McDuffie weekly journal. (Thomson, McDuffie County, Ga.) 1871-1909, February 23, 1876, Image 2

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ei): iH :□ ffie Janrnul. ’ ELu.r* A Proprietor*. a. f. comb . > Wesinwlay, Fflbr-sary 23,1876. SEXtTOR N«HIW«HII>. Wf in itudcr bblifrtion* to oar Rep mwrtntif* in the Umte*l ißate* Hetaete (or a eopy «t *° "Mo tion to the Onfemntal appropriation. Hi* argument on ita conatitutiouality i« u lansworabie, aud lit* eulogy on consti tutional law n.t l true patriotism lieauti fully eloquent. JtTATU BOAHI* OH HtiAI.TH. The following from an Atlanta c >rre»- poripen :« ol the Havanuah Sewn : The Btate Board of Health bill wu* amended and passed without opposition. The Judiciary Doramittee have perfected it aa original fy planned by Or. Thomas, to hare couutr board* consisting of the Ordinary anil' two phy»ici.ui*. Toe ten dollar penalty in Abolished, and five cent* allowed f r recording birth*, marriages and death*. The board will now become one of the bent organised and moat ef fectual on thin continent. POUT HOY At/* JlKb' HONOR. Under the alxivo heading the Atlanta Ibiutitution aay* : Port Royal i* rapidly coming into ponineme, at leant an a naval station. It i* to be the rendezvous of the Month Atlantic fl «t, supplanting in that respect t’biladalphia, Norfolk and Key West, if not Pensacola. The fleet alieady arrived number* nine ve*»el*, and more are on the way. By tiles first of next month there will be assembled in the magnifi cent roadstead the tinest fleet that our waters have ever known, not excepting the array of 187:i-4 at Key West. The New Hampshire, a four danker flying the pennant of Commodore Glitz, will •.sin be there to outrank and command all the rest. Port iV.yal is clearly on the up-grade. ||i: tTII kS TO IT. Among the army of Atlanta correspon dents who contribute electioneering ar ticle* to the rural press, favoring oue or another of the mauy candidate* for Gov ernor, there is one fellow who, wc have no doubt, has been all the way from At lanta to Henry eon t. ami back aga.u and declares that "Mr. .Tarnea i* the roaa 1" In this jiortiou of the moral vineyard if you talk to a man who live* off tlm lino of railroad, where the Atlan ta paper* da not circulate, about Mi. James, he wi I exclaim 'Ume* who ! Never heard of him." Now, if Mr. .fames wants to be known in the race in this diatrirt the aeahms Atlanta coma jHiudont ha-V&Sfcr sling a little in< r. ink dowß-this way. Hinsll biographies «eh | pi'Afterth.:,. Mtltk I.Rt.IW'.ATIOY, W# arc not sure luiA'-hat tj>« "moek legisla'i hi" inhnlgrd id even after ad inurnment, by some of our State Keprr aautative* detracts from the dignity ol the body. While to he always grave is not an euviable finding, jesting in con nectiou with the deliberations of out iaw-maker* scout* to its to have u ten dency to lessen the influence of thorn who engage in it. One thing we notice to- wit : Tha time-honored sage* o the body keep their names out of such proceeding*. We admire the spirit which, amid tin social gathering, gives vrnt- to mirth and jollity for the amusement of Mum. around, hut to havo such appendage, to tha regular proceedings of tha Genera' Assembly is ill-timod and calculated to bring unfavorable comment upon those who engage in it. KMIKHTIrt AIH-1,1 A 10 lUll.ltOAI) Parties have promised to furnish the Rlbertou Air-line Railroad with iron and take one-third of their pay in cash and the remaining two-thirds in liointe of the road. living along the line of the road will got up the cash. Now let the (icoplc along the line of the Marietta, Ouutou aud Kllijay Rail road emulate thia example, and, beranse the State refused them aid, not give up the project. The Slate did right in not grouting the