McDuffie weekly journal. (Thomson, McDuffie County, Ga.) 1871-1909, January 29, 1873, Image 1

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VOLUME 111-NUMBERI. sltc UlcJJnffic gjiwrnll, IS PUBLISHED WEEKLY I —A T— TPIOISASOIST. C3-A., —B Y— RONEY & WHITE. RATES OF ADVERTISING . Transient i».lvCTti«-tn(>nts he ctiai-e».l ->m* dollar per square for ihe first insertion, and seventy fire rents foresrh subsequent inserlio". “aLmc aims. R. W. H. NEAL i t o rit c n o t £ vw , THOMSON G A. # Office.—in Court Huust* IJuild’ug. H. c. BONEVV 5 Horn }} at" $ to, TiiOMSO t\ «./. Witlprqfct .cfe in the Augu t«, Nor|heru aud Midd'e G reui!*. no I— Iy CHARLES S- DuBOSEr rFJ/ tc^n W’ .1 n ton, Oil. Wi'l (usctiee ad tie ('our.s «t ihe Northern. AuguaU & Middle Circuits. Central Clot 1 . BAT lilts W. 11, THOU AS, AUGUSTA, GEORGIA seplltf fl/TnnbnndTTrvtv Lost. How. Hestorcd " """H ist puLlished. a row edition \'l ' 1 r ChlvenvcHs Cel. !.ruted 0,1 ic r,l '^ cure .vithoui mewhiiw) of %>er» r*es>, mi,, pefiiiual Losses, Jmportencv. * Mental and Physic.tV, In<*jip:uitv, Impediments to Marriage, etc. also, CoiifmtnplioH, Epilepsy and Eitar induced by self indulgence or sexual extrav- Hgt Price.* in AVealed envelope, only C cents ® The celebrated anther, in this admirable essay, clearly demonstrates from a thirty years’ success ful practice, that the alarming consequences of self-abuse may be radically cured without the dangerous use of internal medicine ortho f'ppli cation of the knife: pointing out a mode of cure at once simple, certain and effectual, by means of which every sufferer, no matter what Lis condition may bn, may cure liimsely .cheaply, privately, and radically. This Lecture should be in the hahda of every youth and every man in the land. * Sent, under seal, in a plain envelope, to any address, postpaid on receipt of six edirts, or two post stamps Also. Dr. Culvcrwell's “Marriage Guide,” price f.O cents. ;. ; 4 j h ; Address the Publisherß, CM AS LG. KUNE & GO., 127 Br-very. Ne w V rk /*« si Dili e I». x 4 58G J. M- BAEFI LD, TAILOR. Thomson, C rcorgin . H' AM permanently located in Thom .l- son, and am prepared to cut and make to order suits on the most reason able teims, and jo the very lutest styles and fashions. An experience of thirty years in the business satisfies me that I can guarantee satisfaction it) every in stance. Ca I and see me, next door above J H. Stockton's s'( re. no\ ldrlitl J. MB A!.’FI ELD. THE OLD POPUL AR BU KE HOUSE Corner of Broad anil i.-liij -i.'ntti August), Georgia, Has Re-opened lor Public patronage on the Ist instant, by J. F. IIITIsMIK, whose long experience enables him to guarantee satisfaction ho all who (avor him wit-h their patronage. The Cen tral Location and Moderate Charges' (which are less than regular hotel charges), of the B IRKB HOUS. are advantages to. visitors to the eit\ that are worthy ol their consul-ratio n«iv*27ni4 DR. HOL r.AND Dentist, Can he. found at his Operating Room in Thomson, Ga. on the first .onday in eacti month, where lie will remain one or two w-eks, except in “eases of sick ness.’ August 7tf KAt-s: Kiut!! KIM!!! "» will give the highest market price for good cotitn or linen rags. At this office. K MILTQN’SBUCHU Af\D DANDtL!9N, t?cmove*s from the Mood, the ca sot Rheumatism, t»y the uction of tii* Kidney's nnd Liver. I liese are die Scavengers of th* j»vb- L tcji, ruid carry out it* waste particle,, if i»«>t I carri-i out. b- come trui ful minces of di»asti \ud de ih. W G. HA MILTON & Go., 4w I'iucinuati. Ohio TO BOOK CANVASSERS. A NEW 'A Y of rununjr r hook, t'an s**ll th usands per we*!;. A ! dress Murray Hill P b.i.'hiuu Cos., 129 Ea*t 2bn; at., New York Ci y. 4w WffijH &'£SSp£ri3E , jk . \i -i.iguu* Seei .Mac- iue Co,s»*ti>»i. Mads ", 4v» f|%> Till! AOIiKIN’G CLASS ‘male oi female, $ -0 t \fei« k utti r Ko>p* cia'»W* eu plo\- ilaAt.i rkiHioifie drt\ tit evening; no capital ('•q -iie.l; tub ins'V Clums ajtd vn'unbh* package of goouS »o : start with sen rre by mill. Addre.-s, with ti cent J rettn nstiip. M. YOUNG it LO.. 1G v ourtland >t., | New Y rk. 4\v. 33 <Z» TST y I s j H»*.d(*(!■• ive»l. hut lor cougii*, co!* s. so e tl.r •«' I ho ti.ym ss and b r oiicui 1 t ilficul i«-a. us»* «.ul/ W.LLS’ 04R30LIC TABLTS. j Wurild-'K im tationi are on t be icatkei but the onlv foie *tifit; preparation »-f 4 *nr«»olio \c.d for i LnU4 dis»CHM*F it whfti c .fUiicaily toinhim*d vvt * l otner well kn >wii r- ntedi k. a- in th- e tiibl is, n 1 :;J parties '•re cnui'Mieu ; g.i.<st n inn Roy oili**r. In all ca-i'*s of initat on »»! the um< o biii» nihraliH 111. s- a*' c.b hlioul •be iirt 1 U-etl. iheir cleans.iijr Bd iuil P op i»k;s |»V asloiiisl iiijr^ 11 w treed, m-ver . » g i.. i« ■ •id, it and easily Cured ii it in i.'it ii' b me, wtieii ti !*• «-«.m s clii'u.ic the •Miv a c iiitf ! y didiou.i, u e W rHs’ Garbo i I'a.jbitM.'i is a sneific. Jilli.' Q. IvEi.LOG it Platt St.. N.'w Y-ik. Sole \ip i»« lor the U'died S Jlt *P. Price c<nis a b**x. Sr ud lor Circula*. Tu ■i" m • is* 1 s i»-. IFU 0 mi iHie!h «>r hl.VlMk'TiDE’ri fiLilti MS hayirtjt, I'li vyarii ’> ail ib« o ./k <■'* i’his e-* Wailt. I roe-, lit— tVihllV’e. oer GOO I'i‘is - 0 Mu* An mjt W«yj_i. and. NOTH fJ. - H«* not • «<wiv*o h) mi>r p tti ns made to pilm • *ll* send t ■ c row a s ami «c- Pm t of « nnd jiea mi ce>s of our in;,. .r>. P. i?k» t emiijM ion, wot i h *ld. mail -i fie . Hubbard Pi os.. Pub i-li e>R 72j Saiisorn-Mt Pin a. 4w A GEN IS WANTi-bi Fob- six WOES Ii OK, aCIKNC K AND Tin; BintE. This book qives the very cream of Science, ruakitfg itd thrillin" reßli&ies, beauties .wonders, and sparkling f;e;ns >i hundru 1-foM more interest - ing than fiction. Every man, woman, nnd child wants to road it. His endorsed by the Pres, A M ; 'istei-. «*F all deiiomituiMons. Sales immense Afo»ntK ivptttt o‘2 —l.'» - 12-“ SOt~B7 and 9<» copies’ per week, Great inducements to Agents. Employ ment foi Young Men. Ladies, I endlers and Cler •;yuien in every county. Send for t ircular. Also, agents wauteil for the B*. «|»n .filaiidanl l-Idi.ion I Ik* ISnl\ ll .hlc OVER iV.O ntA IONS. All onr own A< out:' for other books, aud many Audits for other Dnblishi fs, are selling this Bible with wou di rful success, l.a-caiiso it is the most valuable, beautiful and po ndar edition now in the market,* and is sold at a very low pric C luvasring books fret to working Ageote. Address ZIEGLER «t •rrr T)Y. - \ rc!i-st.. Phi'adMphi Pa. a \ inv < AitpeiT. Thk Gi'fat Wonder. — be Ncw-Eiiglsnd Car pet Go , established over a quarter of a century ago, having expended mm-h time, talent, aud money, to produce a stylish and durable carpet at a low price, after years of experimenting with the best artizans, have brought out a carpet which thev have named and will be known as GETtM YN APESTUY, being an exact imitation of Solid Brussels, the lirst thousand pieces of which, in order to indtrouee them, will be sold for ;>7A cents per yard.