McDuffie weekly journal. (Thomson, McDuffie County, Ga.) 1871-1909, December 18, 1872, Image 3

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||UiPuffie goimnl. HOME MATTERS. J. L. &, W. M. Hardaway pay the highest mar ket prices for cotton. J. L. Sl W. M. Hardaway have just receiv. and a fresh supply of fine Cigars. Mrs. Shiver has a large and beautiful assortment of fancy goods for the Christinas holidays. The Thr mso’.i Academy was sold last Saturday at public outcry to the new Board of Trustees, to. the sum of $617.50. We are authorized to announce A. B. Thrasher a candidate for Ordinary of McDuffie county at the election in January u*-xf. Our friend John E. Beuton has the biggest lot of Christinas Tricks you ever saw. All sorts of Can- 1 dies, Cakes, Fruits &c-, Toys, Fireworks &c. Died. —ln Thomson, on Wednesday, Dec. 11, inst., Mrs. Dr. I . H Bevens. Wo sincerely’ sympathize with the family in this sad bereave ment. W« are unde, obligations for a Complimentary Ticket to the Savannah Fair, soon to be held iu that city. From present indications .t will be a grand success. Cotton. Eight hundred and twentv bales of the great staple have been received at Thomson a- pot, since Dec.. Ist., and as we go to press many loaded wagons are coming iu. Chri°t*4s.—l will receive this we-k an assort ment of Christinas gooes, consisting in pad of bruits; CocoanuU; Fir.a Works; Firo Crackers Toys £c. J. 11. STOCKTON. We notice many car-loads of “squeal meat,” par sing down the Georgia R. R. toward-. Augusta., sausages, and backbones w l b© nleoti ful in hat sect on during Chrisfinas, to say nothing of brains. One of our village exqubitcc, who, like Mr. Tur vevdrop, prides bim.elf on hi- D* i po tinet t, *ns tlut because he is n member of the Thomson Fire Company, i* no rer.son why h- should be called a ‘•town squirt.” We suggest th .t maybe that h uot the reason. A handsome young ‘writ sli-gcr” of our acquaint nnce requests us to remind the ladies th** Leap Year is nearly gone and he is unprovided for. He is war rente to be “ sound, sensib'e, healthy, and & slave for 1 fc.” Sealed prop sd.s, di ected to thin Office, will receive prayerful Cj. sider itiou. I have for years been opposed to Calomel, and since 1839 have u-eil Simmon-’ Liver uegu *ior ns a Vegetable Remedy’, and can c nfid»‘ntly assert that it has exceeded my expectations, cur ng c-i*-** ot Dyspepsia end Lirer Complabit th - t w**r* thought almost hopeless. GRENVILLE WOOD Wood’s Fac ory, Macon, G». Commissioners Court.— This Institution ot Ju-*. liee, the last week, has only once been forced to the disagre ble necessity ot vi“di ati g the out - raged m j ‘tv of the Law. On F-idav. tw> younv men ofboMigercai proclivities f»r dtawin* their fiets on each oilier, ard indu'ging in pointed per sonalities, were allowed to fuibscrtbe, each, five dol lars and costs to the city Treasu r y. The Thomson Firo Company was out Thursday night last in full force, for drill and practice. We were not present but understand that the “Young America” worked splendidly, throwing water, through a strong cross-wind, a distance of 162 feet. The members of the Company are learn ing to handle their Engine very fast, and, with a little better order and stricter discipline, will soon be able to work the “machine” to its highest capa city. Married. —At Hamilton Manor, near Thomson, Gn., on Thursday, Dec. 12, inst., by llev. James S. Jones, Dr. William McLean, of Columbia, to Mrs. M A. Hamilton, of McDuffie County. The Journal is under obligations for a handsome present of cake, and offers hearty congratulations, and sincere wishes for long lives and much hap