McDuffie weekly journal. (Thomson, McDuffie County, Ga.) 1871-1909, January 30, 1878, Image 2

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Wm tmaotoh to*e mmim t*’-’ hvrara ■ —'" ■''"■> ■ m.lftoK mm\ iii 11 -.a— -.rm s’ ; HP* WS§BF" Si K * **'“'* -*4 **■"*- ffieMUUfc ,'..(■'.* ■ Slim. Hernia. . UMwunH -I miir t:.r p*s .fear. ' ■! WTrUtoailiM* uttotai •;; JitMmmutnwl?, Yisgmta. . '*Mh i)ouiur h-atosmuf Mr. L XUmn t anunalMarto bnarartrea ■ ! -*bi <i. .'-..nsssiw. /V and Vrk, Witi be ■ m mini ■VWmm- rittorra- HAlHtarr, wlKW’in uatoai tfeih -rar V.*a ir*ef, umm jlfiilttfr t ■ wwe—aaa.a,■ futifmarl mil brims m li tntnkuai msmlt *wn* batata! uifcto tarn ■ i tneepraim* wtoae Mat mm-ua t m hi* litsan ' imtu-fliihh—itnt.i fui miatkirnamt* • J jfettNi ? * ,, *rhmiw np m Pin!* and ilfrrfjUg wwi ■i*man— v e*JNMmk i. ''’'iiiMnMiiM'tt>*fc.B4 fo Wmkumm ' * jjrigf wf tfse Ciirat, axv - r*ptwrit: tii*nr ptSrcrta u> *r- j bnM*Hßmbi **.? tfits st ms vhfiiir. tUln in n—ifciifr lo.tlnwfas 4 1 iiittsnf f'wlwNniinliiiliiimiiiiy t A'au- | :;-|SKst‘ i- w^^ttrii teimc+irti&ma npw ?£*i**4*m,TOni. U#tw fwni sh vt|par* • ||l||m jg^ta. ■ uf' •: Vtwniii rutguie tite Ikt err S Ua Tfitoibtan imp— ■ ■ wry twr wli Ixianaw ask Mhaosmrir fwprre in ' . miia mv. rtaataato of a putt tax •trass to tl'.aimrnt to rota. aioni- Dot .Kim r> kunrwn lo wmoi >it*i ti£,j,n prawaatoavhtrt ire cacao*) ei t <, Uste . r' m favor of i<*> | -.mprcj y*#o|th* l artcu ! i ana*. ' Tfißto * or*i uiaa. j tMAiAamvi t at tn mar vf mvr b* r*m j >Mir! A lutaa*-. aval aaaar-aww•* in—w ' •**■l* ♦ li>U>rprgWWM> o' fpf •***> vi oa T4k nrttJMWt* kama L w t rjajjk: a*: tWBi frlwM *#>h Battt&nusr? an*! Alk-wt Hr tzicc *tn folhWiiwl 1%. Tfbwr <W *axraarT eft trs nuJMffitniu nvffirtfyi-tU*. !*>., the : iftiMiH uhU'wiA i)i#wwi to t* r S-, M*f fenny **aaf| atatt MttWitTWw m-twauK.a,: fenpwu > ■ Ttaa itw o* ■*fir ■*w cuat • *fMn \ i ier weßtwwew ■ ■ - it* art t oilrw>nfit i~ lunt LaJhut fir few rpMu • TYi* war tf. w? * —ratoia aa flftaatfc '-"rißmtuitw tT llrft*** tM - mimk Vtaea. ikwwvf - * **k'dS < * fMa chan pnht* Uw • i-fenk*t*'** rropumfi *;-u :*w*rtn*r i> ftrJaw 4kaht- a aiiiuia at* im m sili*m ykhikar* f fhi^— iii—nr Tiwr> a a** Svi ? 1 NWHIMIV ruU aa mm mut *<■& f Hfei iM#fe •if crflMnunwww. f< ti.*- -iirami' -uf < 1 bkaamMM*w IftxaiafeHHk tti ?C# ' Ma*M- tiHltl m mrwtfHtf raa that a A jwat ; ia h* i l—w arifWffw, tm. M-mnrrmtaeif HiVUyi uaifett 9m i# priTtr "'if‘tißt!‘lfikt - T HiwiKwtaia* **■ ai i* walwyty’fiapmg! rvrw^l** ? * mm ' % %r tfmk* 'dMbßina t* ta vtt* t ‘iawr*\ *(* tmi t *| tti-atw tnmri ti i - jgtft kliii -wmtk liJUm * -rmt wrmk j IMVIB l>*R ■ u f t ** : n.m |r f \it II Wfeittfeiit* l iWf iilalw ■T aaa. fihdkMd- j wi *tw ; -jra. . in# | ijumt) ipi* %*mm ■*mrnmmm toj/KttUgf**' • Ml t -&mm . *"S SMMtaB tor ih. ] K®=MBA. ’mum; to ssatota Anti tbeirartowy totoii no Lata SJ to!ltototo buJd Bator, Kars and Dartal ill i 111 to beopaned toittiKuu tueu of-wto; Bfticnran Autonomy to bo run • Mod mow on the pnweipts ..f tit* Lo ‘ tram ■■ to—to ton it—to Ii CtnWH UotonanU tat a lung Una of j Seiran* not to be omkiroi BaMuna ; fart of the d ptona to ba eagaeti at Ouuetan uasptatoylus ttata Data Kiehuta. ?