McDuffie weekly journal. (Thomson, McDuffie County, Ga.) 1871-1909, July 07, 1875, Image 1

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£S)c ittcDuffic Journal. Weluasday, July 7/1875. HOME MATTEKS. AGENTS. The foil: wing Agents for the Joubsai, are authorized to receive subscriptions, i hvrtisements, &e., and receipt for the i Jr. A. Hape, General Agent, it. O Tyson-, McDuffie county. ■f. W. WrLi.xsGiiAM, McDuffie county. O. M. Walt., :. T. Barksdale, Esq., Warren “ i 1. J. E. Strother, Lincoln “ X. 15. Hoixenshead, Lincolntou, Ga. f. P. Dim., Clay Hill. A. M. Ai.len, Saw Dust. W. M. Morgan, Lombardy. .Tt tin H. Scott, Wrightsboro’. T. E. Massengale, Gunn’s Mills. il ~ iiY S. Williams, Crnwfordville. All RIVAL OF TRAINS. GEORGIA K. B. i•• Passenger 0.44 j'. A.'sy 1:i '“ i p Night “ (mail) 10. is Down Night " " EOt AL DIKECTOKY. COUNTY OFFICERS, r Ordinary. A. R. Thrasher : Sheriff. (;, ..mgfoid: Clerk and Treasurer. R. H. Pearce ; AVm. Johnston, Judge of the County Court. MUNICIPAL GOVERMENT. P. C. Hudson, Chairman-. Dr. E. S. II : on. 'A. I). Hill. Trent., H. W. Gerald and John M. Curtis, CHURCHES. Mini. msT--Services 2nd and tth Sun days. Av. W. T. Hamilton. Pastor. Baptist—Services Ist and id Sabbaths. Rev. J. W. Ellington, Pastor. MASONIC. Regular meeting, Ist and id Tuesday nightrau each month. T>. F. Irving: IV. M. : N. .V. Lewis, Secretary. ODD FELLOWS. - Regi.’ar mooting, Monday night eacli week. 11. C. Roney. N. G., J. W. Willing ham. Per. & Bee. Sec. FRIENDS OF TEMPERANCE. Ri-.' meeting, each Friday night. AS':,.. Jen .mi, W. P.; IV. R. Hillman, Sec. THOMSON GRANGE, NO. ;.s. PATRONS OF HUSBANDRY. Wm. McLean: Master : 1 . . f.iry Meets Ist and id Wednesdays t.-t each month, at 10 o'clock a. m. POST OFFICE. i ' .las. 'l'. Neal, Post Master. Office opens daily (Sundays excepted j 7 o’clock a. in.. closes o'clock p. m. Opens Sun dae from 71 to *4 o’clock a. m. Letters vc< lived for posting till 0 o’clock p. in. No Registered business transacted ou Sun day, or (daily) after ."> o’clock p. m AUGUSTA Ollier IT. William Gibson, Judge. 1 'avenport Jackson. Solicitor Gen. Burke -Thii-d Mondays in May and No vember. Columbia— Fourth Mondays in March and September. McDuffie—Third Mi. days iu March and September. Rich luond - Third Mondays in April and Oct ober. Communications, Wo have very interesting letters from -•Aunt Edith,” “Daguerre” and “Mr. WuUleby,” which, on account of print ing only a half-sheet this week, wo are compelled to omit until our next issue. Thanks. This week we are under renewed obli tioii.s to our friends for kindly remern p, il. J..i rnal family, llev. J. 11. Stockton sent us some line peaches; I'd . .. r Eddie Stockton brought us a box ; p. .a lu-.s end a watermelon, and Mr. V,. il. liuiel.iiigaou also presented us a tt;< melon. ( ... ii.nak i are due you, kind friends. Improved Fruit Jars, iii..,:-o. Eligh & Hammond, of Augus tu aavorti-e, in another column, the • br.ib.d Mason I’iuit Jar, which is . ..i t give more general satisfaction than any Jar ill use. Now, ladies, don’t E. ... puss without preparing .mu :,uii and vegetables for winter .... ’ i; y.»u desire them to retain . )....:an, ti.ste use the Mason Fruit Gasket Dinner, ii ~ lasted to state that the Pa ra *i:; .f.i idry, of McDuffie county, lie-citizens generally to join them . .. . ,:!■ ie meeting and basket dinner at v ; o!. C.ii.q.ground, Saturday, the It.-i i. -i. ti..i. Smith, Master of the h.. ii , Co!.-. Colquit, Hardeman, 1 in.’ finer prominent speakers o-vecte 1 to be present. Families r ... *..’