piness to the bride and bridegroom. At the resilience of Mrs. Rebecca Taylor, near Dearing, December 2, by F. Marion Hobbs, Esq., Mr. Joseph Harrison to Mrs. Laura Booker, all of McDuffie. At the residence of the bride’s father, December 5, Mr. John Gerald of Columbia, and Miss Ella Lambert of McDuffie County. A New Depot. —We have an excellent depot in Thomson, but it is entirely too Rmall for the con venience, protection and safety of the immense quantities of freight shipped from and to this place. The gnano season will soon be here, and, if anything like the usual amount of these fertili. zers are brought to this market, both the planter and the merchant will suffer heavy losses from the exposure of their goods to thieves, rain and weath er. We have known guano, salt, lime and other articles exposed for days and even weeks at a time, without any protection whatever, the purchasers living at a distance, being frequently unable to remove them, from some of the many circumstan ces incident to planters. Thomson is now the largest shipping point between Augusta and Atlan ta, and we earnestly urge the Georgia R. R. to con sider our claims, and give us a depot large enough lo’accommodate the trade. Below we publish a Card from Mr. John Harris, of Dearing, correcting the false statement of his sentiments in reference to the new county. Mr. H. is one of the most popular and influen tial men in the county, and will do good service in correcting the mis-statements so persistenlly cir culated to the prejudice of McDuffie County. Dearing Georgia.) December Ist, 1872. ( Editors Journal : I learn that the men who are endeavoring to abolish McDuffie County are circulating the report that I am in favor of their movement, and will do all in my power to assest them. I therefore take this method of contradicting such report. lam satisfied that the establishment of the new county has been, and will continue to be, a great benefit to every man in it, and I will do everything honora ble to perpetuate it. Respectfully, JOHN HARRIS- The Play of Sense Versus Sentiment. perform ed by a u ‘mb' r ot ihe .n*le and female lumber* ol the Good Templars, iu their Lodpe Room, on th* Light of December the t>ih, was quite a success much belter. iu fact, than any one xp*ct<-d from suj h young, aud iuexperieuc-d actors. The Mana ge s haviiigfaiLd to -uruish us with the ‘ Dramatis perso. a; ”we are uu ibie to *p*ak of each charade separately, but we will Say th it all acted the.r partr creditably, and some of them very well indeed. The literary exercises last Friday night w-re quite imeresiiiig aud entertaining. Miss Ida Yonug read | “The Curse of Oui L-.nd,” an excellent Temperance | poem by Mrs. Mnggie P. M<»sely, a citizen of Georgia. Miss Jennie Burgess read a humorous selection entitled, ‘‘Something for the Girls.” Mr \Y. I*. Jones decla med ‘‘Bernardo del Oarpio,” very impressively an 1 commend ably Both the young ladies aud the youn ; geutleimu received the pra se aud thank' of the Lodge. Every young person* in our community (and oi l ones too) ought to join this Organization, it for no other reason than to cu tivate and encourage a taste for literature aud polite accomplishments. The Side-Walk Invincible*. —This C nnpany, ill tended as a portion of the grea* and wnrld-reuowu ed “Curb-stone Brigade,” is r«pidl/ filling up >»nd perfecting its organ z uion in our town, and fro n the promptness and untiing patience of its mem bers, bids fair, in discipline and drill, to eclipse all compuiiors a-nong these blusludofyiiig champions. Their skirmish liues «»n the ptr-et, while the ladies are passing to a id fr m chirch, and the line of bai ile, shoulder to should v, and ihrou <it»ep o • h.