McDuffie weekly journal. (Thomson, McDuffie County, Ga.) 1871-1909, October 09, 1872, Image 4

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Written for The Newton Enterprise, by a negro of Baker county.] Tho Curse of Snn iJominjro. On the shores of Ran Domingo, Where the spicy breezes blow, Thro’ the emerald groves of orange Comes the cry of grief and woe. Wherefore, ia there grief and sorrow In this bright and favored land, That ye dumb as marbled statues, In the golden sunlight stand ? We have battled for onr freedom, And obtained it at great cost; But great evil from the Northward Threatens from the land of frost. See them, mighty iron monsters, Havering round our blissful shore! Threatening overy fated moment, On us to destruction pour. On onr wives and on our children, On our homes wo love so well. We are standing and expecting For to hear their final knell. Grant, the potentate of freedom, On us hath this misery hurled; By his conduct now proclaiming Infamy to all tho world. Come and listen to our story, Africans of every clime; Could wo e’er expect such treatment From this potentate sublime? ho ! Ms love of filthy lucre Hath o’croonie him at the last— Showing with whut paltry meanness Man, his name ciui over-cast. May tho woods deny him shelter, And the verdent oartli a homo! And tho dust a gravo refuse him. And his light fail from tho sun I And in hell Ms feet shall wander, And e'en heaven refuse her God ; Bo the ass receives her bridle, And tho fool roccives the rod. ' - sUisccUaucous» C'oiKli < ion of the Cot ton jfctai*- ket. Within the past two days the cotton market has rallied from the extraordina ry depression that has existed, and pri ces have taken a sharp upward turn. This improvement, though not unex pected, seemed ruther doubtful a short time since, there being not a few who looked for a very low range of prices during tho autumn. It is difficult to determine whether the present advance will be maintained, at tho moment, though it seems very probable that la ter in the season a mweh higher range for American cotton in the European markets will be witnessed. Liverpool will be slow to comprehend the change in the condition of the crop in the Southern States. The cll'ect of the brilliant prospects of July cumiot easily be eradicated, and from the tenor of late mail advices there is every reason to beliveve tho estimates had been gen erally advanced beyond what might bo considered reasonable figures, even under very favorable circumstances, When we read in the circulars of the most prominent, conservative, and best informed operators of the Liverpool market that the 4,000,000 bale estimate is losing advocates, it is not difficult to get the key to the market for the Inst thirty days. The truth is that Eng lishmen have been so fooled so often on crop estimates that they have adopt ed the rule to make liberal allowances on both sides, and to bo safe, always incline toward the ‘bears.’ The tele graphic receipts at the seaports are watched with care, and their indications are given much weight in the solution of the problem. Now it so happens this season that the shipments from the interior are exceedingly lurge, and therefore, at first view, would seem to indicate a large, yield. The very distasers that have short ened the crop, have made tho picking easy and of limited duration, and hence plauters have been enabled to send in theircrops more rapidly than the previ ous season. Wherever the worms stripped the leaves from the plants, all the bolls have immediately opened so that the first picking would be very large. The drouth has had a similar effect. How ever much plauters may be dissatisfied with the ruling prices, they are compell ed to ship to meet their engagements. The factor requires liberal consignments to cover the advance during the season The planter has no moral right to hold back his crop till he has made his sup porter comparatively easy. There can be very little holding ba«&, there fore, for the present, though it is not like ly plantations will be swept as clear as last year.— S. O. Picayune. A youthfully novice in smoking turn ed deadly pale and threw his cigar away. ‘Oh dear,’ he said ‘there’s something in that cigar that’s matin’ me sick.’ ‘I know wtiat it is,’ said his companion, pulling away.