£,7--“ "** -T Huu ° Tt ia ant mat uCenitT ouoArmnd that Uiaabaaa baa baaa aaee&mt bjr tbe f’aato, bat o Utmk, upon gnad autbun ■a ill iiiiiii l | wM ba anoaitobto ou tin* ' naatummi u> adranae and *nj rumored ito bo oaacebing iifon GaU poLi, near t’onaUntinopic. 1 ueb aiarm exub in oH;iraß*t by raaaon tbnracif. ttltllto t KUO. Wa. El dumilot is not witbout a aiaaidar. Wro. Lloyd ‘iarmon comm to tie laacua ud aeapa. Ibrougb nettol tilauiwi rf a neaapapor. npou tbo bueotu at the Now Haiapaiurn Xc|iiitopiHtt Wa tiieuit find that tile bu imu apared an to babobl thla afiaetacio. It ia, in aoaaa degroe, a comfort to know lUat tile , eeoicat nrilator wbo fumantad tiiiooril, cta.i war mid rtuau ud ruin, to a ! moral raaointiou. ■Uuuld lm farced to o pon the trsnlto of hu aori, rud i-rr ant n> bitbamraa of nui that (Jod tsaa not been eimaasTeutad. after ail. - W*thank (kd that tbb oui fanatic fibuald •uavtea to make a*, kuowiadgetseiit tiiet tbadnatb baa virtoa||n|tototGapiied. not over tile North. AdMjj|MH|tti!e wickeo fir.nct|dea tmvhti of in th nature nf (humM.w, n ht tSutu bloa^laOnnatin. iiwteni # PeTointion, sh* iild UiLta a Prrowieot *ho h<ai uud re> •l#nxl tbe |MBwee. We bave oeter hu i&oeaft iiketi Hx, Hajrmi u m when be be *mm the target fur “BiU ’ oWetiish nbiudrj and Lut>yd Gamson’a toothleee ragr. I*be cimrya imui© tbe* the Month n itill rafaeiiioaa aui only inline for aa opportunity to rias agatu m bnataltty to the Unujo are only tbe frantic dotard’* gibbering Wliat victo ria* the >outh ahail m in the future are tbma tt amujid aad natua. The beat ‘-htog Mr. itonagpt can do ia to gat him •Mad of a vaauahad age. never to ba re. oearnd is the (Jailed Mtatoa. ilia ma imiaimn* bare, aha! bean too fruitful ‘t rat and tear*; bat hia wand ia I token •• far aa tha perpetration if future ma ! "bin# ia concerned. He may betri him aaU into a tit. bat ao one ceres to listen to him. uutauia of tbe Cbaudb r gaug. aud they am impotent to help him. Meta IHtoOameon. who attempt to le vane the haa at trod aad man will be Hrokae like reed* m tha audacious effort. Vara, cnaadri, superfluous. peMdeut old raven f (tot time to a graveyard— go: < AromWc and CautttutiauaiUt. THK>II.\ i;r (U KATIOK. ( Bk> *o giyy a report ,U tiw act!M of j *•* S*a4 on Mw MiUtfcsws' resolution ; m "bowing th* dnft of nmtimrat on tiip !