McDuffie weekly journal. (Thomson, McDuffie County, Ga.) 1871-1909, December 18, 1872, Image 1

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VOLUME n— NUMBER 49. Site |sc|)nffic §onral, 18 PUBLISHED WEEKLY —A T— THOMSON. C3-A., —B Y H. C. RONEY. RATES OF ADVERTISING. Transient advertisements will be chirge.i one dollar per square for the first insertion, and seventy five rents forencb subsequent insertion. ~ (miYm nuuis. R. W. H. NEAL. 3.110rn cn at Cvvo y THOMSON (JA. Office.—in Court-House Building. dec-4 m 6. PAUL C IIODSdN, §ttorneg at lab, TnonMlV, GK»Rl<ia. CzF* Prompt attention given to the collection of claims. CaT Will practice in all the courts of the Augus ta, Middle and Northern Circuits. am re. —At the Office formerly occupied by Jor dan E. White, Esq. ncplSmd 11. C. RONEY, §Utonrg at if ab, Tito.uso r, a*t. Will pracr ce iu the AugUrta, Northern and Middle Circuits, no I 1 y CHARLES S UuBOSE," in WuriHsnton, Oil. Wi’l practice -u all t »* .»t the Northern, Augusta & Middle Circuit*. Central ijoteT, v J' BY MRK. n. ill. THO.IIAS AUGUSTA. GEORGIA. aeplltf W. H. HOWARD. C. H. HOWARD. W. 11. HOWARD, JR. IV 11. Howard & Sdiis, WAiiiiiii % triitimi aiMiiiK No. 2 Warren Block, Agusta, Georgia. c«*m mission frr Selling cotton tine 110 Inr pet* bah*. m»ict personal attention given to batmen t-nti iiKied. AM orders strictly o*v ycd. Liberal Ca>h Advan ces made on Cos too. Special at'eulion paid to Welg’iin i of Cotton. Magging ana furnistic • at Market Price#. B‘pll f M l I L I i\ K II V V MRS. WORRILL would respect* fully ca’l the attention of the Ladies of Thomson an I vicinity to her well selected STOCK OF mtiIJICRV and white goods. Also a line assort ment of LADIES’ BOOTS Ladies’ Hats made in in the latest style. Old Hats ret rimed at the lowest prices. Call and examine. oct lGrriti Thomas Richards & Son, Booliscilcrs, Stationers AND Dealers in Fancy Goods, 263 Broad Street, Augusta, Ga., Established 1837. Jtesp a large .lock of all kinds and qualities of Blank Books, Fool 8-cap, Letter, Note and all sizes of WmWMMG / And ever; article ot Stationery u-ed iu Counting Ilou-e and PUBLIC OFFICES: *nd a £-e*t v*riey of Cood«, to euit th e want.- of Country M-tCnant . Anv Book* wait'll wit' be sent hv mail free o! expense oti recept of Publishers" price?. J. M- BARFIELD, TAILOR. AM permanently mealed in Thom- JL son, and am prepared to cut and make to order suits on the most reason able terms, and in the very latest styles and fashions. An experience of thirty years in the business satisfies me that I can guarantee satisfaction in every in stance. Call and see me, next door above J. H. Stockton’s store. novl3tbtf J. M.BARFIELD. mm Je ''* B ”" k , ' ,nt fn '- AdJre a Eagle uiUUiU Book Cos. 9 h«r>ay 4. N. V. t pIMITV 1 * s ’‘y »i*a ou- Sten. it «n<J key uiUllu 1 C eck Doifit. Fiee. HAH Agents wanted! Just out! A splendid new OJU * hart: “Christ blessing little children.” Im mense sales! 50a agents wanted for our large Map of the “United States" with immense “World” Mup on reverse side. Onr Maps and Charts go like wild-fire. Haasis A Lubrecht, Empire Map and Chart Es tahlishment, 107 Liberty Street, New York. S9O made Dec. 3d by one Agent selling Horace Grwley nil Family A fine engraving, 22x28. in., Rent by mail forsl,- IK). We also mail Button-Hole A Sewing Machine Thread Cutters, and Needle Threading Thimble, price 25 oeuts each. Cirenders of various other Novelties mailed frequently to all old and new agents, address. American Novelty Cos., 302 Broadway, N. V. LOOK ! FREE TcT ALL ! 