McDuffie weekly journal. (Thomson, McDuffie County, Ga.) 1871-1909, September 18, 1872, Image 4

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jorttg. Mong of tlio MoilUtilin Stream- Leaping with loud thunder. Rumbling waters team, Cleaving boughs asunder, Mighty giants seem; Over grey rocks splashing, Through wild gorges crashing, With mad billows dashing, Roars the mountain stream. Merry spring comes glancing, With her starry gleam, Fairy footsteps dancing, Childhood’s happy dream; April showers sprinkling, Laughing sunbeams twinkling, Fairy ripples tinkling, Laughs the mountain stream. Summer blossom laden, Comes with golden beam, Like a gentle maiden, Weaving “Loves young dream Through the sunlit hours, I<eaving summer flowers, Under leafy bowers, Sings the mountain stream. Mild and melancholy, Comes with sudden beam Autumn calm and holy, Over life’s bright dream ; Night winds sadly sighing, Birds on swift wingH flying, Buds and blossoms dying, Sighs the mountain stream. Winter weird and hoary, Flings his ghostly gleam, Gone tho spring's bright glory, Dead tho summer’s boaui; White and still tho faces That the ice-king traces, In his cold embraces, Lies tho mountain stream. Child of nature walking Through lifo’s changeful dream, Woods and waters talking, Frionds and lovers seem ; Through your young life's glory, Through age, groy and hoary, With its old, old story, Sings tho mountain stream. Memories of tho Heart. We may shred the moss-veil from tho rose, The blossom from tho spray; The bloom that poarls tho luscious grape A touch will brush away; The vino may loosen from the troo Whioh onoe it clnng to fast, But the heart will keep its memories Till lifo itself he post. The gold must dio from sunset skies, Tho purple from far hills ; The foam-flowers fade from opal waves ; Drouth hush the babbling rills ; The earth grow cold and paesionloss 'Neath winter’s bitter blast, But tho heart will keep its memorios Till timo itself ho past. Tho flush will fodo from choek and brow, Tho sweet smile wane and dio, The froalmoss leave tho coral lip, Tears dim tho brightest eye ; Youth, lieanty, hope, and happiness, And love, may die at last, But tho heart will keep its memories Till life itself be past. IpgttUatteott*. Coulil Grant do tho Lilto V Mr. Greeley lute been represented by the opponents of his election us a weak and vacillating person, without force of character or persistence in any fixed line of policy, llow long since ho adopted the nrinciplo of clasping hands across the bloody chasm, says the Charleston News, the language of tho letter in which he, five years ago, replied to the New York club that threatened him with expulsion when he signed tho Jef ferson Davis bail bond, and which to day W 6 reproduce below, abundantly proves; and with what consistency and manliness he has lor six years following maintained the lofty ground then as sumed, his present position as the champion of ideas and principles then enunciated, is evidence enough. The following is the letter referred to: Gentlemen : I shall not attend your meeting this evening. 1 ha'’e an en gagement out of town, and shall keep it. Ido not recognize you ns capable of judging, or even fu’ly apprehending me. You evidently regard me ns a weak sen timentalist, misled by a maudlin philos ophy. I arraign you as narrow-mind ed blockheads, who would Me to bo useful to a great and good cause, hut don’t know how. Your attempts*to base a great, enduring party on the hate and wrath necessarily engendered by a bloody civil war is as though you should plant a colony on an ice-berg which had somehow drifted into a tropi cal ocean. 1 tell you here that out of a life earnestly devoted to the good of human kind your children will select my going to Richmond and singing that bailbond as the wisest act, and will feci that it did more for freedom and humanity than all of you were compe tent to do though you lived to tho age of Methuselah. 