McDuffie weekly journal. (Thomson, McDuffie County, Ga.) 1871-1909, December 11, 1872, Image 4

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Adiumi-lor's Police. GEORQIA— McDuffie County. NOTICK is hereby given to all per sona holding claims against the estate of E. 0. Wade, deceased, late of said County, to present them duly au thenticated, within the time prescribed by law to the undersigned, or the same will be forever barred, and those owing said estate must make payment imme diately or suits will be commenced, nov 13d30 ANDERSON IVEY, Adn r. Academy for Sale. ON Saturday, the 14th day of De cember, inst., the Thomson High School Academy will be sold at public outcry, to the highest bidder. Termamade known on day of sale. dec4t2 A. B. TH RASHEK, Ordinary. LAND SALE. WILL be sold.o'j the first Tue sday in December next, between the lawful hours ol sale, before the Courthouse door, in Thomson, McDuffie County, Qs. t a tract of land in the Dearing District of said County, be tween the G*. R. R-. and the Good rich R. If., about 1 mile from th* for mer, and } mile from the latter, adjoin ing the lands of A. E. Sturgis, and others, containing about 430 acres, 40 acres cleared. Also one other tract about 1 mile be low the Dearing Depot, adjoining the lands of Murison and other 4. containing 207 acres more or less, most of it cleared. Terms: one half cash; the balance Ist Nov., 1573 with interest from date. These lands formerly belonged to the estate ol James Ivey. I will also sell, at privnte sale, a tract ol Inr.d near Thomson containing nboi t ISO acres and known as the Egypt place. Also the lot and building thereon, in Thomson, lying next to the Rail Road, the store rooms now occupied by Adkins and .Shank ; or an interest of one half in the Same. Also a house and lot in the rear of Mrs. McElroy’s premises, containing about one acre. octdOtf JAMES R. WILSON. House and Lot for Sale. If OFFER for sale my dwelling House L and Lot, situated in the suburbs of the town of Thomson. The dwelling contains six plastered rooms. There is a good kitehen, Servants House, SmoAa house, Dairy and Stable on the Premi ses. The lot contains 4 9-10 acres of good land, enclosed with a substantial Clank fence. The buildings und yard ave been newly painted and thorougly repaired. The yard (both front and back) is beautifully shaded with native oaks, making it oue of the most pleas ant und desirable bom. s in and around our town. Apply to JOHN E. BENTON. Thomson Gn., Nov. 13th 1572 ts. J. M- BARFIELD, TAILOR. XAM permanently located in Thom son, and am prepared to cut and make to order suits on tlie most reason able terms, and in the very latest styles and An experience of thirty years in tire business satisfies me that I can guarantee satisfaction in every in stance. Cail and see me, next door above J. H- Stockton’s s'c re. oovlSthtf J. M.BARFIELD. Thomas Richards & Son, Baolisrlirrs, sdalionm AND Dealers in Fancy Goods, 263 Broad Street, Augusta, Ca., Establislird 18*37. E>«p * Urge ,t.ek of all kinds xml qxalittes of Blank Books, Fox lt-CAp, Letivr, Note .mil all sites of W/UTIAG Ptfphft ; Ad ever > article of Sia-Hmery u>*d in Counting I»ou*e slid 3?TUB LIO OFFICES : and a g'OTt variety of Fancy Cood«, to suit tli* want* of Country MhrektiHs Anv Dork* witu'rd will he sent hy m til freo of •xpeuso on recept of Punltsheiß* prices*. A BOOK FOB THE 2BILUO3T! Marriage .ttSgSsr&ft: Guide. (SSfetsSfiS latest ffioeavert** 11 producing aud pretcnUbg oSspriug, h*« u> preserve the complexion Ac. ThUis an interesting work e f two hundred sod sixty paces, with uunrrou engenvings. and coo twins valuable infovarstioo tor those who nre married.or contemplate mar riage Still ttiso booh that ought to be hept untltr lock and key. and not laid carelessly about the house. It contains the experience sad advice et a phesiefaa Whose reputation is world wide, and should be In iheprt eau drawer of every male and