desired aid. We havo nl ways lieen of the opinion that a railroad traversing a oouutry whose eitizvns were neither able or willing to equip it was a poor inveitment. it i* what might bo tanned premature development, or de velopment at the exjieuse of the builders of the road. A farmer in KUiert County, who had hoped for the passage of a substantial dog-law remarked that he thought tha* with the proper proUxitiou to sheep bus baudry it would lie cheaper to raise them for meat than to buy baooo at presen i prioes. Hi* fond hopes are buried or. tliis. The democrats have swept Texas bj at least SO.tKW majority ; but the fate ol the new constitution is in doubt. Gov Coke's majority in Houston was bid, b .. the majority against the constitution *i> 1,985. Several days must elapse befori the result is kuown. - ♦ The evidence against Babcock is in. and the general opinion in St. Louis is that it is more oonviuciug than the evi dence in MoK-r's case. IStdl a divided jury is predioU-d. The influence of the government is for the defense this time’. Rev. J. 11. llama, a member of the North l la. Conference aud pastor of the Evan’s Ch .pel, M. E. Church, Atlanta, died sudden y a* his residence on Thurs day uieiit last, Ob K I.bbISI.ATORS. We know Uiere are aoma bright intil lecta, able stateameu and worthy repre sentatives composing the General Assem bly, whose terms of service to the people are now alamt le clone, and how uufor- | t uaste that these have to bear the odium : brought upon the body by their more j numerous compeer*. We say odium for ■ who that is familiar with the delibera- : tious of the two lost Legislators is not i ready to censure, and justly too, much of wbat has been done ? At present wc : will ouly allude to two laws oue rejected . and the of her enacted, which if properly i understood by the people would cause : them to pas* sentence on those who vo- . ted «.>/<!, forever ejecting them from halte. We allude to the “dog law" and the “reduction of the salary o j the State School Commissioner.” The Macon Telegraph tc Stensenyer has the following in reference to the first mentioned : TUB POO I.AW, a. tinkered ami adopted in the Senate, is the luiuest possible evasion of the whole subject. lu practice it will prove almost a nullity. Catching before bunging. Who does not know that the sheep-steal ing cur enters the fold, in the dead of night, with the adroit sccrcsy of the practiced biped burglar, and slays a score of bis dumb victims, sometimes at a single inroad, merely burying bis fangs in their throats and sucking the blood ? Seldom, indeed, are they caught in the act, and, then, who owns to keeping a aheep-killiug dog ? Proof, in almost every cao, will be a matter of impossi bility. In rcfereuce to the reduction of the salary of Commissioner or the same, pa per says : Rut the • itiou of the House, we four, will deprive the State of the services ol a valuable official, aud itcould have adopt ed no bettor method to iusult tha Com missioner, than by degrading the dignity of his position to the level of tiic most 1 trivial clerkship in any of departments. Doubtless they tbmk. however, thst there is no hard phisical work about the •lllce, aud, therefore, he ought not be paid as'much aa uu ordinary mechanic. Why does not the same rule apply to their own i er diem ? . .... ••• •THU CAIISK OF II AH II TIMIiN. Till’. BUMUDV." We have heard of middle men and “plumping them out from taw,” but if the following from “Old Man” in the Newt »t Farmer does not accomplish the job with words wo ure not u judge. Anyono who will heed his precautions and take his advice will indeed boa granger : If ever any jieople had hard times surely we are now liuviug it. 1 will try anil give a few of the reasons why it