*th sides of ihe church steps and exiendi ig far in the dun distance towards the street, and he unfli idl ing bravery and stern detenniua ion with which they hold their position aud persistently g«z« evt ry on-* of the females, old an l yonug. cletr out of counten ance and i *to a state of nturtific itiou and auger, is euough to melt t e h *ur!s of their and itiag parents, and bring upon them the unbounded prase of an admiring world. The ranks of the Inv noibl v* are strengthened by honorary de a t oneuts from the Truudleb -d llri ■ - a ir*, who e priuctpV du it* ar* to enter church af hr ervice beg us, ui k* ae much and sturhmce *r possible, go *ui and i.i aoain very oftou, la' gh and sni .ke b -hind heuc ie , and shove all, tnl»y pro npf ly oil han ial Su-uiey Kciiool, and r» d>u do their nflur s to annoy the cougregit on as much as pus ribli*. Am ExehangH suggests th.t* every pir*ut oug it to atieu'i church and Sabbath Sch 01, if for el c than to how their “young hupefula” hahave tnem **ivt*«. 'l'll.* fallow ng rule ha* no exception : “A gen llcm iu always b- hav a him ell iu ciiurch.’* (to uW CONTINUED) A Good Idea.—Some of our wiile-awake, encr getic citizens arc speaking of erecting a large and commodious fire-proof " arehouse iu Thomson. This in a movement in the right direction, and if properly perfected and manage 1 will result iu in calculable benefit, not only U) the citizens of McDuffie, but of several other counties from which a largo amount of trade crimes to this plaoe If we correctly understand the plan contemplated, the expenses of the buil ling and the benefits and profits arising therefrom are not to lie confined to any one man or Firm, bit a Stock Company is to be formed, of which the merchant, the pro fessional man, the planter, or any citizen may be come a member by the purchase of a certain amount of stock, and the direction and govern ment of the business conducted by officer# selected by the stockholders themselves. This plan will certainly have the merit of fairness and impartiali ty, but is. of course, open to any corrections or alterations which the knowledg e and experience of business men may suggest. That our section of the country is very much in need of a business house of this kind, every man will admit; an 1 every reflecting man will see at a glance many of the advantages, pecuniarily aud otherwise accru ing therefrom. One of the principle benefits of such an establish ment is, that planters or other persons will be en abled to ship cotton and other products, from this point by through freight, directly to Charleston, New York, or any othei place, thereby saving the immense sums paid out for freight, drayage, storage, commissions, Ac., and at the same time re ceive city prices. In return they will receive all their goods and supplies for plantation purposes at wholesale prices, and cash advancements at a much lower per cent, than they now pay Let us hear from our planters, merchants and business men. We will cheerfully publish their comments and suggestions on a subject of so much importance to all. We understand that a meeting of citizens will be called at an early day for the purj>ose of taking this matter into consideration, of which if possible, we will give due notice. Vote? ol FOB PRESIDENT. B. Gratz Brown 6 Horace Greeley 3 Charles J. Jenkins 2 FOR VICE-PRESIDENT- B. Gratz Brown f> General A. H. Colquitt 5 General N. P. Banks 1 The electors split their votes us follows : Hen ning, Poe and Hudson voted for Greeley for P resilient.. Wofford, Hartridge, Ely, Pace, Dorsey, and