female throughout the entire globe. It embraces everything on the subject of the gen erative system that U worth haewlug, and much Uial is not pubiiah- and la anv ether work. Sent to any owe ifre* <*f postage' for Flrir Cents. Addresstlr. Butts'Dispensary,Nc. Ifi.S. bight*street fit. Louis. Me. Notice to the Aflic.ed and Unfortunate. before apple log to the notorious quasks wha advertise in Ehiic papflMt.or using any quack remedies peruee Dr. ins work SO nrawer ahat yourdtsaasslk. or hew dopier* able your condition. Pr. Butts occupies a double boast of tweaty-sevea Teemt si adorsed bv seme o f the most celebrated medl ea 1 professors of this coyoirv sad Europe, and cau be eoa sulted peraoaallv or bv mail, ca the diseases tueaueaed ia hu works, once and parlors. No. 1»K. Eighth airse* between Market sad Chcsaut, fit. Louis, Ms. »ov2U\l. FORHALE. One Store House and Lot, one Dwel ling House and Lot, and several vacant Lots for sale low for cash in Thomsen, by JOHN R. WILSON. dec4tf. Leqra.l Advertiwements. Malice. Ordinary's Offi.ce, Dec. 4, 1572 Several cit zens of McDuffie County having petitioned for s new public road, commencing at Thomson, and runing via Mr*. Sam. Wilson’s, and from thence to the Greensboro road where the Gib son road intersects it ; and asking a dis continuance of the road as it now run* from Thomson via R. S. Lazenhy'* plantation to the intersection the Gib son and Greensboro roads; arid Coin inissioners having been appointed to view and mark said contemplated new road, and report on the expediency of discontinuing the old road, a* above named, and they having marked out the new road, and reported that the public utility and safety require that the old road, as it now runt, be discontinued and the new road established : All persona are therefore notified that on the sth day of January 1873, the Petition for aaid contemplated new road will be granted, and aaid old road and (continued by an Order from this Court, unless good cause is shown to the contrary. A. B. THRASHER. Ordinary. GEORGIA— SlcDuffic County. On tfie first Tuesday in January next, will be sold at the Courthouse door in Thomson, between the lawful hours of sale, a body of land, containing One Hundred Acre*, more or less, adjoin ing lan ‘s of Josephus Hillman, Mr*. McMaster and G. \V. Cody, levied on a* the property of Ja*. P. Hodo, Trus tee of America V. Hodo, to satisfy a fi-fa in favor of E. H. Pottle issued from the Superior Court of Warren County, April Term 1872. dec4d3o. IVM. WALL. Dep. Stiff. GEORGIA — M< Dujfv, County. WILL be sold, before the Court house door in Thomson, on the first Tuesday in tanuary next between the legal hours of sale,One Black Horse and a Buggy, levied on as the property of A. J. Adkins Sr; to satisfy a fi. fa. issued from McDuffie Superior Court in favor of M. R. Hall, v*. A. J. Adkins, Sr. J. T. STOVALL, Sheriff. dec4d3ft GEORGIA— M, D.ffi County. WILL be add before the court house door, in the town of Thom son, in said county, otr the first Tues day in January next, within the legal hours of sale, the following property, to wit: One fifteen (15) horse power engine und pipes, one cart ami harness, one smithing furnace, one lot of bras* box ing, one Retort and Crab windlass, one lot of steel, all being on the premises known as the Columbia Gold Mining Cos., situated in McDuffie County, Ga. Levied on as the property of A. A. Lane, A. Ralston, G. W. Bowen ami James Carylon, to satisfy sundry fi. fas. issued June 25th. 1572, hy the OlerA of the Superior Court upon affidavits made before the Ordinary of said county, of indebtedness for labor performed, by Monroe Holliman, James Carlyon and Belknap Smith. JOHN T. STOVALL, Sheriff dec.4(130 GEORG IA McDi"Kc County. WHEREAS, Francis M. Hobbs ap plies to me for letters of admin istration upon the entate of Jonathan Huff deceased; These are therefore to cite and admonish all person* con cerned, to be and appear at my office, the time prescribed by law, to show cause, if any they have, why said letters of adminiatation should not be granted to said applicant. Given under mv hand and official sig nature. A. B. THRASHER. dec4d§ 1 Ordinary. G EOitG IA Melittffie County. On the first Tuesday in January next, will be sold, at the Courthouse in Thom son, within the lawful hours, a tTa_t of land in said county, one mile and half fi am Thomson, containing Thirty-two acres, adjoining lands of B. P. O’Neal, Mrs. M. A.H amilton and David Sill.