850 Per Week to Agents, Male or Female. To all who will write for an Agamy we send a copy of that onder of Wonders,” the Illustrate l Horn of Plenty. It contains over fifty beautiful illustra tions, A will be sent Free to all who may write. Address I. Garside, Paterson, N. J. I > P f 17 r P 1 0 Book Agents _ IVI i» i \T » I 8* complete outfit of the Pictori-J Home Bible it is the only Bible in which a complete History, Encyclopedia, Analysis of the Scriptures, and improved Classified Bible Dictionary is given; iu unequaled beauty and merits make it the cheapest and fastest selling Bi ble published. Wm Flint & Cos., Atlanta, Ga. ~5E> o ra » n? Hh deceived, hut lor e'n*»lis. coir*. enc throa* ho urn *•1 and b r iuic ii >1 difficulties. use <4*l/ WELLS’ P4R3LLL TABLTS. W«*ri in* fanon-i nr* on the market ♦*»•• l'»e o*ilv pr-puriilixa «*f # **r’M»lie Ac and fur I.unil diaeeoes i-« when eiietuica \y rcmbiiied rl • omer *r-U kn -wn r»medi a a- iu ill- e labl-M, i»«i 1 .ill *re eaiiti.iu«»<l if iiunt u in/ a»»y ••Gi*#. In all css**# of in if .it uii •>« t»• - mums *»« »n'*ron» fh»»-»sn> s kliouH In* in-. 1* u-»d, )heir cleans Mid Ins iutf p op--r'ies a»*c u^louioliinf. B w «'t>ed never <•» gbel a c d»l, il s eat. lv cut e I n ii» incipient *me f when u h eon* m cbm *c i»<h ••in**-e eic* e uii/ly iliili iUit, u e W.lD’ Cuiho’iC I’aLleN .s , v. eHV. JUII? a KK. I.IMJ plait Si.. New Y» k. xtiL \•»••<*< lor the Unimd S ales. Pric - 25 C»nl8 a h-»V. S* lid *'i*cula r . AG‘N l"3 sP’ii eel Act at once. There is a Pile of money in it.. The people everywhere are Eager to buy the authentic history of i,i v i \gst( i\ K’*s ?,::.v.r« and Thrilling Adventures during 28 ye train Africa, with account of the St* iley Efjva litiou. Over COtt pages, only $2.5 •. I« selling bey »u l pipuPel. {’•/?< / (<} y. Beware of inferior works. This is the only Complete an l It* li *t>le work. Send for circulars, an 1 see proof an l great success agents ■ire hiving. Hubbard Bros. Publishers, Boston, Mass. VC it EAT OFFfctt ! Hunt— "’tiers 481 lbu«tw,«, V. Y. s»b —of RIO»s, \ti*l* *•••»< a ii-I Ib-ya.- of -it firUV-t if* A. r»», me! idio t W .i-fV i very 1 w f...- ch. «• ...If rash an b 1 tti<v in »niCl monthly tu*t I I*. Nm4-7-•-r-; o’.*» » i.ii»« ....*-»-n i« <-*e nr 0-|«*n. the mass !.<*-.ntilul o\l- and |.••’l•*c• mu** mol-, lllust ru'ed ‘"a ul »ono< mailed. Sliest Music Me.chandi*-. TO IMAN'I'KItS? BOWEN & M Hl* olk US «UPi:«-?n O -i P 33 A T K 838 PER TON. Warranted equal to any Phosphate manufactur ed. Sen 1 for Ph/i'pl’ei, of an lAn . \y "s, by Prv>fesfior. \fei is, Pi • pfct, a i l Stewart, to B )wen A Mercer, 05 So at a Gay St. B.dtiiu >ra, Md- Open The Sewers ! v ' hen the Ki Ineys, Liver and Bowels do not act healthfully, the wastes from the action of the system remain in the bio and, an l poriueo irritatiou and disc se. These organs are the outlets of the system and under the influence of HAMILTON’S BUCHU AND DANDELION, are kept in ood running order. W. 0. Hamilton it Cos. Cincinnati. DO Agents Want absolutely the best selling books? Send for circulars of Vent’s Unabrid ged Illus. Family * ible. Over 11H0 p iges 10 by 12 in. 200 pages Bible Ails, Ac Arabesque 85.25 Gilt Edge, i clasp, $8.25 Full Gilt, 2 clasps, 11.0*. ‘‘Belt! i: The White CliieV’ For Win er Even ings Lb h 10 >0 ready the American Farmer’s Horse Book;” The Standard. 4(»th 1010 ready, Epizootic Treatments, &„•. C. F-Vent. N. Y & Cincinnati. Ventifc Goolrich, Chicago. 075 to 0250 per month, **v»*r\wheie. mui< «r I in <le, ( » utio iace the G*u»«im* Improved C <mmon S-n e Fan ily Scw iu<r Macliim*. Tins m ichinc w* 1 «and ch, fell, luck. r\ .ill, Cos and, b .J, bmid emb. : uer in »n a most jpnrior iran.icr Ihice oulv sl3. Fully liceiiK <1 and wc t > :-d f*»r live yesi". W.» « i,| |iuy sl,o< ) tor an* rr . hit* * that w'l fU*w ft htr.»nj:**r, more beautiful, (ll - n»or** el«s.ic »■ m ill ii ours ft makes the ‘ E'ftsiic ‘ ock Sti«c ! * .