•• qiwlOT. anti tbs puwtteons of onr "•• It aow a foregune cunetaaion that ! tkte i*y bill wtU |UM tb* Spuate : Ob Jimw tStb tbp eramlpntion of St. Mature*™ ri—lwtu n *Wra tbp nhl of tbp Gawonunenl to pay the Uwukaiu Urey at lire .'tilKm of tire Gov rntnpat of tit* laurel Main ia ulnt ‘Wt* of tba p sun* of tba Uni ho -itntaa. inataimog 4121 grata* PMC 12 <>< taralani aim, anal that to restore to iia \ ”*r p*i hwT coma as a legal ten •W m payment of aabi bond*. pnneipn. aaai interest, ia nop ia notation uf tbr otrtilio faitii, nor m ihrogation of tbi .unit* uf tba public ermiitor. paaani by a rot* of 43 to 22. Thia a* a aammit molntioß and ia iifuy su riptrauMQ of tb* opujoanf CvWtt* zrm*. Tbr tuotiou uf Mr. Coi.khnar. >f !f**i folk, that st dioaki b* joiut. which wwaii taw cusaitteti th> PcwaiJcnt to tbt* mctwMwrr. n defeatttvl bt a rut* uf 2JI to Iu lka6h**ti, Mr. tk’itlon, of limugia that h** aught Snv* awnuthmc: 'u suiy wfcru the wtwr litUa'iuttbi *■ Motv w rlt w**uki vtitw fur tb** rrw- Oiia, Irnanrt a* butioiwd th* recital uf facia aatnwal thema was* tnw, and the rrwviitattoas *nrfPlh4 a puiiev which he '■ *'4mm 4 ia he ImauMt, vat and jn*t. Tfaaaw an oaa thine, biiwii r, he tie *•** i* w. tad that vaa ba fmtel the vawwttay waa rd h*-*%,:**& ttw on wit lp t& Mtrfc ntwHiltua, bpff<ur tb t be t*r**mi TV ***lm rtHiiT wrifciWt tb> ovwm rr r*r -rriffigrii. tn bt j uicrn r rv from * kmtt ■mi.rwi u 4 triM?ti£keut ij ll># ixwiitniliiw tfi MiVrf utki git* uB wtol bf liutf pmMtuMi VMi *M MOtlMtM bail **W, mmi mti miwmr* %*jr lb pttwprrtrr u 4 : mmmmmttof. TWw mmrn w n*iV r mm tv* tM* nmnweaMM-ttMlwxi of Dttm. U fttaMi |ra ib (IMumml puiyib * ‘** * “■■ii * mi , *mi that w au '**®** W IMMk. Il mwM rurwaaijf '* f* I'M- -***4**fMot ,m* 4 *>. UF F i : w F R.'vli Yj SFb U*WtWA. L,.-~January -30, 187a Stataa t.-Jsy s. re diver dol lar* when there gere no sliver dollars. J**7 I*l didroye*Ay tbe Oovem- ! mailt, smf how oouMstivr dollars be paid -tn4lf- Hidmliad *trick**a them (kept thg eoi'dge .1< the country, wav Mbdher -mraiato. He believed tliat the proper Hr ii urn at aßrer would ba a great advantage to the people of the country at this time, and an improper restoration of thw-affver dollar to tli* coinage nf the country would reentt in ceil: it wo*ltd absolutely impoverish the siready poor, ami hunger the already starting. If the silver dollar could li* rauionetiatd in any way to meko it equal to tbe gold JoiUr.a gou*l Uiipg would b* done for tha Country.' He believed that goto iw three Waya t ffrst. by inercaaiug | it* weight; aeeund, by limiting its coin age ; and third, by limiting its legal fender power. He believed it would be ism of the get at rut mistake* ever made by the Anwncan Coograi* to par* tfc* i pending silver UU. He would not vote to emu a silver dollar aad again throw upon tbe ennotry a depreciated dollar that cheated everythin': shat touched it. Lincoln County Department. - T. H HOLUSXSttEAD, Eiutor. ••ovm MAIL CASK ICR.** We will bwgin (lie ptfUUeatioo noon o I ma iut#?ri**ituig auder the above lieiMiitn?, written hr an ami weii-kuowa imif of Eielbeit county. All j wiw wuiii to read the atory tbrottgh, an i are not suh-cri i>t*n will do well to ub M*ribe for the Journal. .. -JKS SO.