*. On the land is a comfortable dwelling, containing five rooms and necessary out building*. So das the property of Wil liam Watson deceased, for the benefit of the heirs and creditors ol said deceas ed. Terms cash. dec.4d3o DAVID SILLS. Admr. G EORGIA McDuffie County. Dtlavore Cu/braith, ) rs. Libel for Divorce. So tub Culbic till. ) It appearing to the Court, from the return ot the Sheriff, that Sarah Cul breatli, \» ife of Delaware I’ulhri nth. and Defendant in a Libel lor Divorce, begun at the August Term of tire Superior Court ol said county, i* not a resident of t»i-» county it is hereby ordered that service he perfected by publication in the McDuffie Journal, in terms of the law. A true copy from the Minutes. octl6 lm4m R. 11. PEARCE, Clerk. The Gales of Arabv are not spicier than the aroma of the fragrant ScizoJont imparts o the breath. Nor is the heart of the ivory nut whiter than the tei th that are cleaned daily with that matchless fluid. RXJ DTTQn « XI 3 X/ W Fali. and Winter Croons BEG leave to announce to my friends and the public generally that I have just returned from New York, hiving purchased a large and well selected STOCK OF FALL AND WINTER GOODS, Consisting of Staple arid Fancy Dry Goods, and Notions of 'every description Xteaiy Mils Clot Maj. B;>Dt3 and Shoes- FAMILY tilt DC ESI 111 8 Ol’ ACL Kl\D3. My stock being an entirely new one, with no old goods on hand, I feel confident that I am prepared to suit mycustomers. All my old friends an 1 former customerare invited to call and examine mv stock, and 1 assure them I will ta ka pleasure in showing it to them. sep2stf \ ' It. H. BUSH. 1,300 Y A. n D 3 Dress Gods From 20 Cents t> SI.OO per Yard. I BEG 'cave to call attention to my large and well selected stock, now being received. Scotch plaids, solid aud figured satteens, black, white and lilac alpaca’s, Irish linens, white, brown and red damasks, napkins, cotton diapers, bed spreads &c. White and grey blankets. Black silk velvet ribbons. Dress trimmings and buttons in great varieties. Corsets and hoopskirts. Ladies’ linen and lac-collars. Hair switches and braids. Ribbons, full line. Ladies’ hats of all the latest styles. Clothing Boots and shoes. Bridles, whips, &c. Hats, Hardware. Crockery and glassware. A full line of millinery goods, Ladies’ hats, trimmed an I unfrimmed, sash trimming* taffeta ribbons. Lad es’ shawls oft e latest styles. Hosiery, gloves, &c. My stock of dry and dr ss goods have been carefully selected, and much larger than ever before. 05t9(03 J. H. MONTGOMERY. 1072 YVIINT'X'AZJH iIM & ©ABBEIsB. TAKE pleasure in announcing to tins citizens of McDuffie county and vicinity that they have just received a LARGEST IST ID ATTRACTIVE STOCK OF Seasonable Dry Goods. Eveiy department is well supplied and will he kept so, by daily arrivals all through the Season. We hope by offering only first class goo 1* at the lowest living pricos, and strict after tion to the demands aril tastes of the community, to merit your confi dence und patronage. We give | rompt and stri rt attention to orders, and pre-pay expenses when the amount is tIO or over. With thanks for past favors, we remain very respectfully, oct2rn3 DRY GOODS! 