Notice to Perfect Service 7.00 lluks ni. si. to Foreclose Mortgage, per square 3.25 Pules to Estal dish Lost Papers, per square,.... 5. <X) Pules Compelling Titles, per square 5.00 Pules to Perfect. Service in Divorce Cases,... 10.00 Application for Homestead, 5.00 Sales of land, etc., by executors, administrators or guardians, are required by law to be held on the first Tuesday in the month, between the hours of ten in the forenoon and three in the afternoon, at the court house in the county in which the property is situated. Notices of these sales muaype given in a public gazette in the county where tmr land lies, if there be any. Notices for the sale of personal property must be given in like manner, ten days previous to the gale. Notice to debtois and creditors of an estate must be published forty days. Notices that appli cation will be made to the Court of Ordinary for leave to sell land, etc., must be published once a week for four weeks* Citations, for letters of ad ministration, guardianship, etc., must be publish ed for thirty days. For dismission from adminis tration aiul guardianship, etc., must be published three months. Fur dismission from guardianship must be published forty days. Pules for foreclos ure of mortgage must be published monthly for four months. For establishing lost papers, for the full space of three months. For compelling titles from administrators' or executors, where bond has been given by deceased, three months. Application for homestead must be published twice. [Publication will always be made according to the above legal requirements, unless otherwise ordered.] *ir A square is TEN LINES OR LESS. Frac tious counted as full squares. Pea*! legal *dvert : eemeats and Town ordinances. Subscribe for your county paper. It tells you what is going < n at home. Cigars.—Some very cheap ami good Cigars at \s. B. Shank’s store. Give him a call. Barbecue.—Preparations are making for the barbecue to come off in this place on next Thurs day. A large crowd is expected. TawCarh.—The law card of Paul C. Hudson, Esq., in this issue. Mr. Hudson is- a young man of ability and a good lawyer. Pead his card. Furniture.—ls you have not vet seen Curtis k Bro’-\ fine slock of furniture we would reccomrnend you to go at once. They are ranking rapid sales at low figures. • The eotlon crop in this section has been -greatly damaged hy the I >te dr«»uth and rust. It is now more than half op< n, and is being rapid y hurried to market. Mr. Stovall’s Letter.—We have a v*ry in teresting let’er from the Hon. G. P. Stovall which reached us too late for this week’s issue. It will ap pear in our next. Deaths.—Several deaths occurred in this vicin ity during the past week. Among them two chil dren of Mr. Jesse D. Montgomery, the wife of Mr. .John Lynch, and Mrs. Dock Morris and her infant. New Building.—Mr. B. R. Johnson is rearing a large building on Main Street , for the purpose of opening a furniture ‘tore and carriage repository. Mr. Johnson is a fine business man and deserves the patronage of our people. Agricultural Meeting.—The Agricultural Club of McDuffie County is requested to meet in Thom son, on Thursday next. Business of importance will be brought before the meeting. James F. Montgomery, Pres. H. C. Roney, Sec. Messrs. P. 11. Bush, Jas. L. and M. W. Harda way, have arrived from New York. Mr. John B. Neal, of the firm of Jas. B. Neal & Son, is expect to arrive this week. These gentlemen have all pur cased large stocks of goods for the fall and winter trade. Magnum Bonum.—Dr. Pitts, of our town, in forms us that he saw on Monday last, on the plant ation of Mr. Josephus Hillman, of this county, a stalk of cotton containing 172 boles, and that the cotton of 100 of the boles—gathered inhispresence —weighed 1j- lbs. This certainly excels anything in the yield of cotton that we have ever heard. Come up and Settle.