1 ask nothing of you, proceed to your end by a direct, manly way. Don’t slide oil into a mild reso lution of censure, but move to the ex pulsion which I deserve any reproach whatever. All I care for is that you make this a square stand-up fight, and record your judgement by yeas and nays I care not how lew vote with me, nor how many vote against me; for I know that the latter will repent in dust and ashes before three years have passed. Understand, once for all. that I dure I you and defy you, and that I propose to fight it out on the line that I have j held from the day of Lee’s surrender. — |So long as any many was seeking to overthrow our government, he was my enemy ; fro rr. the hour in which he laid down his arms, he was my formerly er ring countryman. So long as any is op posed to the national unity, the Federa' authority, or to that assertion of the equal rights of all men, which has be come practically identified with loyalty and nationality, I shall do my best to deprive him of power; but when he ceases to be thus, I demand his restora tion to all the privileges of American citizenship. I give you fair notice that 1 shall urge the refranchisement of those now proscribed for rebellion so soon as I shall feel confident that this course is consistent with the freedom of the blacks and the unity of the Repub lic, and that I shall demand a recall now of all in exile only for participa ting in the rebellion, whenever the country shall have been so thoroughly pacified that its safety will not thereby be endangered. And, so, gentlemen, hoping that you will henceforth com prehend me somewhat better than you have done, I remain, yours. May 23, 1867. Horace Greeley. The Vermont Election. —A con temporary calls for the evidence of the Greeley ground-swell in Vermont. In 1868 tho vote stood 56,312, Grant getting 43,167and Seymour 12,- 045. Grant’s majority, 32,122. The Legislature had two Democrats. The Radical majority is reported at 25,000, a loss of about 7,000, while six Democrats are elected to tho Legis lature. A proportionate gain over the Union will elect Greeley. In Wilmington, Deleware, the Radi cals had sway since 1860. The Demo crats have gained heavily and elected their Mayor. Another Greeley tri umph. With a united Democracy Greeley is sure to win. I > 18SOLUTIOJV. THE Copartnership heretofore ex isting between Juriah 11. Casey and Paul C. Hudson, under the firm name nl Casey & Hudson, Attorneys at Law, is this day dissolved by mutual consent. This 9th Sept., 1872. JURIAH 11. CASEY, sep llt2 PAUL C. HUDSON. ESTR.A.Y MULE. A MARE mule about three yoara old, rather l\ mouse-colored, with white Hanks and nose, came to my house about tho 22d of August last. Tho owner is requested to come forward, prove property and pay charges. AARON ALDUED. sept 11 m 2 Valuable Plantation For Sale. I offer for sale, my place in McDuffie County, known as the Sturgis place, on Little River, containing 345 acres of land more or less- The place is in a high state of cultivation, well watered and with every variety of fruit thereon. It is decidedly one of the best cotton grow ing plantations in the county. As I wish to change my investments, a bargain is offered. I will sell with the place, corn, fodder, cottonseed, mules, horses, and wagons. My brother Dr. J. T. Boyd, will show the place to any one wishing to purchase the same. For terms and particulars address me at Maxeys, Ga. W. S. BOYD, sep 11 ml Death-bed of ‘Stonewa' Jackson. A magnificent 14 x 18 inch Engraving, repres enting the death-Hcene of Gen. Jackson. The officers are grouped sorrowfully around liis death bed. In the distance is to bo seen the encamping army, the weary sentinel on his boat, and many other things which make this picture a gem of art; one which should hang in the parlor of every Southern home. Sent by mail, mounted on a rol ler and post-paid, on receipt of 20 cents, or 0 for 50 cents. Address J. 0. & W. M. BURROW, Bristol, Tennessee. Agents wanted everywhere to sell our popu lar Pictures and take subscription for our Maga zine. From $5 to $lO per day can bo made. Send for Circulars. sep 