is fso. it. the flntt-place, wc, as a tunning aud laboring i4opie, ore too indolent, lazy, careless, neglectful uud proud to attend to our digit*,. Ihe consequouee is Instead of uft having corn, bacon, horses mid cuttle to sell to the merchant and uon-prodiioers, we am constantly worrytug me merchant to give us credit, for liie veiy articles wo slioald havo to sell to him in exchange for our coffee, uigur, iron, and such other articles as . wc cuuhot make nt home. We complain awfully about our Blute mil County taxon being so high, and ai the same nine arc spending, many ut ut, imre money for two worthless articles, whiskey aud tobacco, in the course oi mo luout . than our tuxes would be for a ear. The next groat trouble is the theft Vitli the large number of teuiuts nml lireliugs stealing iih it is, from tliem slves, and oarying the products of the arm to some cross-road merchant who a Ins hush, to get rich asks no questions nit, perhaps, may say briug more, next .uue the bitters or whiskey-will be ready. I ace mother great evil with sonic la uoiers, stopping .Saturday all or bait the lay to go to town or the eross-roiuls. Such habits should not lie tolerated, it iemoruiixes the laborers of the few thrif ty well to do farmers, and the hands of inch places only stay because they call get soiuelliing to out at all such places, .hid plenty ol hucou is a powerful stimu lant to tlm sons of Hum. There are more destitute persons now than I ever knew at this season of the vew. There are a'veral lout-ons for it. In the lirst place •vo nave over trad oil, Ininght more than ve can reasonably pay for, if onr crops ad lave ev. i so grant ; ami further, the nost ignorant man or woman is aware Iml tlie laws will protect them against heir creditors therefore tlm usual plan s to get all they can aud pay uothiug. •jumgh ia that side of the question, now .or tlie remedy, in the flrst place a Cou titutioual Convention to be composed of •ur bast melt, not too many of them, to ix up a good v holesome constitution, one that will make men pay their honest debts : m the second place, trade less, economize in everything, lie not ashamed *o acknowledge our poverty, do not try to keep up appearances, go plaiu, live hard, tnuke no new debts, pay all the old rnes as fust ns possible, and we will soon be independent. Oun Man. It is not generally known by aur far mers that one acre of land planted in corn, with the plants one foot apart, will produce over 150,000 pounds, but it has doue so tty actual experiment. An ncre of laud ooutains 43,800 square feet, and a stalk oi green com will weigh 3j pututda. When cured it will neigh about oue pound. So we have 150,000 pounds >f green forage or 53,560 pound* of cured forage to the sere. With these facts before them, why will farmers allow their cattle to roam at large, uibbliug the grass on old fields, juinpiug fences, destroying crops and yielding no profit in milk and butter when they could keep them in good order in a stable aud feed three animals the entire year on t oe production of one sore, aud thus save the manure to enrich the land ? Aud why mil they devote the hot and sultry days of August to fodder pulling, which causes their com to shrink, when they o.iuld raimi plenty of better forage from sowing dowu su acre or two in corn. These things should enlist the attention of thefarmersof Middle Georgia. - Ineintan Southerns. I.KGIMI.A I IVK SintMAMt. SENATE. Atlanta, Feb. 15. ln the Senate the following bills were panned : To authorize the Treasurer of Wash ington county to pay the widow of Hay wood Brookina; to organize .. County Court in Clay county. The bill to require persons to take out license for keeping dogs was lost-—ayes, 15; nays 21. The Governor has signed the act