-Sample sent by mail on receipt of 10 cents, or 5 different patterns G > cents. NEW ENGLAND CAP PET GQ., 3715 Washington -st , Boston, Mass. II BLOOD PURIFIER ' 1 " qu. u-> m y nowii rcirteU v. I wi <r di ca p, *-x i p.r- au«t »»• *. r* • n dil, d«*s» <*y all pi f-n. *» 8 u(J'*> 111 Hi lilon ' a -il will if c u il\ «1 H (i*l *>* p•ib p is. f (ii .. hi iiviis ,f r c <mii fid. 1- ih re want t c n*,, m y . r Liver v'c Spleen ? Gnl ,-s red ven lit* | M«o I becoiiit’s mptrie to. »l 1 - ii ni' s ere i ir, ,i rod icing >-cj»tuf<.ttk oi k h and '»•* -s, 11 ..tcli 8. (Mu.i , iiisiufe-, c nkiM*, pi in -1 s & •., Ac. Have . u * l)y fp ie S'otnnch/ U dess jdigep ilb j»*o *.fit'y kid c th«* ssfrn ii and will; poverty «*f o-h »*1o« 1. Drupsicai t. i.dciicy. g-neral v\’ a nes a**rl im*nii Havw ymi wi* kn v P ~f Hi« / t You * r i'> '• i g* f f Glironic Marrhu a or J Ilamiii nion «»i f t l'" fft*'B II iv v">i weak’'f*ss • f tlie (J’** iue •r U* iihiv it -2 nS? Y u a*■ Xp »• and 10. 8 life I’m if in it mu-i vjf.nva.ydJ f»nn. Aivy.ii »1 j -.-. id. drovsyi du I, slay ;i-b nr tie. u«* se* irt is.wi (i hca Ihc e, hack aclu*. c»»bt d gu and bui t*> i"i n'r*u ti ? F ra• • n in r-m *«!y for a If these ri ‘ , pts"s -a i<( truub! s; u.r cea • nif rtud p.iri* - ing ill 'i iit'dll no l and irnp ir- ng v gor it al Mo vii il so C ror bat'd ng up an 1 *«-io lug t'u weakened cu.i*t«r.. in l.h .ITJRUBEDA w c i * u ju ouoMiic -d l>y ill |. a i g iju*d cnl n o i iBmIIO rl u a i*a i “tilt* 111- .» pow** flHu i %dalira i.* kn »wu iu Hie ni d'C 1 wo Id.” !'i» *? i' no .v and nut i*d d,.-c > ’ **\ but ha « be n I o_ u***il l*v ihe 1 adih/ p|i' nicich of oilier cuun ii -.» win w <i<t-itu r» mp* ial »*mi isl. . D n’t vv- iik'*n an 1 imp i ihe dig st o g tn< b cattiai i r-a* and phy-ics, h**y t o.Ov temp >ar ivi-f—liifiigc'jiiu I, fl »'ub*iu;y and and B ( ir|Jß'a with pil s ki dr- and uiste sen are sur*i to icllow ihi Kt*ep,t ! i»* h od pirn* nr, d tiealfh is aS'iir* and. JOHN Q. KELLO'rt*. 18 Plat* M , N. Y. >ole Agmit for tlu* United »Sta **s Pri -.e, One Dollar per Bottle. .SYnd f«nCircular. THOMSON, McDUFFIE COUNTY, GA., JANUARY 29, 1873. W. B. Shank, AT THE BUS ON TOHE, No. 1, Main Street, Thomson, Ga jA. Splendid Assortment OF tusnn & GBTiMs te GOODS, : including shirts, dnwers. hand kerchiefs, Boots and shoes, of all sizes and qualities. Heady Made Clothing in iibundancg Kentucky Jeans u large stock of H its and caps. Umbrellas from SI.OO to $3.00, Gents* collirs of the latest styles. Gents’ socks from $1,2.7 to SG,OO per dozen. CasKiineres from 77 cts. to $1.77. For the Ladies he Sias Prints of all kinds and prices, from 7 cts. to Vlh cts. per yrtrd. White do Hon hose from 10 cts. t<i GO ots* Ribbed hose from 1.7 cts. to 30 cts. (Ldored woollen hoes. Lidies’ merino vests. 'Lies in great variety, from 10 cts. to 7.7. cts. Lillies’ linott sets, from 77 cts. to 'Toilet s< ]dain and fancy. Fringed Nottingham laces iins 30 cts. 1. tdies’ black vests, fiom 7.7 cts. to $1.50. Hamburg edging 30^-rs. f; tee edging of all widths Rtid all priaes. All kinds of laities* veils Ladies’kid gloves, ouejamHwo bnLtons. Ladies’ dresrbtrFtons, of all colors, from 1.7 cts. to 40 cents per dozen. Ladies’ sleeves from 70 cts. to 7.7 cts. BiAIHSvV Consisting of Alpacas, Mohairs, Poplins, Suitings, Ac., a very large assortment. Jap anise silks at GO cts., Velvet trimmings, all widths. Royal velveteen, silk finish, at SI.OO per yard. Shawls from $2.70 to $l(i.()0 Handkerchiefs from .70cts to per dozen. Toilet■ guilts, from $3.70t0 SG.OO. Quilts from $1.70 to S3OO. iOomcMic o>ooilo. Blpaohed cottons, <), s and I jrand wile. ShcetinqH Il'.uul I.', iuecs wide. Sheetings !) quarters and 10 quarters wide, at 10 cts anil l."