—Many of our subscribers are a whole year in arrears. We have struggled hard to furnish them a paper worthy of their pat ronage. While we have been hard pressed during the summer months, we have not murmured to our patrons because of the scarceness of money in the country. All of our material we buy for cash. Our employees can afford to labor only for cash. Hence we are compelled to have money to meet these wants and necessary expenses. As money is now beginning to circulate, we earnestly solicit our subscribers who are indebted to us, to come forward and fictile their bills. A. J. Adkins.— The advertisement of this gen tleman will appear in our next issue. His new goods are arriving and he pledges himself to dupli cate any bill that can be purchased in Augusta.— Jack is a live, energetic merchant, and a long ex perience. in business has learned him how to please his customers. Beware. —The public iu general are cautioned to look out for the spurious articles put up in imi tation of and as substitutes for Simmons’ Liver Regulator. Buy only from respectable druggists, and see that it is put up in square packages and has the signatures of A. Q. Simmons and J. H. Zeilin A Cos. on its side; all others are frauds up on the public. Beware! New Goods. —Messrs. Morgan & Scott have in store a very neat and attractive stock of new goods just arrived from New York. In the Hue of ready made clothing, their assortment is as fine and as cheap, as ha* ever before been offered in this market. Theii slock of notions and fancy goods are nice, and marked at prices to suit customers. In addition to the g>ods on hand, thev are expecting to arrive this week an elegant array of ladies* dress wear, of the lats st prints and fushi> ns. Do not fail to call and examine their goods, nsOcki*aud Tommie charge nothing for showing the same. Soe ndvertisement. Gibson, Lewis & Cos —This popular firm of Wholesale and Re’ail dealers in Whiskies, Wines, Tobacco, Cigars and fancy groceries, has siuce their e. liiblLhinent iu Thomson, been doing a live, thrifty busiuess. Being connected with a well known tobacco Man ufactory iu North Carolina, they are prepared, and iudeed have shown our merchant, that they can sel’ that article cheaper than can be purchased from traveling drummers from any market. Having ‘an eye” to the fall trade, they have taken occasion to lay in a full supply «.t everything kept in their Hue, placirg their prices at figures, not to bo questioned for cheapness. Mr. W. M. Lewis the active member of tha firm though a stranger when he came in our midst, has now a host of friends and we p. edict for him and bis partners a continuation of a liberal patronage. Mr. Simeon Morris, the active and polite clerk, can always be found at his post, prepared to wait on cus tomers in a business like manner. Soiled Doves before the Commissioners.— Quite a sensation was created among the “Soiled Doves” and nocturnal street-walkers of our town, on S uurJay night last, on account of Fannie Rich ard*, ylvia Lokey and Sue',Stockton, the most promi nent members of the same, being arraiguo 1 before the Commissioners, for violating the 10th Section of ofthetown ordinance. The “res gesta” of the case arose from a dispute among these virtuous demi mondes about the paternity of Sue Stockton’s off spring. Sue and Sylvia, w. re highly incensed at the idea of Fannie and her “nasty trash” claiming that the sire ol the same, was otherwise than a simoo pure Anglo Saxon. This made up the issue bet ween the parties, and their obscene tin! vulgar language was such as to attract the attention of tho Marshal who in conse quence of the same . rle.vd them before the Court. They were each fined $lO ami cost. Lay on, Commissioners. [Communicated.] Mr. Editor: —I beg that you will allow me a small space in your columns to return thanks in the name of the people of McDuffie county for tho very generous (?) sentiments tho editor of the | Warrenton Clipper has lately seen fit to indulge in regard to the affairs of this county, and to assure the editor of that little ! sheet that liis efforts to render himself notorious within the borders of our county are fully appreciated, and will no doubt in time return him the reward lie is so indutriously laboring for, and which he so richly merits at the hands of every citizen—without any exception—of McDuffie County. The following excerpt, show ing the animus of tho