to define the time within which proceed ings to set aside judgment and decrees . f Conrt* must be instituted ; also, tbe •i tto provide for tbe adjustment of the ight of parties in cases where property a Licit has been set apart under the oomestead and exemption laws of tbe ■-tate has heretofore been sold. HOUSE. In the House the following bills were passed : To provide for supplemental proceedings against debtors where judg ments are returned unsatisfied. The bill to regulate the leasing of con victs was made the special order for Thursday. The bill to loan tbe credit of the State to the Marietta, Canton and Ellijay Railroad wua taken up. It pro vided to endorse bonds of the road to the amount of two hundred and fifty thousand dollars. On motion to indefi nitely postpone tbe bill, tbe ayes were 99; nays, 59. Mr. Bacon, of Bibb, offered the fol lowing resolutions, which were unani mously adopted : Whkbeas, It has lieen charged on the floor of the United Htates Serrate, and by a portion Os the public press of the Northern States, that it is the design of the Legislature of Georgia to abrogate or abridge the privileges or rights now enjoyed equally by all citizens of tlie State, under the Constitution of the United States ; therefore, be it Hcmtlved, As the sense of this General Assembly, that the equal political rights of all citizens of this Mt-ate, regardless of race or previous condition, ore perma nently fixed aud secured by the Consti tution of tlie United States, which is recognized by this body as the supreme law of this laud, and that no abridge ment or interference with the«e rights is proposed, or contemplated, or desired in any action of this General Assembly or by the people whom we represent, and thut any and all legislation in contra vention thereof, either by the Legisla ture or by a Convention 'of the p. ople, would be null nml void. Jienolved, further, That the relations of ull classes in this Btulc huv» been harmoniously adjusted upon tin; basis of the present provision of tin Constitution of the United Slates ; tha’ peace and feeling lietweeu tin races prevail throughout the Suite, ami that it is neither the desire nor the inter est of the people of this State to reopen these questions which have lieen tlm* permanently settled beyond the power oi agitation to disturb. The policy of stab- aid received « C ushing detent in tbe lull to ad tie Marietta aud North Georgia Hoad. The section to be developed i* rich m miner al wealth, but the State cannot afford t build any more roads until the elephaut.- uow on hand arc disposed of. Tin Htute should he just before being gener ous, SENATE. Feb. I(l,—The following bills were pasee.l; To prevent bfffttflig on lands of another wit him t consent of the owner; the general U»x net for to anthpr ize tiie.f lungers' Hoaltli wiiu Lire liisiuv sues tVimpahy to establish a State de partment m Georgia. The bill to encourage propagation of fish passed. It appropriates five hun dred dollars for the putpose. The Coin miasiotiers of Agriculture have the mat ter in charge. It repeals all Ideal ur public conflict with it. The educational bill was discussed for several hours. There will bo no ohange in the preseut system. SENATE. February 17.