‘What ?’ ‘To bacco.’ ‘What shall we name our little boy V said a young wife to her husband. — ‘Call him Peter.’ Oh no, I never knew anybody named Peter that could earn his salr. ‘Well call him Salt Peter, then.’ FSIMMONSI regulator! This unrivalled Medicine is warranted nut to contain a single pnrlicl** of Murcu y, or any injuri ous mineral Hulistanct*, but n X*urel.y Yegtdable. For forty years it has proved its gr*al value in all : diseases of the liver, bowels and kidneys. Thou sand* of the good and great in all parts of th* country vouch for its wonderful and peculiar pow»*r in puri fying th« blood, stimulating the torpid liver and bow el-, and imparting n*w life mm! Vigor to the whole Simmon*’ Liver Regulator is acknowledged to have no equal ns a LIVER MEDICINE, It contains fo»tr medical elements, never united in in the same happy proportion in any o'hcr prepara tion, viz; a gentle Cat hart c, h wonderful Tonic, an unexceptionable alterative and a certain correct ive of all impurities of the b'dy. Such signal suc cess ha« attended its use that it is now regarded as tho Groat Unfailing Specific for liver complaint stud the painful ofF-mring thereof, to wit: Pyspcpsia, Constipation, Jaundice, Bil iou* attacks, Hick Headache, Coiie, Depression of Spirits, Spur Stomach, fLart Burn, &c., &c. Regulate th*» Liver and prevent CHILLS AND FEVtR. SIMMONS’ LIVER REGULATOR la manufactured on'y by J. H. ZEILIN & CO., Macon, Da., and Philadelphia. Price SI 00 per package ; sent by mail, postage paid, $1.25. Prepared ready for use in bottles, SI. 50. SOLO BY ALL DRUGGISTS gaajT H-ware of all Counterfeits and Imitations. ► epllyl I)SYGHOLOdIC Fascination or Soul Charming, A 400 pages by Herbert Hamilton, B. A. How to uae this power (which all poss< h) at, will. Di vination, Spiritualism, Soreerimn, Demonology, and a thousand other wonders. Price by mail, $1.25, in cloth; in paper covers, sl. Copy free to agentu only. SI,OOO monthly easily made. Ad drcHH T. W. EVANS, Pub., 11 8. Bth st., Philadel phia, Penn. FAIjIj. 1072 WINTER. KEAN, LANI) RA M & CO. TAKE pleasure in announcing to the citizens of McDuffie comity and vicinity that they have just received a LAHaE AY IST ID ATTRACTIVE STOCK OF Seasonable Dry Goods. Eveiy department is well supplied anil will be kept so, by daily arrivals all through the Season. We hope by offering only first class goods at the lowest living prices, and strict attention to the demands and tastes of the community, to merit your confi dence and patronage. We give | rompt and strict attention to orders, and pre-pay expenses when the amount is $lO or over. With thanks for past favors, we remain very respoctfullv, t ocl2ni» KEAN, I VAllit ADI «& GO Vtbbt Glass Dbt Goods ! 260 Broad Street, Augusta, Ga. ( I. now folly Jtrepnveii to meet tile want, of popular trade with a first class dry goods stock for Full and Winter use. The dress goods ami shawl departments embrace every novelty of the season, to which will l>o added new novelties as soon as they appear. Ali the departments are full and complete, selected personally in New York; arranged and superintended personally in Augusta. Prices marked at convincingly low figures. All are cordially invited to a careful inspection. JAMES W. TURLEY, oct 2m2 Third house above Globe Hotel, Augusta, Qa. 1872- Fall and Winter. 1872. 100 Broad Street, Augusta, da. RE now receiving, and will continue to receive during the Season, THE CHEAPEST AND BEST ASSORTED STOCK That they have ever offered to the public. Their friends and the pubtic-generally are invited to inspect it. We are determined not to be undersold, and in this connection will state to our friends and patrons that we are prepared to sell them J goods at the lowest possible figures. Everything usually kept in a first class dry goods establishment can be found at our Store. Call, examine and judge for yourselves. Augusta, Ga., oct 2m3 FIRST CLASS GROCERIES! €. W. ?2£.yQ&® & €q %9 BEG leave to inform their old cus tomers and the public generally that they are constantly receiving and have on band a well selected stock of FIT ELMS STIFLE 151 EIICY GROCERIES, And every article kept in a good grocery house. Having recently commenced business, we are determined to win patronage by buying our goods at very low