. to bring a lunch and enjoy tiit occasion. i lie Party. The lii tie folks were all out on Mon dax at i r the purpose of haring a • nai jolly time, and they had it, too. In 1 t o. ir innocent simplicity they stood not j upon the strict rnies of conventionality, bat gave themselves up to the full en yi-icnt of the- evening, and to the look- : ci-to they presented a sight pleasing and instructive. I was there and can rrntufuiiy say that not at social gather-1 ii: -. or at the mazy dances of the beau- i tit al and graceful did I ever enjoy my-j . cl; so much. At an early hour they dis,. and and went home to spend the’ pi. ii-, ii. thi sleep of innocence and hap- H ho W oulun’l be an Editor ! Yesterday our amiable and generous friend Mis. 11. C. Roney, sent us a. ltu;-., magnificent ponnd cake, beauti fully trimmed with flowers, for which v,-c tip oitr hats with many thanks. With pardonable pride we exhibited our hand some present to our friends, and then carved it. Our young friend Ham, who was present, became enthusiastic while making half-moons in a huge slice, and, like the immortal Silas Wegg, laid aside the “Dcciiue and Fall of the Rooshin Empire,” and dropped into poetry with the following result ; (The <pu us tMtn Journal VOL. V. I want to be a printer, And with the printers stand ; A jug of ink before me, And a goose-quill iu my hand. I wish I was an editor, With half a yard of neck, I’d feast on melons, cakes and things, And peaches by the peck. The Colored Folks’ Barbecue, Saturday last was a gay and festive day with the short staple citizens of Thomson and vicinity. They had a celebration, a barbecue, a spelling laic, a torchlight precession and a tight, all in quick succession, beginning about 12 o’clock, m., and wound up the services with a “hop.” We were not present but understand that the whole affair was a grand success—except the fight. It seems that Ed. Smith and our old friend, Squire Scroggins had a slight misunder standing on the subject of “briled hog” and sheep hash, which led to blows and a ground scuffle. The “getmneu” were arrested and brought before the Mayor, who fined Ed. sls, and took the bridle off of the Squire and allowed him to trot home. But as the case is to under go another investigation we refrain from further remarks. An Accident. Richard Morris, aged about eight year , sou of Mrs. William Morris, of this place, was run over by a wagon, Friday afernoou last, on Main street, re ceiving serious injuries, and narrowly escaping death. Mr. Gerald’s wagon, loaded with lum ber,- was left in front of his gate, while the driver opened it. While doing so Richard climbed upon the lumber. The driver returned and, not observing the boy, started the team, when Richard jumped or fell off between the wheels, one of the hind wheels passing over his head, cutting a severe gash above the ear, and breaking the jawbone nciu- the chin. Dr. Durham was promptly sum moned, who set the fractured bones and dressed the wounds on the head. Though painfully, tin- boy is not dan gerously injured. A Sudden Marriage. Last Thursday forenoon, about 1) o’clock, his Honor, Judge Johnston, was startled by the appearance iu liis office of Henry Walsh and Mary Williams, who requested to be immediately hitched iu double harness. Some delay was occasioned in procuring license, during which quite a crowd collected to witness the interesting ceremony. The Judge, with his proverbial dignity and solem nity, tied the silken knot, and bit off’ the thread. The congratulations of