—1 u the Senate to-day the following bills were passed : The special committee to which was referred the bill hi license keeping dogs and encourage sheep raising reported a substitute providing for recovery for damage done by dogs killing sheep, which was adopted by yeas 21, nays 17. The substitute will be accepted by the House us the best that con be doue to onconrugo sheep raising. The Governor has approved the fol lowing bills : To punish any persons who shall sell, give, lend, or furnish any minor with deadly weapons ; to author ize the Comptroller to collect by execu tion debts due the Htate by the lessees of penitentiary convict* ; to allow Judges of the County Courts certain fees. house. The House resumed the consideration of the bill to repeal sections 1,251 to 1,265 of the Code, nml organize a uew public school law. The section abolish ing county iHatrds organized under tlie act of 1872, after March Ist, 1876, was agreed to. An amendment was adopted making the term of the board two years, and that future appointments shall be made by Judges of the Superior Courts, upon the recommendation of grand ju ries at the Spring term, for two years. And the amendment was adopted thut the compensation of members of the board, except Secretary, shull bo three dollars per day for each day of actual service, to be paid out of tho couuty school fund ; also, that after the expira tion of tho preseut term tho State School Commissioner's salary Bhall be SI,OOO per annum, and that the office of Score- ! tary of the State School Commissioner j shall be abolished. Tbe bill as amended passed— ayes, 101 ; uavs, 52. The bill does not interfere with counties where there is a local law. The bill to loan the credit of the State to tlie Marietta, Cauten aud rillijay Rail road, reoonsideresl yesterday, was taken up and lost—yeas—, 71, nays, 82. The bill to regulate leasing out peni tentiary convicts passed. It is consid ered n decided improvement on the pres ent system, senate. Feb. 18.—In tbe Senate to-day the ; following bills were possed : To incorporate Bibb Manufacturing j Company ; to incorporate the Atlautic | aud .Mexican Gulf Canal Company ; to’ incorporate Fulton Manufacturing Com : puny ; to incorporate Gold Mountain i .Manufacturing Company ; to reduce and ! regulate the fees of tax receivers aud ' collectors, allowing three per cent, iu i Richmond, Fulton. Chatham and Bibb counties ; to amend the laws relariug to the Deaf aud Dumb Asylum at Gave Spring*. HOUSE. Iu the House the . lowing bills were paced : To protect Ord ies when the ad ministration of estates is vested in Clerks of the Superior Court. ; to amend sec tion 2,527 of the Code, as to return* oi odmiliiHtrators. etc. ; to abolish the Citj Court of Augusta ; to amend tbe charte’i of the Presbyterian Church at Augusta. SENATE. Feb. 19.—The following bills weie pasted ; To reorganize tlie government of the State Univereity ; to amend the charter of Harlem ; to exempt from jury duty railroad conductors. ■^/ r ' .. HOUSE. In the House, the bill to authorize the Governor to issue bond* to retire by ex change recognized bonds of tbe Macon and Brunswick Railroad and tbe bonds of the North and Booth Railroad was taken up. This gave rise to a consider able debate. Several amendment* were offered and voted down. Judge Speer offered a anlistituta to pay recognized bonds of tbe Macon and Brunswick Railroad falling due since tbe seizure of the road, and to provide for its *ale. Mr. Candler moved to amend the substi tute. Mr. Walsh offered a substitute for the whole, which was adopted by a large ma jority. This provide* for tbe issue of bonds to pay interest now due and fall ing due on lionds of both roads, the new bonds tb have twenty years to run ; to bear date July l»t, 1876, an . to War in terest at 7 per cent., payable semi-annu ally. Tbe bill will pas* tbe Senate. Tbe following bills also puaecd : To appropriate money for tbe improve ment of tae building* of tbe Lmiatic Aaylam ; To authorize niaturd women to act as guardian* for minor children iy former husband* ; to prescribe the man ner of lieariug motion* for new trials in criminal case* in Couuty Conrt*. SENATE. Fet). 21.