prices and SELLING THEM AT SMALL PROFITS. Among our stock may found sugar cured and canvassed hams, flour of all brands, and at prices to suit the people, smoked and bu 14: meats, cheese, crackers, nuts, plain and fancy candies, sardines, oysters, fresh salmon, fresh mackerel, pickles, segars, tobacco, canned fruits &c. Call on us and we warrant to give satisfaction. O. W. Arnold & Cos. Thomson, Ga. [rnr 13yl] oct‘2 LADIES’ DRESS GOODS & TRIMMINGS- Mrs. F, J. Shiver I fAS just received from Philadelphia a fine 1 stock of DRESS GOODS ANDTRIMMINGS, and Invites the Lad it ato call and examine before purchasing else" here us she feels confidant that she will he able to pinnae in price and quality. Her *tock consists of Bows, Ribbons, Dress Trimmings of all kinds, from common to the finest quality, and all the etceteras that is required to makeup a Laly's tires-. She in well acquainted with this market, and flut ters herself that she knows what Will please her cub. torners, especially in the minute ueccseadm that are required to make a dressed lady, tier motto is “Quick Sales And small Profits.” Cotne and see for yours©'f. oct 2m 1 I'tirtkuUrafiM. Ad-LeMO. btiusuO ACo., I’uUUuJ, sept 4y 1 beummel’s Jtofo' fitters. Manufactured by ~B‘-i Isi-o«»l Sf., Au<jji>ita, Ga. Rectifiers, Redistillers, Importers and Wholesale Dealers in FIJI IYE 111 BIS fill, Foreign and Domestic Liquors, Brandies, Wines. Gin. it n ill, I*orter, Vie, Etc., Etc. Also a Superior Article of L.A I >1 ES’ HITTERS. TOBACCO AND SEGAKS OF EVERY VARIETY. Aug.2Btf Peter Kalhfleisch, Manufacturer and Dealt) in Mouldings, Odd Size Sashes, Door Frames, and all necessary trim mings used iri the Erection of lluildingH, All patterns of Pr a kis v I?is.v cjr.v a? . Also House Carpentering, Furni ture anufacturing, and Gene ral Machine Repairing, done at shortest notice. £-§?“ Prompt attention to house Paint ing. Call on PETER K&LBFLEISCH, may22tj>ir.lS73 Saw Dust, Georgia. For Sale or Rent. 811 Thomson, <«a„ rgldlK House and lot, belonging to -Ml, Mrs. Id. M. M issengale, occupied j the present year by J. T. Lnrsdell. The house is large and commodious, j with comfortable rooms to the same. ! The lot contains several acres of land, in j a fine state of cultivation. ALSO—The Store, house occupied by Mrs. Massengale. The location and convenience of this property renders it desirable. For terms apply to. Sept, ltli, 1872 ts 11. C. RONEY. To Rent, or For Sale. r PWO Plantations on Upton’s ami Hart’s Greeks. 1- one known as the Wiley Flare, and the other a 8 the Fork Place. On each placejthero'is a sufficient quantity of land in cultivation to run about four ploughs. For terms, etc., apply to Bopitf W. U. MURRAY. IB A. J&&AX jNT . For Male in Thomson, Ga. __TIE dwelling house and lot of B. P. JljPearre, House newly built, contain ing six comfortable rooms, with base mint attached. Also all necessary out buildings on the premises. This is the most desirable property in Thomson, being situated only one hundred yards from the depot, and in the busines por tion of town. To any one desirous of purchasing, a good bargain is offered. For particulars apply to Sept. 4, lS72tf 'li. H. BUSH. LOIBK IMIRTTIIIER! VNY quality or qiantitv of Pino Lumber de livered at Thomson, or and 1 Mile Post on the Georgia Railroad, low for cash. I’oplnr, Onk or fifiickorv Lumber sawed to fill orders at special rates. Lumber ivfc Alill. Ist, class Weather Boarding SIG 00 2d, class •* 14 00 j Ist, class Flooring 16 00 2d, class “ 14 00 Ist, class Palings 17 00 Paling Ix3 16 00 Ist, class Scantling 14 00 2d, class “ 12 50 Ist, class Ceiling 12 00 2d, class 10 00 Ist, class Inch Boards 15 00 2d, class “ “ 12 50 Rough Edge Sheeting 5 00 Straight Edge Sheeting S 00 J. T. KENDRICK. February 21, 1 872. 7m6 Pratt’s Astra! Oil, has a world-wide reputation as the surest ami best illuminating oil. Over two million gallons have been sold the past two years, from which no accidents of any descrip tion have occurred. Send for circulars. Oil House of Ohas. Pratt, established 1770, N. Y. Svapnia—is Opium purified of its siknening and poisenous properties, It is a perfect anodyne, not producing headache or constipation of the bowels, as is the case with other prepara tions of opium. John Farr, Chemist New York. Help for the Hopeless.