Graham voted for B. Gratz Brown for President. ! Turner and Casey voted for C. J. Jenkins for President. j Penning, Poe, Hudson, Casey and Turner voted for Gratz Brown for Vice-President. Hartridge, Pace. Dorsey, Ely and Graham voted for Gen. Colquitt for Vice-President. Wofford voted for N. P. Banks,of Massechusetts, for Vice-President. A Now Poet. The Newberry fS. C.) Herald rises to announce the advent, to the literary heavens, of a poetic star of the first magnitude, native, and hitherto unkni^yn —a second Tittlebat Titmouse—by the roinal^<ic name of “John,” for whose discovery ; that modest but enterprising journal blushingly awaits the deserved praise of grateful millions. From his last effusion, entitled “The Pewter,” we give the following choice specimens, anti re spectfully suggest to a criticizing world that, as a rhymist, John is successist. Speaking of Miss C. he exclaims enthusiastically: “She sings so very sweetly, One cannot help but love her ; The only fault she has on earth Is—she hasn’t got the pewter.” And again— Miss Nancy’s certainly angelic— Venus couldn’t snub her, But what’s in beauty If —they havn’t got the pewter.” BREVITIES. The Albauy Central City raises the name of Capt. John Joins, of Mill edge ville, for Mate Treas urer. The c avaun&h Fair is pospon and to December 30ih, and the Sabra coutest to Jauuury Ist. The M*con Democrats have Mayor Huff Tor re-election ly acclimation. A large maiori’y of hoth bnmch** of the South Carolina L-jr 9la tire are negro-**, including both Speakers, aud all the Cougre&>ineu are tlm same, except one. We are g’ad to l.*arn that the merchant* of Mil. tedgeviDe. burnt out hy the »at** fire, have obtained oth r stores, ; nd <*omnieiic and baa ness again. A party of playful with* th*ew .ton** at car*, near Yonkers, N Y., rail n? a dr-nd ul u tr glyce rine explos on. Two meub'ownto atom*, and sever al fatally b&rt. A portion of th« Armi for Georgia havo been re ceived in Atlanta. Gut of t»o hundred who went to Libe ria last year, under the ao*pi re* of the American ( .ilo lint'on Society, thirty h ive «v<> sh -ir way bn k to iheir oid ho oes iu N 't th C»ro’ina. The convention of Governor* which wa« to met in Atlanta on the 19th Nov., h.aa been iudifi nitcly postponed. Old Virginia row rl*** »o announce the discovery of a v ilu ib'e mine of li hogrnphic Stone iu Kock biidge f'ounty. The Maflon doc tom, on iccoant of the Ep**°oty are “ footing up their billu.” The Presbyerfan Sy od, at ifi r< een4 k«ns on iu Albany, Ga., d**t<-riuine l to establish a SoV „l a. Midway, in I'aliwiii u-iunty, after the plan of tb>‘ Rugby and Fa'on v chooH of Eujlinl. Chipped (Lm is, face, rnujh skin,'es. ri g wer»u, ««tt-rhenm, A Mther cutaneous ff.*c»icn« cureil an l the skin an 1 wmtvuh. by using tliH J inipor Tar So »p, made t*y Casw»d ! , Hizird V <’o., N«*w York. Be o r'a : n to get. the Junyer T%r S Mp, as t litre ate many worthl-vw imitalio *s m «de vith Common tar. d* c-4.v‘Js. The Purest and Sweetest Cwj-Livcr Ol is Haz ard A Casweli’g mil - oil ihe g*a shore, fr>»m fresh, * and livers, hy ois well, Hazard A Cos., New York. It is <U dntrly pure and swot. PatVuiv who have once t •ken it p.e».«r it toalloth* •*. P y Mictnri'. have decided it superior to auv of the i»tl*er • •ila in mark t. deedw2'*. CORRECTED WEEKLY BY JOHN E. BENTON. Cotton Kt‘])ort. 'fhomson (S) 17| S.ivammh @ 18/ Augusta (a, 18} (Tharlcston ($ ! Atlanta. 18} Hpotthil iNoHot'N. Jihl S2fCPa r rd« I*so Hiislifls Siuml V hnaf, 300 Biisht»U Tfim. Hlark i ed Oafs, 2-10 r.ush.