** Kv«rv ►eco id mitcu #-an b*. cut, and sb l i;.e ) loili CtD'iut »»e i u'led apart wit >t timing il. »V«* p.y ugHUtS v7'» f0 Srdso per mo h and »*x. p»*i»»e**. or a commission from wi» ; h .c* that amount can t*e made. A IJr#*s S .CO .llKt CO. Boston, M *ss ; Patsburg, Pa., Chicago, 111., or Si. Lo..iy. Mo. Agents —W anted €ht‘.‘ii> Fa ions ! Fret Bionics ! On the lin« #»f the U »iou Pacific Itai'ro and. 12Hf»n.1:00 acres of the best Fuming and M' .eral Lv l-i-i Ameiic». 3 000.000 Acres iu Nebraska, in Min Platte Valley, u«»w for - ale. Jilt Li) F, FEU riCESOiC lor Grain growing a <d S» <ck UaiMDg unsurpassed by any ill ‘i»e U ote I .Slat * . in Pri**.«, mo e favorable terms Riven, and more cuvetiieut l-» rai.ket tua » can be found else where FREE IIOMESTEADS FOR ACTUAL SET TLERS. Theb*et locnt'oi for C»lo«ies Soldiers eutitled to a llome-t ad of 100 Acre- 1 . Sen I for ihe .<ew Di cr’.pt*ve Pamph'et, with new maps, publi-hed iu English, German. S veeoish and Danish, mailed free everywhere. Address O. F DAVIS. Land Com’r U. P. R. Rn Omaha, Neb. THOMSON, McDHFFIE COUNTY, OA., DECEMBER 18, 1872. SIEC JLATQRJ This narirallet] HaJiti.. « n<.t to oon *i« p »ny iuiuri. «.ua m« n<*v,l R.d<etanei’, **m l*ure,y Yepetcli < . For lort* yeara the pr.iw.i no grrai »-(*iue •« all d*e»~*a of vie live . b..weln a*»d knb.eys. Thou . md- ot ii«e «o<hl ana great :• ail p«rt« of ih* ««*uotr;’ vurcli t**r i a *on terfu| aud p culiar pow**r in pnri lying iha Hlo«al. h imu «i<ii( the torpidbvvrand U«a --• 1 , and iuipr.niog n**w Ine fetid Vigor so tb*» wholt* pyi* # t*n». Simm Live Regulatoi i» ackuuwiedg-d to have it.* eqn-%1 n*'. ft t LIVER MEDICINE, It contain* four mode itl -Iritienm, nrve< u üb-d in in me eftiiir hippy pi.qe.n ou iu any <» h* r p*epftra lion, vis •• a K e...1,-C- h .rt <•, « •and-.fol Ti.dat. an m***x«t‘pi«oi* .M«» I'ifraiive u?iii a oo'-.eot ivr *»i all inipMiit of me b dy. '•ncli oignal mic c«*»« tin aPvudrd iis use lhal i is m. w revar l«*l a* i ho Groat Uafailins; Spociflc Ur llvrr c.,ni (> U ».. t|,„ p if..., .h*r-»', lowii: Con. ip.riHii, J.imSee, HI. ionsa'laeks. Sck l!- .«I*< )ie, t*.»ii«, ol Sp<r t«. Bour Si«» m ,ch, 'Lari Burn. Ac, \c. llognUt** th Liv r and p,ew-.,l CHILLS ANO FtVcR. SIMMONS’ LIVER REGULATOR !h mauut.»« tur-«* cti'y by J. 11. ZF.ILIItf ft CO-. MsO mi. U. 1., »n<l Ph iadaipluft. Price $1 03 par p.M-k ; a-ul U ’ IHall, p.nßftS** P«id. Prepared ready l.*r use iu buiilrt, _ "SOLO BY AIL DRUGGISTS ” ware tfad Counterfeit*and luiiiaiioas. tcpllyl pWiH 11 BLOOD PURIFIER 11 •*n» qu\ **d h*» auy iio.rn rem jdy. It will rr di ene, »-x»i pit-and mil .I*l/ <l*atrovft'l p» i»aii <l K »«Im UiiO-4 |n f»|- P,l ml mu I will r*ff o idly <1 H l*e! h 1 pr, p »a.i , M ni ious and r*u t e went. la th. r»* waut I c ohi <u y • r Liver A Spleen 1 Uni rs-l»* ve<l the Ulnu*! be«*mii>*a <mpu e hv <lfDiii«»<i** B<*cre icu t urn lueiug *-c dttlmia or km p, k'olttllr*, |idoj , cuslalv , c uker, pim l H. , Ac. II ive *■ u a Dy rp ic S «*mnc*i / U Dm di ;<■?- ii L p •»**« .|'y iI <i tl<- x mi- .' and w.h poverty i»f i‘t«» 11-ml. Di"p* C4l l« udeu«*y. g -«e»«l and H**»r i * llivm you »v#iku of »h« /.♦♦••tior ,? Fo-i r in and mg-r of Chrouii; |> urrh u a or 1 fl tmiuattaii of t s • itoffr’-fl llnv- yen we«koe*a . f fh.* Ui* lue « r Or, jr *ii«! Y •»» a**«xt>used iu in iti m 0..: a'itf.nrated f • m. Are ymi d»*j*rjt •#*. dreway, dn'l, i*r il**. p e i€«l in s «'» *. w» h heit 1 hC *e f hack achr, coul »-d »•* *nd bid tniins m *h h ? F«»r ft «**»rf in r-m-dy fur all of these and «•*»!