—1n the Senate to-day a pro tracted discussion took place on the mo tion to reconsider the Inli to organize the State University. The motion wu* laid on the table. The Senate concurred iu the resolution to adjourn Wednesday night, and adjourned until it p. m. AETKItNOON SESSION. The joint special committee appointed to investigate the alleged cipurge* of bribery by the leu*.- compauy iu securing the endorsement from the Legislature of 1872, report that they find uo evidence to sustain the charge. Gov. Brown testi fied thut $21,000 were paid to lawyer* and newspaper* to protect the interest* of tlie lease company, and defend and sustain the lease before the Courts und the ptMlflffe, and before the member* .if the Legislature. About $12,000 were paid to papers. The contract did not in. elude editorial column*. The following I amount* were paid; To tbe Atlanta Co,?- stiCution, $5,000 ; Journal St Me«»eny,-r \ 1 M 7 ip . r l BirSL ’ m ;i-Vrrre izer. Standard guaranteed. Eich in Ammonia and Phosphate of Lima. 'PMK Uase is Hone, and this is admitted to l.e tho Inn source of Plant Food The I itigrodifut* lined in its manufacture are of (be higt,«*t grades. It ha* beou in the market for seven year*, and thousand* of tv-ilificates can 1>« brought from our beet farmer*, if uecessary, to satahlish the excell»uee of tho CRESCENT BONK Try it for yourself. Apply to J. M, BERRY, Mr* Am i, For CRESCENT BONE FERTILIZER. A iiAriiMt,. ~ b?.t-a* nr 1 SON A HAYLES, Thomson, Oa. ' wt * • O. M. STONE, COTTON FACTOR, Corner Reynolds and Mclntosli-Sts., AUGUSTA, GA ■ U I GENERAL AGEN< \ for any variety of plantation machinery, embracing the celebrated Gnllett’ft Llffht Draft Cotton Gins. Fni’quar’is \Vli--jit r l' , hx-e*il» i-w nnd Huperntoi-H which are sot surpassed by any, besides being the lowest priced. THRESIIEKS range in price from #55.011 to #tmi ihi The NEPEKAfOK first threshes, then R6|>erate* from the straw, then cleans and sacks the wivsit ready for market- Can furnish them mounted on wheels or not as desired, biw froijj.#lßo.ol) to #020.00, according to size. Ac. Stationery and Portable Horse Powers. Wright’s Improved Wrought Iron Cotton Screw, patented 1875- ! With this Screw two hands can run down 450 lbs. Cotton in fire to «ir minutes, or three hands a 50 n lb. b«fe iu the same time. Pack n,> ordown—vail be placed in doors or ont | aide. Can be run by Hand. Horse. Water or fiteam Power. Will deliver at the planters' : nearest depot at price*, 20 percent lower than the present prices of any other Wrought : Iron Screw. STEAM ENaitTES. ! rianters, spare your stock by buying a small plantation engine. With it you grind your | corn, pnparw foo.l few your stock, thresh your wheat aud gin cotton. The ECQNOMfZtR. * small Horizontal Engine, with retnrn tubular boiler. 4H P *4OO : 5 H FV4.V) : t> U P *575. the BICELOW UPRIGHT BOILER PORTABLE ENGINE- ♦ H p f.ino ; h p I #4OO : 7HP #475 i jtjH.P $540; I2HF #725 ; 15 H T #Mlt COLEMAN’S CORN MILL) complete shipped, ready for service. Makes good : meal. Can be run liynorse, Water or Steam Power. Price* according te size, from #llO to #240. Terms easy. Sefid for circular*. Addreaa O. M. STONE, b23-U* Augusta. Oa. Get Your Watch Repaired at FREEMAN & WOODSTOCK'S, 316 Broad-Si, (Opp. Planters AUGUSTA, GA- W VTCHES. CLOCKS and JEWELRY repaired and warranted. We refer to the citizens of McDuffie and adjoining counties. - v M. L. FREEMAN. *26-*5 W. G. WOODKToqi (Mae -in). $2,000 : Angusta 0. n*lifuf ion alixt, *2,000; Rev. SV. Wat kin Hicks, alitor of the Macon-—, *>4o; Ben Mar, so-- newspapers and attorneys fees, *'> 000 : J. P. Simmons, attorney, Sl,- 000; George V lister, attorney. 81.