-U To: i*., I>town St*t«i! Oats, 10,000 lbs. Wlmnt Hraii, tit) n PltMir, i !t k s ; SO Sucks |jvt*r|MH)l Salt. JOHN K. HKNTON, di»c4if TiiOiuNon, Ga. Ciimliduti s. The friends of J. 1). Montg cnerv announce him a can lid at« for re-election to the office of 'Tax Re ceiver of McDuffie County ut the ensuing election. To tiif. Voters of McDuffie County.—Wo are authorized to announce Sanfor l C Worrili a can didate for Tax Collector at the ensuing election, in January next —for one term only. For Tax r elector.-—^The frie da of N T T. B*s ton Hi»no nice h>s name nx a H iiiahln G«nd due for the office of Tax Collector of MeDuffi : Couuty. :U th* i nsuiiia Election. The f*ien ? s of »Vm. W:: 11 anoo-inCH Lis name as a Candidate for the Office of S i‘off ol McDuffie County at the election. In eis* of Mr. Wall’s election, Vlr. 1). T. F.i r will he oppuiuted Deputy, We are authorized to announce C. M. Wa*l m Caudida'c for I’ax Collector of AlcDuffia Cos uity at lie next election. oci3«)tf We are authorized to announce H. W. Young, as a candidate for re-election t*» the Office of Tax Collector for McDuffie County at the ensuing election. Through the influence of frimid-, I unon'iiCc rnvsrdf hs a candidate for the office of S icriff of MeDuffi-* C.viuty at the caoiiog election. OctOtf B. M. Evans. The friends of SAirnon Norris annum e his | name as a sniab e candidita f*>r the office "t Sheriff of Me Juffi ) Conn y at the **nsu*in£ e «clion. Mr. P. John«on will he appointed 7J-*puty Sheriff hi case ol Mr. No ri*’ election. < )ci9tf New Advert isenitMitN. iJlmzy Wanted. ANY person Imviiio money to lem! on oood secuiity and at reasonable rates will call at this olKce. From SIOO to $ jOOO wanted, dec ISt‘<i NOTICE. All who are in lebted to me are re quested to mate payment by the 25th inst, or their accounts will be placed in the hands of an olfieer for collection. J. T. KINDIUCK. GUANO3~ TIIE undersigned calls the attention of the public to the various kinds of standard Fertilizers for which he is the. authorized Agent. The superiority of these Guanos has been well establish ed by long experience, and the prices are reasonable. Terms Cash, or on time with good security. declttf A. B. THRASHER. C. YV. ARNOLD. Dk. JAMES S. JONES. C T , IF. (0 Cos», GROCER.'. & COMMISSION MEECISIS «A. Having gone entirely into the sale of STAPLE ‘NO FANCY GROCERIES, take pleasure ia auiHiuncing to their friends and the public geneially tiiat they now have and will continually keep on hand a FULL AND WELL SELECTED ST-C*< ot Staple and Fancy Groceries, princi pal among which may he toon I Bacon, Flour, Suu'ar, Coflee, Mackerel of the finest grades, Syrup, Molases of every grade,- Cheese, Crackers, Pearl Grits, Hominy, If ice. Lard, pure Liverpool Salt, Gosh'ii and country butter. Iu their line of FANCY GROCERIES they do not hesit.te to say that they have the finest variety ever i shihited in this market. Iu the selection may al ways be found CANED Lima Beans, Green Corn, Fresh Sal mon, Fresh Mackerel, Fresh Peaches, Pine Apples, Pears Apricots, Oysters Mince Mi at, Pickles, both domestic and imported, JSIaTaTEtS, Preserved Prunes, Damsons, Raspber ries, Blackhenies. Limes, Pepper Hash, Pepper uud Worcestershire Stances, ClNim, CLICK. V'l'R, both in drops and for ilnGatile. Conden sed Mil/,-, Extracts of all kinds. Apples, Oranges, Cocomilts, Almonds, Pecans, Brazil Nuts, English Walnuts ,fcc. They also hi ve a fine assortment of Tobaccos, Sugars, Pipes, Smoking To bacco, Teas, Soap, Plain and Toilet, Lunch Baskets, Cream Tartar, Soda. Yeast Powder*, all of which they are ofl'eiing at low cash p ices that cannot fail to suit all. Our motto is still “Q lick Salas and small profits." C. W. Arnold Sc Cos. Thomson, Ga. [mr Idyl] decll. Tau Col!e3tor’s ITotico. 