*kn*-a»*.i a »and »or c eaumi* and purit.- ing ih<* vs luted ♦«•*»/» i and v jfnr to alt Ihr vital so e»* ; fur s»i lng up «ul 'wao.iug the Wfftkoned C »u-f *U i**i| IT-# JURUHEOA which if* proiinutic • I by ih l**a 'inf n»ed cal au««*ri iioa nf ».i nod Pud* ‘*i|»m wi«».i pnw fdlm ic ad fttfera i/- knuwa in the m died wu-ld.” I’miu i l * no e# nnd u ri**-l il xjo*-ry hit l*:i be-H long ia<l h v the I adin t p*, ait*' u* ( if o'he- coun rit*s with w -n.l-rfu' retiiedbil im uitg. Ih.n'i w-uken an I iuqirir the dis «tiVf* orfana h* oathur i.-•% ai I I'hy rc'*, **u'y letup irgry relvf— |..rti<rr-iio i t fl juVnoy a»d d>a,r-|-sia with p'* j Hnd kindred i?sa«» scs are suro lo It llow thir u^e. K ep t *• b ond pur® ar. l heabh is asmiri*. JOHN Q. KEMJW/G. IHFlati M . N. Y. .>ole Agon fur th- Ui.ited Sta ea. Pri« e, One DoHar per Bottle. Sml f >»ua Imjiorlnut fliolico. TO HDTcLs, BUDin mm AND PRIVATE FAMILIES rIIE Undenognoil are now Prepirol to Supply Hotels, Boarding Houses, and Private Fami lies, with the Choicest Beef, Veal, Mutton, Lamb, Pork, Spare Itibs, Pork San sage, Boasting Pigs, Gama, Etc. IN ANY QUANTITY DK'IRED. All our Meats are warranted Fresh, and of the Best Kind. OUR CORNED BEEF, Put up by oua Mr Lawbesce, is superior to any from New York Fultoa Market. CB~ Also, wo keep a First-Class Family Grrocery, wel Istocked with all kinds of Family Supplies inclu ling Canned Fruits, Fish, Meats, Pickles, Jellies, Etc. O' Send your Orders or Baskets to us, and we will fill them and ship by earliest train direct, at the Lowest Market Prices. We will, also, fill any order from customers for articles that are not in onr line—such as Fish, Oysters, Vegetables, Bakers’ Brea-1, etc. Wo are confident of giving satisfaetion and ask only a trial. LAWRENCE & RIGSBY, 114 Broad Street, And stull lO Lower Market Augusta. Ga. misttUanronj?. Bel ore the Flood. Antediluvian life had its advanta.’ea : there is no denying that. With an ex istence of nine hundred and sixty and nine year* before him, a man could do much. He could be his own “oldest inhabitant." and “never remember nny thinif” of a Shakspeare, he could cele brate liia own tricentenary, he could look back with ’■ ride upon at least two hundred Constitutional .rises, and nine liundrt and successive seasons which brou”htt he green pea of the spring and the fre-h oyster of the fall. In those blissful ages, when time was teck oned by months instead of hours, and men set their eight-year clocks by the sixty-tbrec years con efs, a fellmv could il lazily inclined, lie in bed till Septem ber, or to on a tea year’s drunk. \Vher lie went out to make a Iriendly could say to the family : “I »m just go ins to drop into Methusaleh’s lorn couple of years, don’t wait dinner fi r me.” or, adilressin.; his toddling infant of eighty, Ins might give him permission to go out and play till l>9 », but insist on his coming borne then, so ns not to keep bis fond parents sittinir up for him. Li!e assurance would lie cheap under such a system, and the rate ol in - tereat when a man gives notes at. six hundred years, renewable lor three hun dred more, must necessarily have been propot I innately low. The peculiarities of pre-Xonchic ex istenee would ha»’e been made must strikingly manifest had three or four ol these old sinners paddled their own canoes through the Hood, survived, in creased nad multiplied. “So,” wouid observe a hide old man of nine hundred to his compiniun. n jolly midille-atfed, ••they are at it again, pratinif about re form* and amendmenti ami constitu tionality, to us