** When m rotm* man encircle* hw yart ucr’a waxet for a dance be will do wifely to keep hia finger* atiil. Nothing aggra vatea a voiing lady more than to imagine you are trying to count whale-bo nee in her ihwe*. BXPUXATORY. W* received aa anonymous letter a few daya since with the request that we pub liab it. We wilt state now for always, that we will not publish any anonymous e itmnunieatioHs. All letter* intended for publication must be ocoompauied by a responsible name. IMtTiMi#. —Affliction sore long time we bore, j physicians were in vain ; nntil at last w<- ' uae-i bine glass and thus wo lost our pain. —What i* everything doing at the same time ? Growing older. —When will the alphabet contain only twenty-five letters! When U and I are oat —Woman baa many advantages aver ] unui; one of them is that in* will has no . operation till he is dead, whereas hers generally takes effect in her lifetime. Goshsk, Oa., Jan. 16, 1878, | Mr. That. B. llullrnth. rut. Linctilntun: i Drab Mia l promised to writs to you j when I wa* tfewa to r frames to taking i tUa Associate EditonUip of the "Ltncolu I County Department" lam st rry to ray | that circumstance* are each that I can i .ot accept the position. I have aeenreil i a school in Elbert connty, vd of aoarse will have to leave Lincoln ia a few dnyv i This change in my plans was very vud , .leu and entiraly unei(iected whan I saw | yon. Ido not expect to cease working . for the Journal when I leave Lincoln, ; but will endeavor to render it as popular ; in Elbert aa it has become iu thia county. Yours truly, Pbteton M- Hawes. KANT liKSSOt IN ;i*HVwlOl.Ot;Y. Supposiug toot age to be 15 or there- I about You hare 1(50 bout* anil 500 ; mu idea ; Tour lilooil weighs 25 pomiJs, | auil jour h art ia 5 inches iu length ami :> inches iu iluuueter, it bents 70 turns | per mintitp, 4,200 times rear. At eucii beat a little over 2 ouceea of bkaxl is thrown out of it; ami each tin; it receives and lUachargee about 7 tens of that wonderful fluid. Your lunga will contuiu a gallon of air, and you inhale 24,000 gallons per day. The aggregate surface of the cells of your tnngs, supposing them to be spread out exceeds 29,000 spin inches. The weight of your brain ia ;t pounds ; when you are n man it will j weigi lUmt 8 ounces more. Yi ur skin j is compotnd of three layers, and yarn's : from l to l of au inch in thickness. The | area of your skin i about 17,000 square l indies. Each square inch contain* 8,51X1 * sweating tube" or perspiratory pores, —ich of which may lie likeneil to a little dreintilc ; of an iuch lone, making an i aggregate length oo the entire surface of your l* sly of 201,10 b Feet, or a tile ditch j ■or draining the ts ily almost 49 milt* j long. —jftmng South. Assignee’s Noticp. /it 4b fWrf off hr r. S. For the Somtkmm Dirt. gf Georgia. Tf-c hereby give* notice. of M uppwtntmect. at on the ink. iNv **f Itnurr. lsr. n As>*igne* of vtlri**. Sr.. of the Onmnty f M,| - flit* ~! itb* l Sbe of G-v. within aaid n*s'n * who h* been iiJju dged ft Rank met nn hi* own wlH'ab A B. THKASHFR. Jan. IHTH-.H. Aswi^nea. FOUTZ’S MORSE AMO CATTLE POWDERS. &>s!