1 WILL moot th« cifizivw of th*» County +1 tlw following Prooincta this mouth, for tlw pir- I»«»so of collootinq t!id Statu an<! County Tivm : Thorimm, Situr l.iy\ N’.»r. 9th, lfith, ‘i’M an l 30th. Wriqhtiilioro’, Mtmff ty’n Nov. lltli, 18th anff 23th. ItopuMioi'i, Tties!lay’s Nov. 12th, 19th an-l 2<»th. D*3ariTi*{, Nov. 13th, 20th ari l 27th. Mt. Auburn, ThnrH lay’n Nov. 1 t'.h, 2lst ami 28th. I earnestly request all tax payers to meot hh promptly at the above appointments, prepirv'l to settle their tax**s, as I am instructed by the Or dinary of the county to issue executions aqoinst all delinquents after the first and iv of Janu irv next. 11. \V. YOUNG, Tax Collector of MoDuffie 00. i*ovG ts XDR. HOLT.A'ND, S )enf i>it, Can lie found at Li* Operating Room in Tlionisnn, Ga , on the fir-L Jon lay in each month, where he will remain one or t vo wi eka, except in “ea*es of sicl nexa.’’ August 7tf VALUABLE LAND IN MDD'JFFIi CDJNTY FDR SALE. H ]TNI)ER and hy virtue of an order \LJ) granted hy Hon. Win. Gibson, .Judge ot the Superior Com ts, of Augus ta! Circuit, <>n the 25th August. IS7I, an<l of record in tfie Clerk’s office of Superior Comt, of Richmond county. Ga., will he sold, at public out-cry to the highest bidder, at the Court House at Thomson, McDuffie comity. Ga., be tween the usual hours, on the first Tuesday in January, IS7J, the tindivi ded utie hall iuteiest in and to tfie fol lowing real estate and improvements thereon, to-wit: All that tract or parcel of land in said county of McDuffie, near the town of Dealing, Ga.,containing 1,446 acres, more or less, and adjoining lands now owned by John Harris, the Georgia Railroad and B -nking Company Lavina Crosby, John Walker and others. The improve rents consist of a fine residence, containing eight rooms; two store shops, farm houses an I other necessary buildings. The G orgia Railroad runs through this tract of laud and has right ol way as delineated on map. The other undivided half interest was sold about a year ago to B. B. Miller, Esq-, at sll,«ino, and has been hy him bargained to Robert J. Morrison. Property can he treated for private ly until day of sale. For further particulars apply to W. P. Cassels, Augusta, Ga., or John P. King, Esq. TERMS —$-5,000 of purchase money cash, balance in twelve months, with interest from day of sale. The pur chaser will pay for title papers. W. P. CASSELLS, nov/7 MARY J. CASSELLS. p"olt ts vCTs. One Store House and Lot, one D wel ling House and Lot, and several vacant Lots lor sale low for cash in Tnomson, hy JOHN R. WILSON, decltf. The Gales of Araby are not spicier than the aroma of the fragrant Sozoilont imparts ot the breath. Nor is the heart of the ivory nut whiter than the teeth that are cleaned daily with that matchless llnid. To Contractors. ON the 14th Dec., inst., the under- j signed Commissioners will let, to' the lowest hi der, ut the location of same, the building of a bridge over Upton’s Creek, on the road from VV. H. j Murray’s to Mrs. Seav’s. Terms a:.d specifications furnished at said time and place. A ft. STROTHER, ) o J. J. MORRIS, } 5 B. Q. GRIFFIN, ; ? deo4i2 If. XT. HUSH, Agent. I an vrmt forth* 'StamUrl Fertilizer*. *rvl will tile pleasure iu supplying *ll those in need of a gt».l manure •* Attawtta Phosnhifa Wamlo Fertilizer E. Pr*nV Coe's Ouxno Etewan Guano. To any of mr fnanli 'twirom of pur chasing the Terr best stsud irti Fertilixers, I am to furnish tLom ou tl*» mcwt reasonable term* oct SOfcf E. IT. BUSH, Agent. liHTP .ri.:.* a£ Kni I’ -s Hsr* is* Th« «H I *>»« 1 in Mi« w \hi ... 4 .