who remember the Hep tarchy. Allred died the year I w>*« horn. but. I remember William as wcliC iis il it was yesterday. I was only a child then. Well well, Bill was a good fellow. Once"— "Yes,” might here interrupt a beard less youth of lour hundred and eighty, •‘mV uncle often told me that*’— “.imall boys,” would interpose the see' >r, in tones ol dignified rebuke, “must be seen, not heard. It' you can not keep still wtiile your elders are speaking, Elem, my son, the nurse must put you to bed. Well, as I was saying"— “True, true,” here would interrupt Lantech, “an wlrti; st;obb : diness it is Ibr folks to talk of their lung disccnt and Norm .in or Knickerbocker ances tors. We remember all tint, don’t we ? IfVII, well, everybody had ances tors then, only they can't all trace them.*’ “Parvenu*, Lamech, pavenns. all cd them. Talk ot your old families to me, whose great giami fathei remembers Admit, ff'e have seen it tiling or two iu our century. (loufound this rliema ti-.u ; i caught cold sitting in a draft a Boat the end of the fifteenth century, atnl every hundred years ot so I have a twitch of it.” “That was about the time Christo pher Columbus sailed to discover Amer ica.” “The same year. Poor Chris! I knew him well. You knew Smith ?” “KirSiy 1” No: John. The f llow that Poca h mtus got struck with. But you were only u boy at that time.” And so these old fogies would prattle on. It is. per haps just as well that Noah hoi no spate state rooms in ttie ArA, as a survi ving antediluvian would have been as a Ily in precious ointment. A man sit ting at your table whose memory went back to thirteen hundred odd—who commenced his anecdotes bv moraliz ing : “It was jus; seven hundred years ago, io-day, when I”—who bad dandled ttie founder of an aristocratic family on Ii is knee ii 171*2, and distinctly recalled the autnor ol another noble line iu the junk business— with a ich a man ut large society would be unsafe. The manners and cu loins of that age wouid peculiarly impress us. Fancy a blushing and awkward girl of 290, in paritlcts. listening lo the avowal of a promising young lawyer of 4"0. or a clever young sophomore of 37-5, or un antediluvian “old family.” Into insignificance would sliri :k the purpled cen.uries of Nassau, Hupsburg, Guelph or Bourbon / And as for antediluvian Susan B. Anthony, the mind recoils at the thought «3 of something entirely beyond conception. The revival of these happy days has,; however, not yet come. It is the error, j not the lault, of many truly great and good men and women that they discount the fiilur •, and are abused for laboring under what appears to the vulgar and unsentimental a hallucination. To play the antediluvian under a post dilu vian dispensation is nous use. It would be well, lor p.*w-holder and p'eacher, reader and writer, could a'l remember that tlieie has been a flo-d, ami the duration ol human life is dwindled to a span. A Camici.'s Kkvknor.— A lad about fourteen years of age bad conducted a large camel, laden with wood, from one village to another, at half a ■ hour’s distance or so. A* the animal loitered or turned out o' the way. its conductor stiiick it repeatedly and harder than it seems to have thought lie had a right to do. But not finding the occasion favorable tor taking iuiin *diate quits’ it “bud i its time;" nor was that time long coming. Aft vv days Inter the lad had to reconduat the beast, but unladen, to bis own village. When they were about, ball way on the road, and at some distance from any habitation, the camel suddenly stopped, looked delib erately round in every direction to as sure himself that no one was within sight, jind, finding the road, far and near, clear ol passers-by, made a step forward, seized the unlucky boy's head iu his monstrous mouth, and lifting him up in tile air, filing him down again on iheenrth, with the upper part if his skull completely torn off, and his bruins scattered on the ground. Having thus satisfied its revenge the brute quietly resumed its pace toward the vi.lage, as though nothing were the matter, till some men who li.