*<*pretwn* IhM*. 9 *,>*** wni <f ef ftMtftt Inn or iswo t * tss. 4 lusuWor _ f h" Jimm sr •"i< if m**•* * I *o rtur s v-atti H*'-** '**-’“ 1 §w %w*!! fcww— t* mw twyof eg* Mi Tun ißt| yrr etui, m* fc-* iw l*M*r Am Vu■>— ■ Ml*! ran <■**• frawtl aiasMt WUt pnrwira curt liar*** sn4 cat*.* -* wt t to fWWDABM VUXM4TE suT* itlCTl**. M 4 orxsrwßMO. DATSD KWt.HwrtM*. UtTUOULM Tn m .f the tfeu*tth, Sifjprr*aooo of Itw \|, „,bIT !Vn~ ”* *• .*'***■ t>< Pirns*** <fr niw* *'<4 " hlr ' i'Mwdto* 'lwm-*** * wtrt*wit Lin Ct W DrKHOf. T.- ot*tm. G. U k rr ? 1 *4rl**> H**rrht * • HWrt IHnim~ in *' % _ . : jtier*c.o t oiad c* ' i t*, [mu -ontmmfnttv tmUelbv i * a<A • rjj. u\y IH'RRAM. TbHttM. Gx 1878. . 1878.1 THE . -Atlanta Consfilntion i FOR ~ maintain tire rotation it haa alw adv won aa * Twr. tiADixo porrrs*** n*Wt£' Tha particular festnrm wlflch hdta town It s popularity that might almost imtenued spveiaf, will not only be aondnuadWil vuch improvement made u will gfv# rdditiouHl rest, vivacity and brillisncy to its aolumne. Ib rsr. rr-rroßui, nztktrvm all the t-ipics of tha time will be eaadidly. rar- fallv nn.l titorouchly discuMKod. but not to tha *;tt of tcdloiteiitoto 'file political ••leader ’ wHI be happily relieved by light and plaaaing essay* span aseud and litcnry themes, ana by piquant paragraphical com ments upon currant events. thi Lsrarr vrws The enterprise of Tea Cosstitctios in gathering and placing before its n:.Wr the ] latest and freshest intrlligence fTom all \ Pitt* of the wotld, Which has been frequent ly Ulrrtrated of late on ape*rial occasions, when events of absorbing public interest were trawapiring. and which has bean maue the subject ol congratulatory comment by both press an*! people, will euffer no abate meat. The natural advantage* of the loca-1 lion of Tar CwmrnM st the pußticsl commercial and news center of the State, j together with the special faciltiea that are the outgrowth of energy, avparienee and ample m-.ciroes, will be utiiizad for the | benefit of tt, readers. Its diqwtohes srr sttparior to thow of any daily newspaper south of Nashville, and it* new* ia'/folZer and . fraaher. In this respect Tim CoVsrmrrto.v I baa - | so Kivu, ib owaaora. .. It will bs the aim of tlie editors to the : future as it hna lieen in the past, to make their pajr in every respect a re(l of ‘ Georgia’* program aad Georgia’* ill Afr. ami a faithful, rtonnra* and mm wiring , • hampton of Georgia's interests. 