liis Hon or were profuse and deeply touching. The happy twain then marched out into the cold, m.charitable world, to all ap pearances one flesh, while the sheriff, with tears in his eyes, murmured Two heads with but a single thought, Two hearts that beat as one— A double-barrel changed into A single-barrel gun. Tilt Thomson High School. The .Spring Term of this flourishing institution, which, since the death of the lamented Principal, Prof. Nathan A. Lewis, lias been conducted by Messrs. R. W. and Robert E. Neal, closed Fri day last. The School has been ably and success fully managed, as is evidenced by the rapid advancement and improvement of the students, and its great popularity. The Me- is. Neal have received their different collegiate ami honorary de grees, not pro forma, but from actual merit, and are thoroughly qualified, faithful ami devoted to the responsible position of t acinus and educators. The School has flattering prospects for the future, is an honor to our town and county, and should receive the liberal patronage of the people. See prospectus for tin Fall Session in another column. REA ai A G NOLICJ3S. Fruit Jars 1 Fruit Jars l ! The best Fruit Jars in the market. 25 cents each, or 20 cents by the dozen. Call earlv or vou will be disappointed. T. X. LEWIS. To Bent. A desirable dwelling, with garden, out houses, Ac., in good condition, in Thom son. Possession given immediately. Apply to WHITE k COMBS. June 30, 1875-ts NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. NOTICE. f PHOSE indebted to me for professions I services must make settlement on or before the Ist of September next. If not they will find their accounts or notes in tin hands of an attorney. June 10, 1*7.7-tf J. S. JONES, SHINGLES. IL, IV. YOUNG will furn ish Pine Shingles at 84 per thousand. Fl6-tf Thomson Higii Schooli FOR BOYS and GIRLS. m I HE Fall session of this Institution will open ou Monday, August 2 , 1875, I and continue four and a half scholastic months. Rates of Tuition per scholastic year, S2O, S3O, S4O and SSO according to class. Tlie Course of Study embraces all the English branches, the ancient and mod ern languages. Students will be charged from time of ■ entrance until close of term. Deductions made in case of protracted sickness. Board iu private families can be obtain ed at reasonable rates. For circulars apply to either of the dndersigned. Ik W. NEAL, 11. E. NEAL, Ju1y71875-tf Principals, j F. W. FITTS. U. M. HOLMES, j FITTS Si HOI MEN. Contractors & Builders, Thomson Ga, Estimates and plans furnished on , application for any description of work in our line. Agents for the celebrated P. P. Toale lift, Charleston, S. 0., Manufacturer of and Dealer in DOORS, SASH, BUNDS and Builders’ material generally. Fi’-c* ORDEBH Foil DRY GOODS. PEOPLE ill want of Dry (iooiln will save money, l»y Rending their orders to C. J. T. EALK, No. Riff Bhoad-St.. AUGUSTA, G\. Best Calicoes at Bc. per yard; fine yard wide Bleached Homespuns, l()c.; tilie yard wide Unbleached Homespuns, 10c.; Splendid White Pique at 15c. per yard ; Coats Spool Thread, Hi spools for SI.OO ; Good Neck Ruches at sc. each ; Ladies’ and Misses’ Untrimmed Straw Huts, new styles, at 40, 50, 00 and 75c., worth double; Splendid (Quality Black Silk at SI.OO and $1.25 per yard ; Black Iron Grenadines at 35 and 50c. Orders amounting to Ten dollars or ! over will be sent by Express freight paid. O. J. T. BALK. I’UTTuN STATES Insurance Company, ! CHARTERED BY THE STATE OF GEORGIA. Assets - SoOCUOOO.GO! THE ONLY COMPANY fining