> cts per yard, lirmvn cottons j to I yard wide. Brown cottons 0 quarters and 10 quarters wide at 3.'> cts. and .0 cts. per yard, and he liest be l-ticlcinq at da cts. jier yard, (r. od feather tickiuh at dO cts. per yard. Matrass i c ting from If, ctei. to M cts. per yard. Note and Letter Paper. paper, a fine article, at 30cts. pur box. Jitter paper at 27 cts. per quire. A large and well as c orte l Ktock to suit the mar ked, too numerous to mention. C4T Call on SHANE. Home Shuttle Sewing Machine. THIS U El A.EO MTCHIiE l|“l*8 !l stlnjnlit li, C(i Mak' S till* “liOck Stitch.” (alike on both side ), luiaii Si II- A'ljostino Tension. It will hom. It'll, bin,l, cord braid, earn, tuck, ruffle, bcuisiitch, gather, it and sew on at the same lim**, and will work equally well on sdk, lin n. wou!- en, and cotton goods. WI I H jILK, UNKN OB (O I TON THBKAD. W. B. SHANK, agknt. Miscellaneous, Sfiliei-mn.ii on the Hack. Gen. Sherman was put through a course of questioning in /Washington on the 12th instant, touching the burn ing of Columbia, which appears to have irritated him very considerably, and to have elicited facts which are highly discreditable to him as the commander of the army which made the rad through Georg : a and South Carolina. The iVashfKgfoft 'correspbiident of the Louisville Courier Journal furnishes the following synopsis of the facts drawn our by the examination f ‘Gen. Sherman was ex .mined before tin* American and British Commis>imi to-day in regard to the burning nfCul uuibia, lie denied that !..< had issued order's to burn Colum in, but admitted that tiie army was great I v exasperated against Sou,ti: Carolina, and said this exasperation was increased by Ceil. lla:it|.ton's rear gnlVd firiiig info his camp a night or iwi before entering Columbia, which exaspei atioil he and his officers pai licipated in, an i this was known to the men. A correspondence was then shown toGen. Sherman, | ur porting to have taken piaoe beteeu im and ueu. I loll.*< /!-, while on his march to t(foliimhia. Tin* eonininlilea tion from Halleek desired h;m to d.-s 'trov Cluii lesion and sow it with that theie might no. more nullilt-rs or secessionists grow up there. '1 n this Sherman, if reply, wrote that Cmirles toii and Coin uni i Would sunn lie iu his hands, and wuniil l ave no cutis •to c unplain ol his treat meiit of them : ill it he h id Ihe Fi r. e itli cu in with him. and that corps did their work well, and fuither that lie (shermm) would not spare the public buildings iu Culumhi i. as e did Mil ledge. il le. (Je i. Stivrmun admil.te l, on ins rxau inaiio , i lint I his j.-oi-r■espiiinh-iice was .iniheulic. tieii. Sherman slated that he occupied Columbia with the Fifteenth corps, in reply to tie- ipies inn whether he kept the men iu tin; wnms \alter taking pos session oi the city, in* siiiT nut ; he could not have done so to have prevent ed the hurtling of ev ry t .wn in the Slate of South Carolina. V'.iese re spons.-s were (ii'.iwn out by II e repre senial ions ol Bi il isli claiun n’s, who al lege that their properly at l.’phi idua was destroyed vvontouly and in viola lion ol the ijsiges ol war G u Suer-, mail nr mlesled it gund ileal of excite ment -lu-iiig flu- investigntiou.’ Il has heretofore been cluiig and that, ■''heruuin’s -march to tile sea’ was sim ply a raid of pillage and wanton des tnictiun, iu which an unusual license iWiis given the soldics under his com maud, ilis confessions before li.e com miMsion. ;is reported by ihe Courier .Jcmin.