1 No effort or srjWiuM will be spared to ii ake Tint Cossvftimos indispensible lo I the Lawyer, Merehsut. Fanner anil foil ll cian, and to render it w|nlly welcome in the t’oiiutiug-rooiu and at tlie Ii ntoi-b “Old Si" will continue to air hi* qnaart philo-iq-hy U. r.mgti its caitoaus, aufi f Un cle itemas" will nocasnmally warble urgiif Us planfekßon songs. Tba Raurr decisions, matters. p< rtaisiug to the Kfc en tive husmess of tfae Htatc, and the proneed j mgs of the Isigislitnre will nil find their amplest air! earliest resord in tlio e-daiun nf Tug tJoNSV^ItTInX. TIU! WrrXLT (OXSIITfIIO*. will l>c in every re|>ct as newsy anil a* entertaining as the drily. It will oongirisc every feature of Interest that etperirnc* cam | l sia*ibly suggsat- a carefully Bdito.l resume of the latest news from all parts of ’tlie world and matter* of pdificsl. literary, raci i entitle, ami rntaumreial me : maul will find in its columns thuir omnjlidc 1 cmlsKliinent. ’ , Trim* or inns mrTtnx. Tbe tarui* of entiscriptiCii are ss follows : I‘aiiy one year, ♦id.()t. wx luoiiths, t-VOO. Weekly “ “ , ♦2,lk); “ .fl lk). Always pj.vulde in advance. Address, THK i> INSTITUTION. A tin ta. Ha. I iii'ivulled Finn! liras Special Reduction! FOR JANUARY, I7S, 40 to 60 Per Cent. Discount Fn*m Cutalogue price*. Lowest Prices! AH l) EASIEST TERMS EVER OFFERED. Pcrclisspra OaS bays from ♦■lo to SUXk selecting from ths following Celebrated I Makers. ; CHICKEBING, MATHITEHEK, KNABE, HA I.LET A DAVIS, STIENWAY, MOPHAIL A CO~ SIMPSON & CO., HAINES BRO .i BILLINGS A a). Parlor And Church Organs! MASON A IIAMLIN, CLOUGH A WARREN, PRESCOTT ORGAN CO. 1 PLEOUBET A PEI.TON. j Monthly Installments, ranging from $4, to secures the best Organ or Piano uiaile iu America. G. O. Tlobinsou. Luddrn A Batrs. ( G. 0. RoMnson & Cos. Have Arranged to Make the Augusta Music House! In eonucctiou with LmUlen A Bates* j Samnnah Mtfsic House, | The Great Distributing Point of Pianos, j Organs und Musical Instruments for the Southern States. Pricei in Savannah aud .\ugusta Always the Same, and Always Ahead of Ail Competition! Goods sent by Express anywhere iu ihe South, 0. O*. D., on reo ipt of Ex- j pres - Charges one way. wilii privilege of evuuiuali' n given if so requested. i it ,m n arr.itni.rG PIANOS, CHURCH. PIPE and REED ORGANS, and ail kirnla of Musical Instru- ' rnents. Tuned and ltejoiireil by Mr. C. H. Tajki*. tb* only authorized Timer for th AUGUST A MUSIC HOUSE. L w Prices do* s ALES. . -inuwiTii- nmiaw d — - v r, trtLl' aua. S-W **w rx*'. —l-w, OM iw - <*.4 —te im4 >ial *■ Om. —■ ■W Pw I bVITOMCW f *~— VSw*. Sr 54 CITATION. GBOKGIA—McDuffie Couktt. VTOTICE is hereby given to all X\ooncerrto<l, that on the 11th D ceijiber, 1877, Dr. Wra. McLean, late of *aid connty, departed thin life. tcHtate; ik*t the exeentors named in the will have for. m*!ly reriouncrd, and no person haa applied for admifustration on the estate of peifi de ceased ; and that admimstratifiu wilr be T*ate<i in the Clerk of the Bnperior Court, or some other fit and proper person, thirty daya after the publication of thia Citation, unless some valid objection ia made to hia appointment. Given under my hand and official signa ture, thia 7th dAy of January 1878. A. B- THHASHEfc. Ordinary McDuffie