business in tlie South that haw ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS deposited with tlie authorities of the State of Georgia for tlie protection of Policy-holders! Policies upon all tlie various plans of Insurance issued! j AH Policies Nou-Eofj'eitabic No Restrictions as toßesidence or Travel! | Strictly a HOME ( 0., with its CAPITAL and I INVESTMENT at HOME! PEOPLE of the COTTON STATES, Foster HOME ENTERPRISE! OF I’ICEIiS: WM. B. JOHNSON. - - - Promt,nt. • WM. S. HOLT. - - - Vine-President. GEORGE S. OBE.VR, - - - Secretary. | C. F. McCAY, Actmr/t. JOHN W. BURKE. - - General Agent. ’.IAS. JI. GREEN, - Chief Me,Ural Officer. VI. J. IIAGILL. - - Supt of Agencies. J. IV. Willinyhaiii, Thomson, Ga. District Agent. ’ Flli-d* i Copartnership Notice. r PHIS will notify the public that the X undersigned formed a copartnership ou the first day of November, 1*74, which will be continued until further notice. FITTS & HOLMES. j F2-a* THOMSON, GA., JULY 7, 1875. PHOTPfiWHS! ~ _ThE undersign.:4 respectfully informs the citizens of this petition that he lias located iu Thomson, for a time, where he is prepared to make. All Kinds b? Pictures, on reasonable terms Call and'Specimens. j J. A. KELLY. D2B-at For feale- • riMIE largo buildup, on Main street, in J Thommm. «>c* upwd at present by Sal ton A Harnlet, Dr. -bus B.J Jones, and Mrs. J. C lii chard s. '1 he house is well arranged, and finished throughout; with on* htrg;; store room and office below, and livfc rooms above: and with a kitchen and] well of good water on the premises. | ALSO, the house, <*n Main street, now occupied by .Terre T\ J v—' A as a store house For terms apply to’ ' JXO. li. IIOLZENDOHF, Nov.’Uf * Thomson, Ga. STOVES, ETOfli! T j HEY are made of Urn best material. They always have a godd draft. Every Stove is warmntt*u to h ike well. Our lowest- cash pH'-e ' an- peMishcd. Persons wishing C H 5 R ’ ii it DAKSTnVFS can send money by ! q res*. PRICES: No. li. W: No. r, s::.yio: No. s, uuib: No. h, >■: Refer to tYItSTF, .v COMBS. D. 1.. FULLERTON, Stove Dealer, A. r.l-aji ’ Augusta, Ga. Our Gratuitous,.exponent- Gentlemen, although perfectly rontral in this mat tel, as fur as wjif-iiiteivst w con cerned;. not being a mad of fashion my- if. yet I e mnot refrain on bus occasion froi i rising t«> explain the of which my studied experience m regard To nrntlms of wearing apparel, and the comfort and satisfaction of -of- ves gentlemen- al'lio* unaccustomed to that is I firmly ho i vc. from what I have seen my wife has in-ard the same thing that* economy, durability, splendiclity, substantiality, and good fits cun be bad in the clothing line by trmli at A. J. ADKINS’. j?**'- f e.. ? Zh-*' ” NASHVILLE Business College AND TELEGRAPH INSTITUTE rpHF, clic-fijmst and best colleges iu the | guulh. Coume of study uliort. prn-tic lil. tli-.roilgh- tui. THINO undo,lby bnnines.-; ili., LeVmi.on Business (i'cilc-e ; t 1 Tele graph Institute lmvo bet n united with the above colleges at Nashville. These lire now THE LEADING COLLEGIA. Everything pertaining to tie f-.ii treiid Course, together with Telegraph.', taught practically by experienced instructors. This is the place to get a Business Educa tion. Bend for College Journal to THOMAS TONEY, Cm-ts Nwsvxiile, Temi. Jas. H. Hulse’s mmi m dyeeho SCOURiMG WORKS, No. 123 Broad Street, near Lower Market, Auiiiwta, (ra. J. THORNE k ( 0. i:!7 JhtoA Street. AUGUSTA. GA.. nearly opjiosite the 'Fountain, WHOLESALE AND BETAIL DEALERS IN HARDWARE, NAILS, HCEB, SHOVELS. PLOWS. SWEEPS. GRAIN