-tl s Correa, loudcut, certiiinlv go ver\ lar to 'ar I einifirmiii ; this grave accusation. What, pertinent|y skrtln the .Vashville Union and A n ricim, will history s .y of Ch i man who. in aciviliz ed aii-l Ch-istiuu lountry, perm it tel his soldiers to pillage and destroy tli; properly ol the men lie claimed as fel low citizens of the same Government, hi a manner that w mid h ive dieen dis graceful lo an army ol <eriii b irl>ai l ms'/ Tin-: Laik Coup \V arm:it —Tue weal ll.r'l hoUghout 111-IJnitel toes, iilul iud'-ed all over ihe .Nort i Am., i can Continent, .luring the past, ten rlavs has been the coldest I t <or 111 or i-3 years The xlississippi riv- r wis frozen iiom the F. lls of St Authouv t ' Mem | his- /’hat immense sreon of Water inis not be. u gorged with i. e at that i ity fui fifty or more years In nr ler that somln ru re.of ars in iv tliemur: thoroughly uudeistiind the temperature, tieces ary lo produce such a re lilt, they, must ivnr. mb r that it is an aver age of lwo mites wide, t w ut.y leet de p. nnd Hows with a latural velocity <d tli re- miles an hour. Boding, surging, olteu pr-'Sentiug three vr ell defined mjpei firi -1 currents, it would se. in im possible (or i te-a'm spi ere to ev--r get luten-e y cold enough to fre< ze it over. But -is col-1 as tnis We itlu-r 11-s b ;eu the writer has fe t It cooler. O ie D ■ ceuib r day, in and Sti-5, the l lier-no net-r indicated tin-arc 1C point ol 3S degrees below z -ro; in tin; city ol St. Louis. It was impossible for mail ol the wannest blood to live out of'lno s two hours at u time. 'Animals and birds perished by the hundred tli us-nui all ov. r me State ol -Missouri, on that du-adlul day. Ice for tied rm the Mis-ls-ippl immediately opposite tin; city to the solid thickness of fourteen inclies. •JL'lio Voil-stl Jlurrtercss. .A. Stnijje Story- An exchange gives a long account of one Henrietta Robinson, who ahout twenty y« nrs ago wasacetised ot poßom ins; a irnin ami woman in Troy. ,Vew York, and was convict, and and smtencid t dentil; but the sentence was com muted to imprisonment for life. She was styled at the time the ‘Veiled Murder ess,* as she kept herself closely veiled jn court and prison, and would neither show her tuceorgive any account of htr sell or fa ily. She has now been eighteen years in Sing Situ;, and generally enjoys good health, and spirits, and preserves her good looks. She was a veiy handsome woman w hen she went to prison, and was supposed to belong to some log . family either in or Ireland. She has never yet breathed a w r I in regaid to her family which had r ached j the p iblic. She is called -Mrs. Robin son’ by the other convicts, who one and all entertain lot her the dee pest respect. Having been uniformly exemplary in conduct, she has been granted mu' v tri | lling privileges l ot allowed to ordinary prisoners. Her cell is a curiosity in its way. Ii j is repiesented to be a miniatii e conser vatory, embracing some rare floral col , lections. It is also embellished with I many other evidences of relined tiste and culture. Hie is now more conimu ' iiicative to the chaplain of the prison tli.ui any one else mi l t iw.ird him she oecusiona 11 v throws off a portion of liei reserve. It is even supuosed she has i made so ne important communications to him under the seal of seetesy, and he statics that before manv mouths have passed tiiere possibly inuv lie more dis closures given to the public in regard to her ease, which will present her in a dilfcr. tit light than that in which