County. jan7-4t. Khemuatum, Sciatica, Scrofula, SlSk Headache. Skin Dieeaaee. df ttA Brain, apaema, Spinal Affections and Spit-, ting of Blood, cured by DIL ii. W. DURHAM. Thomson, G*. | If you suffer with Asthma. Ague and Fe [ ver, Bright's Disease, Bronchitis, Broncho> | cele or Goitre, Cancer, in its various | phases. Catarrh, Chorea, or St. Vitae’ | Uteice, Consumption, in it* imupient stage*, j IMhctcs, I>iarrha>. Droytsy, in all its vari- An, DyMentfry. DyspepMa, ErynipeUut: or ! flileptic Fita. cell on or addree*, M Jlt. G. W. DURHAM, P TUOMIM K. Ga. AHEAD OF ALL COMPETITION ! I have removed to NorrL’ old stand on Railroad Street, and will continue to keep the very finest WIII3K E3, BEANDIE3, WINES, etc., etc. Also a full line of Dry Coods 7 Groceries, Hardware, and a Splended BAR, me and you will never regret it. afolin Vi. 1101/;eiHloi a f. -;g v . —: —; — ■ —.— :r ■■■- .-■_■■ - Il, r; -iTy Kn ABLfSIIKD, 1850 I, H. PRONTAUT, ' 1 CSueceHHor to A Proa taut Jk Son,) PRiCTICiL WATCHMAKER .til I fork Warranted. ■ffc CIvOCKS. GOLD A SILVER WATCHES, re' ’1- SPECTACLES, | . ’V DIAMONDS * ~ silver ware. \Wm ' 8 Augusta, Ga. y. '■ Between (Central and Glob* 'low MATHEW L. FREEMAN WATCHMAKFR and JEWELER. —REMOVED TO No. 31 Mclntosh Street. (2nd door in r?ar of Geoigia B. R. Bank ) A UG USTA, GEORGIA. lJospeclfully asks a continuance "T tho patronage of liis friends in McDuffie and adjoining counties. WATCHES, CLOCKS AND JEWELRY Repaired in the best manner and fully warranted. Re sure and call. a2(S *§ E. EIEBBCHEB, DEALER IN j i Shad, O’ sters, Terrapins, and Salt Water Fish, Poultry, Vegetables, Fruit, and other Produce. S P E C I A L. : Ho is also Agent for the Kniek. Natural Ice lompany, and wi l fiH A all orders promptly and at the lowest Prices. JAC KSON STTIEKT. ' \ ri/'A TTO'P 4 Cl . A REAR OF GLOBE HOTEL. > AUULoIA, UA. All Orders Punctually Attended to. Terms Cash on De livery JOHN M OURTIS, \ fitJiUmi IH KINDS or BUGGIES, L Jfff 7 REPAIRING OARRIAGES, /' Pr ° mptl7 done i r-ti , -J r easonbJe Wagons. &c. Wy rates * TANARUS" ndertaking I T A VINO pnrehawd a large lot of Coffin* of all aiae* and qnalitea, will well tke aaina II on a* reasonable terms as can be bad in Augusta. ion of town or in the country at a reasonable price VV/ JonN PRT I S DJI- it Cocxrr. VipK- Jp btog<-. thr Court Hwuse Door m Tbpremf, tha tint Tuesday in the usual hours •<f >A, 111 atom and beat Wilder for fdF#it pet aSLreal of land nitoated lyirig cuid HWg ij*ie ot McDuffie within the wrporale limiu of the town of Thomson, <* the But side of Main Street, beginning sfifihe Neath West corner of the Engine House lot and running North along the line of said Main Street for ninety feet more or lees, and thcnca running back from said Main Street, one hundred and twenty feet more or lcoa, containing ten thousand and eight hundred square feet more or Z{ ij, that other tract or parcel of land in same connty and town East side of Main