11 11 For Sale- A HOUSE and Lot situated in the town of Thomson, known as tho Greenway Academy Lot. The house is built of brick, and is large and commodious. Tho Lot contains three acres or more. Sold in pursuance of on order fron the Court of Ordinary. A good Homestead title will bo given. If not disposed of by the Ist of November,it will be put up at public sale before the court House door, in the town of Thomson, between tho legal hours of sale. Possession given on the Ist of Jan uary next. l T or terms and other particulars apply to sepllttt JAS. B. NEAL, Thomson, Ga. WANTED. We will give energetic men and women Business that will Pay from $4 to SS per day, can he pursued in your own neighborhood, and is strict ly honarable. Particulars free, or sam ples that will enable you to go to work ut once, will he sent on receipt of two three cent stamps. Address J. LATHAM & CO., 292 Washington St., Boston, Mass. IDZR-. l>ent ist, Can be found at his Operating Room in Thomson, Ga., on the first Monday in each month, where he will remain one or two weeks, except in “cases of sick ness.” August 7tf r^Mc^ [regulator] This uorivailed Medicine is warranted not to contain a single particle of Murcury, or any injuri ous mineral substance, but is I*ui*el.y Vegetable. For forty years it has proved its great value in all diseases of the liver, bowels and kidneys. Thou sands of the good and great in all part sos the country vouch for its wonderful aud peculiar power in puri fying th« blood, stimulating the torpid liver and bow el-, and imparting new life and Vigor to the whole system. Simmons’ Liver Regulator is acknowledged to have no equal as a LIVER MEDICINE, It contains four medical elements, never united in in the same happy proportion in any o’her prepara tion, viz ; a gentle Cathartic, a wonderful Tonic, an unexceptionable alterative and a certain correct ive of all impurities of the brdy. Such signal suc cess has attended its use that if is now regarded as the Groat Unfailing Specific for liver complaint and the paiphi! thereof, to wit : Dyapepsia, Constipation, Jaundice, Bil ious attacks, Sick Headache, Colic, Depress on of Spirits, Sour Stomach, Heart Burn, &c., &c. Regulate the Liver and prevent CHILLS AND FEVER. SIMMONS’ LIVER REGULATOR Is manufactured only by J. H. ZEILIW & CO-, Macon, Ga.. and Philadelphia. Price SI.OO per package ; sent by mail, postage paid, $1.25. Prepared ready fur use in bottles, $1.50. SOLO BY ALL DRUGGISTS- Beware of all Counterfeits and Imitations. sepllyl Le gal /V<L verti sc merits . McDuffie Sheriffs Sales. GEORGIA —McDuffie C'ounty. WILL bo sold before the court house door in Thom hod. in the first Tuesday within the legal hours of sale one half interest in the Bone*- ville Mill property in Raid county* -Leyted on as the former property of Jno. ft. to satisfy a fi. fa. issued from the Superior of Columbia county, in favor Jas. M. S. Wat son, Virgil M. Borruum aud John n security. Aug. 30th, 1872 30d MirrilTUS^B GEORGIA— McDuffie WII.T. be sold court Louse door, of Thomson, sni.l countfirst. Tnt'.iday t lu ll.o |iroj>- hoi luiv i ti , . j.... r i" 1 ¥ l o| -it " s i ..I A. Kal (I. \V. Bowen nod to Juno 25th, 1 s7, bv ('I.■ i o^^^H|>Mr;.ir t'oiirl u| >.in the Ordinal . ..I said enmity for labor pel formed, l>v llb^VJloiii mnn, James Car! von and liell^BSmith. JO I IN T. STO V IT. Aug. 28, 30d dilution. f GEORGIA —McDuffie County. IC. WINBORNE, of Taliaferro j* county, having applied to me for letters of administration on the estate of Jesse Watson, deceased of McDuffie county, this is to cite all persons con cerned, to be and appear at the term of the Court of Ordinary, to be held alter the expiration of thirty days from the first publication of this notice, to show cause, if any they can, why L. C. Win bourne should not be appointed adminis trator of said estate. Witness my official, signature. A. B. THRASHER, Ordinary. Aug. 28, 1872. 30d Citation. GEORG lA— McDuffie County. DAVID SILLS, himill!!’”’ applied to me for letters of administration on the estate of William Watson, deceased, said estate being the dower of Nancy Watson, deceased, of said county, this is to cite all persons concerned, to be and appear at the term of the Court of Ordinary to be held after the expiration of thiity days from the first publication of this notice, to show cause, if any they can why David Sills should not he appointed administrator of said es tate. Witness my official, signature. A. B. THRASHER, Ordinary. Aug. 21, 1572. 30d Jit-lli-rs ©4" Dismission, GEORGIA —Me Duffe County. WHEREAS, E. a. Steed and W. I>. steed, exec • » utore of W, p. Steed. lat<i of said county, deceased, represent to the Court in their petition! duly filed and entered on record, that they have fully administered the estate of the said deceased, this is, therefore, to cite aud admonish all persons concerned, kindred and creditors, to show cause, if any there be, why said executors should not be discharged from their said administration, and re ceive letters of dismission, on the first Monday in Novembemext julyl 7mo A. B. THKASHEK, Ordinary. FARMERS, SAVE LABOR! Make the most of your land by using the BEST MANURE. Nesbit, the great ehemieal agriculturist, says that 1 ton Guano is equal to 0.1 tons barn-varil manure. We have on hand a small lot of West India Guano which we will sell on favorable terms. A W 1. VMS : Moisture, 13.G7 Salts of Araonia, 30. Organic Matter, 22.05 Phosphate of Lime, 23.08 Soda and Potash Salts, 10.20 100.00 Directions. —Use one bag to the acre: spread broadcast or with drill ten days before planting. Harrow it in. STOP Mil SO MUCH lEIICIIE. Eat More Nourishing Food. Keystone Mill Company’s AND Sfapr of HI ill., Patented July 23d, 1872. A Farinaceous Food FOR INVALIDS AND INFANTS. By the peculiar process in which this preparation is made, all the sesh forming constituents—Karthy and saline elements of the grain are retained, with none of the Starch, all of which being converted into Dexterine. It contains all the Liuie, Sulphur. Phosphorus, Iron and Magnesia for the animal jnioes, and Omn and Fecula for respiration; and fatty tissues, with the proteine compounds (Gluten, Albumen, Ac.) from which nerve and muscular tissues are formed. It is believed by the most intelligent men that much of the suffering, sickness and mortality of mankind is traceable to deficient or faulty nutri tion. To the same cause may also be assigned the frequent disappointment of physicians in the result of the action of the most approved remedies. We feel sure that this article will supply the difieiency. SUGAR OF MILK. Laetin- Is a crystallized sugar, obtained from the whey of cow’s milk by evaporation. It is manufactured largely in Switzerland and the Bravarian Alps as an article of food and for medical purposes. It has been used considerably in England as a non nitrogenojis article of diet in Consumption and other Pulmonary Diseases, and with excellent ef fect in extreme Irritability of the Stomach, (see Wood & Bache’sDispensatory.) We manufacture two grades:—No. 1, in yellow wrapper, ground coarse, to bo eaten as cracked wheat, with cream. No. 2, in white wrapper, is ground into Flour for Puddings, Blanc-Mange, and Bread. DIRECTIONS. For Making Mush with No. 1, Ground Coarse.— Mix four tablespoonfuls of Wheat with a gill of cold water: rub into a smooth paste: then pour it into a pint of boiling water, stirring briskly : boil for 20 minutes. To be eaten with rich cream. For Puddings &c. Use No. 2, Ground Fine.