sbe Inis hereto'ore stood, /'his chaplain who »»ten led In V'trial, has always ex pressed a belief in her entire innocence ot tlic I earl til crime for which she was convicted. H» kis’-ad mo, and In w 'Uvas wrong, For lxe was neither sail nor kin; Need one do penance very long • For HUeii u tiny little uni! lie pressed my-huid ; th ,t wasn't rig’.' ; Why will men h ive such wicked ways t It wasn’t for a minute -quite— But in it there were days and and lys. There’s mischief in the moon. I know ; I am positive 1 saw her wink " lien 1 requested him to go ; I meant it, too —I almost think. Bat, after all. I’m not to blame; He took the ki s. Ido think that men Are quite without a sense of sh i nr, — I wonder when he'll eo. le again ! Nor Generally Known. — Martin Van Buret: is the only man who held the office of President, Vice President. Minister to Ragland, (governor of his own State, and Member ot both Houses of Congress. Thomas 11. Benton is the only man who has he'd a seat in the Unit'd Sta (es Senate b>r thirty cm seen live years. T'eon'y instance of father and son in the Smote a the same time is ‘hat of Hull. Ilenry Dodge, Senator from Wisconsin, and Augustus C. Dodge. Senator from lowa Gen. James Shields is the only nr 111 who ever represented two States in the United Sta'e* Senate. Atone time lie* was Senator from Illinois, and subs ipnuulv omit Mimiesiiti. John Q iniey Adams li-dd a position under the Government during every Administration from that of Washing t n to that. < f Polk—luring which In died. lie had been Minister to Eng land, J/- inlier of botli Ileuses of Con gross Se< letary of State and President of the United States. He died while a M.-inber of the House of Representa tives —There : re some dis.plvantages in living on the second 11,tor. A Danbury house-vvif thus situ to! loir a bar ot sos;i mi the smiis while she exchanged a lew vuirils will th fi'st llour tenant, and a pb'inher w in was up stab’s mend ing the pipes cum- down a m .ment la ter witn several tongs ad wrenches in on*- Ii in I a lll l a sheet-inn hi tin other, and when In- readied the imme diate locality of the -oip his legs sud • nly spread apart, a look of astonish ment stole upon his face, and in an in slant Ii s head was through the -front doo\ ami Ii s coat tail mi fir--, and those longs and wrenches were up in the air struggling for dear life with that si eet iro i furnace. He says now that his lather forced him to learn the tra e of plu idling, an I that it was not his own choice.— Danbury \nrs. TERMS—TWO DOLLARS IN ADVANCE. About Bed-lJiiffs. The hecl-bngg iz a cosmopolitan cuss. Ha iz common tew all country’s that thaw ont. Greenland is the only country where they are konsidered a luxury. Everything that iz hard tew git and eazy to looze iz a luxury- Honesty, religion and munny, at interest, are among luxurys. Tite boot.; are easy tew git, and therefore are not a luxury. Bad kolds are not arming the luxurys, but yellow mice and red crows are. The bed bngg is built in a circle, and hiz month reaches klear around the edge of hiz boddy. This enables them tew bite their food juz az well in one place us another without turning around- They are az prolifick az the weazles. For a large yield and a quick return, there ain’t no stock investment that kan boat bed-bnggs. The only trouble iz that there is so raenuy folks iu the buzziue .s now, that the supply haz killed tbo demand. It iz just az handy for a bed-husg tew bite az it iz for a red hot kole ov fire tew burn. be bed bngg iz a very eazy