*»,«.,» Kaittint Mschiu* Oi, 34‘J Wj.Umrfie., 8Ue»l, 0 » »n, Hal*. STAPLES & REAB, Gr R. O O 23 XT S . -gIjrAVE now on baud snJ constantly keep * Tull slock of Groccncs anil Provision* al Ljhcsl Price*, ALSO, BAG3INS, TIES AND EVERYTHING IN THE GROCERY LINE. We invite a call, and trust that bv strict attention to busines, we may con tinue ,0 merit tile & M p2sn>3 Augusta, Georgia. fva.YiTzr~js emporium* JOHN M. CURTIS & BRO. THO?/lS ,!4, GE . RCIA. r 51AK E pleasure in calling the attention of the public to their large and a extensive &TOVI£ Os J?UftNITUKEf complete til l lull ia every department, consisting of p <Sc OEX VM3ER SUITES, the latest and most fashionable styles, - fall prices from $45 to $l5O. A F 1?42 ASSORTS! ST OF GHAIRS- K*SV Oh lira R ,eking Cluirs, Parlor in I Dining Ho> n chairs, y Ci.iUr- N Is.v .-,1 hi.* C , on, W,, I an 1 U .bolstered Chairs. Camp Chairs Iu a worl, Chairs of all varieties aui of every quality A ?li: V!) l\Ul 3 f JIC 0 : 3:1-1334 F U;iMITJBE. Bedsteads from $5 sls, Trundle Beds. Cribs, Cradles, Marble-top. Sink and Plain dash Stands, Towel Racks, Canopy and plain Musquito Nets, Matting, Carpet itig mikl N*utrmHfU. oicki.r., il.MLok,, (!>>th ~lw> .uJ line,) nnj many other amclea too numerous to meution. V Larjje \,ml»rnl or Uirnrs, of ill ***\\ t ** m ll ?* mth9 J»I U J in 1 c letp 1> t »U la Puts:***- 1 mostly. A 4i 33 L3t of Piano Stools. j. ivi „ , pureh is-d our stu k for c.iah at the In vest wholesale prices in New York ween DN <•,» n , *tition, and we del go ourselves to duplicate anv bill that c i>l be purchased in Yu : osta or elsewhere, to sell at those terms. Yl'l those in w i .t of Furniture cannot do better any where, an I will find us ready to ace., 00,l ite the n. and pi ease 1 to sho w them through our extensive assort meat. Come, see and price (or yourselves. » Be l’* AI, * o AaE A T FOR m. e. BBuemms a> c&. Manufacturers of Sash, Door3, Blinds, Etc BBR.ZSLIA, GEORGIA, Will sell at Charleston prices with freight added. CV tUVII. IV V! Id AM BLUIV MANUFACTORY. H AVING seen ed the services of competent workmen, I am now prepared to furnish my customers wifi, , OArriag33, Wagons and Buggies, which f,r durability an I style of finish cannot he ex; died anv where. I ;» n also prep ire 1 to and- all repairing at the shortest notice and on the most reisonable terms. Give me a trial, an 1 I fed sure you must be satisfied. BLACKSMITHING. In aUopraprro lto Jo .11 ki»U of Bl.ek-Snith work ufoo ,™l.“Sriw™'' Ssp4u,4 XV HOLES A LE Ac RETAIL DEALER IN BOOTS, SHOES, HATS &C . 222 Broad Street, Augusta, Ga. Opposite Merchants & Planters’ National Bank, and just below Central JAMES *». BUIJE A |SSO, 205 Broail Street, Augusta, Ga., B up c foMy >»sk your httentiou to a ful! line of lh«j foliowiujf goodd, which will be sold &3 luvr as »ny othnr house : oabpst DEPAiiTrxiiNT. Lace Curtaius, Muelin Curtaius, K’u?lish Vid* t is Window Shades, all size#, Eugl tn s Carpets, Hair Gl all widths, I hrae P y aud Ingram v ' aII Borders, Carpets, Beautiful Cnromot). Veßntua '’arpetp, g»ocebt dupartmejit. heap (irpßs, Cuoice F; mily Groceries, r *»ur Oi Cloths, _ 3 ,. Tv 1 111 in ,i receir weakly. Tael* Oil Cloths. n t. n B i Duflie and Hams, Si Air C«*uets aud R-ml*, , u ,Kng ish Crackers, «tilings, lUi woeia aod., a . Deo, >4,ts D\sp'*ptieH food. Baskeia of :Ji kinds, Wood eOKTAIS DErAKTMKMT W u re Cun sin Mve i«U, B«ooius and Bras es, CoxniCt-aud tisuds. Plan atiou Supplies. CarpMj, 0,1 Clolha aud Cuitaiue made and aid at short notice. oct3oinG COtailiiU ISSTfTBTI, UEOUUIA. The Spring Term, 1873, of this school, begins on Monday, January Gth, and closes Julv 13rh. J. W. SHANK, Teacher in charge. nov27 8