- 000; Herbert Felde-, attornev, $1,500. Smaller amounts were paid other | apers and parties. making in ali $21,000. There was not a particle of evidence to sustain the charge of money paid to any mem ber of t!»e Legislature. The report and printed. HOUSE. In the House, the following bills were passed: To amend the act to prevent cruelty to animals ; to regulate the sale of opium and preparations therefrom ; to amend the laws for the protection of the State Treasury and to define the duties of the Treasurer. r *♦. LAST CALL. \ r OTICE is hereby given that all persons i\ who are indebted to estate of George c Dillon, deceased, are earnestly requested to come forward and make satisfactory arrangements with the nndersigned by the first of March All who fail to comply by the time speciied will find their notes and accounts in the hands of an attorney for collection. H. W. GEBALD. Authorized Agent of W. C. Dillon, ndm'r estate of Geo. C. Dillon. PeblO'TC-Im. Look at this. /V LITTLE caah in better than a heap of proinisea. A full upper or lower net of teeth for $12.50, or A partial plate of a few teeth from (i to 8 dollars. All work done at my house in Harlem and for Cash in every case, the prettiest and best ever made. bl6-a* Dr. T. H. BEVEKK. EXECUTOR’S SALE. GEORG lA—McDuffie County. \ \ ILL he sold to the highest bidder be \ \ fore the Court House d«>or in boiu son, said county, on the first Tuesday in March next between the usual hours of Male, the following tracts of land, viz : One in Lumpkin county containing 40 acres, and one m Here* county containing 4!K> acres. Said lands belonging to the estate of Aaron Adkins, late of McDuffie county, deceased. Hold by consent of the huirs for settlement; Terms on the day of sale. Febl6-4t J. F. ADKINS, Executor CJotton Option. GEORGIA STATE GRANGE FERTILIZER. To meet the ofi-repeated vaguest of the farmers, tins article i« now offered on time, with option of paying in Mi idling Cotton at l.'> cent* a pound. Frices at Augusta. CASH—money to accompany order s4l 00 NOTE—without CxdVm Due Xovemlipr 1 55 00 t NOTE—wi|h Cvtton option 450 lb*. Middling ..w*. 67 50 Georgia Stale Grange Dissolved Bones, CASH— money to accompany order s3l 00 NOTE—without Cotton due November 1 42 00 NOTE—with Cotton option 3.’0 lbs. Middling 52 50 Freight and dray age— cash at time of shipment. Cotton to be delivered at planter a nearest dopot. At these pi ices our Fertilizers are cheaper, both for cash and time, than any other article, especially those low grade Fertilizers Felling for 400 lbs. cotton. Example. A good Aiumoniated Fertilizer will manure— say 15 acres of land, hence our article to be as cheap to the fanner aa Fertilizers selling for 400 lbs. of cotton will have to in crease the yield only 4 pounds of Lint Cotton to the acre to make cost equal. It will, AS HAS BEEN FdOVEI) B\ ACTUAL TESTS, really produce 25 to s*» pounds more to the acre, or from h to 1 bale of Lint Cotton to every ton u&ed, according to quality of land. The Georgia State Grange Fertilizer is made from PURE ANIMAL BONE, and is of the highest grade, while the articles referred to are manufactured from Fossil Bone or Kook Phosphate and are of low grade. See Commissioner’s Report. A Word about Composting- I aimers who compost are urged to experiment with the Fertilizer, and test it along side Compounils, ” Acid Phosphate** and Dissolved Bones. Directions. Mix 500 to r,50 lbs. of the Fertilizer with enough Cotton Seed and Stable Manure to make a ton, or bed your Cotton Heed and Stable Manure with the Fertilizer in .March, and save trouble of composting. In this mixture you not only get much or more I’hospheric Acid yon get fro-n the South Carolina and other similar lnu . n nixtvd articles but you also get in the mixture 16 to 20 lbs. of Ammonia (worth commercially about four dodars). wnich will largely increase the yield. The expt dement is rhr-.p and worth trying on a small scale at Ic^st. The Grange Dissolved Bones can be composted in the same way. Tnis is the great est grade I nan,monisted article in Georgia. See analysis and compare with those in circular No. 22 of Commissioner of Agriculture, CHAS. C. HARDWICK, Esq., Savannah, Ga.. Feb. 10, 1876. Bav NNAg, Ga., Dear Sir Although the cargo arrived in sufficient time yet, owing to aocidkntat. cache.