editor of the Clipper to wards our people, is from that paper, dated August 29th, in which the editor is pleased to say: ‘‘McDuffie will have to wait until another census is taken (1880) before it can hope for any repre sentation, and we imagine that 44 ‘taxation without representation’ ” will ere that time induce the old residents of Warren who were cut off into McDuffie —many of them against their will—to petition for a change of county line.” The editor of tho Clipper will have to wait till another election before he can have tho opportuni ty of the next chance—a slim one—to obtain tho nomination (for which he has now wasted several years of intrigue,) to represent Warren county in the Legislature. Before which time he may peti tion for a change of county. Q. I. Z. Blessings brighten as they take their flight.— Hie blessing* is good health, without which noth ing is worth the having ; it is always appreciated at its true value after it is lost, but, too often, not before. Live properly, and correct ailments before they become seated. For diseases of the liver, kidneys, skin, stomach, and all arising from impure or feeble blood, Dr. Walker’s Calitornia Vinegar Bitters are a sure and speedy remedy. It has never yet failed in a single instance. (Sommemal, CORRECTED WEEKLY BY JOHN E. BENTON. Cotton Report. ’Thomson 17 Savannah IK} Augusta 18 Charleston 19 Atlanta 18J Thomson Prices Current. Com—Yellow, per bushel $ (S) 95 White, 44 4 4 (S) 1 00 Barley, 44 4 4 (S> 150 Rye, 4 4 4 4 (5) 1 75 Wheat—Prime White f© none Amber (5) none Red (a) none Bacon—Sides 13 <S> 14 Shoulders 10 (S> 11 Dry Salt—Sidea. 12 dp 13 Shoulders B.J (5) 9 Flour—per barrel 7 \ fa) Ilj Salt—Liverpool (fi) 2 50 Bagging—Domestic 18 f© 19 Gunny <S> 17 Iron Ties @ 10 •T list Arrived. 5,000 lb Bacon, 2,500 yds Bagging, 150 Bundies Arrow Ties, Aug. 2itf JOHN E. BENTON. Special Notices. Announcement.—The friends of A.E. Wiley announce his name as a suitable can didate for Tax Collector of McDuffie County, at the ensuing election. The Gales of Araby are not spicier than the aroma of the fragrant Sozodont imparts to the breath. Nor is the heart of the ivory nut whiter than the teeth that are cleaned daily with that matchless fluid. To Owners of Horses.—No one who has ever used Tobias’ Horse Venetian Liniment, will never be without it: it is a certain cure for colic, sore throat, cuts, bruises, and old sores.— Warranted superior to any other: in pint bottles at one dollar. _ Sold by ail druggists. Depot, 10 Park place, N. Y. Burnett’s Standard Flavoring Ex tracts are neatly put up in unpanneled 2 oz, soz and 10 oz bottles, and are for sale by the trade generally in every principal city and town in the United States, Canada and British Provinces, as well as many other foreign countries. Help for the Hopeless.—You are weak, dejected, miserable, and nothing does you any good, you say. Don’t despair. There is balm in Gilead. Have you tried Vinegar bitters ? No! Then why don’t you ? Whether your complaint ■ be dyspepsia, billiousness, nervous weakness, con stitutional weakness, or any other trouble, Vinegar Bitters will revive and renovate your shattered system, as a general rain refreshes the withered flowers. For Dyspepsia.—lndigestion, depres sion of spirits, and general debility in their various forms, also a preveutitivo against fever and ague, and qther intermittent fevers. The Ferro Phos phorated Elixir of Calisaya, made by Caswell, Haz ard & Cos.. New York, and sold by all druggists, is tho best tonic, and as a tonic for patients recover ing fron fever, or other sickness, it has no equal. Thurston’s Ivory Pearl Tooth Pow der. The best article known for cleansing and preserving the teeth and gums. Sold by all drug gists. Price 25 and 50 cents per bottle. F. C. Wells & Cos., New York. Carbolic Salve, recommended by phy sicians as the great healing compound. Price, 25 cents per bottle. John F. Henry, sole proprietor, 8 College Place, N. Y. Risley’s Buchu is a reliable diuretic and tonic for all derangements of the urinary and genital organs. The genuine, as formerly, sold by Haviland, Haral A Itislev, and their branches, is