1872- Fail and Winter* 1872. If)}) ISroarl Slri'ft, Augusta, tin. RE now receiving, and will continue to receive during the Season, THE CHEAPEST ANO BEST ASSORTED STOCK That they have ever offered to the public. Their friends and the public-generally are invited to inspect it. We are determined not to be undersoi l, an 1 in this connection will state to our friends and patrons that we are prepared to sell them {goods at the lowest possible figures. Everything usually kept in a first class dry goods establishment can be found at our Store. Call, examine and judge for yourselves. Augusta, Ga., oet 2m3 Magnificent Display of Dry Goods at JAMES A. GRAY & CO’S., 191 & 193 BROAD STREET, AlHsllVl'l, GA. Beg to inform their friends, and the public, that they are now receiving the largest and most complete assortment of ever brought to this market. With an experience of twenty eight ye irs. enterring for the States of Georgia and South Carotin in, and with ample in-i is to make all our purchases fur cash, and with splendid rooms, and light to display our Magnificent Stock, having four floors, forty-one feet wide undone hundred and twenty-live feet deep, as clear and light as day in all parts. M e feel perfectly confident in assuring our friends, and the public generally, that we will guarantee all goods leaving our house to be of the very best quality, and we further guarantee them to he as cheap as can be purchased at any res pectable House in New York Getting accustomed to our new and splendid head-quarters, and appreciating the si tie, we venture the assert ion that vve have the most in rgnificent display of Dry Goods ever seen in Georgia since the forma tion of 'lieState. It requires little reasoning that the greater the sales, the smaller the profits. Five per cent, on a million is better than forty per cent, on a hundred thousand. We aim at a Million sales annually, we venture the prediction that the buis ness, will follow. We request the closest scrutiny of ourgoods, and prices fearing] not the com petition of the world. We will show our goods and will send samples free of charge by Mail. NO ADVANCE IN PRICES OF BOOTS <fc SHOES. A MEMBER of the firm being in Boston and other leading Shoe markets ten /% days before the Boston fire, and having purchased largely for our Winter trade, we now osier to our customers and the public generally One Tlionsantl Oases Boots and Shoes AT THE LOW PRICES At which we have been selling during the past three months. Our stock com prises everything found in a FIRST-CLASS SHOE STORE. All goods warranted to be as represented. Our motto is": “Quick sales and small profits.” Dealers and all others wanting goods in our line will find it to their in terest to give us a call. GALLAIIER & MULHERIN. nov2om3 259 Broad Street, Augusta, Georgia. People’s CI o i h in g Store; W* A. RAMHEY, AtJEXT. a«S BROAD STREET, AUGUSTA, GA. Has Now in Store, and Arriving Daily, THE L ARGEST AND MOST ELEG ANT STOCK OF CLOTHING For men, boys, and children ever offered in the city of Augusta, and none larger in the State. Also, the latest styles of hats, caps and furnishing goods of every kind. Country Merchants can be furnished for cash, or C. Q. D., as cheap, as in the city of New York. Measutes taken for wedding, ball, and party Suits, and made in the very latest style, and warranted to please. In I not, orders will be taken for any special £ind of goods not usually kept in this city. No person in want of fine, fashionable, well made and stylish clothing, for men, boys or chillren, hats, taps, furnishing goods, trunks, valises. &0., should fail to exaiyine this stock before purchasing. Out motto will be: The People’s Clothing Store—Small Profits, Qmc/c Sales, and For Cash. Next to Butt, Boyce & Cos., and T. W. Car wile & Cos. ' nov2om3 Manhood,How Lost, How. Rostored ' 1 ust published, » new edition \q Dr. Culverwells Celebrated j 13 '.skav an the radical cure f without medicine) of Sper uatorrboea or Seminal \Wak iit st, la vmuaiary Seminal IjOhhdh, Importency, Mental and Physical, Incapacity, Impediments to Marriage, etc. also, Consumption, Epilepsy and Eitsr induced \ry self indulgence or