*. Dr Lund failed to n reive the samples of the Georgia State Grange Fertilizer and Dissolved Bones in time for theue Hnalysc-s which I have the pleasure to enclose to Appear in the report of the Commissioner of Agriculture, ircular No. 22. On bams of values estimated by Dr. Land, the Fertilizer is worth commercially. $52,75. and the Dissolved Bones. jor ton. The Dissolved Bones praseuts the highest grade of any I nammoniated Fertilizer analyzed up to this date by Dr. Land. A. MEANS, Inrfectob. Analysis: Georgia .Staff Orange F> rtilher. Georgia .State Grange Dissolved Boner. Moistnre 12.02 \t n Soluble Phosphoric Acid 10.7. r >: ~ , . Precipitated (equal in value to Soluble 2.251 j* ° n ’ ® * fcosphone Acid 12.00 InnoluLlfl 0,75 J j Precipitated (equal in value to Soluble) 3.50 Ammonia ].<•<> Signed, W. ,T. LAND, Analytical Chemist. Atunts, Ga., I eb. 4, 1875. To Department of Agriculture. The Total Available Phosphoric Acid in the Fertilizer is 13 per cent. (Ammonia 3.18), and in the Dissolved Bones !5.50 per cent. i he cotmiicrciftl value «>f tin* Fertilizer is $32.74 jw*r ton. against $48.751a5t Reason; a«.d of the Dissolved B«*ne* 148.05 jtr ton. against >42 >7 last season. Fnmur* emm t buy better lertilizers and none as cheap grade iv:;d crop yield considered. Savannah. Ga.. February lb, 1876. W. W- EEODES. Agent. PLA?.*TERS’ UKIGN AGENCY, AUGUSTA, GA. ws-h* •1. F. V.v vi.oa, Tren t. F. BnoTHtKitoon. Kup't. J. H. Simons, See'y. Taylor Iron forks laifafilmi Comply < lIAHI.ES J'ON, S. C.. / Machinists, Engineers. Boiler Makers and Blacksmiths^ XVI A.ISI CTF*AOrURKRS OF Marine, SutFonary and'Portable Engines and Boiler* He rtf Forcing*, t'asitngs a net .Tine hint ll'urA', SHAFTING, PULLEYS, HANGI.ES, COUPLINGS. PILLOW BLOCKS * GEARIN G HOIS UNO ENGINES. STEAM AND HAND WINCHES. SAW MILLS AND MACHINERY RICE THRESHERS, SUGAR MILLS, SUGAR PANS, COTTON PRESSES, HOUSE POWERS CASTINGS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION IN IRON AND BRASS, ls»il«M* mxl Mornlmut Iron, PHOSPHATE AND ORE WASHERS AND CRUSHERS, DRYING PIPES S' P.EENS AND GRATINGS, STEAM AND HAND PUMPS. INJECTORS, GOVERN ORS. STEAM AND WATER GUAGES AND FITTINGS, SHEET IU BRER. HEMP AN"-' PATENT PACKINGS. SHEET LEAD, BELTING AND LA' ING, G2AIERS IN RAILROAD .STEAMBOAT, MACHINISTS’ AND ENGINEERS* SUPPLIES, MiinnfiM-tiirriN nmi I»t F. Taylor’s Direct Art lay Steam and Hydraulic Press, WSpeeial attention given to the Building and Repairing of Boilers Boilers can lie Uk.-n out and pot iu steau.lx.ats with the newly erected iron Crane ' on our wharf, capable of lifting ■*- tones. Aoonts. l«»i- The United States and Foreign Salamander Felting Company for - COVERING ivTEAM PIPES AND BOILERS. bj6-a§ - .. ' m L BRiBLET’S ST4HO4RD FERTILiZERS. PRINTS?, MOTHER & FOLLABB, FORMERLY FOLMRD & CO., Colton Factors, General Agents, Augusta, Georgia, 13. 3D. Sea Fowl Gnano. SFA FOWL GUANO, « Pap, axUba. etch. C. C. COE’S SUPERPHOSPHATE OF LIME, mßags, soon*. ST ADLEY'S AMMONIATED DISSOLVED BONES, m Baga, 20011, a. tT" The above Standard Ferti izerx having bean in use for the past seven years in tie South, with u equalled sncees-s. again offered at prices that cannot fail to give satisfaction, while the stmdard is guarautee4 tp he equal, if not superior to any ever sold. For Prices and Terms, apply to ,Tohn E, Hpiitun, t»c‘ AGENT. GUARANTEED EQUH 10 IKY m SOLD.