now prepared by If. W. Risley, tho originator and proprietor ; and tlio trade supplied by his succes sors, Morgan & Pisloy, N. Y. Svapnia, or opium purified, the most perfect anodyne known in the market made by pro cess of Dr. I. M. Bigelow, Detroit Medical College. Is always uniform in strength, which is rarely the case with other preparations of opium. Pratt’s Astral Oil, has a world-wide reputation as the surest and best illuminating oil. Over two million gallons have been sold the past two years, from which no accidents of any descrip tion have occurred. Send for circulars. Oil House of Chas. Pratt., established 1770, N. Y. We have frequently heard mothers say they would not be without Mrs. Winslow’s sooth ing syrup from the birth of the child until it has finished with tho teething stage under any circum stances whatever. The Secret of Beauty. What is it? no longer ask, for the world of fashion and all the ladies know that it is produced by using a delight ful and harmless toilet preparation known as G. W. Laird’s Bloom of Youth. Its beautifying effects are truly wonderful. Dept, 5 Gold street, N. Y. Svapnia—is Opium purified of its siknening and poisonous properties, It is a perfect anodyne, not producing headache or constipation of tho bowels, a.* is tho case with other prepara tions of opium. John Farr, Chemist New York. ptt' ■ nmmmmm Tfl Ton per day ! Agents wanted!JAll classes vJ)J IU WZjLI of working people, ol tidier sex. young or old, make more money at work for us in their spare moments, or all tin* 11111“, than a vthing eb'rt. Particulars free. Address G. Stinson k Cos., Portland, Maine. To Rent, or For Sale. r pWO Plantations on Upton’s and Hart’s Creeks. I. one known as the Wiley Place, and the other as tlio Fork Place. On each place]thore’is a sufficient quantity of land in cultivation to run about four ploughs. For terms, Ac., apply to sepltf MURRAY. .A. BARG-AIJST. For Sale in Thomson, H.i. -_-,IIE dwelling house and lot of B. P. Jt/Pearre, House newly built, contain ing six comfortable rooms, with base mint attached. Also all necessary out buildings on the premises. This is the most desirable property in Thomson, being situated only one hundred yards from the depot, and in the busines por tion of town. To any one desirous of purchasing, a good bargain . is olfered. For particulars apply to Sept. 4, 1872tf It. 11. BUSH. For Sale or Rent. fin ’l'lioensosi, Ihi. THE House and lot, belonging to Mrs. E. M. Massengale, occupied the present year hy J. T. Larsdell. The house is large and commodious, with comfortable rooms to the same. The lot contains several acres of land, in a fine state of cultivation. ALSO—The Store house occupied by Mrs. Massengale. The location and convenience of this property renders it desirable. For terms apply to. Sept. 4th, 1872 ts H. C. RONEY. FURNITURE OF ALL DKSCIiIPTIONS, vr— PLATT BROTHERS, (Formerly C. A. Plait & C 0.,) 214 Broad Street, Aagusla, Ga. 1,000 Maple & Walnut Bedsteads, §5 lo $lO ! $ _.j We particularly call the attention of purchasers *o our .Solid Walnut Chamber Suits for Beauty, .Durability and Cheapness. Our Manufacturing Department is stiU in opera tion. Special orders will he promptly attended to. Repairs done in all its branches.* Upholstering Department. . Hair Clo’h, Enameled Cloth, Reps, Terry and Springs,and aU articles suitab'eior manufacturers, wo offer at Low Tr tees jan3l rati FALL, AWD WINTER. GOODS. MoitfAK A icOTT f JTJAVE just received direct from New York a splendid stock of E’A.LX, -A.IST D WINTER GOODS, Consisting of a fine assortment of GENTS’ READY MADE CLOTHING OF THE VERY LATEST STILES V\ll FA*33iO.Y*. SrsiP&s Dm* Goons nxn Notions of every variety. Ladies’ elegant Chignons, and Plaits. Fancy Groceries, Saddles, Bridles & Buggy Whips ? cheaper than ever before offered in this market. Mr. Morgan, one of the firm’ has long been doing busidess in New York, and is consequently prepared to take all advantages of the markets there, thus enabling us to sell our goods at the very lowest prices. IFe invite our customers to come and examine our stock. sep.lßm3 MORGAN & SCOTT. EMPORIUM, JOHN M. CURTIS & BRO. THOMSON, GEORGIA. TAKE pleasure in calling the attention of the public to their large and extensive Stock of Furhitpie complete and full in every department, consisting of PARLOR <sc CHAMBER STJIU7ES, ot the latest and most fashionable styles, of all prices from $45 to $l5O. Mupei-b Lounges, Solas, Ilarhlc-fop BS urea us and Tables, E>iai3i", Center, Card, Topov, Lent and Extension Tattles i'ies, Hooli, S3aH and What-not Stands. ASORTMENT OF CHAIRS. g Chairs, Parlor and Dining Room chairs, w and high Chairs, Wood and Upholstered Chairs, Camp Iu a wor J, Chairs of all varietks and of every quality LARGE STOCK OF BZB-RDOM FUHNITURE. uss $45, Trundle-Beds, Cribs, Cradles, »Sink and Plain Wash Stands, Towel Canopy and plain Musquito Nets, iting, Carpeting & Matrasses. k embracing almost every article ornamental or useful, on rgons and Carriages, Shelf,'office and Common Towel Racks, .cks, (both plain and fine,) and many other articles too . turn I of Mirrors, of :ti! qualities from the id cheap to the Large, Fine and Costly. e Lot of Piano Stools. :d our stock for cash at the lowest wholesale prices in New unpetition, and we pledge ourselves to duplicate any bill i in Augusta or elsewhere, prefering to sell at those terms. All tnose in want ot Furniture cannot do better any where, and will find us ready to accommodate them, and pleased to show them through our extensive assort ment. Come, see and price for yourselves. sep4m4 CARRIAGE, WAGON ANU BUGGY MANUK CTOUY. MA YING secured the services of competent workmen, I am now prepared to furnish my customers with Carriages, Wagons and Buggies, which for durability and style of finish cannot be excelled anywhere. lam also prepared to do all repairing at the shortest notice and on the most reasonable terms. Give me a trial, and I feel sure yun must he satisfied. BL ACKSMIT II IN G . I am also prepared to do all kinds of Black-Smith work upon my usual terms. Se P 4m4 JOHN M. CURTIS. SPRING STYLES ELBGAISIT NEW DRESS GOODS,’ CHOICE, RARE AND BEAUTIFUL ASSORTMENT. JAMBS W. TUBXiHY Will Have on Exhibition to-day Black Gros Grain Silks, Black Drab de France, Colored Silks in all the new popular shades, Japanese Silks and Imitation Silks, Black Iron, Grenadine and Canvassed Bareges, fine to sublime quality, Dolly Vaden Styles in many mate rials, Grenadines in variety, Balerruves, Searsuckers, Suitings, Linens, Lawns, Black Llama Lace Sacques and Points, &c. &c. Also very large assortment of Cheap Dress Goods. March 27, 6m JAMES VV. TURLEY, Augusta Ga. a A MONTH easily made with Stencil Key-Check Dice. Secure Circular and Sam ples free. S. M. Spencee, Brat lcboro, Vt. rpo THE WORKING CLASS, male or female; S6O a week guaranteed. Respectable employ ment at home, day or evening; no capital required . full instructions and valuable package of goods to start with sent free by mail. Address, with 6 cent return stamp. M. YOUNG &. CO., 1(5 Courtlandt St., New York. Rare Chance for Agents. AGENTS, we will pay you $ 10 per week in cash, if you will engage with us at once. Everything f/.rnislied and expenses paid. Address. F. A. ELLS A CO., Charlotte Miclf, AGENTS WANTED— for ths Lire* of Grant Greeley WILSON BROWN leading men of alt parties. Over 40 Steel Portraits* 1 worth twice the cost of the boon. Wanted every where. Agt's have wonderful success. Send for Circular. Address ZIEGLER MeCUUDY, 518 Arch St, Philadelphia, Pa. *igentH If Vut/cdfor the Autobiography of Horace Greeley, The host and only Edit ion writtcu by liine'f; and lor our 1.572 C&rnpa gu Manual, a book of the times for all parties. Illustrated. One agent sold 80 iu three days. Abo, for Deadly’s Lifer of Presi dent Grunt, and Spendid Portraits of Candidates. S3OO a month made. E. B TREAT, Publisher, 805 Broadway, N. Y. shTlio ii< cords ol O at 'LOWELL, Mass., proves . I'. 15 I£s . \ E3 AM ’ eSNEW TURBINE® J>sU|iepior to all others. It gave a higher per-. than any other a heel of common * flash. Pamphlet and Price List, by N F * BURNHAM, York, Pa. ! IALT OIORE ’ FEMALE COLLEGE Was incorp .rated as a regular College in 1849, A-ith poArer to coaler degrees. It was libemllv endowed by tlte State cf .Maryland in 1860, and affords every facility fur a thorough and accomplished Educatiou. It onjoys the patronage of the Middle, Southern and Western States, Catalogues may had at V h office, or of N. C, BROOKS, L. L. I>. Prost., Balt.