—You are weak, dejected, miserable, and nothing does you any good, you say. Don’t despair. There is balm j in Gilead. Have you tried Vinegar bitters ? No ! '■ Then why don’t you ? Whether your complaint j be dyspepsia, billiousness, nervous weakness, con stitutional weakness, or any other trouble. Vinegar Bitters will revive and renovate your shattered system, as a general rain refreshes the withered flowers. \ FRUIT TREES. €r eorgia Nursery. I BEG leave to announce to the citi zens of McDuffie and surrounding country, that lam agent for a large Georgia Nursery, Embracing fruit trees j of every variety. Parties desirous of purchasing anything in the line, can do so on very reasonable terms by calling j on me at this place. Letters addressed to me at Thomson will meat prompt attention. sep 25ml R. A. CONNER. RODGERS & MGRAAF, Furniture Dealers, 141, 143,145 Broad Street, Augusta, Ga. W'E invite the attention of the pub- j iic to our very complete stock of: F U 1? \ I T U 11 E , which embraces all the articles usually found in a first class establishment. We have just received an assortment of fine CHAMBER SUITES. MIW S I YEIOS. Cal! and examine our stock and judge our prices. August. 7m3 We ar(« now prepared to Furnish WOOI/ COFFINS, CASES AND <J -V S K E I’ S , Os our own make, and from the best manufacturers, of a!! grades and styles. IFe have, also, Fisk’s Celebrated Me tal ic Cases and Caskets. He shall make every effort to give satisfaction to our patrons in this our new line of business. We have experienced attendants, and hope to merit the attention of the public. Rodgers & DeGraaf, 141, 143 145 Broad Street, Augusta, Ga. August7m3 M O’DOWD & C( j GR9CEES -A.TST JD Commission iUcvt limits, No, 284 Broacl Street, . fllf/KllA, (iEORUU. nAS on hand and for sale, at tho lowest, market prices, for cash or good factor’s acceptances, payable next Fall, a full acock of Choice Groceries & Plantation Supplies, among which may bo found the following : 50 hil ls. P. It. bacon sides 10,000 lbs I). S. shoulders 10 casks hums 100 packages lard 200 boxes cheese .‘IOO bills flour, all grades, 300 sacks oats 40 “ seed rye 100 bMs. Irish potatoes 100 packages new Mackerel—Nos. 1, 2 and 3 100 44 extra mess Mackerel 10 bbls. buckwheat 100 chests tea all grades, 500 bbls. syrup—different grades 200 cases oysters—l and 2 lb. cans 200 cases canned fruits and vegetables 300 cases pickles, all sizes, 50 “ lobsters, l and 2 lb. cans 200 gross matches 200 boxes candles 50,000 Charles Dickens segars 50,000 Georgia Chiefs “ 50,000 our choice 44 200,000 various grides 44 5,000 bushels com 25 hluls. Deinarara sugar 35 hhds. brown sugar 10 kkds. Scotch sugar 25 boxes Havana sugar 50 bbls. crushed, powdered and granulated sugar 200 bbls. extra C and A sugar 200 bags Rio coffee 50 44 Lnguayra coffee 50 pockets old Government Java coffee 100 boxes No. 1 soap 200 boxes pale 44 150 boxes starch 100 lioxes soda 100 dozen buckets 50 dozen brooms* 10 bbls. pure Baker whisky 50 bbls. Old Valley whisky 200 bbls. rye whisky, all grades 50 bbls. pure corn whisky 30 bbls. brandy, gin and rum 10 quarter casks imported Cognac brandy 8 quarteu casks Scotch and Iri :h whisky 20 quarter casks Sherry, Port and Madeira wine 20 casks ale and porter 10 casks Cooper’s half and half 50 cases Champagne 40 cases claret 50 cases Schnapps 100 cases bitters 200 boxes tobacco, all grades 100 cases smoking tobacco, all grades. janolyl -1 list Avrived. 5,000 lb Bacon, 2,500 yds Bagging, 150 Bundles Arrow Ties, Aug. 21tf JOHN E. BENTON. The Secret of Beauty. What is it ? no longer ask. for the world of fashion and all the ladies know that it is produced by using a delight ful and harmless toilet preparation known as G. W. i Laird’s Bk>om of Youth. Its beautifying effects » are truly wonderful. Dept, 5 Gold street, N. Y. Legal Advertisements. DISSOLUTION!. THE Copartnership heretofore exist ing under the firm name and style of McCord & Hardaway, is this day dis solved by mutual consent. GEORGE T. McCORD*, W. M. HARDAWAY, sept. 17, 1572. sep2sml .Notice of Copartnership. JAMES L. HARDAWAY having purchased the entire interest of McCord, of the firm of McCord & Hard away, the business will hereafter be conducted under the firm name of J. L. & W. M. Hardaway. •I. 1.. HARDAWAY, W. 