CRADLES, SCYTHES, AXES. BUILDERS HARD WARE ami CARPENTERS’ TOOLS. IRON fiicl STEEL, and BLACKSMITHS’ TOOLS. Merchants supplied at bottom prices. Planters give us a call. We keep the celebrated White Man’s Cotton Hoe. El2-a§ Augusta Music Mouse! BROAD STRET. « (h mommaw & ao. ORDER AM) RECEIVE MUSIC EVERY DAY! PIAKTOS A TSI jD O G- A. IST S Comprising eighteen different styles of the best makers, and being the most complete assortment South of Baltimore, at lowest factory prices for Cash or small monthly pay ments. Every Piano and organ fully warranted for live years. The latest publications. A full stock of sheet music and Music Books. MU SIC AL INSTRUMENTS AND MUSICAL MERCHANDISE of every description and variety imported direct from Bremen through Savannah Cus. tom House, at less than New York prices, consisting of Violins Guitars, 1 Tuning Forks, I Flageolets, Banjos, I Tuning Pipes, Clarionets, Picolas, Cavalry Bugles, Concertinas, J Triangles, Zither, Accordions. | Piano Stools. | Cornets, | Piano Covers, Harmonicas. Fifes, i Music Stands, 1 Tamborines. Drums, | Music Folios, Mush.*al Albums, j Music Books, I Music Boxes, [ Sheet Music, s inline olios., ; New So?'*.;-, I Double Bass. I New Music. Silver Instruments, | Mutes. I'iutenas, | Brass Instruments, | The finest Italian Strings for Violin and Guitar received monthly direct from Euro pean manufacturer.-!. ANY MUSICAL INSTRUMENT, Song or Sheet of Music, any quantity of strings ot the finest quality can bo had promptly by ordering from us. * [A.I3-f*.] Heigh & Hammond,, IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS OF GMSB* <J JHL J. IV , KARTHKXWABK, L j£L. 3VE JE* S, And House Furnishing Goods. IVlfiMoii’ss Improved Jars. r j 1 ÜBS -) Alt IS THE ONLY ONE MADE that has increased in reputation. Other I jars have run one or two seasons and have then been pronounced worthless, while Mason s have constantly increased in,demand. Ladies who have bought them say They Will Nchci* Uho Any Other Kind. They are so simple in construction that a child can use them. Also, Sole Agents in Augusta for llai-per’s Patent Ply Traps, No. -S*> Broad Street, AUGUSTA, GA. Ul'l-li* IfAIMT iUIII OIL STORE! I r>:j Jackson St., AUGUSTA, GA. fThe BEET of AETICIIS-ALL FRESH and NEW. t WHITE LEAD. ZINC, PAINTS, I BRUSHES, VARNISH, PUTTY, I COLORS, LINSEED OIL, WINDOW GLASS. MACHINE OIL, GIN OIL, | KEROSENE OIL, Ac., Ac., &c. ! Tekmh CASH ON DELIVERY: or Approved City A cccptnnco. Oco. I?. Connor, .-.lMacktos Sisebx. Nkak Bell Tower ! IJT-f* E. CJI&OCKETT, MANUFACTURER OF STttE EHfiIHES, SAW & 05UST HILLS. SDGU IlliS, (’hi G* arras, Horse 1 . .vers, Pipes, Cocks, Valves, ELUOWI-;, IRON R.-ILINO for GRAVE LOTS, Ac., I MAKE THE BEST POWER FOR r m' lie I2NIII IV ( a sxncl Car I IVIN I.IVGK ii. : . in l Hh. It N \ w!‘ FAILS. !. . A DEEDS IN USE. Send for Circulars to Ci c: s ot Vs Sron Works, MACON, CA, C. E. MALONE, :o. io Bollings wo ;tii block, MACON, GA., DEALER IN AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, And Proprietor of the celebrated Wright’s Anti-Friction Horse Power. 