sexual extrav agance. Price, in a cealed envelope, only 6 cents The celebrated anther, in this admirable essay, clearly demonstrates from a thirty years’ success ful practice, that the alarming consequences of self-abuse may bo radically cured without the dangerous uso of internal medicine or the appli cation of the knife: pointing out a mode of cure at once simple, certain and effectual, by means of which every sufferer, no matter what his condition may be, may cure himscly cheaply, privately, and radically. This Lecture should he in the hands of every youth and every man in the land. Sent, under seal, in a plain envelope, to any address, postpaid on receipt of six cents, or two post stamps Also, Dr. Gulverwell’s “Marriage Guide,” price 50 cents. Address the Publishers, CH.AS. J. C. KLINE & CO., 127 Bowery. New York, Post Office Box 4,586 jau. 24, Iy LUMBER. LUMBER. LUBBER! & NY quality or quantity of Pins Lumber de /\ nve-ed at Thomson, or dl Mile Poston the Georgia Railroad, low for cash. Poplar, Oak or Hickory Lumber sawed to till orders at special rates. Lumber at >lill. Ist, class Weather Boarding sl6 00 2d, class “ 14 00 Ist, class Flooring 16 00 2d, class “ 14 00 Ist, class Palings 17 00 Paling Ix3 16 00 Ist, class Scantling 14 00 2d, class “ 12 50 Ist, class Ceiling 12 00 2d, class 10 00 Ist, class Inch Boards 15 00 2d, class “ “ 12 50 Rough Edge Sheeting 5 00 Straight Edge Sheeting S 00 J. T. KENDRICK February 21, 1 872. 7m6 Peter Kalbfleisch, Manufacturer and Dealei in Mouldings, Odd Size Sashes, Door Frames, and all necessary trim mings used in the Erection of X3rtilcling-s. All patterns of Picket Few ciwg, Also House Carpentering, Furni ture Manufacturing, and Gene ral Machine Repairing, done at shortest notice. CJjF" > Prompt attention to house Paint ins. Call on PEr3R KALBFLEISCH , may22tjarlS73 Saw Dust, Georgia. >. MvmpaF & €&. Wholesale and Retail Dealers in iifillSl Ulfi EMIITf t min —ALSO— French Chinn, Glassware, <Jfcc. 244 Broad Street, Augusta, Ga aprlO ly. E. O’ DON NEEL. JAMES BURKE IS’in Short ictth O’Donnell & Burke, GROCERS, AND t ommission iltcrdjants, 243 Ilroail Slreel, UNDER THE CENTRAL HOTEL. oct 21m 3 Augusta, Georgia. M O’DOWD & CO GROCERS -A-IST _D Commission ißeuljants, No, 284 Broad Street, •ittgusta, GEORGIA. rj AS on hand and for Bale, at the lowest market II prices, for cash or good factor’s acceptances, payable next Fall, a full acock of Choice Groceries & Plantation Supplies, among which may be found the following : 50 hhds. D. R. bacon sides 10,000 lbs D. S. shoulders 10 casks hams 100 packages lard 200 boxes cheese 300 bbls flour, all grades, 300 sacks oats 40 “ seed rye 100 bbls. Irish potatoes 100 packages new Mackerel—Nos. 1, 2 and 8 100 “ extra mess Mackerel 10 bbls. buckwheat 100 chests tea all grades, 500 bbls. syrup —different grades 200 cases oysters—l and 2 lb. cans 200 cases canned fruits and vegetables 300 cases pickles, all sizes, 50 “ lobsters, 1 and 2 lb. can* 200 gross matches 200 boxes candles 50,000 Charles Dickens segars 50,000 Georgia Chiefs 44 50,000 our choice 44 200,000 various grades 44 5,000 bushels com 25 hhds. Demarara sugar 35 hhds. brown sugar 10 hhds. Scotch sugar 25 boxes Havana sugar 50 bbls. crushed, powdered and granulated sugar 200 bbLs. extra C and A sugar 200 bags Rio coffee 50 44 Laguayra coffee 50 pockets old Government Java coffee 100 boxes No. 1 soap 200 boxes pale 44 150 boxes starch 100 boxes soda 100 dozen buckets 50 dozen brooms* 10 bbls. pure Baker whisky 50 bbls. Old Valley whisky 200 bbls. rye whisky, all grades 50 bbls. pure com whisky 30 bbls. brandy, gin and rum 10 quarter casks imported Cognac brandy 8 quarter casks Scotch and Irish whisky 20 quarter casks Sherry, Port and Madeira win* 20 casks ale and porter 10 casks Cooper’s half and half 50 cases Champagne 40 cases claret 50 cases Schnapps 100 cases bitters 200 boxes tobacco, all grades 100 cases smoking tobacco, all grades. jan3lyl