11. HARDAWAY. Sept. 17, 1572. sep2sml Application For Leave to Sell Land. GEORGIA — McDuffie County. foiARAHJane McGahee, executrix K-Z on the estate of David MeGahee, deceased, having applied to me for leave to sell the lands of said estate, in said county, all persons concerned are here by notified to file their objections, if any they have, within sixty days from this date, as prescribed by law, other wise leave to sell said lands will be granted said Executrix as aforesaid, witness my official signature. A. B. THRASHER, Ordinary, sep LSitil GEORGIA— Me Du fie County. %'& r ’H EREAS, Lany Newsome ap- Y f plies to me for letters of ad : miiistration upon the estate of Randall ; Newsome deceased. These are there fore to cite and admonish all persons | concerned, to be and appear at my | office, within the time perscribed by law to show cause, if any they have, why said letters of administration, I should not be granted to said applicant. Given under my hand and official sig i nature. A. B. THRASHER, Ordinary. ! sept. 18 d3O Strayed or *(»lcn. STRAYED or Stolen from my plan tation, in Columbia county, on tho I 1 fth of August lust, a bay mare mule 11 or llf hands high, six rears old. A j liberal reward will be paid for the deliv- I ery of said mule to me at my place near I \\ infield post office, in McDuffie county, jor such information as will enable me j to get it. sep 25tf. H. A. STORY. rw,,*. The Great Cause of ET OMA IST MISERY. i.’tist Published. in a sealed Envelops. Price, six A Lechim on the Na tire, Treatment. and K isiio «I "me of vSpenn.uorrhoeh;., or Seminal \Ve»k --ne-K Slef-V’Hi'C, Involuntary Emission?, Impoteucy, S*- von? Debility, ami 1 nq> •<! rn-uts to Marriagegenr. i-i Iy: ('on-mnption, Kpilep-y, and Fas; Mental an l I'lu'iMl Incapacity, • —By Rb. J. Culver well, M. D., author of tlovGreen Book/’Ac. 1 > Id re loutoedauthor, in this admiral Lact* nr *. ( lvjtrly proves from his own experience that the uwfu! consequences of Self-Abuse ma / l>e oficchial b* removed without medicine, and without danger ous operation?, boug es, instruments, ri»gs, or conn a!--, poii»tiu<r on* i mode of cure at once cer f»in and off.- >inl, by which every sufferer, no matter Ids condition in iy l.e, in iy cure himse/f cheap ly. private'v,and radically. This Lecture wdlprove n boon to thousands and thousands. Sent uud • r peak m a p/aiu e ve/ope, on receipt iof six coils, or two postage stamps. Also Dr. CuR verwe//’s “YUrriage Guide,” price 50 cents, A<i dre-s the publisher?, GHAS. .T. C. KLINE & CO., 127 Bowery. New York, Post Office Box 4,580 j««»• «4, Iy M Agents wanted to sell the beautiful Photo ?raPh Marriage Certificates and Photograph l anuly Records. For terrrH, neud stamp to Crider ic Br Publishers, York, Pa. july 24 1 m E3TR A Y JVT'CTXj'E. VMARE mala about three years old, rather mouse-colored, with white flanks and nose, came to iny house about the 22 and of August last. The owner is requested to come forward, prove property and pay charges. AARON ALDItED, sept 11 m 2 Valuable Plantation For Sale I oiler for sale, my place in McDuffie County, known as the Sturgis place, on Little River, containing 345 acres of land more or less. 'The place is in a high state of cultivation, well watered and with every variety of fruit thereon. It is decidedly one ot the best cotton grow ing plantations in the county. As I wish to change my investments, a bargain is offered. I will sell with the place, corn, fodder, cottonseed, mules, horses, and wagons. My brother Dr. J. T. Bovd, will show the place to any one wishing to purchase the same. For terms and particulars address me at Maxeys, Ga. W. S. BOYD, sep 11ml Christadoro’s Hair Die stands unrival eel iu the world. No lady or gentleman of discrim ination uses any other. It is the most perfect, re liable and effective hair die in the world. Manu factured 68 Maiden Lane, N. Y. ICCR,. IXOXjT,A.]INri3, Dentist, Can be found at his Operating Room in Thomson, Ga., on the first Monday in each month, where he will remain one or two weeks, except in “cases of sick ness.” August 7tf We have frequently heard mothers say they would not be without Airs. Winslow’s sooth* ing syrup from the birth of the child until it has finished with the teething stage under any cirenm. stances whatever.