Street, beginning at the South Vest corner of toa ally batwarradotoi M. Gurus’ let aad Wai. Johnston’a lot and said Main Street, and extending South along the line of said Main Street ninety feet more or less, thence extending back from said Main Street, one hundred and twenty feet more or lews, con taining ten thousand and eight hundred square feet more or lesa. Also, that other tract or pa r “ l of land in said county and town on tha North Side of Cobb Street, bounded by land of W. J- Crawley. Mr*. M. E. Msaaengale and said Vim. Johnston, containing three acres more or less. Terms eesh. Titles Guaranteed jnn!-;. STEP KN A. t OKKER. T. A SCOTT, FALL A NT) WINTER GOODS, % far ) |r f | Jf/ Now arriving and for sale at my “Old Stand,” on Main Street, Thomson, Ga. A FULL LINE OF DRY GOODS, BOOTS, SHOES, HATS AND CAPS CROCKERY. ETC., ETC., DRESS GOODS, FANCY GOODS, *o4 all NOVELTIES OF THE HEA I*o IV. A splendid line of Shawlw. Ladies and Mise# Jacques, I ‘laidH, {Stripe* Kentucky Jeans, & . A LL seleoted with care and from the latest eiylwi. ifaTThe best brands of TOBACCO. TIN STORE! W. 15. II 0 L Z E N 1) U R F, \T hi* “Old Standy” on Main ia prepared to mipply fhe with fevry thiug to ho found iu hi* lino. Ail kinds of Tin constautiy oa h*ud and* mad* to ordur. All kmd* of rejuntnng do no promptly. Granite Iron waue ©f alls kind* kept constantly in stock. Stoves, Coffee Pots, Dippers, Fans, Japaned Ware, Country Hollow Ware, Toilet Sets ot a! kirn's. Also the SUMMER (gUEEK Oil Cook Stove. THE FARMER (KIRK STOVE. IT is • f*ct that thin ia in every senne a superior Cook Store. It i rery exttntirdy gold, and i* ewpecially well known in thia community. A nominal price w\U keep itr in repairs, and I can furnish you any plate for it at any time. I will gire yoietkn aamew of your neighbor* who nue it and am willing to leave its reputation m tbtir oxaub. ' m w. n noi.zEsnoKU, Tliomsun, Ga. Great Reduction in Prices ! I! Save Time and Money. 'T * twwm -■■■*■* v ‘v ■ ■ ■ - ti.l *hl y|| To Reduce our large stock by the close of the winter season, we will sell Boots, Shoes and Hats, for Cash at lower prices than ever. ** M e guarantee good goods and low prices and are prepared to meet all demands of the Trade, wholesale and retail. * *• > .• 1 Come and see us, or send your orders and we will please you. < / Remember the place, WILLIAM MULHSRXN, ~v- ' 203 St, 9 tfiwsr,*, j an 7-o* /. # T . tS 1 -rt u mK *’i. f nUIJ , TlTffjPf|y At his “Oki Stand” on MaindS^et^ 4 V N ' ' ' "■'* * T liomson, (ieoigia, Ylf‘) toil Hh a Tery large and select stock of I>* Goods ad Psa-iIT floiaiili u. riaaution Snppliea, Bagging and Ties, Ac., Ac. BOOTS and SHQBg £ Bacon, Corn, Lnrd. Flour, Mealf salt, Syrup, Seed Oats, Fancy Groceries, Canned Goods, &c.,> <fee. All kinds of Plantation Implements. He will duplicate bill* from any respectable House of Augusta Hisbart pnees paid for Cotton, fponntry produce taken in exchange for goods- oT #•