-i I observed the whole, though unfortunately at too great, a distance to be able to afford timely help, came up and killed it. Slkkp.— Rev. Mr. Dali, the Unitarian missionary at, Calcutta, in describing the way of life iu summer, with the thermometer at It) > ilegrees in the day rime, and So and S3 degrees iu the i • fit, siys that wakefulness is the ex eeption, and drowsing the rule. The poor, old or vc i.ig, who brings you » note train bis‘master’ (a word iu which Asiatic revenge delights), no sooner delivers it. than he Dings himself oil his link at full lengih, and is sound asleep in thr»e-quur . rs of a minute ; so t' .it i' is bard to arouse him il you are live minutes [ enning your reply. The idian faculty of literally falling as!cep n ed to make me untile ; but I have got tried to it. I now expect to see Bengali .e.itlem n asleep in tliu.r carriages, on their wry to office: and the less wealthy as a .Y. itter ol course adeep in their palankeens, which, by the way, aie never called palankeens here, but pa 1 - keys. When the rnj Jis, etc., see Eng lish people and (icing at Government House, they ink in wonder, ‘Why not make your servants do this?’ Eternal sleep is the bli is of God ; ‘never be born again !’ i ; H', is Buddhism, is A-i mUm. is the oriental as contrasted with our idea of religion. You see it in all normal Asiatic life. Sam Bice’s Explanation. —Sam Rice, of Alabama, is well-known as a ready and witty man, though somewhat erratic. Here is the last good story told upon him, and it is very cliaiacter istic : About the commencement of the war lie •nude a speech in North Alabama iu which lie said that the S mt'iern soldiers could whip tlie Y nkees with poo-guns. Since the war he chanced to make an oHier speech at the same place. A big double jointed fellow was present who beard ami remembered the former speech, and being in no amiable frame ot m ml concluded to go for Sim. Boll ing < p bis sleeves and poping bis fist in the palm of his hand he propounded the tearful question : ••Sain Rice, didn't you make a speech here in fSO2 V” ‘ I did.” said Sam. “And didn’t you say that we could whip the Yankees with pop-guns ?” “Ceitainly I did, but the and and ras cals wouldn’t fight us that w .y /” The smallpox is said to be raging fear filly among the negro population of Washington, and is beginning to take a ve r y ominous ami threatening form among the crowded populations ot the northern cities geneialiy. To cool a room, wet a cloth of any size, the larger the bette*, and suspend it then in. Let the ventilation be good, and the temperature will sink from ten to twenty degrees ia a short time. TERMS-TWO DOLLARS IN ADVANCE rriiAT tfi•• Reason Was.