— Mix a tablespoonful of the Food with a small quan tity of cold water; rub to a smooth paste; add to one-half pint of boiling water, constantly stirring, and boil about 8 minutes over a moderate fire. Add milk and flavor to taste. For bread, use as ordinary flour. Price 50 Cents a Pound. Packed in a Patented Or namental Tin Can, sam ple Boxes to Physi cians free. Office, AS South Fourth Street rhiludeljihia, Fa. Aug. 21, 4872. GRAHAM & BUTLER, Cotton Factors and Commission M MS a MM jvfs 9 Will furnish the best bagging and ties at the lowest market rates. And they will sell cotton at one dollar per bale, commission. Augusta, Ga., Aug. 21 ml SCHOOL NOTICE. The Fall Term ot The :ITD MASONIC FEMAIE COLLEGE Cos rina ton, Georgia. OPENS 28th inst., with ample corps of Teach ers. Spring Term 1873, Jan, l.">. Board re duced to *l.; and *lB per month by Col. Harper. For Circulars address, liev. J. N. BRADSHAW, President. C. w# ARNOLD, Grocer & Commission Merchant, Thomson, - Georgia- HAVE ou handjuid forJSale at the lowest market prices FOR CASH CHOICE FAMILY GROCERIES AND PLANTA TION .SUPPLIES OF ALL KINDS.. Among which may be found the foßowing, Bacon, Flour, Sugar, Coffee, Card, Cheese, Uackerel, Oysters, Pickles,Canned Fruits, Soda, Tobacco, and everything kept in the line of a First Class Grocery Store. I Respecfully invite my friends to give me a call. C. XV. Arnold. Thomson, Ga. March 13, ly LUMBER. LUMBER LUMBER! VSY quality or quantity of Pino Lumber de livered at Thomson, or 34 Mile Post ou the Georgia Raihoad, low for cash. Poplar, Oak or Hickory Lumber sawed to fill orders at special rates. Lumber at >llll. Ist, class Weather Boarding $lO 00 2d, class “ 14 00 Ist, class Flooring 10 00 2d, class “ 14 00 Ist, class Palings 17 00 Paling Ix3 1G 00 Ist, class Scantling 14 00 2d, class “ 12 50 Ist, class Ceiling 12 00 2d, class 10 00 Ist, claws Inch Boards 15 00 2d, class “ “ 12 50 Rough Edge Sheeting 5 00 Straight Edge Sheeting S 00 J. T. KENDRICK. February 21, 1 872. 7m6 1 (mown & co GROCERS -A-TNT3D Commission ittculjants, No, 284 Broad Street, * tuffusta , GEORGIA. 11 VS on hand and fur sale, at. the lowest market 11 prices, for cash or good factors acceptances, payable next Fall, a full scock of Choice Groceries & Plantation Supplies, among which may be found the following : 50 hlids. I). U. bacon sides 10,000 lbs D. S. shoulders 10 casks hams m 100 packages lard 200 boxes cheese 300 bbls flour, all grades, 300 sacks oats 40 “ seed rye * 100 libls. Irish potatoes 100 packages new Mackerel—Nos. 1, 2 and 3 100 “ extra mess Mackerel 10 bbls. buck wheat 100 chests tea all grades, 500 bbls. s vrup—different grades 200 cases oysters—l and 2 lb. cans 200 cases canned fruits and vegetables 300 cases pickles, all sizes, 50 “ lobsters, 1 and 2 lb. cans 200 gross matches 200 boxes candles 50,000 Charles Dickens segArs 50,000 Georgia Chiefs “ 50,000 our choice “ 200,000 various grades “ 5,000 bushels corn 25 hhds. Demarara sugar 35 hhds. brown sugar 10 hhds. Scotch sugar 25 boxes Havana sugar 50 bbls. crashed, powdered and granulated sugar 200 bbls. extra C and A sugar 200 bags Rio coffee 50 “ Laguayra coffee 50 pockets old Government Java coffee 100 boxes No. 1 soap 200 boxes pale “ 150 boxes starch 100 boxes soda 100 dozen buckets 50 dozen brooms* 10 bbls. pure Baker whisky 50 bbls. Old Valley whisky 200 bbls. rye whisky, all grades 50 bbls. pure corn whisky 30 bbls. brandy, gin and rum 10 quarter casks imported Cognac brandy 8 quarter casks Scotch and Irish whisky 20 quarter casks Sherry, Port and Madeira wine ! 20 casks ale and porter 10 casks Cooper’s half and half 50 cases Champagne 40 cases claret 50 cases Schnapps 100 cases bitters 200 boxes tobacco, all grades * 100 cases smoking tobacco, all grades. a. PEACOCK, Grevu Street, AUGUSI A, GEORGIA. Transient & Permanent Boarding-. j jan3l ly &' WESTERN &. ATLANTIC R.7T. | Passenger Train to New York and the West. Outward. Leaves Atlanta, 8.35 p. m. Arrives Chattanooga, 3.40 p. m. Day Passengea Train to the South and West. On I ward. Leaves Atlanta, 8.30 a . Arrives Chattanooga, 3.50 p. m . Lightening Express to New York. Outward. Leaves Atlanta, 4.05 p . m Arrives Dalton, 9.0.3 ! Night Passenger Train from New York to the West. Inward. j Leaves Chattanooga, 5.20 p. m j Arrives Atlanta, ° 1.30 a", ml I D,V J Passenger Train from New York to the Ji'esf. Inward. j Reaves Chattanooga, 8.30 a. m. j Arrives Atlanta, p. m. Accom modal ion Tea in. Inward. Leaves Dalton 1.00 p . m . Arrives Atlanta, 9 . 