animal to tew knl t.ivate, in fakt, if you will only give them house rent free, they will kmtivate themselves. Two bed buggs will produce in one year four thousand 3 hundred and 2 bed buggs, besides lay. mg 12 hundred and 3b eggs for the next year’s krop A healthy compotishnn iz the soul of trade, but m.uidkiml, when they see their phellow kritter do ing well in enny enterprise, aint happy until they rush into the same bizziaess. ' was over thus. I don't look upon raising bod buggs for a living, or just for phuu, az absolutely naeessary, but it iz better than raizin the devil.—Josh Billongs. Romance ‘ni> Murder.— Grafton IP inks, a colored man, living near the Much ii m’s River depot, in Abemarle county, Vn., was murdered for asm ill amount ot money, in Ciiarlotrovilledur ing the Christinas holiday-, TUeChar iottsvidu Chronicle oarntes a very ro m iotic incident connected with Banks. 7 hut pup. r states tlint sometime last spring a w 1, and es<e<! lady got off at Mea piui s R.ver dej or, and g )i g a sliort listance into tt.e country, stopped and nit up at a cabin of a family of very re spectable negroes. A few days subse piently to her airival she gave birth to a child, and was properly cared for liy the hospitable u-groes tor several Months, when she left them, rewarding I hem handsome y for tlit-ir car. . Hie ' eo took the child and coined it to i lie house of Grafton Banks and left it with 1 1 is family, with a hundred dollars in money and instructions to call on her lor more money when required. She then left, Grafton alone knowing whi tln-r she went. Since that time regu lar instillments of money have been re '■*ve.i by Gra:toii and Ins; tor the are and .support of tins u .known child, which, we learn, is still with his family, .ear M. aehi ill’s Kivir. The mo l her is reported as young, beautiful and of high state, while the etuld :s one ot nou sual beauty, and the mystery is likely to remain unsolved, now that Grafton Banks is dead, for lie alone, ot all the eople who knew of the circumstances, cw where the mother of the child liv ed. Small Pox //kmkdy.— As small pox is prevailing, mere or less, in various -eeiious ot the country, the following remedy for that disease, first given to fli.‘ public hv a correspondent of the Stockton (Oil 1 ) Herald, may prove in teresting, ii not important • lln r-vA appe .Ia recipe which ha be. n uslm) to my knowledge in bun ‘ivds ot ease-. It will i rev'em or small pox, though the pitting* are fil ing. It is as unfailing as fate, and cot.- ipiers in every instance. It is harmless when taken hv a Well person. It will also cure sc .1 let fever. Here is the re cipe a- I li .ve list'd it to cure mv chil dren ul scarlet lever, here it is us I have used it to cure the small pox When learned phvsii.iaiis said the patient must die, it cured ; .Sulphate ol zinc, one grain ; fi x-glove (.iiiz• tal.s). one grain: had a teaspoon full of sug i;I. i; with two tablespoon lii I of water. Wiien t liorouglily mixed, anl lour ounces of water. 7ake a >p mid and every hour. Either cisease will disappear in twelve hours. For a child, smaller dose, according to their age If you value advice and experience, use tins remedy for that tci rible dee as. , An oM lady who Imd heard that a young friend had lost a place by a mis demeanor uncharitably observed that there was uliers a woman at the bot tom ol it. t aVI A saucy editor gets off the following definition ot u widow : ‘One who/mows vviiat’s what, and is desirous of further imformation on the same subject.’