'll • ..nly j; , .feet Power yet invented for driving Cotton Gins, over too in use, giv mg on tut satisfaction. I ullv warranted. ’ ° r '"' ! iov l ‘o'vVN GIN. Price *3,50 per saw delivered to purchaser’s It iv. htation. G ULLETT’S LIGHT COTTON GIN, U LOO pi-r saw iu-llacon. THE AMERICAN NEEDLE GIN AND CONDENSER. THRESHERS, I=\A.I>TS, EE&B CIITWMMS f B£s(JW SWEM&S of every class and description. The celebrated GRANGER SWEEP ANO PLOW STOCK, In sliort everything a farmer may want always in store. Price List and Circulars furnished on application. Fi-c*' Lcjfal Advertisements. Citation for Letters of Dunission. GEORGIA -McDuffie Coottt. WHEREAS, Henry C. Washington, Ad ministrator of George Washington, deceased, represents to the Court, in his petition duly filed and entered on record, that he has fully administered the estate of his said intestate: This, therefore, is to cite all persons con cerned, kindred and creditors, to show cause, if they can, why said Administrator should not be discharged from his adminis tration, and receive letters of dismsission the first Monday in October, 1875, A. B. THKASHEE, July 5, 1875. -fin. Citation for Letters of Dismission. GEORGIA— McDuffie County. WHEREAS, Mrs. Harriet Lazenby, ex ecutrix of Joho M. Lazenby, repre sents to the Court, in her petition duly filed and entered on record, that she has fully administered Jno. M. Lazenby’s estate : This is, therefore, to cite all persons, con cerned kindred aud creditors, to show cause, if any they can, why Raid executrix should not be discharged from her adminis tration, and receive letters of dismission, on the first Monday in September, 1875. A. B. THRASHER, June 7, 1875 3m. __ Ordinary Notice to Debtors and Creditors, A LL persons indebted to the estate of XJL Nathan A. Lewis, deceased, are request ed to make payment of the same to the undersigned or her authorized Agent, R. W. Neal, Attorney: and all persons hold ing claims against said estate are requested to file the same duly verified with the under signed. S. R LEWIS, Adm’x Estate N. A. Lewis. June 21st, 1875-lm NO. 30. Estray Horse. A FLEA-BITTEN gray home, about 1 j\_ dozen years old, answering to the name of Julius Cjesar, winks with both eyes and holds a high tail, broke loose from me at Johnston and Branch’s Mill, in Thomson, last Saturday, and the Lord only knows where he’s gone. Any information of him sent to me at vv. M. Hardaway’s place will be thankfully received, and will relieve the pangs of his distressed family. June 30 HENRY GRIER. Take Notice. ALL parties interested are hereby noti fied thnt at the expiration of thirty days all the guns, pistols. Ac., left in the possession of N. Cowles, now deceased, for repairs will be levied on and sold to pay charges on same. June 28-lm MARY COWLES. Mrs. V. V. Collins, [site with Eli Mu*tin. DEALER IN CROCKtRUGIOTRt, TOILET SETS, VASES, LAMPS, ETC. Sufferers, by the late Tornado, who buy of me, n liberal discount will be made. No. IST BROAD STREET opposite James A. Gray’s Dry Goods House. AVGUSTA, GA. C3l-I* LADiESST AHONERY ALL the latest styles in Envelopes aud Paper, for Ladies’ use, just received, and on hand ; also Visiting, Wedding, Reception and other Cards. Frintingand Bookbinding, in all branches, “ specialty. E. H. PUGHE, Book and Jon Peintee, D7-c* Augusta, Ga. J T , H, SCBUPBIDES* Augusta, Ga. Importer and Dealer in Cliaiapes, Clarets, Rhine & Native Wines, UES,PIRTERS«S. Also agent for the celebrated ANHEUSER St. Louis Lager Beer. CARPETS, RUGS, MATS &c.. We are now offering at reduced prices during the Spring and Summer months o<tr Brussels, Three Pigs and Scotch Ingrains , Together with a Large Stock of WINDOW SHADES. LACE CURTAINS and CORNICES. Damasks. Heps and Terrys- Piano and Table Covers, Cocoa and Canton Mattings Wall Papers and Borders. JAS G. BAILIE A BRO., viOo Broad Street. BLANK BOOKS. Ledgers, days, journals, cash RECEIPTS, and all other kinds of Blank Books, on hand, by E. H. PUGHE, Book and Job Printer, D7-o* Augusta, Ga-.