- 3 more, Md “stTclaiOotel, Baltimore, Md This New and B autilul Hotel is now opin to the public. Located on Monument Square, convenient alike to the business man «nd the ruriat. It i a the only hot»*l in Baltimore embracing elevator, suits of rooms with baths, and all other conveniences. To accommodate Merchant*, Commercial Travel era and others, the rates will •be $2 per day for rooms on the fourth and fifth floors, making the dist lerence on account of the elevatio: . Ordinary trane sient rates of lower rooms $3 per day, Gusts desiring to take advantage of the above rates will please notify the clerk before rooms are assigned. An improved elevator forll.e use of the guests is constantly running, fi A, |W. until 11 P. M. HARRY li. FOGLE, Manager NORWOOD HIGH SffIOOOE Session 1872-73 opens Sept. 20th, 1872. WILLIAM D. CABELL, (Cuiv.Va,) Principal. F. Ivey Meade, (Univ Va.), Instructor iu Ancient Languages Ro L. Harrison, .W. A., (Cniv. Va), Instructor iu Modern Languages, English, &c. Thos. A. Seddon, (Mathematical Medalist, Univ, Va.). Instructor in Mathemat cs. Ro L. Brown, (Uuiv. Va.), Instructor in Book-- keeping, English, &e. Waller Ilnlladuy, B. Sc., C. & M. E , (Univ. Va,), Instructor in Applied Mat hematic* and Analy tical and Applied Chemistry. D. S. G. Cabell, (Univ. Va.), Instructor in Law. Address, VVILLIAM I). CA B EL. P, inmpal, Norwood, Va University of Virginia, May 9, 1872 To V\ m. D Cabell, Esq, Principal. My Bear Srl have a higb appreciation of the work of your school is doing for the State and the country, undofthe importance of sending yott the best men as your assistants. Yours. v ory truly, CHARLES 8. VENABLE, Chairman of the Faculty, U. of Va. It is net u piiysiS which may give temperary r lief to the sufferer for the first few doses, bat which from coni i lined use brings Piles und kindred dise to aid in weakening the invalid, nor is it a doctored liquor, which, Under the popular name of “Bitters” is so extensively palmed oll'oo the public as sove reign remedies, but it is a most powerful Tt nic and alterative, pronounced so by leading medical au thorities ol London and Paris, and has been long used by the .egular physicians of other countries with wonderful remedial results, m rars muo of mu retains all the Medicinal vi-tues peculiar to the plant and must be taken as a permanent curative agent. _ In there want of action iu your Liver & Spleen ? Unless relieved at once, the blood becomes impure by deletrious secret atioue, producing scofulous or skin diseases, blotches, felons, pustules, canker, pimples, &c., &c. '1 ake Jurubebato cleanse, purify and restore The vitiated blood to healthy action Have you a Dyspeptic Stomach/ Unless diges tion is promptly aided the system is debilitated with loss of vital force, poverty of the blood. Dropsical Tendency, General Weakness or Lassitude. Take it to assist Digestion without reaction, it wilt impart youthful *igor to the w» ary sufferer. Have you weakness of the /utestines? You rfe in danger of Chronic Diarrhoea or the dreadful lu-’ flammation of th*i Bowels T ke it to allay imitation and ward off tendency to inflammations. Have you weakness of the Uterine rr Urinary gans? You must procure instant relief or you ar© liable to suffering worse than death. Take if to strengthen organic weakness or life be comes a burden. Finally it shonld be frequently keep the system iu perfect health or you are otherwise in great danger ot malarial, miasmatic or contageous diseases. JOHN Q. KELLOGG, J 8 Platt St., N. Y. . Sole Agent for the United States. Price, One Dollar per Bottle. Send for C culars For Sale. A beautiful house and lot in the flourishing towd of Thomson, contain ing 5 elegant rooms, newly repainted and renovated, together with all neces* sary out buildings on the premises.— Now is your time to secure a comforta ble home. For terms apply to H. C. RONEY, Esq., Thomson, Ga.