— A band of rustic worthies were seated round the tavern fire, one winter’s evening, consisting of the blacksmith, the bar ber, tt e constable an I the shoolmaster. After they bad smoked and drank to their heart's content, as well as exhaust ed all the ordinary topics of conversa tion, the pedagogue proposed anew kind of game, in which each one was to propose a qu stion, and whoever pro posed one that he h mself could not solve, was to pay the reckoning for all. Dick Dolt, whom ev. ry o e though a fool, was picked out for the first ques tion. “Neighbors." said Dick, drawing out his words, and looking ineffably stupid, “you have seen the squirrels dig their holes; can any of you tell why they don’t throw any dirt ?” That was a poser, ami after a long cogitation, even the schoolmaster was obliged to give it up. It devolved ou Dick to explain. “The reason is,'' said he, “that they begin at the bottom of the hole.” “Stop—stop!"cried the schoolmas ter, surprised out of all prudence by so monstrous an assertion ; “pray, how does the squirrel get there.” “Ah !” answered Dick, “that's- a question o* your own proposing. You’re, in for the drinks, master.” Literary Pov i.-ty.—The all night walks of Dr. Johnson and Richard Sav age iu the streets of London from want of a place to lay their hpads find not •infrequent paralelis in New York.— There ere hundreds of men of good lite rary abilities. who are often pressed for the means of getting a supper and a bed in this city. It is well known that men of the most creditable scholastic attainments—men who know Greek, Latin and other tongues besides their mother tongue— may be found in that city who are glad of an opportunity to write advertise ments lor patent medicine proprietors and shopkeepers. The men who make literature “pay" are the rare exception. One of the most prosperous writers now on the press was three years ago so “hard up” that he went without food for forty eight hours, too proud to ask for help, and too empty-pocketed to h ive the mean i for purchasing a meal. This is not fiction but fact. During the pre ent year this gentlemen has helped a score of people ill distress from his full pockets. In Philadelphia, one pleasent Satur day evening, an old lady, whose failing eyes demanded an unusally large pray er book, staried for church a little ear ly. Stopping on the way to call on a friend, she laid her prayer-book on the center table. When the bells began to chime she snatched what she supposed to be her prayer book and started for church. Her seat was at the chancel end of the gallery. The organ ceased playing. The minister said.— “ The Lord is in His Holy Temple, let all the earth keep silent before Him.” In her eiiort to open her supposed prayer-book she started the spring of the music-box she had taken instead.— It begin to play. In her consternation she put it on the floor. It would not stop : she put it on the seat; it sounded louder than ever. Finally she carried it out while it played the “Washing Day,’’ an Irish jig tune. An Old Lady. —There is living in Kanawha ecunty, West Virginia, Mrs. Rachael Stanley, who was born in Bed ford county. Va., 1774. She has a grand daughter silty-six years old, and lias 14 children, rrntv-nine grandchil dren and two hundred and twenty three £«eat-gruiid-children. The Charleston Courier says: “IFithin that period of 9S years the Revolution came, Corn wall s surrendered, IFusliington and fourteen other Presidents presided and and ed, Napoleon began and ended his military career, Byron came into the world, startled it and died. And yet, here is old Aunt Rachael, perched upon the summit of a Kelley’s creek moun* tain, in her old urm chair; like Ten nyson's eagle, ringed with the azured world she sits, and breathes that pure upper air as if she intended to live right on in defiance of rime.” A young man who went West from Danbury, Connecticut, a few months ago, has sent only one letter home. It came on Friday. It said : “Send me a wig.” And his fond parents don’t know whether he is scalped or married. I wish you were my own dove, And sitting on my knee: I’d kiss your smiling lips' love, To all e-ter-ni tee.