50 a> m JObLI’II L. BROWN, President. Agunts are wanted for Chicago and the Great Con flagratum. l.y Colbert A Chamberlin. Editors Clii tX «™ ° I>a " es - P ' J "y iUnatra te 1. ..0,000 .SOLD, Address as above, or J S Goodman Chicago, or Edward F. Hover, Bosion' Cos., r iudia*naiK.l™! t lnd. Ul, " ra ’ ” Walton * , THE PSNM LEI'TER BOOT For copying letters Withoct Pauss on Wat*b > ! > f ‘‘vor wherever introduced’ aiui thousands now using it attest its wonderful merits. ATT praise its Simplicity and Convenience, and a public test of six years has fully established its genuineness and reliability. It has only to l>e properly shown to be appreciated by all business nuiti/t?! upward. Address P. ' \L l J 1 f-11 A CO., I hiladolphia. Pa. wanted. A Great Chance for Agents] Do you want an agency, local or traveling with an opportunity to make f 5 to S2O a day selling our new 7 strand White Wire Clothes Lines ? They last forever; samples free. Send I lor circular. Address at once Hudson Itiver Wire i Works, cor, water St .V Madcu Lane, N. Y. or I 340 VV Randolph St. Chicago. !*»l :iii«l:ii-<1 Ainricnn. BILLIARD TABLES! Everything pertaining to billiards at lowest prices Illustrated Catalogues sent by mail. H. W. COLLENDER, NEW YORK. Successor to Phelan Co/lender uldivt 73H BROADWAY. THE BEST PAPER! TRY IT! The Scientific American i the cheapest and best illustrated we kly paper published. Every num ber contains from ID to 15 original engravings of nee 1 machinery, uovd inventions, Bridges, Engin eering, wotks, Architecture, improved Farm Imple ments, and every new discovery in Chemistry. A year’s numbers contain 832 pages and several hun dred engravings. Thousands ,of volumes are pre served for b ndiog and reference. The practical re ceipts are well worth teu times the subscription price. Terms, $3 a year by mad. Specimens sent free. May be had of ad News Dealers, i *:»l <‘ll Isi obtained on the best terms. Models of new inventions and skHohes examined, aud ad v.ce free. All patents ate published in the Scien tific Americau the week they issue. Send for Pamphlet, HO pages, containing laws and full di rections for obtaining patents. Address for Paper, or concerning Patents MUXN & LO. 37 Park Row N. \ . Branch office, cor. K. and 7th Sts., Washington, 1). C. nl3 4w f(f 11 sa i. i:: IN THOMSON, GKOHGIA. THE dwelling house and lot belonging to 0. L. Cloud, situated in the business center of town contain ing four elegant rooms with all necessary outbuildings. This is the most desira ble property in Thomson and any one wishing a good bargain will do well to apply to COL. JOHN R. WILSON, Thomson, Ga. n26m2 The Great Cause OF YY CTUvHA IST MI3EHY. Just Published, iu a sealed Envelope. Price, six cents. A Lecture on the Nature, Treatment, and Radical cure of Spermatorrhoeha, or Seminal Weak ness Slef-Abuse, Involuntary Emissions, Impotency, Nervous Debility, and Impediments to Marriage gene rally: Consumption, Epilepsy, and Fits; Mental an l Physical Incapacity, Ac.—By R ( ,l>. J. Culver well. M. D., author of the*‘Green Book,’’Ac. The World-renowned author, iu this admiral Lect ure, clearly proves from his own experience that the awful consequences of Self-Abuse may be effectual ly removed without medicine, and without danger ous surgical operation o , bougies, instruments, rings, or cordials, pointing out a mode of cure at once cer tain aud effectual, by which eveiy sufferer, uo matter what his coudition may be, may cure himse/f cheap ly, privately, and radically. This Lecture will prove a boon to thousands and thousands. Sent under seal, in a p/ain euve/opc, ou receipt of six cents, or two postage stamps. Also Dr. Cul vcrwe/Fs “Marriage Guide,” price 50 cents. Ad dress the publishers, CIIAS. J. C. KLINE & CO., 127 Bowery. New York, Pu st Office Box 4,586 jan. 24, ly « Agents wanted to sell the beautiful Photo graph Marriage Certificates and Photograph Family Records. For terms, send stamp to Crider & Buo.. Publishers, York, Pa. july 24 lrn Just A. i*i‘i v'e<l. 5,000 lb Bacon, 2,500 yds Bagging, 150 Bundles Arrow Ties, Aug. 21tf JOHN E. BENTON.